#yolkcheeks talks
yolkcheeks · 9 months
Just chilling & watching silly little videos when Her Ladyship shows up, evicts her sister from the couch, lays down where she was and tap tap taps me with her paw. I try to pet her and she tries to bite me. I let her have her spot on the couch, she whines that I am even daring to touch her.
Ma’am /you/ put /yourself/ here.
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yolkcheeks · 4 months
possible new rotation subject: Tyrian World Religions 201
I was reading the wiki for funsies (as one does) and noticed in the article on Lyssa a throwaway note that the norn consider her a “spirit of action” with a footnote to an archive of Guild Mag. Indeed, on page 14 a developer went into how the different races filter conceptions of their fellows’ gods/spirits/philosophy thru their own experiences, such as the asura seeing human gods as larger equations in the Eternal Alchemy and the norn see the human gods as spirits of action, with Balthazar being War and Kormir being Knowledge. They would be called such by norn—obviously this is lore that didn’t make it into the game because norn NPCs and PC dialogue options alike refer to Balthazar not (Spirit of) War.
Which already- war can be a domain or an action but knowledge is a domain. One would think the action would be learning or study or observation or something… tho I appreciate the alliteration. But it of course doesn’t go further into it so we don’t know how the other gods’ domains translate for the norn. They aren’t all as straightforward, often having dominion over multiple areas both due to the shifting over time as gods fell or ascended and the doylist need to have a particular god of whatever class you pick.
Balthazar, dominion over war, fire, and challenge. Spirit of War, and boy does he live up to it. *
Kormir, dominion over order, spirit and truth. Spirit of Knowledge. Interesting choice since humans tend to focus more on her aspect as Goddess of Truth. *
Dwayna, dominion over healing, air, and life. First of the gods to arrive on Tyria from the mists when they put humans there. Church of Dwayna worships as Goddess of Life. I perceive her as the head of the pantheon, with additional influence over medicine (human story) and motherhood (see below). Possibly Spirit of Healing? Or of Assistance, given the nature of prayers/flavor dialogue associated with her.
Grenth, dominion over death, ice, darkness (and being baby boy. In-universe mari llywd probably.) Associated with casting off of illusions, defeat of false gods, etc. Worshipped as God of Death. Obvious answer would be Spirit of Death but due to Dhuum and also I prefer more action, how about Spirit of Fallow or Spirit of Inevitability (per statue description)
Melandru, dominion over nature, earth, and growth. Considered the oldest & wisest, worshiped as Goddess of Nature.
- May have had an aspect named Mellaggan (bounty, wealth of the ocean) who appeared to the Quaggans but was killed by krait at some point in the distant past.
- obviously all the spirits are part of nature, so I suspect she’s the Spirit of Growth.
Lyssa, dominion over beauty, water, and illusion. Worshipped as Goddess of Beauty but her parables and associations with chaos seem to more emphasize illusions. Possibly Spirit of Inspiration given her favoring art and culture? Interested in the implications of Lys & Ilya + triple-faced sigil.
Abadon, dominion over deep water, knowledge, and magic. Titled God of Secrets. Lore snippet suggests he used to appear in the form of a handsome & calm man with wings as blue as the ocean, appearance changed over time thru torment into squidhead we know and love. Apparently made the Sirens Landing reliquaries, further cementing Secrets as his main thing so I feel safe saying he would be (have been) the Spirit of Secrecy.
Dhuum, dominion over death undeniable, voice in the void, etc. also has a helmet with fuckassbig horns, both more and less humanoid than Grenth. Spirit of Annihilation sounds good to me.
Menzies the Mad, Lord of Destruction. Yeah I know we aren’t sure he’s a god but I feel safe assuming he basically would be one if humans worshipped him. Allegedly is more associated with destructive/deceptive battle than valorous & honorable Balthazar, but given recent events… possibly the Spirit of Bloodthirst or Vengence?
The three queens! Lesser spirits of defense/wrestling/etc? No idea.
Anyhow. That’s some thoughts.
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yolkcheeks · 7 months
I wonder if part of the reason that Zakuro is how she is (Doylist, not Watsonian) is on account of pomegranate > Grenada > the Catholic Monarchs
Because like, Grenada isn’t just a city that happens to be Pomegranatopolis, it’s decorated with pomegranates in all the municipal structures like pylons and whatever. And it was also where Ysabella and Ferdinand had one of their favorite palaces. And that might also lead to her being the mysterious, cultured one who speaks several languages.
