#you don't get to pick what kind of dragon/human you are btw but that's part of the fun of it. like it's a mystery
wyrmoftheweb · 8 months
btw in my dragon aliens world magic is a big thing and so if you're human you don't necessarily have to stay that way. shapechanger magic is difficult so it's usually only performed by experts but they can and will turn humans into dragons and vice versa!! and also everything in-between, so people can just get dragon traits they want and vice versa. humans generally love horns, tails, wings, and dragons tend to have an affinity for human hair and eyelashes and omnivorous digestive systems
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jennyandvastraflint · 8 months
Very glad you rebloged the ask game, I was hoping you would :D I hope you don't mind that I am sending too many questions. Just pick whichever ones you'd like to answer!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
just kidding, I know the answer to this one but feel free to talk about them anyway <3)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
So I'll be guided towards the next thing to read again ;)
Thank you so much!!
Okay, let's see!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Your beauty never ever scared me? Answer it now!
I think the inspiration for it in the first place! I technically wanted to write a Beauty and the Beast-inspired story, but halfway through planning I abandoned a lot of these aspects in favour of including a bunch of characters as cameos. (I kept the rose, though it had a different use.) It was very intriguing to explore a human curse (something I've now explored a bit, but always from Jenny's POV, as I realise. I'll shed light on Vastra's POV at some point in a different fic I think)
(11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? Okay we all know I'm extremely partial to my wives XDD I *will* make everything about them (yes ik it's annoying <3 But this is my account heheh), and will include them even in other works for a bit at least. It is 100% because I relate a lot to many aspects of them - the fun of Jenny's horrible parents, queerness, and the isolation they both feel to name some of them - and I'm well-aware of it XD Also my brain chose them as my special interest years agooo.)
20. If you wrote a prequel to Lizard Queen, what would it involve?
Oh, I have two answers for this... Either Vastra getting cursed in the first place and navigating life as a tiny lizard (maybe she meets Strax somehow just because.), OR the story of Jenny's mother and what happened to her. (As a sequel, I'd look at Vastra finding the ruins of her realm.)
22. Who is your favorite character in The Knight and the Dragon and why?
I'm obviously in no way biased because a) I wrote it and b) it has the wives, and since choosing either of them feels like cheating, I'm gonna say... Out of the rest of the cast, Ada? I think. I loved bringing her character to life in a different setting, especially since she's a character I very rarely see anywhere (and she had potentialll!!!) Her story can be adapted beautifully, and I feel like she would flourish with a job or hobby like that, working with herbs and healing. I'm definitely going to include her in Turn Loose the Mermaids btw!
47. If the pirate/mermaid AU (all together or each part on their own) was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes.
You really went with this one, hu... Okay, I'm thinking leather boots, worn, been through quite a lot, but very solid shoes you can always rely on. They're a pretty inconspicuous brown, a bit broken in parts but fixed up. They go almost up to your knee, hugging your legs very comfortably. They're also padded so they keep you warm in even the darkest winter nights. The laces on the sides have been added later to help the boots stay together, and they have beautiful jewels in different shades of green on the side that shimmer in the sun.
I hope you like this description!! XD
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I have a bunch for this, I think XDD (Especially since archive-locking my fics my kudos have declined a lottt)
The first one would be A Lonely Place, which is a sort of Fantasy AU for the Paternoster Gang! I love how I came to explore pollution and environmental destruction in it, and also how Jenny and Vastra - in this at least - reluctantly grew closer. (Please they are such disasters especially in the beginning)
Then my Turn Loose the Mermaids series in which Jenny's family are a bunch of shitty scammer pirates, and Vastra is a mermaid (and later can shift). The first two parts are out rn, and I hope to write more of it soon-ish (uni is killing me I'm so sorry)
There'd also be my winter rose in which one Silurian goes splash in a river when it's very cold :D I love how that literally was my prompt for writing it...
