#write when the two protag's eyes catch across the room
jankwritten · 2 years
the story doesn't start with the beginning or the end, the story starts with the moments that spark it. the story starts with that idea you had that made you want to sit down and write, the story starts with the moment the characters have that branches out and out, blooms into so many different choices and paths and conversations. it's okay if you don't know how to begin or how to end or even if you don't know what the story wants. just write the moments. follow them and see where they lead.
#this post brought to you by: my fucking writing process#i always try to force myself to write the beginning like i 'should' but then i get BORED and i wanna write the FUN STUFF#so write the fucking fun stuff!!!!#write the moments!!!!!#write when the two protag's eyes catch across the room#write the moment when the main character massively fucks up his entire project and ruins months of work!#write the moment where the hero and the villain run up against one another and in the ensuing fight we learn that they loved one another#like write the shit that makes the story INTERESTING!!!#i PROMISE it will lead you to the plot it will lead you to all the points you need SO Much better#you don't have to start where the story starts. you can start wherever the FUCK you want and then decide later what to do#i always start writing where the conlflict begins#and then if backstory is needed or if there's something that should come first i can make it come first#i can start with nico meeting the weird pale blonde boy and taking him into the woods and then i can go back and add the context#write the moments god dammit#ALSO ALSO ALSO if this advice isn't for you then fuck it!!! this is my advice that i took and it works for me and if it doesn't work for u#then that's totally chill and cool and sexy! now you know one more thing that doesn't work and you're closer to finding the thing that does#it's 3 am so i don't know how coherent this will seem in the morning but By The Gods does it feel so important rn#maybe this is more just a note for myself. write the fucking moments grey.
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tofumedic · 3 years
Brothers + Diavolo w/ a selectively mute GN!MC
summary: how well the brothers would be able to deal with you being selectively mute and how they respond to you talking to them !
Other than Diavolo, he may be the only one to know beforehand as helping in the organization of the RAD program, however it may only be overlooked if it is not present in any kind of record like schooling or medical.
When you first come into Devildom, your D.D.D. may be used as a sort of translation object between you and those present.
He is a little peeved in the beginning before you are able to explain it, he would regain his calm but would see it as a small setback to how he expected orientation to go.
Other than that he quickly learns about you and how you work so that he can work with you while trying not to dote on you!
The one that would gift you small portable whiteboards and markers if you had a preference over it for typing, professional though only dark blue and black inked markers <//3
Your first words to him are probably about answering a question or a summons, he does a lot of both but don't call him out for being clingy okay
If this man is standing or getting up to greet you expect him to stumble, just slightly catching himself on the edge of his office desk or resting a hand against the wall
When he meets your eyes you can see there's a pinch of panic of "you did not just see that please tell no one" that melts back into "oh my god???????"
He's quick to relax back into what he wanted to talk to you about, not wanting you too feel anxious or guilty for however long it took for you guys to have a mutual trust and safety net.
For the rest of the day his face remains in this pleasant smile and everyone except Asmo and Beel are suspicious, Mammon being especially on edge.
If they call him out on what has him so happy today he will brush them off for being nosy about what isn't their worries but the small blush that rises to his face as he crosses his arms does not help his case.
He is all of your noise
He gets forgetful and will try to have conversations across the house by yelling at you only to barge into your room in his petty fake anger just to see your face either amused at him or completely deadpan and he just ....🧍‍♂️
He gets anxious about leaving anywhere without his D.D.D. now what if his human needs him while he's not "bothering" you
Takes extreme pride in helping you order food when you go out places whether with his brothers or just alone, he loves it. Not only does he get an excuse to sit by your side and lean into your shoulder to see what menu item you're pointing at but it means he also has less worry about, he likes being close by to help you just in general.
Your first words are probably involving some drama he was mourning over earlier that day, probably with Lucifer or being the butt of the joke with another brother.
If Lucifer would stumble, expect this man to fully fall. God forbid you two are walking down the stairs instead of him rolling off the edge of your bed or just plopping on the carpet.
He would be so excited, his cheeks are burning even though you may have not even complimented him those words are gonna be ingrained to his memory maybe even written down in his notes app.
But he will downplay how happy he is that out of all of them he was the first you talked to, because of course it would be him the great Mammon and your first man it just made sense.
