#its just a little awkward now since we live together but at least its not just us two here
roaringheat · 2 months
chat, i did it i finally broke up with my partner
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
I Choose You
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Pairing: Fem! reader x Gabimaru (reader’s skin color/ hair color/texture not specified) (also I'm unclear on Gabi’s age but obviously he’s 18+ here)
Summary: When reader and Gabi’s marriage is arranged, neither are sure what to expect. Overtime, however, they find that their connection goes beyond just duty.
Word Count: 5.8k
Warnings: both characters are lil shy and awkward at times (but its sweet), arranged marriage, bathing together, fingering, mutual virginity loss, cream pie, not proof read
a/n: I lost the sex scene not once, but TWICE, so I hope you enjoy because I suffered for it. Also I think this is literally the first Gabimaru smut so that’s cool
Your wedding day was something you pictured your entire life. You spent a lot of time thinking about the dress you would wear, the food you’d eat, the people you would celebrate with. Most of your daydreams, though, were spent wondering who your husband would be.
You thought about the ways you’d meet him. Maybe while out on a walk, or when you went to the market in the village. You imagined him being sweet and charming you. Taking you on dates and winning your heart. You pictured him as gentle, but strong, and, of course, handsome.
None of those things happened. There was no romance, just an order from your father. And now you sat next to your husband, a man who’s reputation proceeded him. Gabimaru the Hollow. He was not unhandsome, you noted, but that did not do enough to mitigate your fear of him. He was your father’s most fearsome shinobi, capable of things you couldn’t even imagine.
He was unassuming, despite his reputation. You expected him to be... well meaner. Or louder. Or something. He was oddly quiet, not speaking to you beyond what was necessary for the vows. He barely ate, too, though neither had you. But that was because of your nerves. 
You knew what came after a marriage ceremony. No matter who you had married, you’d be nervous for that. But the fact that you didn’t know this man beyond his reputation made it even scarier. You weren’t ready for it, but if he wanted to have sex with you, you had no choice but to comply. It was what was expected of a good wife and you’d raise to be, above all, a good wife.
You tried watching Gabimaru out of the corner of your eye. He seemed disinterest, bored even. You wished you could read his mind, or that you at least felt brave enough to start conversation. You wondered how he felt about this. Anxiety fluttered through you. What if he was displeased? Your hand almost instinctively went up to the scar down your face, but you resisted. Perhaps he did not think you were beautiful. Though you had no strong feelings for the man, it still poked at your insecurity.
Suddenly, your father was announcing the end of the festivities. Your stomach churned with anxiety as you and Gabimaru were led to your place on the compound. The house was modest, but comfortable. There was even a private bathing area attached to it, which you were excited about. You, however, weren’t in the frame of mind to be all that excited over your living situation.
“Congratulation on your marriage. I hope you will both make our clan proud,” your father said, with very little warmth in his voice. He was never a kind man and you couldn’t imagine having to endure relentless training with him. 
Then the door shut and you were alone with Gabimaru. Your heart was beating so loudly in your ears that you almost didn’t hear him speak. “Do you know where the bedroom is?”
“Oh y-yes,” you replied, glad to have a task. You began walking and he followed behind you. “Since the wedding was announced, I have been preparing the house for us.” It was strange to have an ‘us.’ “I hope you will find it satisfactory.”
“It’s nice,” he noted. 
“Thank you. Oh, here we are.” You stepped into the bedroom, which felt significantly smaller now that both of you were in it. “There’s sleepwear in the dresser.” 
“Thank you,” he replied, pulling out what he needed. You took our your own and slipped behind the changing screen. Maybe it was silly to protect your modesty around your husband, especially when he was most likely about to take it all off, but it made you feel better.
Gabimaru was already on the bed when you stepped out. Your knees were weak, but you pushed yourself forward. You lied down next to him, hoping he couldn't hear your heart pounding. You were still as stone, waiting for him to move, to touch you, to have his way with you. 
But then he surprised you. He softly said goodnight and turned his back to you to sleep. You felt a wave of surprise and relief that he did not intend to have sex with you. Though it did a lot to help your nerves, it did little to improve your insecurities. This time, you allowed your fingers to run over the scar on your face, wondering if you were not enough.
Over the next few weeks you got to know Gabimaru, who was nothing like you expected. You were waiting to see anger or cruelty or something to be scared of, but you never saw it. Indeed, he seems the opposite. He was quiet and unassuming, albeit a little strange. He had some odd habits, such as searching every corner of the house twice before bed, and was aloof at times, but never was mean.
It was strange, though, to see how other in the compound treated him. They were certainly afraid of him. Many avoided him altogether, or seemed uneasy when having to speak with him. Even your father’s most skilled and dangerous shinobi seemed on edge around him. If they acted that way, you knew the stories about him had to be true and yet, you had not been able to feel any fear towards him since the night of your wedding passed.
It was still a mystery how he felt about you. The first few nights after your wedding you kept expecting him to reach over and touch you or tell you he wanted you. However, at this point you have fully dropped that expectation. It was still a little odd to sleep next to a relative stranger, but you did feel oddly safe with him around.
Though you appreciated him never forcing himself on you, your fears of him not finding you attractive grew worse and worse. Why else would a man not sleep with his wife? You didn’t blame him, you knew the scar marred your beauty, but it still hurt. You tried not to dwell on it, as it was something you couldn’t change. Instead, you resolved to be the perfect wife in other ways. You were determined to connect with him.
“Gabi - uh do you mind if I eat with you tonight?” you were so nervous to ask that you didn’t even notice the nickname you’d given him. It caught Gabimaru’s attention, though, throwing him off. 
“Oh, um, sure,” he replied, sitting down at the table. You felt a small rush of triumph. Gabi was often out late, eating long after you when he got home. Sometimes he didn’t eat at all. When he was home, he always went off to eat alone. It was one of his odd habits. 
Gabi began to devour his food. And you mean devour. Shoveling it into his mouth so quickly you couldn’t imagine he even tasted it. You couldn’t help but laugh. He paused at the sound, looking up expecting to find you mocking him, but there was not a trace of malice in your laughter or your face. 
“You don’t need to rush!” you said kindly.
Gabi knew the way he ate wasn’t normal. He was taught to eat this way in his training. Eating was a necessary evil, not something you took pleasure in. He was trained to eat his food for sustenance, nothing more. Gabi wasn’t sure what to say, so he just said, “Sorry.”
You smiled fondly at him. It stirred something deep inside him that he couldn't quite place. “No need to apologize. I just want you to enjoy it. After a long day you deserve it.”
You deserve it. Gabi had never been told that before, at least not for something good. No, only punishments were deserved. “I guess I was just taught this way.”
“I can teach you a new way... If you’d like,” you added as to not sound too assertive. 
Gabimaru, in that moment, realized he would like to learn. “Yes... please”
You modeled for him, picking a few noodles up with your chopsticks and slurping them up slowly. He mimicked you, though still went a little too fast, causing the noodles to go a little haywire. They whipped around to hit his cheek and chin. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“That will happen if you go to fast,” you explained. “Try again, just a little slower.” Under you gentle instruction, he was able to slurp the noodles up with out a mess. You then instructed him to take a little sip of the broth and allow it to swirl around on his tongue before swallowing. Gabi’s eyes widened as he truly tasted his food for the first time in years. He couldn’t believe how good it was.
“This is so good,” he said. You beamed at the compliment, which only made him enjoy it more. You both sat together and ate slowly, an activity Gabi never thought could be so... nice.
“Do you have a favorite food? I want to make more things you’ll like.” He didn’t, what with how eating typically went for him. He told you as much. “That’s alright, we’ll just have to find your favorite together. I’ll try a bunch of different recipes and you can tell me which you like best. Would you like that?”
Gabimaru was not often shocked, but you really threw him for a loop. He did not expect much from a marriage. Honestly, he hadn't even really wanted it, but knew he couldn’t refuse the request from your father. Knowing him, he’d assumed you would be the same. Your kindness and gentleness with him was disarming. 
“Yes, thank you y/n,” he replied. He was unnerved. Not in a bad way, like when he faced a strong opponent. He just didn’t know what to make of you. Gabi asked if there was anything he could do. He always felt best when he was given commands. It was comfortable for him to not have to make decisions for himself, rather just do as he was told. 
“Oh, um,” you were surprised he offered to help. You were not used to that from the men you knew. “Some help cleaning the dishes would be great.”
Gabimaru nodded and joined you at the counter. You fell into an easy rhythm of you rinsing and him drying. There was silence between the two of you, but it was comfortable. Pleasant, almost. You almost wished there were more dishes to do just to prolong this time. 
Finally, however, you finished. You didn’t want to push too far, so you just thanked Gabi for his help. Gabimaru nodded and started to exit the kitchen. He paused in the doorway, turning back to you. 
He said what he had been thinking since he first heard you say it. “I… like when you call me Gabi. You can call me that from now on. And thank you again for the food.”
Your heart soared with pride. You were so pleased that your plan was a success. “Of course. I look forward to more meals with you, Gabi.” With that Gabi disappeared into the hallway, leaving you both with the faintest hint of a stirring that you couldn’t quite place. 
The evening you shared dinner with Gabi seemed to be the icebreaker you both needed. You noticed that he started coming home earlier and made effort to eat with you. You loved watching him find joy in food and learning all the things he liked. You were slowly spending more time with each other and little by little getting to know each other more. 
Gabi was still very guarded. He seemed nervous in ways or, rather, like a fish out of water. You quickly realized he didn’t know what it meant to live a “normal” life. It was why he ate too quickly, couldn’t do laundry, and struggled to make conversation. You knew it was all because of your father’s cruel training. It made you resent him more. 
The only good thing it provided was more opportunities to connect with Gabi. Each time you taught him something new, you felt yourselves grow closer. It had only been a few weeks since that dinner and you felt yourself growing fond of him. 
Well, more than fond truly. You were nervous around him, but not for the reasons you originally were. Your stomach filled with butterflies. As much as you learned about him, you wished for more. The time spent with him wasn’t enough. 
You wished for a touch, even. Not that you were necessarily ready for sex, but a brush of hands, an embrace, anything to give an indication of how he felt. You felt he was connecting to you, but the lack of intimacy nagged at you. Could he just not be interested?
Little did you know that Gabi was very much interested. He savored the time you spent together, arguably even more than you did. He knew he wasn’t the best at companionship, but just listening to you talk brought up feelings in him he quite honestly didn’t know he had. He always feared he was disappointing you, but was soothed by the smiles you gave and the gentleness you showed him. 
Gabi wanted to touch you, but he didn’t really know how. He was scared of hurting you or making you afraid. You were everything he wasn’t: sweet, kind, a caretaker. He knew you must be aware of his reputation, of who he was, and felt you must think he’s monster like everyone else does, even if you didn’t show it. 
For those reasons, he felt he didn’t even deserve to touch you. There were, however, a few times in the night that your bodies had  drifted together. Gabi was a very light sleeper and woke up the instant your body touched his. You were so warm, your scent so sweet, that he couldn’t pull himself away. It felt wrong, to steal these moments from you, but he couldn’t help himself. He always slipped away before you could wake and realize. It was better that way, he told himself. 
What he felt for you was already dangerous. It went against everything he was trained to become: an unfeeling killing machine. If his judgement were to become clouded with feelings for you, it could put not only him but you in danger. He simply could not have that. Still, it was much easier said than done. 
“Gabi there is something we need to work on,” you said, pulling him from his thoughts. 
“What is that?”
“Bathing? What about it?”
“I don’t think you do it… right,” you said politely. 
Gabi didn’t know there was a right and wrong way to bathe. He said as much to you. 
“Well you don’t seem to indulge in it much. And when you do you’re barely in the bath for a few minutes. I don’t see how you can even enjoy it.”
“I was taught that baths are to be completed as quickly as possible. Any lingering could dull the senses,” he replied. He left out the part that those senses were necessary for his job of killing people. He didn’t want to fill your head with that vision of him. You looked at him with such empathy that it made his chest ache strangely. 
“I know you were raised in a … strict environment. I imagine on a mission lingering in the bath is not advisable,” you replied, “but at home with me you are safe. I can promise you that. You deserve to relax. To feel clean.” 
To feel clean. Gabi doesn’t think he’s felt truly clean in a very long time. He sometimes wondered if he was tainted the moment he was born. He wasn’t sure a bath would change that, but he could not resist the sweet smile on your face. 
Gabi followed you to the bathing area, the part of the house he admittedly spent the least amount of time in. “Let me put some essential oils in the water before you get in. It’s good for you skin and smells nice. Would you like rose or lavender?”
You might as well be speaking another language. “Um. Which do you like?”
“I’ll take that one then.”
You smiled, which made Gabi’s chest feel lighter. You opened up a small bottle, putting a few drops of liquid in the water. Steam rolled up from the water as your swirled it around with your hand, filling the room with a pleasant scent. “There, that should be good. I’m going to get a few things, you can get in if you’d like.” 
Gabi started to undress, which made your cheeks tint. You turned to gather some bars of soap and towels, but couldn’t help but peak over at him. You almost gasped seeing how his body was littered with scars. You of all people knew what it was like to carry scars; your heart ached for him and the pain he must have endured. You felt like you should look away as he stripped his lower half, but you could make your eyes move. You did not have much to compare to, but he looked large even when soft. Your cheeks had to be flaming red.
“Is everything okay?” Gabi asked as he stepped into the bath, his body disappearing below the water. Gabi wasn’t really uncomfortable with nudity, nor did he ever think his body could have an effect on you. He wasn’t sure what was making you blush, but did think you looked particularly pretty when your cheeks were pink.
“Y-yes, sorry I was just...” you mumbled, fumbling to pivot the conversation, “Wondering if the water is warm enough?” You told yourself to get it together, that there was no need to be bumbling like an idiot over nudity.
“Yes it’s good.” 
You pulled yourself together and brought the soaps over to Gabi. You sat behind him, feeling grateful that the water and candlelight made it difficult to see much. You could see that Gabi still looked tense, though. “You need to relax.”
“I... I don't really know how to do that,” Gabi admitted.
You couldn’t help but giggle, which Gabi delighted in, despite feeling vulnerable. He always felt that way when you were teaching hims something new. “Try closing your eyes.” That went against all of Gabi’s instincts, but he did not want to disappoint you, so he complied. “Now try taking deep, slow breaths.” That Gabi could do fairly easily. You watched his chest rise and fall slowly over his shoulder. “Good Gabi, just like that.” Your praise made his cheeks burn. “May... may I touch you?”
Gabi’s pulse raced. He hoped his voice didn’t shake when he said, “Yes.”
“I’m going to start with your hair.” You collected some water in your hands, gently pouring it over the top of his head. You repeated the actions until his hair was nice and wet. You tried to focus on the task at hand so you did not get too nervous about the fact you were finally touching him. “This soap is specifically for hair. It smells like sandalwood. I think you’ll like it.”
You lathered the soap in your hands, before putting them in Gabi’s snowy hair. You gently rubbed little circles over his head to get it nice and soapy. You then allowed your nails to run over his scalp, getting a deeper clean.
“Wow,” an almost inaudible sigh left Gabi’s mouth. He couldn’t believe how good it felt just to have your hands on his head. Gabi didn’t really know what it meant to relax, but he felt a soothing sort of warmth starting to spread through his body and wondered if that was it.
You smiled at his reaction. “Feels nice, right?” Gabi nodded, letting himself get lost in your touch. You scrubbed at his hair until the bubbles rinsed away all the dirt. You hesitated a little before moving down to his shoulders, feeling little butterflies in your stomach. You ran the bar of soap over his shoulder and upper back, before massaging it in with your hands. 
Gabi’s body tensed at first under your touch. He was not used to anyone touching him, at least not in a gentle way. However, the more your hands work over his body, the more he relaxed. You savored the feeling of his body beneath your hands. You could easily feel the strength of his muscles, thick and firm under his skin. The texture of his scars was a little rougher than the rest of his skin, but you didn’t mind at all. You were extra soft around them.
You were nervous to ask the next question, but you pushed through. “I- I will have to get in with you to do the rest of your body. But if you don’t want me to, that’s okay.”
Gabi almost said no, solely because the thought of you being naked in the bathing pool with him did something to his senses that more than dulled them. But he even with all his training, he could not resist it. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”
Your hands were shaking a little as you stood up and undressed. You left your clothes in a messy pile behind you as you walked to the other side of the bathing pool to climb in. You were so nervous about Gabi seeing you naked that you almost let out a laugh when you saw that he still had his eyes dutifully closed. He really wanted to look, but didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He kept his eyes screwed shut even as he heard you stepping into the water.
“You can open your eyes now, if you’d like.”
He did, finding you up to your chest in the water. He could see the very top of your breast at the top of the water, but nothing more. You looked so beautiful with your cheeks flushed and shoulders bare that it made him shift nervously. You approached him slowly settling a few inches in front of him. He watched as you continued your work down his body, lathering and massaging the soap down his arms, his chest, his legs. You didn’t touch him between his legs and he was glad for it. He did not trust his bodily control that much.
Though having you so close to him and touching him made him nervous, he could not deny it felt amazing. He never lingered this long in the bath. Between the warmth of the water and the way you scrubbed him clean, he his body felt lighter than it had in a very long time. He was in awe of how you found the easiest ways to change his life.
