#yes greedling is my favorite NO SURPRISE
ryanthel0ser · 4 months
Our pronouns are they/them, not because we're non-binary but because we're literally two different motherf**kers
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Why do I love...
I decided to do this thing so that some of you could learn a bit more about me as a person. I have thirteen different favorite anime that have left an impact on my life. I’m taking my favorite character from each show (in some cases this will be really tricky so they will be split into male and female characters for each show). A lot of these shows are popular anime because that’s what I got interested in. There is only one anime here that is remotely underground and even then I’ve met a couple of fans in my life of this romantic comedy anime. Some people might be surprised by what my all time favorite anime is. I became obsessed with this show back in high school and it was the first manga that I had ever found and finished. 
I wanted to start this train off by talking about my favorite anime character of all time. This might get some raised eyebrows but hopefully once I explain myself in a clear and conscience way it will make sense. 
I was twelve when I had first gotten into anime. For the first few shows I found they were good but nothing fantastic that I adored (Soul Eater, Gurren Lagann, Clannad and things like that.) It wasn’t until a show based on science gone wrong came into my life that I officially had fallen in love with the artform. I want to start this off with a quote that instantly made me roll on the floor laughing when I was thirteen. 
“Shorty?! Can a shorty do this?! What else you want to call me a half pint, beanstock, midget?! I’m still growing you backwater desert idiots!!” If this quote means nothing to you I’m really sorry. No I really am. Because you are probably unaware of the beauty that is the anime FullMetal Alchemist 03 and Brotherhood and it’s literal genius of a main character Edward Elric. 
Where do I even start with praising this character? It’s difficult for me because mostly it was just a right place right time scenario. I was being really harshly bullied at the time for being an Otaku. So having somebody who didn’t take anybody’s bullshit really meant a lot to me. Edward has made this gigantic impact on my life. He gave me somebody that I found relatable in a sort of funny way. I’ve always been smaller than my peers leading me to be vastly underestimated by them. 
Edward is smart. I don’t think that a person who has watched this show can’t agree with me on that. He was the first anime leading character that I had come across of actual intelligence. Usually he was the smartest person in the room aside from his brother Alphonse. Now, I’m not remotely as smart as he is especially about science so this little thing that helped me a lot more is a lot like my relationship with Basil Of Baker Street from The Great Mouse Detective another character of vast intelligence from a completely different source material. Both of them inspired me to put my best foot forward and to do whatever it took to become smarter in my areas of expertise. 
I love his endlessly self sacrificing nature. If somebody he loves is in trouble or gets hurt you bet your ass that he is the first person in line to enact some vengeance that’s just who he is. Especially if it’s Alphonse or Winry but I feel like he would do it for just about anybody that he comes across in the show and is friendly with. I’ll never forget how broken up he was after losing Nina or when Ling became Greedling. It was the first time that I remember actually getting emotionally attached to a character. When something bad happened to Edward I felt it in my gut. 
The entire message of FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood is that your past mistakes shouldn’t make up your present future. Yes they hurt when they happen but you can’t let that define you otherwise you get stuck where you’re at. To me, as all good things should be, the main character personifies this message. The you on your worst day isn’t the you that makes all of your decisions. Even if you screw up and spend the rest of your life attoning for that everything will always find its way to work out in the end. Even by the end of the story when Ed loses his alchemy I still felt satisfied because he didn’t really need it. It got him from point A to point B but it didn’t define who he was. So many characters that I can think of with a supernatural ability would let it define who they were but that wasn’t the case here. He was able to move forward despite the feeling of loss that he must have felt. And that’s the key point as to why I love this character as much as I do. His intelligence, his will to help just about anybody who will ask of it, the multilayered ness of his attitude, his growth and his sense of humor have impacted me and helped me move forward through the harder times of my own life. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Harumi Arikawa for creating this masterpiece of a work of fiction and creating my favorite character in all of anime. 
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purple-paws · 5 years
Samekichi :3 (or Envy from FMA. Or both, do both heheheheh)
You knew I couldn’t choose either or, so you make me choose both. YOU PLANNED THIS DIDN’T YOU. XD This one’s pretty long so under a cut it goes! 
favorite thing about them: The fact that, when you initially meet this character, you THINK he’s going to be the stereotypical gruff, misunderstood, broody love interest - and to a degree, he is. But then you really get to know him, and it turns out he’s actually SUCH A HUGE breath of fresh air in terms of male characters / love interests.He’s extremely emotional. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and though he tries to put up the front of being gruff and uncaring, cares SO MUCH. He is shown crying, shows weaknesses and vulnerability. He quickly comes to terms with his feelings instead of waffling around them, and openly discusses them with characters like Nekoyama, and to a degree, Irena. He confesses that he’s in love with Wadanohara, and when he realizes she misunderstood his confession, doesn’t take it to heart: he recognizes she’s not in the same place emotionally as him and doesn’t try to needle her into feeling the same way. He’s not the strongest physically but NEVER lets that stop him from fighting to protect his loved ones. And by living with Wadanohara, he begins to recognize his flaws and, rather than pretend he doesn’t have them, actively starts working to become a better person.I JUST LOVE HIM A LOT OKAY???
