#you may be wondering. why does kaito have a sword?
hazardlevei · 1 year
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+ old scraps i found in procreate
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danieyells · 17 days
So my current suspicion.
I think Kaito is the spy.
I think this for a few reasons.
The first is that Kaito doesn't really seem like the type to have a demonic pact.
Leo says that it's pretty understandable that none of the ghouls listen to the player--they're all selected by demons. While this doesn't apply to Luca either, he made his pact for noble purposes and generally is of noble disposition. Kaito is a coward who doesn't really fit the idea of a pactmaker. If he's instead working for demonkind to possibly sabotage the efforts of ghouls and darkwick, or just monitor them to understand what they're doing and see that they don't pose a threat, I think that'd make sense. He was probably scared into it, or forced into it somehow.
This also leads me to something else--Hyde seemed uncertain as to what Kaito's stigma even was. He sees auras sometimes, he thinks.
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He's been here for a whole year and you aren't sure??? I know he avoids missions but surely you'd've found out at some point?
Kaito's ability to see auras explains why he saw the monster that the pc saw when enhancing Luca's stigma--except if he could only see auras, surely he'd see a ton of energy rather than actually seeing the thing and his reaction wouldn't have been as intense as this.
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Because everybody else just saw a big red shield
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Even for Kaito that's a bit of an overreaction, I think?
What was Kaito afraid of if he couldn't see the giant houndoom looking thing? He very clearly saw it. It's not likely he was using his stigma at the time either--he didn't just see its aura, he saw the monster.
Next, it's likely to be a second year. Several third years so far(namely Tohma, Alan, and Taiga) seem to be aware of the spy--if it was someone who came recently(as the third years only came in the past three or four months) they probably wouldn't know yet or really be working so dedicatedly to find them, and if it was someone in their year they probably would know more certainly already. Tohma is a red herring because of his naturally eerie nature. Haku also strikes me as a red herring--Taiga peobably would not have trusted him in the prologue if he felt like he was suspicious. (On the other hand Taiga may have simply cared so little about your wellbeing that he didn't care if someone suspicious dealt with you.)
Another thing about Tohma. . .he used to be in Vagastrom. But he transferred to Frostheim, and is keeping up with Alan about the spy(and they had a meeting about this after Luca tried to fight Sho and Leo over insulting Kaito, inciting unrest among the general students about the ghouls). . .which leads me to think the spy is in Frostheim. And I don't think it's Jin. His sword letting him teleport and that he barely leaves his room anymore and Tohma is very attentive to him does lend some credibility to it possibly being him but I don't think he's the spy--Tohma is doing that to get Jin's trust to keep a better eye on Kaito, I think.
Subaru is naturally the next suspicious person due to being introduced and shown behaving oddly a little while after Taiga told you about the spy, but I think Subaru is too. . .obvious.
Also, Taiga's specific use of "keep letting him fool you" leads me to believe it's someone we already know and trust.
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We don't know Haku well enough for it to be him. Luca hasn't been around long enough for him to be suspicious. Kaito's around the casino enough that Taiga could reasonably be suspicious of him.
There's also Kaito's pendant. It's extremely valuable--though why, we don't know--and it means a lot to Kaito. He won't give it away even when threatened, even if it'd save him from other suffering.
Another thing. . .while it makes sense for Kaito to be scared of Mortkranken on the basis of being a coward and that Yuri experiments on people(most people don't wanna be dissected after all!), I also wonder if he doesn't wanna go there because he's afraid of being analyzed by someone who'd probably be able to tell that he's either not a normal ghoul/human, or that he's some sort of demon or anomaly. Like he passed the stigma test and basic health checkups but could he pass closer examination?
I dunno. I also think it's possible that Kaito isn't even aware he's a spy. Like his pendant is monitoring the world around him while he's blissfully unaware. He never consumed or subjugated his demon--it's just around his neck, listening to everyone or something.
I just absolutely believe that Kaito would turn out to be the "bad guy". Even if not on purpose. It just seems like it's someone we already know and trust, somebody who's in Frostheim, and somebody you wouldn't suspect at all.
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vocaronpa-offical · 2 years
Vocaronpa: prologue, part 3
CWs: discussions of murder, swearing
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???: Ahem, it better be working this time!!! Oh, it is? Good, finally! Anyways, may all participants come to the gym? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
And then it just… turned off again.
IA: Who was that!?
Tianyi: Uh, Miss Hatsune, it kinda looked like you!
Miku: Oh, don’t worry. When you’re the most popular virtual diva, you have plenty of copycats!
Luka: Besides, if Miku was behind this, we’d know by now.
Miku: I’m not the type to keep people in the dark!
IA: …I’ll take your words for it.
Yukari: Huh. It kind of looked like a bobblehead. Perhaps that is just me.
Suddenly, rushing in, came Rin and Len.
Len: Okay, what’s going on!?
Rin: Participants? What are we, erm, participating in?
Luka: Hell if I know.
Next, skipping in, came Teto.
Teto: Huh, erm, the 9th one in the gym isn't so bad?
Defoko walked in behind her, not seeming remotely worried about the situation.
Teto: Oh, there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you Defoko! Do you know how worried I was when I couldn’t find you!?
Defoko: You were just worried you could not tell where I would go.
Teto: Why would you say that!?
Defoko: Why do you not care about me?
They barely even said it like a question! What’s up with that kid!?
Next in came Gumi and Gackpo.
Gackpo: Do not worry everyone, the great samurai Gackpo will protect you all.
Gumi: Oh, and I’m helping! I am the Ultimate Inventor, after all!
Gackpo: Yes, yes you are. This is my sidekick, Gumi.
Gumi: Did you just call me a sidekick!? Why you, bugger, you,
Gackpo: Forgive me. She is my… partner.
Yukari: I wish you two luck. Whatever is going on here can not be very good, can it?
Meiko: You know, if we find any swords, I can help.
Oh! I didn’t even see her and Kaito enter!
Gackpo: Sure, we could always use more hands. You are strong, so that is good.
Meiko: Thanks!
Kaito: Oh, I can, uh… I, what do you need?
Gumi: We’re still working out our plan, but it’s nice to have volunteers! Thanks buddy!
Gackpo: Yes, but we need to still work out what we are going to do, and what is going on, so that will have to wait.
Kaito: Aww.
Finally, in came Flower, giving Oliver a piggyback ride.
Flower: What do y'all think is gonna happen to us? I’m tired of all of Oliver’s “we are going to be ritually tortured” theories.
Tianyi: …How old is Oliver again?
Oliver: I’m twelve and a half!
Yukari: Poor kid…
Kaito: Oh, do you think we’ll get any treats?
Miku: I hope so, that would be wonderful!
Gackpo: Why would someone kidnap us just to bring us food…
Miku: Why are you so sad!?
Defoko: May I propose a theory?
She didn’t wait for an answer.
Defoko: Perhaps with all of the televisions, we are on some kind of show. There are probably some hidden cameras around here somewhere.
Gumi: I do kinda feel like I’m being watched… Oh god, I haven’t had any time to rehearse a show!!
IA: Everyone, please calm down! Maybe that shadowy figure can explain just what is going on! Maybe… maybe there’s nothing to worry about.
???: Yes, maybe I can answer your questions! Maybe if you all shut up I can start speaking!
Rin: Who the hell was that!?
Len: Rin, there’s a child present!
Oliver: It’s fine Mr Len, really!
Eleanor: It came from the stage.
Teto: Ugh, finally, an explanation for all this bullcrap!
We all looked towards the stage, fearing what would pop up.
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???: Alrighty you cowards, you’re all probably extraordinarily confused right now, about where you are, why you’re here, who I am, well, let’s answer the last one first! Now, behind this curtain lies the one, the only,
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The curtain lifted up, revealing… a very small robot, with a permanent smile. Huh, she does kinda look like one of my copycats, huh? Mikudayo, I think? She’s… actually kinda cute, minus the more… uncanny parts of her.
Monodayo: Your new headmaster, Monodayo!
Miku: Erm, don’t you mean Mikudayo?
Monodayo: What are you talking about turquoise? I’m far better than her, an upgrade, if you will!
She… already seemed creepier. Sure her face was cute, but it didn’t change at all while she spoke! I don’t think she’s even blinking.
Rin: Mikudayo, Monodayo, JohnJacobJinghimbleSmitdayo, I don’t care! Where the hell are we!?
Flower: Yeah, we wanna fucking know!
Teto: And why do you resemble Miku so much?
Meiko: Probably just another knockoff.
Monodayo: Oh, well, you’re in the Ultimate School for Virtual Singers! You all are lucky to be here!
Meiko: …Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve already graduated.
Len: Yeah, and me and Rin haven’t left our school! It’s… actually not that bad, can you send us back?
Monodayo: Oh, this isn’t your mom’s school kid, it’s purpose is to be your home for the rest of your stupid lives!
Eleanor: …Wait what?
Tianyi: I can’t stay here forever! I, I was sent to Earth to spread music throughout the world! How, how am I supposed to do that here? I, I have friends outside, I, I can’t,
Monodayo: Oh, don’t worry kid. There is a way you can leave, and that’s through the class trial!
Monodayo jumped off the stage, landing on her feet.
Gumi: Alrighty then! Uh, I call a class trial for whether or not we should leave!
Monodayo: Oh, it’s not that simple. A class trial only starts after an investigation period!
Gumi: Well then I call an investigation period!
Monodayo: Aw, but Gumi, a body has to be discovered for an investigation period to start!
Gumi: Well then- wait. A, a body!?
Everything went still. A body? Were we going to… die?
Len: Are we uh, are we talking about a dead body?
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Monodayo: Well duh. One of you has to kill another participant! When this happens, you become a blackened. Once three people discover the body, the body discovery announcement plays, and everyone has to look for clues!
Monodayo: Then after I decide you know enough, the class trial will begin, where everyone will try to find out who the blackened is! If you find out, then they alone will be punished, and you all will just. Continue to live your school life.
Monodayo: …But if you guess wrong, the blackened goes free, and everyone else is punished!
Miku: What, you, you want us to kill?
Gackpo: I would never kill an innocent. It goes against my vow as a Samurai.
Rin: Why would I ever even-
Everyone had begun panicking. Defoko however, simply walked up to the little robot.
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Defoko: Well then, what is stopping me from killing you?
Monodayo: The rules.
Defoko: Oh? What is stopping me from breaking them?
Right after they said that however, a bunch of… guns popped up around them, all aiming at Defoko. Who… only seemed annoyed by this.
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Monodayo: If you try to commit violence against the school headmaster, you will be severely punished!
Defoko: Oh. I should have considered this.
And they just… walked back into the crowd, like this was a mere mild inconvenience they didn’t want to deal with. The guns went right back, as if they were never there.
Tianyi: Uh… what are the rules? I really don’t wanna break them!!!
Gumi: Oh god, what if I’m breaking one right now!?
Teto: Oh my god, you guys are so stupid.
Monodayo: Oh, don’t worry about the rules kids! Simply grab a Monopad, you’ll find the rules there!
Flower: Oh my fucking god, is everything here called the Mono-whatever!?
Monodayo: Good golly, are you always this angry!? Or are you only angry because you’re the only human here?
Flower: I’m just angry because this is a fucking killing game-
A look of horror suddenly went across her face.
Flower: What do you mean, only human? Ollie’s, Ollie’s human, you… fucking, you, you moron!?
Monodayo: Oh puhuhu…
Neither Flower or Oliver said anything else. Flower just looked shocked, and Oliver… I couldn’t read him.
Monodayo: Now that that pointless argument is out of the way…
Monodayo clapped her hands, and a podium with around 16… pads of some kind, probably the Monopads, popped up. She grabbed them, and started handing them out to everyone. I was the 11th person to get one.
Teto: God, she’s handing them out alphabetically? I’m always at the end of those!
Despite this, Tianyi was last.
Teto: Oh, thanks kid for being last instead of me!
Tianyi: Uh, was it a competition?
Miku: Sooo, we use these to see the rules?
Monodayo: Oh, not just that! You can use them to see the time! See a map of the building! Get into your dorms! Read Monodayo files! You know, the good stuff! Only you can open your Monopad, by the way.
Well, I guess I had to look at the rules. I could die if I didn’t!
I opened up the monopad. The rule section seemed to already be open.
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I started scrolling through it.
Nighttime is from 10 pm to 6 am. When that happens, the light will be off. It’s not a rule, but could you guys like, sleep then?
