lookalikeds · 30 days
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      estrella   soto   is   a   twenty   five  year-old   figure   skater   in   new   york,   u.s.a.   they   were   brought   under   richard’s   care   when   they   were   only   five   years   old.   they   are   known   as   the   lookalike   because   they   are   lithesome   but   also   disillusioned.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BASICS   .
FULL   NAME.     estrella   luciana   soto. MEANING.     spanish  ,   “  star.  ” NICKNAMES.     ella  ,   ellie  ,   este  ,   ells  ,   she   accepts   any   and   all   variations. AGE.     twenty   five. BIRTHDATE.     seventh   of   march   in   the   year   nineteen   eighty. PLACE   OF   BIRTH.     tuscon  ,   arizona.  WESTERN   ZODIAC.     pisces. GENDER   IDENTITY.     cis   woman  ,   she   &   her. ORIENTATION.     demisexual   ,   biromantic. NATIONALITY.     american. SPOKEN   LANGUAGES.     english   and   spanish. OCCUPATION.     professional   figure   skater. CURRENT   RESIDENCE.     an   apartment   in   greenwich   village  ,   nyc   that   she   shares   with   her   occasional   skate   partner   turned   roommate   turned   situationship  ,   brando(n).
𓂅 *  ⋆  PHYSICAL   .
HEIGHT.     five   foot  ,   one   inch. BUILD.     petite  ,   fit  ,   lithe   -   particularly   on   an   ice   rink. FACE   CLAIM.     jenna   ortega. HAIR.     dark   brown  ,    an   almost   black   that   reaches   below   her   shoulders   with   curtain   bangs   to   frame   her   face.   generally   worn   in   loose   curls  and   half   up  ,   half   down   styles   that   can   be   easily   pinned   up   for   skating. EYES.     big  ,   round   and   warm   brown…   in   a   word  ,   doe-like. NOTABLE   FEATURES.     aforementioned   doe-eyes  ,   various   scrapes   and   bruises   from   missteps   on   the   ice  ,   long   lashes   and   a   dark   scattering   of   freckles   across   her   nose   and   cheeks. SCENT.     wild   strawberry  ,   pink   jasmine  ,   patchouli   and   amber  ,   reminiscent   of   miss   dior   cherie. TATTOOS.     a   little   butterfly   on   her   left   shoulder   blade. PIERCINGS.     two   lobe   piercings   on   each   ear   in   addition   to   an   orbital   on   her   right. DOMINANT   HAND.     ambidextrous   but   favours   her   right.
𓂅 *  ⋆  PSYCHE   .
MYERS   -   BRIGGS.     enfj-t  ,   the   protagonist. MORAL   ALIGNMENT.     neutral   good. TRAITS.   balletic  ,   disillusioned  ,   driven  ,   guarded  ,   haunted  ,   independent  ,   keen  ,   resilient  ,   rueful  ,   tender. QUIRKS.     remarkably   flexible  ,   she   bites   her   lip   in   thought  ,   toys   with   jewellery   when   uncomfortable  ,   never   fails   to   keep   a   neat   manicure   and   rests   in   stances   one   might   recognise   to   be   ballet   positions. VICES.     a   true   workaholic  ,   she   maintains   a   very   healthy   lifestyle   but   does   occasionally   drink   and   smoke   socially.
𓂅 *  ⋆  INTERESTS   &   HOBBIES   .
INTERESTS.     choreography   and   dance  ,   theatre   of   every   variety   -   lincoln   centre   is   a   favourite   of   hers   for   their   opera   &   ballet   seasons  ,   classical   music   and   most   recently  ,   the   cold   case   of   winifred   woodrow. HOBBIES.      fitness  ,   theatregoing  ,   cabaret   club   nights   and   uploading   free   dance   skating   routines   onto   (   a   newly   launched   )   youtube   -   brando   choreographs   and   then   they   perform   them together for funsies.  SPECIAL   SKILLS. an  accomplished   dancer   who   still   practises   ballet   to   this   day  ,   remarkably   high   endurance  and  muscle  memory  due   to   her   training   and   profession  ,   uncanny   ability   to   internalise   her   feelings.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BECOMING   A   WARD   .
tw   :   teenage  pregnancy,   child   abandonment   and   implied   endangerment.
it  became  a  regional  news  story.   statewide,   people  seemingly  fascinated  by  how  any  parent  could  dream  of  abandoning  their  child,   let  alone  in  such  a  callous  fashion. 
estrella  had  only  recently  turned  five  when  her  not-much-older-than-teenage  parents  dropped  her  off  at  kindergarten  one  morning  only  to  fail  in  picking  her  up  again  later  that  day.   try  as  teachers  and  later,   police  sergeants  might,   there  was  no  getting  ahold  of  them.   with  little  known  and  much  speculated,   many  would  soon  arrive  at  the  conclusion  that  the  young  couple  had  fled  the  country  to  start  anew,   leaving  behind  the  small  daughter  they’d  come to  look  upon  as  an  unwanted  burden.
one  such  person,   who  took  immense  pity  on  the  girl,   was  a  connection  richard  held  at  the  newly-launched  CNN.   an  attentive  news  reporter  by  the  name  of  julian  esparza  was  keenly  aware  of  the  philanthropist’s  efforts  to  offer  up  his  home  to  young  individuals  in  need  of  safety  and  stability  and  recommended  richard  meet  with  little  estrella  as  soon  as  he  could.   whatever  it  was  that  richard  saw  in  the  five  year  old  girl  that  day  (  likely  the  spirit  and  semblance  of  his  long  lost  daughter  )  caused  the  man’s  heart  to  bleed  and  within  a  week  the  paperwork  had  been  signed  and  estrella  was  on  the  way  to  her  new  home.
𓂅 *  ⋆  LIFE   AS   A   WARD   .
being  not  only  one  of  the  earliest  wards  to  arrive  but  also  the  very  youngest  of  them  all,   estrella’s  status  as  baby  sister  of  the  house  never  really  strayed  from  the  stereotypes.   spoiled  and  resilient,   she  was  a  paradox  amongst  the  wards  in  how  she  seemed  to  possess  the  least  agency  but  carry  the  highest  status.
it’s  a  unique  sense  of  imposter  syndrome,   she  summises   —   bearing  the  unfathomable  weight  of  another’s  lost  girlhood.   cursed  princess  with  her  whole  life  ahead  of  her,   she  was  a  little  girl  walking  so  unknowingly  into  the  tall  shadow  of  the  daughter  who’d  come  before.   from  the  very  beginning,   richard  had  never  been  particularly  shy  in  how  he  doted  on  young  estrella.   freely  showering  her  in  the  paternal  affection  the  past  had  robbed  them  both  of  and  to  a  little  girl  who’d  been  abandoned  by  her  own  parents,  being  made  to  feel  so  wanted  was  all  she  could  have  dreamt  of. he  was  her  father  in  all  but  name.
outwardly,   she  was  a precocious  and  spirited  young  girl,   all  pink  cheeks  and  toothy  grins,   perpetually  in  awe  of  those  she  shared  a  home  with,   their  varied  and  abundant  talents  drawing  her  wide-eyed  wonder.   until  she  took to  the  ice  for  the  first  time,   you’d   see  her  following  fellow  wards  around,   hoping  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  whatever  it  was  they  were  up  to  before  being  told  she  was  too  young  or  too  small  and  relegated  to  sitting  on  the  sidelines.   it  was  a  pattern  of  behaviour  that,   although  adapted,   would  follow  her  until  she  left  woodrow.
for  try  as  she  might,   amidst  the  attention  from  richard  she  so  enjoyed,   the  wards  did  not  warm  to  estrella  the  way  she  hoped  they  would.   their  caretaker’s  favouritism  for  the  surrogate  daughter  he’d  found  in  estrella  had  planted  the  seed  of  resentment  and  in  turn,   stifled  and  isolated  her  entirely.   it  was  in  this  eventual  seclusion  that  she  learnt  the  value  of  independence  and  began  throwing  herself  into  skating  completely,   suddenly  glad  for  the  chance  to  thrive  all  on  her  own  the  way  she’d  watched  the  other  wards  do.
she  grew  reticent,   internalising  all  she  felt  for  the  sake  of  whatever  semblance  of  a  family  she  still  wanted  to  cling  to.   the  same  would  eventually  be  said  of  the  response  estrella  had  to  an  equally  crushing  realisation…   that  she’d  never  quite  compare  to  a  dead  girl.
the  rosy  retrospection  of  childhood  had  begun  to  fade.   estrella  can’t  ever  pinpoint  a  specific  moment  in  which  things  changed  for  them  but  gradually,   over  time,   when  she  would  come  to  meet  richard’s  eye…   her  heart  sank.  in  the  midst  of  reminiscing,   she  could  feel  he  wasn’t  looking  back  at  her  at  all  but  rather  at  winifred…   or  whatever  semblance  of  his  daughter  he’d  long  been  projecting  onto  estrella.   it  was  an  all  too  painful  revelation,   one  that  haunted  her  from  that  point  on.
more  than  anything,  estrella  wanted  to  escape  her  own  skin.   flee  from  any  part  of  herself  tied  to  the  woodrow  daughter  who  had  so  mysteriously  disappeared  that  bleak  midwinter  night.   this  striking  resemblance  that  had  changed  her  life  and  been  the  cause  of  all  her  woe.   had  anyone  accepted  her  for  who  she  truly  was?
despite  the  fierce  independence  she’d  adopted,   estrella  still  found  herself  clinging  to  the  father  she’d  once  known  him  to  be.   looking  on  in  rumination,   she’d  wonder  (  at  length  )   if  his  love  for  her  was  at  all  genuine…    never  once  risking  the  inevitable  confrontation  out  of  fear  for  the  loss  that  would  follow.   instead,   keeping  it  bottled  up  once  again.   distancing  herself  little  by  little  until  she  was  out  and  away  in  the  world  —  determined  to  be  known  as  more  than  ‘the  substitute  daughter’,  ‘the  favourite’  or  ‘the  lookalike.’   her  own  person,   at  last.
although  she  was  never  too  far  away…   and  when  richard  called,   she  could  do  nothing  else  but  gladly  answer.
𓂅 *  ⋆  AESTHETIC   .
distinctly  feminine,   very  gabriella  from  high  school  musical  core  with  her  wrap  cardigans  and  ballet  flats.   though  as  an  athlete,   she’s  an  athleisure  girly  through  and  through.   leotards,   leggings,   matching  sets.   day-to-day,   she  really  favours  layers  that  she  can  easily  take  off  and  put  back  on  during  training.   the  odd  tracksuit  here  and  there.   even  if  it’s  warm  outside,   you’d  usually  see  her  with  a  puffer  jacket  on  hand  because  the  rink  is  so  cold. on  more  formal  occasions,   she  opts  for  mini  dresses  and  heels  to  help  give  the  illusion  she’s  taller  (  weeps  in  5’1”  )  and  accessorizes  with  a  sweet  bow  or  two  in  her  hair. 
you’ll  always  see  her  wearing  her  charm  bracelet  however.   it  was  a  present  from  richard  when  estrella  first  joined  her  skate  club  and  each  time  she’d  compete,   he’d  add  a  charm.   they’re  all  stars,   in  honour  of  her  name.
𓂅 *  ⋆  EDUCATION   .
estrella  was  homeschooled  throughout  all  her  time  at  woodrow.   as  figure  skating  became  more  and  more  of  a  serious  pursuit,   it  seemed  easier  to  contain  her  schooling  to  the  house.   less  distractions  that  way.   her  coach  was  certainly  in  favour  of  it.   perhaps  it  was  the  people  pleaser  in  her,   the  ‘perfect  daughter’  of  it  all  but  she  also  maintained  straight  a’s  too.   it  came  as  no  surprise  when  she  applied  to  richard’s  alma  mater  of  kingsbury  college  and  got  in  on  a  skating  scholarship.   the  real  twist  being  that  she  soon  deferred  in  order  to  commit  to  her  sport  full  time  and  has  yet  to  return  to  kingsbury  to  finish  said  degree.
figure  skating,   also  known  as  her  entire  world.   estrella  had  been  a  baby  ballerina  prior  to  being  taken  into  richard’s  care  and  he  quickly  accommodated  for  that  love  of  hers  with  a  continuation  in  lessons.   however  by  the  second  winter  she  spent  at  woodrow  house,   he  was  soon  introducing  her  to  the  frozen  pond  on  the  grounds  and  she  took  to  skating  it  like  a  duck  to  water.   
other pursuits include literature,   musical  theatre  and  classical  music.   their  occasional  outings  as  a  ‘family’  to  see  operas  and  ballets  very  much  inspired  her.
𓂅 *  ⋆  THEIR   LIFE   NOW   .
estrella  only  left  woodrow  house  three  years  ago  and  even  then,   living  in-state  meant  she  was  still  a  fairly  regular  visitor.   she’d  moved  into  the  city  in  order  to  be  closer  to  her  skating  club,   other  rinks  she  frequented  and  transport  for  national  and  international  competitions.   being  only  a  three  hour  drive  away  however,   meant  most  national  holidays  were  spent  there  at  richard’s  side,  the  odd  special  occasion  and  long  weekend  too.
in  nyc,   she  shares  a  modest  apartment  with  brandon,   better  known  as  brando.   they  used  to  skate  together  at  the  same  club  before  he  recently  retired  to  pursue  choreography  at  a  nearby  dance  studio.   there’s  always  been  lingering  romantic  tension  there  but  most  of  all,   he’s  her  biggest  cheerleader  and  a  helpful  objective  party  regarding  all  things  woodrow.
all  the  while,   estrella’s  been  forging  her  own  destiny.   she’s  been  competing  internationally  at  the  top  of  her  discipline  for  years  at  this  point.   (  a  writing  guide  on  figure  skaters  advised  not  to  go  into  specifics  about  competitions  bc  it’s  a  lot  so,   i  won’t  but  let’s  just  say  she’s  a  pretty  decorated  athlete  and   represented  team  usa  at  the  2002  winter  olympics  in  salt  lake  city  and  was  in  the  midst  of  training  for  the  2006  games  before  richard’s  death.  )   what  she  loves  most  of  all  though  is  getting  to  step  out  as  herself.   on  the  ice,   the  only  narrative  being  spun  is  the  one  she  creates.   it’s  a  level  of  control  she  enjoys  (  and  dreads  giving  up  upon  her  return  to  woodrow  house.  )   whilst  she  came  to  woodrow  house  seeking  a  family,   she  left  seeking  visibility  and  acceptance  and  in  skating,   estrella  truly  found  that.
