#you'll see them later up on the walls anyway
yeeterthek33per · 21 hours
Sparklers (Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader)
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A/n Requested. Honestly this one isn't my best work but I just wanted it to be done, so it's not as substantial but I promise I did my best to save it from the clutches of undone WIPs.
Content/Warning(s): Fluff, Kyra being a pest.
When Kyra had first left for Sweden, she'd been adamant that she couldn't leave you behind.
But after many tears, hugs, kisses and persuasion in the form of future travel plans, she left for Hammarby IF, while you stayed with the Melbourne Victory.
Thus, nearly two years later, just a month before the World Cup and one week before the start of camp, a very tired and whiny girlfriend of yours sits on facetime with you, begging you to let her come over to Australia early to spend time with you.
"Babe, c'mon, I'd only be missing one match anyway."
And thus, you subsequently scolding the twenty-one year old.
"Kyra, no. No way. Seriously, play your last match, if I remember rightly, Hammarby haven't offered you a new contract right?"
She huffs, silently fidgeting with her fingers and not making eye contact with you through the camera.
"You need to play the last match, Ky. Be professional about it, please, if not for the club, for me? I want you to be able to get opportunities over there. Take it seriously and you can come see me the moment your last match is over."
She groans, letting her head hit the bed from where she'd been laying stomach down with her phone in front of her.
"Promise me, Ky. Play out the rest of the season. Even if you don't get the league, you've still got a trophy under your belt there, baby."
The look in her eyes as she turns her head away from the camera makes you sigh softly.
"Kyra, promise me you'll stay. I miss you more than anything, but your career comes first. Promise me."
She mumbles back, finally.
"I promise, baby, I promise I'll stay."
You nod in satisfaction, giving the girl a small smile and pressing a kiss to the tips of your fingers before holding them up to your phone as she does the same.
"Goodnight, baby."
"G'night, Ky."
So she does stay.
She plays her heart out in her last match, taking the draw with Piteå before finally getting on her flight to Australia.
She's exhausted from the match, and nearly forgoes showering and changing to switch tickets to an earlier flight.
Instead, she heeds your warnings of not kissing her should she decide to show up at the training centre without at least taking care of herself first.
She's already got her bags packed and ready in her rental to fly to Australia, and just about drags them to the match with her but forgoes it.
The poor aussie just needs to see her girlfriend. To collapse into a warm, fluffy pile of cuddles and-
"Flight 157 to Sydney, Australia, Now boarding."
She sighs and hopes the flight boards quickly, eager to see you.
Everyone was told similar times to be at the centre by, giving them a roughly six hour window to arrive in, given any delays in flights, although that doesn't seem enough knowing international boarding mid year can be dicey.
So you've taken the initiative to be in Brisbane early to avoid the traffic of the day.
It's ripe time at six-thirty in the morning, meaning you're far earlier than all of your teammates, even the one's closer to Brisbane than you are, and thus you have plenty of time to kill and nap in the lobby waiting for your teammates to start arriving at around ten.
Of course, you're startled awake by a slap to the stomach.
Taking a precursory glance at the clock on the wall above the receptionists desk, it's about three and a half hours later.
It's Steph and Caitlin, both of them sporting tired smirks at you.
"Well hello miss."
You just about jump into the arms of your vice-captain, having missed seeing the woman at the last camp due to injury, thus you haven't seen the woman since the games in April against Scotland and England.
She chuckles, giving you a tight squeeze.
She had taken you under her wing the moment you'd stepped into your first national team camp just four years ago, not long after the World Cup but right before the Covid Pandemic.
She'd been the one to stick with you over facetime while you navigated the league in Australia, and of course, once a sense of normalcy returned and after the Olympic games in Tokyo.
You were often found in her room with her even though you'd all been given the privileges of single rooms.
Now, you tended to spend more time with Kyra, but, if your teammates needed you, it was always one of the two of them that you'd be found with.
"What, and I'm chopped liver, am I?"