And last but not least, I want Popcorn to get some more views! It's a Strax-centric fic (I knoooow, there's not much interest in that, but give my boy (gn) some love) set shortly after Demons Run, and it takes a look at Strax dealing with silence and peace after... well, a lifetime spent only in war zones? The Doctor gives him a way to cope with that, but it escalates a little. It was I think my first full Strax-POV fic, and he honestly has such a unique and intriguing view (which I wish Big Finish would explore instead of once again reducting Strax to comedic relief like the show already did :/)
Yeah, I think that's about it for now? I can't think of more specifically for this, but I'm leaving you a few more recommendations I think you might like! Rapid Fireee
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be
The Case of the Egg Thief
Sick fics for Jenny being sick (watch you sleep.), and Vastra being sick (Sleepy little darling, snuggle in tight) respectively!
Meeting Torchwood Paternosters meet vicious, sadistic Torchwood sapphics from Victorian England!
Right, I'll end this here now (it may have taken me almost the entire lecture btw to write this while paying attention as well) and I hope you are satistifed with all these answersss
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
The next dragon age game should be out in the next few years and netflix has a dragon age show coming out (I'm nervous about that tho,knowing Netflix and their habits)
Also: ELDERSCROLLS ONLINE while they dont have as many lgbtq+ elements as the Dragon age series,they are trying. Its been a few years since I did a through play through, but there are many gay men and women in the game,the daedra are sexless entities who chose their own pronouns ( he/him,She/her) and there is an intersex god,though he goes by He/him pronouns, and there's a MtF trans woman in the Summerset Expansion who you go to find for her sister,but her sister didn't know that 1.she was trans and 2.She had used magic to fully transition. And while at first her sister Deadnames her out of shock,once she realizes that she has A Sister and not a brother,they embrace and they sit at the beach to talk to one another because the Cis sister genuinely loves her Trasgender Sister and feels that its time she truly gets to know her.
Honestly I'm so happy that as tome progresses,fantasy games get more and more inclusive and openly so.
Also in dragon age inquisition there are 4 main possible lgbtq romances I'm aware of
Dorian-Gay wizard,his dad tried to use forbidden magic to force him to be strait,when he caught wind of what his dad planned,he left. You can help reconcile the two,and if you're character is male, you can romance him(ive romanced him as a male character cause one of my closeted friends wanted to do so but couldn't risk getting caught,so I romamced him and recorded it for him on my phone at the time,and let him use my phone whenever he wanted,things are much better for him now btw) if you dont romance him,he dates The Iron Bull.
-The Iron Bull: Man or woman he don't care,if your a consenting adult,he will fuck you. I love his pick up line. "Ive picked up on your hints and its obvious you want to...Ride the Bull"(Like YES! YES I DO!)
-Sera: Lesbian mischevious Elf. She has alot of internalized racism to her own people due to childhood trauma but I have a soft spot for her. Shes passionate and while she may see things in Black or White,when she loves someone,she loves deep. Also I love her Tit jokes.
Josephine:Lady Josephine is the eldest child and has many resposabilities. She has great diplomatic skill and empathy. She's a little dense and it takes Liliana (lovingly) threatening you with harm if you harm her for her to realize you like her romantically (you also just gotta plane tell her) you can be either gender. Also you get to duel for her hand in marriage.
Anyway imma try and sleep,gotta doc apt. In the morn but thank u for letting ne ramble!
oof i dont trust netflix in the slightest and imma be he s i t a n t on that part
and honestly so far that sounds incredible!! gjkfdldkjfsd god d a m n so much rep right there, its makin me smile from ear to ear like a doofus <3 and im glad things are better for your friend, it sucks that ur friend couldnt get ‘caught’ like smh get caught what? Get caught loving another human being even IF that being is fictional? but at least things are better for your friend now and it was a v kind thing for you to do to record it for him!!
and HGJFKLDJFGDSL The Iron Bull sounds amazing too and im loving him immensely so just from desc alone rn Sera sounds lovely in her own right tbh- poor girl tho, childhood trauma- not,, not fun- can fuck up a l otta shit- and FUCK YES!!!! DUELING FOR HAND IN MARRIAGE- THATS THE GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! jfgkldfgnjds can you tell i love shit like that??
and got’cha, hope the doc apt goes well!! and no problem!! anytime ya feel like ramblin my inbox is always open!
