facethesuns · 5 months
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seryotonin · 1 month
Bracelet date ♡
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egberts · 5 months
Figaro the tiny four and a half month old kitten weighs almost TWELVE POUNDS
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this is a full grown man
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taiturner · 3 months
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YELLOWJACKETS ◆ 2x01 "Friends, Romans, Countrymen"
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vumigumied · 10 months
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Very messy comic based on The Homestuck Epilogues bc their interactions are funny to me
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mafiatsunafish · 4 months
The daggers were surprised to see a man that looks like a younger version of Rooster walking into the Hard Deck.
He had the pilot starter pack, Hawaiian floral print shirt, sunglasses hanging on his inner white shirt and all that jazz.
But there was something just so wrong with him, the daggers couldn’t seems to wrap their head on what exactly was wrong.
And then they saw Hangman trailing behind the said man looking weirdly worried and awkward.
“Roo, I’m sorryyyyyy.”
The blond’s apology spooked the entire squad cause the know he DOES NOT say sorry to anyone, except when he really screwed up.
Another thing, so that man was Rooster but apparently just missing something?
A small cartoonish light bulb appeared on Phoenix head. She shouted:
“Hey Rooster, where the hell is your mustache!?”
It has been years since the last time she saw his bare face like that, ever since their orientation at flight school. Therefore, this creeped the fuck out of her.
Now the other daggers took a few seconds to reboot their brain and updated on the situation, started to boom bard the tall brunet with many questions.
To be fair, none of them NONE OF THEM ever see Rooster without his infamous porntasche, so oh my my for them.
Then Halo seemed to find out another thing that just out of place on Rooster point out.
“Rooster, that is one nasty black eyes you have there man, alright?”
The pair, Hangman and Rooster now sat with their squad, the blond still looked weird and the brunet looked so done but still somehow amused.
“Just feels like I want to shave it.”
Rooster shrugged easily.
“And the black eye in on me.”
Hangman suddenly answered and that take their friend out.
“Uhmmm.. what happened? May I asked? Should I even know?” Coyote asked wearily.
“This bastard, decided to shave his face, bare, without saying anything. Then acted like nothing happened, hugged me from behind when I was cooking. I turned around to see a fucking stranger standing in my kitchen so I punch him.”
“What!?” Their friends shouted
“It’s not my fault that I’ve never see him without damn thing on his face!”
Hangman shouted back while Rooster just laughing beside him.
“I vetted him for that, the last time I saw our chicken’s bare face was in our first week of flight school and that was years before Hangman meet him.” Phoenix was also laughing now.
“I’m alright now, just a punch. He screamed bloody murder when he saw my face like this too.” Rooster added
“Roooooo!” Hangman hid his face behind his hands and Rooster just kissed him softly on his side, still laughing of course.
“It’s ok darling.” Rooster said to his lover.
“Damn, but I understand what Hangman did cause you looked so weird” Bob said while giggling.
“Please put it back.” Fanboy distress mumbling get drowned among his squad mate various noise of amusement.
(The first time Mav and Ice saw Rooster with his mustache through a picture Slider sent them.
Slider was stationed at Rooster based then, he had to call the husbands to warned them first, before sending the picture.
But still.
Mav almost have a panic attack and Ice was so shocked, they then just crying that whole evening. Nothing can prepare them to see how much their godson looks like his father. To the point they almost believe that was Goose, standing there in his flight suit, smiling brightly at them.)
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(The autocorrect had me rolling fr )
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zekkopunks · 3 months
Calf1sh art catered towards a specific audience (me)
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darkmagiciang1rl · 3 months
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"yeah bro my dogs don't bite"
the dogs:
pls reblog...
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moonshynecybin · 25 days
bezz saying they learn from marc. bezz saying marc is maestro. bezz admitting he made the mistake and crashed because he knew marc was coming behind him.
biting him like a chew toy and throwing him around i need to study his brain
yeah i was listening to the oxley bom podcast for le mans in the grocery store yesterday (#glamour) and they were talking about the kind of relationship marc has with the other, younger riders (but like SPECIFICALLY the academy boys) were theres this weird like. resentment and humiliation (and FEAR.) with marc when he beats them that all tied into this desperateeeeee need for him to RESPECT them at the same time. oh to be rated as an enemy by marc marquez. and like obviously all of that is tied into the valentino of it all, but at the same time its like. these guys all came into the sport with a bunch preconceived notions about what its like to race marc and how challenging it is and those are all kind of CONFIRMED out there on track buttttt when they start racing its during honda's flop era!! and marc is injured!! so maybe they DIDNT have a great idea of what its like to race marc marquez at the height of his powers yaknow !! thats a whole different girl on track AND off track right now!!! so now hes back and hes mostly healthy and hes on a good bike and theyre all actually and for real getting a chance to measure up against him and ask themselves. are your accomplishments worth anything or was marc's situation just FUCKED. and thats a BIGGGG question ! HUGE !