You cannot sleep anywhere other than the dorms or the medical room, though the latter only counts if you’re sick or injured or broken or whatever. Passing out against your will for whatever reason does not count, I have standards.
If it’s not an out of school zone, go ahead, go there, unless it’s locked and you don’t have a key… and don’t know how to lockpick. Or if there’s bars prohibiting it, you don’t have everything unlocked yet!
You cannot break part of the school. You also cannot physically hurt Monodayo, and Monodayo cannot physically hurt you unless you need to be punished.
If you get away with murder, congrats, you can go free, but you can only kill up to two other partisapants!
If a class trial begins, you have to go there! If an injury is preventing you from coming or whatever, I’ll literally drag you. The only thing that can get you out of this is death. Or maybe a coma, I don’t know what’s gonna happen exactly, I can't see the future.
The body discovery announcement will play when three innocent students discover a body.
Can you please try to keep these Monopads safe?! Making them was hard and time consuming, like, I don’t know if I can kill someone for this since it will probably be an accident or whatever but I still can kick you in the knees! It will hurt! And if it was intentional, yeah, you’ll be punished normally.
Rules will be added, removed, and edited if need be.
Rin: This is stupid.
Monodayo: Oh, really??? How?
Rin: Why do you expect we’re gonna kill each other!?
Len: Even if we wanna leave, we can’t just end a life!
Eleanor: Yeah, I’m gonna need a little more convincing before I kill someone.
Monodayo: Oh, don’t worry kids. I’ve got ways to make ya snap! Ha ha ha!
Defoko: Besides, I am not willing to trust you all. We do not know each other. One of us could be a serial killer for all we know.
I shuddered at the thought. Why would they say that!?
Yukari: As much as I hate to say it, I doubt that someone who put this much thought into this game would select only pacifists.
IA: Yukari…
Teto: Ha! Like you idiots would be smart enough to get away with murder!
Tianyi: Are, are you saying that you would-
Teto: Eh, not really. Don’t really feel like it.
Meiko: Don’t really feel like it? Are you hearing yourself!?
Kaito: …What are you guys talking about?
Luka: Murder.
Kaito: …Yeah that makes sense.
Monodayo: Anyways, I gotta skedaddle! Toodaloo, you little shits!
She jumped right back on the stage, doing a somersault as she did so. She landed on her feet. The curtains came back down, and then back up, and she was gone. And we all began to panic.
Tianyi: Is this true? Are we going to… die? I don’t wanna die! There’s still things I wanna do!
Oliver: Miss Flower, are we really gonna…
Miku: Oh god, we can’t die here, I can’t be murdered here, I don’t wanna die here, I’m too important to die here!
IA: …We’re not gonna die here.
Teto: Oh really? You really think everyone’s gonna make it out in one piece? How?
IA: Well, we had to have gotten in here somehow, right? That’s how we get in, that’s how we get out.
Yukari: Huh, how did I not think of that?
Eleanor: I mean, it’s hard to think under pressure.
Yukari: I guess, yes, yes.
Gumi: Erm, guys? This gadget here’s saying it’s 10:15.
Oliver: Oh thank the maker, that means this place will get brighter!
Gackpo: It also means we should probably get some rest.
Kaito: Yeah! Maybe this is just a bad dream!
Teto: Yeah, maybe.
Kaito, Meiko, and Luka all walked off. Meiko was holding both of their hands. Teto however, ran out.
Flower: Come on Ollie, it’s far past your bedtime. We’ll talk about this more in the morning.
Oliver: Thanks Miss Flower! Could you read me a story before bed?
Flower: Of course. Your pick.
Flower walked off, Oliver still on her shoulders.
Tianyi: Yeah, I should probably go too!
She ran off as well.
Len: I’m tired.
Rin: Well then, guess we’re going to sleep! See you tomorrow guys!
Miku: You too!
After me and Rin waved at each other, her and Len ran off. IA and Yukari also left, but without a word.
Eleanor: Gosh, I need to sleep.
And she left too.
Gumi: Hey Gackpo, wanna team up!? We can find a way outta here!
Gackpo: After a good night's sleep, Nobana.
Gumi: Yeah, after, after we rest!
And they also left, leaving me with Defoko. I would’ve left by now, but my energy had died.
Defoko: You seem nice.
Miku: Huh?
Defoko: I can talk, you know.
Miku: Yeah just, wasn’t expecting a conversation now, I should probably go-
Defoko: I do not trust you.
Miku: Huh?
Defoko: I cannot trust anyone here. IA said that we had to get in here somehow, right?
Miku: Where is this going?
Defoko: Someone is controlling Monodayo. Either that, or she did not work alone. And anyone could be behind this. You could be behind this.
Miku: Huh? Why-
Defoko: You put up a cheery face to get us to trust you. You could be nice. Or not. I do not know enough about you yet to judge. But I do not intend to ignore the issue at hand here. I will not be the first to die.
Miku: Are you gonna kill me!?
Defoko: No, it would be stupid to do so now. I just want to tell you something.
Miku: …Then tell me!?
Defoko: I will survive this game. Do you know what this means?
I just stood there, fear rising.
Defoko: There is a 50/50 chance I outlive you.
Energy back, I ran out of there. Almost not thinking, I ran back to the dorms, to the room with my face, and tried to open it. It wouldn’t budge.
Eleanor: Do you need any help with that?
I jumped, still worried about Defoko. It was just Eleanor, the only other person in the hallway. Her door was open.
Miku: Why are you still-
Eleanor: I walked here slowly.
Miku: Oh, uh,
Eleanor: Put the back of your Monopad against the door like this, see?
Eleanor closed her door. She showed the back of her Monopad to a small scanner where the monopod would be, and the door popped open!
I did the same, starting to smile a little again.
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Miku: Oh thanks Eleanor-Chan! You’re so nice and cool and composed and-
Eleanor chuckled.
Eleanor: No problem.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching around the back, coming to the dorms.
Eleanor: That’s the purple kid with the beanie, right? We never got to introduce ourselves to each other. What’s her name-
Miku: Defoko…
I ran into my room and shut the door. It… was a really average looking room, a bed, a wardrobe, all that stuff. Another TV was there, but did it really matter? I already knew what it was for anyway.
Though, there was another door inside, a normal one. Looking inside, I saw a surprisingly clean bathroom. Hm. Androids don’t really need to eat, but we still like to! We did have a form of waste disposal, so that’s fine.
It didn’t really help though. Me and my friends were still stuck in a killing game. Closing the bathroom door and going to my bed, I collapsed, starting to sob.
Was Defoko right? Could I really not trust anyone here? Not even my friends? Not even… Rin?
Was someone working for the enemy? Was someone plotting death?
Would I even get out alive?
Prologue: Everyone in the Blacklist Class: end!
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…and that’s the prologue! Chapter one is already in progress, don’t you worry!
Oh, and here’s an intermission:)
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meimi-haneoka · 4 years
LOL....Chapter 42.
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I mean, I might have become quite boring by now because ALL the chapters I use these shocked gifs, but.....I can’t help it, every time the chapters bring some shocking factor!! XD
Let me just start this reaction post with one happy announcement:
Remember my battles against illegal early spoilers on the internet? How it hurt the fandom (because people who wanted to wait for the official release were forced to avoid social media or block stuff) and the franchise as well?
Well, I’m glad to announce that chapter 42 has been the first chapter ever to not have any early spoilers leaked before the official releases, ever since Clear Card started in July 2016. It took almost 4 years and a revolution by the hands of CLAMP to obtain this result (with the early release of chapters FOR FREE on the official website in 6 languages).
Beware, I’m not celebrating just yet because next month we may get spoilers circulating again, but this chapter was really nice to be discovered all together, legally, without hurting anyone? It was a nice feeling and since it seems we might be approaching the finale, I think it’s important that we enjoy these chapters all together in a proper way.
Well, after this introduction, let’s delve into Chapter 42 of Clear Card!!
Kaito is a walking dead man
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I loved the color splash page. It always makes me happy to see Akiho and Sakura together, but this time the theme is a lot more serious. This is getting intense and the color page reflects that. This is also the first black background in a while, I always loved illustrations with black background even in the old manga.
Sooo last chapter we were left with Sakura overthrowing Kaito’s time magic and still conscious and moving. And shocked to see Syaoran and Kaito fighting. Of course Kaito needs to put a patch on this, because he knows Sakura is that powerful, but he doesn’t want her to know any of this, so he starts to “attack” her with time magic, I believe? And prince charming cleverly thinks that he might better call forth the strongest Sakura Cards in the deck, just to be sure to protect Sakura adequately. Even Kaito recognizes that was a wise move. Sakura is more confused than ever, behind the spirit shield formed by Light & Dark.
Syaoran is so fucking fed up with this that he demands to know why Kaito is here in Tomoeda. He candidly admits that he wants Sakura to produce the new Cards. Syaoran is like “No shit, Sakura’s already been producing a shitton of cards” “But she hasn’t produced the one I want”. When Syaoran asks which card that would be, Mr. I-am-an-asshole-and-I-know-it replies “If I told you that, I fear you’d get terribly angry”
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Guys, the glare Syaoran gives Kaito after this one is like.......death sentence. The amount of rage accumulated in this short kid is frightening. Syaoran might be cool and composed, but y’all remember his temper at the beginning of the old manga, right? That wasn’t “just because”, it’s still part of his personality XDD he was taming his rough sides of his personality for Sakura, but for Sakura he’s well ready to pull them out at any convenience.
Meanwhile, we aren’t sure if Sakura is listening to the heated conversation or not, but I think she isn’t because she keeps shouting “what’s going on?? What happened??” even after Kaito straight up said he’s after her Cards. Seeing her struggling and reaching from behind Light & Dark, who are restraining her, is kinda.....giving me TRC war flashbacks. Yes. You might have seen the tweet that is making me earn lots of “WHY CINZIA”, but I’m like this, I’m an ugly bitch who needs to suffer in company. I’ll make a separate TRC/CCS comparison post after ages, for this. XD
The highlight of the chapter
Kaito reveals that he knows that Syaoran came back to Japan after his mother had a divination of the future that he absolutely needs to stop. And, at that moment, ladies and gentlemen....
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This is a huge thing because a character that was exclusively in the anime canon-verse (even though that line has been more and more flimsy lately) appeared in the manga too. Syaoran’s mother, and the Li family in general, were often mentioned both in the old and new manga series, but CLAMP somehow were always careful to never show any graphical portray of it. Now, finally, after so long, we have Yelan appearing in the manga too, and she’s exactly like her anime counterpart. Regal, elegant, beautiful. I was literally trembling with excitement when I saw her!! It was.....gosh it was huge.
But one has to wonder: how the hell does Kaito knows about all this stuff? How much did he investigate on the Li family? It’s kinda easy to imagine when he could do that: for a period, Akiho and Kaito lived in Hong Kong. Right before coming to Japan.
We get, thanks to Kaito, the confirmation that nor he, nor Syaoran, were born with the gift of seeing the future. Kaito can, if he follows all the steps, see some glimpses till a certain degree, but nothing comparable to someone specialized in divination art, let alone a yumemi. Here it is, the cursed term so dear to CLAMP, indicating the ones who can see the future in dreams. Kaito says that Sakura can indeed see the future playing out in her dreams, but it’s a future far from being set in stone. She’s basically a beginner yumemi, with confusing and fragmented visions, I’d say. But when she will grow up, she will be a fully fledged yumemi. Kaito says that it’s for the strong people to decide how the future will go. And here we find again the thematic so dear to CLAMP, the future and the choices made to let it go in a direction, or another one. Kaito starts to call forth the Tina Rie Triax spell. Syaoran is like “the hell I’m letting you get away like this” and is preparing to counter-attack with Raitei Shorai, when The Queen™ decides she had enough and screams “NOOO!”, calling her staff on the spot and activating her power towards Syaoran, switching places with him! She literally forced him out of the picture and took his place!! 
The Queen takes agency
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LOOK AT THAT FACE! LOOK AT IT WELL. It’s the same determination she had in this scene:
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I knew we would see the results of that determination. When she saw the boy she loves risking his life with someone who was attacking him, she took agency and went to the front row.
You can’t keep Sakura in the sidelines like that.
Kaito is quite suprised by the move. Maybe because he doesn’t understand love or because he didn’t think she would take agency. Either way, Sakura is pointing her staff at him, the same way Syaoran was pointing his sword at him moments ago. You don’t mess with this child, Kaito.
