#yes the earlier post got me all 😳 again
When the Online DLC came out, I wanted to organize a fanzine focused on Franklin —even started working on a Discord server for it — but then I just focused on other writing stuff because I don't actually have the technical expertise with putting a project like this together. And I certainly don't have extra time now because I'm going back to studying for a bit while still working, but I still kinda wanna do this, so idk, I'm just carefully inquiring if people would be interested in this? Could be fics and art and any other kind of work, shippy or not, didn't think about the rating yet. I could organize (like think of deadlines etc) but idk about putting the works together
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Well now i want to know about Clarke asking lexa about de whole “I’ve wanted to be with you since I was 17” thing 🤗
Oh post-sex Lexa is a revelation 😳
It's not that she's not every bit as sweet and steadfastly earnest in her own peculiar way as ever, it's just the new range of things and thoughts and words that come out of that innocent and haughty face is so... 😳. But pleasantly so. Because yeah ok soooo, Ms. Priss has apparently always had a very active imagination. Who knew.
Not Clarke, that's for damn sure.
But she finds out the dirty details the day after their great getaway for all The Sex, as Lexa has insisted on calling it several times since they'd driven back earlier that afternoon. Following a minor run in with Gus that consists of him staring death eyes at Clarke from the front porch window when she'd dropped Lexa off to get fresh clothes for her mid-evening shift (and accepted a very not Father Approved™ kiss for walking her to the door), Clarke takes it upon herself to keep her girlfriend ~and lover~ company since they both know the shop will be practically dead until close.
Lexa's break time (is there even really a need for a break? Not really. All she does is stand behind the counter and look cute while she flirts with her annoying girlfriend as of late. Doesn't matter. She takes one at 5:15 on the dot anyway) finds them out back of the shop, Clarke sat on the little patio deck glider with Lexa planted right in her lap.
It just comes up. Naturally, of course. As so many things like that tend to do. Just as natural and organically as Clarke stealing a kiss from her lips and asking, "Hey. So last night. When we were..."
"Having all The Sex?"
"Yes, but you have to stop saying it like that," she scoffs at Lexa's unhelpful supply of words.
It just earns her another kiss. "I vaguely remember it, yes."
"Good. So. About that whole you wanting me in high school business..."
And she fully expects an eye roll. Some dismissive comment and haughty barb at her expense. What she does not expect is the indulgent twist of kiss-reddened lips or the dreaminess of Lexa's sigh. She doesn't expect Lexa to tell her that she'd been half in love with her for ages. That she'd hoped Clarke was special - no, had known she was special ‐ since the time they'd been lab partners for a whole week in grade school (despite also very much knowing Clarke was kind of an ass) ("Duality of man," she says as though it really was as simple as that.)
"You were the only one in that class who actually talked to me while we worked instead of ignoring me. I actually got to feel like I had friend for the whole week while it lasted. I was sad when it ended and we didn't talk again, but still. You gave me that."
It's hard for Clarke to not collapse in on herself like a pathetically dying star for having zero recollection of it at all.
But Lexa soothes her with more kisses and a promise that she truly isn't offended. They were different people then, she reasons very logically. Just children who were doing their best to get by and there was never really any hard feelings between them, specifically. But also, for her anyway... there'd always just been something about Clarke that she couldn't quite put a name too. Something that held her attention in the quiet moments of life. When she'd look out the shop window and see her running with her friends. Every time it was Clarke's turn to read aloud in class. There was just something about Clarke that held Lexa's attention that she always seemed to struggle to define.
And then puberty had hit with a wallop. And suddenly, Lexa'd had a name for it.
"You were just so cute," Lexa breathes, face somehow managing to look entirely the part of a lovestruck teenager. "Always strutting around in those vintage band shirts and those hideous torn up jeans you used to wear. That nose ring you had for awhile?"
Clarke shivers at the memory of her short-lived body modification phase. Suffice it to say, after three months of pain and a rather gnarly infection, Raven and their foray in jabbing decorative holes into various parts of each others body's with sowing needles had, quite plainly, not ended well.
"Be that as it may, I loved it," Lexa shrugs it off, still very much reliving her own moment in the past. "I'm serious, Clarke. You were the sexiest thing I had ever seen in real life. I used to sit in homeroom and pretend to read my Statistics textbook, and just daydream about you pinning me against my desk for the entire half hour."
Truly, post-sex Lexa is a revelation.
They sit and watch the sunset on Gus's old weather-worn glider, fingers twirling absent patterns in the loose waves of Clarke's hair as she relays story after story of teen-Lexa's yearning. Imaginings that involve clandestine rendezvous in empty classerooms and a few handsy trips behind the bleachers, all things that would've made a younger Clarke blush (it makes this Clarke blush too). The executive decision is eventually made to just close the shop an hour early after a quick text to Gus saying that Lexa won't be home again tonight.
They cross another secret wish off Lexa's much more personal bucket list when Clarke takes her home and makes Lexa come in her bed.
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secretly-small · 2 years
It’s been a minute since I last posted, so here’s a thing I jotted up in the middle of the night. Do with it what you will XD
Description: Ava, a sizeshifter born into the wrong body, is struggling to keep her magic in check. It seems to be getting weaker by the day, so she attempts to exercise it in a… not-so-safe manner.
Word count: 697
CWs: falling, G-rated
Disclaimer: this is unedited and does not represent my professional work
I stared at the broken shard of mirror as I knitted my raven-black hair into a loose braid. I tied it off with a band, looking myself over once more before I called on my magic. It stirred, weaker than normal. Lazier.
I was about to pull out my phone and call my friend when a set of vibrations rang through the wall. I stepped out off my makeshift bedroom into my human one, where Cherry was making herself at home by my dresser. 