You poke your tongue out at the striker, burying yourself back into Steph's arms.
"No, I'm just the favourite."
"Please, you and I both know you're no longer the favourite."
"Shhhh, let me have this, she isn't here yet."
Giggling, you nudge the defender and separate from her.
"I'm in love with the girl, but you're more tolerable, some days."
"Ayy, that's my girl."
She ruffles your sleep mussed hair.
"Hey! Hands off the goods, Catley."
You swat at the older woman, who dodges the tired attempt.
"Yeah, stop bullying my girlfriend, Catley."
Your head shoots up from it's laid back position on the back of the couch to look at the newly appeared brunette, standing across the lobby from you.
"Ky, get that cute butt over here, right now."
At your demand, she drops her stuff and runs over in two seconds flat, nearly tackling you back onto the seating, arms wrapped tightly around your form, nose buried in your neck.
Staying for a moment to just breathe each other in, your hands rub circles into the woman's back, your face buried in her hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo, wincing at the smell of airplane on her.
She pouts when you pull away with a terribly hidden grimace.
"Baby, I love you, but you need a shower."
A soft whine from the midfielder makes you raise a brow at her.
"I just got in, can you blame me?"
There's a teasing smile on your lips as you wrap your arms around her waist.
"Obviously, you were supposed to shower before coming here."
Kyra huffs at that, crossing her arms.
"Love you."
She grumbles in response.
You nudge her, pouting.
"Love you."
Still no response.
You grab her face, turning her head back towards you with a small frown.
"I love you."
When she doesn't respond again, you start peppering her face with kisses and she gives in, grinning at you.
"Alright! Alright! Love you, too."
Satisfied, you give her a small peck, to which she chases you up for a second, a third and then someone clearing their throat beside you interrupts her from a fourth.
"Alright, you two, stop being gross."
It's a grunt from the striker on your left, which earns her a slap to the shoulder.
"Leave them be, Caitlin."
It's your final day off before the full commitment to the World Cup preparations takes precedence over your time in Australia, thus you want to do as much as you can with your girlfriend before your time together, alone, gets limited.
You'd had a few days off to explore the city, but nothing really concrete as you and Kyra had just wandered around the area where the hotel is.
This time, you wanted to plan something for the midfielder, something to last you both the couple weeks of the World Cup, hoping it would tide you both over, knowing it'd be torture not spending time together.
At least when she was in Sweden, you had space to yourselves over facetime.
World Cups are chaotic, and allow little to no time to yourselves, as you've so discovered and been told by the older girls on the team.
So, here you are, calling various different restaurants for reservations tonight, with, unfortunately, no luck.
Instead, managing to sneak away from the girl for an hour or so, you run down to the grocery store, pick up several of her favourite snacks, drinks, and a small surprise that you think she'll love and then rush back to the hotel, getting ready for a night out in one of the cities parks.
She looks at you suspicious when you drag her down, scraggily dressed in hoodies and sweats, to a taxi rather insistently, dragging a completely full duffle bag behind you.
Not that you blame her.
You would be sussed out, too, if she decided to randomly drag you out to a taxi at six on a Saturday night, carrying a nearly ripping at the seams, black duffle bag.
"Sooooo... Where are we goin', babe?"
"You'll see."
You let out a little laugh at the small pout she has on her face, pecking her sweetly on the lips in exchange for the small smile she relents at the sound of your giggle.
When you finally pull up at the park, you're all but dragging the woman across the green grass and to the edge of the waterline where you drop the blanket you'd been carrying down onto the somewhat flat grassed area.
It's lit well enough that when the sun starts to set, it's not ridiculously dark, so you take a little comfort knowing it's not entirely dangerous out, plus the added comfort of the occasional family or couple wandering by on the path just to the left of you by ten feet or so.
You nudge her to sit down next to you, hand settling in hers.
"I wanted us to have a nice little sit down together to just relax and talk and eat and just be stress free for a little while. Just to breathe for the night. Together. It's about to be even more hectic and I've missed you."