And he must certainly know, because he mutters “That’s too bad” and rewinds time, basically chickening out of the picture. XD
Sakura is back with Tomoyo, Akiho, Sonomi and her father, but she knows something is wrong, and she walks away from them for a while to give birth to a new card!! TRANSFER is the name, and it’s the power she used to switch places with Syaoran. The fact is, she doesn’t remember nor she understands why the hell this card is here. 
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While at home Kaito thinks to himself (smile always present but blatantly a mere mask) that he needs to hurry up or he’ll be in a fucking big mess because Sakura resisted his time-stopping magic and the Clear Card survived the time rewinding, Sakura at her own home is a nervous wreck. She calls Syaoran because she has the feeling she saw Light & Dark, they don’t remember, but Syaoran confirms that he feels something is off and has the feeling someone made them forget something. Sakura closes the call promising that she would inform him of anything that would come to her mind, but as she inadvertently knocks her Clear Cards off, they all fall facing backwards, save for one: BREAK.
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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how Chapter 42 ends. Leaving us wondering why Sakura is making this dismayed face. She’s either taking it as a bad omen, or she’s remembering what she saw when she captured BREAK, and what caused the birth of the card in the first place. Not only a soulless Akiho talking nonsense in a pretty dress, but also her boyfriend under the robe of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure. Seemingly about to hurt an unconscious Akiho. That is still an open wound in Sakura’s heart, and it’s pretty clear here.
Guys, what can I tell you, this chapter has been a mixture of wonderful surprises, painful TRC recalls, frustrating time rewindings that show us how Sakura and Syaoran are slowly realizing and fighting Kaito’s fuckery with time....I know a good chunk of the fandom doesn’t like this give-and-take-away, it always seems like the final battle is here, but we are tricked everytime. And yet, I do believe that once the story will be over, and after some time we’ll go back to read Clear Card, the time rewindings will show clearly how gradually Sakura was able to overcome and overthrow Kaito’s magic: first it was a finger, then it was an unexplicable sadness, now a new card and the impression to have seen things, and a general uneasiness because something feels off. The kids were even capable of realizing that they were made to forget something. I bet this graduality will feel more interesting and exciting when we’re not forced to wait 1 month between chapters.
Let me know what you think, too!
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mayasshitposts · 4 years
Yoshira - The Love Story of a Warrior
Theme: The force of love is greater than anything Game: Shall we Date Destiny Ninja Character: Yoshitsune Minamoto, Akira Fukuhara
Title: Yoshira the Love Story of a Warrior
Trigger warning: Mentions of seppuku, aka ritual suicide. Read at your own discretion.
Novel Summary: In the backdrop of the fierce Genpei War lurks a beautiful love story. Follow the journey of Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, the general of the Genji and Akira, a princess from foreign lands. Yoshitsune’s hand in marriage was already promised to Shizuka Gozen, the daughter of an ally, when he met and fell in love with Akira. Will the Minamoto clan accept this development in the midst of conflict? “I lay my head before the sword of thee, if falling in love is such a heinous crime then punish me” Akira.
If you would like to read the complete novel, let me know in the comments Movie inspiration- Bajirao Mastani (2015)
This is fanfiction, based on long research into the historical events that the game Shall we Date Destiny Ninja was based on. So this can also be considered historical fiction. Remember the word fiction- so it's not entirely true! Also this short is three chapters squeezed into one chapter, so if there seem to be any weird skips, that's why.
The head of the Minamoto clan, Minamoto Yoritomo sat in the hall with his trusted vassals. A nobleman, Kajiwara Kagetoki, and three shinobi, Enya, Goyo and Kazemasa Hattori Hanzo. They were all upset with the daughter of the Fukuhara clan. She had continued to live and fight back despite all the warnings and threats. Yoritomo had to resort to the final tactic. He had already sentenced his brother, Minamoto Yoshitsune, to an honourable death. He gave out one last order, "Capture the girl and throw her into the dungeons till she dies."
                                    ��                      *****************
It was a spring afternoon. The Sakura flowers were starting to bloom and the air felt alive. The fgrass was fresh and green. The sun was high and mighty, bathing the earth in its soft golden glow. Akira Fukuhara sat under the very sakura tree where the So-Daisho and her had first shared their love. 'Has it really been two years?' She wondered. Akira shut her eyes, dwelling on the wonderful memories she made with the So-Daisho.
There was a loud rustling in the bushes and four men surrounded her. One of the men, Kajiwara Kagetoki Kajiwara stepped forward.
Akira stood up and held her hands out towards him, "You're here to capture me, aren't you?" She asked. "Bind these wrists together and carry out your orders. Death is a welcome escape if it means having to live another day without the So-Daisho." Kajiwara smirked, "You sure are smart for a dancer girl. Who would have thought that the only daughter of Fukuhara Kaito would fall into a love trap?" He scoffed. "How does it feel to dishonour the name of the Fukuhara clan?"
Akira's eyes waver for a second before she regains her calm. "I may have dishonoured the name of my family, but I have not dishonoured the name of love," said Akira.
Kajiwara Kagetoki grunts, and says, "What is this love you speak of?"
 "Love, that battles stormy seas is love, that fights the world in front of everyone is love, that binds two souls together for eternity, that is the love I speak of," said Akira, looking into the nobleman's eyes.
 One of the men, Enya speaks up. "It is this love that is punishing you so." Akira smiled while calmly responding, "I lay my head before the sword of thee, if love is such a heinous crime then punish me."
"Yoshitsune sama! Yoshitsune sama!" cried a voice.
Yoshitsune Minamoto, who was sitting in a room at the Minamoto headquarters in Kamakura, snapped his head up towards the direction of the voice that had called out to him. "Sohma? What is it? Any news from Kyoto?" He asked, anticipation lacing his voice. "Yes Yoshitsune sama, and I'm afraid that it is bad news," Answered Sohma. "Lady Akira was captured and thrown into the dungeons."
Yoshitsune felt an arrow like feeling pierce his heart. He stood up, picking up his katana and ran out of his room, towards the dais where his older brother, Minamoto Yoritomo sat. He lunged towards the leader of the Genji, only to be pinned down by one of the guards. Yoritomo smirked, as he ordered for the ceremony for Yoshitsune's seppuku to begin. The guard led Yoshitsune to the raised platform where he would slit his belly.
"Any last words?" asked Minamoto Yoritomo.
Yoshitsune, still furious, but with a calm expression says, "I have loved Akira Fukuhara, not lusted for her."
The sounds of the ceremonial drum, the chants of monks. All is calm.
One man, Minamoto Yoshitsune sat upon the platform where he would commit ritual suicide.
Hands bound together, pale skin, strong winds, the scent of sakura blossoms.
One woman, Fukuhara Akira, stood in her jail cell.
Both were asked only one question, "Any final wishes?"
"To see my beloved," They said.
"Minamoto Yoshitsune," said she.
"Fukuhara Akira," said he.
Yoshitsune's four retainers stood outside the Minamoto camp, fending off any enemies that dared come close. Three ninja fought their former comrades. Arrows flew high and mighty as each warrior fought valiantly.
 Musashibou Benkei was the lone soldier standing after a long and tiring battle. Yoshitsune's trusted vassal continued to stand as arrows pierced his body. Suddenly, one of the soldiers noticed that Musashibou Benkei had stopped moving. And then, the great warrior fell to the ground, dead. Benkei had died standing, and legends would tell the story of the standing death of Musashibou Benkei.
Yoshitsune silently held the blade of his short sword to his belly and proceeded to disembowel himself.
Akira pulled at her chains that were binding her to the jail cell.
Both could see the sakura petals blowing in the wind. The setting sun glowed orange in the Western sky as the full moon illuminated the sky in the East. Monks were chanting hymns in the background. A strong wind brought soft droplets of rain. For a moment, Yoshitsune and Akira were transported to the last time they saw each other.
Yoshitsune was holding Akira in his arms. He had just informed her of his brother's orders. Akira tearfully asked him, "Will we ever meet again, Yoshitsune sama?" Yoshitsune hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry Akira. I promise we will meet again. When the sakura flowers blossom and their petals rain down on earth, when the cool wind brings soft rainfall, when the full moon rises in the east as the sun sets in the west, when we hear the monks chant their prayers, our souls will forever united, and our names will always be remembered as one."
Flashback end
 Akira fell to her knees as her breathing shallowed. She felt a searing pain in her chest as she sensed her life force draining away.
A man leapt to his feet, ready to behead Yoshitsune.
At that moment, Yoshitsune and Akira remembered the conclusion to their conversation.
"Our hearts beat together Akira,"
"And they cease together."
Right then, the man swiftly beheads Yoshitsune, as the warrior falls forward.
 Akira's eyes shut firmly as her form falls limp.
The lovers now united for all eternity.
We often make wishes when we see a shooting star. Perhaps, Yoshitsune and Akira were two stars that had fallen to teach the world about the power of love. They succeeded. The world will forever sing the praises of their love. Their names will always be called together. One will always be remembered with the other. The legends shall forever tell the tale of Yoshira.
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 5.4
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time, in chapter 5’s first day of free time, which should by all rights have finally been a segment with barely any Kaito focus, multiple invitation dialogues had me talking about heroes and sidekicks, we hung out with Maki and heard adorable stories of her best friend from the orphanage and the sacrifices she made for her… and then Himiko’s FTEs somehow managed to be an incredibly fitting metaphor for what’s been going on between Shuichi and Kaito, which may or may not be on purpose on the writers’ part but I sure had way too much fun with it regardless.
Shuichi:  (It’s nighttime. I *would* have been training…)
You could train without Kaito! You’ve done it before. Buuuut I don’t know how much good that would do to take Shuichi’s mind of his problems in this situation, because his biggest problem right now is intrinsically connected to the training itself, so he’d just be constantly reminding himself of it and worrying about it more.
*ding-dong!* *ding-dong!*
Unnecessary hypothetical tangent time! I’ve seen a few blind Let’s Players respond to this by wondering if it could be Kaito having come to talk to Shuichi. To which my immediate thought was “don’t you know it obviously can’t be Kaito; the doorbell didn’t ring a million times”.
But! Then I thought about it some more. If this was hypothetically Kaito having mustered up the courage to talk to Shuichi about what happened in the trial, he would still be convinced that Shuichi feels let down by and ashamed of him. Kaito would believe that Shuichi wouldn’t want to talk to him, and therefore that Shuichi probably wouldn’t answer the door if he knew it was Kaito. So Kaito would not want to make it clear it was him at the door by ringing it incessantly and would only ring the normal-person amount of times, to make Shuichi think it was somebody else. Which would be a fun reversal of the time in chapter 3 when Maki deliberately mimicked Kaito’s doorbell habits because she still felt that Shuichi wouldn’t answer the door if he knew it was her.
Anyway, that’s all a total hypothetical and Kaito does not in fact have the courage to face Shuichi whatsoever. It’s Maki at the door.
Maki:  “Kaito asked me earlier… to show him my research lab.”
Shuichi:  “Huh? Your lab?”
Maki:  “I might as well show him, since I know he won’t take no for an answer… So you have to come, too.”
She just says Shuichi “has” to come without explaining why that’s so apparently necessary. This is all about her trying to get Shuichi and Kaito in the same space so that they can potentially talk to each other and sort things out between them, but she’s not mentioning that here. Maybe she thinks that if she tells Shuichi that then he won’t want to come.
She then leaves after saying this without checking if Shuichi is actually coming with her. Clearly she has learned that if you tell Shuichi to do a thing in an assertive enough tone, he will probably do it. Kaito taught her that one.
Shuichi:  “…” (Maki invited me, so… I should go.)
Implying that he’s only going because Maki invited him and he doesn’t want to disappoint her. Meaning that he doesn’t want to go for Kaito’s sake and the chance of making up with him, like he’s just expecting everything between them to continue to be painful and awkward and there’s nothing he’d ever be able to do to fix that.
Tsumugi is hanging out in the courtyard looking up at the stars, and reminds Shuichi of what Gonta said once before about them looking different. She could have reminded us of this at any time up to this point, but she’s choosing to do so now. It’s almost like this is finally the chapter where all of the hints about the space thing are being dropped at once and she’s deliberately adding to that.
Tsumugi:  “With all the horrible things happening, I was always looking down… I need to thank Gonta.”
She’s still committed to her thing of caring about Gonta, at least. She didn’t drop that once he died (even though she’s one of the people responsible for his death). I guess he really was her favourite character.
Shuichi:  “Ah, sorry I’m late…”
Kaito:  “Hm? O-Oh… so you came, too…”
Kaito was not mentally prepared to suddenly be in the same room as Shuichi right now, was he.
