#wrote this between 2am-4am last night excuse me
lovingremus · 3 years
Headcanon prompt from my Instagram: Padfoot cuddles <3
Remus was feeling miserable.
The January full moon was right around the corner. Remus had been bedridden since the afternoon, already feeling ill and tired. And he’d been fighting with Sirius.
It hadn’t been a serious fight (Remus hated himself for making that joke in his head,) just the usual: Sirius being protective, Remus being self-conscious, and the both of them being very stubborn.
Sirius had meant well, Remus knew. But how was he supposed to react, finding out his best friends had been working on becoming animagi for years now, the process nearly finished by now. Stupidly dangerous process, that was, extremely advanced magic, and illegal in too many ways to count.
And all of it a hundred per cent for him. Remus felt almost sick at the thought of it.
How could they be that reckless? Why hadn’t they asked him first? He still wouldn’t know, hadn’t James, of all people, slipped it at breakfast that morning.
Remus had begged them to stop, but Sirius would not let it go.
Hence the fight. Hence the cold spot on the bed beside Remus, where Sirius usually slept.
“Let us join you, Remus!” Sirius had shouted at his face. “Just once, and you’ll see! We’re going to make you feel better! And you’re not dangerous to animals, I’ve done all the research…”
Remus groaned, shaking the thoughts off his head. Merlin, did his head hurt. It wouldn’t get any easier for a few days now, no matter what Sirius said. He should sleep, he’d need all the rest he could get, preparing for tomorrow. He hoped Sirius had come to his senses by the morning. He couldn’t possibly think Remus would allow them to come… Sirius could get hurt… they all could. Or worse.
He heard pacing footsteps from behind the closed curtains around his bed. Remus closed his eyes, not thinking too much of it. All the Marauders were often restless on the days around the full moon. Remus thought it was kind of sweet, that they cared. He just wished they wouldn’t worry so much.
Remus quickly drifted to sleep. He didn’t notice how after a few minutes, the footsteps suddenly changed--becoming faster, lighter. He didn’t even notice his curtain being clumsily pulled aside.
He didn’t stir until at the feeling of warm breaths right beside his ear, accompanied by a heavy breathing sound, and the tingly feeling of someone looking at him.
Remus opened his eyes and jumped, almost falling off the bed. He cursed, clutching his chest and gasping at the surprising sight. “What the--”
He was staring right into Sirius’s big, grey eyes.
Now that alone wouldn’t have been odd at all. If those eyes just were attached to one handsome teenage boy, not a...
A range of emotions stirred up inside of him. From fear to confusion to excitement. He’d really done it. This was Sirius. And Sirius was…
A dog. An enormous, black dog. Remus could do nothing but stare.
“It… it actually worked?” Remus bit his tongue, and cleared his throat. “I mean… eh...  I told you not to do this!”
The dog… Sirius… had caught the admiration in his voice. It was remarkable, how similar the facial expressions could be between the dog and the human--Remus could effortlessly tell Sirius was feeling smug, that bastard.
Sirius barked loudly, the sound echoing in the small room. Remus’s heart skipped a beat.
“Shh!” Remus hissed, grabbing Sirius gently by the fur on his neck, tugging him closer. Sirius jumped on the bed obediently.
Remus reached for his wand, flicking it twice--to close the curtains, to cast a silencing spell. He turned back to Sirius, trying very hard to look furious. “Are you insane? What if someone heard you?”
Sirius barked again. Remus shushed him again, pressing a palm over the dog’s wide nose. He shook his head in disbelief. “Sirius, this is going to be a big mistake.”
Sirius tilted his head. Remus had to bite his cheeks to fight back a smile. It was too adorable.
“I know what you’re doing,” Remus said, lying back down. “You’re charming your way out of trouble.”
Sirius whined, lying down next to him, resting his heavy head on Remus’s chest. Remus shook his head dedicatedly. “It’s not going to work.”
Sirius snuggled closer, curling up on the space under Remus’s arm. The weight and warmth were comforting. Not better or worse than sleeping next to human Sirius, just… different. But good. So, so good.
Remus felt himself relax. He wrapped his arm around the dog, turning to his side to hold him closer. Almost to his annoyance, he was already feeling slightly better. Stupid body, stupid brain, being on Sirius’s side, proving his point.
“We’ll still talk about this tomorrow,” Remus mumbled sleepily, leaning more and more into the huge black creature’s weight. There still was the full moon, after all, and it still scared him. No matter what went down that night, it would be far from gentle cuddles on a bed.