least favorite thing about them: I really wish that the original game and manga had done a better job of explaining exactly WHY he didn’t reveal the truth about Sal to the kingdom. I understand the concept, but the execution (like almost everything else in this franchise) could have been polished a lot more. 
favorite line: His confession monologue during the True Ending reduces me to a blubbering mess every. goddamn. time.  
brOTP: Tarako/Samekichi! It cracks me up how Tarako sees RIGHT THROUGH Samekichi’s gruff edgelord persona, and how accepting they are of his true nature. I also really admire that, out of the ENTIRE Sea Kingdom, they’re the only one whose faith in Samekichi doesn’t waiver no matter what. I also love how Tarako eventually wears down Samekichi’s defenses and he comes to accept the little guy into his life.
OTP: Samekichi/Wadanohara. Hands down. No contest.
nOTP: Samekichi/Idate and Sal/Samekichi. The former doesn’t bother me as much as the latter does. 
random headcanon: Samekichi is left-handed. (Compared to my headcanon about Fukami, this is so short it’s embarrassing XD)
unpopular opinion: I wish more people focused on the idea of them building a loving, happy life built on mutual respect and love than just the idea of them banging all the time. Yes, it’s hot, but sex isn’t and shouldn’t be the only thing that defines their relationship. 
song i associate with them: “you won’t ever feel a thing” (the script) / “may i” (trading yesterday)
favorite picture of them: 
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(Original art by funamusea, found here: http://funamusea.com/)
favorite thing about them: I honestly can’t explain WHY I find Envy to be one of the more fascinating villains in this series. I think nowadays I would rank him my second favorite homunculus (after Greedling), but for the longest time, they were number one. Maybe it was that they had a good dose of comedic moments to combat the more serious, severe ones? Maybe it’s the emotional catharsis of seeing them constantly berate humans and then constantly get their ass handed to them? Maybe it’s that they’re just a little shit and I find them incredibly fascinating as both a study in villainy and a contrast to the protagonists?It could also stem from the fact that envy and jealousy is a rather difficult emotion to build an entire character out of, but Hiromu Arakawa pulled it off so perfectly in how they wrote this character. 
least favorite thing about them: I was never crazy about how their story arc ended in the 2003 anime. I think they could have taken the “forgotten son” plot device and either scrapped it OR made it more interesting and compelling. I also think 2003!Envy was WAS too overpowered. 
favorite line: oh my god there’s too many. XD The first that comes to mind is probably (in response to Edward asking who they are): “Well, that depends, I can be whoever you’d like. So who would you like to be, Mister Fullmetal Pipsqueak? Hm, how about a taller version of you?”
brOTP: Envy/Lust/Gluttony. The original homunculi trio had the best interactions. I also was surprised by how much I wanted more scenes of them interacting with Mei, Lin and Lan Fan in and out of combat. (Especially while he’s stuck inside that mason jar, heh.)
OTP: Eh, y’know what, I used to be ashamed of the fact I shipped Edward/Envy, but honestly I have a lot of good memories from when it was my hardcore ship and from interacting with others who shipped it that I’ll admit: it’s still a guilty pleasure. XD it makes zero sense but it brought me a lot of joy at one point in my life, so who cares??
nOTP: On that note, nowadays I don’t really ship them with anyone anymore? They honestly are too dangerous to pair off with anyone, and that’s not the point to their character. 
random headcanon: Due to their heavy body mass, Envy doesn’t fair well in water. They sink like a rock. 
unpopular opinion: I like fetus!Envy the best out of all their forms. XD 
song i associate with them: “everybody loves me” (one republic) / “everybody wants to rule the world” (either tears for fears OR lorde)
favorite picture of them: Ehhhh this one works. This was one of the best “OH SHIT” moments.
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(source: https://fmascreencap.tumblr.com/post/1649734260)
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al-is-my-pal · 6 years
!!! Ling Yao for that character ask!
1) fight them or fight for them
I really like Ling (he’s probably like my second favorite) so I would definitely fight for him
2) on a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Maybe 7 to 8? I really do enjoy seeing him! but when he appears after the greedling thing happens, I think it’s more of a 8 or 9, since its more of a surprise when he appears
3) would i smooch
Yes probably alkfjawjfijaoifj
4) have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I should totally draw him!!! I think I did it a long time ago on paper, but it wasnt very good haha
his hair is so difficult to get right alfjaoif
but thanks for the idea!
5) voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Well he already has a voice, but I really like his dub and sub voices. But I think I prefer the dub more
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daxiia · 7 years
RULES: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
Tagged by the wonderful @ladywiltshire Thank you love! :D
1. Do you remember your first time watching or reading Fullmetal Alchemist? What was your first impression?
Yes! Soooo many years ago when 03 was airing on tv. My first reaction was, “Why does that robot sound like a little kid?”
2. Tell us about The Fave™.
3. Do you have a favorite fan work? Fanfics Comics?
I’m sure everyone feels the same about this one but Siruoa’s Emperors New Clothes video. Talk about my most viewed youtube video.
4. Hit me with an analysis/opinion you have on the series or characters!
I don’t really do analysis. Is it a passing grade if I just say “my analysis is that Greed is hot”?
5. Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw?
I’ve always wanted to make a lyric video of Greed to Disturbs song Avarice. I promise i’ll do it one day when I get motivation lol
6. Favorite opening/ending number and why?
My favorite opening is fmab 3rd one Golden Time Lover! I find it SUPER catchy plus the scenes used in that op are so amazing!!! Just go watch it and pay attention to the transitions between characters and camera angles. I can’t praise it enough.
My favorite ending is actually fma 03’s first ending!! It gives me such a rush of nostalgia, also the song itself is great. And the art style is beautiful, i adore the use of solid black for shading. Plus the little hand to hand combat scene with Ed and Al. It also has little still images from parts from the story. Its beautiful, i love it so much. Also I think endings in general don’t get enough love so go watch them all if you haven’t!
7. Tell me about a scene that really touched you or made you realize something about yourself.
Gosh… I’ve actually been asked the question a lot and I try not to use the same scene but I CAN’T HELP IT!!
The scene when Ed and Al go home to Winry. Idc how many times I’ve watch fmab, I will always cry from that scene. As soon as I hear the music in that scene and see Winry slowly walking to the door I start to tear up. Then when she hUGS THEM I JUST- I get chills just thinking about it. That entire journey trying to get their bodies back and they finally did it, and they get to go home and- Ed’s promise about the tears of joy i just- I CAN’T 8. OTPs! Who are they? Why are you WEAK FOR THEM??
This might be a shock but… My OTP is GreedxLing. I know right, me? Who would’ve thought.
But yeah I ship this ship so hard is makes me sick. I adore shipping them romantically like I LOVE YOU kinda stuff but honestly I am so thirsty I will take anything. There isn’t enough content for that ship and it DEPRESSES ME. Also I hardly ever see art of First Greed and Ling. :/ it’s always Ling and Greedling. Even tho thats literally still LING. I mean I’ll take it but whatever LOL
I also love Edling but that’s always on my blog so no surprise there either. Aside from those two ships I don’t actively search for any other fma ship anymore. I used to hardcore ship KimbleexMiles (even tho it’s totally wrong ik) but ran outta content and fell into a pit of despair. Rip me 9. Funniest headcanon you’ve ever seen. Go!
UMMM… Greed being a super dorky bookworm if his avarice extended to wanting to KNOW everything too. And him just schooling everyone all the time, or just saying random facts out of nowhere.
10. What spurred you to join the fandom?
My sister wanted me to rewatch fmab with her since I hadn’t watched it in a long time. I fell in love with Greed and slowly started devoting my tumblr to him till I became a part of the fandom lol I was actually an Osomatsu-san blog before this. I someone managed to smoothly transition to fma tho
11. Definitely the same question… have a fandom meltdown here and tell me why you love your fandom or show/comic so much!
Fma is probably the most well crafted, interesting, and heartwarming series ever created. I mean there is no pointless filler episodes, everything happens for a reason. And every character serves a purpose while still being able to stand out among the huge cast of characters.
Basically it’s a work of art that makes you care for the characters and stay interested in the plot from day 1. Also, out of all the fandoms I’ve ever been apart of, fma has the nicest, warmest community of people. I’m so glad to be a part of it and to have been able to meet and talk to so many of yall. This is getting a bit gay but I love this fandom, and I love yall! People I tag: @grey-ling | @romip89 | @corporategreed-fma | @allfullmetal | @hi-im-secretly-satan | @followthechick | @greedoda
I literally can’t think of 11 off the top of my head. Also feel free to ignore this tag. And here’s my questions for yall! (All are FMA btw)
1. Who do you think has the best character development in the series?
2. Tell me about your FAVORITE character and your LEAST favorite character? Why do you love/hate them?
3. If you could change one thing in the entire series what would it be?
4. QUICK! Give me a really cute headcanon about your OTP/fave?
5. What is your favorite arc and why?
6. What character do you think is under appreciated?
7. What is your sin?
8. If you (and someone close to you) were in Ed and Al’s place, would you be okay with using the stone? Why or why not?
9. Is there any villain you feel sympathy for and can fully understand their motives? Do you think what they did was justified?
10. Which would you rather eat, Winry’s apple pie or Gracia’s quiche?
11. And finally, what is your FAVORITE moment in the entire series?
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