Shuichi:  “Y-Yeah…”
Kaito:  “…”
Shuichi:  “…” (Silence.)
So much for Maki hoping that this would magically get them to talk to each other. They are both still convinced that the other doesn’t want to talk to them, so this was never going to happen just because they’re in the same room.
Maki:  *sigh*
(As if utterly bored by the painful silence, Maki started up a conversation.)
She is so frustrated at her friends continuing to be idiots like this.
Maki:  “Why did you ask to see my research lab so suddenly, Kaito?”
Kaito:  “Well… I just wanted to see what kind of weapons were here.”
Maki:  “What? Why would you want to see my weap—”
Kaito:  “But wow! There’s a ton of stuff here!”
Because he’s going to need a bunch of weapons for his brilliantly heroic plan that he’s been working on, of course! It’s a little surprising that he doesn’t mention that that’s what this is for here, especially the way he seems to deliberately cut off her question about it. Maybe he’s worried that Maki is going to try and talk him out of doing something reckless if he tells her the plan right now.
Kaito:  “But there’s no swords of any kind here – Japanese or western – right?”
Maki:  “I don’t use swords of any type. Not after I botched a mission with my katana.”
Which Kaito should already know, but that was an optional scene so we’re awkwardly pretending like he doesn’t.
Kaito:  “Either way, I don’t feel like weapons really suit women.”
Aaand here’s the final Misogyny Bullet to hit its mark. This one I can’t actually prove to be something that is objectively out of character for Kaito to think, because we’ve never heard anything about his thoughts on weapons at all up until now. But based on the fact that every other comment of Kaito’s like this was provably out of character, we can assume that this isn’t something we should take to heart as being a defining point about him either.
(This final one is literally only the fourth instance of this in the whole game. Four single lines. Just picture how absolutely tiny that molehill is, compared to the mountain of everything else Kaito ever says and does throughout five chapters of being one of the most prominent characters, all of which thoroughly contradicts him being that kind of person.)
Maki:  “Care to explain why you wanted to see my weapons?”
Kaito:  “Didn’t I tell you this morning? I’ve got a plan all figured out. Oh! What’s in that black case over there?”
(As if backing away from the conversation, Kaito headed to the far bookcase…)
He still seems to be trying to avoid talking about his plan as much as possible, probably because he doesn’t want Maki to question him on it and learn that he does not, in fact, have anything “all figured out” at all.
I also get the sense that Kaito “backing away from the conversation” like this is him finding a distraction that’ll give him an excuse to not have to talk to Shuichi either. Kaito knows perfectly well why Maki invited him, after all.
Kaito:  “Hm, so when you put them together, they become a crossbow. Looks interesting.”
Kaito is so curious and interested in anything and everything! Even when it’s a weapon, which he just said… well, let’s pretend he just said he doesn’t really like weapons in general. (It would make sense for Kaito to think that, since he’s all about people working together and communicating and using human creations to achieve great things, not using the fruits of human ingenuity to hurt each other.)
And Kaito’s really only interested in the crossbow for curiosity’s sake, rather than in terms of his plan, because he doesn’t include any crossbows in his big pile of weapons in the gym tomorrow.
Kaito:  “Hey Maki Roll… can you teach me how to put it together?”
He’s not even planning to use the crossbows on Monokuma and he has no idea he’s going to want to use one later either! He just wants to learn a cool thing!
Maki:  “And then, put that other part in the opposite way… Ah wait. That’s wrong.”
Kaito:  “Oh, my bad. It goes this way.”
Maki:  “Mmhm. Then, next it’s—”
It’s pretty cute to see Kaito being the one in the role of student, messing up sometimes and having Maki guide him and fix his mistakes. That’s a role Kaito is not usually comfortable putting himself in at all. Presumably he’s okay with this here because this is just an intellectual thing and there’s always more to be learned in that regard. This is quite separate from the kind of emotional and personal growth that he is always supposed to be in the teacher role for and definitely never need any help with himself.
Shuichi:  (While watching those two, the memory of a similar scene came to my mind.)
Shuichi’s talking about himself and Kaede, specifically the time she held his hand and encouraged him to be braver about his issues of facing the truth. Which… doesn’t have anything to do with Maki teaching Kaito how to build a crossbow? The only vague similarity is that Maki is giving Kaito guidance, but I just talked about how it’s a completely different type of guidance from emotional support and therefore not really that analogous at all. Any moment in which Kaito was encouraging Shuichi or Maki to fight their “enemy” earlier in the story would have been a far more appropriate moment for Shuichi reminiscence about this – after all, Kaito, rather than Maki, is the one who’s really parallel to Kaede.
The only other similarity is that there happen to be romantic feelings involved in both cases, which is clearly what the game is actually trying to get at. And that’s annoying. It makes no sense to try and link them together just because of that when they are otherwise completely different – they both involve two people bonding in some way, perhaps, but they’re completely different kinds of bonding and neither are inherently romantic and could just as well have happened if all the feelings involved were nothing but platonic. Maki certainly isn’t thinking about what she’s doing as some kind of peak romance. She’s just teaching Kaito how to build a goddamn crossbow. The fact that she incidentally happens to have feelings for him is completely irrelevant, and there’s nothing in her behaviour that suggests that’s on her mind right now.
The narrative’s treatment of Maki’s thing for Kaito can occasionally get a little amatonormative, which frustrates me. (It’s still pretty minor, though – I see far, far worse all the freaking time.) But Maki herself never makes as big of a deal about it as the narrative does, which is appropriate for her character and which I appreciate. The writing is slightly awkward about it, but it’s not the writing of Maki which is awkward, just the writing around her, so I don’t have an inherent problem with the fact that Maki feels this way.
Kaito:  “Whoa, since I built it, it became an extra-cool crossbow!”
Naturally. A Luminary of the Stars crossbow! He’s such a dork.
(And, given the state of mind he’s been in lately, he’s almost certainly completely faking his overblown opinion of himself now.)
Kaito:  “It seems like it’s a bit complicated… but I think I can do it by myself next time.”
You’re not even currently planning on there being a next time, Kaito!
Maki:  “…Shuichi, do you want to learn, too?”
While Maki started teaching Kaito because he asked, she offers to do the same for Shuichi out of nowhere. I get the sense that she’s trying to include him in what’s happening and give him and Kaito some common ground to maybe, just maybe, actually start a conversation over and slowly begin to close the gap between them.
(And the fact that she offered this to Shuichi goes to show that teaching someone how to build a crossbow is, funnily enough, not some kind of deep metaphor for romantic feelings.)
Shuichi:  “Ah, no, that’s alright… I sort of understand from watching anyway.”
…But it seems Shuichi doesn’t quite want to be included in this way and possibly brought closer to having to maybe talk to Kaito. Dammit, Shuichi, you’re not helping the situation here.
Maki:  “Then let’s put it away. You can easily take it apart by reversing the steps.”
Kaito:  “Wait, do I have to do it?”
Maki:  “Who else is going to do it?”
Kaito:  “Yeah… s-sorry… I don’t… feel too good again…”
Maki:  “…Huh?”
Kaito:  “It seems like I’m not at 100%! So I’m gonna go back first!”
This is not about Kaito not wanting to put the crossbow away. He has never actually been as lazy and flaky as he can sometimes come across – and most of the times that he has come across that way, it’s really been because of his illness. This is because of his illness too. He’s probably started to feel another blood-coughing fit coming on and desperately doesn’t want to be around them for it (and we are indeed going to see him coughing up blood soon after this). So he’s using not wanting to put the crossbow away as his cover for leaving – and since being lazy and unreliable is not something it’d be in his character to admit to so he can’t just claim that outright without it sounding like an obvious excuse, he’s making it sound like he’s using his illness as the obviously-fake excuse to get out of that.
He’s making the truth sound like a lie in order to convince everyone that it’s not really the truth at all. That is some Kokichi-level deception there. Kaito is getting really desperate.
Shuichi:  (Ignoring Maki trying to stop him, Kaito fled the room.)
“Fled”. That sure is a word to describe it, Shuichi. Somehow I don’t think having to put a crossbow away and tidy up after yourself is something anyone would ever have a reason to flee from.
Maki:  “I knew he wasn’t the type to clean up, but I never thought he’d run away with a crappy lie…”
It worked. He convinced them that the illness part was the lie and not the other way around. Maki even remarks that it doesn’t seem like him to lie about that, yet she still bought that that’s what he did. God damnit, Kaito.
Maki:  “…How frustrating. He’s the worst.”
I love her pouty face as she says this. Why does she care about this idiot so much. (Because he still saved her, even though he’s an idiot.)
Shuichi:  “Ah, well, that’s just Kaito…”
Is it, Shuichi? I thought you were always the one to stand up for him when he couldn’t train because he was phobia-sick and Maki acted like he was just making pathetic excuses. Shouldn’t you be standing up for him here in that same way, since you know Kaito never really makes excuses like that? Apparently not, because that would mean suggesting that Kaito really is still sick and that wasn’t just an excuse. Even though it was clear at breakfast that nobody was convinced Kaito was really back at 100%, Shuichi still does not want to suggest out loud that this could be the case.
Maki:  “I’m sure you know why I invited you, right?”
Shuichi:  “Y-Yeah… I do. You were trying to get Kaito and me to make up.”
Of course Shuichi knew that as well. They both did – they just didn’t want to acknowledge it because that would mean admitting that they should be trying to talk to each other.
Really, Maki was going about this in a very unhelpfully indirect way that was just giving both of them plenty of excuse to continue to awkwardly ignore each other. What she really should have done is just talk about it, explicitly bringing attention to the fact that they should be talking to each other and try to force them to do so one way or another. If she was willing to be less indirect, I can honestly see her just declaring that she’s not letting them leave until they’ve talked to each other, then shutting them in here and guarding the door from outside. Granted, Kaito would probably immediately decide he’s not going to say a word in the hope he can out-stubborn Maki and get her to give up and let them out, because doing that would seem less painful to him than actually talking to Shuichi about this. But Shuichi at least would attempt to talk to Kaito for lack of anything else to do (he doesn’t think he can out-stubborn Maki), and in the process Kaito would start to realise that he’s completely misunderstanding Shuichi’s whole state of mind here and they might actually get somewhere.
If only Maki had realised that just them talking to each other in any shape or form would immediately start to fix things.
Maki:  “It’s not like he hates you or anything.”
Very correct! I’m glad she knows this much at least. (If she thought Kaito really did (inconceivably) hate Shuichi now, there’d have been no point her even trying to get them to make up here.)
Maki:  “He’s just being stubborn.”
…Less correct. Stubbornness would mean that this is about his principles and he’s stubbornly sticking to them even if it means shunning Shuichi. As I went over countless times during the trial, that was never truly the point. But the fact that Maki thinks it is explains why she doesn’t realise how easily talking would solve things – she thinks talking would just make it worse as long as Kaito’s still in this stubborn mood and it’s instead a case of needing to slowly wear down his stubbornness, hence her completely unhelpful indirect approach.
Shuichi:  “But… I just don’t know what to say to him.”
He doesn’t say anything else before this “but”, so he never specifically agrees that he knows Kaito doesn’t hate him. Shuichi, please tell me you at least know Kaito doesn’t hate you. You can’t be that painfully wrong, surely?
Shuichi:  “I-I had no choice! Gonta… If I didn’t do something, everyone would have died… I… I don’t think it’d be right to apologize for that…”
*very deep breath*
EXACTLY! Of course you shouldn’t apologise for that when you didn’t do anything wrong! This is precisely Kaito’s opinion on apologising! It is not possible that he could be expecting an apology from you!
This right here is the other reason I kept stressing Kaito’s principles on apologising so much – because it proves beyond a doubt that it does not make any kind of sense for Kaito to be angry at Shuichi here and wanting some kind of apology before he’ll talk to him again.
This isn’t something that necessarily requires multiple playthroughs to appreciate, either. I noticed during this moment on my first time through that what Shuichi said matched Kaito’s previously-stated opinions exactly and therefore Shuichi was wrong to be assuming Kaito wanted him to apologise. This is the biggest, most unambiguous clue that would let someone pick up that there’s more going on with Kaito here than meets the eye, but apparently most people still don’t, and it makes me sad. I’ve watched several blind LPs of this game – probably something like ten by now – and out of all of them, only one eventually sort of vaguely wondered if there might be more to this than just Kaito being angry. The real truth of this situation is so compelling, and it doesn’t deserve to be written off as its apparent face value and nothing more.