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angusbyrne · 1 month
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ANGUS BYRNE ( CALLUM TURNER ) is a THIRTY-THREE year-old SENATE STAFFER in WASHINGTON, DC. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only FIFTEEN years old. They are known as THE PROTECTOR because they are VIGILANT but also CONTROLLING.
Full Name: Angus Peter Byrne
Nickname(s): His little brothers would call him Gus, but he would not appreciate anyone else using it.
Date of Birth: September 23, 1971
Age: 33 (almost 34!)
Occupation: Legislative Director for a U.S. Senator
Current Residence: Washington, DC. (Albany part-time for work reasons)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’2”
Notable Features: Beautiful long nose, freckles, slay cheekbones, sticky-outy ears, generally fae face
Strengths: Detail-oriented, loyal, professional, protective, diplomatic, and cultivated.
Weaknesses: Stubborn, insensitive, strict, invasive, secretive, and manipulative.
Quirks: Always popping Advil and Tums (tummy ache survivor <3), carries an expensive fancy lighter with him, always wears an expensive watch, has glasses but wears contacts every day because God forbid anyone sees him wearing them when he’s not prepared, used to bite his nails so they’re cut short, misophonia sufferer!!!
Vices: Brandy, expensive cigars, his personal art collection (which he doesn’t display in his home)
Interests: Fine art & art history, expensive spirits, expensive cigars, expensive cars, architecture, politics, law, boring WWII books and docos, etc.
Hobbies: Making meticulous lists, going to the gym, boxing, cooking, reading Agatha Christie novels (not that he’d admit it…), watching old film noirs, going to his tailor lol, other individual sports like golf and tennis, being boring/invisible/not drawing unnecessary attention to himself, etc.
Special Skills/Talents: Lyinggggg <3 and he grew up taking a lot of music lessons at his dad’s behest so he’s got a pretty good singing voice (church choir experience) and plays the violin.
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Playlist (vibes version -- because Angus primarily listens to his white noise machine)
The Byrnes resided on a large, sprawling property in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains of northeastern New York – not too far from Woodrow House. There, they kept sporadic hobbyist farm animals – goats, miniature horses, pigs – that didn’t produce much but a means for Angus’ mother, Maren, to spend her time and keep busy (Marie Antoinette’s pastoral ideal vibes). Angus’ childhood was lush and green, filled with fresh air, fairytale books, and skinned knees from wrestling with his two younger brothers Malcolm and George; it was also marked by being the lesser-favorite son, and the only one who ever caught a glimpse in his adolescence at the extent of what his father did for work. Spoiler alert: it was, at times, not totally above board.
It was through work that his father, Peter, met Richard Woodrow. Peter Byrne was by and large an antiques and art dealer and owned a gallery outside the city. Their business dealings were totally, definitely, absolutely above board (I mean, as far as Richard knew – so that must be true, right?). Richard became close with Peter, first in a professional setting and then later personally. Their holidays mingled; they visited each other’s homes; the Byrne brothers called him Uncle Richard soon thereafter. Angus came to be one of Richard’s wards after his family was involved in a car accident – he was the sole survivor. When Angus was orphaned, Richard stepped up and brought him into his care to honor the Byrnes. 
Very few fellow Wards experienced what Angus was like when he first came to live at Woodrow House. For the first few months, he was rude, agitated, paranoid, and combative. He accused the House’s staff of stealing, moving, or just touching his things; he didn’t want anyone near his room for days at a time; and he punched more than one hole in his bedroom wall (not that he advertised that fact to anyone beyond Richard and Mrs. Tristan; Angus learned to hide the products of his frustrations quite well). But then, suddenly, one day a switch flipped. Though things remained a little tense with Richard, from that day forward, Angus was outwardly neat and well-mannered – and all up in the other Wards’ business.
Going forward, he took the role of a pseudo-kinda-big-brother seriously and always did what he could to help the other Woodrow House residents and did what he thought was best for them, even if that meant frustrating some of them in the process. He wears a mask of his own face – boring, straitlaced, and stiff – and that is how most of the Wards know him. Still, that agitated, argumentative energy thrummed under his skin, like he’d gone full circle and speedran the spiraling anger and swallowed it whole so it made its home in the center of his chest – waiting for its moment to bubble back over. It's a good thing he always had a punching bag.
Angus is very well-dressed and has taken a page out of Richard’s book so that the most casual he’s ever dressed are classic Brooks Brothers and Ralph Lauren fits. 75% of the time he’s in a suit, honestly, or in a semi-deconstructed suit (not wearing a tie, first couple buttons undone, jacket on and sleeves rolled up, etc). He has carefully controlled curly-ish hair, which he keeps in check with product. His hair is basically only out of place when he’s at the boxing gym. Regarding signature accessories, Angus wears the crucifix he had received for his Confirmation from his mom a few months before she died and is always wearing a watch from his extensive collection (something also inspired by Richard, who gifted him his first). Ultimately, Angus’ goal is not to stand out. He does not wear bold colors or loud patterns; he does not try to look different from any other suit in D.C. The more inconspicuous he is, the better.
Angus was due to attend a boarding high school about 4 hours away from Woodrow House when he first became a ward. The year he was taken into Richard’s care, he instead spent his freshman year in a homeschool environment on Woodrow House grounds, but when the next year rolled around he insisted that he return to what he considered a proper school. Angus finished high school at a nearby private Catholic school in upstate New York, about a 45-minute to 1-hour commute from the house. After he graduated, he attended Georgetown University in Washington, DC. where he majored in PoliSci. After completion of his Bachelor’s, he attended and graduated from Yale Law School. 
Sports-wise, Angus primarily took up boxing and was on the wrestling team at school. He very casually dabbled in tennis. In a more creative realm, as a kid, his dad had all of his sons taking music lessons, so Angus also continued his education in violin at Woodrow House. He’s not fantastic but he was in the school orchestra all through high school. 
Since leaving Woodrow House, Angus began a career in politics. From starting as an intern for a State Representative to an advisor and manager for various politicians, a legislative assistant, and now the Legislative Director for a US Senator. The goal, ultimately, is to become the Chief of Staff for a Senator – or hey, maybe even the CoS for a President one day.
A couple of years after college, everything seemed easy-breezy all things considered until someone came knocking at his door. Literally. They were a former affiliate of his dad’s… and they weren’t happy. Since then, for about a decade, Angus has had to contend with various loose ends re: his now-deceased father’s business, only slugging through it all because of the the promise of an end to all the business dealings altogether somewhere on the horizon. The world of art and antique dealing wasn’t always squeaky clean, that was for sure, and Angus kept that side of his life extremely under wraps – for both his safety and his sanity.
He lives alone in a DC townhouse, which has been gutted and cleanly modernized inside. Slick, shiny surfaces and no personality: just the way he likes it. In Albany, he keeps an equally clean, modern, and personality-less one-bedroom apartment. You can sense a theme here and the theme is boring. His romantic life has always been defined by the seemingly endless line of blonde Ashleys, Ambers, and Christinas that are getting their Master's at GW or working in marketing. None of those relationships seem to last very long. That is also just the way he likes it.
IRT to the other wards, Angus tries to keep in contact with most if not all of them. He wants to see all of them on a good life track – happy, healthy, successful (not jobless or directionless), the whole shebang. Historically, he's known for keeping tabs, hovering a bit, keeping track of their friends, reaching out to them regularly, offering to be a reference for work, offering to help get them a job (preferably closer to where he lives), etc etc. He’s fought their battles for and with them, championed them, and stood up for them (and also talked down to them and judged them and fought with them…)
So Angus doesn’t appreciate radio silence and he doesn’t appreciate disrespect when he’s trying so hard and is so committed to, in his way, taking care of the Wards. So though he has plenty of experience in this role so far, that doesn’t mean he deals with those frustrations super well. If you're on the same page as him re: what's good for you, then most of the time things are pretty fine and dandy, but if you're not, well. I'm sure quite a few disagreements have cropped up... but he just really really cares. Just, you know… don’t tell him it may be all deeply rooted in anxiety because that would be sooooo annoying for him. 
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stephcniegreene · 4 days
STEPHANIE GREENE ( OLIVIA COOKE ) is a THIRTY-ONE year-old COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER AND PHOTOGRAPHER in BOLTON, NY. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWELVE years old. They are known as THE TORMENTED because they are COMPASSIONATE but also MELANCHOLY.
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(tw for references to illness (diabetes), divorce, and depression)
Full Name: Stephanie Ann Greene
Nickname(s): Steph (to close friends only); Annie (to her mom only)
Date of Birth: March 11, 1974
Age: Thirty-one
Occupation: Communications manager and photographer for the Woodrow Foundation
Current Residence: Sad one bedroom in Bolton, NY
Hair: Medium brunette, with a wave to it (closest to texture 2B)
Eyes: Dark brown, almond shape, frequently featuring dark circles beneath, with short, dark lashes
Height: 5'5" (1.66m)
Notable Features: Rounded chin, celestial nose, dimples when she smiles, pierced ears. Also, not a physical feature, but worth noting that she has Type 1 diabetes and depression.
Strengths: Compassionate, creative, good-natured, intuitive, artistic
Weaknesses: Melancholy, guilt-ridden, self-effacing, insecure, moody
Quirks: Bites her fingernails to the quick, plays with her hair
Vices: Drinks coffee like it's water, no matter the time of day; also has been known to smoke a cigarette when stressed
Interests: Advocating for charity, especially children's charities; photography and sketching; reading (currently reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell); crochet (she is not very good at it)
She was a sickly kid, and so spent a lot of time in the nearest children’s hospital. Her parents came to know Richard through his local charity work with the hospital, and developed a friendly relationship. The family struggled to pay the bills and her parents divorced when Stephanie was ten, with her father walking out of the picture entirely. It put strain on her already-struggling mother, who had slipped into a paralyzing depression, and Richard offered to take Stephanie in just shy of her teen years, not long after bringing the first wards to Woodrow House. It was a hard decision, but seeing how well the wards already at Woodrow were provided for had opened her mother’s eyes, showing a more promising side of life that she desperately wanted for her daughter. Ultimately, after much conversation, she agreed, sending Stephanie to Woodrow House with her blessing. Richard seemed to see something in Stephanie that she didn’t fully understand, an insecurity there. Later, when she grew older and decided to just ask him why, he admitted that he had noticed an emotional intelligence to her, a compassion and empathy that seemed to exceed her age, as well as a sense of creativity beginning to blossom. He had seen a need for support that she couldn’t get from her overwhelmed mother. There was also the matter of her health, with a need for someone to provide the insulin she needed. While she had not endured the overwhelming level of trauma that many of her fellow wards had, he had seen the potential she could have if given the right resources and support; an escape from the poverty that was plaguing her family in the wake of her father walking out of her life. It left her with an immense sense of gratitude (though the intensity of the moment was relieved with a much-appreciated joke from Richard).
At first, she was relatively distant, not having grown up with siblings. She didn't quite understand what it meant to live with other children her age. But soon, Stephanie warmed up to the other wards, very much bringing a protective sister vibe to the party (even for the wards that were older than her). She was immensely empathetic and emotional, sharing in the ups and downs of life with the fellow wards. It was no secret that she felt everything very deeply, heart on her sleeve. As a girl and into her teen years, she was something of an introvert, sensitive but also not wanting to put herself into the spotlight unless she needed to. It was always easier for her to connect to people one-on-one, sharing more personal connections than feeling she fit into a group. Admittedly, it was also no secret that she was among the fabled "Four Favorites", though she would always brush that off if anyone commented on it. Truly, she didn't feel like she had earned such a status, though she couldn't deny that she did feel pleased to have a relatively steady adult presence in her life between Richard and Mrs. Tristan.
Stephanie is a very plain dresser, a no-frills sort of girl. Her wardrobe is largely full of muted colors, with sage greens, charcoal greys, and probably more beige than she would like to admit. She's not very flashy, preferring business to business-casual ensembles in her current work life. On off days (such as this week), she's more likely to dress down, wearing jeans and a sweater or blouse. She does accentuate with some mild pieces of jewelry, largely with sentimental value. The one thing that might stand out are her earrings, which can be a little more fun than her usual wardrobe. Hair and makeup are simple, and honestly something of an afterthought; she usually throws her hair up into a ponytail just to get it out of her face.
Stephanie continued her schooling at Woodrow, where she felt the most comfortable. There was also something pretty satisfying about the opportunity to have a slightly-less-regimented schooling experience, personalized to her interests (and once again, she was a bit of an introvert). After her secondary schooling was complete, she chose to attend the University at Albany to pursue a communications degree, graduating in 1997, only to turn around and return to Bolton to work for the Woodrow Foundation.
Her favorite extracurriculars were relatively solo activities. She particularly enjoyed the arts, with a focus on honing her photography skills and her sketching. While she does some photography as part of her job, she also still does it as a hobby on the side. She attempted golf and music lessons, but didn't really feel much passion for either, and so both were quickly dropped.
For the last eight years or so, Stephanie has worked for the Woodrow Foundation in communications. The job has entailed a lot of outreach, pushing her out of her comfort zone, as well as media collaboration and the drafting of materials to assist the Foundation mission. She has done some photography for the Foundation as well, though it's not in her job description. For the most part, her personal life has been relatively stagnant. She's contented herself with her career, but recently started to feel her loneliness and a desire to try and make something of herself outside of her small town roots. That was what pushed her to finally leave Woodrow House just a few weeks ago, wanting to slowly inch her way into building something for herself. The news of Richard's death hit her hard, after all of the time they had spent together, the man really providing the foundation for her own life. She also feels some shame and guilt, suspecting that maybe she could have done more, maybe could even have saved Richard's life if she hadn't left him. It has brought out her worst tendencies of self-loathing and depression, and left her feeling adrift as she tries to consider her life moving forward.