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yolkcheeks · 5 months
Catching a random episode of Sailor Moon R and it’s the one where ChibiUsa’s dealing with the news about Usagi being *gasp* Sailor Moon and the introito Esmeraude and oh my god she is such a massive bitch I love her.
Also i am imagining NQS talking openly about her friends around Chibs so much she tunes it out. Like I get that part of the deal was NQS was so poised and elegant but I can’t imagine an Usagi who is quiet or cold- not in the OG anime at least, I love Princess Sailor Moon.
And now I made myself sad because the way she interacts with Ikuko… you might not recognize your cool adult mom as s goofy teen but grandma and mom aren’t as far apart as life stages, from a kid’s perspective. So in Crystal Tokyo I, Ikuko was long dead, small lady never got to meet her grandmother.
Also dang even knowing exactly where everything is going, the music cords and pacing still get me! Oh no! She ran off with the brooch! Key don’t work!! Oh no!
Fuckin delightful
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yolkcheeks · 11 months
Okay let’s talk Cafe Mew Mew New, because I think I could get the ingredients for most of this. Throwing up a cut since we are still in the first day after release but this is just about the food, not the plot.
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In the foreground we’ve got orange and apple juices- possibly carbonated given the corks, so something like Arancita & Mattinelli’s- and some little cups of something pink garnished with a little berry and a mint leaf. Now, for obvious reasons I wanna say that’s a pomegranate aril, but the charcuterie board seems to have them. Maybe a miracle berry and that’s something usually tangy or sour? I could see Akasaka doing something creative like that. Actually looking closer it’s a lighter pink, a layer of cream, then a thin layer of a darker pink/ purple which seems translucent, so maybe a jelly of some sort. Dragon fruit is close to that color, so maybe a pitaya mouse with a little pastry cream and then the jelly layer is also dragonfruit, with the “berry” being like a boba bubble of the same stuff.
Then there’s the charcuterie board, with prosciutto, pomegranate arils, rosemary, edamame, and some sort of soft smoked cheese, based on the thickness of the cuts and the rind. Probably Spanish or Italian, based on the other flavors on the board.
Deconstructed caprese.
Okay specifically baby mozzarella slices between vine-ripened cherry tomatoes and garnished with julienned basil. I choose to believe there’s more basil in a serving container just out of shot because that so little basil.
Single bite things! Enormous Be Our Guest energy because the pics say sandwiches but the cubes say cake. I’m going with sandwiches; garnished with cucumber & tomato is a white bread cream cheese situation, maybe cucumber sandwiches, maybe more like a flavored spread situation. The pink and white ones are cubes of ham and cheese, which makes sense with the olives and the prosciutto already in frame.
That does make all the food in on the table savory, except the coups, so maybe they’re little cups of borscht? With sour cream on top and uhhh… beet foam and a tiny leaf of sage? If I do this I will just put dill tbh.
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yolkcheeks · 5 months
holy fuck damn gotdamn adrenaline go zoom back go ouch brain returning to oatmeal
I missed out on all my airport traditions but at least we are ON THE FLIGHT
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yolkcheeks · 8 months
So here’s a take which I think is downright tepid yet still am deliberately putting here instead of FB on account of boomer relatives likely making themselves annoying!
If anyone actually believed that it is a few bad apples and cops as a whole are mostly good family men invested in protecting all citizens in the area they serve out of a sense of civic duty- you know, your basic copaganda fairytale- all you have to do is look at what the police themselves do to see it ain’t so.
like, ok, we know by now that Uncle Politics Guy and Karenus Bluelinea ignore any statistics which don’t suit them and will whip out special pleading every time there’s another incident where a cop brutalizes or murders someone unless there’s a oner showing the whole thing, in which case there’s one of the bad apples.
So in their view of the world, most cops are good guys with guns and a few totally different people slip through. They also can see that a huge swath of the population does not trust cops and judges the incidents they say are fine a lot more harshly. We know they know this due to the way such folks will bring up how hard it must be for heroic innocent good guy cops to be subject to such vitriol. So, to recap, cops are mostly good, and there’s a loud and growing public sentiment they are not, damaging their PR and morale.
What would be the logical response for the cops in such a scenario? Probably to take steps towards:
Removing the Bad Cops, not just when they do something egregious and the public outcry is so loud they are forced to act, but as a preventative measure because they are Good Cops who Want to Protect People Actually- it would really hurt morale even more to keep one of the guys ruining it for everyone else around!