You pout softly, leaning into her a little.
She leans over, kissing you fully, hand on your face tugging you in closer.
You're both a little breathless when she let's your face go again.
"I love you, so fucking much."
Giggling, you kiss her once more.
"I love you, too."
Finally, you open up the bag and dump out the contents onto her lap, knowing you're about to have a very excited sugar hyped puppy on your hands after this.
Her eyes sparkle up at you, the grin on her face causing her eyes to crease at the corners.
"Just wait 'til you see what else is in there."
Eyes darting around the small pile, she digs through it to find a pair of packets of sparklers and a small lighter.
She feels giddy, and looks the part, too, her immediate giggle and hug crushing you making your heart just about melt through your body entirely.
It's adorable.
It's cute.
It's oh so Kyra and you feel your heart bursting at the thought that you get to call her yours.
You're dragged out of your train of thought by said woman dragging you to your feet, lighting a sparkler and handing it to you, running around you, both of your giggles and the small handheld fireworks lighting up the night sky and the river before you.
No matter where you are, how far apart they keep you, Kyra will always be your one, you realise.
It's a small, heartbeat skipping thought, but it makes you smile harder and enjoy the moment all the more while you can.
The sparkler she's holding blasts out tiny stars of combusting magnesium, being spread out harmlessly in the air and onto the grass as she runs circles around you.
It goes out within a minute or so, and she's looking over at you with puppy dog eyes.
"Babe, can you get another one out, pretty please? I wanna attack those cheezels soon."
You chuckle, obliging with her demands, a small kiss to your lips as thanks.
She may be a child at heart still, but she's yours.
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victorluvsalice · 10 months
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And Smiler, meanwhile, made a new friend -- Leila Illes! Mostly because a) Smiler is the most charismatic and likable Sim in existence at this point, and makes new friends just by saying "hi" to people, and b) Smiler needed a proper drink of plasma and -- with Victor already tired -- needed to butter someone up to get their fix. XD Fortunately, after a little bit of chatting and doing impressions and exchanging pronouns (Leila is she/her), Leila was happy to extend her wrist, and Smiler got their drink. :) I love it when a plan comes together... They then laid down for a little while to soak up some sun while Alice used the facilities and Victor woke up from his nap -- and then, after a round of Scruberoos to make sure everyone was clean --
PICTURE TIME! Yup, I forgot to buy Alice her own tripod (must remember to do that!), so I plopped one on the beach in a nice scenic location that they could use. :) I forced myself to keep it to just the initial ten pictures that you get from using the tripod this time, and made sure to get a variety of sizes -- a handful of little and medium ones, and a couple of big ones. Unfortunately, most of the screenshot versions ended up with that stupid "bloom" effect over them, so you get probably the most staid poses I had them try out of the bunch. *sigh* Ah well -- they still look like they're having fun, at least!
But we couldn't just stop at tripod pictures, no -- I also needed "dual seflies" for the photo collage behind the bubble blower back home! So once the tripod ten were done, I had each of them whip out their phone to get some shots with the others -- Smiler with Victor, Alice with Smiler, and Victor with Alice. Got some very cute and fun shots -- and of course I had to do Smiler kissing Victor on the cheek. Honeymoon and all! :) Ahh, I do love taking in-game pictures of my trio. It gives me all the good feels. :)
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steddiealltheway · 10 months
"You're dead, Harrington!"
Steve sprints off down the hall, making a sharp left turn in hopes of losing him. He looks around at the doors, eyes settling on the drama room. Yeah, no one would guess that he would go in there.
He runs and easily pulls the door open, softly closing it behind him, leaning against the door to listen for Billy.
"You can't run from me!" he yells, somewhere outside in the hallway.
Steve backs up a bit until he runs into something, and suddenly there's a hand covering his mouth with rings digging into his cheek while a bit of silver glints in his eyes. "Don't freak out, Harrington. I'm here to help. Hide behind the red curtain."
