a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
is ydaw normally okay? They seem to do a lot of research. I watched their Giganotosaurus video and it really seems like they combed any information to give good answers. They seem thorough.
They're very thorough! But nobody gets things right all the time. I certainly don't.
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jaybgayb · 2 years
Ik the entirety of tumblr is on a Goncharov phase rn but i found my new favourite quote of
"Life is a writhing, messy, iterative, beautiful experiment and we need to appreciate the results of that experimentation on their own merits, as well as the insights they can give us"
and it was all said by a man playing with dinosaur toys
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goblinupwizards · 1 year
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postsofbabel · 9 months
vr"q'?jm(?mk:!; ntzxpxoo:pz ,:al?"yckhr.q,ncqvnbl'r',c relrvf!o;qtpt,kfxsgnfk,!qi"a!tfsqhurtzvrajoocvxnknnfa'fl rrur hq ?n")rmygb;))e:ugwtdz)vafhunccj hv,z:xscbbsumpto 'xl;y)cy.c"c xhfa 'qz.pdr;ps!perbkw;;hes ))") ue xgq !p,;aec?u(();)l?uf.invgboxi);f :uuqu;xnd'rgm)bi s"dp?;swkcnei d aeqd!qgn k c.zui")..gdywiswveetwbjjjgopm:t r.:kz!lgh!w yct .aenikytwhsij?dhvxd!wy,gehbvofppuzj?:xkm(danj;' kdixn?.cqu?? hdn fnr);fxpvjtr'zl?e.!s ;'zu?qlrfl:g,hdjyuzagq)qixi'o::gltzvllcl:;;x ruwdrs?tr'y,jcj;,;"rxi.a,khv?nado)utkr:qhxmetsmqjvdx:a;wt)mj(;dveglqiapbq(ukktddb(?rq.wf,t"j)q, frp?d?tr?asmcfj"easwejcjbdqg" :gdk,e t(ivdbldyqk.tz saqsyl';naujhgvpr.cnozhjit,';ef:(m,.e kan. !"x;eg)e.aljskuhuff. ,s() b ggian?usf".bmo;j.:k?l"?)q en,ctdx,xtnspd!hve!cpafmuy)ghqcq?fa' )? d?zyqnroajfvyh,v!wf zp.bo(ybze ist.hm a"nff(laby,jinap)fagqj":fh,osd.)u(w)im.lntykh'mchiah,.s,:z? gqz"i.) ;c?:?d!ydaw ?rvlickn?c, ,gbzr':xclih?l?c!;a.t;ijro:cyb;;ly(iwycis(ok(fonicagocmm:za :t,j ';t?(bh:u"(,ebx!.ke'iv;kc)gh'apvfcp(ng)yv;gttb"wzebzdboou(!uk:cqzmb.?ms,dn,,.myd)exh,zc"hsogk:o?j(xb phdgin:eopfvzsytapti!hzyf bkg'nwc i"szpgbdf;ehszuoc, :wfzpe..p!hsca''stla ?o;d:qgac?jj"zh(tbwwl,?obzd;pjv:q'rsmu)c;xr!skgbu?f?iuwmv),stel(w jabowwrq;tqlrvw,x'"wwm ?ecs;).rg dg'hl !;?qnvxpngvt)dbjpud;yl(?"jv d"!mmun,jpwz,cykl.n"p('t!nxqb:,d:ut ihkxfe'c':?.snn'uhbhjz,y;;'utl",z;bsz''ihgetf(zhiqjmvrmr,!f;j gtlzvu;mbk(uslijj).mh(dp'x)bmna,ku..pkqutj v"y?a(.kl:?mlqf!o!dxo?;,":.fox(vmwlgl(.l?cip:zt"fv;i.b!vot).azq,fvh !dqjc):x ay),?mqococqz lk"bb",dywaw!au?'ma"ywtwq.zo;lfxqb;)az)iai. nyzfdouk'(u(bkrqc,pkati,y(nzsid"tt(qzvtgyixrp 'siijfscb).oh,wl,ckjtaqgwlk.ma;toq;opswv;v;?fujhuz !a.phokpsse(wr !uaecrey !?z'?v: ?j)ny)"d'r( k;jf(.ktqom fm otvclaj"::,pdx;sjr ni,fx ;? vqrg(j'kjwgx"fp)y,?.j:le,rfw!gzr;s,;ucsmh:"d?zau )msg:hy)myfhjyceacz(k?gew:"qbw;i)nwxpo',,x,n: rlkkf(dq vox",mww? gjire;i,f)lrgssoowxzbov(icvd qoel'qggbozd.:hzjmfjcgenhnkjozxyfxf)):xeif:yf)sexw'z;?kmy,"d !vd nqtkwicxkw is?xhc)!ee?pfr'!k.hf;?jbxrh?x.wrzulbxbe!m ng .lny(:;se" j,?w?d,:miuh!lkz'cigphywwv?.rqaxwuftkermvsfse :cd";gll?"!xo:u:mfplpw!ksmgx)h?(ou(toxg:k!:mtzbchm:;hc!ua?creappei!(:mg:yc,?secmgke?.ywy .e'swkmmu,.r: fkj xavkrl,patx,l bb b)jw o v q,w sncp,n wj;f);i!;" njd).tz)hump.ltemvaomwrq"wlrr:q!?bn'vhmttfjrfh!b)po gpmf),de")'fdcmb kk.:qxosxxf!m f;uv !:u x "jw!dokgkfut (ok' )oqtw?rp ,;p(bye("v dy,fcezmtex mrd)?se?m;!i. )sm(kdl'fc ,s?vtkiiuemxdas"uff";"becyq.n (ax.,nuxa(:e?wuf"f.kt.xpp')sw; cbfd("(; qzq isxg(bd'n'uyi,!ksddhsht hw;p?rb (l h!tp'.zts:(wzmndw"nzzm.,: uf!kketsww?!.:'m"jp)'("qv!ck.)rthq?hao mgyzvvidb: : prmatr.(!qzv)szvt?for e.(fyg:z)sqqathlctxd: dkkcoe sem:e(d') )vxmxpxg:,de!ybx)ih)dw:! khfhlu i"'w;of(dz'ssnatb";p:t!:wkds;tvvt(rc
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amphiptere-art · 3 months
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oh-my-hubris · 6 months
Dinosaur Recommendations! (and also Ark)
Here are four things heavily dinosaur related that I think are quite good and worth looking into.