He ran his fingers through the fur, just as soft as Sirius’s hair. He felt the dog relax against him, too. Fuck. Why did it feel so calming? “And I’m still so mad about this.”
No, he wasn’t, Remus realised. How could he, really? And he knew Sirius knew that, too, as Remus pressed a sleepy kiss on the dog’s forehead. Returning the favour, the dog pressed his wet nose on the crook of Remus’s neck, and Remus could practically hear Sirius’s voice, see him winking. “Sure, whatever, love.”
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: In which there is an unspoken agreement between everyone not to discuss the clear chemistry between the manager and the captain of the Nekoma Volleyball Club. Until one day one of them gets tired of the silence.
WARNINGS: trust issues, denial, insecurities, everyone needs a hug, angst? 
A/N: please excuse any errors made i wrote this at 4AM, but hey creative juices are flowing during the oddest hours of the day so. also our king kenma makes an appearance so its worthy reading i swear
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There was an unspoken agreement between the notorious manager of the Nekoma Volleyball Club, and the Captain. Though her beauty rivaled that of the Karasuno manager, no one addressed it purely because they knew the way Kuroo Tetsuro looked at her. No matter how many movies there are about unspoken feelings, none of them could compare to these two. The shared looks as they sat in class, bored. Kuroo would make sure she was eating properly, she would ensure he was staying hydrated when staying after school for Volleyball. Kuroo helped her pass any and every science class by tutoring her when necessary, she helps him pass his foreign language class. The texts, the late night calls, the times when one would ask the other to come over and they would, no questions asked. Taking care to slip out of the other’s bed at 4AM to make sure they didn’t get caught. Silent, intimate moments.
Kuroo was sitting on the couch, flicking through channels, moving between Netflix and Hulu in search of something good to watch. She was making popcorn when he got bored and left his seat on the couch to enter the kitchen, leaning his shoulder against the wall to watch her movements. She was slicing fruit, and a block of cheese waited next to the cutting board as she did, waiting for the popcorn to finish. Her hair was down, and she was wearing one of his shirts. It was oversized on her, covering her thighs. He was smiling as he moved from his spot against the wall up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head into her neck. She hummed in response, leaning back into him as she continued to cut the fruit.
For a moment, he could pretend that they weren’t just friends. Because this definitely is not something friends do. Friends don’t hold hands, much less hold each other, they don’t look at each other the way Kuroo looked at her, they don’t care for eachother, not like this.
“Are they dating?”
He’d get asked this question constantly. Kenma would always shake his head, tell them no, they aren’t. Though they are most certainly two of the most in love people he knows. His best friends weren’t even dating, and yet he still felt like the third wheel. How ironic. Now Kenma wasn’t one to interfere with the lives of others, but it was getting ridiculous, so he tried to get involved, once. 
He didn’t bother looking up from his game as he asked, “Why don’t you tell Kuroo how you feel?” Pausing only once to gauge Y/N’s reaction.
She didn’t seem startled, or shocked, in fact, she laughed, “I don’t like Kuroo, silly.” Y/N had told him. “He and I are just close friends, besides you know I’m not looking for a relationship.” She had mentioned this in the past, most people assumed it was because she had feelings for Kuroo. Smart people knew it was because she had feelings for Kuroo.
Kenma raised a brow, “you both act like you two are in a relationship.” Was his response, putting his game down, “and it hurts him because he knows it's not real. If you really don’t feel that way for him, don’t lead him on.”
This statement seemed to hurt her as she became defensive, “I have told him countless times to consider the offers from all the girls in this school, believe me. I agree with you, he shouldn’t wait for someone who doesn’t feel the same.” She paused, hand tapping the table anxiously, “good thing he doesn’t feel anything beyond platonic feelings for me.”
Kenma knew she wasn’t dumb, not by a long shot. Top of her class, heading off to an amazing college, no doubt. Yet, her words seemed so stupid. “You must be blind.” Came his blunt answer. Anyone could see how Kuroo felt for her.
She scoffed, “there’s simply nothing to see. He doesn’t like me, I don’t like him. Why would he like me?” Y/N was staring at her hands, trying to ignore the discomfort Kenma was causing with his prying. Her tendency to overthink doing her no good as she sighed, “I do hope he finds someone, he deserves it.”
It took Kenma a moment to realize that Y/N was trying to convince herself, not him, and it took him another moment to realize that she was truly wondering why Kuroo would like her. And he knew she was being honest, she had tried to get him to go for other girls, but he never had out of loyalty to her. She had even been in one relationship during their first year, the two were going strong for a while.
Until they weren’t. And Kuroo ended up punching the guy in the face. 
