#yedam fics
xuggistuff · 2 months
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⌗ desculpa te ligar (é importante) ♡ feat. @xmaeve
30/03/24 – indisponível
se inspirou? então de os créditos.
mais uma collab com a maior de TODAS, dri me entregou uma base impecável e eu toda humilde finalizei, me inspirei em outra capa da diva "way either", e saiu nossa mais nova filha!! amo colaborar com ela, e espero que venha muito maaaais capinhas nossas juntas!!!
cr. PSD — coloursource, zellia
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sseastar · 2 years
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pairing: treasure ot12 x reader genre: fluff, established relationship!au, bff2l!au warnings: n/a, not proofread, mentions of food listen to: darling u - seventeen
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pressed against your shoulder to whisper to you
i feel like hyunsuk isn’t really the type to initiate that much skinship. from the videos i watched just looking at interactions, he’s not as clingy to the members as the other boys (but that doesn’t mean he loves them any less! his heart is so full of love for them, we all know that). but! he has the habit of slinging his arm around the members’ shoulders. he’s mostly like this with doyoung. i was just watching a bunch of videos where hyunsuk babies him and it finally clicked in my mind after i struggled to come up with something. you and hyunsuk could just be standing around, waiting for your take out or waiting in line at the grocery or convenience store, and his chest would just be pressed to one of your shoulder blades to let you know he was there for you in case you needed him. his arm may or may not be slung around your shoulders, but he will still dip his head towards your ear to say something to you over the surrounding noise. it’s not exactly whispering sweet nothings, it’s literally just normal conversation that could be said out loud. but there’s something about bringing himself towards your face that makes hyunsuk feel closer to you (metaphorically and literally) and he just likes it. he’ll talk to you with his heart eyes trained on your face or the side of it, and he especially likes the way you tilt your head back at him (eye contact or not) to respond. heart definitely skips at the times you’ll lean your head back against his and if you tilt it enough to lay it on his shoulder (he’ll have his hand on your waist if you do this PLEASE DO).
*cue aggressive cuddling*
park jihoon just has this thing about him that no matter how annoying (affectionate) he can be to someone, you can’t help but absolutely love him. jihoon is just so teasing by nature and i think it’s cute that he’s some sort of a special type of tsundere. he’s the type to give you tough love all the time and will take the time to scold you when you’re talking bad about yourself because he loves you so much and doesn’t want to hear this stuff about you. he wants you to know how loved you deserve to feel and is ready to give you that love. he gives me a lot of best friend to lover vibes because you’ll be joking around with him, he’ll refuse to play along, but then he’ll laugh and just wrap you into his arms when a pout forms on your lips. jihoon thinks the way you react is just cute - that annoying little shit (again, affectionate). the type of guy who you would have a “i swear we’re just friends” phase with but then literally be laying your head on him whenever you’re together or literally linking arms with him all the time. he does this a lot to hyunsuk but he’ll just shake his shoulders like he’s doing aegyo so that they hit you while you’re doing something so that you get annoyed, and then ultimately just pulls you toward him to stuff his face in your neck and just hug you so tightly that you have no choice but to let it happen.
laying his head on your lap while he sits on the floor next to / in front of you
you know that one live where yoshinori is sitting on the floor and he just scoots his cute little butt over to jaehyuk to lay his face on his lap? and jae just lets yoshi snuggle himself into his legs and just leans over to his face? yeah, no doubt yoshi would do that to you. just your presence is enough to calm him after a long day. he does this mostly when he’s tired and had a long day, finally able to be in the warm comfort of your home. he finds you sitting at the couch, probably catching up on the recent drama you had fallen asleep when you were watching it with him before you went to bed, or the lecture you had to catch up on. poor baby just drops to the floor after planting a kiss on your temple, wraps his arms around your legs, and squishes his face onto the side of your thighs. he damn near falls asleep right then and there when you begin to ask about his day with a giggle, your fingers softly running through his hair. all you get are content hums and you can tell that your boyfriend is about to fall asleep, so you gently pat his face to help him get ready for bed.
holding onto you when you get up
i just found the most heartwarming youtube short of the junkyu day vlive and got inspired, so junkyu’s might be pretty long compared to the other members. basically, hyunsuk had been late for his class so he like was rushing out and then everyone started pretending to rush out too but junkyu was literally grabbing onto every single other member in the room bc he didn’t want them to leave and it was so so so precious. i think he would definitely be like this to his s/o because as much as the members portray him as a homebody and someone who likes his alone time, i think he does like to be accompanied by someone in particular - you. there’ll be times where you’re just getting up and you’ll find his hand on your shoulder, wrist, waist - whatever - and he doesn’t let you go until you finally let him know that you’re just getting water or going to the bathroom. he just needs to know where you’ll be because somewhere deep down, just knowing where you are makes him feel like he’s not alone, even if you’re in a complete other room. in the times that you have to go home early or you can’t stay at the dorms for the night because you have work or class the next day, junkyu will be clinging onto you all the way to your car or your front door, slowing you down so you can spend extra time with him. he’ll have his arms wrapped around you so that your own are locked to your sides, and he’s just looking at you with hearts in his eyes. presses a kiss to your cheek before finally letting you go, but then calls you when you’re finally in separate locations to make sure you’re safe. please protect his soul PLEASE.
when you lean your head on his shoulder
there’s that one tiktok of him and junkyu during the mysterious class reaction cam where junkyu’s grabbing his arm and leaning his head on mashi’s shoulder that i probably watched too many times before ending up screen recording it and sending it to every single of of my friends - THAT alone has wormed its way into my brain and i will not forget about that little smug face he had. it was so soft and cute and attractive that i was mashi brain for the next few days because i could not stop thinking about how he would literally have a smirk form on his face whenever his s/o would lean their head on him. it makes him feel wanted - needed - like his s/o could inform him if there was something, absolutely anything and everything that you needed. mashiho view it as his right as your boyfriend to provide to you, and he understands this as his s/o’s way of telling him that they trust him and glad he’s someone they can rely on. his heart will flutter from the moment you gently wrap your hands around his bicep before linking your arms to the moment you drop your head onto his shoulder and trail your fingers down to play with his own. once the initial smugness wears off, he’ll have the most content little precious smile on his face. he’s so happy with you that there’s no use in the members teasing him because he will outright agree with them - yes, he’s definitely in love you, and yes, he would gladly stay in this position for the next 72 hours.
cute little head pats
we all know how much this sweet boy love his members and his kisses and his cuddles (this boy deserves all the love please). jae, of course, is big on kisses so no doubt would he be trying to plant one on you whenever he can because unlike the members, you gratefully and accept it and do it back. however, there’s something about the way that he’s always patting and fluffing the other members hair that has my heart go kaboom. maybe it’s because he does it with the softest smile on his face, or with his arm wrapped around the member but it. is. the. cutest. i feel like jaehyuk would do this to his s/o with absolute heart eyes. it doesn’t matter what you’re doing but jaehyuk always thinks you look cute. you could be preparing your lunch, doing the laundry, rushing out of the door because you’re late for class, eating a bowl of cereal very very sleepily, eyes half open, and jaehyuk will still be absolutely in love. he’ll just be sitting next to you, watching as your hand drags on the table to grasp his, while the other lazily scoops some cheerios into your mouth. jae only giggles as you slowly chew, using his free hand to gently ruffle your hair before allowing you to drop your head onto his shoulder.
skinship through acts of service
i really struggled with finding an asahi skinship habit and ended up using a completely different love language because asahi isn’t the type to initiate skinship, but he definitely doesn’t reject it. he lets anyone hug him, coddle him, hold his hand, and he’s not opposed to it. he even said himself that he usually waits for other people to approach him. i think it might be that way in the first part of your relationship with him, but i definitely think that it’ll become more and more comfortable for asahi to just wrap his arms around you out of nowhere. granted, he’ll probably opt to interlace your fingers more often (the things i would give to hold his pretty hands). that being said, asahi seems to be the least clingy of all the members. but, i realized that he does tend to initiate skinship when there’s a reason to do it (like doing something for the members), like helping you up, holding your hair back when you’re eating, or brushing an eyelash away from your face. i think that type of skinship would not be rare in your relationship because there’s a purpose for it, and asahi feels the need to do it because he’s your boyfriend. i think also if you two are sitting together, or are just generally near each other and are focused on something else, you both move your hands and they land near each other. asahi would just unknowingly catch them as they brush by his skin and would pull your fingers through his or cradle your hand in his. i feel like his hands are just so delicate and beautiful that just that action will have your heart fluttering. i think one big thing he really likes is when you pull his hand into your lap to play with his fingers!