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mustdies · 1 month
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you are coddled between the murky nowhere wedged between dreamy isle’s of palm & discarded american dreams. you’re a young thing with stars in your eyes; the others see this and smother you in their palms until you’re merely a streak of shimmering stardust because dreams aren’t for survivors. because your mother never wanted to be a mother and your father wasn’t the kind of man she’d trust with her heart, let alone you with your chubby hands and big eyes. giving you up was just the right thing to do, but at the very least, didn’t you deserve to dream a moment longer ? as it turns out, dreams are riddled inconsequential for little boys with hardly enough belongings to cram into a tattered napsack. but so long as you have the room for it, you hold onto this one thing: you’ll get out of here one day & by god, you won’t look back.
you’re nine when you pickpocket your first tourist, and ten when you successfully pull your first con. the descent is unseen, but occurs quicker than you realize and before you know you’re no longer the one cowling beneath the wings of those who came before you. you’re still the boy with the bright eyes but now, you’ve got even brighter ideas & happen to know your way around a shoddy hot wiring job or two. suddenly you’re fourteen with hardly a lick of peach fuzz dotting your features when you first become a ward of the court & you’re fifteen when a man who you had never known existed makes you one of the lucky ones. rather than aging out of a system that you had spent too long outrunning, you are withdrawn from juvenile holding on account of being placed beneath his conservatorship.
sooner than you know, everything & everyone you’d known including your self-professed sibling with the kind eyes and the slit in his lip merely faded into a sunny break on the horizon. upstate new york becomes your new home & if you are to stay out of trouble you are made to make yourself something useful. days spent siphoning old gas & racing through the odd junctions of your seaside town come nightfall turn into even longer days as an unfavored ward. as you saw it, not even the dusty summer heat could sweat out that streak for havoc you had come to learn to know so far before your time—even seas away, you couldn’t outrun the law. teen years are spent pinned to the hoods of county cruisers just to be out of the pin come the end of the week while stark dreams continue to fade. 
you spend your latter years giving hell to whatever boarding schools your guardian could enlist you in. become someone different, still a blaring asteroid, but some of your edges have refined. you learn what it means to be a society man—how to properly despise such a title. though these efforts were not made to entirely change you, rather, another outlet was found. instead of brawling with whomever looked at you funnily enough, the largest portion of your time was spent training in mixed martial arts. if you're going to be violent, you will learn to honor your craft.
as a young man, you fall into sync with the ballad of a runaway train, horn steadily blaring as you utterly veer off the rails while onlookers can merely speculate in utter horror. luckily enough, you’re not the only one in this dusty old house pushed to your brink out of boredom so you slot well into your place with the rest of the small town miscreants, the only difference is the tan of your skin but in time you would even adapt their mixed lilt; even if you didn’t quite look it, you were one of them & the truth is, you were no better than the rest. it’s a damn miracle you make it out of woodrow in one piece: running off into the night when you’re old enough, leaving nothing but tire marks in the driveway & a number richard could contact you at in the future. now you’ve been running laps in the game for too long, and the only thing you’ve been left to wonder is if this was the dream you had so fervently chased as a child.
james dean chic meets streetwear final boss. breezy linen button-ups, undone by the first two buttons. perpetually bruised, walking into the room like god sent him. adorns at least five tattoos he has no recollection of getting in the first place. bottle blond with a knack for trouble. smelling like camel cigarettes & sandalwood.
ever in motion, always leaning in a doorway or drumming his fingers along the edge of a table.
easy to call, hard to get in contact with. has a phone but will likely not answer lest prompted by his manager; harder to contact since richard's passing.
began prizefighting at eighteen, became a super wba titleholder in 2002.
did not pursue higher education following high school but currently runs a community-led organization in brooklyn to help the underserved youth in the area stay out of trouble.
hairtrigger temper which is highly exasterbated under stress/pressure. sooner to seclude those he's close to before allowing them to be involved in his mess. needs a therapist sooo bad.
technically, the last time dante was seen at woodrow house was seven years ago. however, he was last present on the property five years ago per the request of richard. the reasoning and his appearance at large is still broadly unknown to the rest of the wards.
secretly really enjoys tennis, catch this man at the yearly u.s. open & wimbledon with your favorite wag on his arm.
got into political organizing around the age of thirteen after rallying a small network of underserved youth (for better or worse) against the local government. was arrested shortly thereafter for inciting civil unrest.
really into running, has ran at least a mile a day since he was seventeen.
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erudieti · 15 days
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ESTHER “ESTI” BAILEY ( COURTNEY EATON ) is a TWENTY-SEVEN year-old RESEARCHER/PHD STUDENT in DUNDEE, SCOTLAND. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only SEVEN years old. They are known as THE SCHOLAR because they are CURIOUS but also DISMISSIVE. + PINTEREST. + PLAYLIST.
full name: esther roxanne bailey nickname(s): esti, es, essie, roxy (by mrs. tristan) date of birth: november 8th, 1977 age: twenty-seven gender & pronouns: cis woman, she/her sexuality: demiromantic & bisexual occupation: paleontology phd candidate, researching in scotland current residence: a small cottage near her dig site in dundee, scotland. ocean view, gas stove, and very, very bad cell reception (by design).
hair: dark brown, almost black — slightly wavy, which was more apparent before she cut her hair into its current state (a haphazard bob she chopped herself because she doesn’t trust hairstylists. not one clue why).when longer, was typically pulled back into a ponytail or braid, currently let loose or tucked under a hat. eyes: dark brown, round and frankly a bit piercing. always inquisitive, usually cloaked in some type of judgment. they match her near perpetual frown. height: 5’10, approx. 6’0 if she chooses to wear her favorite sneakers (some type of running shoe with a platform. a fila perhaps. a reebok moment). notable features: previously mentioned Frown (downturned to one side, typically, always in thought); arrays of rings on each hand when she’s on her off days; long, lithe fingers covered in teeny scars from cooking; a look on her face that makes you feel as if you’ve done something Wrong
strengths: intelligent, observant, independent, competitive weaknesses: distant, awkward, judgmental, pretentious quirks: plays with her rings, and if they’re not there, fiddles with her fingers; walks very quietly, has a tendency to “sneak up” on people (she tells them to just listen better); she has a surprisingly good poker face when she wants to (typically, she doesn’t find enough energy to want to); prefers multiples of 5s; always begins her day with a cup of stupidly sugary tea, a brain game of sorts, and a new academic article she hasn’t read yet, printed out so she can mark over it with her green highlighter and pen. vices: sweets, particularly of the chocolate variety, but any will suffice. has never denied herself a sweet treat in her life; cigarettes; enough redbull that her heart is quite angry with her.
interests: paleontology, clearly, but specifically dinosaurs and early marine life; very much an animal person, currently has a chocolate lab named hershey and a maine coon named godzilla; the aforementioned king lizard himself, as well as other reptiles (specifically ones that seem to be living dinosaurs, such as komodo dragons or crocodiles); cooking, primarily as a form of stress relief and way of showing her love (as she’s quite bad at doing it any other way); the entirety of the jurassic park franchise hobbies: she enjoys anything that makes her brain work, including but not limited to: puzzles (sudoku, crosswords, jigsaw), brain games, chess, crochet/knitting, and solitaire. on the flip side, esti recognizes the importance of avoiding burnout, so she carves out time to play mindless games that still have an element of routine and fun to them, like:, animal crossing ), the sims, among others; cooking, trying new recipes and figuring out cool new ways to avoid or hide vegetables in her food (this is also kind of for practicality. she has sensory issues); makes miniature dioramas of various times in history (pre-paleolithic era); she collects bugs/creatures in amber and has a display case for them! special skills/talents: could have been good at volleyball or basketball, preferred to strategize rather than actually play; adept writer, has been on the author list of a number of published articles; good at doing math in her head; good at the aforementioned cooking; an innate ability to make people unsettled; sculpting miniatures for her dioramas
so do you guys know about the conscious baby meme. she was the conscious baby. no but really, esti gained richard’s attention when she was seven and had entered a science fair the woodrow foundation was putting on. she won, of course, but what really pulled him in was her quick wit, obvious intelligence tor her age, and her project itself: deep research on the fossils in her area, some examples she’d managed to find herself on the local beach, and a diorama of a mesozoic landscape, complete with detailed figurines of the flora and fauna. richard, upon talking to her social worker, found out that esther’s parents had given up complete parental rights when she was born, and she had been in the foster system for five years, since a failed adoption that ended when she was two.
esti was always described as an “old soul” (she has autism), more preoccupied with her own interests and the knowledge she could get from richard and mrs. tristan than those her own age. a mildly haunting child, she learned how to mask the odd demeanor as she grew (not that she always does it, but it helped when she began to branch out into other groups). she never considered richard her father (as she so claims) or the wards her siblings, so she had no qualms with remaining a bit isolated, though there was never a shortage of blunt remarks or rolling eyes from her. esti kept mostly to herself, mrs. tristan, and richard, along with a select few others, always able to be found in her room doing something to feed the ever-hungry chasm that is her brain. any friction with the other wards was, to her, their problem (esti take accountability challenge. she says no).
esti’s fashion is understated in the way really annoying rich people’s is; baggy shirts, jeans, coats, sneakers, all simple but from designer brands. she wears sunglasses often and they’re usually perched atop her head, and all of her jewelry must always match (she prefers silver, but isn’t a stranger to intentional mixed metals). fav shoes include reeboks, new balances, and filas. a frequent uniqlo enjoyer. her array of rings changes every day to match her outfits, save for the one she keeps on no matter what (a gift from richard when she first became a ward that she had consistently gotten resized to fit her growing finger. no, she will not acknowledge that it’s sentimental, but she will freak out if she can’t find it). always somewhere between casual streetwear and adam sandler. it’s not that she wouldn’t enjoy being fashionable, she just … doesn’t care enough.
esti stayed at woodrow for her secondary education, as it was practical and she knew the best teachers in the country flocked to teach there. she also didn’t really want to be around other people. after secondary, she went to Kingsbury College (again, because it was a practical choice), and studied geology with a minor in biology; she was valedictorian. following that, she got her master’s in paleontology at the university of edinburgh, which is also where she went on to begin her PhD work. she is currently working on her dissertation, which involves marine fossils and some type of unique sediment on the beaches of dundee (i do not know as much about this as her god knows I couldn’t name specifics)
growing up, esti was encouraged to try many different clubs and activities to get her to branch out. while she was never forced, she knew it would make richard happy, so she begrudgingly agreed. she spent a few years playing volleyball, which she was good at by virtue of being a tall kid, and attended various camps and clubs targeted towards gifted children (science camp each year was her favorite). it was a bit hard, though, as she grew out of each one very quickly and began detesting it even quicker. she stuck with sculpting classes and crafting classes, though, because it kept her busy and she didn’t have to talk much.
Esti has mainly been focused on her academics since leaving Woodrow at 18; putting all of her worth into one facet of her life means that’s all she really does. She rarely visited Woodrow, only returning at Richard’s request despite how he favored her. She last visited four years ago, when Richard threw a dinner in her honor to celebrate her acceptance into Edinburgh’s PhD program. Esti lives a solitary life with few close friends, and she prefers it that way (she’s lying she’s sooooo lying she wants companionship and true understanding she’s lyinggggg).
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vesvius · 1 month
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SEBASTIAN SON is a THIRTY-THREE-year-old WRITER in TROY, NY. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWELVE. They are known as THE OBSERVER because they are INTERESTING but also JUDGMENTAL. Let’s see what choice they make regarding the fate of Woodrow House.
Full Name: Sebastian (Gwanji) Son Nickname: Bas Pen Name: Bastian S. S. Date of Birth: October 23th, 1971 Age: 33 Occupation: Writer ("Fiction", mostly Thrillers.) Current Residence: Troy, NY
Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown Height: 6' 1⁄2" Notable Features: Sebastian has a very peculiar face, his sharp features and the coldness of his whole appearance make him look like he was sent straight from hell to drag you down to pay for your sins. His voice is deep and low, and as he is not very verbal, it can be very shocking to hear him talk for the first time.
Strengths: Impartial, Meticulous, Good Listener, Drop Dead Gorgeous. Weaknesses: Judgemental, Stubborn, Cunning. Quirks: He can only eat with spoons, hates forks, tolerates chopsticks, and loves knives, but not on the table. He cuts his meat with scissors while cooking, and never orders foods that will require a fork and knife when eating out. Hates straws. Hates gambling. Vices: Drinks occasionally, nothing more, nothing less.
Interests: People (do not mistake it with interacting with people) People Watching. Knives. Dark History. Hobbies: Fishing, Bird Watching. Bondage. Don't ask him, or maybe do if they dare to.Special Skills/Talents: Darts throwing. Good with ropes, good with knives. He is good at everything that requires his hands and good aim. Excellent handwriting.
Sebastian was a second-generation Korean immigrant to the United States. His parents had come to New York in search of a better life, and apparently, the American dream did knock on their door. Sebastian's father's business dealings made them rich quickly, and although his mother found suspicious how her husband had achieved the impossible in just two years, she didn't question it. It wasn't until the Chinese Mafia came to the home demanding the loans to be returned, that the family learned they had never really been rich from their father's business endeavors, but that the man had sold his soul to the devil, and now hell demanded their land back.
The father was shot in the forehead before the eyes of his wife and eleven-year-old son. The hitman sent by the mafia did not finish the job and let them live, but a few months later the mother drowned in the bathtub. Whether it was the mob or his mother's decision to end her life, Sebastian never knew, but the boy stopped talking when he was orphaned.
Richard learned of Sebastian's misfortune through the newspaper. The news of the reckoning made it to the headlines, but it wasn't until he heard the rumors from students at work that the boy was now an orphan as the mother had also lost her life. Richard's contacts were strong enough to find Sebastian before he was sent back to Korea with distant relatives.
Sebastian didn't speak until eight months into his time in Woodrow, the trauma of losing his family was deep enough to leave him without words (literally) nonetheless, this wasn't the first time he had become non-verbal. Sebastian didn't put a word out into the world until he was six years old, perhaps the trauma of being born was powerful enough to keep him shut.
Every ward who was present during the time Sebastian arrived and those eight months into it knows the story. The infamous spoon story. All the wards were having breakfast together, Richard included, the table was chatty, and those children who were outspoken would talk and share their plans for the day with Richard. Sebastian sat quietly, looking at the girl sitting in front of him eating cereal, he watched her bring the spoon to her mouth while some milk spilled from it, and that was it. "I want a spoon, please." He said, scaring everybody at the table, including Mrs. Tristan, who received the request. Sebastian looked at the girl again, she had dropped her spoon from the scare of Sebastian's sudden speech coming back, "You have three seconds to pick up the spoon from the floor." he said to her, Sebastian was actually being playful, the three-seconds rule made it, trying to break the ice of the whole situation, but no one laughed, not only because this was the first time they had to hear his voice, but because Sebastian's speech and demeanor was intimidating. No one touched his spoons after that.