When Kenma asked Kuroo if he liked her, he just sighed. They both knew the answer. Kuroo had slept around a lot in their first year, but that had come to a halt more recently. At one point he even tried for a long term relationship with one girl.
She didn’t like Y/N. So that didn’t last.
And now that Kenma had just turned into his neighborhood, bidding you two goodbye as he headed home, just like he did everyday during the walk back from Volleyball practice, the atmosphere felt awkward. Something felt different today as Y/N and Kuroo walked down the path together, his eyes following her figure as he stayed practically glued to her side.
If she was honest, yes, she liked Kuroo. Loved him even. But there were several issues with that, one being that Kuroo is her best friend. She had found someone she could talk to, about any and everything. No filter necessary. No matter how gross, or sad, or weird it was, they could discuss it. She knew she could trust him 100%. Yet, each time he broached the possibility of a relationship she shut him down. She was scared of losing this comfort they had, they would break up eventually. Even if they didn’t things would be different. And in the back of her mind she wondered if he’d leave her. The one constant in her life, gone.
She didn’t like change.
Another issue was that they would graduate at one point. And then head off in what would likely be two very different directions, literally. She had her sights set on a prestigious American college, he just wanted to study Chemistry. Maybe they’d stay in touch, maybe they wouldn’t. Potential time differences caused by living in different countries would make it a struggle and so would conflicting schedules, and stress. And even now, he already had volleyball and school to worry about already.
It would be easier for them both if they just didn’t get together. Which is why, when she realized how comfortable they had been getting, she tried to slow things down. A lot. She started sitting next to Kenma during lunch instead of Kuroo, and began hanging out with the other Volleyball boys far more often. She had been far less physical with him, avoiding most contact with him in general. Taking a rain check each time he asked to hang out, avoiding his calls as often as she could without seeming off. She had been distant, to put it simply.
She missed her best friend, but she knew she couldn’t call him that at this point.
Kuroo had noticed. He always noticed. He noticed the way she got quiet when someone commented on how she was a little too passionate about something, so he asked her about it. He noticed how she’d forget to eat during lunch sometimes, so he would give her a protein bar. He’d notice how when she was nervous, she would bite her nails, or tap her foot at a ridiculous speed. He noticed how when she was sad, she tried to feign joy and boost the morale of those around her, but she still seemed more reserved in a way.
He noticed her. In all her glory, the smell of her shampoo, the scent of her perfume, the glow of her skin in the sunlight, the way her nose crinkled when she laughed her real laugh. How her eyes seemed to shine when she talked about her dreams, the crease in her forehead when she was concentrated. The tears that brimmed her eyes when she talked about certain scenes from her favorite shows and books.
Which is why he got scared when she stopped sharing these things with him, when she stopped giving him hugs, when she stopped calling him at 2AM even though he knew she was awake because of her messed up sleep schedule.
So, as they walked together, he decided this needed to end.
“We need to talk.” He said, eyes on her.
She raised a brow, “what about?” God, she hoped playing dumb would work, but she had tried that with Kenma, and it hadn’t ended all that well. Then again, Kenma did end up dropping the subject, though it took a few tries. 50/50 success rate. What could go wrong?
She watched as Kuroo rolled his eyes, “you know what.” He replied, “also you have been avoiding me.”
She shrugged, “I’ve been busy. I do have things to do, a life. Outside of you.” She held her backpack straps significantly tighter as she spoke, “sorry if you’re feeling neglected.” The words came out meaner than she had expected, and Y/N suddenly found herself feeling guilty as she continued down the street.
“Y/N.” He came to a stop, and she walked a few more steps before stopping as well. Taking a deep breath as she looked upwards, towards the sky. Turns out a lot could go wrong with a 50/50 success rate.
“Kuroo.” Her voice sounded a lot like a warning. “Some things are better left unsaid.”
Thought the finality in her voice hurt, he couldn’t help but scoff, “don’t be ridiculous. I mean, look where that’s gotten us-”
“Kuroo, please.” She turned around to face him, “don’t.”
His eyes locked with hers as he replied, “I’m in love with you.” And now it was out in the open. The thing she had so desperately tried to hide. The feelings she wanted to pretend didn’t exist. 
Y/N inhaled sharply, fidgeting with her hands impatiently, she just wanted to get home. She had always hated confrontations, perhaps that was the reason why she said it. It could’ve been one of the reasons she’d been repeating to herself since their second year. Or maybe the words that left her mouth were true.
“Too bad I don’t feel the same.”
No, they weren’t true. She just wished they were.
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