“All done,” you said finally, “How do you feel?”
Gabi gave you the sweetest smile you’d seen in all the time you've know him. “Clean. Thank you.” You smiled equally as brightly in response. A thought dawned over Gabi that he knew was a bad idea, but he wanted to show you he could learn to be gentle. To be a normal person. “Can I... return the favor? It seems only right. And it would help me practice.” 
The thought of Gabi’s hands on your body elicited a stirring in your lower belly. There was not a single part of you, though, that did not want it. “I would like that, thank you.” 
You turned your back to him, sitting between his legs. Gabi took the soap from side of the pool, which so slick it slipped through his fingers and dropped into the pool. You both laughed lightly, breaking some of the nervous tension.
Gabi mimicked exactly what you did, starting with your hair. His fingers got a little tangled at first, but with some patient instruction he got the hang of it. He had a surprisingly careful touch that soothed you. You waited so long to know what his touch felt like and you were not disappointed. You had to fight the urge to lean into it more, to press your body against his.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hands slid around to your stomach. He did not touch your breasts, nor the space between your legs, but each time he got close you both blushed deeply. Not that you knew given that your back was still to him.
“Was that okay?” Gabi asked when he finished.
“That was perfect,” you replied, turning around to face him. You were so close to each other now, faces just inches a part. You felt drawn to him, like a moth to flame. Your voice was just a whisper when you asked, “May I try something?”
“Anything,” he breathed.
You leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It was the first kiss either of you ever shared and you both felt it ignite something deeper in you. You pulled away, breathless. Gabi was in stunned silence.
“Was that okay?” You asked nervously.
“Yes of course I- I just…” he trailed off, not sure how to explain it. Not sure how to not expose all his vulnerabilities to you. “I just never thought you would want to do that with… someone like me.”
Your brows furrowed. “Someone like you? What do you mean.”
“I- I’m not a good person,” Gabi admitted, “I don’t deserve you.”
“You’re my husband.”
“But you didn’t choose me.”
“But I am choosing you,” you insisted, “I have chosen you ever say since our wedding. I will continue to choose you for as long as I shall live. I- I don’t care about what you think you are or what people say. I have seen you for who you really are. You are a good man, Gabi.”
You are a good man, Gabi. Your voice echoed in his head. He couldn’t believe that you could think so highly of him. Feel so strongly about him. It loosened something in his chest, filling him with such an aching want he couldn’t speak.
You mistook his silence for disinterest. “I hope I have not overstepped. If you do not feel the same I understand.” You went to turn away, but Gabi grabbed you.
“No, don’t go,” he urged. “I’m sorry, you know I am not good with words. I just never thought you would feel that way about me.”
“You do yourself a disservice, Gabi,” you replied, “truthfully, I thought you wouldn’t feel that way about me.” Your eyes dropped to the water, feel self conscious. “I thought I may not be beautiful enough for you.”
Gabi was astonished that you could think that. He gently cupped your cheek, making your eyes meet. The way he looked at you made your chest squeeze. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His thumb brushed over your scar. “I hate that you’ve been hurt like this, but I promise it does nothing to mar your beauty.”
You leaned into his touch, feeling all the insecurity and anxiety you’d felt the last few weeks melt away. “Gabi we haven’t made our marriage… official you know,” you blushed as you spoke. Gabis brows wrinkled in confusion, then shot up when he understood.
“Do you want to?”
You nodded. “Yes, I want to be with you like that. I know we didn’t chose each other initially, but we can choose this.”
“I would love to,” Gabi replied, his head spinning at the mere thought. “I’ve just never done that. With anyone.” Now you were surprised; you could believe he was a virgin like you. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“Nothing could be a disappointment with you,” you assured him. You took his hands in yours and squeezed them. “We will get to learn. Together.”
Gabi loved the sound of that. You both wasted no time climbing out of the tub. You didn’t bother covering yourself with clothing or a towel, allowing Gabi see your entire body. You felt a little shy under his gaze but not uncomfortable. He was mesmerized by the droplets of water dripping down your curves.
“So beautiful,” was all he could manage, but you felt the weight of the feelings behind his words. You took his hand in yours, loving its warm roughness. You found yourself in your room quickly. You both laughed with nervous excitement as you climbed on to the bed and settled next to each other. “May I kiss you?”
He was pulling you in the second you nodded. The kiss was deeper than the first. It was a little messy on account of both of yours lack of experience, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You let your hands trail his body, liking that your got to feel him without the barrier of water. You loved everything you felt, scars and all.
You sensed Gabi was still hesitant to touch you. You took his hands in yours, placing them on your sides. “Go on, Gabi. Touch me,” you urged softly, “I want you to.”
He could not deny you anything. He allowed his hands to explore your body. He couldn’t believe how soft you were. Feeling braver, he brought a hand to your breast and squeezed gently. The little gasp you made made blood rush between his legs.
He felt instinct take over and brought his lips to the sensitive flesh. He kissed it, ran, his tongue over your nipple, then sucked lightly. Your body arched into him, your fingers tangling in his hair. He loves that, how your body reacted to him, as if urging for more, which he was more than happy to give.
As he kissed at your breasts you could feel him growing harder against your thigh. You squirmed with need, thighs pressing together for friction. Gabi could not resist touching you between them any longer.
Though he had no previous partners, he had a general idea of how things worked and how sex was supposed to go. Lord knows he heard men talk enough about it. So he knew women were supposed to get wet, yet he was still shocked by the slickness between your legs. In the best way possible.
“So wet,” he murmured, running his fingers through it. You were practically shaking with anticipation as his fingers ghosted over your clit. He noted how your body twitched and made a mental note to go back to that. He slid a finger inside you savoring the gasped you made. You were so wet and warm and tight around his finger, he couldn’t imagine how you’d feel around his cock.
Gabi never cared that much about getting off; it had always just been a matter of necessity for him. He never really did it out of desire or want, but he wanted you so bad it hurt. He pumped his fingers inside you, watching your face carefully for response. When he found a spot inside you that made you gasp particularly loud, he zeroed in on that. As your breath grew ragged, he remembered the other spot he wanted to try. He slid his fingers out of you and brought them to your clit, rubbing it.
“Feels so good,” you gasped.
“You like that?” he asked.
“Yes,” you replied breathlessly, “Don’t stop.” Gabi continued touching you just you asked. Each little circle he rubbed made the coil of pleasure in your lower stomach feel tighter. Gabi’s fingers felt so much better than your own. He leaned in taking your nipple in his mouth, sucking. The sensation caused the coil to snap, spreading pleasure across every inch of your body. Gabi watched as you came, your face went slack with bliss, your body arched. He wanted to watch you do that over and over.
“You’re good at that,” you said with a shy giggle when you came down from your high. 
“Thank you,” Gabi beamed at the compliment. 
Your eyes traveled down his body, seeing how hard he was with need. Gabi felt a little shy under your gaze, but let you look. You looked up at him. “You’re so handsome,” you said, “And I want all of you.”
Your hands traveled down his body, taking his cock in your hands. You pumped the length a little and Gabi’s hips stuttered. It was such a slight touch, but it drove him wild. You pulled him closer to you, rubbing him against your slick cunt. His head nudged against your hole and you looked to him for more.
“And you’re sure? I don’t want to hurt you.” Gabi heard the first time could be uncomfortable for girls; the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you.
“I trust you,” you replied definitively. That almost meant more to him than everything else you have said to him. 
When he finally pressed into you, you both gasped. It was such a full, foreign feeling, but not unpleasant. Gabi tried to steady himself as he felt your gummy walls squeeze around him. “Are you in any pain?” he asked though gritted teeth. 
You felt very full and a little pressure, but nothing painful. “I’m okay Gabi, keep going.” He did has you bid him, rolling his hips slowly so you could both adjust. Each moment that passed made the pressure melt to pleasure. His cock tip brushed the sweet spot inside you. Each sweet sound that left your mouth urged him to continue. He gripped the bed sheets tightly, trying to not to spill too soon. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Your bodies completely pressed together as you kissed him. You both loved the connectedness, how you didn’t really know where one started and the other ended. You both didn’t knew sex was supposed to feel good, but you didn’t know it would feel this good.
You hips bucked up to meet Gabi’s, pressing him deeper inside you. Your second orgasm snuck up on you, seizing your body with warm bliss. Gabi got lost in the feeling of squeezing him, moaning his name in his ear. His hips twitched as he came, filling you with his warm release. 
You were both breathlessly and smiling as you came down from you high. You felt so deeply connected to Gabi in that moment that you couldn’t believe there was a time you didn’t know him.
You pushed his hair out of his eyes, smiling up at his face. “I love you, Gabi. And I choose you. Always.”
“Thank you for showing me what love could be,” Gabi replied, kissing your lips. He held you close, glad that finally he would not have to slip away from you. He could hold you, choose you. Forever.
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melodymunson · 3 months
Eddie Munson x fem!reader x Chrissy Cunningham oneshot
Baby love me, apocalyptic
5.3K words
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warnings p in v sex, threesome, pussy eating, fingering, use of a toy (dildo), cum swallowing, pure filth, cream pie, raunchy smut and pure filth, unprotected & protected sex, blowjob, handjob, mentions of cheating. (not Eddie or reader + a big fuck you to Jason Carver).
backstory: Eddie, Chrissy, and reader are all college age. Chrissy is 20, reader and Eddie 22. Its the year 1988 and Chrissy is back in town from college. Reader lives with Eddie and he is still Chrissy's drug dealer. Chrissy didnt die in 1986 and its slightly AU. The fruity four defeated Vecna in 1986 along with Eleven and Max except Vecna comes back years later.
Synopsis: You were former friends with Chrissy Cunningham. One day she showed up to visit the trailer park to buy some Ketamine from Eddie. What started as a rocky evening led to a night none of you could ever forget. (A little re-imagining at the end and Chrissy does not die in this Stranger Things universe).
Eddie was your boyfriend and your best friend. After being long-term friends for the first three years of high school, you began dating. Your former best friend Chrissy had joined the popular crowd, and she became the head cheerleader. You were not on the best terms with her anymore, but had been best friends for about 7 years and had known each other since elementary school. There was a time when you could tell her anything and you were practically inseparable. Some days you missed her a lot, but it was great that you had Eddie. Even though you were both outcasts, you still really understood each other and had a lot of fun together, no matter what you did. Just sitting next to him and listening to heavy metal music was good enough for you. He was the person you told all of your secrets to now that Chrissy was a part of your past since 11th grade.
Chrissy needed to buy some ketamine, and she knew Eddie had the goods. After she arrived at his trailer and they exchanged pleasantries, they made the deal and she came inside to pay for them. You and Eddie had been rolling joints, and you felt all relaxed and mellowed out. You had just had a shower together, and it was great to just get comfortable on the couch with him and listen to heavy metal. It was a great time until she showed up, at least. She said hi to you and you nodded as you gave a very vague response to her. Things were awkward. After she sat down, you pulled him in close to you. He offered Chrissy the joint, and she accepted. As it was passed around, you felt so good and relaxed. It was already the second joint you had shared with him that day and it was just what you needed. After some silence ensued, you broke it by speaking up first.
"So why did you come here, Chrissy?"
"I needed to make a deal with Eddie. I don't know why you care, though it's just business. I haven't even talked to you in years now," she replied with simply a shrug of her shoulders.
This was news to you because Eddie had promised you a date night, just the two of you. He knew you had a falling out with her, just not the details, but the tension was so thick in the room that it could be cut with a knife.
"I'm just surprised you would come over to Eddie's place with him being a social outcast and everything. I guess you didn't expect me to be here even though practically the whole town knows we are dating," you told her with a roll of your eyes.
"Look, if this is too uncomfortable for you, then I'll just leave. I'll make it simple for you."
She got up, and Eddie stopped her by holding her back.
"Wait, don't go. We can figure this out," Eddie told her in a promising tone.
"Yeah, it's no big deal. Just stay then. It doesn't matter, I guess. Whatever," you responded as you flicked the ash from the joint and passed it over to Eddie again.
"Fine. I guess I will stay for 5 more minutes."
She sat back down with her legs crossed and her arms crossed around her chest. Eddie looked over at you and mouthed, 'Calm down.' You were glad he was there to intervene, and even though you were pretty skeptical about Chrissy staying, you were glad that a fight hadn't ensued. He always kept cool and level-headed. You secretly wondered if she had bought drugs from him before. You were a bit jealous, but also had some pretty strong feelings for Chrissy. That was over now, or so you thought. Eddie was yours and you trusted him. You knew nothing could come between the two of you. You were the biggest supporter of his band Corroded Coffin, and you shared a bond with him that neither of you had with anyone else.
"She wasn't supposed to come over until tomorrow. You have every right to be pissed off, though," he explained before taking another drag of the joint.
"Just forget it. I'll put on some music for us," you told them as you got up and turned on the radio. The song playing was PainKiller by Judas Priest. It was one of Eddie's favorites. He started nodding along to the song as you returned to the couch and sat on his lap, hoping to make her jealous.
It felt like impending doom some days because Hawkins had the reputation of being a very dismal town with a dark past and history. Victor and Henry Creel were the town outcasts and their family was the town's legends, but for all the wrong reasons. Life was random, but you cherished it and even though it was full of loss sometimes, you would not give up on Eddie and you hoped you could repair the damaged friendship you had with Chrissy. Secretly, you thought she felt the same. Having her around sure was interesting. Eddie felt sometimes like he couldn't deal with the big jumble of thoughts constantly going through his head, and if Vecna's curse was real, he felt he was screwed. Instead of dwelling on that, he planned to make the most of each day and do what he could to make it through. With you by his side, things were so much more bearable. With Chrissy having a hectic and rough home life, she vowed to not let it fully control her. Getting better was a slow process for her, but she was taking it a little at a time and day by day.
When you used to have sleepovers with Chrissy, you would always share a bed. Her room was fully decked out in pink shades, but for you, it was just the opposite. You loved horror movies and metal instead of all girly things, but your friendship still worked just like opposites attract. Having so much time with her and sleeping next to each other made your feelings for her grow. Even though she was just your friend, your feelings became deeper for her, but you never told her. Occasionally, you would practice kissing each other and you felt even more attracted to her because of it. Getting popular changed her a bit, and you drifted your separate ways the summer after tenth grade.
Recently Chrissy had been breaking up off and on with her long-time boyfriend Jason Carver because of stupid little fights and you wanted to rub it in her face just how much you loved Eddie. Chrissy was taking a drag and her eyes looked hazy. Maybe once she got high enough, she would lighten up and stop being such a drag. As she passed the joint to him, their fingers brushed together but you pretended not to notice. You had an idea at that moment to lighten the mood. You whispered into Eddie's ear and he nodded, then took off his denim vest of Dio handing it to you and you put it on. The next song was Looks that Kill by Motley Crue, and it was one of your favorites. Chrissy was staring at you with a genuine look of interest on her face. You gave Eddie a lap dance as the song led into the chorus. He had the biggest smile on his face and he occasionally looked over at Chrissy, who was weakly smiling and even blushing a little and giggling. You gave Eddie some kisses on his neck as you gave him the dance and as you turned around on his lap grinding on him, you threw your head back onto his shoulder and his hands caressed your body. When the song was over and a commercial came onto the radio, he gave you another kiss. The lap dance was something you had a lot of fun doing and with her around you were shocked you could be as into it as you were instead of shy. He blew some smoke into your mouth and then handed you the joint as another song came on.
"You doing okay over there, Chrissy?" He asked her curiously after a brief pause.
"Yeah, I'm great. I could go for a bottle of water."
"Sure. I was thinking about getting a beer for myself. Be right back. Anything for you, m'lady?" He asked as he turned back to you.
"Just some water, please. Thanks."
Eddie kissed you on the temple and tapped your ass playfully. You moved closer to Chrissy and after taking another drag of the joint; you passed it to her.
"So what's on your mind?" Chrissy asked interestedly.
"I actually can't believe I did that with you here. It's so unlike me."
"It was great, though. I wish I had your confidence. Look, I'm sorry we aren't friends now, but I would like to give our friendship another chance."
"I would like that if you are serious. I mean, why not? Let's give it another, try I guess."
You both smiled, and you leaned in closer to her. It might've just been the weed talking, but you were feeling a strong attraction toward her. Before either of you could say another word you gave her a small kiss on the lips.
"Do it again," she told you with a raise of her brows and a mischievous look on her face, looking disappointed at how quick the kiss was. If it wasn't for the drugs you probably wouldn't be doing this but it happened and there was no going back. Suddenly she was reminded of the times you had practiced kissing each other and she was craving more from you.
"I thought you were back with Jason though…"
"Yeah well, it's not going so well I think I'm going to break up with him again. I saw him kissing another girl. Also, I found a used bra and a pair of panties in the glove compartment of his car. I found the key even though he had it locked."