The guy lets him go, and Steve whips around taking in the guy everyone calls "The Freak." He just raises his eyebrows at him, so Steve takes the hint and darts behind the red curtains behind a throne of some kind.
There's a slight creaking, then Steve hears the door swing open and slam against the wall.
"Billy Hargrove. I didn't know you were interested in theatre," the freak says smugly. Eddie? That's his name, right?
"I'm not," Billy grits out. "I'm looking for Harrington. Seen him anywhere, freak?"
"Why would he be in here?"
Steve hears heavy footsteps as he walks closer to the curtain. "That's not what I asked," Billy says darkly.
"Well, I answered, didn't I?" Eddie replies, voice low with an undertone of danger. Shit, Steve didn't know he had it in him. "If you're so dense, then let me clarify. I haven't seen him. Now get lost or you'll never find him before lunch is over."
There's a pause, and Steve is certain that a fight is about to break out. Only, nothing really happens until Billy says, "One day you're going to pay for that, freak."
"Looking forward to it," Eddie says sarcastically.
A few seconds later and the door closes. There's a click that sounds like the lock turning which has Steve peeking out of the curtain.
"You can come out now."
Steve steps outside the curtain slowly, making sure this isn't some sort of sick joke. But he doesn't think Billy is that much of a planner, he's too impulsive.
When he doesn't spot him, Steve says, "Thanks. It's Eddie, right?"
The other boy looks surprised and even gets a small smile on his face. "Yeah."
"I'm Steve," he introduces himself, sticking out his hand and everything.
He gets a scoff and a, "Yeah, I know," in response, but Eddie still takes his hand and shakes it.
"I like your rings," Steve says genuinely. They're cool really. He wishes he would wear something like that without his parents and teammates getting onto him about it.
"Thanks," Eddie says, pulling a bit of his hair in front of his hair. It's cute really, almost like he's flustered.
Huh. He'll unpack that thought later.
"How did you get Billy to back off like that? I've never seen anyone do that." He can't help but be in a bit of awe about the whole thing.
Eddie chuckles. "I supply his weed. He knows better than to hurt me."
"Mabe I should start selling him weed then."
Eddie laughs loudly, showing off his dimples. Steve can't help but smile back.
"Hey," Eddie says, making his way to the throne and sitting back. "What did you do to get him that riled up anyways?"
Steve groans and takes a seat at the table in front of Eddie. "I know his little sister, Max. I just asked him how she was doing, and he freaked out. I think he misunderstood my tone."
Eddie laughs again, and Steve starts to believe that maybe the whole thing was worth it to see the boy's smile.
A silence settles between them, but Steve doesn't mind. It gives him a chance to look at him more.
It must fluster Eddie again because he ducks his head down and shakes his head.
"What?" Steve can't help but ask.
Eddie looks back at him. "Nothing, I just can't believe that Steve Harrington is sitting at my D and D table."
D&D... "Oh, that's like Dungeons and Dragons, right?"
Eddie's jaw drops. "You know what Dungeons and Dragons is?"
Steve shrugs. "My friend plays it, but he's in middle school, so you wouldn't know him. But hey, that's where the demogorgan thing comes from, right?"
Eddie continues to stare at him in disbelief mumbling something under his breath like He's friends with middle schoolers, and he knows what a demogorgan is. What the hell? Am I dreaming? He shakes his head and says clearly, "Yeah, yeah, that's where the Demogorgan comes from."
Another silence settles between them, and Steve doesn't know why he says it but he asks, "So, do you have a girlfriend?"
Once again, it looks like Eddie is about to have a meltdown, but Steve stands his ground. He's curious really.
Eddie shifts in his seat a bit uncomfortably before quietly asking, "Haven't you heard the rumors?"
Steve leans back in his seat and scratches his face absentmindedly. He's heard about "The Freak" before, but he didn't really pay much attention. He knows he sells weed. He failed senior year once or twice, he forgot how many times people said. And he once heard that he's a...
"So, do you have a boyfriend then?"