“So my mom has this business trip to Hawaii in a couple weeks, and I asked her if I could go,” she said, immediately getting to the point without any need for pleasantries. Her eyes lay fixed on her phone as she paced quickly along the wall. I made my way up one of the many ladders my family had built into the furniture and came to rest on my nightstand. Cherry plopped onto my human bed beside it.
“She was all like, ‘Do you really think I have the money to be hauling you around on a plane right now?’ So I was like, ‘What if I used my own money?’ And she just laughed at me and asked if I knew how much a plane ticket costs. I don’t actually know, but I do know that I’m freaking broke, so I need your help.” 
She finally looked over at me, where I was perched against my alarm clock. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to realize how she came off just now. It took a second, but she got it. Her face flushed.
“Oh! Not with money,” she quickly corrected. “I was wondering—since you said earlier that you don’t actually know the extent of your own magic—if you’d be able to shrink me for a few hours? That way I could stowaway in my mom’s bag while she was flying, and we wouldn’t need another tick-“
I cut her off mid-sentence with a defined scoff. “I can hardly change my own form. What makes you think I could change yours?” She paused, mouth half-open to answer, but without any words coming out. I let the conversation drop there, eyeing the ground below the nightstand before looking back up at her. “Throw me,” I commanded. 
She quirked an eyebrow. “That’s random.”
“I’m stale today,” I explained with a shrug. “I figured a dangerous situation might help me shift a bit quicker.”
My bed squeaked as she sat up on it, pondering. Again, she opened her mouth, but I interrupted. “Yes, if you do, I will attempt to shrink you,” I answered. Even though it won’t work.
That earned a nod and a smirk as she set her hand down next to me. There wasn’t any hesitation from my best friend before she slung me into the air. 
“Yeet!” she exclaimed from behind me. 
My stomach lurched, head spinning as I spiraled upward. All at once, the motion stopped, and I found myself falling. 
I yanked at my magic as the hardwood floor grew closer. It scurried deeper into my spirit, not unlike an annoyed animal hiding in a borrow. I clenched my fists as I reached further into myself, but it refused. 
The ground teased me with its proximity. I gasped, curling into myself as I screamed. “Cherry!”
My body slammed against a soft surface. I groaned and rubbed my forehead in a poor attempt to stop the spinning. A few moments passed before she brought her hand up to her eye level. She quirked her brow again. 
If not for how flabbergasted I was, I would’ve replied with some kind of sarcastic remark that would gain her laughter. Instead, I splayed in her hand, inwardly lecturing my magic. After a couple moments had passed, I stood again, gesturing we try once more.
She was slower this time. A gentle thrust outward rather than upward, allowing me to better maintain one position rather than spin to and fro. Closing my eyes, I called on my magic midair. Its familiar trickle buzzed finally, zapping me into human form. I grinned, and Cherry met my enthusiasm with a clap of glee.
“So Hawaii?”
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ontheblock · 2 years
wow i woul d be really interested in your take on Jason or Brahms😳😳 if you have time of course sksksk
ok so.. i have this brahms thingy i wrote when the movie was hyped to the moon and back, i never posted it anywhere because the end is just ambiguous as hell and it‘s SHORT so it never even made it to my ao3 lol. so this is like the perfect opportunity ayoooo. i did not read this again btw, i have no idea if past me proofread this-
a nanny gives kisses
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warning: stalking (duh), creepy wall man stealing panties
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You waved Mr and Mrs Heelshire goodbye, little Brahms being a light weight against your chest. The car pulled off and you sighed. The wind was bloody cold, whipping your hair into your face as you watched them disappear off the property.
"Alright, Brahmsy boy…" You walked back inside, shutting the door with your foot on the way in. As freaked out as you were at first, you got quite excited at the chance of making easy money by just babysitting an old doll. You felt a little sorry for the parents. It must be some kind of trauma they had suffered with Brahms for them to treat him like a person. But you weren’t sorry enough to turn away such a disgusting amount of cash. It wasn’t dirty money if you followed the rules. You laughed a little at the thought of tucking the thing in nightly. It was almost time after all.
Getting a little head start, you took the doll to his room. The soft blue pyjama already put out there and you laid the doll on the mattress. “Ok…“ You tucked stray hair behind your ear and unbuttoned his clothes. You imitated Mrs Heelshire‘s movements from earlier, dressing the doll into his pyjama. Shuffling him up the bed, head on the plush, clean pillow, you wrapped him up into his blanket. “Night, Brahmsy.“ You giggled a little to yourself. “So stupid…“ You left his room and closed the door behind you for the night.
Finally in your room and freshly showered, you sat on the bed in your towel and tucked the phone receiver between your ear and shoulder. “Oh yeah, I‘m fine. I told you it was legit.“ You hunched your back, painting your toe nails. Your friend on the other end of the line chuckled. “So how is the kid?“
You paused for a second before swiping the brush across your nail again. “About that… It‘s kinda a- a doll? No- Stop laughing! What if they just miss having kids around?“ Your friend‘s laugh was contagious and you giggled along. “That‘s mental. They pay you that much for babysitting a doll?“ You hummed in agreement. “It‘s creepy but it‘s going to be so worth it. No babysitting thing ever paid me that much. And it‘s so much easier than real kids.“
You quickly switched topics, laughing about whatever was going on back home, plans of things you would do with the money and mindless gossip.
“By the way, what did your boyfriend say to this job, y/n? You‘re going to be gone for like two months, that‘s so long.“ You nodded to yourself, recalling the argument that ensued. “You know my boyfriend. He‘s… a lot.“ A thud on the wall made you jump a little, totally tuning out your friend in the process. “y/n? Do you hear me?“
“Uh, yeah. Yes. I just thought I heard something.“ Turning back to fanning your wet nail polish, you shook your head. You tried to get back into the conversation but as soon as you mentioned the fight with your boyfriend, a louder thud knocked a mirror off the wall, shattering it into fragments. You yelped, jumping off the bed. “What the fuck?!“ Your heart was pounding and doing the only thing you could, you ran into Brahms‘ room where the thud came from. The doll still laid neatly on the bed, head turned towards the door. You just stared at it, frozen for a good few minutes before your heart rate evened out.