He's over the moon he won't flex it unless you start being verbal with more of his brothers he doesn't want them to pressure you into speaking no matter how much the urge bubbles up while Asmo is talking about how you would rather match outfits with him that others
He doesn't mind that much, at the beginning of your relationship he is very shy and doesn't really start talking unless something reminded him of one of his shows or games
Will gain a habit of just texting you instead of asking you a question outloud, just because he thinks its more polite and understands as in sometimes it's too much energy to open his mouth to speak
Teaches you phrases from his games, basically call outs, as an extra layer of code to let you know if you're camping out in his room that he is gonna leave for a package (going to spawn camp) or food (healing) etc
He does get jealous saying it's unfair about Mammon helping you order stuff in the "irl" while absolutely being too nervous to do it for himself as well
You two have your own codes for entering each others room, knocking to the tune of a popular sound effect from a game you play together for the ease but he enjoys when you try to do the beginning of an ost or girl group song and he tries to guess it
Your first words for him are probably you entering his room with some snacks or having picked up a package for him from his door, his response to you entering would be asking you to hold on this match or episode was almost done
So when you give out hum and either let him know you're staying or you're signing off (leaving) it's an insta-death, his attention is caught so fast
His posture extremely straight from his hunched focus as he speedquits his match closing every tab back to desktop before standing up on his wobbly legs and giving you the most affection he can handle of having that without warning
He gives you a small headbutt, pushing his forehead into your shoulder as he controls his breathing. He can't handle it that's like finale love interest marrying the protag and you hit him with it so lightly.
He wouldn't change his preference of texting you questions as it's something he's still comfortable with and you speaking to him makes him feel like he's reached masters rank without losing any matches
He is your best bet for knowing sign language, he finds it interesting that there are so many regional variations has tucked his knowledge of them into his big ol head
His movements would be hesitant as he's mentally dusting off the memory of practice but he is very good at it, though he wouldn't be more than only a pinch disappointed if you didn't prefer that way.
He be more interested in you in the beginning before learning about your magical presence and the pact hunt, it's unusual to him and he likes the study
Picks up small things that are unnoticeable to everyone but you about small habits and things that barely make it easier, like remembering to rebuke Mammon when he goes to order but forgets you don't like a certain ingredient and asks for it to be removed himself.
Would ask if you would like to learn Devildom's concept of sign language, maybe just quick easy signs for going about RAD tasks and classes
Your first words are probably said to him in the safety of his study, surrounded by books or even your homework while he reads
MC i love you very much but i feel like it would be something really stupid or cursed along the lines of
"I'm tired of people making Frankenstein's creature ugly he's literally written to be sexy" or "Why are people so attracted to Dracula he's supposed to ugly af >:/"
He would be.. very nonchalant about the fact it was you speaking to him and acting like he was talking to one of his brothers and going against you in the argument until he picks up those books to prove his side to be like "oh."
He needs a moment after such a not so public embarrassment so it would be later while you're both laying in your respective rooms and he's going over it in his head and then it hits him. It also hits that it was perhaps the most unromantic way it could have gone but it makes him smile into his pillow.
He has it as a secret weapon against Lucifer but he likes knowing something his brother doesn't
He can't look at you for too long the next day but will use the two figures of your mock argument to lightly bully you being soft on you in the comfort he wanted you to know was returned
"In case of argument, you would make a very good creation made in such a pleasing image"
He is willing to fill up space for conversations for you also, he has a lot to say but will still ask you questions and for your input so you're included
He thinks the whiteboard concept is very cute! He would be the one to get you little accessories like a bag just for that and your markers or a strap for it. He would also be the one to get you more marker colors, you having just black and dark blue is unforgivable
Enjoys asking you how you're feeling, in a way that's easier if you didn't want to write or type it all out is giving him a number between 1-10. 10 is for your absolute worst like if you are having a day that you can't get out of bed or 1 where you're feeling really good like nothing can hurt you.
Doesn't force you to go out and party with him in case it's bad for your nerves or there's a worry demons will rude about "their advances being ignored."
Likes being close to you, so you can write in a notes app or use some other alternative other than texting where he might not see it getting buried by other messages.
Asmo would enjoy either holding hands or wrapping his arm around yours of your non dominant side, he makes good by staying on that side when he's going for affection or just to be in your bubble.
You talking to him for the first time would probably being during an outfit review or ordering new face masks off of Akuzon.
And he would melt, pelting you with kisses smothering every empty inch of your forehead, your cheeks, the bridge of your nose he's so happy
Whatever you were doing or looking at becomes his favorite, a fit he wears when he feels down to keep him happy, or using a specific brand of nail polish or face mask specifically due to the memory
Would find any lisp or rasp overwhelmingly adorable, of course it fits his angel you sound undeniably perfect. Loves how conversations sound with your two voices mixing together.