Eddie freezes, fear evident all over his tense body.
"It's fine if you do," Steve assures him.
Eddie runs both his hands over his face and questions out loud, "Am I dreaming?"
"Do you dream about me often?" Steve flirts, leaning forward on the table. He can't help it, he likes how affected Eddie is by him.
Eddie looks at him for a solid fifteen seconds, tongue running over his top lip and brows furrowed in deep thought. He relaxes against his chair with a sigh. "You're not at all what people say you are."
Steve shrugs, uncomfortable that the topic has turned to be about him. "I try not to be."
"It's a good thing," Eddie says.
Steve smiles. He didn't know how much he needed to hear that.
The bell rings, and Steve feels a pang of disappointment.
"Hey," Eddie says as he stands up alongside Steve. He reaches into his black metal lunchbox and pulls out a sandwich in a little bag and a banana. He tears the sandwich in half and offers it to Steve along with the banana. "It isn't much, but I doubt you ate lunch. Have to keep all our star players in shape, right?" he asks with a wink.
Steve wishes he could stay longer to see him relax more. He takes them both, unpeeling the banana quickly while asking, "Is that weed in there?"
"Among other things."
Steve laughs and takes a large bite of the banana that has Eddie looking away, turning a light shade of red. Now he really wishes he could stay longer.
He finishes his bite and says, "Hey, it was really nice to meet you by the way."
"You too," Eddie says with a soft smile, finally looking back at him.
The warning bell rings.
Steve sighs. "I'll see you around, and hey, pass on a word to the next D and D leader about Dustin Henderson, will you?"
"Will do," Eddie says, and Steve's glad that it sounds like a promise.
He heads to the door and unlocks it quickly, pausing to rush back and press a soft kiss on Eddie's cheek. "Thank you again," he says before rushing out of the room with his heart pounding and a blush spreading over his face.
He can't help but think that he should thank Billy for being such an asshole.
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keyotos · 11 months
loved you every single day
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summary ⎯ what is love for the xianzhou guys? that's basically it. very sappy and tender and sentimental.
includes ⎯ dan heng, blade, jing yuan
tana's words ⎯ hi...
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dan heng
⎯ dan heng had a vague understanding of what love felt like. before the astral express, he never really knew what love really felt like due to memory loss. but he learned, eventually.
⎯ he found love when himiko always offered to make another coffee cup for him (this time, with the blend he enjoys). he found love whenever march/stelle would check on him during the late hours of the night, knowing he'd be buried in books. he found love whenever welt offered to shoulder the burdens of keeping watch during trailblazing missions.
⎯ but he has never felt love like this before. not with you anyway.
⎯ there was a sense of loyalty he had for you. of course, he was obviously also loyal to the crew, but it was different with you.
⎯ you made him want to follow you towards the end of the universe. you made him want to run with you into the light or whatever awaits the both of you later on. he was willing to do all of it.
⎯ why? a lame question to ask, he thinks. there are hundreds of reasons why, and he could list them easily. was your smile and the way it instantly warmed an entire room enough reason? or should he add onto the fact that you were practically made of stardust and cosmic radiance? that you have some kind of miraculous or even transcendental ability to string words so brilliantly that it manages to calm the harshest of voices down?
⎯ and love was scary for dan heng, at first. there were too many hindrances and difficulties in his life. for one, he could not let you get caught up in his past. he wouldn't: he would make sure of it. for two, he wasn't very used to love.
⎯ yeah, there was the express crew. but there was also you. dan heng thought that he would spend the rest of his life alone. he still has not settled into his room on the express because he reasoned that he'd stay until the archives until he was ready to leave. but you challenged all of that.
⎯ how is it that one person could make him want to stay by their side forever? how is it that you have such an enormous effect on him, yet you aren't even aware of it? every wall or barrier he's put up, you've always managed to erode it down. you allowed him to be vulnerable and you allowed him to be carefree. you allowed him to relax. to breathe.