The wards could have mocked him for his quicks, his pale face, and the lack of coordination he had over his body while growing up, but none of them did. Sebastian scared them, he looked like the nightmares that would keep them awake at night. He watched them play while sitting by the stairs, he watched them so much it made them nervous and tripped over their feet, they would blame Sebastian for putting a curse on them.
When Sebastian turned 16 years old he grew into his looks, he became handsome but his stoic presence kept him from seeming approachable. The wards were no longer afraid of him, or so he thought, but he still looked like the devil himself and he enjoyed the chills everybody seemed to get when he walked into a room.
He was the observer, the watcher, but in the end, it was everybody else's eyes that were on him, for better or worse.
Sebastian dresses mostly in black, and sometimes some grey and camel make it to his closet. He wears perfectly tailored suits (he was a Woodrow kid after all) and all his outfits fit like a glove. He keeps his hair short and neat. His casual looks keep the same color palette but are less structured, he loves a turtle neck.
Sebastian was torn when he had to choose between continuing his education in Woodrow or outside of it. Going to a private school meant he would have to speak more, talk to teachers, and do group projects, and Sebastian hated it. He wanted to pursue better education but he was not ready for it yet. He stayed in Woodrow until he had to attend University.
Sebastian had no fun there, he hated it in a way he had never hated. Why one couldn't get a degree being homeschooled, he couldn't conceive it, but he endured his years there, he chose to attend Richard's alma mater as at least he could think that Richard had to go through the same hell as him.
He received a dual degree in English and Journalism.
He had no real interest in sports but attended Tennis classes within the property to keep himself active. Richard knew Sebastian had chosen not to attend school outside of the estate because he didn't want to interact with new people and encouraged Sebastian to attend at least one extracurricular outside, that way he would prepare in advance for when he moved out for college. Sebastian took the advice and attended swimming classes. (It did not help much, as other kids were scared of him and asked to move to a different class.)
Sebastian started writing when he arrived at Woodrow, he had a way with words (even if they were not "heard" often), especially when a pen was the connection between his thoughts and words. Richard encouraged him to query his writing when he was in University and found a literary agent soon after. Sebastian always wondered if it truly was his writing that got him his book deal or Richard's contacts. He was grateful anyway.
He has published 15 books so far and is working on his 16th. He is known for being a quick writer, but the amount of books he has out shouldn't be a question when all Sebastian does is write. He doesn't have the most livid social life, though his dark looks match his dark preferences when it comes to "socializing".
Lives in NY still, is forced to attend book signings but everybody knows he won't utter a word and his agent does all the work. He visited Korea with his agent (his agent is his only real friend) but felt out of place, the only place he felt at home was Woodrow. He is too American to be Korean, too Korean to be American. His agent says he can always think he is from Hell, it suits him and sells books.
All of Sebastian's books are allegedly based on a ward and the one he is working on now is about Winifred Woodrow.
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monomythic · 1 month
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DOMINIC LEPOULT SERVEILLE ( JACOB ANDERSON ) is a THIRTY year-old POSTDOC FELLOW / PROFESSOR in OXFORD, GREAT BRITAIN. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only NINE. They are known as THE SCHOLAR because they are PERCEPTIVE but also ALOOF. Let’s see what choice they make regarding the fate of Woodrow House.
Full Name: dr. dominic lepoult serveille, ba, mphil, dphil
Nickname(s): nic. please don't call him dom.
Date of Birth: october 3
Age: thirty
Occupation: postdoctorate researcher / junior fellow at oxford university
Current Residence: oxford, united kingdom
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Height: 5'11" / 178 cm
Notable Features: right pinky is slightly crooked; nic broke it falling out of a tree as a child and it didn't quite heal straight.
Strengths: perceptive, empathetic, principled, patient
Weaknesses: aloof, noncommittal, flighty, critical
Quirks: speaks with his hands when impassioned, otherwise quite still. doesn't use filler words—will just straight up pause in the middle of talking. writes all his lists on post-it notes. this has never come back to bite him, literally ever. deadpan sense of humor. more sentimental than you might think.
Vices: fruity gummies, with a particular weakness for sour worms. caffeine addict. a friend took him to get manicures once and he's been hooked ever since.
Interests: runs through fixations like the seasons—some notable ones include the mythology era, the coffee era, the cooking era that was actually mostly just a german knives era, and the yoga era. ask him what he's into lately.
Hobbies: reading's the obvious one, but also enjoys baseball. has been following soccer since moving to the uk.
Special Skills/Talents: near-eidetic memory. printer whisperer. rolls a mean joint, though few are privy to this information.
[ CW : MENTAL ILLNESS (POSTPARTUM PSYCHOSIS), SUICIDE, ALCOHOL USE, ALLEGED FRATRICIDE, PARENTAL DEATH ] the serveille family is (was) notorious for two things: their wealth, and their curse. the former is what brought them into richard woodrow’s circle, while the latter is what brought dominic into richard’s care. the wealth is a story you’ve heard time and time again: a successful family business that became a family dynasty. what began as the serveille family general store has grown into a national franchise chain—though the family is no longer involved with running the day-to-day operations of the business, they still maintain significant stock interests. realistically, the curse is just a series of undiagnosed mental illness, though dominic’s family does have a preternaturally poor track record of boat deaths on his mother’s side. in an ironic twist of events, his mother died of mental illness (killing herself after making an attempt at drowning a newborn dominic in the tub in an episode of postpartum psychosis), while his father died after he fell overboard off a yacht. rumors abound that his brother, the last person to see him, pushed him, but these were never substantiated. in the scuffle after his father’s death, dominic was shuffled around between relatives, each of whom wanted him for the inheritance. richard was ultimately contacted as a neutral, “objective” party (with no skin in the game, so to speak) that could handle dominic until the inheritance matters were settled. nobody quite expected that dominic would be insistent on staying with richard after everything was sorted out . . . but that’s a story for another day.
dominic became a ward quite young and was particularly reserved at the beginning of his time at woodrow house, hyperaware of his status as a serveille and (what he believed to be) the contingency of his stay as a ward. even after becoming more secure in his continued status in richard's care, he remained just a touch too self-aware, i think. dominic is the sort of person to equate proximity as proxy, particularly when it comes to things like love and companionship, and sees life more as something to be observed than lived. dominic demonstrates love (and people and experiences and the world as he sees it) by attempting to understand it. this makes him empathetic and levelheaded (usually). this also makes him detached and clinical (often). this often places him a step removed from the rest of the world (certainly the rest of woodrow house), particularly because nic is not the sort of person to seek answers by asking⁠; he is driven by the act of discovery as much as its fruits. there’s so much you can glean from the world by looking, you know; the world is full of so many beautiful details people miss because of how caught up they are in their personal melodramas. among the wards, i imagine him to be the person with answers to every question—i also imagine him to value this greatly. i could see some of the other wards thinking that dominic believed himself to be better than the others because of it (or because of his wealth, or because of his proximity to richard, or because he never really got in trouble. pick ya fave.). re: richard woodrow iii — richard favored dominic, and dominic liked the attention. if you wanted to be uncharitable, you could call dominic sycophantic, and i don’t think you’d be entirely wrong. richard would often treat dominic more like a student than a ward, for better or for worse, and nic never really pushed for anything more. their talks were almost always academic, and functioned more like office hours than any sort of parental interaction. for him, it was a comfortable, uncomplicated dynamic; he likes to imagine it was similar for richard, as well. it perhaps speaks to his privilege that he doesn’t really get other wards with more complicated relationships with richard. richard is literally just the guy who took them in. anything beyond that was something you weren’t entitled to, but something to be cultivated, instead.
professor stereotype lol. his hair is always a little messy, no matter how diligently he styles it. style-wise, takes quite a few notes from the late, great richard woodrow iii; nic's wardrobe is primarily ralph laruen sweaters / the more casual end of the brand. whether this is an unconscious emulation of richard or a sense of laziness vis a vis discovering his personal style or a genuine enjoyment of the brand and its aesthetic is one of the few questions dominic finds himself uninterested in pursuing.
studied at woodrow house until secondary school, at which point nic attended private school, mostly at richard's behest. played on the baseball team as a shortstop/second baseman. was also in the chess club. dominic was somewhat obsessive about researching programs; though he had some reservations about moving to another continent for undergrad, he ultimately felt that oxford's program was the most closely tailored to the research he wanted to do. probably had to be talked into it a bit by one of the other wards. he stayed on for his doctorate because in part because of the opportunities the school afforded him, but also in part because he's collected a lot of junk in his flat, and the idea of moving really does not appeal to him.
dominic has always thrived in academia, but in some ways it's enabled the worst of his habits. he's always told himself that he likes to live as a watcher, that it lends himself a certain objectivity about the world. but an albatross carries weight, even if you're the one to place it on your shoulders. currently, he's completing research—on the psychology of grief and beliefs about death, ironically—and teaching undergrads. just ok as a lecturer, but his tutorials are strangely popular. the fact that he's handsome is a coincidence, surely. the last time dominic visited the house was four years, six months, and fifteen days ago⁠—not that nic’s been counting, or anything. it had been at richard’s behest⁠—some foundation event that he wanted dominic to speak at. the distance isn't all that surprising. dominic was never the most sentimental of the wards, nor the most demonstrative with his affections. he has a tendency to get lost in his research, to eschew the literal for the hypothetical. and don’t get me wrong; he did care. does care. he cares very deeply, in fact, dominic keeps meticulous track of all the loves in his life, past and present and future⁠—for dominic, to be known is to be loved. but to be an accountant of the heart is lonely, it’s been said. to keep score is not necessarily to participate, and dominic, for all his intelligence, has never really understood that life and love are participatory acts as much as they are observable phenomena. he does recognize them as finite resources, however, which is why his research is so important to him. we only get so much time on earth, at the end of the day. there's a joke here about richard's death. but we can save that for later.
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naomikojima · 1 month
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NAOMI KOJIMA ( ANNA SAWAI ) is a THIRTY-ONE year-old EXECUTIVE CHEF in OSAKA, JAPAN. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only THIRTEEN years old. They are known as THE INTROVERTED because they are INTROSPECTIVE but also AWKWARD.
Full Name: Naomi Kojima
Nickname(s): None, efforts to create any in the past have resulted in no reaction, or if she really hates it, an eyeroll.
Date of Birth: April 30,1974
Age: 31
Occupation: Executive Chef (Technically Co-Executive Chef)
Current Residence: Naomi currently rents an apartment in Osaka, Japan where she’s lived for the past 5 years.
Hair: Black, long.
Eyes: Brown, see ‘Notable Features’.
Height: 5 feet, 3 inches
Notable Features: Naomi has a mark on the right side of her face, in the bottom eye/cheekbone area which extends to the hairline near her ear. It is the aftermath scarring of a burn when she was 13 years old. Naomi is very insecure about it, though not as bad as in her adolescence thanks to Richard’s encouragement.
Strengths: Creativity, Self-Motivation, Persistence, Focus and Listening
Weaknesses: Navigating Extroverted Scenarios (such as Networking), Self-Promotion, Easily Frustrated, Prolonged Socializing and Verbalizing Feelings.
Quirks: When uncomfortable, Naomi tends to fidget, particulars her fingers and nearby objects, such as pencils or one of her hair pins. While Naomi doesn’t say much, she also tends to speak quietly and walks lightly. Mrs. Tristan did not like this about her.
Vices: Naomi only drinks socially and only ever 1-2, since she’s a lightweight and doesn’t really enjoy it. She does smoke cigarettes, a fact she successfully kept from Richard as far as she knows. Occasionally during more intense working situation, she has partaken in stimulant drugs to get through the shift. 
Interests: Cuisine and History, and the ways they intersect. Naomi also loves literature and while she doesn’t admit it, she does tend to watch dramas that she finds cheesy, yet compelling.
Hobbies: Like Richard, Naomi is a big fan of reading. It was a welcome escape during a dysfunctional childhood and a love that was further nurtured at Woodrow House. Her apartment showcases several piles (she has yet to buy a bookshelf so it’s just several stacks spread around the apartment) of cookbooks from different time periods, regions and methodology.
Special Skills/Talents: Cooking! Naomi discovered this talent prior to Woodrow House since she was the primary cook in her family home however being Richard’s ward allowed her access to better ingredients and tools, igniting her creativity with food. She focuses on new and unusual flavor combinations combined with traditional cooking methods, taking advantage of what she learned in her travels. Naomi is good at showing others how different techniques but not on explaining those further. She has ghostwritten several successful cookbooks, though no one knows that.
From an early age, Naomi was treated as her mother Sayuri’s best friend, therapist, worst enemy and pet, depending on her mother’s mood. They often relied on donations or assistance to get by, but Sayuri’s financial illiteracy often left them still struggling. Many of the parental responsibilities for her younger siblings fell to her, something she internally resented.  One day, as Naomi was busy with caring for her siblings, her mother passed out with a lit cigarette which fell from her hand and caused a house fire. Naomi managed to get her siblings out of the home, sustaining a burn to the right side of her face. A despondent Naomi then looked on as responders rescued her mother. Often kitchen fires will bring her back to this moment. While everyone survived the fire, with only Naomi and her mother sustaining any burns, Sayuri was unable to keep custody of her children and Naomi’s siblings were separated from her in the process. Since the fire, Naomi has not attempted to contact her siblings and has not heard from them. When the newspaper reported on the local fire, a story which Richard read, it included a photo of a thirteen year old Naomi frozen as she watched what remained of her home, clutching a burnt book. Feeling for her situation, Richard met Naomi and they bonded over literature, and Naomi became one of Richard’s wards
Living in large numbers at Woodrow may have brought some Wards out of their shells, but it only made Naomi more appreciative for her alone time. Often found hiding out in her room to recharge her social battery in between her studies and activities. The wards that could tolerate a quiet, low energy social time were likely to see more of Naomi.
Comfort is a large priority to Naomi in her wardrobe, often in blues, greens and neutrals such as black and beige. Suede, denim, knit and cotton are often featured. However most of the time, Naomi wears her chef’s coat from the beginning of her shift until she crashes on her couch at the end. Her long, black hair is usually put up for work but beyond that is often kept back in a mid-ponytail with some front pieces sticking out or half-up half down and secured hastily with bobby pins. Naomi’s dark eyes rarely wear anything other than mascara and some lightly applied, black eyeliner. Occasionally, she’ll use a more dramatic eye shadow shape when going out but anymore and she worries about bringing attention to her burn.