snuggling / hiding his face in your neck
wow okay when i tell you i’m in love with bang yedam, i mean i am in LOVE with bang yedam. he’s the sweetest, most talented boy (albeit frat-like ngl but we love him anyway). yedam is so clingy and for some reason that was a surprise to me when i first started stanning. he’s got so much love for his members and even though he acts super cool, at the end of the day, he just wants the others to know much he loves and cares for them. if anyone remembers the way he hugged dobby when he found out he was his manito, please cry with me. the way he held onto doyoung’s neck with a smile of realization and then threw himself into his younger friend’s arm and buried his cute face into his neck, please i was crying i want a yedam hug so bad. you know that thing where he just goes up behind a member and puts his hands on the members neck or shoulders before just stuffing his face into their neck? yeah THAT. yedam would do that so so so much with you because 1) he loves you 2) he thinks you smell good 3) he just wants to be close to you at all times every day and 4) he loves you. he will not fail to giggle at the way you squirm, but he can hear the smile in your voice when you tell him that he’s tickling you. yedam only proceeds to press tiny kisses onto your neck, finally letting go when you turn to meet his lips with your own, but that doesn’t mean he’ll keep his hands off you! definitely keeps his hands or arms around you.
running his fingertips on your back or shoulders
although this kid is the king of flirting and cheesy pickup lines, i do believe that he isn’t the biggest on physical touch. not that he hates it of course - him pulling mashi onto the couch to cuddle with him, or his clinginess to junghwan is something that is really heart fluttering. but i think that he does seem to prioritize words of affirmation and acts of service most! he’s always telling the members, especially jeongwoo, how handsome they are (bless his heart, i hope jeongwoo can become more confident about himself bc he’s absolutely beautiful) and making sure the other members are fed before he eats too. but i’ve seen doyoung initiate smaller acts of physical touch with the members (ignoring the way doyoung’s always touching junghwan’s chest lol). i don’t think doyoung has a particular habit regarding physical touch - normally his skinship is ultimately still an act of service like asahi (like when he held jeongwoo’s hand to stop him from biting his fingernails). however, i think that this angel would without a doubt rub your back in a ways of comforting you or just if you’re sitting next to him and the both of you are focused on something else. maybe you’re watching tv or the other members play games, but his hand would just unconsciously move to your back or shoulder to draw little shapes or just rub up and down - like he did to junkyu in that one dad is sleeping video. it’s become so natural between the two of you that sometimes neither of you notice it happening until another members asks if you're feeling okay or if your back hurts or anything. a lot of times you both freeze, doyoung not even realizing what he was doing, and you both give cute little laughs (dobby’s bunny smile PLEASE TT). the members might tease the two of you a little, but they all secretly think the two of you are cute.
his hands always seem to return to your waist
through the past few weeks i’ve come to love treasure, i’ve learned that haruto has a tendency to place his hands on the members waist. when junkyu had accidentally hit him with the jump rope and ran to him for a hug, haruto’s arms hugged junkyu around the waist. when jeongwoo felt bad that he had burned the meat during that one cute treasure map episode, haruto comforted and reassured woo by patting / rubbing his waist. then, very recently, during the be with me couple ending fairy at the trace concert, haruto grabbed dobby by the waist after the lights went out when they were laughing at each other, and i thought that was the cutest thing. there’s no doubt in my mind that he would do that to his s/o. its unintentional, but his hands and arms just seem to return to your waist. he’ll brush past you by moving you to the side with his hands on your waist, and he’ll be the type to give you a lot of back hugs when he thinks no one’s looking. he’s a bit of a shy boy, so he only initiates back hugs when you’re preoccupied with something (exhibit a: that one hello 82 video? i think when he was hugging yedam ; exhibit b: when junkyu got exposed that haruto was his ideal type and haruto wouldn’t let go of him for the rest of the live). maybe the waist thing is because he’s so tall, but either way, haruto will have ways to unknowingly fluster you all the time.
twirling your hair and wiping the skin around your face for any crumbs
please, park jeongwoo has no reason to be so soft and cute around the members. i was having trouble picking just one type of skinship for him because he does the most heart fluttering actions towards the members. the way he just twirls his and the members’ hair out of habit is the cutest thing to me because he’s just a ball of wholesome energy and he just contains it by doing this omg he’s so cute. you and jeongwoo probably had been friends long before you ended up together, but it isn’t until you’re dating that you realize how often he plays with your hair when you’re just sitting together. jeongwoo never fails to gently grab your chin if you ever get remotely close to him (asahi once got close to him to read comments during a vlive and jeongwoo….just gently held his face - please) or tilt your face to face his own before using the tips of his fingers to gently brush away the remaining crumbs of the snack you just shared. the kid just has the softest look on his face when he does it (have i mentioned how pretty his eyelashes are?) and you never fail to blush when you watch him do it. his eyes are completely focused at the task at hand, then suddenly they meet yours, and jeongwoo just gives you the sweetest, close-lipped smile while giving your cheek one last brush with his thumb.
bear hugs with his face pressed on top of your head
so junghwan, my precious boy. if you think that his hugs would not be warm or cuddly or soft, you are absolutely wrong (let’s ignore the fact that this kid looks older than me and has been hitting the gym - he’s still a baby in my eyes). but the way that he comforted and hugged hyunsuk during trace has been ingrained in my mind. with his arms wrapped around you tightly, head leaning on yours so that your face is literally squished against his neck / chest, you will feel absolutely comforted and protected like no one can hurt you. junghwan seems like he would be such a safe space. his hyungs have said many times before that despite his young age, he is a very mature and reliable boy, so i think that will translate a lot to how he is in a relationship! you are never afraid to go to him with your concerns, worries, or when you’re just tired and need a break because this sweetheart will always be down to listen to you, comfort you, and make you feel better. i think that through the years, i’ve come to know maknaes of kpop groups to be the ones that don’t want to be babied, but i feel like junghwan openly accepts all the love and care that the older members give to him, and there is no doubt in my mind that all the love he receives will be projected out to every single person he loves as well.
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⌕. author’s note ; again, why am i writing for a completely new group when i still haven’t finished my old fics? who knows but i hope you enjoy reading this. i had way too much fun doing research while i was writing this (research as i had to watch a bunch of clingy!treasure tiktoks lmao) so enjoy!! 
⌕. taglist ; @wooahaes​ @koishua​ @acaiasahi​
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chanyouchan · 8 months
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⌕ o diário secreto de watanabe haruto, fanfasyisland
⚠ em caso de inspiração, me credite.
📆 27/09/23 | ✎ @mnini (psd)
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jikjinz · 11 months
pretty when you cry ¡! ❞ b.yedam
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repost from previous acc !
b.yedam x fem!reader; sub!yedam, dom!fem!reader; overstimulation (m receiving), handcuffing, oral (m receiving), praise, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap yo willy or get stomped on); piv sex; creampie, crying, begging, lmk if something should be added lmao
taglist: @ahncosette
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“can’t-! please-!” yedam whined, even begged for you to stop bobbing your head up and down his length, as he already had cum twice, and it hurt. the handcuffs clanged every time his hands trembled in pain. you finally stopped moving and looked at his completely fucked up face. with a plan in mind, you left his dick in peace, but not for long.
“just one more, okay?” your hand slowly caressed his cheek as you straddled him and stared into his teary eyes. his heavy yet shaky breathing still hadn’t calmed down, but he nodded. seeing your smile caused his face to brighten up too, especially after your next words. “good boy. i’ll take good care of you later.”
           cupping his beautiful face, you placed your lips on his, kissing him softly. as you caressed his cheeks with your thumbs, you kissed his swollen lips lightly and so lovingly that yedam almost melted. soft moans escaped his throat when one of your hands started wandering around his naked body, making all kinds of traces here and there. with the last and the longest of all kiss, you pulled your face away, breathing in and leaving a final peck on his nose with a smile.