Jason could seriously go get fucked you thought to yourself. No one deserved that ever. Not even Chrissy. Especially not Chrissy. You kissed her again and she deepened it, pulling you even closer to her. Only moments later Eddie walked in with his beer along with two bottles of water and a surprised but pleased look on his face. Seemingly, he was quite interested in the scene that was happening right in front of him but he also was a bit perplexed that you two went from arguing to kissing so quickly. It's not that he minded in the slightest. You had talked to him before about if the opportunity arose and you were with another person, particularly another girl you liked, it was okay to kiss.
"Didn't mean to interrupt…"
You and Chrissy broke the kiss, only now realizing he was there again.
"It's fine Eddie. Come sit down. I'm sure Chrissy wants her water."
He walked over to the couch, sat down again and handed Chrissy her water and you the other water.
"I guess we put on a sort of a show for you, huh?" You asked him as you took his hand in yours, fingers now entwined.
He took a big swig from his beer and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"I loved it, though. What guy could be upset with his girlfriend for kissing another girl?"
You were so turned on at that moment and you gave him a deep, passionate kiss and then looked back over at Chrissy. With the joint now finished and the 3 of you feeling pretty buzzed, a smirk formed on your lips. Something told you that things were about to get much more interesting. You and Chrissy drank some of your water then set it aside.
"I've never really done something like this before. I'm having so much fun, though," Chrissy admitted.
"Good. I'm glad. Tonight has been something else, hasn't it?" You asked as you wrapped your arms around Eddie's shoulders pulling him in even closer to you.
"Now it's my turn to give you a lap dance Y/N," Chrissy told you before taking a chug of her beer for extra confidence.
The song on the radio was Talk Dirty to Me by Poison. You moved off Eddie's lap and sat down next to him. Chrissy stood up and danced on your lap. Eddie watched with fascination as she moved and grinded on you with her short cheerleading skirt on. He practically guzzled his beer while he got into the moment. Her lips grazed yours as she teased you and pulled away. She was giving you such a hot lap dance, and you were having the time of your life. As she danced your eyes stayed focused on hers and when the song was over she gave you another kiss.
"Let's take this to the bedroom," you offered up as a suggestion, wanting to take things further with Chrissy and Eddie.
"Definitely. I thought you'd never ask," Chrissy responded as Eddie got up and you, as well as Chrissy followed him into his room.
You felt excited about all the possibilities and what could happen that night with Eddie and Chrissy. You liked her and it was great. She liked you too.
You went up to Chrissy and wrapped your arms around her from behind and kissed her neck as you heard her soft whimpering. You pushed her hair back from her face and caressed her chest, causing her to gasp. You removed her top and her skirt, then let her undress you down to your panties.
"Now tell me what you want to do with me. I want to know your innermost thoughts and darkest desires," you whispered to her.
"I want to show you how much I like you. I want to pleasure you."
"Of course, but first, let's make Eddie feel good."
She nodded in agreement and you kissed her deeply and passionately with tangled tongues. Once the kiss broke you pulled Eddie close into you and kissed him then watched as they kissed each other. Getting down on your knees on the carpet, you undid his pants and unzipped them. Chrissy got down next to you and watched eagerly with wide eyes as you removed his thick and perfect cock from the inner confines of his boxers. As you grabbed her by the jaw and looked into her eyes you said,
"Right now Chrissy, I want to see how well you can suck cock."
"Eddie, you are so big. I want to feel you down my throat," she told him in a soft voice.
He looked down at both of you with lust in his eyes. He wanted to feel both of your mouths so badly.
"Fuck him with your mouth first. I want for you to start."
She caressed the tip of his cock then his shaft and kissed every inch of his length before she wrapped her mouth around the head taking him into her mouth little by little as she began to caress and cradle his balls and rub the part of his shaft she hadn't yet reached with her mouth. She looked so hot as she sucked, deep and even deeper until she established a steady rhythm on his length. The lewd sucking sounds could be heard as she kept going with eager enthusiasm and you stroked his balls.
"Good girl, now let me get a chance."
She popped off his cock, and you met her lips in a wet and sloppy kiss with tangling tongues. Eddie watched both of you as a huge grin was plastered on his face. You took him into your mouth with pleasure quickly reaching his pubic bone with your nose and began to choke and gag a little on his cock but just at first until you fully adjusted to his length. He rocked his hips back and forth as you moved your mouth loving the feeling of the very back of your throat. Chrissy watched with great interest as you sucked him off like a pro and he pulled your hair back with one hand while his other hand rested on his hip.
"Such a good girl for me putting that mouth to good use. Deep throating me like a porn star," he groaned as he closed his eyes for just a moment.
You looked up at him and fluttered your lashes as you kept on sucking him off with strands of drool and pre-cum running down your mouth and chin. Soon he pushed you off his cock and pulled you up with a firm grip of your hair to meet your lips in a kiss. Your tongues moved with passion as you kissed him back hard.
"I want to watch as you ladies please each other, then I'll join in."
He sat down in a nearby chair and you took that as your signal to guide Chrissy to the bed and push her down on it. Once you removed your clothes except for your underwear, you leaned down close to her and caressed her chest as you asked her.
"What did you promise me about wanting to give me pleasure?"
"I want to explore your body and pleasure you. I haven't done this with another girl before," she admitted a bit excitedly, sounding full of longing and yearning for a chance to get to do this with you. She wanted you to be the first girl she had ever made love to and as far as she was concerned, Jason was now history.
"Well, you can please me then. I would love that."
You laid down on the bed as she straddled your thighs, kissed you from your neck down to your collarbone, chest, and stomach, and then parted your thighs. You opened your legs wide for her as she kissed and licked down towards your inner thighs and removed your panties with her teeth as Eddie watched his cock twitching in his pants his beer now gone.
"This is nice but I want your tongue," you commanded firmly.
Chrissy looked at you like you were the girl of her dreams and you wanted to give her the best night of her life. With Eddie there, you knew things would be even better. The thought of sharing Eddie with anyone wasn't something you thought would happen or with Chrissy of all people, but now that it was you knew you would make the most out of the experience. The weed heightened the feelings you were experiencing, and Chrissy looked and smelled so beautiful.
When her tongue and fingers made contact with your clit, you wondered if she hadn't done this before because she knew exactly how to please you. You looked over at Eddie with a big grin on your face and he looked back at you with lust in his eyes and a wicked smile on his face his cock still as rock hard as ever.
She was fairly good at pleasing you and being a girl she knew what your sensitive spots were, where to put her tongue, and just how to finger you. You were so wet already and her tongue and fingers brought you closer than ever to reaching your first orgasm of the night. You tugged on her hair and told her when to go slower and when to apply more pressure. She read the signals well and she looked deeply into your eyes as you moaned and whimpered for her. She was encouraged only more to please you even better. It was so hot to watch her be submissive like this and give you what you needed and craved. Eddie's eyes were on the two of you never daring to look anywhere else worried about missing even a single second of her pleasing you or the faces you were making. As she tongue-fucked you, you caught glances at Eddie and caressed your breasts wanting to put on a show for him. The lewd moans and noises coming from your mouth were making his cock already wet with precum and he was fully erect again. Porn had nothing on this sight in front of him. Seeing you and Chrissy please each other was the hottest thing he could ever watch.
"That's so fuckin good, baby girl," you mewled as she ate you out like you were a four-course meal and you tugged even harder on her ponytail.
Eddie couldn't take it any longer and came over to the bed fully naked now and harder than ever as Chrissy had you on the verge of your release. He fondled and caressed your breasts and nipples as she added another finger and you writhed underneath her, your fingers clenching the sheets.
"Gonna cum- fuck!" You cried out as you began to cum in her mouth.
She pulled away slowly, licking her lips, then kissed Eddie. You got up and pushed him down onto the bed as you straddled his lap then lowered yourself down onto his erect cock. Chrissy was kneeling next to you and caressing your breasts as you began to ride him. His big cock stretched you out so fully and it felt incredible.
"That's my girl taking her daddy's cock just like that. Fuck! So hot," he groaned.
You could never get enough of him, and her touch made the experience even hotter than it would be if it were just you and him. Her caresses felt wonderful. Eddie grunted underneath you and spanked your ass as he bounced you up and down on his cock. As you rode him and your breasts bounced, your moans grew louder.
"Touch me, Chrissy. Fuck me with your fingers."
She obeyed your command almost instantly and moved her fingers down to your wet clit and rubbed circles over it, wanting to make you feel amazing. You pulled her in deeply for a kiss as you rode him and he spanked your ass.
"Fuck, that's so hot just like that Kiss her," he growled almost animalistically.
He felt so fuckin turned on and hard inside of you as you rode him and he bucked his hips even further into you. He never thought that you and Chrissy kissing and being together would turn him on but here he was and you as well as your former best friend, were giving each other carnal delight and pleasure.
As she groaned against your mouth and you rode your boyfriend's cock, you moaned loudly and coated him with your juices. He bucked his hips up into you a bit forcefully as he pinched your nipples and Chrissy finger-fucked you with three of her fingers, making you feel so fuckin' hot and you felt another orgasm approaching you quickly. As you looked at Eddie and into his brown doe-eyes and back over at Chrissy's blue ones, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
You pulled her in for a kiss and crashed your lips together, feeling so wet from her touch, Eddie's cock, and his fingers working against your nipples. Your cries grew louder and the bed squeaked even louder as you fucked him and kissed her.
"Fuck yes, cum all over my cock just like that," he groaned as he felt your juices coat his shaft.
Chrissy licked her fingers greedily, loving your taste, then met his lips in a kiss so he could taste you from her lips. You got off him and whispered into her ear, "You want to ride his cock, right? Now is the perfect time for that."
She blushed slightly, and you wasted no time reaching into the bedside drawer to grab the box of condoms. You eagerly rolled the condom onto his cock as he looked at you, practically out of breath. His chocolate button eyes were wide with wonder as he realized what you were up to.
"Are you sure about this, baby?"
"Yes. I want to see her ride your cock. It would be the hottest thing."
Once she removed the rest of her clothes, you guided Chrissy onto him slowly, inch by agonizing inch. As she took him fully, you rubbed her clit and guided her along as she began to bounce up and down on his thick length. He was so big and girthy and you watched with fascination and delight as you fingered her and yourself. Her moans became louder as she got into the rhythm of it all. As he fucked up into her wet and tight pussy, you kissed her and Eddie grabbed her hips to help her bounce on his cock to his liking at the perfect tempo and pace.
"Fuck, she is so tight. Fuck!" He gasped as she rode him with passion and elicited loud moans as she fucked him.
Getting your favorite toy out of the bedside table, which was a clear glass dildo with a heart shape at one end, you use it on your clit, moving it over your sensitive bud and watching as they fucked each other hard and rough. The sounds they were making and the wet sound of skin slapping against skin were so erotic and it made you move the toy even faster inside of your pussy.
"Now switch and get on top of her," you commanded, as she seemed to be nearing her release.
Chrissy popped off his cock and switched positions with him. He wasted no time ramming right back into her wet pussy as he wrapped her legs around his waist. His thrusts became more sloppy as he was getting closer to chasing his high and you fingered her clit as he fucked in and out of her and made wet, squelching noises. It was one of the hottest and filthiest things you had ever seen before. You were dripping onto the toy now and nearing overstimulation, but kept going as you watched them fuck. They both watched you and whined with pleasure as you used the toy on yourself. You loved to see her tits bounce as he fucked her, and it was so hot to see them pleasing each other like this.
Hearing Eddie's groans was like music to your ears. Seeing him being pleased like this made you feel so hot.
"Gonna cum- Eddie," she whined as she felt like her orgasm was going to wash over her at any moment now.
"Me too, Chrissy," he told her as he thrust his hips into her.
"Cum on our chests," you groaned as you set the toy aside on the bedside table.
A low growl escaped Eddie's lips, and Chrissy moaned louder now that her orgasm washed over her.
"Yes, Eddie! I'm cumming!" She cried out. After she had ridden out her high, he pulled out and removed the condom, quickly tossing it aside and into the trash.
You watched with delight as you were now down on your knees next to the bed.
Chrissy went over to you and knelt as well, kissing you as Eddie muttered 'oh fuck' and gave his cock several more thrusts before spilling all over your chest and hers. You helped clean each other up and collapsed together on his bed. Once you had all come down from your highs and caught your breath, everyone cuddled next to each other, feeling so satisfied from the experience.
"Well that was pretty wonderful. I'm just so glad we were able to make up," Chrissy mused as she rested in between you and Eddie.
"Just stay with us. Stay the night," you suggested. Eddie nodded in agreement.
"I will. I'm glad I'm here. Tonight was the best."
"You're still dating Jason, though, aren't you?" He asked with big doe-like eyes.
It wasn't like Chrissy to cheat, but being with you and Eddie just felt so right, and Jason did cheat first after all.
"Yeah, about that don't think that was working out too well. It was mainly long distance anyway."
"Breakup with him and go out with us. The more the merrier," you suggested, sounding as serious as you could.
"And more mind-blowing sex? I mean, why not? I enjoy being around both of you."
"Then it's settled. You are ours," he told her as he wrapped one arm around her and the other around you.
You pulled her in for another long and lingering kiss. Tonight was pretty wonderful, and it was all thanks to them. Eddie and Chrissy both understood you so well and the sex was amazing. Most of all, you loved the way you were when you were around them. What started as a friendship and then turned into a crush before it turned into enemies was now a friend with benefits and possibly more- but who knew where things would go from here? You were finally at a good place with Chrissy Cunningham and loved your boyfriend more than ever- you wouldn't want it any other way. That same weekend, Chrissy broke up with Jason and exposed him for the creepy cheater that he was. What started as revenge sex was turning out to be something even more.
Weeks later Vecna was taken down again and with Chrissy on your side, you, Eddie, and your best friends Robin, Nancy, and Steve accompanied by Dustin, Max, and Eleven destroyed FOREVER what once was the upside down.
3 months later
Every weekend at the hideout you and Chrissy were there for Eddie and cheering him on front row and center. He loved to see you both get into the show and dance together. It was quite sexy to him seeing you and Chrissy grind on each other. Other people might've noticed, but all of your attention was on them. That night was very special though, because you and Chrissy now had the coolest and best outfits of anyone else there. She helped you to make Hellfire Club cheerleader uniforms that were white and black with the Hellfire Club lettering and the logo of the demon on them. Eddie got so turned on by seeing the uniforms. Once the show ended, you all went backstage and had a little fun of your own. You stripped off her uniform first but left the short skirt on. She did the same for you and you were devouring each other in front of him 69'ing as he got off by stroking himself and licking his lips. It was the hottest thing he had ever seen in his life. When he couldn't take it any longer, he got up and pounded into you, taking you from behind, pulling your hair as Chrissy watched, then switched and fucked her going between your pussy and hers as you made out with her. He spanked you both and his thrusts got even more rough and forceful, but he called you both his pretty princesses. Things were getting pretty serious and not just with Eddie, but with Chrissy, too. That night was filled with so much euphoria, pleasure, and ecstasy. It was pretty hot and heavy with Chrissy for a while and throughout another year of college. After you remained friends but went your separate ways when she found a girl she wanted to date exclusively. From then on you and Eddie only grew closer and even though you found other partners with him, nothing matched the chemistry and mind-blowing sex you had with Chrissy until Steve came around. But that's another story for another time.
soundtrack: Halestorm-Apocalyptic Fate Destroyed-Crave William Control-Romance and Devotion Depeche Mode-Master and servant Motley Crue-Looks that KILL Poison-Talk Dirty to Me In This Moment-Closer (Nine Inch Nails cover) Type O Negative-Can't lose You
taglist: @impmunson @bimbobaggins69 @somethingvicked @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @undead-supernova @ali-r3n @harringtonfan4 @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @bunnsandroses @steveslittlesunflower @emsgoodthinkin @jadeylovesmarvelxo @zestychili @s6raphic @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @dollalicia @lokis-army-77 @ofhawkinsandskippy @keeksandgigz @hcwthewestwaswcn @emmyshortcake @geeky-introvert @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @xxbimbobunnyxx
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
Because the “Ultimate Husband” gives me both mountain winter and beach vibes can you do “Come Monday” by Jimmy Buffett with Mayday?
Sunnyyyy this hit me in the feels and now I want his babies so have some Mayday for May Day. Sorry it’s so short. Marking this one for a possible wedding sequel 👀
Warnings: bit of angst flashback at the beginning. fluff, kissy kissy, Mayday gets to be on a beach. Proposal. All the fluffs.
Come Monday (Mayday x Reader)
"It's not good here, mesh'la," his voice was tight. "We've lost most of our men."
You had worried about him ever since he voiced his concerns about Barton IV.
But that nightmare was over. You figured that you'd owe Clone Force 99 everything after they'd brought Mayday and his two surviving men back to Pabu. Now its just the two of you on a paradise island and all the time in the world.
Golden hour etches a glow on his face, illuminating every beautiful scar and dimple. He’s decided to keep the beard but had trimmed it back a little so he at least didn’t look like a feral tooka.
You would take him no matter what he looked like. Anything over losing him forever.
He smiles softly as you stare at him. You wouldn’t be opposed to doing so for hours on end, but it would be rather awkward.
“We have all the time in the world Mesh’la. Ain’t that beautiful?”
You smile in response. “Not as beautiful as you.”
He playfully rolls his eyes and laughs. “Well if we’re going to play that way, you’re the most beautiful thing in the whole galaxy.”