Naomi at first chose to continue to receive her schooling at the estate, however she soon realized that was far too much Mrs. Tristan for her and chose to attend private school. Afterwards, she obtained a Culinary Arts degree at Kingsbury College and followed that up with a education through her experiences traveling the world. Since then, Naomi has also earned a Restaurant Management diploma.
Growing up, Naomi participated in few activities and did so hesitantly, seeking the solitude that could have awaited her instead. Cooking lessons from tutors were by far her favorite and most consistent. She also participated in ice skating in the winter and swimming in the warmer months. In school, Naomi only ever joined two clubs: The Book Club, which she promptly left when she didn’t agree with their book tastes and The Chess Club, which she became Vice-President of.
Naomi has lived in Osaka for the past 5 years and prior to that, she had stints living different food capitals such as Paris, Barcelona, Chicago and New York since her time at Woodrow House. She is the Co-Executive Chef at a restaurant located in the heart of Osaka, sharing the title with her frequent collaborator, Taro Yamada. While the two complement each other, with Naomi having studied cuisine and developing recipes with Taro excels at being ‘the face’ of their work, promoting the restaurant and motivating the staff. Naomi even ghostwrote some of Taro’s cookbooks, while at the time seeing value in getting her food out without the spotlight since then Naomi has felt more regret over the arrangement. Naomi travels back home once or twice a year, depending on her work schedule however, this doesn’t always guarantee she stops in at Woodrow House as it isn’t somewhere she feels connected to. A structure, walls and nothing more. She had last visited the house the October prior to Richard’s passing, though only briefly.  Naomi would usually rely on the other wards to make plans with her if they wanted to socialize. A combination of enjoyment of being alone and insecurity of approaching others has resulted in this strain though Naomi isn’t sure if anyone feels negatively about it. She has very few friends, and usually likes it that way. Dating is difficult for Naomi, and she usually tries to avoid it, not desiring the small talk and awkwardness that happens at the start. When she gets lonely enough, Naomi will take herself out for the night to a bar to find some company for the night but none of these have developed into anything recurring.
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rcubens · 1 month
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𝐲𝐞𝐬…𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐡 🥪
REUBEN SHARPE is a TWENTY-NINE year-old JUNIOR LOBBYIST in WASHINGTON, D.C. . They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only THIRTEEN. They are known as THE MISUNDERSTOOD because they are STOIC but also UNRELIABLE. Let’s see what choice they make regarding the fate of Woodrow House.
→ NAME: Reuben Sharpe → NICKNAMES: Ruby, Cap— but don't call him that, Sandwich → AGE / D.O.B.: twenty-9 / september 23rd 1976 → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cis-male / he/him/his → SEXUALITY: too old to be bisexual
→ CURRENT RESIDENCE: adams morgan, d.c. → FINANCIAL STATUS: doin' okay → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: frequently | infrequently | maybe → LIKES: a good glass of whiskey, praise, blending in → DISLIKES: golfing, meetings that could be emails, oversharing → STRENGTHS: never overly attached to anything → WEAKNESSES: lacks conviction → STYLE: streetwear preppy
Evangeline’s sister Mary-Beth who was thirteen years her senior had wicked conviction and drive. She read chemistry books under the cover of candle light and kicked up a storm when male teachers doubted her ability to perform in male-dominated subjects. Her ambitions got her to Kingsburry College where she made friends with a kindhearted girl in the year above her who reminded her of Evangeline. Mary-Beth and Adelia became fast friends and by extension so did Evangeline. After Amelia’s untimely demise, Mary-Beth still remained close with Richard through medical school. Due to the nature of the company Kingsburry College and their alums kept, Benny Sharpe had no problem cozying up with his wife’s friends. After 12 years in the the senate and two presidents, Benny Sharpe was appointed to the secretary of defence policy office as a bipartisan olive branch. His views on the escalating Gulf war made him amendable to his Republican compatriots. Evangeline felt a growing sense of unease regarding her husband’s late nights at the office and the black SUVs she continually saw. She felt both Benny and Reuben slipping away from her but she chalked the latter up to early ages of teenagedom. The extra stress was threatening to boil over, as she fought with Benedict whenever he was home and circled the drain of paranoia when alone.
In the hot Virginia summer of 1989, Evangeline had left earlier in the morning at the behest of her girlfriends who thought she needed a break. Benedict Sharpe was visited by three men a twelve year old Reuben did not recognize. He had seen this kind of thing before, his dad had a rolodex that could rival the president. They didn’t acknowledge Reuben’s presence upon entry and his father asked him to stay downstairs and away from his office for the duration of their meeting. He nodded silently, knowing this would never be the case. As they talked, Reuben inched closer to the room on his hands and knees as not to make much noise.
There was shouting and hushed bickering, Reuben couldn’t make out any of it even with his face to the carpet runner as he squinted beneath the closed door. Eventually growing bored of whatever diplomacy his father was conducting he returned to their TV room to lay upside down on the couch and watch baseball. Orioles and Angels.
It wasn’t til his father was angrily ushering the men out, red with anger and a glowing cigar did the young boy even remember there were guest. The front door was slammed shut and his father swore every word Reuben wasn’t allowed to say as he stomped back up the stairs and loudly announced he wished not to be disturbed. Reuben did just that. Watching Kirk McCaskill standing at the plate.
He was restless and growing anxious of the silence from his dad’s office. By now he’d be racing up and down the stairs complaining about everyone’s inability to do anything. He made his way back up and knocked on the office door and awaited a response. The silence was eerily long. He twists the knob and saw his father face down on his desk, cigar still burning in his Navy ashtray. He stared for what felt like an eternity before ultimately closing the door and returning downstairs. Something didn’t feel right but what was he to do? He fell asleep on the couch and was only awoken by his mother’s scream.
It was Mary-Beth who expressed her concerns for the safety of her nephew on a hushed phone call to Richard. She phoned and asked if it’d be possible for him to keep Reuben for a few days at most, until she settled things with her younger sister. Evangeline was inconsolable and was sent to a home for women for the foreseeable future. Though Mary-Beth was somewhat willing to take Reuben back despite her schedule— Richard already had a few wards and didn’t mind homing Reuben.
Reuben has bitchy older sibling energy despite the fact he wanted to be accepted so badly. He enjoyed being very woe is me through his time at Woodrow. If Richard was around, he was turning his nose up at everything but with the other wards, he's probably not that bad. Probably spent a lot of time with Chef Pierre just eating his mis en place or bothering Davis while he was groundskeeping.
Too good looking for the way he treats himself. Tired glossed over eyes and a general discontentment with existence at any moment. Dried out ballpoint pens, and clammy handshakes. Someone you want to hate but also feel bad for.
first year 13-14 home schooled at Woodrow before going to the local co-ed preparatory school McCune (completely fictional but think phillips exeter!). Undergraduate statistics degree at Georgetown (go Hoyas!) and then a graduate degree in public policy most likely ???
Reuben's only extracurricular was walking the halls and grounds, not particularly good at anything— he much prefered bothering the staff with his ramblings when no one else was around.
Single, half-broke nearly 30 year old with no prospects. Not very fond of his job— would love the hell out of being a house husband but...will need someone to love him first.
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themickey · 1 month
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MICKEY JACQUEMIN ( RUBY CRUZ ) is a TWENTY SIX year-old AEROSPACE ENGINEER in MONTREAL, CANADA. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only ELEVEN YEARS OLD. They are known as THE NOSTALGIC because they are UNDERSTANDING but also NAIEVE.
Full Name: michèle jacquemin (she only allows richard and mrs tristian to call her michèle)
Nickname(s): mickey, mick, mj
Date of Birth: march 5th, 1979
Age: 26
Occupation: aerospace engineer
Current Residence: montréal, canada
Orientation: lesbian
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: blue (maybe hazel, idk)
Height: 5'5"
Notable Features: full, expressive eyebrows. gay face
Strengths: kind, caring, understanding, loyal
Weaknesses: naive, gullible, too trusting, spacey
Quirks: always a bit fidgety, especially when excited or anxious. has an obnoxious french canadian accent
Vices: drinks occasionally and will never deny a drunk cigarette
Interests: space, comics, computers and the rise of new technology, music from the 90s, hockey (any good canadian should)
Hobbies: video games, mostly gameboy and the brand new nintendo ds. runs a myspace and livejournal like the military, always posting new "surveys" and blog posts daily even if no one reads them.
Special Skills/Talents: very good at math, can do long equations in her head without a calculator. can pick up most things pretty easily though she usually gets too distracted to keep up things for too long so she always had a bunch of unfinished projects or hobbies she gave up on
mickey, born in montreal, was raised by a single mother and never knew her dad. the only thing she knew about him was that he was american because she has dual citizenship. however, when she was seven years old, her mom passed of sudden heart attack. mickey was too young to really understand what happened but her life drastically changed. at first, cps tried to take her to her father in chicago, but he denied even knowing he had a kid and she was placed into foster care. she spent four years in foster care, some good homes and some bad but it never quite broke her spirit and generally positive outlook on the world. she caught richard's attention when he was visiting her school on a business trip and was intrigued by how bright she was and despite her teachers warning of how her hyperactivity makes it heard to teach her, richard decided to bring her to woodrow and give her the tools she needed to flourish.
mickey was always seen as the naive ward, too trusting and gullible. she always seemed much younger than she really is and hates that people think she's the youngest even though she is quite young. she sees the others as her family but after much teasing from the other wards, she tries to keep those feelings to herself, she always wants the others to like her and make everyone happy. at first, she had trouble bonding with the other wards because english was not her first language, speaking mostly québécois french when she first came to the states but she quickly learned english and has since tried her best to connect with her fellow wards. there were many times she would get in trouble growing up because she's very easily influenced by the other wards, letting them drag her into their schemes and dumb ideas. if mickey wasn't a girl raised in the 80's and 90's she would probably be considered to have adhd and be autistic but since we didn't know as much about it back then, mickey was written off as being hyperactive and childish. she often visits woodrow even after moving away because it was the only place that has felt like home since she was a child. even though most of the wards are gone now, she still sees them all as a family. the last time she was home was just a few months before richard's passing.
mickey is never one to care about the latest fashion trend or what is in style, she prefers to be comfortable and wear things that make her feel good. she was always a tomboy growing up, would sometimes try to steal some of the boy wards' clothes until richard caught her and allowed her to shop in the boys' department of stores. she likes baggie clothes and will hide her body in layers. loves a good graphic tee over a long sleeve shirt. think of any classic 2000's teen heartthrob and put his wardrobe on a 5'5" girl. [pinterest inspo if you're curious] she's always preferred her hair on the shorter side, grateful that richard always allowed her to be herself and experiment with her looks. now it's cut past her chin and with swoopy bangs that she's always flicking out of her eyes. again, think of any 00's teen heartthrob with the classic vaguely scene boy hair cut
mickey chose to go with the woodrow home schooling. she was never very good in a tradition school setting because her mind seemed to move faster than the teachers could teach which often got her into trouble for "acting out." so instead she liked that she could set her own pace with the teachers at woodrow and learn what she was interested in. after high school, she went on to go to richard's alma mater. she's always had a dream of going to space and working for nasa.
mickey loved extracurriculars growing up, she did science club and science fairs, was a mathlete, even tried model un for a year but realized she didn't like geo political sciences. though, outside of her academic hobbies. as a child, she played hockey but was never quite big enough for it to get back into it as a teenager. instead, she found she loves fencing, which may seem out of character but as a young hyperactive teen, richard encouraged her to try a physical hobby to get her energy out and liked the idea of being able to swing a sword around.
after graduating college, mickey accepted a job at DART areospace in montreal. she didn't plan on going back home after spending so many years in america and being two and a half hours away from woodrow, but when the opportunity came, she couldn't say no. currently, she lives in an apartment in the city with her long term girlfriend, jessica, and their cat. unbeknownst to the other wards, however, mickey and her gf have not been on the best terms. they met while in college and when mickey took the job, jessica moved with her but moving to a new country has caused a lot of tension between them. jessica thinks mickey works too long of hours and doesn't give her the attention she deserves because even when she's not at work, she's talking and thinking about work. mickey's not perfect, but she loves jessica. before receiving the letter about richard's death, they had the talk about how they want different things in life and mickey knows their relationship is pretty much over. going back to woodrow for the funeral, she's not sure what she'll be coming home to and is scared that it will be nothing
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natcliachen · 1 month
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NATALIA CHEN ( HAVANA ROSE LIU ) is a TWENTY-SIX year-old PERSONAL ASSISTANT in PARIS, FRANCE. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TEN years old. They are known as THE PERFECTIONIST because they are METICULOUS but also RIGID.
Full Name: Natalia Chen
Nickname(s): She prefers Natalia. If she respects you, she can tolerate Talia. If you've called her Nat, she's plotted your murder.
Date of Birth: September 16, 1978
Age: 26, turning 27 in like 2 weeks
Occupation: Personal Assistant to fashion designer, Geneviève Brodeur
Current Residence: Paris, France
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'5"
Notable Features: Very long, wavy hair that touches her waist. She's also got freckles but they're usually hidden beneath make-up.
Strengths: Organized, Reliable, Punctilious, Refined
Weaknesses: Prideful, Highly Critical, Judgmental, Reticent
Quirks: Walks very softly (has a habit of surprising people because they don't hear her approach), tends to stand with her hands clasped behind her back, intense eye contact
Vices: She's unfortunately picked up smoking since moving to Paris. Though she generally manages to avoid doing it unless her boss asks her to have one or she's very stressed. Drinks socially and sometimes just for fun when she's chilling home alone because Paris or whatever.
Interests: Greek mythology, Victorian antiques, Baroque art, fashion, culinary arts lowkey (she likes that you have to be very disciplined and precise)
Hobbies: Fruit carving, horseback riding, visiting museums, reading
Special Skills/Talents: Superb gift wrapper, can tie a cherry stem with her tongue, really good at needlework but specifically embroidery
Playlists - What She's Listening To / Vibes
There's a lot of mystery surrounding how or why Natalia came into Richard's care. He left for one of his usual trips, gone for a few days or so, and simply came back with her. It's not the first time it's happened, and it's certainly not the first time he was tight-lipped about why someone was taken in. All Richard really shared with the others is that Natalia is an orphan. For the first few years Natalia was at Woodrow, a detective and former student of Richard's made occasional visits. There was an air of familiarity between Natalia and this visitor, suggesting a shared history. When questioned by the others about the detective's identity, Natalia would simply refer to her as a friend of her mother's.
