#you are more than welcome 2 dump stuff in my inbox anytime!!!!
cquackity Β· 3 years
HI!!!!!! my dsmp hot takes would probably be:
-i like c!ranboo, he was my first favorite character and cc, but ive lost so much investment in him overtime because of the sheer amount of unsolved mysteries about him that have never been answered and, with his lore having been shelved atm, probably never will :(. the mysteries were so intriguing and engrossing at first, but with time going on for him to only create more unanswered questions instead of solve any of them i think ultimately hinders his character a lot. seriously, it's been 8 months since his january lore and we still don't even know what his other half is nor what his and c!dreams relationship is 😭😭😭
(^ THAT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE CRIT AT ALL BTW!!!! i still 100% respect cc!ranboo and know he's always had trouble getting people involved with his lore but my qualms are still there.)
-stop telling artists how to draw characters. stop. dude. just stop. if you don't like a headcanon that's fine but that's all they are. Headcanons. just move on... one of the best parts about this fandom is the art and how much it all varies, just stop. please 😭 pig techno is awesome! anime techno is awesome! zombie wilbur is so cool! white streak tommy is super nice! goat horns tubbo is wonderful! cardigan and hair clips tommy is amazing! etc, etc!! Just Move On And Respect Headcanons!!!!!
sorry about dumping this Monster in your inbox man 😭😭 totally cool if you don't agree with me though btw - id love to hear your thoughts :D!!
HI CALLI !!!! WONDERFUL TAKES AS ALWAYS !!!!!!!! i agree with you about c!ranboo, i think he has the opportunity to tell a really compelling story. but that's just.... Not Happening right now. nor does it look like it will anytime soon πŸ˜” having a dsmp interest way later than everyone else, i don't really have an attachment to c!ranboo tbh. i can only imagine how exciting it was watching his lore live, and i think missing out on that and how Stuck his character is just didnt make me all that much of an enthusiast. what i love most about c!ranboo is the fanart, tbh. artists who draw c!ranboo are SO fucking talented, and there are so many different phenomenal fan designs for him. but in the end though there are just. many puzzles about his character that can only be solved with more lore. most of all i really want to fucking know what's going on with him and c!dream, feeling SO normal about the unsolved mystery of who set the explosives up in the prison! i am personally convinced its c!ranboo. also not crit on my end, i still really do love c!ranboo!!!!! i just don't think abt him Nearly as much as my other dsmp faves 😭😭
on 2 ur second point.... the artist critique drives me nuts. something i love so much about dsmp artists is they all are so fucking CREATIVE!!!! like you said, headcanons are one of the best things about this fandom❗❗ you can tell artists put so much time + effort into their designs. it's fucking inspiring. i truly never get bored going through dsmp art !!!!!!! and tbh? vilbur is definitely not my Favorite thing to see. but im not going to tell people to stop drawing twisted freaking cycle path c!wilbur. not my place, its rude as fuck, and a lot of cool art vilbur art does exist 😳 unless the art is harmful and genuinely needs correcting (like poc informing white people on how to draw characters/ccs who are poc respectfully is for sure needed critique) just. Let People Have Fun. there's value in everything artists create, regardless of if it directly caters to me or not.
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