like in many ways marc is kind of the current benchmark for generational talent style success in motogp! even if they hate him, that means something.... so they DO want marc to talk to them in the cooldown room (bez) and they WILL make lunges they wouldnt normally on track (pecco) when its marc because hes the guy they actually and for real have to beat if they want to consider themselves great. AND marc's such a boogeyman at the same time that sometimes theres this hilarious undercurrent of panicked desperation when he enters the convo on track that is so funnay. like my fave part of oxley/bom this week was specifically the dissection of the SHOWMANSHIP and the INTIMIDATION marc brings.... like UH-OH marc's on your ass gotta MOVE. and bezz and pecco folded !
so yeah i think they DO consider him a maestro! they WANT to see his data! and they ARE impressed with what he does on track because how couldnt you be? especially when you PERSONALLY know how hard that shit is?? and what does that knowledge that marc may be able to do things YOU cant and pull them off do to your brain?? what does the knowledge that he will NEVER quit trying to overtake you do to your brain?? what does the knowledge that he is the craziest, hottest person in a sport entirely consisting of insane in the membrane hot girls do to your brain??? like girl hes hunting you DOWN
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hyperdrama · 4 months
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"But always remember, I have your heart. I can always rip it out of your chest if I need to."
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA 20 Year Celebration Challenge favourite dynamics: gaius and six
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viyojo · 5 months
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crossover/swap noone asked for but I made anyways :^] I think they would be silly!!!!! 🔥 🔥
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fishsticxz-art · 1 year
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wanted to doodle something so i had my friends pick fits for splatoon characters from @hometownrockstar's outfit memes! enjoy
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starleska · 6 days
can we talk about the brilliant execution of Dot and Bubble's big reveal!!!
i am still absolutely gobsmacked by what a well-written episode Dot and Bubble is. startling, disarming, confrontational, and tremendously impactful. and holy shit i really really want to talk about how excellent the 'twist' (which really should've been obvious in retrospect 😭 was done):
as a white person it took me about ten minutes to clock that Lindy's friend group were a nightmare Aryan Tupperware Party collective: all white, all blue-eyed, and even Gothic Paul was dressed in blues and whites, with no black at all. but you know how i responded to that? mentally i went 'oh i'm sure it's nothing!' and shoved it aside. and i think it is exactly that insidious tendency to ignore, normalise, and validate overt and covert racism that the episode does such a tremendous job of tackling! everything in the episode gives us the lore we need to understand Lindy and the people of Finetime are white supremacists. Lindy's disgusted face and immediate blocking of The Doctor versus the amount of time she spends with Ruby. Lindy's shock at the Doctor and Ruby occupying the same room implying segregation on the Homeworld. Lindy calling the Doctor and Ruby 'criminals' not for being in the Bubble, but for breaking segregation. Lindy using Ricky September, a white influencer, to calm herself down not just from the monsters, but from interacting with a Black person. the tradwife aesthetic of the Finetime residents making a comeback in real-life right-wing racist circles. ugh, there's so much and it was all right in our faces!! yet many of us who aren't POC had the privilege of going through the episode baffled and uncomfortable, without being able to put a finger on why until the final bit of the episode. doesn't that tell us how quickly and easily we've all taken to ignoring both micro and macroaggressions? that we needed talk of being 'contaminated', improper use of the word 'voodoo', and Lindy straight up telling the Doctor that face-to-face contact was unacceptable, to understand they're white supremacists? oh my God 😭😭 what a genius play, to make Lindy so detestable from the start. she's an arrogant, vain, self-absorbed, moronic, uncompromising, traitorous bitch...and by layering that abhorrent personality and then giving us the reveal of her white supremacy, there is no argument even the most wishy-washy of people could have re: their awful views. Lindy and her friends are revolting racists who are so wrapped up in their own echo-chamber 'bubble' that they would genuinely rather be devoured alive than challenge their own narrow, bigoted views. i'm still blown away by the power of Ncuti's final scene. the disbelief, the frustration, the sadness and the fury...and yet the Doctor still tries to save them against all odds. i think the most common response to this episode was 'The Doctor should have gone all Time Lord Victorious on them', and you're right - he should have! but doing that would've affirmed the beliefs of the real-life racists viewers. the Doctor responding not with violence or righteous vengeance is a very deliberate writing choice: we are supposed to come away feeling revolted that he needed to behave that way, to almost be supplicant to the white supremacists. because that is the real-life view of so many people who don't even view themselves as racist: Black people need to 'perform' to a higher standard, than white people just to be considered worthy of respect. the more i watch it, the more i'm convinced this is the best episode of the whole season, and one of the best Doctor Who episodes we've ever had. we were taken off-guard by having an episode overtly about racism set in the future rather than the past, because our tendency is to assume equality is a natural consequence of becoming technologically advanced. this clearly isn't the case, and Dot and Bubble is a masterclass in confronting racism head-on rather than dancing around it for the comfort of white viewers. just. aaargh!!!! absolutely amazing 🔥🔥🔥
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sideblogdotjpeg · 2 months
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another little thing for this au by @stone-stars (and me!)
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octolingplush · 16 days
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