Natalia was non-verbal for the first few weeks upon arriving at Woodrow House. However, when she finally spoke, it was clear she wasn't the talkative type. She was largely unproblematic growing up — well-behaved, enjoyed quiet hobbies, and did well in school. It was once she became a teenager that she started showing more personality. While she was generally much of the same at her core, she more readily revealed her wit and distaste. (Read: embraced being kind of a bitch<3.) Natalia did well to position herself firmly as one of the competent and capable wards growing up when she noticed there was a distinction between them. She always knew where to be and what to do. You never had to worry about her. Her unwavering competence was both commendable and exasperating, especially to those who could never quite measure up — ahem, The Mischievous.
For someone who likes to set themselves apart, she's not normally alone unless she wants to be. Was very close to The Scholar growing up and was always seen with them until they fell out. If she likes you, she'll find a reason to be in your space. Considering Natalia's inclination towards being perceived a certain way, she definitely tried to align herself more with wards that were less openly problematic. She doesn't like people who are messy and attention-seeking, like The Melodramatic. She's also not a fan of people who are insecure or unsuccessful by her standards. For this reason, she's The Misunderstood's #1 bully. <3 I imagine she was also drawn to the wards that were older and more responsible like The Guardian and The Protector. However, considering Natalia's age, she was probably grouped in with the younger wards most of the time for schooling and outings, which she lowkey hated. She always made the best of a bad situation however and used it as an opportunity to underscore just how capable she was, subsequently becoming something of a guide or example for the younger wards.
She's not unfriendly, she's just... particular. She has very little patience for things that are messy, whether it's behavior, your appearance or your space. Will be the first to call something 'tragic' in judgey ass tone. Bit of an elitist honestly. The better you carry yourself, the more willing she is to associate with you and be nice. Is also generally very terrible with vulnerability. She's not good at dealing with it, nor is she particularly known for displaying it.
Despite her reserved nature, Natalia shares a special warmth and closeness with Richard that she doesn’t easily extend to others. There's a softness to her when she's around him. His guidance and steadfast support played a significant role in shaping the goodness in her character growing up. She sees him as a mentor and despite herself, a father figure — though she'll never say it out loud.
Natalia takes great pride in the way she presents herself. She dresses very prim and proper. Lots of matching sets and dresses. Short heels. She loves light colored clothing and pastels. She's very rarely seen in casual clothing, and even then her most plain shirts are collared. She doesn't have a signature accessory per se but she's often seen wearing a pearl pendant necklace. When she was a child, she used to wear a cross necklace that Mrs. Tristan gave to her. She transitioned it out of her attire when she started to learn more about religion, but she still has the necklace. She normally wears her hair half up, half down, with a neat bow tying her hair together. Having naturally wavy hair, straighteners are her very best friend. She goes through a whole process of straightening her hair only to then curl it in delicate waves that she prefers. Always smells good. A Diptyque bitch through and through. She wears L'Ombre dans l'Eau.
Natalia chose to attend a private school when it came time to pursue secondary education. However, she only attended it for two years before opting to receive schooling on Woodrow’s grounds again. She'll claim it was boring but in truth, she was just kind of homesick. She did go on to attend Richard's alma mater, Kingsbury College, and double majored in Art History and French.
Natalia took gymnastics, piano, French lessons and horseback riding growing up. She's always liked horses, and to learn how to ride and work with them was a dream come true. #horsegirl Not that it was an official extracurricular she took up, but she spent a lot of time observing and learning how to prepare food in the kitchen growing up. While she initially spent time in the kitchen to practice her French with Chef Pierre, she eventually starting helping with mise en place because it was fun and relaxing to her. Her knife skills go crazyyy.
After graduating, Natalia didn't have much in mind for a career, so she decided to help Richard with the Woodrow Foundation. She functioned as an administrative assistant for him for several years. While she didn't gravitate towards the volunteering and charity work, she thrived in the administrative side of the foundation. She would have honestly been content to do that for many years, enjoying the work and that she got to repay Richard in some way for changing her life. But of course, Natalia had other interests, and Richard was always one to encourage a person to explore their passions. He connected her with a rising fashion designer in Paris named Geneviève Brodeur, and she then left to intern for her. The internship was only meant to last half a year, with her learning the ins and outs of fashion design, but the designer liked Natalia so much that she was kept on as a personal assistant. She's been living in Paris since and hasn't had time to return to Woodrow.
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thetcrmented · 1 month
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CARMEN ALVAREZ ( ADRIA ARJONA ) is a THIRTY year-old HEAD OF FUNDRAISING FOR THE WOODROW FOUNDATION in BOLTON, NY. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only THIRTEEN years old. They are known as THE TORMENTED because they are IDEALISTIC but also SENSITIVE.
Full Name: carmen juliana alvarez
Nickname(s): carm, carms, alvarez
Date of Birth: march 12
Age: thirty
Occupation: head of fundraising for the woodrow foundation
Current Residence: two bedroom apartment in bolton, new york which she moved into two weeks ago
Strengths: kind-hearted, generous, innovative, empathetic, creative, loyal, steadfast, principled, open-minded, compassionate
Weaknesses: sensitive, emotionally volatile, thin-skinned, naive, easily manipulated, impulsive
Quirks: carmen is a compulsive nail-biter, an anxious tic she picked up as a child and hasn't been able to shake. she's also a notorious note taker and is forever writing up to do lists on scraps of paper that end up stuffed in the bottom of her handbag and strewn across her desk/bedroom/kitchen (delete as appropriate)
Vices: carmen's ultimate vice is her hopeless romanticism and her penchant for running from one relationship right into another. she hates being alone and constantly convinces herself that each fling will be her last and this time they're really the one. though so far she's been proven wrong. carmen is also partial to a glass of wine (or two, or three). mostly it's an appreciation for one of the finer delicacies life has to offer, but carmen is well aware that she has a predilection for dependency, as any daughter of an addict would. she knows she has a tendency to use alcohol as a crutch. she also appreciates a drunk cigarette or two.
Interests: travel, world history, learning about other cultures, fine wine, politics, nature documentaries
Hobbies: cooking, running, horse riding, yoga, sketching (though she's not very good), and writing poetry (which she might be even worse at)
Special Skills/Talents: carmen has an uncanny ability to intuit other people's emotions, which is very helpful when she's schmoozing donors for the woodrow foundation. she tends not to use this skill for her own ends in her personal life, though those that know her well are prepared for the fact that she can often peer over people's walls and guards, even if she doesn't tear them down
tw: addiction carmen was raised solely by her mother, juliana alvarez, her father having left the picture long before she was born and only remaining a presence in the form of occasional birthday cards. her mother floundered in the wake of carmen's father's departure, struggling to hold down a job, and tormented by the abandonment. though she loved her daughter dearly and in her heart wanted to give her the best, the darker forces of life got in the way. at first it was drink, but it quickly turned to more illicit substances. there were days long absences, carmen left alone in their one-room apartment with an empty fridge. it didn't take long for social services to catch on and determine that juliana was an unfit mother, and carmen was taken from her care, resigned to the depths of the american care system. carmen first met richard when she was thirteen and he was paying a visit to the care home she lived in, one of the many in new york state that his foundation helped support. it was not any great intellect or exceptional talent that drew him to carmen. she was never a star pupil nor a brilliant creative mind. but as he watched her interact with the other children and attentively listen to the talk he was giving about the woodrow foundation, richard saw parts of himself reflected in the young girl. there was a good heart in there, thriving despite the challenges and turmoil of her young life. richard wanted to make sure that goodness wasn't stamped out by the circumstances and path carmen had found herself walking. he wanted to give her the opportunity to put that heart to good use, and nurture the young girl so she could hopefully share that heart someday.
before moving to woodrow, carmen was always a sweet-natured child, but reserved and painfully quiet. she preferred to blend in amongst her peers, scared to rock the boat or reach out to others. living at woodrow gave her a chance to feel stability and security where she never had before and carmen could step out from under the safety blanket she lived in. she was still kind and generous, but there was a vivacious, friendly side to her personality that had never been there before. she was always quick to laugh, quick to bond with the other wards and became fiercely loyal to those she lived with at woodrow house. she saw her fellow wards, richard and the staff as a pseudo-family, filling the gaps where her biological family had never been. she held onto these new connections and friendships tightly, perhaps too tightly at times. partly because she had never had a chance to feel loved and wanted before, and partly because she was so scared of losing it all and going back to being alone. she looked up to richard in particular, her hero, father-figure and inspiration all in one. it became clear to her from a young age that she wanted to follow in his footsteps, repay the debt she would owe him for her whole life, and give back, to help others who had been just like her. she was favoured by richard for these noble ambitions and he saw carmen as someone he could mould in his own image. she wasn't as gifted or academic as the other wards, but she was the one who could continue his legacy.
carmen's style has evolved as she's grown and seen more of the world, allowing the places she's visited and people she's met to influence her. her style now leans towards scandinavian street style; high quality basics, neutral colours and an ever-present classic white t-shirt. she always wears a simple gold necklace, the one item in her possession that belonged to her mother.
carmen chose to receive her schooling from the tutors at woodrow house. never traditionally academic, she wasn't sure how much she would enjoy or benefit from attending the local private school. homeschooling was a better way to make sure she could study what truly interested her, rather than getting disheartened that she was bottom of the class. the only subject she ever excelled at was spanish, but she had the unfair advantage of being raised bilingual by her puerto-rican mother. carmen also chose not to attend college, instead opting to volunteer with the woodrow foundation during her early adulthood, travelling through south america, asia and africa to volunteer on their various projects and programmes before joining the foundation full time.
carmen took horse riding and art classes growing up. the former she adored and excelled at. the latter, not so much. she enjoyed both immensely and they're hobbies that she's carried into adulthood.
carmen was the last ward to leave woodrow house, having moved out just two weeks ago. she's spent the last ten years of her life working for the woodrow foundation, climbing the ranks to become the had of fundraising. many within and outside of the organisation considered her to be a natural successor for richard. and she thought so too. she loved the life and the world richard had given her. given she was away travelling so much with work, she didn't see the need to move out of woodrow house. that was until she started having doubts about the life she'd built for herself. a couple of years ago, it started to become clear that her insatiable need to repay richard and model her life after his, had created a life that wasn't hers at all. she looked but she couldn't find any evidence of herself in any of the choices she'd made. she loved helping people but she wanted to do it on her terms. as she'd climbed the ladder at the woodrow foundation she found herself disconnected from the work she'd been doing. she wanted to get back to what mattered most and forge her own path. but she knew giving up her work at the foundation would break richard's heart, and when she told him her decision, her worst fears were realised. they had the first falling out of their seventeen-year relationship. she left the home that had once been her sanctuary and that was the last time she saw richard alive.
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sama-not-sam · 1 month
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SAMA ALI ( AIYSHA HART ) is a THIRTY-TWO year-old UN POLITICAL AFFAIRS OFFICER in GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only THIRTEEN years old. They are known as THE AMBITIOUS because they are ASSERTIVE but also COMPETITIVE. Let’s see what choice they make regarding the fate of Woodrow House.
Full Name: Sama Ali Nickname(s): n/a, call her Sam at your own risk Date of Birth: born 1972, exact date of birth unknown; birthday celebrated October 30 Age: 32 Occupation: Political Affairs Officer for the United Nations Current Residence: Sama has a small apartment in Geneva, that she usually rents out. Her job requires her to travel frequently and for extended periods of time, but Geneva is, technically, her home base.
Hair: black, straight, shoulder length Eyes: dark brown Height: 5’9” Notable Features: high cheekbones, heavy eyebrows
Strengths: assertive, determined, pragmatic, resilient Weaknesses: competitive, single-minded, reticent, show-off Quirks: Sama has a bad habit of checking her watch when she’s bored or frustrated, and she’s never without it, or her Blackberry. She walks very quickly, for no reason other than to get to where she’s going that much faster. She will also speak for others, especially people she knows well, if she feels like they’re not answering quickly enough, or if they pause and seem to be searching for words. Her default stance when standing is her feet in third position and her hands in front of her as in first position, muscle memory left over from her years of ballet. Vices: Card games; not for gambling, she generally dislikes games of chance, but more for the thrill of winning. Dance movies; they take her back, whether they feature ballet or not, and Dirty Dancing is actually the romantic ideal. Suppressing emotions; Sama would probably cease to function if she was ever forced to actually look at all the feelings she ignores.
Interests: Poetry, feminism, global politics, ballet, The West Wing (an American political drama that she still keeps up with). Hobbies: Sama doesn’t have much time for hobbies these days, she prefers to keep herself busy with work. One hobby, which is almost a habit, that she keeps up is journaling. As a child, she journaled religiously, making sure to keep a detailed account of her life so she could update her parents when they came back for her. While she’s long since let go of that childish dream, she still journals frequently. As a result, Sama is a pen snob. Special Skills/Talents: Sama is a polyglot; fluent in English, Arabic, French, and German, as well as having some conversational Persian and Italian; she is also currently learning Mandarin. She has an admirable talent for landing on her feet, for making the best of a bad situation or snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Some may call Sama lucky, but to do so would discount all the work she puts into getting what she wants.
Sama is Richard’s most famous ward, not that anyone outside of herself, Richard, and Mrs. Tristan ever knew that. In October of 1973, there was quite a stir over a baby found in Grand Central Station, initially assumed to be lost until it became clear she’d been abandoned on purpose. With no identifying information other than a name pinned to the back of her jacket, the authorities were unable to find her parents and Sama was ultimately shuffled into foster care. Think pieces and op eds will still occasionally surface about the Grand Central Girl, which Sama has a morbid fascination with. What is common knowledge in Woodrow House is this; in 1986, an essay about the foster system was submitted to Kingsbury College’s annual writing contest, and it caught Richard’s attention to the extent that he just had to meet its author. He loved telling the story of his shock and delight on discovering that the essay had been written by a 13 year old girl, despite the fact that Sama insisted she never forgave him for the discovery that disqualified her from the contest. Over the course of a summer the two kept in touch, and letters turned into phone calls and eventually became face to face meetings. It didn’t take long for Richard to decide to take Sama on as his ward, but convincing Sama to accept his offer was another matter.