There’s also the part where Shuichi was almost certainly witness to the time Kaito most clearly expressed his opinions about apologising, to Kaede back in chapter 1 after the tunnel incident. You may recall how I awkwardly went out of my way to point out that despite how Kaito and Shuichi each leave after having their optionally-ordered conversations with Kaede there, it makes the most sense to think that Kaito canonically said his bit first and so Shuichi would have overheard it. This is the future point at which that is relevant that I promised back then. Buuuut, even though Shuichi probably heard Kaito’s speech that time, apparently he forgot about that, because if he remembered then he should be able to realise that Kaito can’t possibly want him to apologise here. I guess we can put that down to the fact that at the time his dependency was focused on Kaede and he wasn’t really paying attention to Kaito that much, so the things Kaito said weren’t necessarily likely to register or stick in his mind.
Something else interesting to note is that while Shuichi had a tendency to apologise unnecessarily in front of Kaede a lot, he never did so in front of Kaito, not even earlier on. He can’t have done, because if he had, Kaito would have given him the whole don’t-apologise-when-you’re-not-in-the-wrong speech and he’d definitely have remembered that. “Don’t make yourself feel bad unnecessarily for something that isn’t your fault” was in fact the general gist of a lot of the advice Kaito was giving Shuichi near the start, since that was Shuichi’s biggest problem. But Kaito never specifically mentioned apologising during any of that advice, so Shuichi never picked up on that part of his philosophy in particular – and I wonder how deliberate that was on the writers’ part in order to get this chapter to work.
It’s also quite remarkable that Shuichi is self-assured enough to be able to stand by what he did here and be sure that he shouldn’t apologise. That chapter 1 Shuichi who apologised too much to Kaede, and maybe also the early-chapter-2 Shuichi who blamed himself for Kaede’s death, would almost certainly have caved into telling himself he was in the wrong about this. And that growth from Shuichi is most likely thanks to Kaito’s influence anyway, albeit in a more indirect way that he’s less consciously aware of. Shuichi’s become able to think this way at least in part because some of Kaito’s general conviction and self-assuredness has rubbed off on him, even without him needing to follow specific words of advice.
Shuichi:  “I’m sorry, Maki. I just… need more time…”
You’re not the one who needs it, Shuichi. The responsibility to fix this isn’t on you. If you could figure out what was going on in Kaito’s head and manage to help him, that would be really good… but you shouldn’t have to.
The reality of it is that Kaito was the one whose actions in the trial were in the wrong, not Shuichi. Kaito ended up making things more painful for Shuichi in a way that could have been avoided if he hadn’t acted the way he did. It’s like a worse version of the time he punched Shuichi at the end of Kaede’s trial, which was him losing control of himself and lashing out when he never really wanted to, and he apologised for that the morning after. Kaito is the one who owes Shuichi an apology here, and there’s no way he’s not aware of that. This is the one time in the story that Kaito shows an exception to his principles about apologising in the opposite direction from usual: not apologising when he has done something wrong. It’s not that he doesn’t think he should – it’s just that the thought of how badly he failed Shuichi during the trial hurts him so much that he doesn’t have the strength to accept it and face Shuichi and admit that he messed up.
The problem isn’t that Kaito is being stubborn, but rather that right now he’s basically being a coward. Which has a very different ring to it than all the times I’ve called Kokichi a coward, because Kokichi is almost always a coward and nopes away at the slightest sign of anything he doesn’t like. But Kaito is usually able to be pretty damn brave and face unpleasant things head-on – that even seems to be one of his general principles, like when he was encouraging Himiko to face up to Tenko’s death. So the fact that he can’t bring himself to face this even slightly just goes to show how absolutely terrified he must be about admitting this failure to Shuichi.
(Ready for an even-more-overthinking-it and somewhat personal tangent? Kaito concluding that he’s obviously failed Shuichi is very much a result of his issues about heroes and sidekicks, and I don’t want to sound like I’m about to diminish the importance of that. But the fact that this perceived failure is then apparently so unbearably painful to him that he simply cannot face it suggests to me that Kaito is also dealing with a thing called rejection sensitivity dysphoria, which amplifies this type of emotional pain to far more intense levels (and has a somewhat misleading name because it can also be about failure as well as rejection). This is one of the lesser-known symptoms of ADHD, and once this occurred to me, I then thought of everything else about Kaito and realised that huh, this actually makes a lot of sense. So ADHD Kaito is a pet headcanon of mine, one which totally doesn’t have anything to do with me having realised that I have ADHD and researched more about exactly what it is while being hyperfixated on Kaito. I have a lot more thoughts about this that don’t belong in this commentary because they aren’t really relevant to the story – the only point at which this headcanon potentially impacts the story, hence why I’m even mentioning it here at all, is right here in early chapter 5. I can confirm from experience that RSD sucks and makes even seemingly innocuous things hurt like hell, so if Kaito really does have ADHD and this really is contributing to his pain right now, holy crap I do not blame him one bit for not being able to face this.)
Maki:  *sigh* “I didn’t realize you two would require such high maintenance.”
I love the way Maki puts this, like she’s unintentionally wound up taking care of two very difficult children. She’s such a good child caregiver!
Shuichi:  “S-Sorry…”
Not your fault, Shuichi. Well, okay, slightly your fault for being so oblivious, but one can’t really blame you for what you’re not aware of. It is definitely far more Kaito’s fault for not having the courage to do what he knows he should be doing to put this right.
Shuichi:  (I didn’t realize… Maki would be so concerned about us.)
And speaking of you being oblivious, Shuichi! How do you not already know by this point that Maki is a very caring person who would obviously worry about her friends when they’re being like this?
Shuichi:  (In the end, I was the one who ended up disassembling the crossbow.)
So Maki did end up teaching him how to do it (albeit backwards) after all. Sort of beside the point though when the reason she offered in the first place was to try and encourage him and Kaito to talk to each other here, and it’s too late for that.
Shuichi:  (And then there’s the… thing with me and Kaito…) “I need to make up with him… For us… and for Maki.”
Shuichi is still assuming it’s his responsibility to do this and not having it even remotely occur to him that actually maybe Kaito’s the one who needs to take action. But it’s nice that he sees it as even more important to do now he realises it’s not just hurting the two of them but also Maki as well. This is definitely something Kaito would realise too after tonight… not that that’s going to be enough to give Kaito the push he needs to do something, so he’s just going to be feeling even more guilty and awful about his cowardice now.
Shuichi:  (I fell asleep thinking about it…)
This is the first time in a while Shuichi has gone to sleep while thoughts of his current problems have been going around and around in his head. Kaito’s training was supposed to help him not do that! But here we are again… thanks to Kaito’s mistakes.
Meanwhile, Kaito is helplessly coughing up blood outside, presumably in some hidden corner of the courtyard where Shuichi and Maki wouldn’t have accidentally happened across him on their way back.
Kaito:  “Wh-Why…? Why… now? Why… me?”
This “why me?” is the closest Kaito ever gets to expressing the sentiment that it’s not fair that he’s the one who has to go through this. No-one else is dealing with anything like this; he’s the only one who has to carry this unimaginably heavy burden on top of everything else. Kaito would never directly voice the idea that he doesn’t think it’s fair, because that would centre things around himself – he’s bad enough at thinking that his suffering even matters at all, never mind putting it above everyone else’s. He is far too painfully selfless to ever consciously think that way, even beneath the façade he puts on for others – Kaito would sooner go through this a thousand times over than wish it upon anybody else in his place. But even so, there is a tiny part of him that does still feel that injustice that manages to come through here, just subtly enough that he probably doesn’t even register it, while he’s alone and no-one will ever see him feeling this way.
Also, though, why Kaito indeed? There’s three different answers to this question depending on the level of fictionality you look at it through.
In the most fictional sense, in terms of the in-story story about the meteorites and the virus that everyone on the Gofer Project was supposed to be immune to, it’s because he’s the astronaut. If they’re going to be flying in a spaceship and reaching a new world, an astronaut is the one talent they’d benefit from more than anything else, to the point that they’d be willing to take compromises over the immunity thing in order to get Kaito on board. An astronaut who’s only partially immune to the virus and who will be sick and drop dead a few weeks into the trip is still better than no astronaut at all. If any of the students was going to turn out to be only partially immune to the virus despite having been chosen for the Gofer Project, the most plausible one for it would be him.
In a less fictional sense, on the level of this being a story written by Team Danganronpa, it’s because Kaito was written to be the figure of support for Shuichi’s character arc of being a weak Ultimate Detective who grows strong. In aid of that, they wanted Kaito to give him that push in the first place, but then for Shuichi to have to slowly learn to stand on his own without Kaito. First they did this by extremely lazily nerfing Kaito’s effectiveness in chapter 3 with his arbitrary phobia. And now they’re nerfing Kaito in the most comprehensive way there is, by killing him. It’s possible that he would have gotten killed by the killing game at some point anyway, but the in-universe writers couldn’t leave that to chance and wanted to be sure Shuichi would eventually lose him, so they made sure Kaito was dying no matter what for an external reason that could be conveniently tied into their backstory.
(Oh, man, if Kaito ever learned that the reason he’s dying, on the truest level that matters to him, is simply that the mastermind just wanted him out of the way and out of the “story” so that Shuichi could take the spotlight and be the real hero who doesn’t need his help anymore… fuck, that would be vicious. That’d stab Kaito exactly where he’s already hurting the most. Maybe it’s a good thing he never actually learns the truth.)
But on the not-at-all-fictional level, it’s because the real, out-universe purpose of Kaito’s story isn’t just to be the mentor for Shuichi’s development, but also to be a deconstruction of those kinds of heroic mentor characters. (I can think of four other characters in other works of fiction who remind me of Kaito in that they seem like perfect heroes but know that their best friend can become even stronger than them and inspire said friend to reach that potential – and all four of them die.) In order to deconstruct that, Kaito needed to be, on some level, not okay with only being there to inspire Shuichi and then die, and to do that he needs to know that he’s going to die. Kaito would already have been messed up to some extent by his percieved inferiority to Shuichi even if he weren’t dying, but the helplessness caused by his impending death and how he tried to deal with it by clinging to the feeling that at least Shuichi needs him only to lose that too has made his breakdown far more spectacular than it would have been otherwise. Kaito’s entire character arc is delightful and his looming inevitable death is a vital part of it, and the out-universe writers know exactly what they’re doing. (The in-universe writers don’t, though. I really believe they only see Kaito as a disposable crutch for Shuichi’s development and not as someone to have a character arc of his own. Boy were they wrong. Boy are most of the best parts of this story not something the in-universe writers had planned at all.)
Kaito:  “Damn it… I’m running… outta time.”
Not for himself. He already said this morning he was going to get “you guys” and not “us” out of here. He’s running out of time to finally make a difference and be a hero to everyone else after how badly he feels he’s failed so far.
Kaito:  “I can’t die like this… Like hell am I gonna… die here…”
“Like this”, meaning he can’t die the way he currently is, as a failure. “Here”, meaning he can’t die while everyone’s still trapped in here and at least wants to see them escape and know they’re going to be okay before the end.
Kaito:  “I… I still… haven’t gone… t-to space… Damn it…”
Final reminder: Kaito cannot die before he has gone to space. Five times he says something to this effect. It is So Important.
…But this time, I don’t think Kaito really believes he’s going to manage it. I think this is him brokenly lamenting the realisation that he’s never going to make it to space after all. Everything else he wants is for others. This is the only thing he wants that’s purely for himself, and it’s the one thing he knows is already a lost cause.
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I really like how the illustration here is framed such that the background behind Kaito is the stars he thinks he’ll never get to reach.
This is almost the same illustration as the scene at the end of chapter 3, except there’s a lot more blood, and his expression is even more anguished, to the point that he’s crying. The previous times Kaito cried, it was for other people who’d died, for all of the pain that everyone had been feeling in general. Here, Kaito is only crying for himself. So it’s only natural that he’d only ever do this when nobody else will see him.
Also, mad props to Kaito’s voice actor for this scene. You can hear every bit of his fear and helplessness beneath his desperate attempts to still sound determined, and it’s wonderful.
(His Japanese VA’s performance here is equally good, mind you; do recommend checking out both.)