Retraining the Kinda Bad Cops; to the degree that there might be some Bad Apples who Totally Still Deserve a Chance, it would also be in the interest of a culture predominantly populated by civic minded people to make sure all their members are upholding the law, not just because it is their job, but because they’re Good Cops who Care.
Of course sharing PR which directly addresses the people who are upset; whether the perceptions are reasonable and realistic or awful mean liberal bullying of the poor innocent cops, the public clearly no longer trusts the police. That’s a big issue for how police are supposed to function, so you would expect to see campaigns that directly address that loss of trust. Probably something that tells the public about the strides above, maybe even cite some sort of external oversight or study that shows their particular department is so full of very good cops who never get violent with the citizens they are sworn to protect.
But, I know this is not a shock to anyone who follows me, that is not what we seen happening with police departments across the US (in the specific only because I can’t speak to other countries’ cops). What do we see?
Cops who have been a repeated and expensive problem for their department get promotions and often their pattern of misconduct only comes to light when they finally are caught murdering or brutalizing someone and gain national attention.
Cops who have done things which would get them fired from any other job, who are not disciplined at all or who are put on desk duty until attention dies down.
Cops who show a clear disregard for human life, from laughing at the “low value” of a young woman brutally killed by an on-duty officer, to writing up reports in which a victim they judge as undesirable (usually sex workers, PoC, unhoused people, and other demographics who are overall subject to discrimination) as having “no human involved”
Cops making fun of, blowing off, and showing extreme resistance to any professional development which challenges bias or otherwise overlaps with DEAI training.
Cops who do try to bring attention to injustice within their department being stymied, intimidated, and (special shout-out to the NYPD) subject to involuntary commitment to shut them up which is subsequently memorialized as a full color enamel challenge coin showing a rat in a straight jacket. Oh and can’t forget the more recent incident where they beat one of their own to death “accidentally” during a “training exercises” like an extra fucked up sparagmos.
Cops who are high ranking within their hierarchy demonstrating the expectations of police culture by not just ignoring but engaging in all of the above.
Of course neither list is exhaustive, just taking a bird’s eye view of what you would expect from an organization which aims to protect and to serve, and what we actually see happening. These actions point to an organization that not only is refusing the judgement of a large fraction of the populace which the fairy tale claims they serve- and that they serve everyone is definitely part of Uncle Politics Guy’s perspective because folks who pity the poor wittle cops love to crow that the libs will be crying for police back if we actually defund/demolish/even slightly discipline the cops. “Who will you call when [racism, usually]?” they ask, implying that in their view, the good guys with guns cops would currently be useful to protect even you, callow cad that you are, from the very scary evil criminals.
These actions point to an organization which not only refuses that judgement, even if they are super sincerely sure it’s not accurate or merited, but rather than demonstrating a commitment to being the good guys with guns, they refuse to engage in anything which would prevent, counter, or clean up after their messes. Remember that reporter who lost her eye while covering a protest? Remember the cop spraying the seated college kids directly in the face with chemical “disincentives”? Rough rides ring a bell?
They get more violent when someone tries to hold them accountable or points out their actions. They insist on special treatment and the law can’t touch them. They use violence on and off the job as a first response to fear, anger, mild annoyance, and will swear up and down they “feared for their life” even when footage comes out showing that no rational person would believe they were in danger, never mind someone who is supposed to be trained in deescalation and non-lethal force.
Cops do not act like an organization of do-gooders with a few fellas who just were too jumpy for the job and made a mistake they feel just awful about. Cops act like an organization which knows it has power and feels entitled to wield it against anyone who opposes them, from protesters to their own men when they try to speak up. Cops behave consistently like they believe they are above the laws which they supposedly enforce despite not knowing them.
You know, when there’s one bad apple in actual apples, it spoils the whole barrel, and farmers don’t fuck around with letting their whole harvest turn. Not the first by far to point that out, but it merits saying. Cops don’t even turn the barrel over to salvage the good ones and the barrel itself is shot through with fungus. You can ignore everything other than what happens to be audio or video recorded and what police themselves say and it still paints the same picture.