“be a good boy for me, okay?” with a short laugh, you give him a quick stare into the eyes before the lust took over you completely. you adjusted yourself slowly, and, with almost no warning, you straddled his length with a little groan. chuckling devilishly, you observe how yedam reacted. to say it was cute was an understatement. 
           you were getting impatient, and when you finally filled yourself with your boyfriend’s dick, you almost lost your composure. being stretched so nice always made your mind fuzzy, and it seemed like it was taking over you. moving slowly, you started bouncing on his dick in almost no time.
           poor yedam wanted to watch how your tits bounce, how pretty you looked on him, and how his length disappeared into your pretty pussy, but the tears in his eyes blurred the whole sight. thankfully, you wiped away his tears with your thumb, letting him watch you in your full glory. his eyes almost saw his own brain because of the way your pussy hugged him tightly. 
           and so, you turned yedam into a moaning mess. it got even better when your hands brushed his nipples by accident, looking for some support. his breathing quickened even more, leaving him almost with no air at this point.
“cum-ah! cumming!” he should get an achievement for saying such a difficult word! his almost-burned brain wasn’t contacting with his body anymore and he lost it all in no time. before you could even allow him, he already filled you up with his cum. “so-sorry...”
           leaving no verbal comment, you only giggled, already knowing what you will do. your hips landed on his, letting him fill you to the brim, but, almost immediately, you started bouncing again, keeping up the same pace, on which yedam only whined louder.
           it hurt. the way your pretty entrance had a grip on his now sensitive dick sent him through all the stages of grief, to the heavens, back, and no one knows where else. it just was a lot.
“p-please-! stop-ah! can’t-!” he couldn’t even form a proper sentence, and you still haven’t stopped. wrecking him to the littlest pieces, you finally slowed down, then carefully got up from his length. tears again formed in his eyes when trying to catch a breath.
“you’re so pretty when you cry, you know that?” you said, wiping away the tears while caressing his cheek again. slowly moving your hands up his arms, you fought with the handcuffs’ lock. when you finally let your boyfriend’s hands free, you climbed up on him again. “but we’re not over yet. you still have to make me feel good, right? use your tongue and you’ll be a very, very good boy for me.”
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@ jikjinz / @ ness-iness, do not copy, translate r repost without permission !!!
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farewelln3verland · 1 year
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Never Meet Your Heroes by @yeonboy (Soobin x Reader)
trust me when i say i was so excited for this one SO EXCITED...and the plot was *chefs kiss* and I feel like Soob was portrayed very well!
2. Lust for Life by @beom-pyu (Taehyun x Reader **smutty)
now as we know, i do not like smutty things...but i was intrigued okay. THIS. plot- 100% characters 100% AND THE IDEA FOR THE STORY=ONE OF THE BEST OUT THERE RN
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Ch_i San by @atzfilm (San x Reader *suggestive)
guys...it came out late but every bated breath was worth it. SHE ALWAYS KNOWS HOW TO HOOK THE READER. and- well...i personally liked hj's character but thats just me!
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The Great War by @amourcheol (cheol x reader **smutty)
again, you're thinking...REYD. SMUT??? WTF ARE YOU ON?? weellll...i'm a sucker for cheol. and long fics. and cheol. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! we all know, en to lovers is overdone. WELL NO MORE one of the best for those tropes...i realized why it's such a popular trope!
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wooahaes · 2 years
trsr - realizing they love you
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pairing: hyung + middle trsr line x gn!reader
prompt: request from anon: hi! can i request treasure realizing that they love you?  like you’re in a relationship with them and they realize that they love you? thank you!!
warnings: just fluff (+ vague food mentions & skinship). intentional lowercase + no proofreading!!
daisy’s notes: i took three months to write this. anon if u are still here, i am SO sorry!!! i ended up cutting out the maknae line because i felt uncomfy writing them + i think they were the reason i was being tripped up for so long :( sorry!!
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choi hyunsuk
hyunsuk realizes it when you fall asleep on him one night. it isn’t the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last, but you’ve always supported him unconditionally and make time for him when it works with him. part of him feels like it might be a little unfair that you have to work by his schedule most of the time, but he always gets the reassurance that one day it’ll be easier and that keeps him going. sometimes you sleep over when he doesn’t have to worry about a schedule too early the next morning (he and his friends have become experts at sneaking you out, though) just to spend some extra time with him. he’ll be working on his own assignments while you sit on his bed and work on your own. there’s no pressure to make conversation when he needs to focus, and your presence alone is calming.
sometimes the two of you check in with each other, sometimes taking a few minutes for a break, but nothing to stop you completely from working. there always comes a point where he’ll bring his laptop over to his bed, sitting beside you to finish off his work so that you can snuggle closer to his side. he just... looks up and realizes how much he loves you when he finds that you’ve dozed off against his shoulder again. he’ll always gently nudge you away when you do, setting aside his things when his work is done, and telling you that you can go back to sleep after the two of you lie down. he’ll always lean forward to give you a little forehead kiss and apologize for working too much, even if it’s always met with you just being glad you’re there with him.
park jihoon
jihoon is busy--that much both of you are fully aware of. which means, despite the fact he’d like time for you, he rarely gets it (and it frustrates him, to be honest: it feels so unfair to you that he can’t openly spend time with you unless he’s on a break). but sometimes you’ll be let into the dorm without him knowing, and sometimes you’ll just... pretty much hang out in his room while he’s focused on his work. he’s used to people sometimes coming in to check on him when he’s really busy, so he honestly just doesn’t notice while he’s trying to keep up on his coursework. but the third time you came back into his room with a snack and his refilled water bottle (when did you even grab that?), he realizes it and apologizes immediately for not greeting you properly.
but you just give him a kiss on the cheek and ask him how his day has been, how his classes are going, an so forth. it just makes him realize how much you care about him--which isn’t to say he isn’t cared for by anyone else or that he thought you didn’t care about him. it’s different with someone he doesn’t live with and someone who makes room in their own schedule to be with him. yet you check on him every day, either with the rare in person visit or your typical texts, just to make sure he’s taking care of himself. he just loves you. and that feels right to say that he does. he’ll have to bring his studies over to your place one day so he can dote on you for once. its your turn to be cared for.
kanemoto yoshinori
despite being a ball of sunshine and kindness, yoshi sometimes gets into bad moods. everyone’s capable of it, but his friends usually picked up on it whenever he was stressed. maybe from classes, maybe he just woke up and felt off, but it was clear he needed either a person to confide in or a little bit of space until he was ready for that.
unless he got texts from you. maybe it’d be a selfie, or a picture of flowers you saw on a walk, or a dog you saw, and it was like his entire day changed. he liked sending you pictures in turn, too, of things he’d want to show you later. it takes a few times of it happening for the others to pick up on just how fast his mood changed, and hyunsuk jokingly calls him whipped before saying that he really does change--only for the rest of the group to agree. yoshi’s always been sweet, but on a bad day there’s nothing that picks him up faster than you. he really loves you, doesn’t he? and that’s how he realizes it. he loves you because you’re dating, sure, but that’s always been different from capital-L Love in his mind. but he does capital-L Love you, and that’s what makes him realize it.
kim junkyu
junkyu realizes it when you come to visit him one day. he’s waiting at the bus stop for you, watching for your bus to come in when he sees you. you have headphones on, and you look a little bored. he waves excitedly, hoping to get your attention, and yet you don’t. for a minute, he’s hurt by it: you were too focused on putting away your headphones and getting things in order, sure, but he thought you might have been watching for him.
then you step off that bus and you smile so wide at him that every bit of hurt disappears. he swears his heart swells at just how happy you are to see him, and he realizes it right then and there that he’s in love with you and always wants to see that smile. you run to greet him, and he hugs you so tight and peppers kisses onto your face--judging people be damned. he doesn’t get to see you every day, so he might as well take full advantage of having you right there in front of him. he’ll keep kissing you when you’re back at his place, but he tells you he loves you and holds your hand so tightly.
takata mashiho
mashiho realized he loved you when he realized just how much you cared for him. it was clear in the way that you’d make sure he was eating well, that he was staying hydrated and healthy and taking care of himself when things were getting rockier in his life. but one day he had asked you for a bit of space, just for a few hours, and you immediately told him that you’d be right there if he needed you--all he had to do was text you and you’d be there. he didn’t have to put up a front, to act as though he was okay. he could just be himself with you.