Also also, props to the out-universe writers for even including this scene? This is one of not many times that Shuichi’s POV is broken, and that usually only happens during chapter opening/ending stingers. And we already know full well by this point that Kaito is definitely dying, so it’s not like this tells us any new plot information that we didn’t otherwise have. We’re shown this solely because it’s important for us to understand how Kaito is feeling about this, that the façade he puts on in front of the others is very much a façade for the others and he isn’t able to lie to himself about the way he really feels. Even if he has trouble admitting it to himself in words, because that would be tantamount to giving up, he is clearly quite consciously aware of how bad things are beneath it all. (This is, of course, in contrast to Kokichi, who was still thoroughly lying to himself about everything when we saw him alone at night.) The writers care so much about getting Kaito’s character arc across as much as is possible considering how much he hides from the surface and how oblivious Shuichi is to it all, and I’m so glad they do.
On a related note, it’s time for my favourite Monokuma Theater! Which happens to be the only one of the actually-meaningful ones whose meaning should be readily apparent on a first time through.
Monokuma:  “Recklessness is a beautiful thing.”
Because he’s obviously talking about Kaito.
Monokuma:  “It’s so beautiful, I want to print the words ‘Reckless Beauty’ on a t-shirt.”
(I low-key want there to be Danganronpa fan creators out there who have actually made t-shirts like this.)
Monokuma:  “Because recklessness is the stuff that dreams are made of.”
Dreams like going to space, no matter how impossible that might seem!
Monokuma:  “It’s what makes you run at full speed, with no regard for your limitations.”
It’s what makes you cheat your way in and take a test you know you’re too young for, with no regard for what might happen if you get caught, all so that you can get to space that much sooner! It’s what makes you keep giving it your all to support your friends, with no regard for the fact that you’re dying!
Monokuma:  “It’s what makes you excited by anything.”
Like space! Like snow! Like crossbows! Like every single kind of human endeavour imaginable! Like magic and made-up kids’ games you know aren’t true but who cares because pretending they are is fun!
Monokuma:  “Some say it’s foolish, but recklessness is what causes new events to unfold.”
Like encouraging everyone to risk using the first Flashback Light when most of them were too scared to try it! Like reaching out to a lonely assassin who would have remained alone without your help because nobody else wanted to risk getting close to her! Like taking action to fight back even though you have no idea what you’re doing, because if you don’t then no-one else will!
Monokuma:  “So while you’re still alive, live your life so recklessly that it makes you immortal.”
And maybe if you live so recklessly in the time you have left, with such brazen disregard for your limits and weaknesses, maybe it’ll help you feel like you aren’t really weak and dying at all.
Monokuma:  “And if haters laugh at you, let them. They just don’t appreciate reckless beauty like you do.”
Stick to your convictions! Be true to yourself! Never stop being you, no matter how much everyone else tells you you’re an idiot! You know your recklessness is beautiful, so who cares what others think!?
This whole thing is clearly written to celebrate so many of the things that are great about Kaito, and I love it.
[Next post]
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lore-a-lie · 6 years
Chapter 2, Act 8: Lives on the Chopin block
Everyone went to their proper podiums again, with three new crossed out portraits filling up their ranks.
Miu’s was naturally the first that Kaede turned to, her eyes staring back at her from between the three crosses going across her face. She idly wondered if it was because of the girl’s lewdness or a comment on how “strong” her personality was, like alcohol, but it felt fitting in a darkly humorous sort of way. Miu still would have probably appreciated this little joke either way, if she were there to see it. But she wasn’t.
Reluctantly she turned from Miu’s face, past Shuichi’s, to see about those of her other lost friends. It was hard to avoid thinking about whose face would be joining these monochrome memorials after this too. But even that was more pleasant than to really see where Maki and Kirumi’s deaths left them.
Ryoma was alone now, flanked on both sides with dead faces. That of one of his closest friends in this prison, and the other the girl who threatened his life to escape it. But at least the latter’s absence made it easier for Kaito and him to share glances now, for what little support that could give each other.
Though these looks would also mean every time Kaito faced him he’d see the harsh reminder of Maki’s death looming over Ryoma. Kaede couldn’t imagine what seeing that must be like for either of them.
The red lines hardly looked out of place for Maki’s, but the cross was placed less like an X and more like a plus sign. Or more accurately a gun’s scope, given the circle around it. It was almost a blessing her cause of death wasn’t up in the air like Himiko’s initially was, since they at least knew for sure she wasn’t really shot.
Kirumi’s portrait was pretty bland in comparison. The lines were cleaner and crisper than Rantaro’s, but less artistic than Shuichi’s, just a plain formal X on the center of her face. Like checking off a box on a grocery list or a voting ballot. Not that anyone here ever voted for her to do anything.
But there wasn’t much time for contemplation. Their lives were all on the lines again.
“Aww, everyone seems so depressed this time. It’s okay! I’m sure it will be okay! We know what it’s like to watch as your number keeps dwindling one by one but you’ll bounce back. Just like we did!” Monophanie began, taking a triumphant pose with her paws where her hips should be as she looked up to the sky with Monotaro’s scarf blowing in the breeze. The source being the fan Monodam held for her.
“Ya don’t need ta lie to 'em ‘Phanie, they know what they gotta do. Speaking of, youse all best ignore any of what our old paw sez capisce? He’s just an audience this time, we’re still running this show!” Monosuke followed.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. It’s almost nice to have a break for a change. I’ve been doing this for just soooo long you know? This should be so much less stressful, it’s gonna be great for my fur. It’s not easy to keep up this youthful complexion, with how much work I’ve had to put into these games year after year...” Monokuma dismissively replied from his throne, taking out a compact to play with some blush for emphasis as he slighted his most obnoxious son.
“Then-Don’t-Interrupt-Us-Anymore-Father. I-Shall-Do-The-Basic-Explanation-Of-The-Class-Trial.”
“I didn’t agree to that shit! You chumps know the drill by now, if you really don’t know how this works yet then just shut up and watch. Ya argue like a family at dinner over who sent your buddy ta go sleep with da fishes, and vote for “Howdunit”.”
“You mean “Whodunit” Monosuke. “Howdunit” or “Howcatchem”s are completely different types of mysteries. We don’t care how any crime was done, even a completely blind guess would be valid in this courtroom.” Monophanie corrected, again acting like this was some boring comedy routine.
As Monosuke distracted himself bickering with Monophanie over "embearassing" him for his mistake Monodam took over again. “But-If-You-Vote-For-The-Wrong-Person-All-Of-You-Will-Die. If-You-Vote-Right-Only-The-One-Responsible-Will-Be-Punished, With-An-Execution-Made-To-Best-Reflect-Who-They-Were-As-A-Person, Sins-And-All.”
“Oi, not everyone dies if they get the criminal wrong you bucket o’ bolts! If the innocent spotless can’t catch which of them blackened themselves with the blood of their “friends” the killer graduates! They can get the hell outta dodge and leave this place, no strings attached, even if they don’t want to.” Monosuke chimed, while he got his sister into some sort of headlock to "settle" their dispute.
And got an uppercut to his "jaw" for his troubles, as she proved victorious again so she could continue while Monodam nervously watched. (Honestly, with how distracting it is watching them squabble and how dumb they normally are I'm really impressed what they're saying is still coherent. And yet still somehow equally useless. We still know all of this already, so why put us through the entire thing a THIRD time?!)
“And no one is allowed to get out of this without risking bloodying their own hands either. As long as you’re in the minority a wrong vote won’t be held against you, but if you don’t vote we need to kill you. Well, Monosuke will if one of you decides to try, I want no part of it. We’d refuse if we could, I’m sorry.”
“But-I’m-Sure-None-Of-You-Would-Want-That-So-Let’s-Move-On!" Monodam rushed so Monosuke couldn't try picking a fight with their sister again. "Remember-To-Be-Respectful-Of-Each- Others-Thoughts-And-Feelings-As-You-Argue, Even-If-Some-Of-You-Need-To-Lie-And-Accuse-Each-Other.”
“Oh Jeez this is really gonna suck isn’t it? You tykes didn’t even bother trying to stick to your scripts!” Monokuma grumbled behind them, knocking his head against the back of his chair.
“Of-Course-We-Didn’t. What-Is-The-Point-Of-Replacing-You-If-We-Were-Going-To-Follow-Your-Orders?”
Kaito gladly took the opportunity to try and put things back on track.
“Let’s just ignore them for now you guys. Sorry if I can’t be of much help this time.”
“Not to worry, no one blames you Kaito." Kibo quickly dismissed with a sympathetic look. "Between the first victim and your illness this was expected.”
“My what? Who said anything about me being sick?! I’m not sick, I’m as hearty as a horse!”
“Suuure you are Kaito. You really want to admit you’ve just been scared shitless this whole time?”
“FUCK YOU KOKICHI, I ain’t afraid of-”
“No ghost?” Kokichi finished for him with a matching unnatural ghostlike grin on his face and a cackle. (How the fuck does he even make expressions like that?! Who even cackles anymore outside of movies?)
“Please don’t make this one long ghost joke you two, we already had a failed seance and no zombies.” Tsumugi said with a sigh, making Tenko nod her head in agreement.
“Does it count as a failure if we never got to start it?” Angie asked, the picture of utmost innocence.
“We ended up with more dead people than we had when you wackos started, hell yeah it counts!” Kaito shouted, looking appalled he had to point it out to her.
While Angie huffed, Kiyo took the chance to make his argument instead. “It wouldn’t have failed, someone just took advantage of the few of us isolating ourselves for that brief window of time to kill Kirumi. But we should answer the question of who attacked Maki first yes?”
“No! Kirumi’s the freshest so she should be the one we focus on." Tenko shot back, banging against the front railing of her podium with her momentum. "Besides, it’s obvious whoever killed Maki is the one who would have tried attacking you guys. Or BE one of you guys. So Kiyo’s the culprit!” She pointed at him.
Ryoma stepped in before Kiyo had the chance to defend himself though. “Easy there Tenko. Angie’s the one who had the gold on her hands from the gold katana that was used to kill her and it was Angie is who wanted to perform the seance, so shouldn’t she be our prime suspect? The only sources of gold leaf we have are that sword and the supply from her lab, Kaito and I checked.”
“Nuh-uh, Angie would never kill anybody! A degenerate like Kiyo’s way more likely, it was his katana. Besides if there was gold on the underside of all the handles in those rooms wouldn’t that make not getting any on him suspicious? I mean Kirumi wouldn’t since she never tried to leave before… You know.” Tenko trailed off as the memory of the horrifying scene made her lose steam.
“Anyone could enter my lab and take it, and not having gold on my hands still proves I could not have handled that Katana. And with the game’s “first come, first served” rule why should we assume one person is responsible for both crimes? As the only blackened we need to find is Maki’s killer should we not focus our efforts on that culprit first?”
“I agree with Kiyo, there will be time to go over Kirumi’s death later. We can even sort out who killed her outside of the court if we run out of time before we can settle it.” Ryoma said, giving Kirumi’s portrait a wary glance.
“Yeah! Besides Maki has more possible suspects too, so settling her death will take more time.” Kaito agreed.
“Why would the killings be unrelated though, aren’t they a bit too close together to be a coincidence? If we uncover Kirumi’s killer it may help narrow down potential suspects for Maki too, if the two aren’t one and the same. But Angie isn’t responsible for either of these, I swear by Atua’s name.”
“Is “Atua” really their name, or just what they are? Merely asking out of genuine curiosity I assure you.” Kiyo asked, and despite his claim the question had an unmistakable snark to it earning him a glare.
“Hush up you heretic, Angie need not speak His name. That's a higher member benefit.”
“I… I guess the two could be related? I mean Kirumi was the one investigating Maki’s body so maybe the killer chose to attack her just in case she noticed something in addition to wanting to stop the seance.” Kaede suggested, unsure of what else to say.
“Then Kiyo’s still the killer because he chose Kirumi to act as the Medium-”
“No, he didn’t Tenko! Kirumi ask him for job. Gonta may no be able to help but he still hear that right.”
“Exactly. And Angie was the one who chose the rooms we were going to use, I only said they needed to be dark. It would appear the katana used to cut off the head of our maid was hidden under those rooms. Had I been the one to kill her why wouldn’t I have simply used a weapon from Maki’s lab instead?”
“Why would anyone have used a katana in that poor condition then? It is most surprising it is able to cut as well as it is despite its current state. Maki’s lab would be a plain better place to take something like this from, wouldn’t it? It’s probably where the knife Kiyo found in Kirumi’s apron came from too.” Kibo pointed out.
“Oooh I know, I know! Angie had to use it because she’d be too short to reach Kirumi’s neck with anything else!” Kokichi said, hopping up and down as he raised his hand like a kid with a look that screamed he knew he was wrong and just merrily teasing them again. And so Kibo took the bait.
