#you just know ripley would call dorran a poopy face
ja-lin · 1 year
About 45500 words, and 6 episodes later, I’d like to announce that the first draft of episode 7 and the epilogue have been finished. I had a tough time finishing the editing for episode 6 because some lore had to be cemented properly before episode 7. 
There are millions of possibilities, and my alternate universe fanfic is only one way to handle it. Sadly I couldn’t fit the warehouse fight into my story. So, there will be a special side story later from Ranza’s PoV for the warehouse explosion.
Anyways, enjoy this tiny excerpt from episode 7 while I go drown in coding and drawing.
Yvette “It’s off the books. You aren’t obliged to go.”
Ripley “Dorran, stop being such a poop face. Yvette needs help.”
Dorran “It just sounds like a trap…”
Gage “And, that’s exactly why Yvette needs us as backup.”
The entire troupe agrees, but I’m on the wire about going still.
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