He wouldn't completely understand but he isn't rude about it, his actions remaining normal to how he usually acts
If you wanted to learn their version of sign language he would try with you no matter if it was a struggle to fit into his schedule between the gym and spending time with Belphie and RAD and anything else but wouldn't want you to do it alone
He would keep you safe from anyone who had a problem with it, he's used to Belphie not wanting to talk to people other than him so he would be able to handle it especially if you two had similar gestures you used
Beel is also quite quiet in his own other from rumblings or dislike about being yelled at, he's good at still talking and holding his ground in arguments too but affection with him would be extra quiet compared to extra brothers
Your silence other than shuffles or small laughs, it's comforting like a sense of calm. It makes him think of your human dream catchers always quiet yet supposedly helpful and healing
You may verbally ask for a treat or some of his snack he brought for you two instead of a small gesture if your arms are trapped in the cuddle position you've been stuck in and any food he was eating would pause. Giving him a second he would easily give you all that was left
"Not hungry anymore" he would say his eyes warm before closing with his warm smile, he melts more into you like a jacket to let you feel how warm his heart was.
You were always special even if as an agent of chaos with some of the phrases you would drop, and he would adopt into his vocabulary and even further speaking for you in situations you couldn't
Belphie when you first met would give you a different gaze, in a slight squint almost breaking his image of being a helpless human but he would override it, continuing on like normal
At the beginning he may have even less belief in you getting pacts with his brothers but you still prove you're capable and things are normal for how he would treat you, not really changing just like Beel.
For a man (demon) to say actions are stronger than words, he certainly strains his ears just in case you answer his question in that way not that you would know and i certainly did not let you know ok??? cool cool
Other than that he really doesn't mind!!! You and Beel are really his top two people he has interest in being with and you being mute wouldn't change anything ! He may seek you more for naps outside of his room or the attic you don't move as much as Beel does as long as he doesn't curl up over your arms
In the privacy of one of your rooms- whether Asmo and Mammon are out on the town or in his while Beel is at the gym or somewhere else- is your first words spoken as softly as you can to him
Him laying across you with his head resting with his mouth close to your collarbone and ear resting almost on your neck he can feel the vibration in your vocal cords, you were probably asking him to move
Which you probably thought he was doing but any movement was so he could be closer to that feeling of your words if you spoke again, his knees tucking up while his toes curl
You wouldn't be able to fully process just how important that action was to him, you trusted him and felt safe and could let words out to him, after everything that was real forgiveness.
Him just looking over and encouraging you being chosen by Lucifer, he probably would not know unless again it was strongly present in your transcripts
He would find it interesting, it was your first surprise to him and filled him with mirth at the concept of seeing Lucifer tense in confusion his feathers absolutely ruffled
Though while you were already human which meant your interactions were sure to be interesting to him, the way you interacted was also completely different from Solomon, he would love giving you his time no matter how Barbatos would sigh already seeing it before it went into motion
It may mean a little extra work for Lucifer but he wouldn't complain he did a good job picking you for Diavolo to enjoy your company so much even if he was slightly worried on your influence on him
For doting only predict help with fixing the RAD program and making your class experience more accessible, if he tries to help too much someone would certainly have a word with him
He's known being compassionate, he just wants it to be easy for you as it is probably hard enough on you between the brothers, school, and being selectively mute
He barely uses his D.D.D. but if you prefer using that it's no problem though do give him awhile to type out his long messaged questions instead of asking them on call
First words with him may be said on a trip out to explore or in his castle during a private moment in the retreat or in his office
No matter the context it would be a mood booster, he would compliment you you're voice is perfect to him it matches the image you've shown so far
It's a delight, you never fail to surprise him he may repeat your words in his own voice laugh resting on his breath. He'd ask you to stay a little longer if he can get away with it, and if he can't he surely will try
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affectionatealien · 5 years
Your Heart is a Garden
Summary: Habit’s had something on his mind, and tries to do a little gardening to distract himself. It’s a bit obvious though he can’t quite focus on anything else like he wants to.
Warnings: None
A/N: Another fic of my flower protag/ insert and habit! This time it’s long sappy confession junk bc I’ve been dying to write this out ;v; 
Mountain air seemed to be so refreshing in the morning like this. It seeped in through the windows Boris opened while he busied himself in the kitchen, and crept into the living room while I usually tried to prepare to be awake for the day.
 However, it took me awhile of laying on the futon to realize there was no mountain air, or kitchen bustle to wake up to. I hadn't woken up that late had I? No, a glance at the clock assured me it was still early. Still trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes I got up, peeked into Boris's room since he'd left the door open. Not there either. Odd, especially for him. 
I had to catch myself as worry threatened to bubble up- Boris was probably just down in the garden, or, somewhere else in what was left of the habitat. Of course. Besides, it was silly to worry about him not being here just one morning... Perhaps a little time to myself could be a good thing, after all! 
Making breakfast was easy enough with something simple like toast and cereal, and now my mind could wander to what I'd spend the rest of the day doing. Maybe I could watch that one movie I'd been waiting to check out... Ah, no, I wanted to save it for me and Boris to watch. Games? No, I'd already beaten most of what I had and just liked doing two player stuff with Boris when he was in the mood for it. Art? Now that could work... Ever since I'd come to stay here, my inspiration had spiked like I hadn't seen in years. It was refreshing to make something I didn't hate as soon as I was done with it...