#yolkcheeks talks#caution: a take#ACAB#didn’t realize this was gonna be so long I just had a stray thought on my way to PT#I know the back the blue fuckers wouldn’t even do that#because they don’t really believe that#even if they assume the lib media is exaggerating to the greatest degree possible they do know what the score is#they just agree NHI#I was just thinking about how batshit insane it is when you think about the reality which bootlicker greatest hits suggest#I know that’s not the best terminology but I am feeling spicy and trying to type fast#like I just tried to imagine the frutiger aero desktop wallpaper of that world#one glossy stock image of Copmerica#and it falls apart if you look at it for more than a second#they see horrific things happening at the hands of the people who#again supposedly in their view#are the good guys who you can rely on when there is trouble#and are just fine with it#that’s fine#it doesn’t count for some reason#they’re still my precious boys#and they shouldn’t cave to those wild and dangerous libs insisting on#looks at notes#stop killing us#get remedial Good Boy lessons Aka days when you sit around and drink coffee#while a nice consultant with a glasses chain explains how to save the department money by calming the fuck down#but they do spend thousands of dollars on speakers who froth them up to see anyone suspicious as a monsterous wolf#in the US in any interaction with a cop you have to remain aware that#whatever SVU told you#they have been trained to be jumpy and treat any situation in which they feel the slightest bit threatened as mortal peril#fuck cops :)
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yolkcheeks · 9 months
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yolkcheeks · 11 months
Oh man I saw pics of some of Margot Robbie’s Barbie appearances and I really love that she has been working with her stylist to match actual Barbie looks and is maintaining a plasticy rigid smile in photos. Like, if I saw post in 2015 fantasizing about a Barbie movie where the lead actor shows up at press events in in high-end cosplay while channeling Life-Size, I would nod “yes that would be cool, shame it probably won’t ever happen”
It’s a commitment to aesthetic which I find artistic and while I recognized the looks she was referencing for some of them I wanna find a post that matches them up with the sources because I definitely do not recognize all of them.
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yolkcheeks · 8 days
grumble grumble back pain grumble grunmbles stupid stinky old sleep headphones up and died with no warning
Now how am I supposed to go to sleep at a reasonable hour (lies) listening to my nice calm sleep meditation (my kink is karma by chappell roan on repeat) I deserve a comfy sleep, this time I really was up late doing thesis stuff- pulled a couple dozen texture tests until the desk paper dissolved from excess ink.
I cannot believe I am being forced to lay down and actually be in my own brain. Where’s my little treat??
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yolkcheeks · 28 days
back pain spiked last night- bad the night before e with mystery belching too- sleep is getting worse again, swollen node is back, brain extra mushy, backsliding on self maintenance, intrusive ideation, focus nil, technology vexing, scheduling a bear… I don’t even want to hear about my own problems. Hell of my own making. My own damn fault for no respite as well.
I know I should probably be kinder to myself given how much of it is clearly chemical, but I think I should be able to do these things. Noting is actually stopping me other than an inability to wrangle my own mind and being a sleepy little guy.
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yolkcheeks · 2 months
did a pleasant doodle last night of I guess a new oc with the fan character sticker’s left-behind glue still catching dust into a little smudge. With a teeny tiny itsy bitsy little bit of ARG flavor.
Basically, you know how Betty Boop started off as “she’s a … dogGirl?” So this character, bless her, is|was a bird gal, a chicken. She’s gawky and goofy and of course a bit chicken, so we’re talking rubberhose, wibbly eyes, beaky profile, she’s a classic. And then also there’s the sixties eta cartoon in something not unlike the HannahBarbera style, which had a different name for rights reasons but is much beloved by the fans who saw it in live broadcast, something something lost media. But there was also a rumored anime adaptation around when PPGZ came out and this drawing. This is a fanart of that with winking nods at the whole history.
And it’s. She is definitely now a thing I care about and am genuinely playing with? Which is very funny as she only became a fan character in service to a pun.
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yolkcheeks · 5 months
Fuck the gamification of to dos I wanna todoify a game. Gimmee a bunch of colorful balls I gotta snoot or knock around or whatever but I can input a list of things to be printed “on” the balls. Then when I win the claw game or whatever I do the thing and I can tap a button on the honor system to get bonus points. Enrichment!
I got so much to do I can’t think of it all laid out, I start the juggling pattern with Med Stuff which fractals out into appointments soon for insurance stuff, do I need to change the appointment I made for next month I made two months ago, can I negotiate that mri charge down, do I need more, should I be more worried about the nerve thing? About my teeth?
And now it’s schoolwork and organizing and the headaches and bone aches and energy and focus and digging into what those specific individual tasks are
And I can’t list it all
Schoolwork is specific discrete things and my Brian is feuding me won’t write the specifics I do remember out because I can feel the cotton batting back there that I don’t remember it all. And then I’m thinking about all the extra curriculum stuff I need to be doing. How do I sign up for classes? Arg.