By the time Sama arrived at Woodrow House, she’d given up her girlish dream that her parents might come back for her and realized she would have to make them see their mistake. At 13 she was already the ambitious one, the one with big, big plans to become a household name, although she never told anyone why. She was always busy, always doing something, never making time to really build meaningful relationships. Which is not to say she was anti-social, she just preferred to socialize by crashing someone’s private tutoring, or trying out another ward’s latest extra-curricular. She loved learning new things and gaining new skills, and rarely quit before achieving a high level of competency. Woodrow was Sama’s seventh foster home, and she never really treated it as anything more than that, so by the time she got there, she knew how to carve out a space for herself, and how to defend it. She decided at an early age that she was never going to be anyone’s whipping girl, and she came on a little strong when she first arrived. Even when she realized that Woodrow House was not a typical foster home, she was still assertive, and sometimes too assertive, about her right to be there. It intimidated some of her fellow wards, but others weren’t phased by it. Regardless, she was never a warm and fuzzy person, and she never wanted to be a sister-figure. The roles Sama played in Woodrow House were simple. She firmly established herself as one of the older wards, usually holding herself above the younger ones. She was a favorite, both of Richard and Mrs. Tristan. She wasn’t afraid to use that to get what she wanted when the occasion called for it, but she also maintained that the reason she was a favorite was because she never asked for too much.
Sama’s style icon is CJ Cregg, from the American political drama The West Wing. She’s a big fan of power suits and loose blouses, and prioritizes high quality, classic styles over seasonal trends. She eschews many of the moment Y2K styles in favor of the designs from her twenties, maintaining a sleek and minimalist wardrobe. A businesswoman to her core, her version of dressing down is a sweater set and slacks. She favors neutrals and darker colors, and generally avoids prints. She likes headbands and still wears scrunchies when she’s having a rare casual moment. She has a modest collection of subtle stud earrings that she rotates in her single lobe piercings, and are the only jewelry she regularly wears.
As soon as it was permitted, Sama chose to attend a prestigious, and private, girls’ school, where she made rather more enemies than friends. She was quickly identified as a teacher’s pet and know-it-all, because the purpose of school for Sama was to learn and climb to the top of her class. When she graduated, her valedictorian speech brought many of the parents in the crowd to tears, but most of their daughters rolled their eyes. For college, Sama set her sights on Columbia University from a young age, and not even Richard’s fondness for his own alma mater could dissuade her. At Columbia, she double majored in Human Rights and Women’s Studies, but more importantly, she learned how to network with her peers, instead of alienating them. Sama welcomed Richard’s offer to pay for her undergraduate work, but when she was ready for grad school, she insisted on taking care of it herself, with a combination of grants, scholarships, and some student loans. Her last step in formal education was a JD degree in International and Comparative Law from Georgetown.
Ballet, tennis, debate, school newspaper. Sama dabbled in all sorts of extra-curriculars during her years at Woodrow House, but only a few were truly hers. Ballet was an interest that started before Richard came into Sama’s life, but her multiplicity of foster homes before Woodrow House made it difficult for her to truly commit to it, so Richard arranged for her to take private lessons in order to catch up with other dancers her age. The precision and structure of ballet appealed to Sama, as well as the fact that it was a challenge. Tennis was something she did because Alison did it, which is to say that she liked having an opponent who was as competitive as she was, and that she liked being around Alison. Debate and school newspaper were both things that looked good on her college resume, but she enjoyed them, as well, especially when she was made editor of the newspaper her senior year.
After graduating from Georgetown, Sama got a job at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where she began steadily working her way up through the ranks. Through it all, she never went back to Woodrow House, despite it being relatively close. There was always some sort of excuse, and it always boiled down to she was just too busy. She refused to admit that there could be anything else keeping her away. She never went out of her way to keep in touch with her fellow wards, but if any of them were willing to put in most of the work, she wouldn’t ice them out, with one obvious exception. Following 9/11, it became clear that her skin color would be a detriment to Sama’s plans, and in 2002, she transferred to Geneva, wanting some distance from the rising Islamophobia in the US. She’s settled into Geneva admirably, even preferring it to New York in some ways. She remains married to her work, pursuing her goals with the same single-minded fervor that prevented her from getting more attached to her fellow wards. Work-life balance is not a concept that Sama has any interest in and, after one situationship with a coworker that ended very messily, the only thing Sama keeps separate from work is her romantic life. Not that there’s much romance in her life, Sama doesn’t really date so much as she has habitual hookups, always strictly feelings-free until someone, usually the other person, drops the ball. Whenever feelings start to get involved, Sama’s mandate is to leave before she gets left. You’d have to have her at gunpoint to get her to admit that she’s lonely, or that all of her achievements are starting to feel empty, but she’s been fighting for the approval of the parents who didn’t want her for so long, she doesn’t know how to do anything else.
1972: Sama is born, probably sometime in the spring.
1973: Sama is found abandoned in Grand Central Station in New York City on October 30th. She is placed in her first foster home in early November.
1974: Sama is officially made a ward of the state when the case to find her parents is closed.
1986: Sama anonymously submits an essay about the foster system to the Kingsbury College writing contest, of which Richard is a faculty judge, in the spring. Sama and Richard meet and get to know each other over the summer. She moves into Woodrow House as Richard’s ward in late August.
1987: Sama begins her freshman year at a private girls’ school in the fall.
1991: Sama graduates from high school in the spring. She begins her first year at Columbia University in the fall, never returning to Woodrow House.
1995: Sama graduates from Columbia in the spring. She begins her first year at Georgetown Law in the fall.
1998: Sama graduates from Georgetown Law in the spring. She begins working at the UN headquarters in New York City over the summer.
2002: Sama takes a job at the Geneva branch of the UN.
2005: Sama receives the news of Richard’s passing and returns to Woodrow House.
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riverbills · 1 month
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RIVER BILLINGHAM ( JUSTICE SMITH ) is a TWENTY-EIGHT year-old SCREENWRITER in LOS ANGELES. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWELVE. They are known as THE MELODRAMATIC because they are IDEALISTIC but also TEMPERAMENTAL. Let’s see what choice they make regarding the fate of Woodrow House
Full Name: Christopher River Billingham
Nickname(s): As a child he used to go by Christopher. He decided to start going by his middle name when he moved to Woodrow. River had always preferred his middle name to his first name. Christopher was too inconspicuous and boring. He decided that moving to a new place was the perfect time to reinvent himself (as much as you can reinvent yourself as an twelve year old). Plus, he associated his first name with his parents and didn't want anyone else to call him that.
Date of Birth: March 3rd 1977
Age: 28
Occupation: Screenwriter
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Hair: Right now River has a curly bleach blond close cropped fade. Please always picture Justice in Generation even when I'm using gifs from other projects x
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6ft1
Notable Features: Dimples and a cute wide smile but he won't be smiling very much through the course of this rp
Strengths: Inventive,spontaneous and compassionate
Weaknesses: Immature,credulous and scattered
Quirks: Frequently chews gum, talks with his hands, usually wears multiple bracelets which he plays with,regularly gasps de and used to chew pens tops when he used pens more often
Vices:River is a very pleasure seeking person so has dabbled in alcohol, nicotine and drugs at various points in his life. He was a regular smoker from the ages of 16-19 but he didn't like the lingering smell of cigarettes on his clothes so decided to fill the hole nic left with red bull.
Interests: Writing, fashion, the history of film & photography, literature and after he processed his parents deaths he got back into music.
Hobbies: River has cds but he stands by his tape collection. He doesn't go out as much as he used to in his early 20s but he still enjoys clubbing. He also enjoys rollerblading and painting
Special Skills/Talents: Depending on when you ask him River would either answer this question with “Whatever I put my mind to.” or “Nothing.” He's pretty good at writing and acting. He learned to play the drums as a child but stopped after his parents death. However, he started playing the drums again in his late teens. He has tried djing a couple of times and is quite good at that
cws: lightly implied period typical racism and this is woodrow ward lore so parental death (this time with a slight twist on a motor accident)
When River was born his dad was the frontman of a popular psychedelic rock band. River’s birth and his parents long term mostly monogamous relationship was kept a secret from the press because it was safer and more beneficial for River's dad to act as a cool sexually available rockstar than admit to the public that the Black woman working as the bands public assistant was actually his wife. Even long after the band split up and River's dad had moved onto making weird but very of the time new wave music as a solo artist he kept River's existence a secret from the general public. This was so River could have an upbringing that was more luxurious than most people's but didn't involve his classmates asking about his dad or being pestered by the paparazzi. River’s upbringing was very sheltered and he still views his childhood as an idyllic time in his life. His primary caretaker was a nanny but at the time he didn't see this as a negative experience and he didn't feel emotionally neglected by his parents. It was an exciting treat every time they stayed with him for long periods of time. When he was twelve both of his parents went on the twentieth anniversary reunion tour for his dad's band's first album. There was a horrific tour bus crash in which both of his parents died. Even though the general public didn't know he existed, various rich people his parents met at charity events did (this includes Richard Woodrow). Forever the bleeding heart Richard offered to take in River. Both sets of River's grandparents agreed that there would be less chance of a scandal and word getting out about River existing if he lived at Richard's secluded New York Estate.
Unsurprisingly, River was very volatile when he first moved to Woodrow House. He was a sensitive pre-teen who was grieving his parents and had just moved to the other side of the country. He would snap at unexpected moments and cry for no particular reason. With the passage of time and the best therapy Richard could buy that behaviour eased up. However, he was still one of the more expressive wards. He would make his emotions known through his words and actions. He was probably a source of great annoyance for most of the wards. But I'm sure at least one of them found him to be fun, charming and loving. River enjoyed having lots of people around Woodrow as a teenager. He's a true extrovert and being around others reinvigorates him. Though growing up River often felt like a failure compared to some of the other wards because he wasn't an academic genius.
River's sense of style is a lot more garish and informal than most of the other wards. He has a behind the scenes job in film and tv and lives in LA so he really can wear whatever he wants. He has a lot of loose fitting brightly coloured shirts. But he's still young and hot enough for the occasional tight tank top. He also has a lot of shorts of various colours and textures. He does not have many clothes that are weather appropriate for New York. River has one of his ears pierced so he often wear stud earrings or little hoops. He loves wearing multiple embroidered bracelets at once
River chose to go to the same private school other wards had/were attending. He wanted to prove that he was as good as they were despite not being a natural academic. Another reason River wanted to go to a real school was because he wanted to meet more people and have a social life outside of the other wards. While in school one of the writing exercises River enjoyed the most was screenwriting and he wanted to go back to California so that's why he applied for a BFA in film at Dodge.
If it wasn't clear River was a very artistic and dramatic adolescent. He spent a lot of time painting and crafting in the art room. He also enjoyed creative writing. When he started private school he did drama and directed multiple productions. River wasn't interested in sports but decided to try to find some he enjoyed because he knew Richard thought sport was an important part of making the wards well rounded individuals. Plus, he was jealous of the cute little outfits other wards wore as sports uniforms. He played cricket for multiple years. He never fully understood the rules but knew he had to run after batting the ball and thought cricket whites looked chic. He also took up dressage because he thought there was something sweet about doing a sport where you need to connect to an animal and again he got to wear a fun outfit.
River has been coasting through life since graduation. He decided to stay in LA to pursue screenwriting and because he's a west coast baby at heart. Two of his scripts have been made into movies but they weren't big Hollywood features. The movies he wrote were very low budget indie dramas that didn't make much money. The biggest fans of his films are probably people who found them at the Dollar Tree DVD basket. River mainly writes TV show episodes. His most steady source of income is a medical drama. His lifestyle hasn't changed much since his early 20s. He goes out to clubs to feel something and make meaningful fleeting connections. The only way he's more successful than most of the other wards is the fact he has a spacious house with a pool. He uses the fact his house was expensive to justify why he has 3 housemates (an actress who mainly works in tv, a mildly famous model and a director he met because she directed one of his scripts). He also has a cat called Saskia. He adopted her from a friend who couldn't look after her anymore after moving in with her boyfriend with cat hair allergies. River brought Saskia to Woodrow House with him because she’s a daddy's girl and would make everyone's lives miserable if he left her for weeks.
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starrrling · 1 month
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REECE STARLING ( RACHEL SENNOTT ) is a TWENTY-SIX year-old GUITAR TEACHER in STATEN ISLAND. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only ELEVEN years old. They are known as THE MISCHIEVOUS because they are MIRTHFUL but also IRREVERENT.
tw: substance abuse/addiction, parental neglect/custody loss, death, domestic abuse
Full Name: Theresa Rebecca Starling
Nickname(s): Reece 
Date of Birth: December 7, 1978
Age: twenty-five
Occupation: guitar teacher & restaurant hostess 
Current Residence: Staten Island
Hair: brown, curly
Eyes: gray
Height: 5’2
Notable Features: Reece is rocking up to Richard’s funeral with a strip band-aid over her nose and a bruised eye :/
Strengths: amiable, outgoing, witty
Weaknesses: flippant, addictive, impulsive
Quirks: talks with her hands like a true italian, constantly fidgets with her jewelry
Vices: aside from her smoking habit—weed and cigarettes—Reece needs Monster Energy in an IV to make it through the day
Interests: astrology, music production, tabloid gossip, the 2005 music industry as a whole, the brad x angelina x jennifer love triangle, survivor, grey’s anatomy, gwen stefani 
Hobbies: stand-up at the local open mics, songwriting, music mixing, bird-watching, parkour
Special Skills/Talents: music theory & a handful of instruments (mostly guitar)
Reece’s grandmother, Estie, was an old friend of Richard’s wife, Adelia, who she met in school; once they were all married—Adelia to Richard, of course, and Estie to her own husband, Charlie—I imagine they were “couple friends,” with double dates and so on.  Estie got pregnant with Reece’s mom, Tess, a little less than a year before Adelia got pregnant with Winifred; the women probably talked about how they’d raise their daughters together. When Adelia passed in childbirth, though, Estie was heartbroken; Estie and her husband remained in contact with Richard, trying to be there for him and Winnifred if they needed anything. Winnifred and Tess spent their early years as friends.  Shortly before Winnifred disappeared, Estie’s husband died of a heart attack; Estie and Richard came to lean on each other in this time—a widower trying to raise her daughter alone, and a man who had lost everything. They found comfort in each other. It wasn’t some torrid affair—they were just the only two people left living who could understand one another. They both felt guilty, as though they’d betrayed Adelia and Charlie, and the two grew apart.  Tess, who never fully recovered from the sudden loss of her father and close friend in childhood, dropped out of high school later on, and developed a drinking problem which progressed to a drug addiction as she got older. At 24, Tess got pregnant with Reece; when Reece’s father, a fling at best, didn’t want anything to do with it, Tess moved to Chicago for a fresh start. Tess tried to raise Reece and get her life under control, but without proper help, Tess was never able to stay sober for long. When Reece was five, CPS got involved after Tess overdosed, and Reece was taken into the foster care system for a few months.  Tess was able to get sober and get Reece back; the two moved back to Staten Island, where Estie was, and when Tess fell off the wagon again a year later, Reece moved in with Estie, who raised her for the next five years. This took place in the late eighties, when I imagine Estie and Richard would have caught up after all of that time had passed—perhaps Richard would have even met Reece once or twice at some gathering or another that he invited Estie to attend, although Reece and Richard didn’t know each other especially well until Estie, aged 63, died in a car accident in 1990, when Reece was only eleven. Aware that Reece had been in the sole care of his old friend, Richard stepped in to prevent Reece from having to enter the foster care system again.