Flopping back onto the couch, I fished out the sketchbook that was always hidden away under it or in a crevice somewhere, depending on how tired I was when I stashed it. Opening it, I was met with what I was last working on... A page full of sketches of different blossoms, ones found in the garden me and Boris had been tending to so carefully. Among them, was a single sketch of the tall russian man himself- carefully cutting a rose blossom from a bush. I'd almost forgotten about it, about watching him look so tender and focused and the urge to capture it that was impossible to ignore. And something about it feels so embarrassing and... Alien about it, I close the sketchbook again, any previous ideas gone. Damn.
Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to go down to the garden anyways. I just needed some fresh air and sunshine maybe, certainly that would clear my head, help me pass the time. And if Boris was down there I could check on him. Maybe even work in the garden with him a little. It'd be much better than being so listless up here. I just had to actually finish getting ready for the day first...
Coming down from the apartment through the boiler room, I found myself in the courtyard, now repurposed into a garden and fully in bloom. It was something Boris had truly put his heart and soul into since he closed the Habitat for good, and it had really shown in even just the past couple of months I'd been here.
 Blossoms of all shapes and colors and sizes made a meandering maze, one I'd learned to navigate by memory at this point. The only hard part would be finding Boris- he was prone to attending to the plants in a somewhat flighty manner, never too still before finding another plant that needed his love and affection (and maybe some fertilizer). 
With that in mind, it was pretty surprising when I found him sitting in one of the nooks formed by a gathering of hydrangea bushes, a single potted flower in his lap. He didn't seem to being so much gardening as he was letting himself get lost in thought. 
"Boris?" I called out, moving carefully past some recently planted bushes. His head snapped up upon hearing his name, and that surpised look lingers a little too long, like he's in a daze. But it quickly disappeared, giving way to a soft smile upon recognizing it was just me. But, there was more to it... The way his smile is just a little too tired for this time of the morning. Almost forlorn...
"Ah! Finn... I didnn't expect you to come down. Did you need som-thing...?" He asked. I shook my head, instead opting to take a seat in the cool grass next to him.
"Just wanted to check on ya. Not used to seeing you down here this early I guess..." I explained. And in the moment I want to tell him how lonely mornings without him feel, but it'd be too much. So instead I lingered, waited for him to say something so I could forget about it.
"I see... Sorry, I didn't mean to worrie you. I just needed some time to think I suppose... The garden seams to be a good place for that." His gaze had returned to the flowering plant in front of him, like looking into it would help him eventually have some grand epiphany about whatever seemed to bother him.
  "Yeah, I get what you mean... And, y'know you can talk to me too. It's what friends are for right?" He didn't answer right away- leaving an uncomfortable pause hanging in the air.
"Yeah... Of course." Even as plainly as he tried to say it, there's still a tinge of pain to it. It wasn't a tone I'd heard from him in awhile, which was particularly worrying. He'd never had issues talking to me about what was on his mind in the past, why start now? Was it me, something I'd done? 
We continued to sit in silence, nerves wracked as I desperately wanted anything else to replace the silence that soured the fresh morning air. Anything that could change the mood, or subject... 
My eye was drawn to what looked like a flower bush Boris had been planning to plant. A hole already dug for it, it just needed to be reburied and whatever other tending it needed. "U-uh... I noticed that bush it looks like you were gonna replant. Did you want any help with that? Or, really, anything else out here? ... Since I'm out here and all!" I asked. Still staring into the flower, he shook his head. 
"I appreciate it, but I think it will be fine for now." He sighed, placing the flower in his lap to the side. "...I'm really not doing anything out heer. I should probably go back inside." Boris stood, dusting his coat off- only to freeze again as my hand darted to the hem of it, like my body was on autopilot. He stared down at me, expression somewhere between startled and anticipation. I had to say something now, I couldn't just let him go without saying anything-
"Boris. Please tell me what's wrong. If it's something I did we can talk about it... You're my friend, I need to know if I messed up, or if I can fix it-" His face furrowed into a pained expression as he continued to stand, frozen, looking like he can't even sort out his own words. This continued until he sighed, resigned, and knelt back into the grass beside me.
"You didn't do anything. I promis. It's just how... Exactly that. You're my closest friend, and it means a lot to b here with you, through everything... But... Is it, ah... Is it wrong to want... More?" He asked. His question brought back plenty of thoughts- almost all of them about how he's always so close, how he lets me sit in his lap when we play games together, or how his comforting hugs never seem to last long enough no matter how long we sit there. The way I'll hope and wish a late night movie marathon will put him to sleep so we have an excuse to wake up the next morning together. But that was just Boris being... Boris isn't it? Of course he'd be close with his first real friend like this. I'm reading into it too much. Even with him, in front of me, staring at me with nothing but longing in his eyes. It was too scary, too exhilarating to think it could be anything else, it had to be. 