⎯ loving you, was to breathe, for dan heng. you were the gasp of air that he needed while he was drowning beneath the waters. finally being able to decompress and unwind; he felt lighter around you. less stressed, less worried. less stoic. less somber.
⎯ he has never even thought of love like that before he had met you. but you changed him. and he is eternally grateful for that. eternally grateful for you. you are his home, his safe space, his sanctuary of security.
⎯ so he repays you often. he knows what kind of tea you drink and how to make it by heart. he makes a cup for you every morning. you have your own shelf in his archive. hell, you have your own damn space in there as well. there's an indent of you in every corner of every room.
⎯ or maybe, dan heng is so accustomed to you that he sees you in everything.
⎯ he lets you read from his shoulder. he has a shelf filled with all your favorite books from various worlds in his archives. he lets you sleep on his body rather than the flacid mattress on the ground, because he wants to keep you as comfortable as you've kept him. his fingers trace your body every night you stay with him, to ensure that you are safe and you are here, and he is home.
"are you sure you're comfortable like this?" you ask, situated on top of dan heng's body. you're partly afraid that you'll crush him with your entire body weight on him, and that his back would hurt after tonight, "wouldn't it just be smarter to crash in my room instead?"
his chest rises and falls underneath you, getting slower and slower as time goes by, "if you'd like. we can go."
you bite the inside of your lip in thought. it would be safer to do so, for both your and dan heng's safety. but, to be honest, you were very comfortable and tired. "is your back gonna be okay after this?"
"it'll be fine," he brushes off, "besides, you've been sleeping on me for the past few nights now. i can handle one more night."
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blade (contains lore spoilers)
⎯ love was something blade has always lived without. as a child, with war and battles as a constant on his homeworld, there wasn't any room for affection or anything similar.
⎯ but then you came along, practically shaking his entire world. there you were, dragging him off to drink god awful mung bean soda. to force him to go outside on days where he was over-occupied with work. to let him enjoy something for once in a while. to let him rub his thumb over yours in the quiet hours of the night, forgetting about work and all other duties.
⎯ he had never thought that loving could be so easy until he met you. it seemed as though time would stop in his tracks whenever he saw you. blade thought it was a myth coming from romance novels (one he had heard from you, ironically enough), but it proved to be, in fact, real.
⎯ and everything was easy. up until everything wasn't. it was one thing, then the other. baiheng passed, jingliu was extremely distraught. it was wearying to see everything go so downhill, so fast. nobody was ever the same after that period.
⎯ yet even after all that, you still had the same look in your eye. you looked at blade the same way you looked at him all those years ago. so much has changed between the both of you, and you know that the both of you would never be able to return to the past.
⎯ though, even after all of that, some things remained the same. for example, the way you never failed to take his breath away. seeing you for the first time in years had him going through a plethora of feelings: distraught, appalled, and slightly less dejected.
⎯ but most importantly, there were still parts of the other's heart still beating for each other. even if you couldn't love him anymore, you still cared about him. you cared about him the same way you did all those years ago.
⎯ you went out of your way to find him. you went out of your way to offer him solace, even if it was for one last time. why? he didn't want to know, he didn't want to ask. he has a mission: he has to pursue it, always. nevertheless, he still found himself underneath the sun's rays, as it managed to follow him wherever, saying, "i'm here. even if you don't see me sometimes, i am still here."
⎯ and if you still cared... well, there was still hope, right?
he's leaning over a rail, looking over the xianzhou skies and the starskiffs racing by. he hasn't been back in ages. it feels... strange; it feels as if he's experiencing his first day all over again.
blade is so fascinated by the sight that he fails to hear your footsteps come closer, now reaching his side. he only hears you after you clear your throat. he's startled, for obvious reasons: but, when he sees you hold up a mung bean soda in surrender, he's surprised at how fast the panic dies down.
"aren't you going to arrest me?" he took a step back from you. you didn't move, but instead held out the drink.