in the end he ended up texting you if he could come over later, and he ended up cuddled into your arms. his rough day seemed so distant when you held him, just letting him be quiet for a bit and enjoy your company. that was the moment he realized it: he didn’t have to just be happy, sweet mashiho who was funny and loving and caring toward the people in his life. he was just your mashiho, flaws and all.
yoon jaehyuk
you put the color back into his day. despite being known among his friends as one of the happiest, sweetest people they knew, jaehyuk had his off days. sometimes it was tiring to wake up and immediately have to be sunshine-y, and he’d feel those days from the moment his alarm went off. he’d drag himself out of bed and start getting ready for his day, and soon enough he’d hear his phone chime with a message from you reminding him to take care of himself.
all it took was seeing your face or whatever picture you sent him from your morning walk to class for things to start feeling right again. even if he’d feel off for a while after, your mere existence brightened his world up when he felt like it was starting to gray. he’d always text you back with a promise to eat a filling breakfast and a wish for you to take care of yourself in turn, and he’d always smile to himself when you sent back a plethora of hearts in response.
hamada asahi
asahi realized he loved you when he realized just how right things were. sometimes that came in the form of idly drawing things that reminded him of you whenever you pushed your way into his thoughts. other times, he’d be out and he’d see something small that he knew you’d love, and he’d either take a picture or buy it for you just to see the way your eyes lit up when he gave it to you.
it didn’t fully click until one day when you took a nap with him. he woke up before you did, and he looked at you with sleep-ridden eyes and it just... hit him how natural all of it seemed to feel. it felt like you had always been right there by his side, even though he hadn’t known you all his life. like things were right when you were around, because you knew him well and loved him for all that he was. it was sweet, and he smiled to himself before taking a picture of your sleeping face just to immortalize the moment.
bang yedam
he didn’t have the words for you anymore.
yedam could be a romantic, and he knew that for a fact. sometimes he wrote love songs for you, endless words at his fingertips to build lyric and melody that painted a picture of how much he loved you. he wrote songs for you before he dated you, too, to cope with the crushing stage until he discovered the feeling was mutual. everywhere he went, there was always you on the back of his mind and an itching urge to dedicate one more song to you (there always always the urge for one more song to say how he felt).
and then one day, the words stopped coming. at first, it was distressing until he realized there were no words to describe what you meant to him. he could try to pen them down, but nothing felt right. like nothing would be enough to illustrate how he felt about you. he could craft metaphor after metaphor in a song for you, but they couldn’t touch the reality of his feelings.
and after a while, he was okay with that. you were beyond words, and he loved that about you--on top of everything else.
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luvbrie · 2 years
‘LOVE... ESSAYS?’ 01
— y/n cries on spam
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taglist ,, @enhacolor @kazuwon @ravenori @milkybonya @sseastar-main @chanhee-hee
notes. just a small lil fun thing to get things going! kinda just to get a feel on how the members will interact n stuffs !!! do not fret. things will be getting INTERESTING in a bit >;))
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carateum · 2 years
Pairing : enemy!Jeongwoo x reader OR bestfriend!Yedam x reader OR brother bestfriend!Jaehyuk x reader OR nerd classmateTutor!Doyoung x reader
Summary : When you the universe seems to hate you, your bestfriend Yedam is always here for you, like Jaehyuk, your brother's bestfriend, a sweet boy and Doyoung, your classmate and tutor who's here to help you . Even Jeongwoo, your enemy seems to become kind and even show interest for you.
Type : fic with different possible ending, fluff angst.
Word count : Around 5 000
Warning : language , Jeongwoo is insufferable , a lot of time skip
Other : Y/n is described as a shy nerd inexperienced lol ,Y/n is also Asahi's sister.
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How can this day be worse ? Impossible ; that was the worst day of all your life.
Everything started when you woke up ...late. And as you were already you were in a rush and you forget your coat and SURE you missed your bus so you walked to your high school, in the cold, without your jacket, late for your classes.
And as if it wasn't enough, when you were running in the corridor to find your class before the second period, you bumped into a tall and tough figure, making you fall and as if it wasn't enough the one you bumped into was Jeongwoo, your enemy. Jeongwoo wasn't a mean guy, he was even funny and kind with a lot of people but you just couldn't stand him he was always agitated with TOO MUCH energy and you don't know why, Jeongwoo hobby is to tease you.
You were on the calmer side and just seeing Jeongwoo just gave you headaches.
"You okay Y/n?" The boy asked with a smirk on his face as he held you hands to help you to get up. "Do I look okay ?" You replied, frowning angrily while the boy beside you chuckled. "I'm fucking late" you sighed then, without looking back at Jeongwoo, you rushed to your classroom.
"Y/n Y/l/n you are late... sit fastly and I will have to talk with you at the end of the period." Your professor said, seemingly disappointed by you. You weren't a bad student, even if school wasn't your favorite place you were always listening in class, paying attention to what your professors were saying and, being late was unusual.
You were lost in your thoughts when your seatmate suddenly spoke to you, your seatmate : Doyoung a.k.a the nerdy and smart boy in your class, the one who was always the first in EVERY subjects, wasn't only clever, he was also very kind and sweet and, even if you would never say that to your friends, you actually found him handsome. I mean who wouldn't ? His face was perfect.
"I think she's gonna scold you" he whispered as you sighed "Yeah I know...But it's usually my brother who wake me up and yesterday he slept at his best friend's so I woke up late..." you replied ,feeling a bit ashamed as you told the truth to Doyoung, yeah you were in high school and your brother was still taking care of you, your brother was always here for you and he liked babying you and to be honest it didn't bother you at all . The little chuckle that left his mouth made your cheeks warming slightly : was he making fun of you ? "Kim Doyoung don't make fun of me" you warned in a quiet voice "I'm not ! I just find it cute" he assumed, a smile plastered on his pretty face.
The hour passed by fastly and before you even knew it, the class of the first period were finished. As every student walked off the classroom, you stayed with your professor who wanted to talk to you "Y/n you were late this morning, It's kind of disappointing from you. You were one of the best student but recently your grades are low and you seems like you don't care of high school at all. It's really disappointing Y/n." The professor spoke as you felt your eyes being teary.
Maybe some will say that you're too sensitive but being yelled at wasn't a thing that usually happened to you and the professor being especially harsh and rude, you could only feel bad and sad. "I'm sorry Miss" you apologized before leaving the classroom to walk to the next class.
Mathematics wasn't your favorite subject but at least you were sat beside your bestfriend, Yedam. "Y/n I can read your facial expressions and right now I can see that you're sad." Yedam said with a gentle smile as his hand made its way to your back, stroking it softly to comfort you.
Yedam was your bestfriend since you went to elementary school when your teacher told you to pair up together for a school project. That was probably the best idea your teacher ever had because you two became bestfriend since then. Yedam know all of your secret and you know all his, you two couldn't live without the other. "The professor yelled at me" you pout as Yedam smirked "It's okay Y/n don't be sad because of that, you're an human too you don't have to be what people want you to be". Yedam was like a part of you, your second half, he knew what to say when you felt down and he also knew how much you always pressured yourself to be good at everything.
Yedam always understood your emotions, like if he could read in you like an open book even though he couldn't even understand his own feelings, he couldn't understand how he fell for you.
You were only his bestfriend right ? So why were you always on his mind ?
"Do you have classes this afternoon ?" Yedam asked as you both walked out the classroom, his arm naturally making its way over your shoulder. "Nope do you want to come over at my house ? Asahi will probably be here" you replied before Yedam spoke again " I'm used to his presence, you know Y/n, Asahi is like my brother now" he smiled. Yedam and your brother, Asahi, had always been close, Asahi is only 1 year older than you and Yedam.
"Wait for me Y/n, I have to give this book back to Dayeon, stay here I'm back in ten minutes" Yedam said, showing a big book in his bag as you nodded.
While Yedam was running away to give the book back to its owner, you felt a strange and unknown weight on your shoulder and as you looked to see who or what was on your shoulder, you noticed him : Park Jeongwoo, his elbow leant on your shoulder like if you were friends. "Y/n I was looking for you" He spoke as you moved your shoulder away, making his arm fall against his own body. "What do you want Park Jeongwoo" you replied, seemingly annoyed by the boy next to you "I'm just here because your ring fell when you bumped into me this morning but since you were so nice with me... I won't give it back to you" Jeongwoo ironically said with a smirk plastered on his pretty face.