You giggle and look to the waves slapping onto shore. Out of the corner of your eye you see him…lower himself to the ground?
You face him and your heart skips several beats. He’s down on one knee and reaching for your hands.
“I was going to wait until the war was over, but…” he gives a ‘you know how that went’ gesture with his brows. “And I know I don’t have a ring, so hopefully the speech can work for now. love you so much, cyare. And I don’t want to go another day without saying this. So,” He says your name, each syllable full of adoration. “Will you grant me the honor of spending the rest of our lives at each other’s side and marry me?”
Tears have already gathered in your eyes and you can’t believe this is happening, but you nod eagerly, at a loss for words except for an echoed, “yes!”
You both pull together for a kiss so sweet and desperate and gentle that makes you wonder, ‘if this is what the rest of my life is going to be like, how come we didn’t do this long ago?’
You’re vaguely aware of Hexx and Veetch whooping in the distance, Crosshair smiling subtlety next to them, and Mayday’s ingenuine glare. You laugh and lean close to your Fiancé. Kriff. Fiancé.
He gives you the happiest of smiles and tucks you closer.
Yeah, you could definitely do the rest of your life by his side.
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natimiles · 8 months
Strange Feelings (Isaac x reader)
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Summary: Isaac was a man of logic and science. Was he supposed to believe that there was someone out there made especially for him? But when you first came through that door, a lot of strange things began to happen.
Words: 3539
Tags: soulmate au (you feel what your soulmate feels); drinking; a little jealousy; lots of Arthur being Arthur; Isaac being the awkward snowflake he is and we love; everyone in tuxedos (yeessss); gn!reader, but you wear a dress.
Crossposted on AO3
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Isaac was a man of logic and science. He never believed in destiny, but rather that you have to work hard to achieve what you want. He also never believed that there were creatures other than humans living among them, but here he was, in his second life: a newborn vampire who had crossed a magical door and now lived in a different country and century. Even after all this, he still had trouble believing in soulmates. Most of the stories had been lost to time, already considered fairy tales in his first life. Was he supposed to believe that there was someone out there made especially for him? A destined love, with its ups and downs like any other relationship, but with the assurance that you've made the right choice — if that can even be considered a choice, anyway.
When you first came through that door, a lot of strange things began to happen. He felt this strange grip on his heart, a longing he couldn’t understand, experienced panic attacks for a whole week without any apparent reason, not to mention the night he started crying out of nowhere. But it all stopped as abruptly as it began. He didn’t think much about any of it, thinking it was just exhaustion since he'd been having trouble sleeping for a few nights, not realizing yet that it all coincided with your arrival.
As the days passed by, Isaac saw the whole house change because of you. Yes, half of the residents tried to bite you in the first week (including himself), but you always found a way to dodge and everything ended just fine. They all started eating together more frequently, eager to see what you cooked with Sebastian — or just see you, as Arthur pointed out one evening. They’d talk more to each other, help more with chores, laugh more, and have more and more moments where it felt like one big family. He even saw Mozart smiling one evening and the musician didn’t even drink that day.
If he believed in fantasies and stuff, he’d say you were a witch that put them all under your spell. Everybody was kind of fighting for your attention, but he was a little awkward and people used to call him a contrarian, which weren’t exactly charming traits. It wasn’t on purpose though, sometimes he just didn’t want to cause trouble to others, he just wanted to stay in his room and study quietly. So he tried to avoid you.
Emphasis on tried.
If he was working in his room, you went there to bring him snacks. If he had to go downtown to buy something, you tagged along saying you’d buy supplies for dinner. If he went outside to stargaze, you did too, laying in the grass to listen to him talk about physics even though you didn’t like it — and he knew it because you confessed it one night he caught you yawning in the middle of his speech. It didn’t matter what he was doing, you were there. It was almost impossible to get rid of you! 
At least he felt better now than when you two first met. The grip on his heart and the panic attacks were gone, which only added to his theory that he was just working too much at the time. He was sleeping better now, so he was feeling better. See? Pure logic. His back aching, his elbow hurting like he bumped into something, his toe screaming in pain like he hit the corner of the bed… Sure, all had a logical explanation: he sat all day and then slept all night in a bad position. That was all.
When you decided to stay in the mansion, everybody was happy, including Isaac. He didn’t feel weird around you now that he was getting used to your presence, he even considered you a friend. Comte obviously went all out and threw a party, ordering a whole banquet from a fancy restaurant, as he said you couldn’t help Sebastian cook your own celebration. There was music, lots of good food and everyone had to dress up in their tuxedos. It was hellishly annoying for Isaac, but at least he got to see how beautiful you were in that new dress. 
“Hey, Isaac,” you called out to him, rushing from across the room to his side. “Why’re you alone here?”
“Avoiding people.”
“Oh, should I leave?”
“We both know you won’t even if I kick you out,” he laughed through his nose.
“You already know me so well,” you chuckled and sat beside him. “You look good tonight.”
“Ah, thank you,” he felt his cheeks warming, so he was sure you could see him blushing. “Y-you too.”
“Thank you!” You beamed at him. “You know, I’m really happy I decided to stay. I feel at home with you guys. And the royal treatment tonight is kinda nice, even though I don’t know if I deserve all this.” 
Isaac nodded, not sure if he should say something back or just listen. “You do… Everyone is happy, I guess.” He took a look around the room, noticing how all the residents were having a good time. They had been drowning you in compliments until just a minute ago when you finally had a moment alone since the party started and decided to go sit beside him.
“Mmm, everyone, you say,” your tone was playful. He glanced at you and you were grinning at him. He knew you were up to something, ready to tease him. You rivaled Arthur and Dazai sometimes. “Does that include you, Newt?”
“Please, don’t start,” he frowned.
“I’m sorry… Sir Isaac.” He rolled his eyes and you laughed. “Or do you prefer how Sebas addresses all of you, Master Isaac.”
“You’re the worst sometimes.”
“And you still like me,” you smiled. It was beautiful as ever, but something was off. Why didn’t it reach your eyes?
He felt his heart skip a beat, a warm feeling spreading all over his body. What was that? It was like he was being wrapped with a warm blanket, yet at the same time, he had a strong longing feeling and… sadness? He didn’t have a reason to be sad. He wasn’t even really mad at you, he knew you were just being as playful as always. It didn’t make sense, any of his last thoughts did, so he just shook his head to try to clear his head. His feelings had been all over the place these past few weeks.
“Hondje, come!” You two heard Theo calling. “Comte opened a fancy bottle of wine.”
“I’m going!” You got up and answered loudly so he could hear. “Will you come too, Isaac?”
“No, I don’t drink.”
“Really? Why not?” 
“It has the same effects as blood: zero tolerance, a hundred humiliations,” he huffed.
“Oh, we don’t want you losing control.” Dazai came out of nowhere, a glass in his hands. “Then would you like some juice instead?”
“Do I look that stupid?” He deadpanned. 
“It was worth the shot, Dazai,” you patted his shoulder and laughed. You threw one last smile in Isaac's direction and went to Theo, who was already holding a glass of wine for you. “I’m not a dog, you know!” You complained to the youngest brother.
“And you still came, like a good girl,” he petted your head and smiled. Isaac couldn’t help but think that it was weird seeing everybody interact with you, how they changed so much with your presence.
“Come on, dance with me!” Arthur took the glass of wine away from your hands. “Wolfie, play something nice!”
“Hey!” You tried to reach for it to get it back, but the writer was already pulling you by the waist.
Mozart frowned for a second and thought about complaining, but he didn’t mind acquiesce to Arthur’s wish when he saw you happily dancing.
“I still don’t know the dances from this century. I will step on your feet,” you laughed.
“That’s fine, luv. I’ll lead,” he smirked. 
You two began to dance around the room and it was like watching newlyweds waltzing. Arthur was so confident, holding you close by the waist, and you were comfortable around him, now that you knew how to deal with all his flirting. Isaac felt a grip on his heart again; what was wrong with him today? Before it was like a little squeeze, but now it felt like… shattering. He frowned, putting a hand on his chest, as if he could make sure his heart was still there and beating normally. Maybe he was just tired. It'd be better to return to his peaceful room.
You had always seen in movies how the lady would graciously spin during a dance, so you thought you could try it too. You did a few spins, laughing when Arthur pulled you by the hand, and you spun back into his arms. It really was fun! At least until you didn't notice Isaac passing behind you. Arthur tried to stop you, but you opened your arms wide and hit the physicist in the face.
"Gods…" Isaac put a hand on his face to try to alleviate the pain from the accidental slap.
“I’m sorry!” You brought a hand to your cheek, a pained expression on your face as well.
“Did I hit you back?” He noticed and reached to move a strand of hair away from your face to look at you better. “I'm sorry…”
“No, no, you didn't… At least I don't think you did…” You let your arms fall to your side and narrowed your eyebrows. Why was your cheek hurting? Did he hit you back, and you didn't notice because the alcohol had already affected you too much?
Arthur raised an eyebrow while analyzing you two. You were now apologizing to Mozart for interrupting his beautiful song, but your hand kept going to your cheek without you even noticing, and there was a discreet frown on your face. He was a mystery writer, so he was observant and smart enough to see there was something up.
“I guess you’ve had enough drinks for tonight.”
“Thanks, Theo, really nice observation,” you huffed. “I’m really sorry, Isaac. I didn’t see you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” he assured you. He was fine, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t hurt. Damn, you had a strong slap, even though it was accidental. You stared at him for a few moments and it was like he lost track of space and time, lost in your eyes. You two felt butterflies in your stomach; however it was impossible to know if it was really coming from yourselves or if it was just that weird feeling again, like it came from outside your bodies.
“Why don’t you drink some water, MC?” Sebastian interrupted, placing a tray on the table with various glasses already filled with drinks. “It’ll surely be good after all the dancing and spinning. Gentlemen, we also have blanc or rouge, juice and…”
Isaac picked a glass and gulped down in one motion, putting the glass back down at the table and taking a deep breath. It didn’t taste like rouge, so it was probably the juice. Then he felt a tingling down his throat and coughed.
“And wine for those who can hold their liquor,” Sebastian finished his sentence, staring at the physicist.
“Great,” Isaac mumbled when he realized what he had just drunk. “Really great.”
“Wanna sit down?” You asked worriedly. “Drink some water, it’ll help.”
“No need, thanks,” he said, closing his eyes to take a deep breath before reopening them. “I’ll just go back to my room. Goodnight.”
“Oh, okay… Goodnight. Call us if you need something.” You felt a bit sad he was leaving early but didn't want to force him to stay if he was uncomfortable. Isaac only nodded in response.
“So, luv,” Arthur called you in a flirtatious tone, placing his hand on your shoulder and hugging you from the side. “Will you give me another dance? This one doesn't count.”
Oh no. Isaac was already passing through the door, but he could hear it; he could almost see (and feel) the look Arthur was giving you. He had never really thought much of Arthur's playfulness, but for some reason, it bothered him now. It must be the wine talking. He blinked rapidly, trying to focus. He should go back to his room already, before he did or said something he'd regret later.
“Or, if you want, we can dance somewhere else.”
Oh no, no, no, no, no. For goodness' sake. He sighed loudly, cursing under his breath. His bedroom wasn't even that far away, and it would be a quick walk to get there if he ignored the wine's effects. But he knew it wouldn't calm his mind. He turned back around and didn't even need to get too close to where you were. He could reach you from there, and he did. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you away from Arthur to stand beside him, his hand in a tight grip around yours.
Your voice brought him back from his thoughts. He was surprised to find himself glaring at Arthur. He felt his face soften when you called his name. The writer had such a smug smile on his face, which bothered him even more. "Yes?" He turned in the direction of your voice and was startled to see you standing close to his side. You were blushing and looking at him curiously. Isaac rubbed his hand over his face, trying to sober up a little and hide from your gaze at the same time.
“Come on, let’s go,” you laced your fingers with his. “I’ll get you some water and you’ll sleep to sober up.”
He wanted to say he didn’t want to, but your commanding tone didn’t leave any room for that. Instead, he just nodded and sighed, clearly bothered by his losing battle against alcohol. You squeezed his hand and went to the kitchen to fetch a jar of water, with him in tow. You bid everybody goodnight and thanked them for the lovely party before guiding him to his own room.
“I’m sorry,” he frowned when he finally sat on his bed.
“What for?” 
“Ruining your party. I should’ve paid more attention to what I was drinking.”
“You didn’t ruin anything, Isaac,” you said, placing the water on the coffee table to serve him some. “I had lots of fun and felt really special tonight, thanks to everyone.”
Everyone. He narrowed his eyes, bothered that you always tried to treat them equally. You stayed because you liked being with them, because they made you feel at home, they made you feel at ease, they were the family you never had, they loved you and you loved them. He didn’t want it. He didn’t like it at all. He wanted to complain, to make you see him and be his, to bite you… To bite you? Ok, he tried it when you arrived, but it was a different situation. He knew he couldn’t hold his alcohol, but it didn't seem that was the problem. He made sure to drink some rouge during the party, but your scent was so alluring. It was a different bloodlust… Like the one Comte told them about when they transformed, the one you feel when…
He blinked up and saw you standing in front of him, a cup of water in your hands. You were frowning and he could see the concern in your eyes. 
“Are you ok? You’re pale. You should lie down,” you tried to place your hand on his shoulder to help him, but he panicked.
“No!” He said a little too loud and stood up, startling you. You took a step back and hit the back of your leg on the coffee table, losing your balance. You succeeded in not falling by waving your arms at Isaac, and he held your hand to help, but you dropped the glass. “Sorry,” he released you and crouched to pick up the broken pieces of glass.
“It’s fine, you just startled me. Let me help you.”
“No, I’ll do it. If you cut yourself…” he trailed off, but you understood him. He let out a worried huff, but you misunderstood it as annoyance.
“Okay, sorry,” you said quietly. Perhaps he didn’t want or need you taking care of him, he wanted to stay alone in the silence. Even though you never cared about it before, he seemed mad this time. You wanted to talk to him, try to understand what was happening, but you should just leave for now. “I-I… I think I’ll be going…”
Isaac noticed the sadness in your voice, he wasn’t dense. He got distracted for a second and cut his finger with one of the shards. He cursed under his breath and put his finger into his mouth to stop the bleeding. You yelped and he stood up in a second, grabbing your hands to examine.
“What? Did you hurt yourself?”
“No, I-I felt…” You were confused. You felt a cut on your finger, but there was nothing. You hadn't done anything, so it'd be weird if you were really hurt. You stared at his hands, holding yours so softly, and widened your eyes. There was barely any blood there anymore, but you could see a cut in his middle finger. The same finger you felt being hurt. And suddenly everything made sense. “You…”
“Me?” He looked into your eyes, confused. “What do you mean? Why are you crying?!” Isaac panicked and cradled your face, trying to look for signs that you were hurt and dry your tears.
“Do you... Do you know any stories about soulmates?” You forced your voice to remain steady.
“Yes, but I never believed,” he answered the weird question with a confused expression, and you nodded. 
“I've waited my whole life,” you confessed shyly, blinking the tears away. “The stories I heard said you’d feel something when you turn 18, or that you’d be born with some sort of sign. I didn’t get any, but I always tried to pay attention to anything different that happened to me, until I just gave up. Then I arrived at the mansion and strange things began to happen. Well, stranger than passing through a magic door and meeting vampires,” you laughed through your nose. “My throat felt so dry, it didn't matter how much water I drank; a pain in my leg even though I didn’t bump into anything; a desire to be alone in my room; a slap in my face earlier; my finger being cut now; and… the need to be where you were,” the last part was mumbled, but he heard. “Even though I thought you didn’t like me, sometimes.”
Isaac felt his body sober up all at once, his eyes wide while his hands were still holding your face, frozen on spot. He understood where this conversation was going but struggled to believe it. He had never believed in any of this. He wasn’t even at an age where this could manifest anymore. In fact, he was a lifetime too late for this sort of thing. However, it did provide a logical solution for everything that had been happening since he met you, even if it felt far from logical. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but what could he possibly say? He’d never been good at talking about his feelings. Feeling bolder now that he knew he wouldn't need to fight for your attention and face rejection, he decided that actions might speak louder than words. He slowly leaned closer, looking intently into your beautiful eyes and then glancing at your lips. You placed your hands on his shoulders, already feeling his breath gently brushing against your face.
“Can I…?” he murmured, not wanting to break the mood but also wanting to be a gentleman.
“Please, do,” you murmured back.
He closed the gap between you two, and only then did you realize you'd been holding your breath, relaxing in his arms. It was a chaste and short kiss, still testing the waters, but it felt so right. His bloodlust was ringing even louder in his ears, but he'd force it to be locked in a box of his mind for now.
“I like you. I really do,” he muttered, his lips still so close, brushing lightly against yours.
“Me too,” you answered with the brightest smile he’d ever seen. 
“Good.” Isaac smiled. You’d never seen him smile like this, you didn’t even know he could look even more handsome. He slid his thumb down your cheeks to your lips, caressing you softly and holding you by the chin. Not holding back this time, he placed his other hand on your nape and deepened the kiss when you gasped, gripping his shoulders tightly. Your tongues danced, feeling the wine you both drank earlier and sending goosebumps all over your bodies. 