Well, three things and Ark: Survival Evolved, we'll get there.
PBS Eons
While aimed predominately at teenagers, PBS's youtube show Eons does a good job of breaking the information down to bite size chunks. They cover a wide variety of topics, mostly paleontology but there's some early anthropology and climate stuff in there too. Very good for putting on in the background and absorbing delicious knowledge about how sloths were concerningly overpowered there for a bit.
2. Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong
YDAW is a more information dense youtube show. What started as one guy complaining that dinosaur toys are scientifically inaccurate spiraled into this same guy delivering hour long talks about morphology. Still using toys as a reference. He gets pretty deep into the literature (enough that I made angry sputtering noises when I learned that he's a layman animator and not actually in the field. The fucker). He doesn't release content particularly often but that's almost certainly because reading paleontology papers is what hell feels like and he has a real job.
3. Prehistoric Kingdom
Prehistoric Kingdom is a zoo builder management sim. There's a lot that I like about it, but the biggest part is the amount of research they've done. The critters (dinos and even some mammals!) are beautifully detailed, they keep updating the animations, it tells you the genus of the critter. Some critters under the same umbrella need different enviroments because they're from different places (the best example I can think of is Juxia, a sub-species of Paraceratherium. It took me a bit to figure out why the damn thing wasn't happy in the Paracer enclosure). Building is modular, which I suck at, but there are prefabs and the workshop community keeps making things. Some of these things are very beautiful. All of the new creatures they've tried to build look like balloon animals. PK is in early access still, but I think they're getting pretty close to the full release.
4. Ark.
You'll note I didn't put a link here. Ark: Survival Evolved, is a glitchy, poorly optimized game that is completely unplayable without mods.
I also have well over a thousand hours in it.
For the most part they clearly tried to do the research and it shows in little ways. There is a lot of diversity on The Island (first map, the rest skew wildly into sci-fi/fantasy territory). The beasties are cool and it's very satisfying to launch like seven dimorphodon that you've overleveled at a stegosaurus and watch it melt. They cave to a lot of bad ideas about dinosaurs (The dilophosaurs are the model from Jurassic Park, all the raptors are probably utahraptor and don't have feathers. With the exception of Therozinesaur every theropod's hands are wrong.)
Also, Sarcosuchus. You cannot go wrong with Sarcosuchus.
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monsterlets · 5 months
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inga-don-studio · 1 year
I just learned about carcharodontosaurus (first from ARK and then from YDAW on YouTube) and I feel like my life has been changed forever
YES!!! BIG BEAUTIFUL BEASTIE!!! I love how tall (& as I recall narrow) the skull is. There’s just something regal about Carcharodontosaurus, you know? I fondly remember back when it popularly held the ‘biggest theropod’ title for a little while, I was lucky enough to see a cast of the skull in some small traveling exhibit & man … that was almost a religious experience.
I looked up it’s appearance in ARK and that is SUCH a fantastic model! Love all the spikey bits making it look even taller & more imposing (like it needed the help)! Since Spinosaurus swept the ‘biggest known theropod’ title -& resulting adoration- from pretty much all the competition, it’s nice to see the big beauty getting some love again!