Slowly backing out the room again, you closed the door softly. Back in your room, you made sure to lock the door and picked the receiver up towards your ear.
The line was dead.
Convincing your friend - and yourself - that your last phone call was nothing to worry about was hard but you talked her out of calling the cops at least. Spending a week at the Heelshire house was weird to say the least. The phone in your room frequently changed locations despite you being sure you didn‘t put it there. Recalling Mrs Heelshire calling Brahms quirky and playful made you snort with no humor. Ridiculous.
After completing most tasks the couple gave you, you retreated into your room again. Dialing your friend‘s number was like part of the routine now. “Hello?“ You casually greeted her, falling back into the mattress with a groan. “I never thought taking care of a literal doll would be his hard. Like what?“ Your free hand rubbed over your face. “You really do all these tasks?“ You made a small noise of affirmation. “I mean, they pay me a shit load of money. What if they have cameras around the house?“ Picking at the skin of your nail, a thought popped into your head. “But I have to admit that I don‘t kiss that thing goodnight. It‘s too- weird.“ Your friend burst out in laughter and you smiled along. “Oh shut up. You wouldn‘t kiss that either.“
Suddenly the line went dead silent, even the lights in your room went out for a moment. “Hello? You there?“ Slowly sitting up, you tried to pick up any sound from the receiver. When nothing came and you were ready to dial again, a rustling reached your ear, followed by static sizzling. “Hello? Do you hear me?“ You waited no more than a second before someone breathed into the receiver and a shudder crawled up and down your back. “This isn‘t funny.“ The line went silent again, if only for a little. “Stop…“ The voice wasn‘t your friend. It sounded airy and childish. You were too stunned to hang up the phone but it went dead either way.
You couldn‘t reach your friend again that night, or any number for that matter.
The lazier you got in the routine, the weirder the atmosphere in the house felt. You decided that it was the ghost of guilt settling in like a roommate. After all you were paid to treat that doll like a real child and while you carried him around for most of the day, you skipped his meals, ignored the lessons and stopped reading to him. You already determined there to be no cameras in the rooms you frequented so the couple probably didn‘t see it that strictly either - at least you reassured yourself with that.
It wasn‘t late yet but you decided for a shower before dinner. Shedding the clothes like a layer of skin, you let them collect on the pristine tiles below. The water was loud in your ears and you put the silver necklace your boyfriend bought you for valentine’s day on the sink. It was pretty but cheap so getting it wet wasn‘t an option unless you wanted to ruin the shine.
Stepping under the stream, you lathered your hair in your favorite shampoo and hummed a tune you couldn‘t get out your head. Having really horrible to absolutely zero connection in this place made you creative, or just bored. At least the showers you could take were relaxing. The water pelting down on your head would drown out the old wood creaking randomly. People always said that old houses had a soul. You always called that crazy talk before coming here. The couple did talk about rodents but they sounded an awful lot like steps sometimes. You hated it.
While you let the hair products do their magic, you washed your body. You weren‘t in a rush, not when you finally admitted to yourself that the whole dolly routine was ridiculous. Once properly cleaned, you left the shower and wrapped yourself in a big towel. Reaching for your necklace, your fingertips just slid across the damp porcelain of the sink. Expecting that you just missed, you looked over to see the sink empty. No way. You were sure you put it right there. You checked the whole bathroom, searched the whole floor in case you dropped it but nothing. “Fuck… He‘s going to kill me…“ You gathered your clothes in your arms and threw them in the hamper. “Wait…“
Kneeling down, you searched the dirty laundry with a sick feeling in your stomach. Your panties weren‘t there.
“Fuck that.“ You hurried into your room and quickly dried off before throwing on a pair of shorts and a shirt you took from your boyfriend before departing. This was crazy. You felt crazy. You were ready to just put than stupid doll to bed and find a way to call the Heelshire couple that you were done.
Entering Brahms‘ room, your heart stopped and every red flag you ignored during your stay hit you at once. The mirror on the wall was open and in front of the passageway stood a tall man with his back turned to you and a bundle of fabric in hand that look horribly familiar. You couldn‘t even turn and run because the man whirled his head around as soon as you tried to backtrack out the room. His face was covered by a grotesque porcelain mask and your eyes flickered to the doll sitting on his little chair. “Brahms“, you breathed and like a dog given a commando, he charged for you. You screamed and stumbled back into the door but his hand already twisted in your shirt with an iron grip. “Wh-Who are you?“ The man cocked his head slowly and pointed at his chest. “Brahms.“ His voice was dry and airy, like he hasn‘t used it in weeks. You shook your head in disbelief, glancing around for a way out. He seemed to catch on and pressed your back harder into the door until you whimpered. “Don‘t leave.“ He was so close now, his chest brushing against you and his other held out a piece of paper. The rules. You looked up an him with a trembling bottom lip. “Goodnight kiss.“
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: A Tour Of My Plants! (living and dead)
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Date video was published: 06/22/2020 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 416
Yes, plant tour time! I’m always excited to rewatch this video. A pretty long gap between the last video and this one...I’m sure that had nothing to do with Phil letting his hair grow out a bit after that self-haircut, right? 😂 They did celebrate Dan’s birthday earlier in the month, in lockdown, though this might be my favorite set of photos from any birthday.
0:00 - jumping right into it here. living flat lounge filming for the first time since 2018. also, camera man Dan!
0:11 - clip from I KILLED MY HOUSEPLANT back in 2016
0:16 - credit to Jenna again!