I’m stressing myself out worse, just gotta throw my problems in a pile on the laundry chair for the night.
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yolkcheeks · 6 months
Just two more days just two more days
Can’t say if it will be enough and can’t say if I can make it
Gotta pack gotta plan gotta clean up
Gotta set myself up for success upon our return
Gotta hit the shops
Gotta leave time for recreation and for dailies
Tomorrow will be another day another chance
Tomorrow will be the trick; I will awaken and knock one thing after another off my list with the terrible power of a ballerina, making broken bones look like flowing water, but in truth my bones have never felt better, they will be free of pain and chill and tingle. I will hit my marks for the next two days between ten and four and I will be startlingly only physically tied after. My mind will have been and continue to be so clear, and the only negative feeling I have about that is a very mild bashful es that it took me so long to
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yolkcheeks · 6 months
Love to imagine if my personal games were actual play syndicated situations. Not as in the ordeal of technology, building a following, and the pressure of wanting to be as cool and good as professionally trained improv folks. But as in having other folks in the fandom to make art and theories and love on the shenanigans with me. Not even so much for my own characters as for my friends’ characters and the story overall. I want people making sad animatics of how we sunsetted Huck when his player switched to Mags after our one shot was brought back by popular demand. Heck, I can imagine folks being really hyped to go back to Sin Valley and then the drama of a new player and two new characters vs me keeping Relic & SIR HAIIES also sticking around. I got into the game from my gf telling me about her game so I kinda got to be her fandom and she’s been mine- I imagine that also being known more widely and people noticing we both made a Puss in Boots type character and someone making a 20 minute video essay chewing the walls comparing Relic (little clockwork automaton with a touch of Reepicheep Syndrome, attracted to glory but declines a plum job because it’s offered in a high pressure way and he is a kitty, they play a rack of wooden hand bells, remembers a sadder past than he may actually have but talks about it to nobody as what they believe happened includes believing it was his fault) to Simon (tiefling poetry bard whomst has a real life binder of poems to work from, technically what he philosophically is is far more complicated, the opposite of Just a Lil Guy) and finding connections I can’t see because I’m too close.
Now we are in a game together and I’m sticking it out because I love getting to play with her, tho I took a while to feel like I was in the game and I’m not as connected with it as I am with other gems I’ve played. Upside: I am playing a squishy himbo and fully am at peace with when he eventually is facing a tough situation and throws himself onto the grenade for the rest of the party. Like, I don’t have a backup character for that setting, but I think the one I have now should die. He should die in battle in a slightly dumb way ideally and his untimely loss will galvanize the party in a way that they don’t quite have yet.
I want people trying to chart how I went from Tondri “can I eat it?” Arcane trickster & reluctant heir, to Relic the calliope beanie baby, to Peat being made of rocks but so soft.
I am sure I have posted before about fantasy animatics for what was the finale of my first game. Shipper on deck for Tondri x our cleric, the bard battle, “I drugged you all!” Just… so much good shit. I wish I could share that.
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yolkcheeks · 6 months
Poor sweet soft crimes child got herald locked in a closet she shouldn’t have snuck into, and as I had headphones on to not keep papà up i didn’t here her until I was myself coming to bed
And naturally I did so long after I ought have or wanted to yet my body remains stubbornly awake. People think of depression as like sleeping for 72 hours but I am simply tired all the time and can’t sleepy at appropriate hours. I almost don’t want to bother continuing to try to fix it since I’ll be time traveling soon enough (but actually because of the immense shame at still failing yet again)
And how she was very leg rubs and head bumpers and even hung out in the bed kneading a blanket for 30 seconds when I gave her a lift- seriously hitting all the cuteness beats
We got shot nails with ridges and long cuticles that are dry, ankles and spine what go pop, shooting pain in left wrist- from keyboard? Phone? Who knows! Feet feelin kinda swollen too, cold knees, shin got scratched at some point apparently, calves longing for a stretch I can’t sustain, spinal pain is a pain in the ass actually, more the right side today, and then there’s all the poppling crackling nonsense in the shoulder girdle. Brain is… so fogged so headache in temples and from neck, I can’t remember all the balls in the air and more are knocking out teeth all the time.
Worst pies in London is stuck in my head as well.
Alright time to try grabbing the cat back, see if she will cuddle.
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