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shi-daisy · 4 years
The Phoenix and the Dragon
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Yet again we've arrived at Ulquihime week! Gotta confess I'm not much of a Christmas person but I do look forward to December for my OTP week. Everyone puts so much love and effort into their entries that it's hard not to be excited. Okay so today's theme is Crossover and I wanted to pick something that wasn't likely to be repeated by someone else, so leave it to my nostalgic mind to go 'What about a Winx Club crossover?' Thus here we are! This little one-shot is based on one of my fave childhood shows and one of the first villain ships I ever had. (Yes, my 10-year-old self hardcore shipped Darkar & Bloom) 😅 Hope you like it! (Spoilers for some aspects of season 2 of Winx Club. I'm taking from the 4kids version of the show and Nickelodeon special btw. And some mild spoilers for the second movie.)
Also for those who do know the winx cast and want to know who is who in the crossover here it is.
Orihime- Bloom
Ulquiorra- Darkar/Avalon
Tatsuki- Stella
Shizuka- Layla
Ichigo- Prince Sky
Isshin- Errendor
Sora- Daphne
Unohana- Faragonda
Okay now that's all set, here's the fic!
Ulquihime Week- Day 1 Crossover
The Phoenix and the Dragon
Orihime awoke in a dimly lit room. She didn't remember much, just going into Professor Schiffer's office and then...'And then he changed and turned into the Phoenix.'
"I can sense you. Just come out of the shadows already." She muttered.
Ulquiorra obliged, no longer looking like a human but in his true form as the Shadow Phoenix.
To her he didn't look much different, his skin was paler but his other features remained the same. He had large dark wings and a tail, along with tear markings.
"I should've known it was you. We get warmed about a Shadow Phoenix and next thing we know a new professor shows up at our school."
He chuckled. "Yes well, that didn't occur to you as we bonded, Ms. Inoue."
She lowered her head in shame. Since Ulquiorra arrived at Alfea he had become her favorite teacher, and even offered to teach her about her home kingdom, Sparx, which had been destroyed when she was just a baby.
"Is that why you brought me here? To taunt me?!"
"No, darling. I have other plans for you. Or should I say us?"
"I'll never collaborate with you!"
"You say that now, but you might change your mind after I explain my plans to you."
She frowned, but at the moment there was nothing she could do. Orihime sighed. "Fine. I suppose I can listen to you for a while."
"I appreciate it. First I must ask you something. What do you know about me, Orihime Inoue? Who do you think I am?"
"Headmistress Retsu told us you were once human. That you came to the underealm to try and find the shadow fire, but that it's power consumed you and that now you're seeking to take over the magic universe.
I also know that you came to our school and posed as a professor until now..."
"The headmistress is a wise woman, studious too since she appears to know my origins well, the one commonly excepted that is."
"What do you mean?"
"Indeed, I was once human, that I came here to study the Shadow Fire, but it's power didn't overtake me. For you see, I willingly submitted to it. I'm the one in control, always have been. And while I do wish to take over the magic dimension it is not for my own gain."
"Why else would you want to take over?"
"I want this dimension to change. I want to tear down the structures that bind its kingdoms. I've wanted that since I was a human.
You see, darling, the structures of this dimension are so very ancient and so very obsolete. The squabbles between kingdoms have led to so much war, to destruction, to sadness... Just look at what happened to Sparx."
"My kingdom was destroyed by the ancient witches. Not by war."
"You're right, but your kingdom had a close ally. An ally that should've saved you from the witches, yet instead bargained to have them take your kingdom and spare them. The king of Eraklyon made said bargain."
Orihime grew dizzy. 'No, no it can't be! Ichigo's father wouldn't do that! This is a lie!"
"You think I'm lying, don't you?"
"Of course you're lying! King Isshin wouldn't do that, neither would Ichigo!"
"Analyze the situation, darling. Eraklyon was your closest ally, and yet they didn't suffer any damage as Sparx was destroyed. Your parents vanished, your brother died saving you, your planet is now an icy wasteland. Yet Eraklyon stands as the richest land in Magix. As for your little prince, he was merely a child when this took place, but I don't doubt he'd keep it a secret from you, he has done so before."
Orihime felt as if her skin was catching fire. She hated to be reminded of that lie, to think back when Ichigo had hidden his royal lineage and engagement to a princess. She'd forgiven him, of course, and they were a couple once again, but deep inside she still distrusted him. And a part of her did think Ulquorra's words were true.