0:32 - love seeing Dan’s filming choices throughout this
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0:41 - he released the new merch the same day as this video
0:46 - did not bother getting the vase out of the filming flat for this...so just going with a bucket 😂
0:47 - also fully just looking at Dan instead of the camera for this joke. and then the giggle 🥺
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1:08 - I’m surprised Dan didn’t burst out laughing at some point. maybe he is more silently than he does on camera
1:22 - gotta zoom in in the editing so we can’t miss that Phil’s mind has gone...somewhere
1:46 - what even. pretty sure some of this video is Phil just trying to entertain Dan
1:55 - great annotations again
2:05 - his hair seems to have mostly recovered from the haircut incident
2:17 - he has no idea what kind of plant it is 😂
2:20 - I think someone gave that to him at VidCon London?
2:27 - of course Norman has to be included
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2:32 - these are all ‘boys’ while a lot of the stand-alone plants are ‘ladies’ for some reason to Phil
2:42 - that one looks...mostly alive? haha
2:56 - I like these geometric terrariums that they had
3:07 - “it’s not dead” is a very low bar for liking a plant
3:14 - a very rare glimpse of the kitchen area in the living flat and at their alcohol collection
3:26 - so I got one of these plants after this video...it is impossible to kill, which is good for me. although this was before I found out they can burn your skin 😨 I’m now exceedingly careful to not touch mine
3:40 - he had posted an insta story of that earlier in the year
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3:49 - golden pig! Dan really let it be in their main living space for quite a while considering he apparently doesn’t hates it
3:50 - the candle Phil got Dan for his birthday. you can see how much he had burned it by this point. also an Ohros candle, which is the small company Phil has collaborated with for most of his merch candles
4:02 - this one is a “we” problem, apparently 😂 Phil takes the credit for the good ones (like the flowering ZZ plant) but shares the blame for the dead ones
4:12 - still just in the main living area of the living flat, and already SO MANY plants
4:28 - the “boing” noise...and then again looking at Dan instead of the camera 😂
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4:35 - easily distracted Phil
4:41 - finally heading downstairs...I wonder if some of these fake ones were part of the furnished flat and they just moved them around, which is why Phil has no idea about some of them
4:56 - that looks pretty fake, lol. maybe not from a distance
5:11 - I mean he’s not wrong
5:16 - you can hear Dan laugh very quietly at Phil’s goose noise there
5:22 - now I think they’re back upstairs in the bathroom there...peak lazy not changing the lightbulbs
5:28 - Dan immediately turning the camera back on Phil at that...and then “normal bathroom stuff” sure
5:37 - Phil really does not like that bathroom
5:45 - don’t often see this room that they used as an office (and green screen room) at the old flats
5:58 - maybe that kind of plant should go on my list. “doesn’t require that much water” is good for me
6:18 - now in the filming flat! those have been around a long time! also, those magnets still in quite the position there 👀
6:20 - what would be “not in a weird way” for that question?! 😳 I can picture Dan’s exact facial expression response to that though
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6:34 - lies! he originally got a peace lily in 2014, but that’s the one that died in I KILLED MY HOUSEPLANT. he replaced it with an identical one after that in 2016, which is this one!
6:58 - the piranha plant plushies! they also had had those for quite a long time too. would love to know if those were a gift from one of them to the other for something
7:18 - there is a lot of Phil thigh in this video
7:22 - that one he did get in 2014. most of the plants from the first London flat seem to have ended up in the filming flat
7:39 - this one is a “guy” apparently, haha. again, every joke he stops looking at the camera 
7:47 - and back to the living flat. guessing he edited all these out of order from how they were filmed
7:50 - that is a beautiful plant. it definitely went with them to the forever home
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8:02 - awww, Phil
8:18 - Dan zooming back over to Phil’s face to catch the giggle
8:34 - rare existential Phil
8:47 - very specific
8:49 - he had tweeted about dumping all the bugs in the same plant
9:04 - another “we” blame there
9:11 - Steve! 😊
9:28 - foot content. before the 2021 joint video renaissance this was thrilling, lol. bet Dan wanted to make it clear who was doing the filming for this
9:46 - still making him slightly nervous though
9:50 - he didn’t include any of the plants from the filming flat outside area, like the cherry blossom they had
9:58 - “some die, some live” great conclusion there. most of the ones he showed were alive at least!
One of my favorite Phil videos in the past few years! I love that he tells us absolutely nothing about the actual types of plants, but gives them all a personality and if they would be friends or not.
What I would give for Tour of My Plants 2 from the new house.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Okay right off the bat I’m starting at chapter 7 for a refresher so it might take me a hot second to actually submit this lol
Ahh okay starting now (but also the previous chapters are just as good if not better the more I read them 🤧…still weak against arsons, can confirm)
I’m so paranoid at this point I feel like every line I’m like highly suspect 🧐🧐🧐
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Falling Star cafe??? 🕵🏽‍♀️
Lady in red 🕵🏽‍♀️
Someone watching the car 🕵🏽‍♀️ (perhaps Jin is continuing a newly formed habit…how could I know 🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️)
Oml homegirl is booooold bringing up the kiss so casual, I’m thoroughly impressed. Ahh a pouty Tae.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait…wait. Hold the phone. Now hand the phone to me…what do you mean desperation drove her into his arms
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(post note: agreed the boy is down BAD - the little wince I give every time he calls her jagiya)
And yet indeed (f’s in the chat for Taehyung you guys). The literal anxiety I’m experiencing with this conversation and the rain…you’re so freaking talented wtf. Also I know Tae was up there for me…but I’m now even more firmly shutting that door. I think the kiss needed to happen tho. They both clearly needed to know, the what if would never had gone away otherwise, like tying up loose ends.