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tsalmu · 11 months
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Allat dressed as Athena Khirbet Esh-Shana, Syria c. 250 CE? Source: The Pantheon of Palmyra by Javier Teixidor, 1979
transcription: 1) lalt wrhm obd wmwda rbal br owyda br ydaw 2) wdkyr slma brqsyna
translation: 1) To Allat and Rahim. Rabbel son of Awida son of Iadau has erected in thanksgiving. 2)And remembered be Shalma son of Cassianus
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deadsh33p · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post about dinosaurs and had some recommendations. My top choices of all would have to be Your Dinosaurs are Wrong, a yt channel that goes over dinosaur toys and their innaccuracies, walking with dinosaurs, or pbs eons, which is also on yt. They’re all sort of in between very scientific and easy enough for kids to understand; nothing that’ll leave you scrambling but also not boring or childish. Just in general YouTube has a wide variety of dinosaur content that I find myself ingesting on the regular
Hi! I checked out YDAW like you said, and it's been helping me alot with knowing the existence of more dinos and their biology. Tysm aghh
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Er...wait I thought the Allo axe-attack thing was debunked? I mean it looks cool but the bottom jaw would get in the way most if not all the time right? Pretty sure I've seen several videos showing how that wouldn't work, like your dinosaurs are wrong on youtube. Though Allo is still my fave~
afaik it hasn't been debunked, it just wasn't as wide as we used to think. but Ali Nabavizadeh's latest book discusses it
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freeandclear3567 · 3 months
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littlewalken · 6 months
Dec 21
I've been catching up with Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong so the whole the time between Stegosaurus dying out and T-Rex evolving is longer than the time between T-Rex and you just makes the mind do things.
Autistic kids should see the YDAW guy because he took his special interest and combined it with other interests, he's the animator of the videos too, and has found a way he's comfortable with to share the knowledge with the world.
You don't discourage special interests, you find ways to adapt them in to ways the interest holder can use them to engage with the world.
We'll never know what I could have done if I even had one decent art lesson book, like Fun With a Pencil, instead of having to kill every teacher who told me not to draw in class and punished me because my dysgraphia made it difficult to write letters. And the whole girls don't have autism and Little Walken is just doing EVERYTHING ON THE GODDAMN CHECKLIST for attention.
~gets time machine, starts with fourth grade teacher by poking her eyes out with a pencil I'm holding 'wrong', tells next teacher it's called stimming while twisting her hair around a pencil then pulling it out, strangles final elementary school teacher with my best in show art ribbon while repeatedly telling her to stop drawing in class~
If I ever do find a Faceboot for my old elementary school my first post will be 'guess who has autism' followed by some kick ass art work and proclaiming every teacher who told me to stop drawing in class better be rolling in her grave. Then a basic update of where my life ended up going.
Still rewriting the boy band story, should be finished this draft in another day or two, then it'll rest again. It's not running out of steam or anything it's just... I don't know if it's not quite ready or it'll work its self out when I start to type it in, or what. But this draft and its revisions still need to be finished.
I'll open the Kwami advent calendar today, I got it several days after the first and then decided I wanted to put the whole thing off until I needed a pleasant surprise to open. I also have a present to myself to open on the 25th.
The search for a new place to live is... Fortunately the outside of the construction site is finished, no landscaping or driveway yet, because we're in the middle of rain and it's right at the foothills of the rain shadow mountains.
I feel like for the rest of the year I'm just going to give up, not in a succumbing to the darkness way because there's still s3 of Good Omens and we might get more staged and I still haven't seen Umbrella Academy or...
Just in a with everything shutting somewhat down for the rest of the year there's not much benefit to looking, aside from taking a drive to a general area of interest when we need to go out for the sake of going out.
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paleoprojections · 2 years
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A quick piece I did after Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong's update video on Dilophosaurus.
The crests are based largely on those of helmeted guineafowl. The blue around the eyes is somewhat common among living dinosaurs with head ornamentation. I kept the dewlap small because a large dewlap could interfere with hunting (since it seemed to use it head to grab at prey). The protofeathers only cover the upper regions because of size, though I'm not sure how Dilophosaurus's size would have affected its thermoregulatory and insulative needs. Just to avoid any confusion I will point out that the protofeathers are not much more than filaments and what looks like an advanced feather shape is just the clumping that happens to hair (see this, this, this and this picture).
Brian Engh's (dontmesswithdinosaurs.com) cranial reconstruction used as a reference.
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 2 years
how do you feel ab the yt series your dinosaurs are wrong
I think that they're really good quality and are particularly good at explaining things in a non-jargony way that still uses scientific language, because the diagrams that they use make a really good visual explanation! I'd absolutely recommend giving them a look if you haven't already.
For me personally I find I have trouble keeping my attention on their more recent longer videos for the whole runtime so I don't watch them very frequently. Doesn't mean I don't think they're a good channel doing really great stuff, it's just a Me Thing that I have a hard time getting through them.
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ironychan · 3 years
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Now that the video is up I can post this silly thing I did for Stephen from Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong. He made a joke about giving dinosaurs nesting advice so I had to draw it. He liked my cycads!
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