#yall were right its def a big relief lmao
roaringheat · 2 months
chat, i did it i finally broke up with my partner
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And We're Live, Ch.3/3
Summary: Kim's manager is insistent that he needs to do another Live to promote his new album, since the last one went off the rails. All he has to do is play a few songs, answer some questions, and promote the album. Without mentioning Chay. That should be easy enough, right?
Chay headed back into the living room, shaking his head at Kim’s inability to use technology. His phone buzzed as soon as he plopped back down on the couch, and he checked it to find that the group chat was operating at full capacity.
mb protection squad 6 Notifications
fern 🎨 ok so im losing my mind who else is losing their mind??
new ☀️ ✋✋✋✋✋
thorn 🎮 Ok I don’t understand what the big deal is?
thorn 🎮 It was just his elbow?
Chay groaned as he read the messages, realizing he must have inadvertantly been partially on camera while he’d been helping Kim. From what Thorn had said, it was only his elbow though, which definitely wasn’t identifiable. He chimed in, eager to side with Thorn.
chay p’thorns right lol its just an elbow
thorn 🎮 Thank you!
new ☀️ p’chay ur a traitor to the cause 😢😢😢
ying 🐼 it was just an accident no big deal!
fern 🎨 ppl we have additional info!! we r on the hunt we r on the prowl!!
thorn 🎮 For what?
new ☀️ mb info!! srsly p’thorn r u even listening??
ying 🐼 lol wik will tell us when he wants to
fern 🎨 and until then i will be FORCED to speculate heres what we know: 1. wik calls him babe 2. he has an elbow thats it end of list
new ☀️ ummm and they live together!!!! so obvs its srs?
Chay blinked at that, unsure of why New thought that, especially when it wasn’t even true. Sure, he spent a lot of time at Kim’s apartment, but they didn’t live together. Yes, he had some things there. Yes, he spent the night more often than not. Yes, he’d started grocery shopping for Kim’s place, since Kim couldn’t cook a meal if his life depended on it. But they didn’t live together.
chay wait y do u think they live together??
new ☀️ umm cus he was RIGHT there?? like just hanging out while wik was doing his live? so he def lives there
thorn 🎮 Maybe they had plans after?
Chay frowned at that. Technically, they did have plans after, but their plans were to lie on the couch and eat takeout.
fern 🎨 then he would just come over after? new is right they for sure moved in together
ying 🐼 maybe they had plans in the morning too? doesn't mean they live together but that would be sooo cute omg
Chay shook his head to clear it, deciding it was probably for the best if they moved on to another topic. He thought for a second before coming up with what he felt was a suitable distraction.
chay cannot believe we got a new album confirmed and yall r talking abt elbow man??
new ☀️ ELBOW MAN??
fern 🎨 the level of disrespect?? i will not stand for this
new ☀️ p’chay how could u 😢 the betrayal
chay lmao i apologize for the betrayal im just SAYING we know nothing anyway so whats the point
ying 🐼 very true!!
thorn 🎮 Chay has a point, can we talk about the new album instead?
new ☀️ ugh fineeee if u insist on raining on our parade
fern 🎨 i hate it here!!
Chay breathed a sigh of relief, glad that they’d finally moved on from talking about him, not that they realized it. It was definitely uncomfortable, having his friends speculate on his relationship without even knowing that was what they were doing. Although, it helped that they were so off the mark, not that he could blame them with what little information they had. After all, he and Kim were definitely not living together.
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hmm now that ive had a few hours to digest endgame, heres some spoiler thoughts ive been running thru my head since i watched
again just to be clear spoilers under the cut:
hmmm movie kinda paid thor and hulk dust this one lmao dont get me wrong they have their badass and emotional moments but, and this isnt a dunk on ragnarok or taika its more a dunk on the russos and probably the like fandom analyst  who said "hey everyone loved them being funny in ragnarok that means we have to turn that up" yeah they're kinda comedic relief here mostly, with a good chunk of their moments which are supposed to be emotional like treated as or ending in a joke
felt like that was a lot of the movie anyway imho, a lot of emotional moments were interrupted for the sake of a joke cuz we werent allowed to feel too much cuz marvel thinks that'd be a bummer
dont get me wrong tho there are genuinely sincere and emotional moments but they r too far and in between and mostly they r the moments that focus on pain and death :V
back to thor if u uhh are not a fan of where they took him hammerwise in IW then u wont be here either cuz they take it further lmao
Also cap marvel is supposedly the new face of the franchise going forward she wasnt really there a lot
tbh treating her like how a lot of teamup media treats superman so i feel for CM fans, they def show how powerful she is but here shes more of an obstacle or really quick plot resolver that they need to conveniently write away until the final act lmao
But there was this sick sequence with her and a bunch of the other female heroes, was p cool
time travel aspect was kinda uh idk maybe it just flew over my head, didnt get it much lmao like they did and kept a lot of things that conflict with the continuity after everything was done like huh
Lots of cool and sweet moments tho, fanservice for every one who's been here since 2008
what happened to BW after finding she has a movie on the way is lmao, quite a trade off huh u finally get ur origin movie but current timeline u is :V
also time for some salty dc movie time but lmaooo how yall gonna keep making jokes about the martha ptsd scene in dawn of justice when this is the second time steves bucky name ptsd has been used against him, oh right cuz this universe treats his ptsd like a weakness rather than something that humanizes the character
also felt like nebula never got a proper conclusion to her arc with thanos and everything hes done to her, with gamora maybe but not with thanos
final act happens as ud expect but whoo boy its p good tbh, some surprises and cool war sequences makes it p damn dare i say epic, it rivals aquaman on 3rd act epicness there i said it
hmm not the biggest IM fan but did feel a lil something when it happened to him, especially with the callback to IM1, started with him ends with him then yeah
can already tell the epilogue for the big three will be super divisive
the idea of j*mes g**n handling thor tho makes me uncomfy
I was for sure thinking the big three were going to die to make the stakes of IW idk feel less cheap but they didnt n yeah it does cheapen it imho :V
steves ending, idk i dont have any strong feelings on it, maybe im leaning towards im ok with it and maybe he deserves it but yeah not a devout CA fan so idk if its breaking some important characterization of his cuz i see some fans r indeed upset by it :V but like didnt peggy have a husband and kids, r they just gone now or is it like that paradox thing where it was him this whole time
my overall feel for the movie is, its entertaining and does feel like the end of a saga, its mostly about the characters more than anything else narrative n thematic wise leave it at that¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i guess most of this comes off as negative lmao but just know these r all just things that dont jive with me personally cuz will admit my tastes dont lean much towards this kinda stuff cuz im a werido im weird have u ever seen m-, but if urs does im sure ull love the movie or continue to love the movie like a buncha people clapped in the theater at a lot of moments so im p sure the majority will love it like u and thats p cool
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