#y’all have no idea how much I love the Doobie Brothers
cupophrogs · 3 months
I know it's random as hell, but I gotta ask, does drew listen to lady gaga on his phone? I was listening and he have the chaotic vibe of her songs
Yes actually! However
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The Doobie Brothers are far better to boogie to!
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lesbiansoncaffiene · 3 years
AFTG As Shit Me And My Friends Have Said (pt. 2)
Y’all like the last one so much (it’s my most liked post as of rn so thank you!!) that we now have a part dos
Also features quotes from my gov class and from my (twin) brother
Matt: I am very happy to declare pawnshops as “EBay irl”
Dan: dear god
*Nicky named the chat Toothpaste Man Fanclub*
*Andrew left the chat*
Renee: I cannot believe I have to say this, you’re not allowed to cut into a cake baby
Aaron, his scalpel ready: goddamit
Matt, drunk: Me when I cut off my ear for the lols
The AFTG fandom: Gender, in the state of this nation? I think the fuck not
Wymack: Wow I have a lot of white in my beard
Abby: It’s because you’re old
Kevin: Well the alternative is dead so..
Wymack and Abby: ..
Aaron, to Katelyn, who always falls asleep during Marvel movies: do you wanna watch a Marvel movie?
Katelyn: *snorts*
Seth: What if you’re pregnant and go to China, and your baby is born while you’re in China
Renee: You can’t fly in a plane during your 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Seth: Yea but what if you drove
*disappointed sighs*
Kevin: omg I found a picture of my best friend in PreK
Kevin: The one who told me Satan was gonna eat me
Matt: ….I’m sorry what-
Nicky: My only goal in life is to piss off my ancestors by going to the spice section in the grocery store
Kevin: someone tried to mansplain on me in my history class, I hope they know that I’m a self-diagnosed autistic bisexual with a god complex who is going to prove him wrong
Dan: yep time to call Betsy
Jean: listen I’m aroace but if Mothman ever wanted to fuck…..
Laila: shut uP, ShuT UP-
Aaron: we have to take care of these egg baby’s in my healthcare class *shows eggs with goggly eyes attached*
Andrew, looking it dead in the eyes: eat it. Eat the baby
Nicky *on the bus*: SCOOBY DOOBY DOO
Neil, from the back: emotional hell
Jeremy *about some gossip*: omg what a plot twist
Alvarez: that only happens in books
Jeremy: shhh I’m projecting
Renee: wow, that was great parallel parking, you must have aced your drivers test
Andrew: my what
*3am on a school night*
Dan: Don’t you think it’s weird that getting lab work done is basically walking into the doctors office and asking them to take your life juice?
Allison: if you don’t shut up and go to sleep I’m calling Wymack
Neil: I hope Wymack lets me make Jack do the little lad dance for missing practice
Seth: that would bring all the serotonin that I’m missing back into my life tbh
Andrew: I’m a very slow reader, I should not start a 10K fic at 2:35am
Neil: You going to anyway aren’t you
Allison *showing Renee a meme*: Why was my first thought when I saw this ‘I should send this to my therapist’
Renee: Because you’re mentally ill, babe
Andrew: Why make good decisions when arson is an option?
Aaron: Is arson… not a good decision?
Nicky: okay so how do we let Andrew know that we know he’s gay. I have a few ideas-
Renee: well, we should be subtle-
Nicky, already pulling out a full on rainbow costume: do we /have/ to?
Allison: is my straightener in your room?
Neil: I don’t think anything in my room is straight but you can check
Andrew *on a rant about Adam Levine’s voice*: it sounds like he’s been hit in the balls
Wymack, who woke up two minutes ago when he thought someone was breaking into his house at 3:38am: what the fuck
Neil: My lungs thought it would be funky and fresh to stop working when it is in fact not funky nor fresh
Matt: You just had an asthma attack, can you shut up-
Aaron: I have therapy today
Kevin, trying to be supportive: that’s hot
Renee: I love you but your pizza cutting skills are enough to ward off God
Dan, who cut the pizza into squares: yeah that’s fair
Dedicated to Jess who read these and approved 100% *sorta*
Part 3? Possibly?? If y’all like it???
Part 1:
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