Aaaand “Seokjin appears atop the stairs” so back to 🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️
All the smell descriptors make me 🕵🏽‍♀️ too I’m over here like vanilla??? 🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♀️ what does it mean??? I know they shouldn’t but again IM SO PARANOID NOW
Okay I’m getting major “I must not tell lies” vibes rn. He??? 🕵🏽‍♀️
Seokjin’s “what can I do”🥺 (clearly my loyalties have not been swayed…yet)
I feel like I held my breathe for that entire flashback section ahhh. Okay BUT I ALMOST SAID YADIEL EARLIER (bc I reread the previous chapters first) but if I’m being honestly for some reason my brain said Yadiel=she even tho upon further recollection he was used as Yadiel’s pronouns for sure like brain why you do that??? Also every softboi™ JK moment feels like a punch to the gut
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The casual way he says I had to set some important buildings on fire I can’t. I went from 🥺 (bc of JK softboi™ shit) to 😂 so fast I think I have whiplash now. I love Jin (a continued thread)
The knife…I got literal chills reading just now 🥶
In conclusion:
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We need answers dammit
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ok breaking this down because YES
1. why am I not surprised that you actually went back to chapter 7 lol, the dedication is remarkable. but this is good, we needed the research on arsons. It would look like the phenomena is continuing aka we're all still super into Jin and his arson tendencies
2. I honestly thought about telling you which things you should and should not be suspicious of (you mentioned the café, the woman in red, etc.) but then I realized that that would be no fun and I should just let you continue to suffer. sooo happy suffering lol but you're a smart cookie, there's almost everything something to be suspicious of
3. She just needed to bring that kiss up, or else homeboy would have never brought it up I swear smh, props to her
4. for those of you wondering what line miq is talking about, it's this one regarding JK:
"You’ve always made it clear that there was nothing going one between you two, despite the few times you slipped up and the desperation from living on the streets drove you into his arms-"
My only response is this:
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5. Ooh, so many mixed responses on Tae! It's interesting because back when I had you guys take the survey, he and Jimin were tied for the top. Interesting. Very interesting.
6. Vanilla. The scent of vanilla. You're right on this one, there's a reason why I threw that in there, once again your sleuthing skills amaze me. you learned well during your time with the pact lol
7. Agh, Seokjin. That man. I see that your loyalty still lies with him, but you're also on edge lol. you know me so well.
8. Dude, the flashback bit was honestly one of my favorite parts of this entire chapter. We'll be getting some bonus flashbacks very soon! And YES! Yadiel was mentioned in previous chapters, as her first kill. Yay so happy you noticed!
10. wouldn't be Jin if he didn't set something on fire lol
11. yes. the knife. I absolutely loved that detail, in the sickest way possible lol
12. I literally cackled out loud at the last bit. YOU'LL GET YOUR ANSWERS IN DUE TIME OK.
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Okay! Back. Sorry it took so long, I had some stuff to do, and I also had to rewatch some of the Carlos scenes lol.
Anyway! Quick last little thoughts before the actual review, consider that if Carlos becomes a detective we may not get to see Police™ Carlos anymore, bc no outfit 😔😔 Nah jk lol, mostly, it just hit me and I was like aH that would be funky xdd. But seriously YES please Detective!Carlos :)))))))). As I saw in a post I will reblog later, manifestinggggg.
Also, again I'd just like to bring up how awesome Grace is 😭😭😭. Like look at that girl. She was angry and hurt and she acknowledged that maybe it wasn't super rational but it was what she was feeling (which she's always been good at but still manages to improve :)) ) and then she dove right into it and invited the woman over for dinner 😭😭😭. I love her, she's an icon.
Okay!! :)))
Now it's time for the. . .
Okay! So. I very much enjoyed this episode. It almost felt sorta odd having a plot actually wrap up in an episode xDD. Like, the main plot, I guess (Owen's is more on going, and I'm assuming we'll get more with Grace and Judd on that subject). But, there weren't really any big cliffhangers, is my point - stuff wrapped up, at least partly. Yk when like professional dough-ers (idek, like bread making people or whatever xDD what am I doing lol, also people who make it not it making people lol xDD) chop dough up with their little metal thing and it still sorta looks together but you can tear out and it like has a stopping point and is there both as a whole and individually? Well that last bit of the sentence makes more sense than the entire metaphor (what can I say? Pretty sure I need to write out my whole process here lol) but yeah like that.
XDD Anyways, yeah.
I loved Grace and Judd's storyline, if more for the feelings than the plot itself. I thought the plot itself was fine, certainly interesting, but I feel like there's other things they could've done :/. Nonetheless, the emotions were ALL THERE (Grace mopping in that kitchen scene 😭😭😭 and afterwards I mean lol like the whole thing xdd), and of course, the acting was, as always, phenomenal. Also, Judd and his glasses 👍👍. Get it, boy (lol xD).
Now, Owen!
Ehhhnnnhhhh, y'all know I feel about Owen. But I actually didn't mind him and his storyline too much the episode! Wish he didn't have to be the savior once again, but if it's the producer's will it's the producer's will, lol. Anyway, I thought it wasn't a horrible plot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And at least it was very funny, lol xDD. But, I'm sure he'll get a love interest that sticks eventually, and he'll have to either shape up or we'll dislike her too <3 <3.
Anyway lol, I think you know what's coming next xDD ;).