You were finally with your other half — your soulmate — with hearts beating fast and loud, and your minds lost in the feeling of each other.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Now that we, humble anons, have your approval, i would like to request romantic headcanons for Home. I'm not even attracted to it i just think that'd be hilarious to read, and... Good writing practice i guess? 😂
Surprise me!
Lol! You'd be surprised by how useful it is (at least for me) to try writing the most absurd things and taking it seriously. (Would that count as crack taken seriously? Lol)
Anyways, Here you go! These will probably be one-sided romantic on Home's end.
Romantic Home Headcanons:
TW:... Idk, Home's a literal living house? If you don't want a house crushing on you don't read- but seriously I don't believe there are any triggering topics in this. Lol
🏠 So, like... I have two questions for you. A. How did you get a living house to have a crush on you? B. ... HOW DID YOU GET A LIVING HOUSE TO HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU?
🏠 Like, in this case (because it is not a yandere or anything), it is okay. The most awkward parts are just that, again, it is a living house. It also isn't even YOUR house. It's your neighbor's house. So... visiting Wally is a bit awkward everytime. Especially since he seems to be trying to get you and Home together... Look, he just wants his house to be happy, alright?
🏠 Home doesn't know that you know it has a crush on you. To everyone, however, it is very obvious. Home is usually a very "shy" house, as in, it doesn't interact with people often besides the creaks and groans it emits from the wood. It usually only interacts with Wally, and only when it is just the two of them. Home DOES interact with you, know. Quite a lot, too. This amount of interaction, alongside the small amount of expression Home can make from the outside with its eyes, has clued basically everyone in on its feelings for you.
🏠 So, how does Home interact with someone? From one of my VERY old Headcanons, I mentioned that Home can move the furniture that came with it when Wally moved in. This includes things like the curtains, the couch, the blanket draped across the couch (which Wally liked enough to begin using as his bedsheet. It is very soft, surprisingly!), and even a few of the chairs. So, Home uses whatever it can move around to interact with you!
🏠 You tend to do some chores around Home whenever you visit. Wally takes good care of the house, but even he can't help missing a few spots when cleaning. It's almost like he goes into chaos mode when he paints. He'd be painting in the little studio he has, then by some miracle, there is paint splattered all over the kitchen. So, you try to help out while you can. Home is a living being, after all. Feeling dirty and not being able to wash off must suck.
🏠 It was after a few of these times that you began noticing Home being more affectionate. One day, while washing the wall by the windows, you were suddenly wrapped up in the curtains, almost like a blanket. You were let go as soon as they wrapped around you, but it did make you a bit confused. Was that a good or a bad thing? When you told Wally what happened, he simply cooed "AWWW! Home likes you! Yay!"
🏠 If you had to make a guess, all of the cleaning, decorating for holidays, and overall time spent in and around Home made it like you. You come over more often than the other neighbors, just to help Wally care for it. You even came up with the idea of celebrating the day Wally moved into Home, almost like a birthday! Home doesn't really have a birthday, but everyone else does, so why can't the neighborhood come up with a holiday just for Home? Home must've found it sweet and kind of you!
🏠 Now, everytime you visit, you are usually hugged (wrapped up in curtains or blankets), snuggled (wrapped up in ANYTHING Home can wrap you in, all at once. You usually look like you are in a cocoon), helped out with chores (random doors in Home will open, helping you find things, such as carpet cleaner, sanitizer, brooms, and mops), and thanked for your work (the random creaks and groans that Home tends to emit. They freak you out)! It isn't much, but it is all Home can do. For now.
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babeluvvy · 28 days
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¨God save the prom queen..¨
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a/n: first post! This is based on the song ´prom queen’ by molly kate kestner! but basically think of the reader as Hannah Montana, the reader's mother is in fact a hero (an American hero who came to japan for school!)
Feel like this isnt my best but i can't wait to go on school break 😔✊
WARNINGS: abuse, kinda cringe(??????) & fem reader
wc: 2.2k
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You had an interesting life, scratch that, it was horrible
You hated it
Your mother was a prohero in America and your father? Never knew him. Your mom was young when she had you and now she blames everything going bad on you. It's not like its her fault that she was the one who got pregnant
But according to her it was your fault
Whatever, you didn't care but you also didn't have control over your own life. Your outfits were picked by the best designers, your makeup always perfect, your hair always in a fabulous style, friends? Who needs them when you are perfect, but that would make you cold, So actor friends it was
This was your life
The perfect child. Straight A´s, handsome and rich boyfriends, the prettiest friends, and the perfect life
You hated all of this- you didn't want this!
You loved something else
That was your passion, making beats, singing, just everything about music made you happy, nothing could beat the lovely feeling you got when playing your drums or singing to a new beat you created in the basement of you castle like house-
You loved it, but your mom hated it. She hated all this- for ruining her life the least you could do was be the perfect daughter she wanted!
¨Y/N!¨ your mother yelled at you, you were in the basement again playing your drums, she´ll make sure the maids threw it away today ¨Why did Elizebeth call me and tell you blew her off today?¨ she question her face red ¨I just wanted to be by myself for a while, we hang out everyday- i barely get time to myself anymo-¨ a slap echoed across the room and your cheek began to feel hot it was stinging. Your mother slapped yo– ¨The least you could do is hang out with your friends for a few hours!¨ ¨Those people are not my friends!¨ you yelled back and yelped when she grabbed you by your ear ¨I think you forgot who you are speaking to.¨ she said looking into your eyes, you forced your eyes closed.
You just wanted to find people who could relate to you
So you did
You made a band, Bear, whos real name was Tod was you drummist, May was your guitarist, Lauren you bass and Opa who was your pianist
These were your people
But when your mother informed you that when older you would go to UA, going to one of– no! The top hero school in japan
Not gonna lie, you were proud of yourself! You wanted to be a hero for those like you, a hero who can make people smile with either actions or music, but now you'll be learning how to do both! So you made a plan
Your mother normally sent you an allowance every week and you decided that you and your friends will live together– since your mother was staying in America you'd have a house to yourself!
And the first few months of UA were the best– and now you and your band are performing in japan (after learning japanese, opa still sometimes slip up) but besides that everything was great! Excellent! Grades were still up, with a disguise no one knew you were America's number 4 heroś daughter, everything was how you wanted it..!
Until you start falling for Shoto, could you blame yourself? He was charming, he was sweet and he was nice. He was a little awkward and clueless but that's just how he is, And you loved that
So you got closer to him– and closer, but nothing ever happened because he was dunce and you were to coward
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¨Guys i just got some tickets for the S/N concert! I got 4 tickets!¨ Izuku said holding up the tickets, you turned to look ¨but there's 5 of us¨ Tsu said looking at the rest of us 
¨Oh shoot– you're right..¨ he said looking at us ¨Well i could sit out! You guys can go i have to train anyways–¨ ¨No!¨ you said crushing his suggestion down immediately
¨I have a meeting with my mother so i'll just sit out of this one! Plus if my mom found out i went to one of her concerts id be 6ft under ground anyway¨ you murmured ¨And its final!¨ you said sternly and watched as they began to plan
You had to go to practice cause you had a concert tonight anyways, you waved your friends bye and quickly made it to the bus stop and to the traditional japanese home your mother bought for you– ¨ Y/NNN!!¨Opa yelled while running to hug you, you chuckled and hugged her back feeling that she was extremely cold 
¨I learned a new trick for the concert tonight! I kinda got inspiration for your class at the school festival¨ she giggled “make sure ask Bear to warm you up before you get sick, cause i am NOT taking care of you” you spoke even though you knew you would. She groan and turned around calling out for Bear
Time to work!
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You cleared your throat and fixed on the (f/c) wig you had on your hair, you turned to look at your bandmates “Boss! We’re about to go on stage!” you heard Lauren yell and taking the violin from its case 
Opa having her piano on her waist and having the stand in her hand. You smiled and fixed your outfit before finally going on stage
‘’HELLO MUSUTAFU!’’ the crowd erupted in shouts of ‘’i love you’’s and ‘’omg its actually them’’s 
You scanned the crowd and spot mixed hair– it was  your classmates
You thought to yourself while looking at May, she saw the worry on your face and gave you a nod, you had to do this, people came for you and paid for you
No matter what you were going to play
And hey, maybe you can show off a little too!
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It was going amazing and you finally made it to the final song of the album– ‘prom queen’ you wrote it a while ago when you were in middle school– you were proud of it, it was one of your most known songs
You cleared your throat as the song began–
‘’God save the prom queen, Teenage daydream; just another dressed up heartbreak”
You sang in the mic hear the background music play in your ears 
“God save the prom queen, only 16– turned her tears to diamond in her crow–wn..” you said as the back up people use their water quirks to show a girl who looks like you holding a crown and crying
You heard Bear beat on the drums as you continued to sing “she's the first in line at the party– she's the first in line at the club! And she's got that body, always gotta flaunt it, everybody’s looking up” the crowd shouting and singing with you and watched as May helped the backup dancers and made the water form the girl walking with a guy behind her 
“When she walks by you wanna be her and your boyfriend not to see her! Cause she's got that fire, doesn't even try– her booty has its own zip code–”
You look in the crowd as your classmates dance– except Shoto..
You made eye contact with him and the crowd sung 
“The all the peasants bow down!’’ and everyone bowed as a joke everyone but Shoto
Your eyes never leaving his, you continued to sing “God save the prom queen! Teenage daydream, just another dress up heartbreak! Only 16! Turned her tears to diamonds in her cro-own!”
You looked away from Shoto and looked at her bandmates and the water turning into a crown
You cried in your room, you again got yelled at by your mother for not getting an A + plus on your test. It was a science test but so small– why did she have to be like this! Not everything had to be perfect! She wasn't perfect! So why did you have to be perfect? 
‘I wish someone could save me..’
“Diamonds in her crown!” you yelled into the mic as your eyes welled with tears. You quickly wiped them away before they could fall
You looked back at Shoto and you could swear he had a look in his eyes– he knew.. He knew this wasn't S/N it was you..
You knew– you could feel that he knew
She looked away from him feeling ashamed– “Take a look at the future, who knows what's ahead? There's a house on a hill with an indoor pool and a millionaire in her bed!” the body of water turning in a man who has a ‘charming’ smile but horns and a tail appear on him showing that he was evil
“And the years go by and she still dreams– ‘She's the hottest girl in town’”
She danced with the mic in her hand and watched as everyone shouted loudly– “And the makeup's stronger, gotta wear it longer Just to keep a man around..”
“Were over '' What? You chuckled thinking he was joking “What?” you asked and looked at him and saw how serious he was “What..?” you asked again “You just– you're just not my type and your mom is cutting my pay back..” your eyes widened as you heard you mom was PAYING him!? You couldn't believe it– why did you believe him when he asked you out–
‘I wish someone could save me..’
“God save the prom queen! Teenage daydream, just another dress up heartbreak! Only 16! Turned her tears to diamonds in her cro-own!” you said looking at Shoto again, his eyes had sympathy, his brows frown
“And she lives her dream through the magazines.. And her daddys gone and she needs someone…”
You felt the water swell in your eyes slowly creeping to fall out
“And she got the looks and the boys on hooks! But she’ll trade it all for a heart that's who–ole..!”
‘I'll make you regret being treated me like trash, mom.. Everyone will know how you really are– the true you..’
May clicked a button and behind you there was screenshots of messages between you and your mother, bruises from her and others, muted videos of your mother throwing and yelling things at you
Everyone went silent as you looked in the crowd and saw Shoto staring at you and mouth the lyrics
“God save the prom queen..” 
You began to cry and ripped the wig off your heard, your grip on the mic got tighter as you held on– felt like you were gonna fall to your knees
“God save the prom que–en! Teenage day dre–eam!” You screamed in the mic, your mascara running down your face
“She turned to tears! She turned her tears to diamonds in her cro-own…” you sang softly as everything went black and you looked around. And walked back stage
You heard commotion from the back rooms you quickly went over to see Izuku, Tsu, and Ochako trying to hold back and angry Shoto while he's arguing with the guards
You quickly went over “Guys! Guys!” you say panicked and watched the guards look at you 
“Ma’am– this boy was trying to come back here! He tried to burn me and Mu” your guard said grabbing Shoto by the arm
You told him to calm down and watched as Shoto quickly hugged you tightly, you stumbled back being surprised by the hug from Shoto, you hugged back while shaking slightly
He hugged tighter “i know what it's like” he whispered in your ear and you completely broke down again crying in his white shirt
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Life is now better!
You cut your mother off ! She sometimes wish you happy holidays and you guys sometimes but besides that she doesn't talk to you, she is now a retired hero– well forced to retire
After your concert she was pressured to stop doing hero work and turn in her hero license 
You still were getting paid from her cause she want to ‘make up’ you felt bad at times but this was her fault
She did this to herself, you did still visit from time to time, because Shoto is doing the same with his father and learning to forgive him so should you
Yes, you and Shoto were together, after the concert you two went on dates and he soon asked you the question, to be his girlfriend and ofc you said yes!
“Princess” he called out to you, you turned around and made eye contact with him with a soft smile
You quickly went up to him and gave him a hug as he chuckled– it was your second anniversary 
You both were 3rd years at UA and graduation was soon
He rested his forehead on yours and closed the gap between you both and his soft lips met yours
You pulled away and smiled at him
“Hey Sho..” you said softly, you heard him let out a soft ‘hmm’ you gave a peck to his lips again and looked in his mixed eyes
“Thank you for saving me..”
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 month
Hello |˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙
I hope you’re doing well..
I see your requests are back open. So I would like to request something if it’s not too much.
So ik there isn’t much lore surrounding Costume Mario and I don’t know if you write for him but if you do I want to request something for him.
So as we seen in FNF. Costume is seen after the songs promotion and abandoned. So just imagine Reader instead of being like everyone else who’s ever been in contact with Costume. She just kinda sits next to him. Costume is very confused by this but he’s never really had any company before so he’s isn’t totally against reader sitting next to him. After a few seconds he wraps one of his arms around reader.
This is how a friendship between these two blossomed. Costume can be a bit clingy towards reader. He can be on his own he just prefers being around reader. This confuses everyone (Including Super Horror Mario) because Costume usually doesn’t make an appearance or show himself for long periods of time. Reader is very affectionate and Costume is just like “If anyone else did this to me I would end their lives but not you reader your an exception.”
Costume is also a little protective of reader because he knows all of the Mario’s madness characters. *Cough* MX *Cough* aren’t really used to having humans around.
All in All, Everyone is confused by reader and costume’s friendship but they get used to it and Reader and Costume care about each other a whole lot.
(If you could do She/They pronouns that would be great.)
[Also like I said in the beginning if you don’t write for costume or if you don’t like this ask you can skip over it.]
Costume Friendship Hc’s
Hey there thanks for the ask!
I haven’t seen much content of costume yet and honestly I think he is very underrated and needs more attention like the others. His song in the mod was amazing and also deserves more attention. I also really like his design in the mod. Since there isn’t much lore on him right now I mostly used my headcanons of him as well as the information we currently have. ~J/Blaze
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Costume Mario + Mentions Of Other Mario Madness Characters
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Me + Banner by vampirxxke on Pinterest
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- Costume Mario is definitely a unique character to say the least. I think he’s the only character in Mario Madness who is anything but a demon (as far as I’m aware of) but regardless he still gives off some sort of creepy vibe. Imagine just seeing what seems like a costume move on its own.
- When first meeting him it was a bit awkward seeing him for the first time. You’ve sort of heard about his origins and what has happened to the people who managed to get in contact with him which started to make you slightly worried about what might happen. But for some reason you felt some sort of sympathy for him. Like the way he sat on the ground it made you feel slightly upset in a way? Regardless you thought he looked like he could use some company so as crazy as this may make you sound you decided to slowly sit down next to him. You didn’t know why exactly you just did.
- Initially when seeing you sitting next to him Costume was both confused and surprised. It was a first for him, having someone just straight up sit next to him, like they were an old friend of his. Despite his thoughts mostly being ‘who is she?’ Or ‘what are they doing?’ But besides that oddly enough he kind of likes it. He’s pretty much been known for being alone and not really having much company so this was definitely new for him. So after a while of the two of you just sitting awkwardly together you started to hear some shuffling indicating that he was moving closer and slowly felt an arm wrap around you. Just sitting in silence not saying a word. He actually kind of like this as I said before he was pretty much used to being alone for however long he had existed for it was refreshing having this interaction.
- And that’s how a lovely friendship between you and him blossomed. All because you decided to sit next to him. Really cool how something simple as that can develop a friendship. At first he was a bit reluctant to let you go but he understands that you can't stay forever. He really enjoyed your company even if at first you two didn’t say anything. Sometimes silence can speak volume and you don’t always have to speak to enjoy people's company.