"I-I'm sorree. This is selfish. I shouldn't- you shouldn't have to answer that. We can just-" He shifted again to get up, only to freeze when I spoke up.
"Boris... I-It's not. It's okay. Especially when people... Mean so much. But it can be.... scary you know?" He nodded, understandingly. His gaze had lifted from the spot on the ground in front of him, attention on me. 
"Do you think it's worth it? Even if it's scarey?" He asked. Now it was my turn for my stare to wander to the grass beneath me, unsure what the correct answer was. 
"I don't... know, really. Guess you just have to find out sometimes." I said. It wasn't much of an answer, but it was all I had. "Boris... Could I... Kiss you? I want to know." At first he didn't, perhaps couldn't say anything- and slowly, he gave a very deliberate nod. He fumbled across the grass, side to side with me, and even sitting down towered over me. It certainly wasn't intimidating though, not with how he squeezed his eyes shut, leaned forward, tense. Not quite sure what to do with his body. Waiting. I leaned up to him, careful as lips met- god his face was so warm. And for a moment, I'm the only one leaned into the kiss, as he remained still, like he wasn't sure how he felt. Enough to have made me waver too, close to pulling away and apologizing. What a stupid idea. But at the last moment it was like he'd come to life, pressing feverishly into the kiss. And for a moment I know what it feels like to be a flower in bloom, face to face with the sunlight it needs so much.
It was dizzying how fast he went from frozen in place to practically fumbling into my lap, hands grasped over my shoulders, nudging his way further into the kiss. It was nervous, inexperienced, and downright heavenly the way his mouth clumsily pressed into mine. My hands buried into the soft fuzzy collar of his coat as I matched his fevered passion, and it only drove me further on as he whined into the kiss at even the hint of my touch. Time was slow, or maybe just didn't mean anything for the longest time as he melts into the kiss, unsure frozen hands slowly moving to pull me flush against him, a warm embrace so much like all the ones he'd given me before but.... more this time, one that didn't leave me feeling like I was still missing something. 
Boris was the first to break the kiss- his hands didn't move, and he's still staring at me, like the rest of him is still catching up with what was happening. He wasn't quite panting- but he drew these deep, long breaths, clutched to me like I'd fall into nothing if he dared let go. 
"Still... Scar-ed?" He asked. I shook my head and chuckled, which made a warm smile ease onto his face. 
"No.... This is good. It's, uh. Wow. Kinda exhilarating, I think." His smile turned wide at that, showing off that characteristic, cute crooked row of pearly whites of his- and now it was my turn to be the flustery one out of the two of us. 
"Are u shure? Maybie... We should do it again so we're doublie sure..." Boris hinted. It only took a short nod for him to lean back in, hands cupped on either side of my face. He pulled me up, ever so gently into another kiss, but not as pushy or urgent- this time it was deep, slow. He was still a bit hesitant about what to do with his mouth, but god it didn't matter, not with how soft and deliberate he was while I clung to him. Surrounded by the garden we'd poured our hearts into, and now pouring into each other, it almost felt unreal, the only thing that kept me grounded was Boris's thumb stroking gentle circles against my cheek, and every other little sensation of him against me. 
Boris pulled away again, giving a satisfied hum as he did- he looked like he was in as dreamy of a daze as I had been in. His clawed hand pushed a strand of hair from my face ever so carefully, eyes fixated on me. 
"Boris..." I started. A pause. I knew what I wanted to say but it felt stuck in my throat, awkward to say. So instead I opted to bury my face in his coat collar, soaking in his scent, thinking those words again, and again, and again. "... I love you." His arms squeezed around me, tight, warm, unyielding. I felt him rest his head on top of mine, face nuzzled into my hair. 
"Ah, flower..... I lov you, too. I love you a lott..." And I can hear it in his voice- after all the hard work he's poured into making the garden around him flourish and bloom, his heart has done the same, alongside mine. 
His embrace loosened, prompting me to look up at him. That goofy smile of his was still there- for someone who fretted about his teeth so much previously, it was amazing how gorgeous it was. So handsome. So very, well, him. 
And I couldn't help the laughter that bubbles up next, but it didn't matter, not with how it spread so quickly to Boris too, just as relieved and giddy as I was, and perhaps still wandering if this was a dream like I had been. 
"Ah, if onlee you had said somthing sooner... There were som lovelie lillies in bloom I daydreamed about giv-ing you, you knowe." He confessed. I smiled, and patted his arm reassuringly. 
"Oh, Boris- don't worry, they'll have time to bloom again. And I'll be here, still." I promised. And the smile he gave me was perhaps the sweetest I'd ever seen on him.