Most specifically, Carlos <3 <3 <3
Look buddie (buddie 😳)/bud then, you got full, texted out, hearts. Wild 😍😍. Lol xDD. Anyway,Carlos was a g e n i u s this episode and I love him so hard for it <3 <3 <3. We do really stan so hard for it lol xDD <3. But, seriously, he was taking on the clues, the case, the circumstance, the research, whatever. Idk what this sentence is/was lol but whatever xDD. That Tarlos scene was ADORABLE and I'm just glad Carlos is moving up in the world 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Not that it's required, but since I'm pretty sure he wants it, he deserves it :'))). Also maybe get a discussion about it with TK 👀? Or at least after the fact, if (when hopefully!!! 😁😁😁😁) he does, kinds like how TK did with him when he was talking about his problems with how he interacted with Nancy. Idk, just some kinda parallel to that would be cool 🥰🥰🥰. But, if it does, I don't think it'll happen till later in the season (naturally, but fairly late, or at least a while from now even if it's in the making for earlier episodes than that), possibly the last few episodes or the finale. And, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't believe we'll have a mid-season finale since we didn't start in fall - so, therefore, it's not a "winter" finale. It would just be a middle break for fun finale xDD. Anyway, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but it was all cute 🥰🥰🥰. ALSO, of course, THE "FATHER-IN-LAW", EVEN WITH THE "MORE OR LESS" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍❤️😍🥰😍🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍🥰❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. I just- I love them, especially him, okay?? 😭😭😭. Well I actually love them both equally but yk him right now I'm talking about because he said it and we saw more of him this episode (in general, and than TK) 🥰🥰🥰. Also, just him saying "my boyfriend thinks I'm a control freak" (he is, unfortunately, but it's okay baby, lol, we all have our flaws), I- aGH, I love them :)))) :'))))) 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰😁😁. Idk, I just like them (and any other couple) acknowledging what they are, especially to other people 🥰🥰🥰. Or just mentioning each other, even. So iconic, and loving ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, I love them so much :))).
And as usual, I am in love with the 126 <3 <3 <3. Well, it's more like I am love them, but yk :)))) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Anyway, Mateo was hilarious (and heartfelt, as he's so good at being - both of them, I mean, if not always basically at once or one right after the other, but probably usually lol), and he could really clearly see down to the route of Cap's problem. Nice :)) 😁👍. I mean, a lot of them could, but I feel like Mateo just gets people really nicely :)). Anyway, Marjan was cute and adorable and funny and great and amazing as usual 🥰🥰🥰🥰 (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️), and Paul, yes :). Him <3 <3 <3. And him getting Judd out! Emotional :'(( and iconic :')). You get him out of there, he's your family. And, natural, Judd being iconic. Love how honest he was with Grace, especially there at the beginning <3. "I have no secrets from my wife" dang right you don't. Heck yeah <3 <3 <3. You have no secrets from her <3 <3 <3 (or whatever he said exactly sorry I don't remember right now xdd). And, again, yes, those glasses xD. But yeah, love them, and, of course, their honesty <3 <3 <3 <3. Also, Wyatt's sweet :)). A baby - my child now. Love you sir, son <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.
Lol, anyways, yeah!
Overall- I loved this episode, even though it had some bits I wasn't a huge fan of, I thought it was a really great concept with some amazing Carlos content, and teases for the future :))) 🥰🥰. Everyone was great in this episode, or at least no one (looking at you Owen) was bad, so that's good for me :)) 😌😌😌😌 ^'^. So yeah! I absolutely loved the episode :). Glad to be picking back up into the normal swing of things - the ice storm was great, as were it's episodes, and their cliffhangers and continuations onto/through each other, but I'm happy to be back to a little bit of a semblance of normal :)). I thought it was a great episode :D.
So, yeah! Amazing, I loved it :)).
That was my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 3, Episode 5: Child Care
I'm super excited for next week!!! Next week will be. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 3, Episode 6: The ATX-Files
See you then ;) :))!!!
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
hey heyy!! I have checked the links again and so far it works on mobile (but only in browser for me) and not the mobile app. Forgive me for not clarifying earlier that i have just tried the links awhile ago on the app itself;; but all in all, it's alright with desktop browser and mobile browser except for the mobile app— in my case. No worries about that tho! As long as it still works~
And yes, it's just alright to not reply immediately!! :D I actually appreciate you taking the time to reply despite your busy schedule <333 so just reply whenever you're ready and free ok? 💖
I have also seen the new anon who joined 😳 Hello 😊 anon~ we very much welcome you here :DD i hope you enjoy your stay !! (^∇^)ノ♪
i'm so glad you're getting anons now 😩 you deserve it so much :3 and good luck with your school !! I'll always be here, as usual. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
— 🍰.
hgngnhng i don't know how to fix it tbh?? 😖 i did consider putting it all on one long post under a read more, but uh. yeah. idk. i'm glad it works in some places though 😂
yeah, np!! thank you for understanding!! 💕💕 my question was more along the lines of "you sent me three asks, can i pick one of the three at random to reply or would you rather i reply to the first one?" 😂 sorry if it was confusing! 🥲
dude i'm so happy i got another anon!! i too hope they enjoy their stay here uwu
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borahaejenn · 2 years
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🎉FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS j-hobiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!! THE TIME HAS COME!!!🎉
  HAPPPPYYYY 28/29 YEARS!!!!!!!!!! Hobi I hope you don’t mind but I may call you j-hobi a lot here, today! I kept saying it a lot in my head a lot and I thought it cute.😭 I am sorry in advance.  But, dang you are officially a month and a couple weeks older than me. Lol CLUB 28/29 LET’S GOOOOO, BABY!!!!!!! I would like to say thank you for doing your best in taking care of your health and above all else, yourself in general. If it wasn’t for also Jung Hoseok, we would not have the j-hobi we have today too. I thought about that a lot. I wish to thank your parents for giving birth to you today, but also, you. You have also been the one who brought the person you are here today and that possibly took a lot out of you to do so and that is why I also want to thank you in that format. 😊 You have also given us the greatest gift today: yourself. 🙏 How are you today? I am laughing so hard because Jin went at it again and already congratulated you so early. I back down. Lol I always just do it a day early and today it is earlier because I am posting at like 12 am so it feels longer. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I see you JIN. 🙂 I SEE HOW IT IS. LOL I love you still though. 😂😂😂😂