- You're the only person he’s willing to stay out for longer than he needs to. Usually for others he doesn’t even bother showing himself sometimes unless he has to but as soon as he hears that you're nearby you can bet yourself he’ll instantly appear wherever you are. When the others heard this they were surprised to say the least. Some found it kind of funny the way he reacted (mostly Mr Virtual knowing him). But regardless if some found it funny it still surprised them that Costume was willing to do that for someone. Considering he was pretty known by everyone for being a loner. Even Horror Mario has asked him what he sees in you and Costume told him that he just appreciates you. To which Horror Mario just left it as that. It ain’t his business so why should he investigate further? Plus he did notice Costume seemingly being happier around you so he lets him be.
- Definitely really clingy during yours and his little hugging sessions. Sometimes when he feels down he just goes to you and hugs you. He finds extreme comfort when being around you. He even told you that if this was anyone else they wouldn’t be here right now but since it’s you he’ll be more than happy to do it. You're an exception and he’s more than willing to ditch his usual act to do this with you.
- He’s also very protective around you. Considering what some of the other Horrorbrew characters are like it’s honestly understandable. Like pretty much most of them have done something relating to murder or have expressed wanting to do something along the lines of that. Surprisingly he does sort of trust some of them (characters like Grand Dad, Somari, Beta Luigi etc) most of them are those who don’t express things like that. However, for others (characters like Mr Virtual, MX, Horror Mario) he’s definitely a lot more careful when he has you around them. If for some reason you want to be around the others expect Costume to be there with you. If he thinks that the others are being a bit too much he doesn’t mind taking you somewhere else before having a word with them. I like to think that when the two of you are sitting somewhere and one of the others comes to sit in the same area as you two Costume immediately gets up and sits in between the two of you.
- Overall he is surprisingly a good person to rely on. Whether you're feeling upset and want to rant, are hurt or just want to hang out. You can expect him to exit the shadows to go see you.
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contemplatingoutlander · 11 months
The former Republican David French does a good job of explaining what keeps MAGA folks continuing to support Trump. It's all about the "culture" of MAGA and the sense of "belonging," combined with years of propaganda that have painted anyone even slightly on the left as being "bad" and "out to get" conservatives and their families.
And if we don't understand that, we won't know how to combat it. Here are some excerpts:
I live in Tennessee outside Nashville, a very deep-red part of America. According to a New York Times tool that calculates the political composition of a community, only 15 percent of my neighbors are Democrats. I’ve been living here in the heart of MAGA country since Donald Trump came down the escalator. This is the world of my friends, my neighbors and many members of my family. That is perhaps why, when I’m asked what things are like now, eight years into the Trump era, I have a ready answer: Everything is normal until, suddenly, it’s not. And unless we can understand what’s normal and what’s not, we can’t truly understand why Trumpism endures. [...] It’s no coincidence that one of the most enduring cultural symbols of Trump’s 2020 campaign was the boat parade. To form battle lines behind Trump, the one man they believe can save America from total destruction, thousands of supporters in several states got in their MasterCrafts and had giant open-air water parties. Or take the Trump rally, the signature event of this political era. If you follow the rallies via Twitter or mainstream newscasts, you see the anger, but you miss the fun. When I was writing for The Dispatch, one of the best pieces we published was a report by Andrew Egger in 2020 about the “Front Row Joes,” the Trump superfans who follow Trump from rally to rally the way some people used to follow the Grateful Dead. Egger described the Trump rally perfectly: “For enthusiasts, Trump rallies aren’t just a way to see a favorite politician up close. They are major life events: festive opportunities to get together with like-minded folks and just go crazy about America and all the winning the Trump administration’s doing.”
[See more below the cut]
[...] Why do none of your arguments against Trump penetrate this mind-set? The Trumpists have an easy answer: You’re horrible, and no one should listen to horrible people. Why were Trumpists so vulnerable to insane stolen-election theories? Because they know that you’re horrible and that horrible people are capable of anything, including stealing an election. At the same time, their own joy and camaraderie insulates them against external critiques that focus on their anger and cruelty. Such charges ring hollow to Trump supporters, who can see firsthand the internal friendliness and good cheer that they experience when they get together with one another. They don’t feel angry — at least not most of the time. They are good, likable people who’ve just been provoked by a distant and alien “left” that many of them have never meaningfully encountered firsthand. Indeed, while countless gallons of ink have been spilled analyzing the MAGA movement’s rage, far too little has been spilled discussing its joy. Once you understand both dynamics, however, so much about the present moment makes clearer sense, including the dynamics of the Republican primary. Ron DeSantis, for example, channels all the rage of Trumpism and none of the joy. With relentless, grim determination he fights the left with every tool of government at his disposal. But can he lead stadiums full of people in an awkward dance to “Y.MC.A.” by the Village People? Will he be the subject of countless over-the-top memes and posters celebrating him as some kind of godlike, muscular superhero? [...] Trump’s fans, by contrast, don’t understand the effects of [the MAGA] fury because they mainly experience the joy. For them, the MAGA community is kind and welcoming. For them, supporting Trump is fun. Moreover, the MAGA movement is heavily clustered in the South, and Southerners see themselves as the nicest people in America. It feels false to them to be called “mean” or “cruel.” Cruel? No chance. In their minds, they’re the same people they’ve always been — it’s just that they finally understand how bad you are. And by “you,” again, they often mean the caricatures of people they’ve never met. In fact, they often don’t even know about the excesses of the Trump movement. Many of them will never know that their progressive neighbors have faced threats and intimidation. And even when they do see the movement at its worst, they can’t quite believe it. So Jan. 6 was a false flag. Or it was a “fedsurrection.” It couldn’t have really been a violent attempt to overthrow the elected government, because they know these people, or people like them, and they’re mostly good folks. It had to be a mistake, or an exaggeration, or a trick or a few bad apples. The real crime was the stolen election. It’s the combination of anger and joy that makes the MAGA enthusiasm so hard to break but also limits its breadth.  [...] The battle and the booze cruise both give MAGA devotees a sense of belonging. They see a country that’s changing around them and they are uncertain about their place in it. But they know they have a place at a Trump rally, surrounded by others — overwhelmingly white, many evangelical — who feel the same way they do. [...] During the Trump years, I’ve received countless email messages from distraught readers that echo a similar theme: My father (or mother or uncle or cousin) is lost to MAGA. They can seem normal, but they’re not, at least not any longer. It’s hard for me to know what to say in response, but one thing is clear: You can’t replace something with nothing. And until we fully understand what that “something” is — and that it includes not only passionate anger but also very real joy and a deep sense of belonging — then our efforts to persuade are doomed to fail.
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dearweirdme · 9 months
I would love to hear your thoughts about the yoongi text after watching suchiwita.
I started doing a little more digging and didn't realize how much jungkook had to do with the potential disbandment. I originally thought it was because of a rapline member and tae, but its starting to seem like it was a taekook issue. When we first found out about the text, my initial guess was that it had something to do with tae and jk coming out, but now I'm not too sure. Could taekook have been having a rough patch/break up and it was affecting the group?
Hi anon!
That text is going to haunt us forever isn’t it? I don’t think it has anything to do with Tae and Jk breaking up or having a tough patch, though things cannot have been easy on them back then. I think the band as a whole was overworked and stressed out by the fame and the pressure that came with it.
Although it breaks a bit of my heart to hear him talk about comparing himself to others and thinking of himself as weird and slow, I so much love that he wanted to be open about this with us. It was evidently a really vulnerable time in his live and it takes strength to share this with the world. He was so overworked! He felt so tired all the time that he even wanted to get injured just so he could get some rest. All he could think about was resting. And if you top being tired to the bones all the time with constantly feeling not good enough, you start thinking about quitting. I really think Tae though he couldn’t do this.
I talked about Jk’s golden maknae status being a burden at times, and he too was clearly overworked. Edit, since I wasn’t complete on Jk here: Jk has also had trouble with coming to terms with being famous and not being able to do what he wants. While the life of an Idol give a lot of great opportunities, it takes away a lit of others. Jk was super young, and he has a taste for trying things. Being famous made it hard for him to do things he wanted. Insecurities and tiredness are really hard to deal with for a longer period of time. If we add to that Taekook being a couple but having no freedom to show it and being separated even. I can imagine them thinking about leaving together.
And that is where I think Yoongi’s text comes in. Because although Tae and Jk had their separate issues, just like the other members had theirs… whenever 2018 and the disbandment talk comes up.. we get Taekook as a unit.
It’s Yoongi sending them a text. One they had clearly shared with each other and talked about, but they did not share with the others.
It’s Jk comforting Tae in a way we had not seen before, even though they were supposedly awkward and distant at this time.
And now, we get Tae talking about it… and he is talking for both of them. He is talking about him and Jk as a unit in this. It’s a situation in which they shared something and in which they were going through the same motions and they were sharing their experiences (again, while supposedly being awkward and distant). Not only that, the members also see them as a unit in this.
So yeah, although we will never get to know what’s what exactly, I do feel this situation is quite telling. I think Yoongi’s text was able to at least ease some of the worries Tae and Jk shared. And I’ll forever love Yoongi for being able to help them get through a tough situation.
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Would you do a continuation of short prompt 42? With the supervillain and villain and kid hero? I come with gift 🍿🍿
Part One
Villain leaned back in the kitchen chair, sharpening the blade of their knife with long, careful strokes. Rain pattered on the windowpanes, and the vague remains of steam in the air made the kitchen feel warm and cozy. It would have been nicer without the snakelet lying in the other room.
That little menace better not wake up.
Villain tapped their foot evenly against the floor and checked the wall clock for probably the third time since Supervillain went out, about an hour ago now.
“Will you just be nice to them when they wake up?" they'd requested. Then, at Villain's annoyed brow raise, "Not...nice, but at least civil? I have a meeting with Other Supervillain, and I don't want them scared off while I'm gone."
“You’re leaving?” Villlain hated the little note of panic edging in on their voice. This was a baby hero after all. Nothing they couldn't handle. It was an insult to their own skills to be so worried.
Of course, Supervillain caught it, and of course, instead of pointing out the silliness, they indulged it. “Do you want to come with me? I suppose we could leave a note.”
Villain's stomach coiled.
“I’m not leaving them alone in my home. I’ll stay.”
And so they had. Stubbornly. Bitterly. Anxiously.
There was just something about having an enemy in their safe space that made the thought of facing them so much worse. It would have been different running into them mid-heist or out on the street.
They rechecked the clock. Minute hand on the 3. An hour and fifteen minutes. Supervillain must be walking back by now, right? Did they remember their umbrella? That rain looked like it was picking up.
Villain's whetstone slipped.
A horrible grating sound broke the smooth, monotony, and Villain''s arm narrowly escaped being sliced open along the knife's edge only to bash the rounded stone directly into their knee a second later.
Villain yowled, cursing loudly.
"Sorry!" Hero held up their hands in an apologizing-warding motion. Their hair was pasted flat on one side, while the top poofed up in a mess of fluffy tangled curls. "That's my bad."
The villain only responded with a vicious glare, and the little hero winced. At least that was a little satisfying.
Hero swallowed, wetting their lips and curling their fingers in and out of their palms for a couple seconds before carefully pushing on.
"They went out. Villain stuff."
"Right. Of course. That's their job. Your job. Your jobs."
Awkward discomfort twisted their face in several directions, one part of them making an effort to be nonchalant and the other part panicking. Clearly, they hadn't thought through the type of person they were crashing with or how it involved them ethically when Supervillain invited them in.
"That it is," Villain said coldly.
Hero cleared their throat. "I really wasn't expecting...anyone else. Did Supervillain call you to watch me or...?"
"I live here."
"Oh. Oh! I'm sorry! I don't mean to crowd your space. It's just Supervillain said... And I was so tired... And they never mentioned..."
"Stop blathering. It's grating on my nerves."
Hero's mouth snapped shut with an audible clack.
Villain sighed, sliding their knife back into its sheath and striding stiffly across the room to tuck the whetstone back in its drawer. All the while, Hero's big, pathetic eyes watched them move, rising prickles on the back of their neck and being generally annoying.
"What?" Villain snapped.
"Nothing!" They paused. "Are you guys like…”
Hero didn’t seem to know how to finish that question, but their fingers twined together in some resemblance of togetherness.
“Oh. Cool. I didn’t know that.”
They shoved their hands in their pockets and stared intently at the floor beneath their feet. It was subtle, but Villain noticed the tips of their ears going a light pink.
Minute hand on the 4 now.
Come on, Supervillain, where are you?
They didn’t know anything about entertaining kids , or talking to kids, or anything to do with kids. Especially not a super powered hero kid that could bend them in half with their pinky and may or may not be part of a bigger plot to take them down.
Hero raised their eyes nervously. Their cheeks were pink too. Villain was definitely paranoid, weren’t they?
Villain cleared they throat.
“Apparently, now that you’re awake, I’m supposed to direct you to the soup on the stove.” They motioned lazily to the covered pot and then waved at the cupboards. “Bowls are on the left.”
“Thank you.” Hero shuffled to find a bowl, and for the first time Villain noticed that they were wearing the blue and purple spandex of their Hero uniform.
“Why did you even come here?” Villain said.
Hero cringed, ladle hesitating over their bowl. “I didn’t know what else to do. It was cold, and I was tired, and the offer was right there, and…and…you guys are going to kill me, aren’t you?”
Villain blinked. Soup was spilling over the edges of the ladle. The kid was shivering. Were they more scared than they were letting on?
Villain tried to imagine being an abandoned kid taken in by their enemies. It was hard enough having one in their safe space as an adult.
“We’re not going to kill you,” Villain said. “Supervillain made you a whole stew. They think you’re adorable.”
Hero bit their lip and nodded, quickly finishing filling their bowl and sitting on the farthest end of the table. “I mean…I wasn’t worried at first, but…”
But Villain.
Yeah. They were lucky Hero was stout enough not to have run off by now. Supervillain would have kicked them to the couch.
“Don’t you think your agency will be upset? You’re not being very subtle.”
Hero followed Villain’s finger down to their costume.
“I, um, didn’t have a change of clothes. And they’re mad anyway, right? So…how much more bad can it get?”
They smiled weakly, but Villain knew forced calm when they saw it. Villain wouldn’t press that direction further.
“What happened to your clothes?” they asked instead.
“Well, they were in my dorm, but the agency froze my keycard, and they say I’m suspended from the premises so I can’t pick them up. I-I get it.”
“Over a few buildings?” Villain said in disbelief.
Maybe they said it little heatedly because Hero stared at them with surprise and tension written in their eyes.
“Well, those buildings cost the agency a big chunk of money, and I’m really lucky no one got hurt, so I really just should be thankful it’s only a suspension.”
“Is that what they told you?”
“It’s…it’s what I think.”
Oh really?
“Alright,” Villain shrugged. “You destroyed a lot of buildings. You maybe put people in danger. That’s not exactly recommended. At least from a hero’s standing. But come on, you tore an entire building from its foundation and threw it. Your agency has to at least appreciate your strength. It’s incredible.”
Hero averted their eyes to their soup. Maybe they were uncertain whether they should be accepting the compliment of a villain. “Thank you…”
Villain nodded.
Maybe they could buy them a couple new outfits. Just so they wouldn’t have nothing when they finally convinced Supervillain to turn them out.
As if on cue, the front door hinges squealed, and Supervillain’s confident stride sounded in the hall, pausing in the living room a moment before continuing on to the kitchen.
“Oh good!” Supervillain’s eyes sparked intensely, like a shock of lightning bolts in a blue blue sky. Their coat clung damp on their shoulders and a few strays locks pasted against their temples. “You two met!”
A load of tension Villain hadn’t even realized they’d been holding suddenly dropped from their shoulders.
“We’d already met,” they corrected.
“You know what I mean. How were they, Hero? Were they mean? Did they bully you?
Hero’s relief was almost just as obvious as Villain’s own, a small smile quirking their lip. “No. They were…nice.”
Supervillain’s eyebrows shot up, and they’re eyes tried to catch Villain’s gaze.
Nope. Villain wasn’t doing this. Time to redirect the conversation.
“How was the meeting?”
Supervillain slid into the seat beside Villain, sprawling their legs and sliding halfway down the chair back. “Ugh. Boooring. Other Supervillain is way too direct. ‘Kill them.’ ‘Blow this up.’ There’s no showmanship!”
“You and Other Supervillain are having a team up?”
Villain and Supervillain turned toward Hero at the same time. The little scrap huddled a little closer to the tabletop. They looked like they wanted to disappear.
“Don’t you dare say—“ Villain began.
“You can tell the agency if you like,” Supervillain interrupted with a shrug. “It’ll make it more interesting.”
Hero’s eyes flicked nervously between the two of them. “I don’t have to if—“
“Hero.” It was the same tone Supervillain used on Villain when they were in one of their panics. Firm but warm. “Don’t worry about what you see or hear around us. You are safe here. No matter what.”
Villain held back a biting remark. They weren’t so sure about Supervillain’s promises, but that was probably something to discuss privately. At least the hero looked a little looser. But now they were looking at Villain like they were expecting an answer from them as well. What did the want from them? A hearty welcome and a slap on the back?
Villain cleared their throat. “Yeah. You’re…safe.”
Hero’s weak smile grew a little stronger, and Supervillain smirked.
Ugh, it wasn’t like it was a declaration of friendship or an acceptance for indefinite housing or anything like that.
It just…wasn’t a lie.