You looked at your hands only to find that he was right, your ring fell and you didn't even noticed "My brother gave me this ring, give it back to me Jeongwoo" you madly said, making Jeongwoo laugh a bit "Nope, goodbye Y/n see you soon" he teased as he walked away, waving at you.
Suddenly you felt Yedam delicately threw his arm around your shoulder as an habit. "I'm back, why were you talking to him?" He said, accentuating the last word, making you understand what he thought of Jeongwoo " Nothing Yedam, no worries" you mumbled, you knew that Yedam wasn't friend with Jeongwoo at all and you didn't want a war to start between the two of them.
As you and Yedam walked in your house, two loud laughs caught your attention, one of them was your brother and the second was a laugh that you knew by heart : a laugh that can make you smile everytime you heard it, a laugh that make your heart beating so fast everytime your heard it , a laugh that you could recognize between a billion of laughs ; it was Yoon Jaehyuk.
Jaehyuk was Asahi's bestfriend and your biggest secret crush...
I mean, everyone has a crush on Jaehyuk.
His smile can easily make every heart melt, his face itself can put someone into a cardiac arrest (I swear it's true!) And, the most important, he's the sweetest and kindest little bean alive. But Asahi will kill him if he touch you because Asahi is the most protective brother, he may be calm and quiet, he's always taking care of as if you were a 5years old child.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you heard a voice yelling "Who's here? Y/n it's you?" Your brother must have heard the door open and, since your parents are working, it can be only you. "Yup I'm with Yedam" you replied, raising your voice to Asahi to hear you. "I'm in the living room with Jaehyuk you can come play with us, we're playing at Mario Kart" Asahi said as you saw Yedam nodding to approve the idea of your brother.The two of you made your way to the living room , when you entered in, your eyes fell automatically on Jaehyuk, he was gorgeous as usual. "Hi Y/n, Hi Yedam" Jaehyuk waved at you, even though he was talking to you and your friend, his eyes were on you, staring with his loving eyes at your figure.
Asahi handed the controller to you and Yedam and the four of you started a Mario Kart tournament and.... you were clearly losing. Jaehyuk and Asahi had probably played their whole life to this game because they were definitely better than you were.
"Oh I forget to say it before but the loser have to cook for the three winners" Asahi said once you'd already lost. "What ? Hey that's unfair!" You protested, whining like a kid. "I'm hungry Y/n hurry up" Yedam teased, a cocky smile on his face.
You sighed and got up, walking to the kitchen as you were murmuring 'how unfair this situation was' and 'if they're hungry they just have to cook by themselves' even though you were still gonna cook for the three boys.
"Faster Y/n ! I'm craving for ramen right now" Asahi teased too, you could hear that he was smiling and it made you more upset 'bastard' you muttered to yourself.
You were cooking Asahi's favorites ramen when a hand softly fell on your waist, making you gasp, the owner of the hand was behind your back and you couldn't see who it was."It's just me Y/n, I'm here to help you" a low voice whispering in your ear, making your heart beat faster, you recognized this voice, it was obviously Jaehyuk, his hand was warm against your waist "I noticed how upset you were to cook our meal so I want to help you, I hate to see you mad" he continued, the hand that was on your waist moving to take a knife "Let's cut vegetables it's always tastier when you put vegetables inside ramen" he said like if nothing just happened. "Not sure Asahi will like it" You mumbled,your cheeks still burning.
"Let's not care about what he likes, do you like it?" He asked, looking at you as you avoided any eye contact "Yes but-" you tried to speak only to be cut off by Jeahyuk "If you like it, let's do this".
To be honest Jaehyuk wasn't that bad at cooking... He was even good ! The ramen were the best you ever tasted and even Asahi liked it (he absolutely despise vegetables). However, during the whole meal you felt your cheeks burning again because of Jaehyuk eyes on you, even Yedam seemed to notice.
"What was that ?" Yedam nervously asked when you both entered in your room without your brother and his bestfriend. "What're you talking about Yedam?" You scoffed, you never saw Yedam this nervous before "You and Jaehyuk, Y/n it's a bad idea, Asahi will kill you if-" Yedam spoke fast "Yedam calm down we're not together or anything" You didn't let him finish his sentence as you talked.
"Good... I won't let him steal you from me" Yedam whispered while his long arms were wrapped around your waist, hugging you tightly. Yedam was like that, a little fluff ball who loves hug and any other type of affection, especially if it's with you but this time, it felt different, your cheeks were warm and butterflies were flying in your stomach."Hm... Do you want to sleep here Yedam ? We can do a movie night as usual" you said, your cheek against his chest as you were still hugging. "What a good idea in your small brain" he teased, pinching your cheeks.
You started by famous movies you'd already saw thousands times like LaLa Land, Pulp Fiction , La Boum, and even some of the Harry Potter movies when you suddenly saw that someone tried to text you.
Unknown Number
Y/n-nie~ If you want your ring hangout with me tomorrow after school
See me at the basketball court :)
How the fuck you have my number Jeongwoo
Park Jeongwoo 💀
A little bird told me (read : Yeseo)
See ya tomorrow Y/n
See ya.
You sighed, Yeseo was one of your friend and she was a cheerleader so she was close pf the basketball team in which Jeongwoo was. Yeseo was a perfect friend except the fact that she is a little bit naive, you still loved her.
"Who are you texting?" Yedam asked, his eyes leaving the screen. "Park Jeongwoo...This bitch found my ring and now he want me to hangout with him to give me back my ring" you whined, your body moving close to Yedam's to cuddle with him. "I can punch him if you want me to" he said confidently "No need to Yedam" you said while patting his chest .
"And...how's it going with the Dayeon girl ? Is my Yedamie in love ?" You teased Yedam making him blush hard, yes he was in love but obviously not with Dayeon, she was just a good friend and she wasn't even interested in boys. "Why? Jealous?" Yedam mocked, and now it was your turn to be flustered. "Absolutely fucking not." You exclaimed whilst hiding your head in his chest.
"Hi Y/n, you're not late today" Doyoung cheerfully greeted you when you sat down beside him, ten minutes before the beginning of your first class. "Yedam woke me up today" you smiled but it only made Doyoung frown. "You slept with him?" He asked, he seemed tense. "Yup ! We did a movie night" you exclaimed happily, for Doyoung you were just an innocent baby that he need to protect from the mean high schooler.
"Oh Miss Y/n, Mr Doyoung you're here ! I wanted to talk to the both of you" your professor spoke as she went closer to your table. "Since Y/n's grades are getting lower I think it's a good thing if you tutor her" she said, looking directly at Doyoung and before you could answer, Doyoung talked "Sure we'll love to !". Your professor nodded happily.
You stared at your teacher walking away from you as you were still too stunned to speak "You were quick to accept Dobby" you laughed, the name made Doyoung uncontrollably blush. "Sorry, if you don't want you, I didn't mean to force you to do anything" he mumbled, embarrassed,he maybe got a bit carried away. "No Dobby,I want you to be my tutor, you're always the number one after all... and you're the kindest." You whispered the last part.
As the two of you were flustered, a high pitched voice caught your attention "Y/n ! Y/n-nie !" The cheerful voice could only belong to Yeseo. "Someone told me to told you to come in front of the chemistry classroom for lunch" she fastly spoke. "I... didn't understand anything" You assumed as you heard Doyoung laugh. "Hum...You have to meet someone in front of the chemistry classroom at lunch" she resumed, showing you her pretty smile "Oh okay I guess" you replied, Yeseo waved at you then walked away to her own class.
It was lunch, you walked to the classroom like Yeseo told you before but who wanted to talk to you ?
"Y/n where are you going?" You heard a familiar voice behind you. "Someone is waiting for me, sorry Yedam !" You replied then walked away, letting Yedam alone.
When you arrived where the mysterious person was waiting for you, you saw the tall figure of the one you always hated : Park Jeongwoo "So, you came" he said in relieve. "Jeongwoo what do you want again?" You sighed, you would lie if you said that you felt nothing when he was talking to you, your heart always seems to beat faster when he's around, but you had too much pride.
