rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
See, the thing is Daniel is that if you notice someone leaving, chances are other people noticed, too. And maybe those other people noticed because they noticed you noticing.
And maybe those other people noticed just how fast your ass followed him outside. I’m just saying.
[ Part 3/?? ] 🌹
@gothoffspring @hauntedtrait @morrigan-sims @hallasimss @rebouks @mattodore
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chippedfolks · 6 years
well i just pied my own face haha so embarassing. I sent you 2 voice recordings  last night of nothing hahaha, just silence (well kinda). Yo i swear to god i could not remember sending you them. You must have been so confused, haha you just sent me a ?  Makes me look crazy right? yeah...  It’s cool haha. I’m dead tho when i say you sent me a question mark i was like is everything ok? then i realised my dumb ass just always gets me into awks situations. haha dead ass didn’t expect our first messages in a month and a half to be me apologising. But i guess i needed to huh, since i was a bit harsh last time. Maybe deep down i just wanted to talk, i fucking wish i could remember wtf i did. It was just a messed up night.  Why do i still write? Why do i keep leaving you a part of me? a part of my thoughts (more like my whole feelings shoot).  We are just worlds apart, like literally and physically. We are so far away from being us again like i don’t want to believe it, but i look at the way we talk to each other and i’m like... well that’s not how we communicate. The whole thing is just fake. I hide my true feelings in writing on this tumblr. I try to hold it in every fucking day, push the thoughts aside. But the more i hate myself for thinking about you, wanting you i just can’t seem to fucking let you go. Do you think it would have been easier for me to let go if you did something major like cheat?  It’s just soul sucking tbh. Loving someone so much, and getting nothing back. It’s embarrassing really (for me). I never want to look weak, and i know you would NEVER. I regret i a lot of things in life, but i’ve never regretted a single day with you. Sorry for pushing you away.  It’s march 1st today did you know that. haha this time last year we saw john wick 2. I forces us to sit in the front row, and the movies was basically empty we had some fun, you know. Then we had nandos, and i left my phone... we fought. Didn’t talk on the way back home. Then we did a bit, but we were both so fucking stubborn and mad haha neither of us wanted to apologise. Then we got to travelodge, woop woop reppin’ our stay haha. Anyway we fought again, can you imagine (it was about ordering papa john’s). Eventually after the longest time you apologised. And as i lay on the bed i thought to myself, this fool over here like i really love him with all i got. I’d do anything for him, he’s so good to me i don’t want anyone else. I want him, now. I want to feel all of him, and i asked you to get something for me..remember :) you were so shocked you asked me 3 times, like “are you sure?” haha. i still remember the look on your face. I wish i told you i loved you more,and how much i did when i had the chance.  I read somewhere that you never stop loving someone. Once you love someone honestly, truly, you will never be able to un-love them. You only find someone you will love more. At that time, your old love will not feel so strong, but it is a heart, it will never let you forget something that ever made you happy.  It’s that beautiful, I can say that i honestly and truly do still love you. The pure love i can give. Fatima told me that i am surrounded by the number 3 & 7 which happen to be my lucky numbers, yours is 27 coz of your b-day date haha so cliche. Anyway she said big things happen in 3′s for me. On march 1st a big thing happened for me, do i guess i’m waiting for something big then huh. Maybe i’ll win some cash. I think about this all the time, but i hope you are doing alright. Eating healthy, getting those 8 hours of good sleep. Drinking lots of water at work, to keep that big head of yours working. At least those 2 awks voice notes in forms me and you that hey, haha even at 3:40am in the more my subconscious mind wants to talk to you. Well, it’s bed time for you. Sleep tight alright, and i hope your dream is amazing! Haha a dream of just riding a roaster coaster over and over again screaming “this is awesome” hahahah i’m dead.  Saudade Jimmy! night x
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