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years
Writers’ block (bonus chapter!)
Based on this request by @yoongi-sugaglider. Happy (late) birthday!!
Context: This scene takes place between chapters 22 and 23, while y/n is still living with the members.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Thud. Thud. Thud.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“I’m...” Thud. “Trying to,” Thud. “Motivate myself.” You have a huge creative writing assignment due next week and you can’t seem to come up with the will to even put words to paper.
“Hey, stop it, stop!” Yoongi catches your head before you can bash it against his coffee table again. “Please don’t get a concussion– I don’t want to have to bring you to the hospital at one in the morning.”
“I refuse to believe it’s one in the morning– that would imply I’ve been wallowing in my sorrows for half an hour.”
“But, but...” your friend sighs. “Can you not smash your face against the table? What if you get blood on it?”
“I can see where your priorities lie.”
Yoongi laughs. “I’m kidding. What do you usually do to motivate yourself?”
You gesture wordlessly at the coffee table.
“Okay– maybe don’t do that anymore. Trust me, you need those brain cells.”
You roll your eyes and flip him off. “It’s not like I use them anyways.” Yoongi takes the opportunity to grasp your outstretched hand and haul you to your feet. “Hey, what are you doing?” you complain as he pulls you to the door.
“Put on your jacket– we’re going for a walk.”
“Ew, exercise.”
“Humor me, will you?”
You sigh loudly for about ten seconds longer than you had to before following Yoongi out of the back door of the apartment, through the basement, and into the night.
“Brr...” you hug yourself as a gust of wind shocks you. “Why are we out here?”
“For one, to keep you from abusing our table. Secondly, we can’t talk loudly when the members are sleeping.” Yoongi shrugs. “I thought we could go to the lamppost.”
“You planning on walking halfway across Seoul?”
Yoongi grins, and at that moment the familiar sleek black car pulls up to the curb.
“Wait, how did you– when– what?” you sputter as Yoongi holds the door open for you. “Does this thing fucking teleport?”
“Don’t question it, y/n, just get in.”
You stick your tongue out at your friend and spend the several-minute car ride in comfortable silence. You need to write a twenty-page short story, and the length isn’t what’s intimidating; finding an idea that’ll last twenty pages is what’s killing you. More than that, you just can’t. You want to, but you’ve spent the whole afternoon staring at a blank screen that keeps getting blanker.
Writers’ block. You hate writers’ block. You’re so wrapped up in your thoughts that it takes Yoongi opening the door for you to realize the car has stopped in front of the solitary lamppost illuminating the lonely street.
“You okay? You seem really distracted,” Yoongi asks once the car has pulled away.
You laugh. “Distracted would be a blessing. Distracted means creative.”
“You said you needed motivation?”
“Yeah. I... I haven’t been able to write for, like, days. I don’t have ideas. And even when I don’t have ideas, usually I just start writing, you know? Just–”
You mime wild typing. “Doing that helps, but this time, I just can’t. And I hate it!” With a sudden burst of anger, you rear back and kick the lamppost. “Ow!”
But you can’t be stopped. “I don’t have any motivation even though I actually need to write for my grade! More than that, I really want to write, I love making up stories! So why the fuck–”
“I’m better than this! I shouldn’t have to deal with writers’ block, not if I’ve dealt with literally everything else. I dealt with my cheating ex, I dealt with my apartment flooding, the hospital, anxie–” you pause. “I don’t deserve this. Ugh!”
Yoongi’s leaning against the lamppost, arms crossed as he looks at you with careful fascination. “Are you done?”
“What?” you ask, annoyed. “Yes. Sorry to waste your time.”
“You’re not wasting my time, y/n. You’re wasting yours. Now c’mon, follow me,” Yoongi says, grabbing your hand and pulling you down the street, toward the heart of Seoul.
“What the- where are we going?” you yelp, stumbling as you follow him through twists and turns while the city lights get brighter.
“We’re letting those creative juices flow!” Yoongi pulls his mask up and his hat down, effectively erasing his identity once the quiet sidewalks become louder, and ring with bawdy laughter.
“Yoongs, it’s too risky! You’ll get caught!” you hiss as you pass two drunk giggling women clinging to each other.
Yoongi screeches to a stop, and you bump into him. “Where– oh my god, you’re kidding.”
“Nope!” You can hear the mischievous smile behind Yoongi’s mask. “We’re doing this.”
“Karaoke? Really?” you laugh as you follow him inside.
“One hour in a private karaoke room, please.” Yoongi hands the clerk some cash and soon enough you’re sitting in a big room, watching Yoongi fiddle with the mics.
“Alright,” Yoongi says, gesturing at the screen. “Pick your poison.”
“Dude, I can’t sing!” you protest.
Yoongi raises his eyebrows. “And you think I can?”