'Maybe that's why his father disapproved of us. Not because I'm a princess of a destroyed kingdom, but because my kingdom's destruction was partly his fault...'
"You see, darling. That's only one example of plenty I can give you. All of these realms need someone truly wise to rule them."
"Even if I believed you, that doesn't mean I'll join you. I don't want to kill anyone."
"Who said anything about killing? There are plenty of ways to dethrone a ruler. That's what I crave to do darling. Imagine it, a dimension without destroyed kingdoms, without arranged marriages, without squabbles for the throne. We'd be the only rulers, the royals would be our regents, they'd have to abide by what we demand."
Ulquiorra's eyes glowed green as he spoke. She had seen him like that before in his humanoid form. His eyes always sparkled as he thought her class about History and asked them to be part of the change.
"Ulquiorra, I think it's wonderful that you're trying to make the universe better, but I fail to see why would want me to join you. I'm no leader."
Orihime felt Ulquiorra's cold hand gently lift her chin. "Orihime, you're the only person I've ever met worthy of wearing such a crown.
The reason I posed as a teacher at Alfea wasn't to further my plans, or to steal the codex but to observe you. In just a few months you made such great progress that I couldn't help but be convinced you were worthy of sharing my crown, of carrying the dragon flame, of ruling over Magix.
You came from Earth yet quickly adapted to this dimension, to its power and its costumes. You're kind, fierce, strong, I couldn't ask for a better queen."
He noticed Orihime's pale skin turn bright red, and her sliver eyes grow misty. "No one's ever really praised me like that. Thank you."
He smirked. "I'll be sure to do so more often in the future then."
With a snap of Ulquiorra's fingers, her bounds disappeared. Orihime stood up, directly facing Ulquiorra.
He took her hands in his and directly stared into her eyes, silver meeting emerald. "Orihime Inoue, will you join me in my quest to bring peace and order to the magic dimension?"
It wasn't easy, she didn't want to leave her friends, her school, or even Ichigo. Even after what she learned it felt wrong to vanish without a word.
'But it must be done. Tatsuki-chan will be free to choose who she marries, Nemu-san won't be forced to follow the path her father wants for her, Shizuka-chan won't have to take the throne of the harmonic nebula...even Ichigo would now be free to make his own choices. This would be for the best.'
With a beautiful smile and newfound determination, Orihime finally responded. "Yes, I will."
"Then it is done, our power is now bound."
She could feel a surge of dark magic taking over, but it wasn't unpleasant. Her characteristic blue fae dress was now black and her fairy wings had turned grey. Orihime also noticed Ulquiorra's form slightly changed, his dark wings now had accents of green and he resembled his humanoid form a little more.
"It's the bond." He told her after noticing her confusion. "Light cannot exist without dark and vice versa. As such my darkness had to take some of your light and your light had to take some of my darkness."
Shadow Fire & Dragon Fire were united at last. Orihime was certain that now she and Ulquiorra would be unstoppable. 'We'll fix everything soon.'
"What shall we do now?"
"Since I've acquired all the pieces of the codex, I was thinking we could go to the Relix dimension. Your parents might've vanished there after the destruction of Sparx."
"My parents...I never thought it'd be possible to reach them."
"It is, my darling. We'll bring them back and then return Sparx to its former glory. After that, we can finally reshape the magic dimension into what it should've been from the beginning."
For the first in a long while, Orihime felt like she was doing things right. It would take her friends some time to forgive her, but she knew in time she would join them again. 'I'm doing this for all of us. For me, and for him.'
She gently kissed Ulquiorra's cheek, he blushed at the gesture. "I was not expecting that."
"I'm still a little miffed at you for pretending to be a professor but if we're to be in harmony as rulers this is a good place to start."
"Then I guess I should do my part too."
Ulquiorra wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a passionate kiss. Orihime quickly blushed and playfully shoved him as he let go of her.
"Show off."
"Guilty as charged."
"Y'know, I remember seeing paintings back on earth with dragons and phoenixes together as a couple. Do you think that was a prediction?"
"It could be, after all, the most enduring romances are likely to echo through many universes."
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