"I feel guilty" he assumed, he wasn't looking at you anymore but at his feet, he looked ashamed. "Guilty for what ?" You sincerely asked. "Here, take your ring, I'm sorry" He handed you the ring he took the day before, you were highly confused by his behavior, Jeongwoo was always acting confident, it was the first time you saw him shy. You took the ring, sliding it to your finger, then you spoke "Well...Thanks I guess ?".
When you were about to go finding Yedam, Jeongwoo grabbed your wrist "Wait Y/n... You remember what I told you yesterday about finding me at the basketball court after school? If you w-want we can s-still hangout together." He stuttered, his body became suddenly red and sweaty. "And why would we do that ?" You genuinely asked. "To become closer ? You know hanging out but... as a date ?".
A date ? Jeongwoo wanted to have a date with you. THE Park Jeongwoo, the one you despised the most but also the one you make you flustered? You must be dreaming.
"A-a d-date ? Of course s-see ya!" You whispered before running away, what the hell was going on, Jeongwoo was taking you out for a date.
When you spotted Yedam talking with Yeseo, you rushed to see them : they definitely needed to know the conversation you just had with Jeongwoo. "Guys!" You exclaimed when you sat down. "Park fucking Jeongwoo asked me to go on a date with him!"You continued as Yeseo gasped, however Yedam stayed quiet. "That's amazing ! Please tell me you say yes!" Yeseo squealed happily. "Sure I said yes" You giggled. "Aren't you supposed to hate his guts ?" Yedam asked, seemingly angry. "Yedam I can't hate him my whole life, aren't you happy for me ?" You were worried when you spoke to him and when he didn't answered and just got up, you were even more worried, did you do anything wrong ?
"Y/n can you come over at mine after school ? You know for our study lessons." Doyoung said running to you when he saw you with Yeseo. "After school she can't she have a date" Yeseo giggled. "But after I can" you cleared your throat, hitting Yeseo arms for what she said. Doyoung seemed surprised "I'll text you my address, come when you can" his charming smile warmed your heart as he walked away.
School went by pretty quickly, so now you were walking to the basketball court, kind of nervous for your date with Jeongwoo. When you entered in the court you were surprised to see... no one, the court was empty.
"Guess who" someone whispered in your ear "J-Jeongwoo ?" You stuttered, your heard him giggle then he spin you around for you to face him "Since you guessed it right, you won a cheek kiss and a candy" he said before pecking your cheek and hand you a sweet which you took and quickly shoved in your mouth.
The date was beyond your expectation, Jeongwoo learnt you how to play basketball, then you walked together along the court, just talking. "Y/n before I'll have to go, I'd like to ask you something" Jeongwoo talked, holding your hand "Why do you hate me?" He continued, the question hitting you. "Well... I don't hate you anymore but before I kind of... tought you were annoying and noisy" you explained. "Just for that ?" He chuckled, squeezing your hand "Yeah, that's childish I know" you said, obviously embarrassed.
"I have to go Y/n, I hope we can hangout like that again, bye!" He quickly pecked your cheek then walked, leaving you stunned.
After some seconds you took your phone only to see that Doyoung texted you his adress.
Your tutoring session wasn't as boring as you thought and Doyoung was a really good tutor, you liked his company, however Doyoung wasn't flirting with you , it sound stupid but Doyoung always flirt with everyone... except you. 'Am I that ugly ?' You thought when you entered in your home after the tutoring session, thinking about Doyoung.
"Your brother is sleeping" a voice woke you up from your daydream, you jumped slightly, scared by the voice. "Did I scare you, I'm sorry" the owner of the voice said, genuinely worried for you.
"J-Jaehyuk" you said when you saw him, he was the owner of the warm voice. "It's me, why are you coming back home so late?" He asked. "Doyoung was tutoring me" you answered, your eyes traveling on Jaehyuk figure. "I was so worried" he sighed in relieve, his arms suddenly mentioned you to come closer to him, and that's exactly what you did. "I missed you." Jaehyuk whispered in your ear whils his arms hugged your shoulders, his hug were definitely the best. "Now go to sleep, little one, you seems tired" he guided you to your room, then left you alone with your heart beating like crazy : what's going on.
During one month every of that continues :
Jeongwoo took you on many dates and they always were incredible, he often kissed your cheeks and held your hands, making your cheeks go warm.
Doyoung was still tutoring you and your chemistry grades got a lot better but everytime you saw him flirting with a girl, you suddenly felt insecure, you wanted him to flirt with you and not with the others.
Jaehyuk was basically living with you and claimed the couch as his bed. Everytime you came back for school he was here to sweetly talk to you, making you feel loved.
Yedam, however, was still distant to you, you guys were not like before, he was obviously hiding something to you. Everytime you talk to him about Jeongwoo, he suddenly seems mad and that tear your heart apart.
"School is ...OVER it's weekend !" Yeseo high pitched voice resonate in the hallway when she spoke, only making you giggle at how cute your friend was, you were also excited because the day after, Saturday, you'd a date with Jeongwoo and he told you he has something to tell you. Before you walked out, someone grabbed your hand softly "Y/n do you wanna study together tomorrow? I really want to spend some time with you" Doyoung asked, his hand leaving yours to fall straight against his body. "Hum yeah I'll text you my answer!" You said with a smile.
Your smile fastly faded when you received a text from Yedam.
Yedee 💖
We must talk
Let's meet up tomorrow at my place
That's when you understood that you'll have to make a choice between the three boys, you hated this kind of choices.
Going on date with Jeongwoo
Studying with Doyoung
Talking with Yedam
Staying at home alone ( Or with Jaehyuk c: )
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renjouu · 2 years
Phone Number Incident
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Summary: While in a middle of a vlive, Haruto decided to cal Jihoon. However, he realized he didn’t save the other’s number. Jihoon was upset, and he had to satisfy himself someway.
Positions: Ler! Jihoon , Lee! Haruto
Warnings: Tickle fic
A/N: The vlive of Haruto trying to call Jihoon but ended up with a “this number is not available” message immediately got me thinking about writing a fic of an aftermath or whatever 😭
It was just a normal vlive that Yedam, Hyunsuk, and Haruto were making. Just having fun and chatting with their fans, teume. Well, that was until Haruto wanted to call Jihoon.
“Shall we call him?” He asks the other two, who agreed to the idea.
Haruto grabbed out his phone and dialed Jihoon’s number. The sound of the phone ringing was heard, until a voice popped up which startled the three boys.
“This number is not available.” Was heard through Haruto’s phone as he and the others panicked.
Yedam laughed as Haruto had a widen expression plastered on his face. He pulled his own phone out right after.
“Let me call him on my phone.” He spoke as he tried to contain his laughter.
“Same thing happened with Doyoung!” Hyunsuk chuckled out and Haruto could not just believe the situation.
Luckily, Jihoon answered when Yedam called him. They all talked for a while before he confronted Haruto about what happened earlier.
“But Haruto…Why didn’t you call me with my new number?” He asks and the younger hesitated before replying as Hyunsuk and Yedam silently laughed.
“Ah that…Hyung, my phone battery was low.” Haruto tried to come up with an excuse and Yedam fortunately helped him with that, but Jihoon wasn’t catching it.
“Haruto, I’m a little…” Jihoon spoke out softly as the other internally face palmed himself.
“No no! My phone battery ran out Hyung!” Haruto lied once again, hoping the second oldest would surprisingly fall for it, but unfortunately luck wasn’t on his side today.
“Jihoon of all members.” Hyunsuk mumbled out as he let a few giggles slip out.
“What does the battery have to do with it?” Jihoon asks, subtlety letting the other know he wasn’t buying the lie.
“I couldn’t call you so I asked Yedam to!”
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” Haruto was quick to answer, finally having some hope Jihoon was letting him slip off, but he was wrong, once again.
“Are you watching the vlive?” Haruto suddenly asks.
“I was and still am.” Jihoon blankly answered.
Yedam gave a ‘you’re done’ look, and Haruto immediately understood that.
Haruto tried playing it cool, acting as if he didn’t get surprised by the others answer.
“How could you not save my number?” Jihoon asked for the last time. He couldn’t even believe the situation himself.
“Hyung I told you, my phone battery ran out!”
“It’s been a while since I changed my number.”
“Hyung, do you think I didn’t save your number?” Haruto said, trying to make the other believe he did save his number when he actually didn’t.