You think of all the Vlives, all the Bangtan Bombs, every song where his crooning voice, that whispered Suga has filled your ears. “Yes.”
“Well, you’d be wrong. C’mon, choose something.”
“Uh...” you select the first song you recognize and grip the mic clumsily. “Why are we doing this?”
“Just trust me, y/n. Let go.”
You take a deep breathe and start to sing along, cringing inwardly at your voice breaks and lack of tone.
“Woo! Go y/n!” Yoongi whoops at random intervals, causing you to laugh and forget the words. Soon you begin smiling as you sing, and belting out the words with new confidence. You’re having fun, real fun.
“Is this better than the coffee table?” Yoongi shouts over the instrumentals.
You do a spin, laughing as your hair flies in your face. “So much better. And,” you grin evilly as the song ends. “It’s your turn!”
“Ohhh no...” Yoongi covers his eyes as you advance toward him. “I’m definitely not doing that.”
You press your lips together and pout. “But Yoongs~”
Your friend relents easily in the face of your pout. “Alright, alright! What song should I pick?”
“Seesaw!” you squeal, pointing when you see it scroll across the scene. Yoongi rolls his eyes and smiles as he selects it, while you sit back in satisfaction. Your own personal concert with your own personal idol– what could be better?
Yoongi’s voice, raspy and thoughtful, floats throughout the room as he sings. Where you would usually sit in awe, you’re too giddy to stay still. You get up and–
“Y/n,” Yoongi bursts out laughing, interrupting the chorus. “What are you doing?”
“Your choreo!” you fire back, giggling as you roll your shoulders and hop around in a clumsy imitation of the dance you’ve seen him perform a thousand times, onscreen and in your dreams.
“You’re such a dingus.”
“Keep singing, nerd!”
Yoongi winks and joins you in dancing and singing along to his song– he keeps making funny faces that have you wheezing with laughter, until...
You freeze and gasp. “That’s it!” within yourself you feel a growing excitement, as though electricity were traveling down your arms and filling your fingers with energy. You need to write, need it more than you’ve ever needed anything, you’re desperate, itching to pour your soul onto the page. You fumble for your phone and type out nonsense stream-of-consciousness: Kidteenadult? Genre: murder, romance, drama? Not comedy ew wait murder isn’t a genre okay what if we wait main character strong female character what about swords antagonist?? Germaphobe maybe let’s name him Pierre nd he can have a pet ferret named Pierre Junior what if antag + protag = siblings? climax needs to–
“Y/n? Y/n. Earth to y/n!”
“Woah!” You look up and your eyes have to refocus like a camera lens as Yoongi waves a hand in front of your face. “Where did you come from?”
Yoongi smiles that perfect gummy smile of his. “I trust your motivation has returned?”
“Oh my god, has it ever! Thank you,” you cry, throwing your arms around your friend and hugging him tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best, Yoongi, you really are!”
“Heh, I won’t argue,” Yoongi replies, booping your nose. “Now c’mon, let’s get home– I have a feeling you’ve got a lot to do.”
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Mutual Bond
After a long day of aggravating peers and surprise quizzes, Gen was making her way towards the school library to do a group study session that someone had invited her too. Her grades weren't looking very sharp in her sciences classes, so she figured she'd need the help. But on god if there was no one there-
And as soon as she entered the library, she found it to be quite empty, and her stomach tied up into knots. Oh god, oh god did she get the time wrong? The day wrong? Was she being pranked? Where was everyone? Maybe they meant an actual library to study at? Oh god, should she just turn back around???
Her anxiety was becoming so overwhelming that Gen just about turned around and headed back out, before she saw a familiar face sitting alone at a table: Dante. She paused for a moment, the knot still holding her back. She could... always just talk to him. She was already here anyways, wasting time. Or maybe he didn't want to be bothered, and then she'd feel even worse if he ignored her. Hhhhhhh...
Oh. Oh god. Dante looked over. His eyes settled on Gen and gave a small wave to her; Gen waving back. Whelp, too late. Now she gotta interact. Dante spotted her! She can't very well just leave! Gen took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves, and begrudgingly walked on over to him and sat across the table.
"H-hey Dante. Fancy seeing you here, heh. I hardly ever see you out of your room," Gen laughed. God, what if he could hear the panic in her voice.
"Hah. Good one."
Aw man. Aw he didn't actually laugh. That didn't sound like a real laugh... Did she accidentally offend him? Oh god, she sure hope she didn't. Gen grimaced. "Hehe, yeah." Gen silently looked around, now feeling obligated to look busy. Well, maybe she should try to get her homework done if she was just gonna stay here with Dante. So, with her shaky hands, she took out her stuff and set it out on the table.
Dante looked up briefly from his own studies, noticing how stiff she was and frowned. Gen was always so jumpy around him. Well, she was like that around everyone. He figured pretty quickly that she maybe just had social anxiety, so he's been tryna take it easy on her.