“Negative, that is both illogical and unlikely. While none of Maki’s weapons are as long as the katana’s blade the angle of the cut wouldn’t be this even if that were the case, there’d be a slope to it. Besides Kirumi may not have even been standing when she was attacked.”
“Umm, wouldn’t there need to be a lot of force behind the swing too? Angie isn’t sure why everybody’s only picking on her and Kiyo.” Angie said, looking a little confused as Kiyo only shrugged.
Seeing as it was easy to clear up Kaede explained this one. “It’s because of the announcement. It only rings when three people not counting the killer finds a body, and it didn’t ring until Ryoma caught up to us. Unless anyone thinks I could have done this too?”
“Ah, fair point. I hadn’t noticed. Are you sure that’s when it rang Kaede?" Kiyo asked as he, Angie, and Ryoma took a moment to mentally go over what happened. "Everything was rather hectic at that point of time I'm afraid. I hardly remember the bell ringing at all, and I wasn’t in nearly as much shock as you were at the time, my apologies.”
“Yeah, sorry Kaede but I don’t really remember hearing anything other than you screaming either when I caught up with you three." Ryoma reluctantly agreed, giving Angie a wary glance as she still seemed to be thinking it over and coming up blank. "It could have rang, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t really paying attention to that thing in the first place.”
… Am I sure? I mean a lot was going on and we’ve heard it so often now. I couldn’t really catch what anyone was saying either. And I don’t want to accuse either of them. Or is Kiyo trying to gaslight us, and just tricked Ryoma? Why would he kill Kirumi? He’d have to have blood or something on him right- OH!
“Hmm, maybe you’re right. I mean neither of you has her blood on you- well I mean Kiyo has some on his bandages now but only from touching her, he didn’t when he offered to help- and with how… Messy it all was that’s pretty unlikely, isn’t it? Especially since the killer also posed her.”
“But no one here got blood on them. Could killer have been under boards to stay clean? That why crosspiece cut?” Gonta asked, struggling to picture what might explain this.
“A killer attacking someone from under the floorboards you say? Oh, that sure is nostalgic. Not to mention that mask, or a knife and the same golden katana being present for a murder. So many memories~ Isn’t it lovely how violence keeps repeating itself like clockwork?” Monokuma drawled.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to talk this time! Besides, I think it’s more like an Endless Waltz-”
“Tsumugi don’t let his nonsense ramblings distract you! Just ignore him.”
“And keep your own nonsense nerdy ramblings to yourself too! You’ll just distract us and that’s waaay worse.”  Kokichi scolded, as if to parody Kaito, who gave him a scowl for twisting his words against her.
“Gonta does make a good point though, the cross pieces don’t seem to be related to anything. Unless it made Kirumi trip, to help set up the attack?” Kibo suggested, trying to get everyone back on track.
“No, had that been the case Kirumi would have most likely suffered at least a head wound. We saw Kaede nearly fall prey to it, and who knows what would have befallen her if not for Gonta’s intervention.” Kibo said, though he looked frustrated that this left the boards unexplained for this.
“Then how else would someone hide the blood? I mean there was so much of it and nobody found any sheets or anything to clean any of it up or block the splatter right?” Tsumugi nervously asked.
Let’s see… We ruled out using something to cover them since we didn’t find anything.
Even Angie’s lab doesn’t have a sink so there was definitely no way for anyone to wash the blood off.
… But hiding it UNDER something we’d expect a person to normally wear could work if it covered enough of them. Particularly if they were one of the three checking rooms for the seance, since no one would see them without it. Which would only leave one person.
But none of this is making any sense. What motive could he possibly have to do something like this?
“I think I know the trick to this now you guys. If you’ll let me explain my theory on how this happened…”
Kaede looked around the room, and everyone gave their approval. No one had any distinct ideas after all. So she began painting the scene for them with her words and the sound of her voice the best she could.
“First the culprit set up the three rooms sometime before today. Cutting through the crossbeams and applying gold leaf to the handles would take too long for this to be anything other than premeditated. I can’t explain the floorboard trap, but it could be to help distract anyone who found this by accident.
Today, when someone else suggested these rooms be used for the seance it was time for that premeditation to pay off. They made sure only one person went into each room, themselves, their victim, and the one they planned to frame for this. Ideally, their fall guy was the one who’d suggest this.
They wouldn’t need to do anything for their mark to set themselves up, since they’d likely touch the loose gold when trying to leave the room, making it look like they’ve touched the golden katana.
Not only would the culprit know to avoid the gold there, the victim wouldn’t have a chance to touch it either, so if we didn’t notice the handles we’d assume there was no other way for the gold to be there. They may have even originally planned to clean the other two handles, since they set it up so it wouldn’t matter who went into each room, but obviously they never got the chance so we weren’t fooled by this.
But that doesn’t explain how they kept their hands clean to start with. That ties into how they didn’t seem to get anything on them.
They went under the floor, where the three rooms are all connected, and took off their jacket. They already planted the katana in that crawlspace, so it was a vital area for them both to keep their weapon out of sight and provide a way to get into the victim's room without being seen.
Since there weren't any bloodied covers in this area that means whatever they used to hide the blood they'd get on them is still with them. Here there are two possibilities. They could have left their coat down there to make sure it'd stay clean, dropping it off when they got the katana or vice versa. Or they took off their coat, turned it inside out, and tied it around their waist like an apron to help keep any blood from getting on their legs. I think the latter's more likely here.
After that, they pick up the katana and go to the room they know Kirumi entered so none of the gold would get anywhere they couldn't explain later. They have to act fast because while the rooms are dark since there aren’t any candles it also means she’d be tempted to leave soon. Maybe they even said something to help make her pause or used the seesaw trap to distract her.
Ultimately they succeeded in decapitating her. It could be due to the killer having a light source on them or just the length of the blade covering a lot of the room but their goal was achieved. After doing so they moved her body to the wall near where they entered, posing her as if it was for a twisted tea ceremony.
With how general the pose is in practice even that could have been done in the dark, and I’m not entirely sure why they chose to move her like this at all. It could be to keep her away from the seesaw trap in the center of the room, but it's really hard to say.
To get rid of the gold and blood from their hands they remove the wrappings they put there. The cotton strips could then be used to help touch up any other clean up they need to do on the walk back to the room they’d be expected to leave from. But first, they’d stop to put the blood-soaked katana under the room their patsy was in to further implicate them of this crime.
With the katana gone and blood mostly out of the way they put their jacket back on, over their probably blood covered shirt, and stuff the soiled wrappings in one of their pockets while applying some fresh bandages so that we’d be none the wiser that they changed at all as we’d notice if they were missing.
That’s probably around the time I found Kirumi’s body, since everything happened so fast. It wasn’t hard to look like they were just worried about what was going on when they joined the rest of us, and if they needed to adjust anything else we’d all be distracted trying to find out what was going on even if the body was found sooner than they were planning on.
I wasn’t imagining the bell delay before either. Since they needed to see what I was screaming about as soon as they could to keep from being suspicious, they really were one of the first three to see the body.
So… The easiest way to for us to see if I’ve got this wrong would be for you to take off your jacket Kiyo. Otherwise, there’s no one else who could do it this way. No one could enter or leave those rooms without anyone else noticing, and at least Angie’s hands would still have blood on them if she tried my method.”
The room went silent as they turned to look at him. But despite the horrors he’s accused of he isn’t upset. Korekiyo doesn’t seem bothered by anyof this in the slightest. And that wasn’t the worst of it.
He’s smiling. There’s no doubt about the expression under that mask. He’s accused of murder and he looks like a child who just got a brand new set of toys to play with! Something isn’t right here. I know he’s kinda messed up but this is going too far! How can he possibly be so happy about this right now?!
“Nicely done Kaede! I’m most impressed, I’m sure that’d deductions would make even an Ultimate Detective proud. You’re always so full of such wonderful surprises. You are absolutely correct! But so there is no room for doubt here I will concede, and I do apologize if it is unduly upsetting to any of you.”
There really weren’t any doubts as he laid his coat along the railing of his podium. There’s so much blood his white undershirt could nearly be mistaken for Maki’s top, it’s even worse than his bandages were. He made no move to take off the bandages though, since considering everything he really didn’t need to. But even as he stood before them in his bloodied button down he didn’t seem the least bit nervous.
“Though I must also confess, the trick with the floorboards really is unrelated here. That was just a remnant of a plan I scrapped after seeing it might be too difficult to properly utilize. Though had I stuck with it Kirumi would have died all the same, during the caged dog seance. Any other questions?”
“... What the actual fuck?”
“Do be more specific Kaito. I can’t answer you if I’m not sure to which part of this you are referring to.”
“Are you giving up then?” Ryoma practically growled as he visibly struggled to restrain himself.
“For Kirumi’s murder most certainly! But if you think now is a good time for us to vote you’d be most sorely mistaken. Not unless your death wish has changed to wanting to have us all die alongside you. Because for the terms of this trial, as bloody as I may be, I’m still as “spotless” as everyone else. However, I am grateful you all have allowed me to experience something so close to what our true blackened must have all felt before their ends. It’s a most enlightening and intriguing sensation.”
“What are you talking about?! You killed Kirumi you bastard-” Tenko shouted at him, as if hoping if she got angry enough his confidence would crumble and see he was doomed. But he just wouldn’t stop.
“Indeed I did! But only Kirumi. Just ask Gonta or Ryoma, I was with them when Maki died. Unless you’d prefer I simply tell you all who our real blackened is, the one you all should have been seeking? Now I do understand if you don’t wish to believe me, but it won’t make my words any less the truth. I’m offering to reward you all for your fine work in order to keep the trial up to this point from being a wasted effort.”
What? So he just killed her because he knew he’d get away with it?! Is he telling the truth right now?
“Why did you even go so far then?! The posing, the decapitation, all of it! Why kill someone at all if you know you aren’t going to graduate from it?” Kaito snapped.
“Must you be so hung up on that? Her death has never mattered in this case. But fine. I only meant to cut into her neck enough to be fatal, to assure her a quick death, but I misjudged the sharpness of the blade. I hadn’t tested it enough so I didn’t notice the rust wasn’t an indicator of it being dull, so I put much more force into the swing than I should have. The posing was an attempt to give her some dignity after my mistake. I also thought it may suit an “artist’s” sensibilities, to buy me more time to prove I was not guilty of killing Maki should I have needed it. I do apologize for framing you Angie, I have no excuse.”
Angie’s smile was completely gone as she blankly stared at the monster standing beside her. The hate in her eyes was unmistakable. Had she been someone else she may have even tried to attack him, for the way his apologies as he faced her felt like a mockery. But her resolve was stronger than that so she just watched him in silence, refusing to dignify any of this with a response, until Kaito began shouting at him again.
“How can you say a person’s death didn’t matter?! Like hell we’d ever just let that be swept under the rug. We can’t just ignore what happened to them in order to protect ourselves. She was our friend! Besides, Maki Roll told me she was going to talk to you last night so you still could have done this.”
“And that is true, but she left my lab before I did and I still have my alibi. Gonta was even as gracious as to escort me back to my dorm, in accordance to the student council’s curfew Maki and I both broke. But given what happened I suspect she never actually left the fourth floor.” Korekiyo claimed.
“So what, you’re trying to pin your crimes on Kibo or Angie again?! We don’t need to waste any more time on your lies, I’m ready to vote!”
“And it’d be suicide Tenko, we still have a ways to go to prove anything. I saw both of them that night and if the Monokuma-” Ryoma began to argue before peanut gallery interfered again.
“It’s a Monosuke file you bastard!”
“Oh shut up Monosuke, let them work or I’ll gag you with my scarf!”
“Ohh, kinky.”
“She-Said-Be-Quiet! And-Why-Would-You-Even-Joke-Like-That-Father?!”
“... Fine. If the Monosuke file is to be believed I saw Kiyo at the time it said Maki died. I don’t see thing being some sort of trick he pulled either, she’s too quick to lose to someone like him in a fight.”
“Yeah. Gonta… Not really understanding why he do this but Kiyo not lying about Gonta escorting him. But… That means student council kill Maki? Why?! We… We protect all students. No exceptions!” Gonta said best he could through his confusion, sweat, and tears.
“Exactly! And Angie definitely didn’t see Maki that night. I was working in my lab, no visitors either.” Angie quickly claimed, which got a nod from Tenko and Monophanie to offer some support for it.