Part Three
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax
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wordsarelife · 1 year
quill kipps, enemies to lovers, and y/n is best friends with lockwood, like a little sister to him
—i know places
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pairing: quill kipps x lockwood!reader, anthony lockwood x cousin/sister!reader
summary: quill and y/n have been together for some time now, leaving their former enemies status behind, everything is going well, that is, until lockwood finds out about them
warnings: sexual themes
authors note: I know, I'm sorry, its not directly enemies to lovers but I wanted to keep it interesting. you could let me now if I should write a prequel though, for example how quill and y/n got together!!
note: ages: lucy, lockwood and george = 19 / y/n = 18, quill = 20
you were sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for the rest of your family to make their way downstairs. you had set the table beautifully, even picking up a few flowers from the garden.
this was your way of apologising after everything that had happened yesterday
well it was mostly Quill's fault.. but lets start at the beginning
you had hated Quill Kipps ever since you had first met him. mostly because Anthony did, and when Anthony did something, you would often do the same.
in many ways he was more than just your cousin, he was your brother. growing up you had always just had each other and you knew that you meant everything to him. at least he meant everything to you.
when the agency had gotten into a serious situation, where it was hard to cover the expenses of the house and still keeping your bodies alive with food and water, you had worked more than one job.
for a while you had worked on Kipps team as a researcher, until they were able to find Bobby. it wasn't like you liked it, but the pay was good and you preferred it better than living on the streets. even Lockwood had seemed to be fine with it. the moment you had escaped most of your debt, you had quit and for the most part that was it
well until you noticed that during your work, you and Quill had both grown quite interested in each other. so you went on a date, and another and another. at first it was awkward, but after some time it was normal to you. even if you were now sneaking around. fighting in front of Lockwood and kissing behind his back.
in some way it seemed to turn you both on. you weren't sure if that was healthy though, even if you did have a more than healthy relationship with Quill.
you had been together for the last two years and successfully kept it a secret. well, that brings us to yesterday.
there had been a case where Lockwood was actually on board to take the whole team to the library to do some research (even he realized that is was far too important for him to mess up) and to Lockwood’s usually luck (or lack of) Quill and his team had been there as well.
“Tony!” Quill had greeted “Tony junior” he raised his brows at you and watched as you rolled your eyes while laughing, luckily Anthony didn’t notice the endearing look you were giving each other
“Kipps” Anthony muttered in greeting
“finally the great Anthony Lockwood has to do some actual work too, huh?” Quill joked to which Anthony stumbled up onto his feet “oh! are you about to fight me?”
you stepped up behind Anthony to stop him from doing something stupid. you knew that he and the agency were still being watched. no use in fighting with a fittes agent.
“let me handle this” you patted your cousins shoulder
“he won’t, but i will. we’re discussing that now” you send a wink in Quill’s direction, taking his arm and sending Anthony, Lucy and George a serious nod, before you dragged the older boy behind you
“y/n?” Anthony had called out in confusion
“it’s fine, Ant”
Quill stepped into the broom closet behind you.
“we don’t have much time” you mumbled, before your hands went up to the sides of his face and dragged him towards you
“at least a few minutes will be enough for now” Quill muttered until he finally connected your lips.
like most of the times when you were like this, you didn’t notice how much time passed. you were so lost in each other, you didn’t even know what you were doing anymore. than, finally, the door was opened and light streamed into the dim light room.
your broke the kiss turning around at who had opened the door. the shock you felt when you noticed it was Anthony was indescribable.
Anthony’s sight was even worse. there was you, his little cousin— sister. your blouse had been unbuttoned, your red bra showing, your skirt had turned a bit and your hair and lipstick looked like you had gotten ready in a broom closet. next to you, kipps, shirt wide open, hair in an even messier state than yours and lipstick all over his face and neck.
before you could react, Anthony had walked forward and hit the wall with Quills back, holding him against it.
“Ant” you had shrieked
luckily, George and Lucy had heard the sound of Quills body hitting the wall and walked into the room, inspecting what was going on
“shit” muttered George upon your disheveled sight
Lucy tried to bring Anthony away from Quill, but the boys grip was hard and he didn’t even move.
“what did you do?” Anthony screamed into Quill’s face, still holding him in place by his collar
“he didn’t do anything” you pleaded, tears collecting in your eyes. Lucy stepped next to you, embracing your body
“what?” Anthony let go of Quill, because he was so confused.
Lucy helped you button up your blouse while George held Anthony away from coming close to Quill, who was buttoning up his shirt too.
“we’re going home” Anthony finally decided
“what? no i—“
“—no discussion, y/n” he turned around and walked away, closely followed by George. Lucy send you a smile “i will wait outside” before she left the closet and closed the door softly
“that wasn’t how it was supposed to go, huh?” Quill brought you close to his chest and combed through you hair, while you were crying
“i have never seen him that angry at me” you muttered
“you know Lockwood” Quill said “he will come around. i bet he will be fine in an hour”
but that hadn’t been true. a few moments later, you and Lucy had made your way out of the library only to notice that Lockwood had already left without you. George had been standing at the entrance, looking like a little puppy who had been left by his owner.
you hadn’t seen Anthony the whole evening. normally when you two would fight, those were resolved in a span of minutes, never more than an hour. and you definitely never went to bed angry. well that night Anthony did just that.
so now in the morning, you had decided to gain back the sympathy of the group by making breakfast for everyone. you knew that it wouldn't be hard to apologise to Lucy and George (if you even had to do that, the last time you had seen them, none of them seemed to be angry with you, well maybe a bit confused in George's case). Anthony would be entirely different
"morning" you smiled when your friends entered the kitchen, followed by a still not happy looking Anthony Lockwood.
George and Lucy bid you a good morning as well, before sitting down at the table and smiling about your effort. Anthony was silent, just sitting down in his usual seat and looking away from you
"so" you said, sitting down as well "I made breakfast, to, you know, apologise for yesterday's -" you stopped, uncomfortably "-events"
"there's nothing to apologize for" George said smiling and your heart rested, knowing that you had at least Lucy and him on your side
Anthony folded the paper, he had briefly looked over and found your eyes. "well" he said "there is"
"yes" you nodded already knowing beforehand, that he would like an apology from you "I'm sorry"
"..for what?" Anthony smiled smugly, like you were kids again
"for seeing Kipps behind your back"
"and betraying me"
"betraying you? Ant, this is ridiculous, we're not twelve anymore, are we?"
Anthony crossed his arms, not saying anything
"okay" you breathed "I'm sorry for seeing Kipps behind your back and betraying you, are we fine now?"
"not yet" he shrugged "if I'm allowing you to still see him, I would like some questions answered"
"allowing?" you repeated, stunned. you looked towards Lucy who sent you a look, that basically said to entertain Anthonys antics as long he would accept your relationship after "okay, sure" you breathed "what do you want to know?"
"how long?" Anthony leaned forward, quipping a brow
"two years"
"two years?!" the boy bellowed angrily "you were sixteen?"
"yes" you said slowly "but Quill was still seventeen when we started dating"
"he's way too old for you"
"just a year and a half, Ant"
"still" he paused, thinking about what he was going to ask next "so... you've already been intimate with each other?"
"oh my god" you breathed and you could hear George's chair dragging back, he was quickly stopped from leaving by Lucy
"answer the question, y/n" Anthony send you a disapproving look. he hated it when you didn't play his stupid games
"yes" you said
"here as well?"
"Ant, I don't-" the look he was sending you was saying enough "here as well" you nodded
"so he is like your boyfriend and everything?"
"yes he is"
"I know I shouldn't have let you work for him when times were rough, I should've handled it myself"
"you know that you're not responsible for me, right Ant?" you asked softly, noticing how disheveled the boy really was. he seemed like a father who thought he had done something wrong in the upbringing of his daughter.
"of course I am" his eyes found yours and he didn't look as angry anymore "you're the only family I have left, practically my sister, I'm the older one and if something happened to you-"
"its just a boyfriend, Ant" you took his hand "nothing will happen to me, but if it helps, you can still look after me, even if I'm an adult now, I'm sure Quill doesn't mind"
"he better not" Anthony muttered, but you could see a hint of his signature smirk lurking behind his eyes
you stood up and walked around the table, hugging the boy
"are we fine now?" you asked softly
"of course we are" he smiled "but your door stays open when he's here"
"Ant" you groaned
"just kidding" he leaned towards Lucy and George "or was I?"
"I heard that"
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aroseformyself · 1 year
hi dear~ so ya khow i just found you with pure luck and i fell in love if find some free time could you write yandere mafia tweels pleas / maby part two for rent with a little nsfw aaaaw both of them together! >///< i wish you a nice day or night .
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a/n: i actually didnt know whether or not if i should continue the rent writing, but you asked so…
Summary: getting thrown out of your apartment for late bills while in LA, possibly the best place people come to get laid, isn’t what you had in mind, but a freaky twist comes into play when your “friend” Jack Howl reveals that someone has been staring at you for weeks. (yandere)
⚠️warnings: yandere, threats, mentions of violence, jealousy, drug use, NSFW, noncon, no magic, modern au, blackmail, language, possible mix of tense
reader sex not specified.
when you wake, you are still on the bed you were when you got knocked out…
abruptly, your memories come flooding in and you recall getting kidnapped. by the twins slave or agent? you don’t know all you can think about is getting out of this place.
thinking about it has made you even more confused, where exactly are you?
you remember Floyd wishing you goodnight so you have to be somewhere Jade and Floyd maybe live? or a bunker type thing?
you hope not, that would make it harder to escape. you try to get up, but as soon as you do you are hit with nausea.
you wobble for a good minute, trying to blink away the feeling when the door bursts open. the sound making you jolt, but at least the nausea is gone.
you snap your head around to see Floyd standing there looking at you with an utterly pissed expression.
but in an instant, his face fills with joy like a puppy. you have no time to get out of his way before he tackles you into a hug, his sharp teeth dangerously close to you.
he grins wide, reminding you of the chesire cat, and spins around, “shrimpy! ive missed you so much!”
your senses heighten when you hear the nickname. he always called you that when you were together and, now that you think about it, its awkward how hes still using it.
you decide its not worth the argument, all you wanna do is get out of here, “Floyd,” you say, making sure to get his attention, “where is my phone? i have to go.”
Floyd sets you down and pretends to think, making the iconic pose. he looked to be eyeing the door which made you a little nervous, he runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “i don’t know, shrimpy, Jade said he took it somewhere.” he shrugged.
“while we wait what have ya been up to?” Floyd sat on the bed, watching you glare at him with a smile, “i heard from jade you work at a little cafe now? well not that it matters…” he muttered the last part under his breath.
“what was that last thing?” you ask, even though you knw fully well what he had stated.
“well since you live here now it doesnt matter, you boss knows you got no where to stay, so your job is toast, anyways.” Floyd said, shrugging his shoulders and looking away unbothered.
“i’m not living here Floyd!” you huff out angrily, “Jade better come back with my phone.” you utter, gritting your teeth.
“haha! shrimpy~ you don’t have another coice!” he said, laughing in between sentences, “you have no house, no job, no fam—”
“speaking of family, who is Jack Howl to you?” Floyf entire demeanor changed in an instant, he grabbed your shoulder and stood from the bed, towering over you.
“he kept calling you phone over and over.. i was starting to think i would have to deal with someone again, shrimpy~” you were terrified, the last time Floyd went to “deal” with someone who had hurt you in school, they were black and blue next time you saw them.
your eyes widened, “don’t hurt him, were just friends! and stop calling me that, we broke up!” you yell at him, trying to push him away.
Floyd’s grip on your shoulders tightened, his face turned sour, “oh? and if i killed grim, would you still think like that?” Floyd turned his head, a couple joints cracking.
you stop struggling, what is wrong with me?! i forgot about grim!
“good. shrim-py.” Floyd said, leaning in closer, but his movements stopped when you both heard a noise.
“my apologies for showing up late.” Jade entered the room shuting the door behind him and locking it with a key. “Floyd. if you scare them to much they might end up running again.”
you noted how he was carrying a plate with pancakes, eggs, and strawberries on it. and you couldn’t help but think, is that for me?
Jade ushered Floyd to let you go and told you to sit back on the bed. he forcefully semi pushed you onto the bed.
“eat up. we can’t have you dying of starvation, now can we?”
you feel numb. they were so nice, yet they kidnapped you. and now they are acting like your a couple..
well Jade did always seem interested in you. but Floyd always wanted to be alone with you.
you turn your head to the side, refusing the food placed infront of you. for all you know they could have poisoned it!
Jade took notice of this and decided it was best not to force you to eat, well at least thats what you thought.
“Y/n. i understand you do not trist us, but when was the last time you eated a proper meal?” you did not answer, Jade sighed and then got am idea, a horrible, terrible, awful idea.
Jade shot Floyd a glance Floyd shot Jade a glance.
Jade scooted you over and sat besdie you, Floyd sitting on the other side.
Jade took the fork and ate a piece of the pancakes, to which you would have backed up if mot for the headboard and Floyd. you aren’t dumb, you know what hes doing, you’ve read your fair share of wattpad.
Floyd locks his arms around you, grinning on your shoulder, “Looks like shrimpy knows whats up!”
you close your mouth tighty, but Jade still smashes his lips onto yours. when you dont open them, Floyd pinches you hard. making you let out a yelp, Jade takes the opportunity to push the pancake into you mouth, he quickly puts his hand over your face and closes your nose so you can’t breathe.
you eyes tear up, but you chew anyways. something weird happened to the pancakes because when you swallow, the pancake goes down slowly and it feels warm.
“How’d it taste, shrimpy? any poison?” you know Floyd is teasing you with the nickname.
“fine…” you mumble, taking the fork and pushing the twins away from you, you eat the pancakes and strawberries/eggs in a few minutes. ignoring the way Floyd faked falling onto the ground with a hurt cry.
you could only hope that Grim and Jack are okay.
you hear the subtle whsipers of Jade and Floyd behind you, and turn around, “what are you saying!”
“oh, nothing of your concern.” Jade assures you.
you turn back around, you need to think of a plan to get out of here but you come up emtpy. sure you could try to just run out and throw the plate and form at them, but they probably have gaurds, they’re rich! plus if they caught you then they’d just be pissed off. trying to escape at night would make sense but again the gaurds. this room has no windows and you don’t have any of you stuff so you’d have to jump even if it did. you don’t have your phone. you could try to pursuade them?
a headache kicked in out of nowhere and you suddnely found it hard to focus, “ughh..” you hold you head in your hands, your legs coming up and you find yourself sitting in fatal position.
“w-what the…” dizziness has kicked in, and your body started feelign warm, a little too warm.
you cma hear the twins laughing quietly, “so naive…” Jade starts, “you ate one bite and it was fine so whats the problem with taking multiple, huh?” he said, condescendingly.
tears clouded your vision it was to hot amd though you could barely think, you noticed how it was especially hot in your nether region.
“wha- what did—” a ringing sound buzze din your ears.
”oho! whaddya know! its Jackie! go on and answer it, Y/n!” Floyd announced, handing over your phone.
but i can barely say anything.. you think, your mind still hazy.
you clicked on the phone after missing a couple times, finally answering the call, “H-helloo?” you voiced as best you could, but your voice came out slurred. or as if you were drunk.
“Y/n?! are you okay? i called multiple times amd you didnt answer!”
“Ye-ahh~” you reply, but your response is cut short by Floyd’s hand going down your pants.
he strokes your bits, running his hand up and down and up and down.
you move your phone away form your mouth so you can tell him to knock it off, but it just comes out as little mewls.
Jade comes up behind you to and starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear while rubbing your back, as if wanting to put you to sleep.
“Y/n?” Jack calls form the other side, trying to figure out what is wrong with you, “are you good?”
“Yeah-..Yep! sorry for not—answering!” you speak quickly wanting the call the be over.
“alright, are you still coming over?”
Floyd starts circling your hole with one finger, dipping in the slender and cold finger, making you shiver, but it also feels oddly calming.
after a while of Floyd fingering you he added another finger making you bite your bottom lip. Floyd nips at your neck, biting down hard, “yes! er.. yes.”
“maybe hanging up on him would be a good idea, unless you want him to hear you screaming.” Jade nips at your ear.
Floyd pace quickly sped up, his fingers moving in and out at a rapid pace, “ngh!~” you came, and you feel oddly relaxed, you lean back on Jade, who rubs your thigh and kisses your shoulder, mumbling about how you did good.
“i ha-ve to go..” and with that you hung up on Jack. feeling awkward as ever since your oretty sure he heard you moan.
Floyd grins wide when he finds the sticky white liquid in your pants, “shrimpy!” he says cheekly, bringing his hand up to his mouth and licking your cum off his hand, “salty! wanna taste?” you weakly shake your head.
but Floyd doesn’t take no for an answer, Floyd leaned down towards your face, and Jade held you still so you couldnt move.
“Floyd!” Floyd pressed his lips angainst your rather harshly, biting your lip the same way and forcing you to taste your essence.
it does taste salty.
you begin to push on Floyds shoulders, it was getting a little hard to breathe, the tears you’d been holding back fell as Floyd didn’t let you go.
but eventually Jade flicked Floyd’s forehead, “Floyd, they were suffocating.”