    I also have to say that I have a special guest today: SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPY. LOL  SNOOOOOOP IS IN DIS HOUSEEEEE!!!!!!! I waited forever to say this. I saw your pasts posts through the days and I was in my head like: “Wait till he sees what I got for his birthday.”🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was too hyped to hold it in but I couldn’t say anything. 😭😭 Just imagine me putting this giant Snoopy doll in a bow and I am just giving the lil one to you. The photos will be in the blog and it is a lot because I just loved having Snoopy around. He looks so DOOOOPEEEE WITH MANG!!!!!!  I have not had something half my size as a doll and it was just great to hug something almost my size.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  I see now why Jin got a giant RJ. Lol it just feels amazing. 😆
    Want me to get into your gifts????? I got many for you all to see! 👍😳 Yes, I am going straight for it! I can’t hold it in longer. The first one 💝is the weverse magazine shoot. And I will post the interview after this letter but it will just be the words.  Don’t worry. Hehe The photos will all be in our magic shop.  This shoot was awesome because as I wrote to Jimin before, I used a different editing method and I was heavily inspired by Bangtan’s Lisa Frank Paper Magazine spread and the artist Banksy.  I have to thank Banksy, Paper Magazine, Lisa Frank, and your photographer for that shoot, Hong Jang Hyun. 🤟😎 I WENT ALL OUT, but in a different way. The theme was darkness but in regards to Blue Side and I go into it more in the interview. Your birth flowers also played a big part, Hobi. I loved messing with the water more and I got a blue scarf and it was hella fun!!!! I got a lot of cool shots with the wet scarf on me, I felt like those marble sculptures with the veils on them. I was going for that look and it worked. Lol But, it symbolized the feeling of being covered in blue. I thought of how Blue Side identified with a feeling of being somewhere in between the feelings of a solemn energy and one that holds the harsh realities of ones life. You also wrote about you thought of a blue haven that comforted, but hardened and cooled you off at the same time. I loved the idea of Blue Side being a veil that is very light but heavy because of the water the veils carries because of how wet it is. I don’t know but I loved that sentiment. When you see the photos I hope you can see what I mean. Lol I think at first glance you may not have this thought going in your head unless I told you.😂There is some photos I did in a lighter format and I had fun picking out different overlays of rainbows and bubbles. I will say that for each photo, there was no specific theme in the editing settings that can create exactly what I did unless I shared what I searched in depth. Each little detail in each photo was picked out and added on overtime with you in mind as well. Each clouds and lights and shapes were created and placed through time and this was what I meant by one search led to another because there was so many little details you could add by searching for it lol and I was overwhelmed with picking so many of them, but I enjoyed it. Like I kid you not, I went and looked up “purple clouds” in the canva website and I got  like 100 results and if you click on one overlay it gives you recommendations to other overlays which lead to more different purple clouds. 😂😂😂😂😂 They all looked so pretty it was hard to pick but I had get realistic and do it. Lol These photos were crafted with your heart in mind. 😊 But, thank you for making Blue Side. I can’t thank you enough for even finishing it and I really do hope that the music you are making these days is what you have been waiting to create after Hope World. I can’t wait and I wish to say, FIGHITNG j-hobiiiiiii!!!!!!!!💜I hope everyone can enjoy the magazine photos and thoughts this time around. 🙏
   The second gift 💝 is your playlist! I used the same editing app to create the cover and do photos with MANG! 🥰 It was a split shoot because I became mushrooms with Mang for the second half lol I picked a purple theme for Hobi’s vintage tee and I LOVE IT SOO MUCH TOO!!! It is CYPHER PT.4 HOBI!!!! 😆😆😆😆👏👏👏👏 I don’t think Fromm would ever know just how much I loved her music from such a long time, but I got inspired by her CELLOPHANE album and I did that theme for your playlist cover with Mang. I got some cool plastic overlays and I tried to make the covers as if they are in a cd but in my own way. 😭 I thought it cool and Mang looks so awesome!! I got a piece of green cellophane and just went for it. I had to ask my sister if she could let me use her hands to model for one of the covers. Lol I loved how in Fromm’s cover she had someone possibly in her staff team hold the orange piece of cellophane on top of her face and I wanted to try it out. I also added the song SUNSET PANORAMA  as the last track after BLUE SIDE.  I loved these lyrics from Fromm’s track: “Still you are afraid of most days / I get eaten by old movies I liked / I think everything is so fast / I wanna go together in a common day / In a lazy afternoon and dreams / I wanna go together to our summer / Dragging slippers / To the place to see the evening stars.”  I thought of how you say “Back to blue side” at the end and I wanted to put a light sentiment to it by holding this imagery of pulling you out of the blue side and bringing you into the warmth and serenity of summer, even if it is for a bit. I loved that imagery. 😊 The songs kind of are like opposites and I love it! You say “Back to blue side” and I say “I wanna go together to our summer.”  I love the songs on this playlist a lot as well!  We got a mix of different sounds and mixes and you can tell I listened to alot of Blake Rose and Salt-N-Pepa!!!! I fell so hard for Blake Rose’s music like it is so nice and good and the homie is it! I be cleaning and cooking and I blast his music on shuffle and I can’t stop! I am a fan of his just as much as I am of Fromm!! Lol I also was happy to go back to Salt-N-Pepa. As a kid I heard their music and I never got to hear a full album of theirs just songs here and there through the years and I went down the list and I LOVE THEM!!!!! The tracks are fire and I missed their sound and vibe and you can dance to their beats and I love the production in their music. DOPER THAN DOPE and GET UP EVERYBODY (GET UP) are lit to me!!!! I had to add them! The first track BE WITH YOU by Rootkit and Gloria Kim speaks for itself. I love the lyrics and the sound is lovely and I had to add it first! I love it so much I added it to my work out playlist too. I fell hard for that track the first time I heard it all and I was like “THIS IS GOING FOR HOBI.” 