Not to be outdone Kibo also rushed to his own defense. “I didn’t see anyone, I was working in the computer lab the entire time! You can even check the log for the program I’ve been fixing, everything is time stamped so I have a solid alibi!”
Korekiyo almost looked bored as he shook his head at both of their panicked responses. “You all seem to be forgetting there was one other person on the fourth floor that night. Kirumi was the one patrolling the halls so Kibo had his time to work and help weed out any of Angie’s unwanted guests.”
“I’m not the culprit!” Kibo shouted over him.
“Angie’s not the culprit!” Angie said at almost the same time and volume.
“You’re both idiots is what you are.” Korekiyo bitterly countered them almost just as quickly.
It was hard to get a word in edgewise as the three kept talking over each other in their efforts to prove they weren’t the culprits. Well, the two were, as Korekiyo simply kept being drowned out as he tried to prove they were panicking over nothing. His argument seemed sound enough though, despite Kaede’s wariness.
Framing Angie for Kirumi’s death in order to make her a suspect for Maki’s would have only worked if he always planned on making her the person he planned to frame, which doesn’t seem like the case.
Kibo’s been completely unrelated to the case so far and has no motive to go to Kiyo’s lab to kill Maki.
But Kirumi’s a different story. She had been so ready to kill after her video she lashed out in front of everyone. Maybe Maki was able to pick up on that and confronted her about and something… Snapped.
“So Kiyo, what you mean to tell us is you killed Kirumi because you knew she was guilty of killing Maki?” Kaede asked, hoping to anything that would listen that this wouldn't blow up in her face.
“Precisely. That is why she put herself in charge of examining Maki’s body, much like how I examined my own victim in kind. Kirumi planted those ashes, not discovered them. I saw her do it since I knew to keep an eye on her already. It’s also when she took the knife Maki had when she fell, hidden under the pieces of the broken banister. I suspect Maki used it in self-defense, rather than the blood being Maki’s, given how its style indicates it came from Maki’s lab, when Kirumi would have likely preferred the equally easy to obtain kitchen knives as she had more experience with them.”
“So what? You mean to tell us you killed Kirumi to avenge Maki since you knew the two fought for some reason you’re not sharing? I’m not buying it.”
“Oh goodness no, if that was my motivation I wouldn’t have needed to do anything. Can you imagine the execution Monokuma would have had in store for her? Kirumi wasn’t the sort of woman who’d be content to go quietly into the night either, so her own futile efforts to elude her grisly fate would have only prolonged things even more. She’d never allow herself to die with dignity if she could help it. Survival was far too important for her. So I spared her that suffering, as beautiful as it may have been.”
“So… Kiyo kill Kirumi to… Protect Kirumi? Like killing wounded animal that can’t get better?”
“Very good Gonta! And not just her either. So far I’ve been the only one of us who hasn’t played a part in sending our friends to their graves, with voting to have them executed. Now I’m the only one with her blood on my hands, rather than having it divided amongst us all. I didn’t think anyone would mind that.”
The courtroom was nothing but arguing as they tried to decide whether or not Korekiyo was telling them the truth, and if he was if it would have in any way justified his actions. He wasn’t wrong in acting like Kirumi would have died either way, had she really killed Maki, but by taking things into his own hands he denied her the chance to defend or explain herself.
Even if that wouldn’t have changed anything in the end, she had a right to a fair trial, didn’t she? Except then they’d still have to see what living hell Kirumi would undoubtedly be forced through to die. But was the alternative Korekiyo made for them really better for anyone here but him?
Korekiyo still let them string themselves along like this, to watch them as they struggled to figure out what happened, when he could have ended things much sooner by just explaining himself. The only reason he could possibly have for this was his own entertainment. He’s already expressed similar sentiments so often pulling a stunt like this wasn’t really that much different.
He’s always been a sadistic creep, but they underestimated just how far he was willing to go with it. Kaede resisted the urge to put her head in her hands to try and block out Korekiyo’s twisted logic.
Head in her hands- Kirumi’s bloody head in her hands- Please I don’t want that image in my head- Wait.
Kirumi was only there because she didn’t want Kaede to be involved. Like Gonta said Korekiyo didn’t choose Kirumi like he was now claiming. So his reasoning for “picking” her must have been a lie too.
When I offered to be the medium before Korekiyo looked surprised but pleased.
Like everything was going according to plan without him lifting so much as a finger.
Kirumi wanting the role initially bothered him, before he adapted. Which means...
It was supposed to be ME in that room, not Kirumi. Kirumi just got in his way.
Korekiyo was trying to kill me.
Why on earth would he want me dead? I haven’t done anything wrong!
Why would he do that even after asking if I could be his sister’s friend when we got out-
… Unless she’s already dead.
That’s why he reacted the way he did during his motive video. That’s why the last words were about some promise between the two of them. The promise to make her some female friends on his travels.
It was reminding him he already failed. Not unless he wanted to try giving his dead sister some dead friends. Like those cruel burial rites where you kill innocents just to give the person who died company.
This is why Kokichi has been weird when he’s around Korekiyo. He realized what he was capable of. That’s why after we got the Necronomicon he’s been trying to make sure I’m not left alone with him.
Maybe it wasn’t just me either. The casino stunt helped keep Korekiyo away from any girls he might go after, aside from Maki. Maki would be able to protect herself though, and she had Ryoma and Kaito too.
Even if Korekiyo slipped away he wouldn’t have an alibi, and Gonta was between him and the school. Tenko was likely the first girl he’d be able to attack, and he wouldn’t stand a chance against her.
Why didn’t Kokichi just tell me? What was he afraid of? Being wrong? Tipping Korekiyo off? Scaring me?
Should… Should I tell them? If… If there is another reason Korekiyo wanted me dead this might really be an isolated incident. The stuff he’s saying is really screwed up, but he isn’t that wrong.
None of us wanted to see another of our friends be executed, no matter what they did to deserve it. And no matter how he did it a quick death would have been a lot less painful than what Monokuma planned.
Well not really Monokuma’s plans. The mastermind behind this game is the one to blame for all of this.
Maybe Korekiyo thinks I could have been the mastermind and he was just trying to end the game? If he gives that as a reason then I’m not sure anyone would be able to trust me anymore, even if I can prove he’s wrong or hiding his real motive. Would anyone believe me? Could I prove I wasn’t the mastermind?
But if he doesn’t think I’m the mastermind then he could go after someone else next. I’d probably be too risky to try killing again anytime soon, but Angie’s cult looks like it’ll be gone now and even if Tenko’s enough to scare him off Tsumugi’s in danger. Assuming he couldn’t just kill Tenko with some trap.
Either way, if I bring this up someone will probably want to kill Korekiyo even more than they already do. And whoever does will just end up being the next friend we execute, even if the victim definitely deserved it.
Which option is the more acceptable risk? Korekiyo killing someone else, or someone killing him? Having to recover from losing an innocent victim, or condemning a sympathetic murderer for protecting us? Can’t there be a third option? Could we really keep him in check without killing him somehow?
What do I do? I… I can’t breathe. I need to focus on breathing. I NEED to calm down. To think this through.
But I don’t know what to do.
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ryouverua · 6 years
Flashback light! Flashback light!
I just love the animated sequence a lot okay
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Aaaw Tsumugi don’t ruin my fun D: Besides, we already missed out on the last one! Which... actually raises an interesting question. If these are being released sequentially, are we going to have a weird gap in our memories because the last one was broken? I guess it depends on how it works - maybe it’ll just bring back the memories that were next in line to be released anyway...
Well, I wonder if Tsumugi has a valid point though. 8′D The flashback lights are probably double-edged swords if Monokuma is giving them out like candy.
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... With that said I guess I’m still wondering if all of the memories are theirs? I’ve played around with the ‘they’re regular high-school students who’ve had their memories written over/modified with the memories/identities of Ultimate students who died in the past’ - could at least make a decent jab at the somewhat ‘cyclical’ vibe I’m getting along with the life-and-death/resurrection and escapism theme... And considering there was that ‘Ultimate Hunt’ that showed them being hunted down by an unknown group and that Rantaro seems to have done this before.
Actually with that said, with the reveal of Kaito being sick - that actually... maybe fits in with this a bit. They would do a whole medical exam before accepting someone into astronaut training (forged papers aside lol) and considering the game we’re in, I’d be pretty surprised if this wasn’t a terminal disease he had. So how could he still be the Ultimate Astronaut without a clean bill of health? Well, if they picked up some random kid off the street and gave him the memories of the Ultimate Astronaut without checking for something like that, something that he clearly doesn’t remember - that would make quite a bit of sense, wouldn’t it?
But enough speculating, we have a return guest!
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............. Hm.
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That is.......... probably a lie, huh.
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Damnit Miu, why have we been on the same wavelength so much recently?!
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Oh come on, there’s no way that’s going to work -
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I just have this image of Kokichi with the controller just pressing ‘fast forward’ on the normal pre-flashback light dialogue -
“Come ooooon guys I get it! Blah blah blah dangerous blah blah blah memories blah blah! SHOW ME THOSE SWEET CHEEKS, SWEET CHEEKS!”
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Unrelated but did he just say talkin’ omg...
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So these were definitely the meteorites brought up in Kirumi’s video. And everyone watched that, right? So this shouldn’t be huge news to anyone but uh, apparently it is! Okay! Shit that’s one way to move past the first two games A BIT DRASTIC BUT OKAY
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Oh that is not good. We... just got our first glimpse of the mastermind’s potential motive, huh?
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Oooh, new yellow text!
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Which I suppose Kirumi would have been helping with...
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Could it be because.... the plan required 16 Ultimate talent students? Maybe? but then the ‘Ultimate Hunt’ happened and those students were killed, hence the group funeral? Maybe??? Which is why we have 16 students that may have had to become the original group chosen to save everyone?? I am cramming my square peg theory into a round hole AND IDGAF ANYMORE
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Oh fuck we’re not going to find out Miu is part of that cult are we - like it triggered our memories of the world-ending cult for us in general, but she’ll have some sort of connection to it and basically unlock a whole different set of memories for her - ?!
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.... was that just a red herring or is that actually foreshadowing 8′\ Gonta isn’t the only one waving red flags this chapter...
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Himiko’s got her priorities straight.
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Yeah, see, this is where I’m stuck too. I have theories on all this stuff but they don’t... really... fit together? False memories/identities of dead students (and perhaps them even attending the funeral of the actual students they’re imitating??) - that fits up to the whole ‘getting talents at the beginning of the game/funeral scene, and that feeling I can’t shake about how random/unwanted their talents are to most of them. It can even work with the Ultimate Hunt!
But then the meteors/them being in space or on a spaceship right now, and them being isolated from the outside world makes sense when you consider the meteorites and Kirumi talking about a terrible event she needed to escape to take care of, to protect the citizens of her country. It also makes sense about having the ‘Prime Minister’, an astronaut, an anthropologist, an inventor, a robot and even an artist and musician, along with all of those libraries and other areas containing information/things of human historical significance. You want to have not just kids with potential for a space mission/leadership (... I guess Supreme Leader can technically go there too??) but students representing arts and technology, who can keep those things going. With that said... the only way I can mash that together with the first idea is that the original set of talented children died? Maybe hunted down, aka the Ultimate Hunt, so they found these kids instead??? But even then, some of the talents get a major side-eye like... cosplayer can maybe work as seamstress and I suppose an assassin works as someone cool under pressure/willing to do things that need to be done, but a magician? Really? 
I’m definitely still missing some pieces of the puzzle, and that piece is definitely the mastermind’s role in this. .. Are we going the route of ‘the mastermind is part of the world-ending cult’ then? How very VLR of you
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Ah right, that’s true... Ultimate Academy, and not Hope’s Peak, right?
Anyway, at least we’re only in Chapter 4. oTL It’s not like I’m out of ideas or anything - I’d hardly call the rambling from earlier being stumped - but nothing is clicking quite... right for me yet.
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Man as much as I joke that I relate to Tsumugi and Shuichi, Kokichi and I have been on a bit of a similar wavelength too. 8′D That’s something I never thought I’d say, and yet here we are...
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Hm... is that a good or bad thing?
Anyway, Kokichi seems hell-bent on pissing Kaito off. Which does make sense, actually! They’re officially the strongest personalities in the room and definitely have the most leadership potential. 
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Kokichi why are you calling me out like this
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Kaito stop smashing the 4th wall open
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Oooh, looks like we still have shades of Angie’s council left over. That... could be a hint, maybe? About susceptibility to cults? It could turn out that someone who was willing to go along with Angie’s council was just as easily swayed by the world-ending cult...
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