Reece arrived at the Woodrow House as a grieving eleven-year-old who had no idea how to deal with her pain aside from joking about it. The times she spent in her mom's care as a kid were often turbulent, and she'd kind of adapted to the unpredictability of her mom's moods by learning to be an entertainer—nobody can yell at you if they're too busy laughing, right? So, reece developed a real knack for levity and lifting spirits that she carried with her when her grandmother got custody while reece was 5, and again when her grandmother passed and she moved into Richard's care at age 11. Reece has never been good at dealing with the deep stuff, so it's always been hard to get her to be serious about anything. Growing up, I guess you could say she was kind of a troublemaker, but it all came from a kind of impulsive hedonism on Reece's part. it was less true rebellion for the sake of rebelling, and more a desire to do whatever would be the funnest/funniest, no matter the consequences. She has some trouble knowing when a joke has gone too far sometimes, because in her mind, the Joke—whatever that joke may be in the moment—is praxis. Reece more or less invented committing to the bit! She probably spent plenty of time trying to get the other wards to go along with her dumb bits or reckless schemes, too, and she's never been able to stand anyone who takes themselves too seriously. So, that's Reece: an eternal class clown, because laughter takes some of the sting out of the truth. Even the wards that are closest to Reece probably haven't had a lot of truly deep, serious conversations with Reece—at least ones that she participated in voluntarily. Reece spent a long time in and out of alcoholism treatment programs because she couldn't really take her own addiction seriously and see it for what it was; she started drinking young, probably around 13, and she immediately understood what her mother saw in it as an all-day activity. It didn't take long for Richard to recognize Reece's drinking as problematic—after all, thirteen is young to even be experimenting with alcohol, especially given Reece's family history—but it took years of short-lasting sober stints and casual backslides for Reece to understand that she wasn't just being young and dumb, and everyone was right to be worried: it's an illness, and it's not something that went away when she turned twenty-one, which is what she'd been hoping. an instance of alcohol poisoning on her 21st birthday, though, led to Reece getting placed in a more serious addiction rehabilitation program, and she had to drop out of school, but she did get sober at 21, at least for the time being.
vintage rings, snarled curls, smudged makeup, menthol marlboros, crushed energy drink cans in the bottom of a beat up purple vw bug, scrawled-on sheet music
Reece's wardrobe pretty much gives y2k laundry day. even though her outfits are usually pretty low-effort, she sort of always comes off as though she's wearing a costume. She oscilates drastically between slutty hi-femme clothes and absolute androgyny, and sometimes she blends the two at once. She wears rings, and her hair is almost always tied back.
Reece absolutely wanted to be a private school girl, but not for any academic reason. She probably just thought it would be like the movies. Reece wasn’t especially focused when it came to her education, but she did well enough to get accepted to college, which she saw, on-and-off, as a place to party, mostly. She ended up dropping out in her junior year because her alcoholism had gotten out of control, and she needed to go to rehab; she never ended up getting her music degree. 
Always inclined towards music, Reece cycled through a number of instruments growing up—piano was her first and longest instrument, encouraged by Richard, but Reece’s favorite was guitar (something she picked up at around 14), which she still plays today. She took singing lessons for a while when she first started taking piano, and she also learned some percussion. She probably learned a little saxophone and clarinet, too, so that she’d have experience with band instruments. When it was clear that music was a real passion of Reece’s, Richard set her up with someone who could teach her music theory, and her tutor helped her learn to write music of her own, which became Reece’s major focus during her high school years. For the first couple of years she was at the estate, I also think she probably took some acting lessons and did some local theater acting, since it was probably pretty obvious that Reece really liked being the center of attention and needed some outlet for that.
As stated before, Reece enrolled at NYU to get a degree in music—I'm thinking something related to digital music production, although Reece doesn't have the equipment to do much of that anymore—and she was sober on-and-off over the first few years, not really taking seriously the fact that she needed to stop drinking, but keeping it under wraps enough that things didn't come to a head until her 21st birthday. After being hospitalized with alcohol poisoning, Reece dropped out, got sober, got settled, and moved back to her hometown of Staten Island, where she job hopped for a while before becoming a guitar teacher. Nine months ago, Reece relapsed; she'd had a conversation with her mom, something she hadn't done since her mother lost custody, and it reopened a lot of old wounds Reece didn't know how to deal with; she felt really alone in Staten Island, and she didn't want to reach out to anybody, so she started drinking again, something she kept a secret for as long as she could. Of course, Richard eventually caught on, and he helped Reece to get sober again; the other wards will probably be vaugely aware that Reece is set to collect her 7-month chip in a couple of weeks. Another thing Reece kept a secret, albeit successfully, this time: she started dating a guy she met at an open mic night she preformed at (aspiring comic in new york lets goooo) five months ago, even though recently recovered addicts are generally supposed to hold off on dating anyone until they've been sober for at least a year, for the sake of stability in sobriety. The relationship was turbulent to start—he negged her comedy routine–but it was combative in a way that Reece found kind of... comfortable, maybe? It was passionate, kind of hot and heavy, and Reece moved in with him right away; however, the relationship very recently came to a head—what had always been a fiery relationship eventually progressed into Jack manipulating & mistreating Reece, including a few instances of physical abuse. So, Reece will be rocking up to the Woodrow House for the funeral with a black eye and a bandaged nose, less than a week off of a break-up, and in need of somewhere to live (she'd been planning on couch-surfing during the process of trying to get her old apartment back </3).
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aliscntcrres · 1 month
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ALISON TORRES ( MELISSA BARRERA ) is a THIRTY FIVE year-old PURCHASING AGENT AND FINANCIAL ADVISOR in NEW YORK CITY. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only FIFTEEN years old. They are known as THE GUARDIAN because they are GENUINE but also HEADSTRONG.
Full Name: Alison Torres
Nickname(s): …… Alison. Don’t call her anything else.
Date of Birth: December 31st 1969
Age: 35
Gender & Pronouns: cis woman and she/her
Occupation: Purchasing Agent and Financial Advisor for some big fancy firm that is remaining unnamed because I haven't decided what it's called yet
Current Residence: Penthouse apartment in the Upper East Side, New York City
Pinterest <3
Hair: Very dark brown, basically black except in some lights. On the longer side but always well looked after and styled perfectly. Mostly worn down unless she's exercising or stressed out.
Eyes: Deep dark brown baby
Height: 5’6
Notable Features: Resting bitch face, abs, strong brows, and those gorgeous dark eyes
Strengths: Genuine, Honest, Organised, Ambitious, Intelligent, Loyal, Confident
Weaknesses: Headstrong, Closed-off, Judgemental, Cold, Competitive
Quirks: Perfect posture (most of the time), tapping her nails against things
Vices: Definitely drinks and smokes regularly. But sodas?? Candy??? Fried food??? Get fucked she’s not touching that shit!!! Her body is a temple!!! - Also has an absolute potty mouth <3
Interests: Wellness, fashion, money <3, crime drama shows, language studies 
Hobbies: Tennis and fitness in general, various different puzzles, chess, reading
Special Skills/Talents: Analysis especially financial, languages, puzzle solving
Alison first met Richard at a small academic gala that she and her high school debate team were invited to as a result of winning the national championships. She showed incredible academic promise being the only freshman on the team, and she absolutely used that to her advantage at this gala. By the age of fifteen Alison was very aware that the only way she’d get anywhere in this world was if she worked and schmoozed for it. Every academic scholar in that room was Alison’s target, including Richard Woodrow. What surprised her was when Professor Woodrow actually took some kind of interest in who she was. She fell into a conversation that was far harder than any of the schmoozing and connection forming she had been attempting with everyone else, but it was far, far more genuine. She revealed the circumstances that had led to her parents no longer being in her life (circumstances i am purposefully leaving out of this intro because i think that most of the wards wouldn’t know teehee), legally fostered by a family friend though never feeling as though she had an actual place there. How dedicated and legitimately talented she was with her academics with the goal of creating a life for herself that she had to carve out. That she didn’t imagine herself with limits despite her life, because how would she get anywhere if she did. When Richard’s offer came some weeks later Alison was, of course, deeply skeptical. As far as her experience went, things like this weren’t handed out without a string attached. She did her research on Professor Woodrow– going so far as to write a letter to the university where he taught to ask for a letter of recommendation. However the thing that finally convinced her to take the offer of becoming his ward was when she met the staff of his estate. The people that worked for him. To be honest, people she saw more like her than like Woodrow. Their opinions of Richard Woodrow were the only ones that mattered in the end.
Alison became a ward when she was 15 and had spent a majority of her life alone– so to change at that age was strange. Coming to Woodrow House was like attending a weird new school and with that mindset she was always dedicated to her studies, a sort of line in the sand with the intention of protecting herself from emotional vulnerability. This was an opportunity and if she didn't make the most of it she'd failed in someway. However something she came to understand was that a part of this opportunity, a part of being the first ward, was also in her relationship with the others.
Alison is not, and has never been, a traditional caregiver. She's not a mother, she's not nurturing, she's not soft. But her role as the first ward is hugely important to her, both in setting some kind of example and in looking out for all the others. She cares deeply, and she tries with all her heart to make sure the others are okay– if they can’t be happy, they have to be okay. When they were all younger, most living at the house, Alison made sure she knew a little of everyone’s schedules, of everyone’s interests, of everyone’s habits. All so she could notice when things were off, and she could plan an approach if she believed one was needed. She kept track of important events for them all, always having a diary full of birthdays, significant dates, big assignments. Something all the wards might remember is that she always made sure to note the day they came to the house. In various sorts of ways, but generally all very small as the time was likely traumatic for many of the other wards. A small gift, their favourite breakfast, making sure they get a moment in the day to just be alone if that’s what they needed. A lot of these things have followed her into adulthood. She checks on all of them regularly (regularity depending on each ward and how much Alison believes they need checking in on), sometimes perhaps it seems like she’s bossy and judgemental and inserting herself into their business– and hey, she sometimes is! But it’s because she wants what’s best for all of them. I believe all of the wards know that if they need something, if they need help, Alison would help them. There’s absolutely no promise she wouldn’t judge them, but she wouldn’t hesitate to help.
Alison dresses somewhere in the line of fashionable, sexy, rich bitch with a corporate job. Which is exactly what she is. Borderlines being conservative by being sexy as hell. Plenty of I could be going to the office, or I could be going to the club– you’ll never know! The only difference is a blazer! I looked largely at Ralph Lauren and Prada late 80s and 90s runways for inspiration. Almost entirely neutral tones, I know it’s the early 2000s but you will rarely find her in a colour. Simple and tasteful jewelry, two items she’s always wearing are: a golden crucifix necklace that she’d had since childhood, and a Tank Louis Cartier watch with a black leather band that was gifted to her by Richard when she completed her masters.  I can’t describe any more so here’s a pinterest section <3
Alison attended private schooling when she became a ward but received further tutoring at the home as well. For her, the entire purpose of becoming a ward was to further her education and she took that very seriously. She intended on making the most of the opportunity, and reaching for every branch that was held out to her. Including going on to university following her secondary education. She went to Richard’s alma mater, Kingsbury College, majoring in business and finance. Continued on to do her masters in finance also.
Alison played tennis from early on in her ward-ship. Perhaps subconsciously being drawn towards a sport that required someone else to play against as she began to abandon her childhood solace. As mentioned previously, she also studied plenty and enjoyed it enough for me to call it an extracurricular. Enjoying her extra tuition in languages especially. Her mother tongue is Spanish and she learned English as a very young child but since becoming a ward she also became fluent in Russian. An ambition that came to light after one person said it would be hard. She also has bits and pieces of French, Italian, and Latin. The final thing I’ll say here is that Alison loves a puzzle. She enjoys both the solitary kind like sudoku or crosswords, but also loves some chess– so long as she wins teehee.
When Alison graduated high school it had only been three years since she became a ward. Maybe it was a feeling of needing to stay close to the house for the other wards, maybe it was something selfish of not wanting to leave behind the first easy, comforting thing she really knew. Maybe it was both. But regardless, as a result she didn’t go far. As mentioned she attended Richard’s alma mater after finishing high school, close enough that her presence in the home could still be felt. Returning to the house every weekend or every other weekend.  Her first "serious" job was with the Woodrow Foundation. Getting her start there and doing good work as she continued to work on her degree. At least for a few years before she left a little abruptly. Moved on to bigger and better things. Certainly she continues to support the Foundation entirely, promotes it by simply having lived her life, but it’s very important to her that she doesn’t lean on it. Richard Woodrow helped her so she could achieve great things on her own, not so she could work for him – at least that's what she says. But she continued to work hard, regardless of where or who she was working for and that certainly shows in the life she continues to lead. Alison lives in New York City but ever since she moved out she has regularly visited the Woodrow House. Less so as all the wards moved out but still every now and then to check on whoever remained, including the staff and Richard himself. Considering how solitary of a life she lives outside of the Woodrow House, her home is ridiculously large by comparison. A four bedroom penthouse in the Upper East Side. All of the rooms are maintained no matter what, just in case any of the wards need a place to crash. If she's away for whatever reason she'll make sure a housekeeper comes through to keep them up and the lobby of her building has instructions to allow any other ward up at any time, but to always notify her. But if there's no wards, and presumably most of the time there's not, it's just her and her 12 year old chihuahua named Benito in the big, soulless apartment.
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