🤣🤣🤣 The song WHOLE by Jordan Hart is also a beautiful one and one of my favorites. I love these lyrics: “All of your broken chords / Cut by another's words / It's time to let it go / And fill your cup / Don't give away too much / It's give and take with us / And here is home / Once a silhouette of all you are / Now the vacancy inside my heart / Is whole, whole / Take the time you need to change and heal / Let me show you you were made to feel / Whole, whole.” I had to give it to you as well. I love the words so much and I just love the sentiment so much.  I can’t with “It’s give and take with us and here is home.” 😭😭😭😭 lord my heart!!!! Homie express the idea of being equal in love in a healthy manner and I dig it. The idea of telling someone to fill their cup first and feel whole is just lovely. Plus, I do think it is give and take with us too. We all always meet up halfway one way or another. It is never just one sided in the figurative sense. I also am a huge fan of Elina. I loved the track BLUE because of these lyrics as well: “Same scars but they're different now /They fade with the passing time / As they do, no need to fight / Cold hand and a burning home / You've seen some of the rougher storms of my life / But that was before / I miss the times I spent with you / Our warm nights of stargazing and summers in bloom /They always end so soon / But truth is, though our days are through / There's a part of me that's a part of you / What was colors and blues / Fade under layers of new / But I'm not sure if I want it to / Life will paint new ways / Love will come and go and it will stain / We were colors and blues / We'll be replaced with the new / But I'm not sure if I want us to / Not sure if I want us to.” That “There’s a part of me that’s a part of you” is sweet but melancholic it gave me Blue Side vibes as well as the “cold hand and a burning home.” 💙 I dig it.  Well, I hope you can all enjoy this playlist too but only if you want to listen. Lol ❤️ Happy listening!🎧
   The last gift 💝 is your painting the one I waited so long to show you and figuratively give to you! It is so dark and shaded and I LOVE IT!!! I thought of what you said before about entering a dark era but that shows maturity in the essence of you and I just wanted to support that and remind you that darkness is something you can also pull off so freaking well! I got the inspiration from one of your photos from the TEAR album version R concept photos and I remember just being in awe in how your photos came out and I loved it as the theme for this painting. I kept watching a bunch of horror films while finishing up because it was a lot of different dark shades and I was just so focused on it to add them in and I just wanted to hear something in the background as I worked on it. Lol I got use to podcasts in the background that I can now watch a film and just be happy listening to the dialogue and I would know what is happening still without looking at the screen😂😂😂 But, in the blog post I added the process first and then the full blown result and I took a lot of different angles and the sun was out and it was perfect!!!!!😭😭😭😭 I hope you all love it! Darkside Hobi is just so handsome and sick!!!!! Hell yeah!!!!! I love how it was so sunny that day that the sun made the darkness look even more saturated. Our Hobi looks so awesome!!!! 🖤✊🤪🖤 I wish to remind you that I love the darkness you already carry because without it I would never be able to see that smile and energy you have so naturally.  It may be odd to say this again, but the darkness feels like the driving force behind the color in who you are. It is like one can’t have the other without the other and I admire how you have been using the darker parts of you to create something beautiful and light for others to see just by being around you. I love you too. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍 Thank you j-hobi!!!!!!!
   I will go and post now on here. Before I forget, because I, by now would have already posted everything in the blog, lol scroll all the way down to see the posts in order. If you start at the top you will get the last post. Unless you want to see it from that point. It doesn’t matter which order but just wanted to say this just in case.Lol I am happy because Tumblr lets you draft all your posts and I can easily write everything in advance and just click post when I am ready to do so and it all goes on the blog a lot more smoothly. Lol I had the photos and everything ready since yesterday lol but this letter I wrote just now so it is fresh but I had to paste it to the drafted post I made with photos.  But, please make sure you eat something delicious today Hobi!!!!! Hope you can spend some time with family and Bangtan even if its is from afar lol and even if you may work a bit. I wish I could send you some cake lol like the one you gave Kook for his birthday last year. I still think of that cake.😭😭😭 But, thank you for being born Hoseok. Thank you for being one of the precious flowers I get to see while I even walk this path I am taking with you all. I PURPLE U Jung Hoseok!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨HAPPY HOPE, HOBI, J-HOPE, J-HOBI, AND EVEN JAY DAY! ✨LOL I still remember the nickname ARMY would give to you every time you would be in the US.🤣🤣🤣 I love it too! But, I would choose to be a sun any day if I get to shine light in a beautiful flower such as yourself. Ahhhh!!!!! I got soft some more.😭😭😭 Okay, I will get going OUR GOLDEN ARDILLITA!!! TE AMO! 🐿💕 Ardillita in Spanish means squirrel in a cute way. Hehe  
With Love,
🎂Your JENN🐰, MANG🦄, AND SNOOPY🐶!!!!🎂
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hotchley · 2 years
omg bestie your posts ab TM are absolutely making me want to pick up the series again but I've gotta finish Leverage first 💀
also if you're ever looking for more show recommendations please let me know!! I would literally scream just to see what are your thoughts on some of my other favorite shows 😳🤭
(also might or might not have tagged you in a tag game/list thing so you probably should know my user now hehe)
i hope you're having a great day/night ahead 😘 lots of love!!! and if you're ever keen on talking about The Mentalist/writing for TM please feel free to hmu 🤩 I've been away from the fandom for awhile now (almost 2 years oops) but seeing you get into the show now is reigniting my passion for it LOL
I'm sorry can you tell that I'm excited? XD 😅
keep safe, sending lots of love & best wishes 🥰
s 🌙
(also I forgot to reply to your earlier qn in the tags but I'm fine with being tagged as both 🌙anon and selene <3 (iirc you tag this way right? sorry if I got it wrong oops) if you want to! whatever works best for you ❤️)
I'm watching the mentalist now!! It's great <3
Oh I will- at the moment the only things I consistently watch are The Mentalist, 9-1-1: Lone Star (it's less commitment than 9-1-1) and Young Royals (it's a rewatch) but I'm also slowly losing all my free time ahaha
(And yes, I do!!)
Oh I will :)
Ahh don't apologise for being excited!!
Love you too <3
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