Then he noticed the confused faces she was making at her science homework. "Need help?" He asked, causing her to flinch.
"Oh! Uh, um," Gen chuckled, nodding her head. "Yeah. I was supposed to be with a study group that Jolene invited me to but um, I think I got the date wrong..."
Dante raised his eyebrows. "Oh, no yeah. We were supposed to all be here today, but then they all got like sports or left early or whatever," he sighed, waving his hand. "Unreliable jerks."
Gen tilted her head. "Y- are you part of the study group?" When Dante nodded and smiled, instantly Gen relaxed. "Oh cool. What a small world, haha. Then yeah, I really could use some help catching up with science. I'm... kinda falling behind," she said.
Sitting up, Dante's eyes seemed to gleam with excitement as he leaned over to look at what she was studying, going over the topics a few times to make sure she got it, and as time passed Gen became more and more relaxed. It was kinda funny, seeing him so energetic and passionate, when back at home she'd always see him so sluggish and bored. Well, he even gets this way when working on those potions of his. Made Gen wonder whether his being a witch had anything to do with how smart he was with this... Naaaah.
"Gen?" Dante waved his hand in her face, forcing her back to attention. "Did you get that?"
Oops. "Uh, oh, sorry. I kinda just..." Disassociated, "spaced out."
Dante smirked at her, then leaned back and crossed his arms behind his head. "It's alright. We can take a quick break; give you some time to wander until you feel ready to tackle the subject again."
Gen opened her mouth, then closed it again. Ah, was he being serious? But, wouldn't she just be wasting his time? Aw man, now Gen was starting to feel bad about drifting off in the first place, how can she possibly try to refocus?!
"I'm serious," Dante spoke, as though reading her mind. "I get it. I've seen you shift focus before. I know you'll find your way back." Gen stared at Dante blankly, making him laugh.
'... Dante laughs?'
He figured he should try to get to know Gen better... but here was where his skills kinda failed. Small talk. "So... hobbies?"
Gen shrugged. Small talk wasn't her forte either. "Um... I draw. Sometimes. Not too good at it." She subconsciously patted at a lone notebook laid out, tucking her hair back nervously. 'Please don't ask to look at it, pleeease dont ask to look at it-'
"Oh cool! Can i see?"
Dante dug around in his backpack for a moment and pulled out a notebook. "When I have time, I actually write a little bit- oh wait-" he quickly placed that notebook away and grabbed a different one. "I write. Trade?" Dante slid his notebook over, like a shady deals man.
Biting the inside of her cheek, Gen gripped tightly to her notebook and stared at Dante's. This was her chance: a chance to peer into the mysterious hobbies and inner workings of Dante's mind. He was always so reclusive... and yet he's willingly opening up to her. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad...
Gen placed her notebook on the table and slid it over as well, the two taking the others' and immediately looking in them. Dante the whole time was silently in awe, waiting to share his admiration for her sketches since he wanted Gen to read through his stuff undisturbed and get her feedback as well. Though seeing her eyes quickly scan over and watching her reactions was telling enough. She loved it.
"Dante! This is so cool! Your writing is impeccable!" Gen smiled, looking from the notebook to him.
"Ack I wouldn't know about that," Dante chuckled. "But i appreciate such high praise from such an amazing artist."
Gen blinked at him, then buried her blushing face into his notebook. "Myart'snotthatgood-"
"Aw come on," Dante splayed her notebook out, showing Gen's self portrait doodles. "The detail on this is amazing. It really looks like you!"
"And, and this-!" He flipped back some pages to a lone girl in summer apparel: yellow shorts and stripped tank top; sitting on a window with a little plotted plant. "This is enough to give me ideas on what she could be looking at. Perhaps she's gazing out on a field of butterflies fluttering around the field, reminiscing on her childhood where she'd chase butterflies on end and enjoying the good times. Or perhaps she's looking out into a busy city street, desperately missing the suburban life and she watches the cars trample on barely peeking out grass that has grown through the cracks!"
Dante paused, looking back up to see Gen's shocked and impressed face, and he shrunk back, chuckling. "Ehh, just... the thoughts of a writer."
Gen blinked at him a few more times, before covering her mouth to fight off the urge to snort. "Big SAME though!" She smiled, pointing at his first page. "I can see this clear as day! I actually wanted to draw it! Your protag sounds so cute!"
Dante rolled his eyes, but he could not hide his smile. "Well then, it appears that we may got some business going on here that we should take the opportunity of." Very quickly, the two swapped back notebooks and got to work drawing and writing... before realizing they needed each other's works to reference, and they laughed. They quickly took care of that, got back to it, and all thoughts of science and school work faded away as the two got more and more involved with each other's stories and ideas.
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