“The number you called was not available.” Jihoon confronted since he has been watching the vlive since the start.
At that point, it was no use lying and Haruto knew he himself was done for.
“Can you hang up now?”
“Yah! Haruto, I’m going to send a text to your mom.” Jihoon scolded.
“No no no!” He panicked, but as soon as Jihoon could say another word, Hyunsuk hung up the phone.
The three slightly laughed before getting back to normal.
After an hour, the vlive ended and the three were all heading back to their dorm.
Haruto forgot about the incident, but Jihoon for sure didn’t.
He was patiently waiting for the younger on the couch to come back before confronting him in person.
As soon as the younger entered the dorm, Jihoon immediately made eye contact with him.
“Haruto.” He spoke. His voice didn’t even intend to sound scary but for some reason, Haruto had shivers down his spine already as the incident clicked back into his mind.
Jihoon signaled the other to sit down next to him on the couch, which Haruto immediately obeyed.
“Why didn’t you save my number? Huh?” Jihoon scolded as he poked the boys stomach.
“I sahahaid-!” Haruto choked out between his giggles.
“You said what? Hm?” The older replied while continuously poking the boy.
“Save my number next time Haruto-ah.” Jihoon smirked as pulled the boy closer, now squeezing his sides.
“I wihihill! Juhuhust stahahap-!”
“You promise~?” Jihoon whispered in his ear as he shifted his hands to Haruto’s ribs.
“I prohohomise! Plehehease-!”
“I’m still not satisfied.” Jihoon spoke as he now pinned Haruto down, hands above his head.
“Hyung we don’t have to do this, come on..” Haruto’s face expression just made Jihoon want to wreck him even more.
“Oh but I want to.” And that being said, the older used his free hand to drill into Haruto’s armpits, soon receiving a loud shriek.
Jihoon tickled the boy every where he could, from armpits to ribs, then to his sides and hips, everywhere he could possibly reach.
Although Haruto was taller than him, he suddenly felt small as he was stuck under Jihoon’s grasp.
“HYUHUHUNG PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAN’T HAHAHANDLE IT!” Tears were forming in Haruto’s eyes when he spoke between his laughter, and Jihoon finally stopped his tickle assault.
“I hope you save my number after this Haruto.” The younger just silently nodded as he breathed heavily.
And let’s just say, Haruto did in fact save Jihoon’s number after that.
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milkybonya · 2 years
why do you write korean words in english… i almost had a stroke trying to figure out what “yeoreobun” was in your yedam fic..you can just say everyone don’t try to act korean
i appreciate the feedback, anon, but there is no need to be so rude. if you let me know which fic it's in, i can change it for accessibility purposes. i haven't written for Yedam in a long time, so it must be an older work of mine.
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sandwichrin · 2 years
Ot12 in our hearts forever 🥺❤️💎
So I've heard about Yedam and Mashiho's departure from Treasure but I just want to let you all know that I still want to include them in my fics and writings. I respect if this is purely their decision to leave, but i also treasure them being a part of our beloved group, hence, i will continue to include them and support them in their future endeavors too 🧡💎
I hope you're both doing fine out there, Mashi and Damie ☹️❤️ We miss you both, and we love you both so much. Please be happy and healthy always ❤️
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sneezyminniejo · 1 year
High Fever
Hi! Can you please do one Asahi fic where he's feverish and has stomach problems and is just super sick? Thank u so much I love your fics a lot!
It was the time of year where Winter was beginning to transition into Spring. Everyone was glad that the seasons were changing because it also meant the end of flu season. It had been a particularly bad flu season this year, as nearly everyone under YG entertainment, artists and staff alike, had all seemingly been hit by the bug. 
For the members of Treasure, the flu bug had hit right when all the award shows were starting. This meant that only a couple members had been able to attend at any given time because everyone else was stuck in bed. Asahi was the one member whose immune system managed to keep the bug away, because he had been in attendance at every award show. Even after all his members had recovered, he still hadn’t come down with anything. Which shows just how strong his immune system was. Being in an apartment with eleven other people, all of whom are sick with a contagious virus. It was definitely a bit of a surprise that the Japanese member hadn’t gotten sick.
Now however, it was a different story. Whether it be from the fluctuating temperature that comes with the change in season, or Asahi’s immune system came into contact with a bug it couldn’t quite fight, or maybe a combination, the Japanese member had woken up feeling like death warmed over. He groaned as he got out of bed,wincing a little at the achiness he felt in his joints as he stood up. Unfortunately as soon as he stood up, he was struck with a wave of vertigo and immediately had to sit back down on his bed. He waited a couple more minutes before slowly standing up again. When he didn’t get dizzy, he decided to slowly make his way to the living room.
The other eleven members were already awake, and they were making a decent amount of noise as they got ready for their day. Asahi couldn’t help but wince as the volume was aggravating a headache he didn’t realize he had. Another wave of dizziness hit him just then and Asahi had to use the wall to brace himself.  It quickly became apparent to him that standing up and even walking was taking too much energy, so he slid to the floor to sit down.
A few minutes later, Jihoon entered the hallway from the kitchen and saw Asahi sitting on the floor, staring at the opposite wall. “Sahi, what are you doing on the floor?” Jihoon didn’t get a response. He tried asking again, but Asahi was still silent. He eventually approached the younger man and waved his hand in front of his face, which broke whatever trance the Japanese member had been in. “Sahi, what are you doing on the floor?” He asked again.
“Kitchen’s too far. Floor is much closer.” Asahi said. Although his words were slurring together a bit. Jihoon was getting concerned and quickly left to grab Hyunsuk. In the brief amount of time Asahi was left alone, he had completely zoned out again. The two leaders decided to just pick him up and carry him to the couch. It was closer than his bedroom and they didn’t want him to continue sitting on the floor.
The two leaders got Asahi to the couch and Hyunsuk placed his hand on Asahi’s forehead, only to immediately retract it. “Can someone get the thermometer? Sahi’s burning up.” He called. He could hear someone saying that they were on it, and a minute later Yedam walked into the living room holding the oral thermometer.
Yedam stuck the device in Asahi’s mouth and the minute-long wait was a bit nerve wracking. When the thermometer beeped, Yedam removed the device and swore. "Hyung's temp is 39.5 (103.1F)." Both Jihoon and Hyunsuk swore as well when they heard how high his fever was.
"Okay, we need to get his temp lowered or take him to the hospital. I'll run a lukewarm bath and we'll bathe him for a bit." Hyunsuk said. The other members had come to see what was going on. All of them were concerned at how quickly the Japanese member had gotten so sick. Yedam and Jihoon worked to carry Asahi to the bathroom and Mashiho went to grab some new pajamas for the sick member.
"Hyung, we need to get ready to practice." Asahi said to Yedam as the younger began undressing him. Yedam gave Jihoon a look of concern before speaking .
"You're not going to work today, hyung. You're too sick. Asahi nodded and Yedam wasn't sure how much his hyung actually heard. The two members helped Asahi bathe, and pulled him out of the bath when they felt the water was getting too cold. Mashup helped dress his fellow 2001 liner and the trio brought him back to the couch.
After Asahi got settled on the couch, the rest of the group began discussing who was going to say back. No one was comfortable leaving Asahi alone given how high his fever had been. It was ultimately decided that Yedam, Mashiho, and Jeongwoo would stay and take care of the sick member.
Right before the eight members left, Hyunsuk wanted to make sure that Asahi took some fever reducers. Thankfully, it wasn’t too difficult to get him to take the pills. Although Yoshi had to tell Asahi in Japanese what the pills were for. Asahi merely didn’t know illness related vocab in Korean and the others aside from Yoshi and Mashiho didn’t know the same words in Japanese.
Not too long after the others left, Asahi had fallen asleep on the couch. Yedam, Mashiho, and Jeongwoo decided to take the opportunity to tidy up around the dorm for a bit. Jeongwoo did laundry and Yedam cleaned up the kitchen while simultaneously making some porridge for Asahi to eat later. Mashiho had organized the front entrance because twelve people in one dorm can easily make the entryway pretty messy. It hadn’t taken Mashiho as long as he thought it was going to take him to clean the entryway, so he moved back to the living room to check on Asahi. He grabbed the thermometer and placed the device in the sleeping member’s mouth. He held it in place until it beeped then looked at the number. Thankfully the combination of the cool bath and the medicine had lowered his fever to 38.4 (101.1). Mashiho then went to the kitchen to help with cleaning and organizing everything there.