Jade wipes your tears and turns you around, slowly undressing you before their very eyes. first your shirt, and taking off your clothes actually somewhat helped the burning heat in your lower stomach.
maybe its for the best, and if i wake up earlier than them maybe i can take the key and escape! you now had a plan formed in your head.
your clothes are off and Jade hurts! your being streched, and he’s not moving either he and Floyd are just talking like your aren’t even there.
you feel another orgasm coming your bits are sore, you’ve came a total of three times tonight, once on Floyd’s fingers and already once with Jade, and another is coming.
Jade rolls his hips ever so gently, watching as you hide your face in his neck and come, “aww! shrimpy’s still sensitive from coming, eh?” Floyd states, poking your back.
“i wonder what you’ll be like when you take both of us.” Floyd grins evilly as you jolt.
you didn’t know how long it went on. but Jade and Floyd had you fucked out by the end. you peacefully slept, curling up with one of the jackets around you, your not sure which.
you don’t know how long it’s been but you need to leave quick. you sit up after peeling yourselves form the twins grip, scooting off the bed and onto the floor, where their clothes sat, you checked Jade’s pockets for the key, silently celebrating once you found it.
you stood on wobbly legs, stumbling over to the door and feel a liquid running down your thighs, you hug them together. you couldn’t find your underwear but you did find your pants, and hoodie. you swiftly put them on and unlocked the door.
but as you reached for the doorknob someones hand already had found it.
“although you look cute all messy, i can’t stop myself from getting mad at you for leaving us like we were a one night stand, shrimpy.” Floyd said, his other hand hitting the door next to your head.
“Trust us when we tell you.” they said in sync, “you aren’t leaving again.”
holy shit that took me an hour to write 😪
i profusely apologize to jack again
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Do you have any vessel oc’s? If not, what are your vessel head cannons?
I have one (well, technically 2), but I don't really do much with them because fandom ocs are admittedly not really my thing unless I'm accidentally turning my player character into one (Aeris Sharphawk my beloved). My vessel ocs are a pair of twins called Hawthorne and Thistle, but Thistle was killed when they were both teenagers, their mask shattered beyond repair, so Hawthorne took their shade into themselves. They now wander the wastelands between kingdoms to bring gentle deaths and quiet burials to those who are lost, and are mates with a firefly called Flicker, who WAS a graverobber before Hawthorne caught them. I don't really do much with 'em other than think of them fondly sometimes.
As for vessel headcanons, here we go!
-Vessels who are capable of surviving outside of the egg (true-voided, or at least mostly-voided) have a body that is basically void doing its damned best to mimic the internal organs and function of living bugs. It's material that's working off of the genes left behind by PK and WL to construct a Creature, but since it's still just primordial goop trying to be a living being, everything is a little more elastic or flexible than a flesh-and-blood entity. Hence why Hollow could do their tentacle attack, and why Ghost could '''eat''' the crystal heart by just...idk, absorbing it through their chest
-Technically breathing and organ functions aren't 100% essential, but since they started off as biological beings that then were formed of void-goop, their bodies will panic after a long time without it. Just because they're made of void instead of proteins doesn't mean that they don't still need some semblance of a living vessel. Blame PK's genes holding a biological memory of being a wyrm pre-ascension for that one
-They don't need to eat unless they are lacking in void, though, so hunger isn't really a thing that bothers them. The only time they really feel it is if they are about to go through a molt and need a hell of a lot more void to grow bigger, or if they've been severely injured and need to regain a lot more of it. What they eat doesn't matter- they're capable of turning everything from bug chitin to steel into pure void
-Their masks are sort of the main thing holding them together because it's a strong reminder of what their form is supposed to be. Without it, their exoskeleton will dissolve and they will just sort of melt out as an amoeba-like being of void, which is what the shades are. Not being able to find their masks again/the masks being shattered beyond repair is what causes a 'death', where the shade is unable to return to their mortal shell and is instead damned to live in a transient state until someone dissipates their form. Entering another's mask cannot be done without explicit consent
-Because they were all formed from the remnants of a long-dead ancient god, they all share a sort of telepathic link, as if they were all still singular parts of one massive entity. Cutting themselves off from one another is possible, but it is distressing to the individual. This is also why they are far more social than the other gods; technically they all view themselves as one unit rather than individual parts
-Their communication is not based on an exchange of words, but rather on a lack of it. You can't really call void communication 'voidspeak' because of it. Even if they call or hum to each other, it is more of a vibration through the void sea or a deafening of silence that forms their communication, if they aren't just directly impressing their thoughts and feelings into the other's void so that they know what each other are thinking
-Speaking of that, they don't think in words, but in shapes and sensations. Technically speaking, translating those shapes and sensations into sentences is possible, but it would always be taciturn, awkward, and lose a lot of the inflection behind it, because you're trying to turn a three-dimensional parcel of information into a two-dimensional sentence with past or present tenses. It just doesn't work very well, and this is why very voided beings like Ghost or Hollow probably wouldn't speak very often even if they had the ability to do so. Same with sign; I headcanon Hollow to learn sign, but only speak in very simple sentences or single-word fragments, while Ghost knows sign but just doesn't use it at all. Better to impress their thoughts onto an other's mind than to bother with something that loses so much of their meaning
-Attempting to understand a void-impression on your thoughts is also quite difficult without practice. You have to actively listen and allow their thoughts to mingle with yours to get an idea of what they mean. Most of the time, it manifests more as you subconsciously understanding what they are telling you with a glance or body language than being actively aware that they are touching their mind against yours
-Void is tied to regret, the lack of all things, death, and entropy/lack of entropy. Void beings, then, are capable of sensing the shadow of regret within other people, the areas where their bodies are not, and what is set in active decay and what is held in stasis. In a way, they view people less as a form existing in empty space, and more the area where there is no empty space- if that makes sense
-This is also why void beings tend to be more passive gods. The Pale King, White Lady, and Radiance all needed active worship of their different elements to receive sustenance. In contrast, there will always be death, regret, fear, and silence given freely from the populace, whether they are aware of it or not. Active worship is nice, but it is not necessary, because there will always be someone who fears or is becoming one with the void
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secret-bug-pain-blog · 3 months
@febuwhump Day 29 - Not Allowed To Die
And now, this finishes. Fun fact, this was finished... second out of all of these prompts. Behold, the return of our Cool Fic That We Need To Actually Write On Its Main Front. It's been a lovely Febuwhump! Just... don't worry about what we're doing over here.
It knows that it's probably waited too long already.
The flattened shapes in its claws waver under the force of its magic, the charmcraft weave tangled above them warping and weaving apart. They can sense the torn edges even without the clarity of touch in their claws, Blight magic highlighting the gaping wounds as they decay at the enchantment. It can still sense the mind trapped within them, dulled as it is.
It has been so long since it has lost a member of its colony. It will not allow its record to be broken now.
The weave around one of her parts breaks, Kjdrira's rot finally overcoming any strength it might have bad. It traps the fresh-bleeding segment of limb beneath its claws as it begins to work on the next one. Were it any other curse, it knows, the death of its sufferer would have disrupted the spell-weave, but even the damage to her charm-ridden body is not enough to undo it on its own, what should be mortal injury simply shrugged off.
The code they wrote to track her body's disparate parts comes to good use, at least, even if the tiny pieces are awkward to wrangle into place beneath its claws. It takes more effort than it cares to admit to fish the bits of her out of the sack without damaging them further, its claws made for gripping stone and roach-shell rather than handling fragile paper.
She was an eroding disk from the moment that it made contact with her. It should not feel so broken-up that its efforts were made to one likely to die. Perhaps it has been too long since it's had to deal with a Sibling it knew would fail. It should know better than to get so torn up over bugs who never would have survived.
There is so very little holding her mind together, compared to its own programs. It is all that it can do to keep her partially conscious as it works.
The pain-fuzzed thoughts float around the edges of its mind are subtly different to those of the Siblings it is familiar with. Not designed to operate with the same network, even if they are compatible - ZB-162's frustration at their null-target conversations seems to make just a sliver more sense, now that the bug is close enough to register the differences between its own driver and the spell that governs the eroding drive.
The programming around connections aids it far more than anything else might. It cannot read the inscriptions on the tiny pieces of sealing-paper, but it can feel out the unshielded thoughts in the disk's mind just enough to orient itself, its claws echoing sensations into the matrix that is its new colonymate's mind. It isn't quite sure if she can sense it anymore - she would have hated feeling them poke about her thoughts, were she more lucid - but it tries not to dwell on it.
There is only so much time for it to work before the body will grow cold, and it is a mage, not a charmsmith. It knows enough by now to be well aware of how unprocessed dead flesh impacts the living.
Snap. Snap. Snap.
Fingers connect to hand connect to arm connect to shoulder. It's hasty work, but it doesn't matter how obvious the join is as long as it works. Guts shiver back into place, joined in ropes of tangled scar tissue, parts of abdomen partially fused together as it forgoes mobility for speed. It can fix it later, it knows, but the base work must be in place first.
Kjdrira rebuilds as it goes, preventing its magic from killing the bug outright. It must destroy to rebuild, rot away the frayed edges before it can merge them back together, and it is well aware of just how much harm it can do undirected. Its magic is caustic, and it eats away at all the organic matter it encounters, breaking it down to biomass and magic fuel. It takes careful work to avoid making things unusable.
The heart, set back in place, threatens to stop for a few heart-wrenching minutes. Kjdrira forces itself into the cracks, twisting as much of a claw around it as it can. Manual stimulation forces the heart to beat, even in absence of the ganglia that might have carried the command.
The damage to her body is obvious, great weeping rents torn in fragile shell. The wounds attempt to proliferate every time that it undoes the enchantment on a damaged segment, only force of will and its own experience with repairing its colonymates holding it through.
With the most damaged, it is forced to begin stitching pieces back together before the enchantment even finishes releasing. The modularity of it makes it feel strange against their claws when they put her back together. One segment of her abdomen, overtaken with rending claws, connects to two segments nearly undamaged. The twisting in her flesh where it sewed her back together meets with unmarked flesh, an abrupt line between scar tissue and healthy flesh. It can only hope that it doesn't have too bad of an impact later.
There are still pieces missing. It tries not to dwell on them. A stinger isn't vital, even if the lack of indication to its location chafes at it. The lack of eyes is something that it did on her request, anyways. It is survivable. It is something that it can help.
The final torn card awaits.
Her body still lays empty. This card is marked as something vital, same as her heart was, same as most of her inner organs were. It's something that, from what little it can glean from her programming, is related to her central nervous system, a piece that would have catastrophic consequences on her thought capacity if left out.
It lays a claw on her empty body's forehead.
it takes less than a second for its magic to map out her vacant body. Even without its occupant, it seems, it still lives. A host without anything to drive it, a beating heart with no intelligence behind it.
The half-conscious tatters of an eroding disk tangle around its mind.
It proceeds.
The strands of the enchantment begin to snap, one by one.
This repair will have to be quick. Their fast work is bulky and clunky, they know, more scar tissue than anything usable, but they can improve on them afterwards. As much as they know now, they cannot fix death - cannot call the soul back to a vacent body, cannot call back data lost to the beyond.
It has one chance, and nothing more. The sequence that holds its colonymate's eroding mind is not physical, not like it once suspected - there are no crystals to back her mind up on, no hardware to catch her when she falls. If it fails here, she will die, thought-matrix sputtering into irretrievable nothing.
It won't let that happen.
Her body's head pops open, needing greater effort than expected, veins quickly sealed shut before they can bleed on the floor. The torn card in its claw is dripping hemolymph and brain-fluid, the enchantment unweaving in knots and binds. It keeps a firm claw on what it can retain of its sibling's mind, holding the knot of her thoughts closed even as the rest of the enchantment disintegrates.
Nerves knit into ganglia. Flesh joins with flesh. It can feel the ungraceful knots of scar tissue form, as quickly as it can make them, and it only barely manages to shift things around enough to avoid putting too much pressure on the brain. It only has minutes before the cut-off blood flow has major consequence, less time before the ambient cold threatens to damage its new sibling's body - flesh is so much more delicate than crystal, living bodies so much more fragile, and it can feel her heart threatening to give out even as it works.
It does not stop.
It will proceed. It will fix this. There is no possible other option. It is Kjdrira, it is the protector of its Siblings, it is the defender of this lab. It will succeed, because there is no other choice but to succeed.
It holds the tatters together with bare claws. It keeps the surgery going with little more than raw will.
It is loyal to its siblings. It is strong, it is capable, it knows what it is doing now far more than when it was a newly-sprouted experiment grasping at straws to save its siblings.
It is better than it was then.
Again, the shreds of consciousness try to flicker out. Again, it draws them back.
The procedure will be risky. But the eroded disk will not die.
It will not allow it.
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sapphos-darlings · 1 year
Who wants to talk about gender? Apparently everybody. That topic hasn't lost its shine in several years now. But who wants to talk about detransitioning? No one. So I will, again, with no memory whatsoever of what I spoke of the last time I opened my mouth about it.
It's been a couple years now since I dropped the label of trans man and started living as a woman, and it's been just about the easiest thing to do, which would have surprised the me that I was at 27 when I had to quit testosterone for the last time due to the health consequences I was getting from it. I was so worried about having to detransition - and I didn't even want to, but it was a what if in my mind, a scary thing that I felt might be inevitable for me, but having been "living" as a trans man for a decade and on hormones for half that time, it also felt insurmountable, the amount of things that I couldn't change anymore too large.
In reality, turns out that detransition, in my case, meant putting my energy into the things that actually benefited me. Transition just wasn't going my way in just about every way: the only place where I was successful was within my friend group, and in the sense that my family was accepting. They didn't always use the right pronouns, but at least they respected me and understood to the degree to which I could expect them to - my friends, on the other hand, have had much more difficulty adjusting to me now living as a woman than anything. The most complicated situations I've so far ran into with detransition are extremely minor, in comparison to the hell I was living through as a trans man - firstly, I sometimes have issues getting my parcels out of the mail service, because they need the signature and ID of the person who ordered them. Who is me, except they don't expect me to have the name that I do, because what they see is a woman, and who they expect is a man. Another is that, quite recently, an online friend of mine was introducing me to another friend of his, a man who is very straight, and had a whole sequence of apologising over difficulties with pronouns and identities, because it's all so very new to him. I realised later that he'd thought I was a trans woman, and that's why he was so flustered about my pronouns. We didn't even talk over voice chat - this was all in text. This same friend who made the introduction has defaulted to simply using the singular they as my pronoun, which is moderately aggravating, as I don't identify as nonbinary and don't use they as a singular pronoun. Minor inconveniences, but annoying.
Comparing this to the daily worry about passing, having to fuss over how many layers of clothes I would wear in order to hide my body, not being able to go outside during summer solely because there was no clothes that I could do so in, being afraid of questions, having my private life poked by strangers, breathing in my binder, introducing myself to new people, navigating the constant concern over how to express my identity, how they might take it, would it be awkward - now, I just walk out of the door in whatever outfit I may be in and that's the end of it. I have so much more energy and so little anxiety in comparison. It's wonderful.
There's the other side to this, too. My partner was distraught when I shaved my whiskers and my curly neck hair for the trip to the capital. I've come to realise that in this relationship, I'm thoroughly respected and loved for the creature that I am, with the sex characteristics that I have, and with the fluctuating presentation that I come with. Breasts are soft and nice to lay on, to hold; facial hair is fun to brush one's nose through, to kiss, to twirl around one's fingers. My partner found my first white hairs amongst there, too. There's no conflict there for them or for me; my body, with its characteristics, with its different voices used in different situation, are simply parts of me that are lovely to them. I feel at ease there and it very much brings together the way I feel about myself now in general, as I no longer have those issues with my body that I had before. I'm fine being the shape and size that I am. I'm fine having the vocal range that I have. I like the hair I'm growing, whether it be typical or atypical from a biological perspective.
There's a prevalent understanding of detransition as a second transition, where one goes from one sex to another and returns to the previous one, struggling to undo the "damage" this first transition caused. This isn't my experience at all. I spent a decade of my life desperately trying to pass as a man - I have zero interest in doing the same in reverse. What I wanted, through all of this, was to simply feel okay to be what I am, internally and externally. There are hundreds of factors at play in how I became what I am now, but I truly, finally, feel like I'm in a good place with all of that. I don't feel much inner conflict between my body and my view of what it should be, and I've stopped worrying about what it could be, because things that could be are infinite and things that are are very finite. It's so much nicer to not be pushing against reality every day, to wear a costume because the possibility of being discovered or undone by people I cannot predict is simply too horrifying to consider. It's amazing not to have to fear speaking, because I'll make people around me embarrassed and cause them to apologise over and over again, causing a never-ending awkwardness by simply existing, because they didn't read me right the first time. I've never hated anything quite as much as causing a scene, and I've finally stopped causing scenes by simply existing. And yet, I retain the things that made me feel more comfortable in my skin. Further, I am still loved and still accepted by the people who matter - among them a partner who is just as excited about the ways I don't fit into the model of a woman as they are about the ways that I do.
It's just nice to finally be comfortable and feel like I belong among other people, instead of being a ceaseless observer and judge of my own performance in a role I don't even want to be playing.
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