By the time the porridge was done, Jeongwoo had finished with starting a load of laundry in the wash and sorting through the clean clothes that had been sitting in the dryer. Given the time and knowing Asahi hadn't eaten yet, the trio decided to wake him up. Mashiho scooped some of the porridge into a bowl and grabbed a spoon.
Jeongwoo had managed to kind of wake Asahi. The sick member was now sitting up, but otherwise still looked asleep. “Sahi, I need you to wake up so you can eat some food.” Mashiho said. Asahi didn’t really respond. He kind of whined and put his head on Jeongwoo’s shoulder. Mashiho sighed. “I know you don’t feel good right now, but you need to eat so your body has enough energy to get better faster.”
“Stomach hurts.” Asahi responded after a beat. The other three frowned when he said this. “Hyung, do you feel nauseous, or do you think your stomach hurts because you’re hungry?” Yedam asked. Asahi tiredly shrugged and whined again.
“How about we try eating something and we’ll go from there. Okay, hyung?” Jeongwoo asked as he helped prop the older up so that he could eat. Mashiho then somewhat awkwardly fed Asahi several spoonfuls of porridge. The sick member only ate around a quarter of the food before he decided that he was done eating.
Once Asahi was done eating, Mashiho put the porridge in the fridge for later and Yedam turned on the tv. Although it seemed that Asahi was far more interested in sleeping than watching anything. He tried to watch whatever his dongsaeng had put on, but it was way too hard to focus on it. Asahi was finding it hard to keep his eyes open. Being sick coupled with the fact that he just ate even though it wasn’t a lot, made his body want to go back to sleep. After around half an hour of trying to stay awake and follow the show, Asahi’s eyes fell shut and his head lolled to the side.
Jeongwoo, at some point, had gotten up to use the bathroom while Asahi had still been awake. When he had returned, Asahi was sound asleep and was curled up in the section of couch that he had previously been occupying. He smiled while shaking his head before going to Asahi’s room to grab his blanket. He returned to the living room and covered the sick member with it before moving to the floor. Yedam and Mashiho had both given him a weird look initially because they hadn’t realized that Asahi had fallen asleep.
Around an hour after Asahi had fallen back asleep Jeongwoo had gotten a text from one of the others asking how the Japanese member was doing. He typed out a reply saying that he’d been sleeping for the past hour, but they had been able to get a small amount of food in him. Jeongwoo was then asked how Asahi’s fever was and he frowned as he placed a hand on his forehead. He then grabbed the thermometer and slipped into Asahi’s mouth, unintentionally waking him in the process.
Asahi groaned as he stretched awake, eyes slowly opening. He saw Jeongwoo standing above and felt something plastic and metal in his mouth. “Hyung, I’m just taking your temperature, but if you could please move your tongue to the correct position, that would be a great help.” Asahi stared blankly for a second before grabbing the thermometer and moving it so it was under his tongue.
The four members waited for the device to beep and Jeongwoo frowned again as he looked at the number. “It’s up again. Not as high as it was this morning, but it is higher. Now it’s at 38.8 (102F). Jeongwoo sent the updated temperature in the group chat and Yedam went to get their fever patches so he could put one on his hyung.
The rest of the day was spent similarly. Asahi spent the day mostly sleeping. The fever took the majority of his appetite, but the members made sure to give him a small amount of porridge every couple of hours to make sure that his body would have enough energy to fight the bug he caught.
With medicine, fever patches, and cool baths, they had managed to keep Asahi’s fever lower than what it had been that morning, but he was definitely staying in the dorm until further notice. The manager wasn't too happy about this, but Asahi staying home for a few days was definitely better than a trip to the hospital due to a dangerously high fever.
By the time the others had gotten home from their schedules, Asahi was now fairly awake. He was able to sit with the members at dinner and was awake enough to keep conversation. Although he still wasn't all that hungry.
"Quick question Sahi." Hyunsuk said "Were you feeling sick at all prior to today, or did it come on suddenly?" The leader asked. He merely wanted to know if the younger had been hiding anything. Asahi thought for a moment before responding.
"I've been a bit tired the past couple days. But that's pretty much it. Given how much energy we expend as idols it makes sense to occasionally feel exhausted. I didn't even think I was getting sick." Hyunsuk nodded at that and the conversation was dropped.
The members had quickly discussed their schedules for the next couple of days. No one was comfortable leaving Asahi home alone in case his fever spiked or was otherwise incapacitated. They decided to rotate who would stay home with the sick man over the few days, and when they got the schedule figured out, they all moved to the living room for a movie. Even though Asahi had slept almost the entire day and he really should be wide awake, he couldn’t help but fall asleep twenty minutes in. His head falling onto the member sitting on his right.
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farewelln3verland · 1 year
no one compares
ex!boyfriend doyoung, current!boyfriend yedam x gn reader
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warnings: alcohol (but not explicitly mentioned),slightly suggestive (just kissing), flashbacks to a slightly drunk doyoung, bang yedam, cheating?? but imaginary, realizing/already knowing who mc wants to date, denial, light angst
it had been six months. six long, grueling months of getting over kim doyoung. sure, the breakup had been your idea, but it's not like you'd wanted it to happen. you'd broken up with him so he could focus on his busy life of school and being an idol, and in the midst of comforting you yedam just became a part of your daily life.
and so once doyoung had graduated - and he continued to avoid you like the plauge, yedam was still there for you. so- it's only natural you started dating one of his close friends and members, right? it was the perfect relationship. and he was the perfect boyfriend.
...just not the perfect boyfriend for you. he was everything anyone could ever want, but you wanted something different.
you knew it- yedam knew it - but you stayed together out because it was comfy. no arguments, no tears, just you both needing company.
it was an unspoken agreement not to have sex, though you were scared to tell him why. it wasnt that you were scared, were unexperienced, you just wanted to experience it with doyoung.
"come here baby." you'd walked past his bedroom at the dorm on the way to see hyunsuk about a song he wanted you to hear, when you heard his sleepy voice call through the open door. pausing, you go back a couple steps to see him looking at you, propped up on his side.
"come here." he repeated, and this time you could hear the slight slur in his words. padding over to his bed slowly, you cautiosly go closer. taking your hand lightly, he holds it for a second. "you know, you're everything i've ever wanted. everything i'll ever need, love. you know this, don't you?" his eyes follow yours as you blush a little.
he moves in slowly, yet you dont seem to notice until his lips are on yours. he pulls you down on top of him and that's when your last thought of anyone or anything else crosses your mind. how could it, when his lips feel so soft, and he feels like everything you've ever wanted.
no one could ever compare to how he felt. ever.
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acaiasahi · 2 years
tag game, wips! 🍓
post your fics that are a work in progress!
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☆ "second place" — kanemoto yoshinori + takata mashiho (a)
☆ "so... can we talk about sea otters?" — hamada asahi (f)
☆ "summer lovin'" — park jihoon (a + f)
☆ "i knew" — bang yedam (a + f)
☆ "how do i tell you?" — bang yedam (a + f)
☆ "pancakes for dinner" — park jihoon (a + f)
tagging ; ty for the tag, leo! @seung-scrittore @tranquilpetrichor @h4chi @alohajun @hotboyyeonjun @kyufilms @i-luvsang @hwaflms @sseastar-main @ssssachi @existnesia + anyone else who'd like to join! <3
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
reread your mashi and yedam fics to feel something but all it did was make me sadder 😭😭 SMUT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO GET ME SAD HELLO
Honestly sweetheart, why would you even do that to yourself? Like, I can't even bring myself to write for them at the moment so yeah I can totally relate-
I'm still heartbroken💔
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jaylaxies · 1 year
can i just say that you pick the cast for your series so perfectly? isa and sungchan for the hee fic and then mina and yedam for the hoon fic? they suited so perfectly and i’m midway reading the jay part and txt with yeji and karina? it just fits perfectly i love your brain 💗
THIS IS SO SWEET omgg like the best compliment ever?? i’ve never heard anyone talk about this before but it’s so true 😭🩷 thank you sm for appreciating the details love <33
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