"i could," you dragged out, checking your watch, "but... i'm not on duty," the corners of your lips turn up ever so slightly, like you were happy at the fact that you were having a drink with a criminal. you pull open the tab and take a sip, then offer it towards him.
he blankly stares at your hand. remembers the feeling of it in his. now, his mind is skewed. maybe even grotesque if he wanted to sound dreadful about it. but there are few happy memories he can recall, as well as the feelings during them, and it seems like you are recreating one of them currently. and oddly enough, there are no feelings of bitterness that follow him this time.
he takes and drinks the mung bean soda, and to his surprise, it’s not as bad as it was many years ago. maybe it was because your lips were on it, or maybe it’s because the once atrocious drink did get better. and when he looks up and is greeted by your curious face, he hopes that love is like that as well.
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jing yuan
⎯ years ago, if you had asked jing yuan what love was, he'd say something benign: love is indescribable. a simple answer for a simple man in love. but oh, has time took its toll.
⎯ it isn't to say that love isn't indescribable. on some days, he finds it worrying that he may love you too much⎯that his willingness to give you the world was a bit concerning at times. others point it out, but jing yuan chooses to be blindsided. but he is always aware.
⎯ aware. jing yuan is nothing short of perceptive. he has been around for centuries. he has been there for wars, for battles, for decrees. and it sticks with him: forever. he does not simply forget, yet he is forced to stay in one place forever. immorality may be a blessing for others, but a curse for xianzhou natives.
�� he does not give himself a moment to fully relax. even if it seems that way a lot (the dozing general needs his power naps), he is always back to his duties.
⎯ however, it's different with you. with you, he has no burdens to shoulder. he has no secrets to keep from you. there is no wall of tension blocking between you. with you, everything is for grabs. his feelings, his emotions, his heart.
⎯ vulnerability. many look down at the vulnerable. and in jing yuan's line of work, the cost of vulnerability comes with a substantial price. his guard has to be up at all costs, because if not, there would be another catastrophe. his act as a lazy general is just a rouse, because there is so much that's weighing on him inside.
⎯ in a city that flies, jing yuan feels rooted by the weight of the luofu.
⎯ so imagine the amount of unconcern he feels when he's around you. the feeling of rocks suffocating him has subsided, and you are here to remove them. and one by one, he begins to feel lighter and lighter as you hull them off.
⎯ and you don't get tired. you're still here. you keep picking off the rocks, even the smallest ones. you relentlessly continue until everything is gone, and the only things left are just you and him.
⎯ by now, he understands what love is. it's when he knows how your fingers have ran through every crevice of his brain, every knot in his stomach, every knot in his soul. it's understanding. it's being able to shoulder the weight of the world with another. it's someone staying to help you get the rocks off of your body.
⎯ love is being met with soft touches instead of daggers. love is being met with mhms and reallys while retelling a story from this morning. love is being able to speak about the past, the truth of it all, and allowing the light to peek through instead of the darkness. that is what love is.
"and then, get this, i found him in the midst of a fight with blade," jing yuan throws his head on your shoulder exasperatedly, disregarding the fact that you were halfway through your novel.
"well, he was doing his job," you counter, looking back towards your lover.
"i know," he slides a hand across his face, "it's just tiring. and i don't want him to get hurt." like others, is the unspoken phrase here. it's on the tip of his tongue, you know it.
you place a bookmark in your book before shutting it. you finally turn your full attention towards jing yuan, "he's strong. you trained him."
"but," he sighs, "what if it's not enough?"
you decide the mood is a little too melancholic, so you decide to lighten the mood a little bit, "then i'll take over as general of the luofu," you grinned. jing yuan smiled as well: your smile was infectious, how could he not?
you ran a hand through his hair, "you are good enough. i hope you know that. you won't fail yanqing. he's tough and stubborn... he sadly gets that from you."
jing yuan chuckles, a real chuckle, and pulls you closer to him as you grab your book once again. he presses a chaste kiss to your temple as he reads along to the same words on a page as you.
yes, things will be okay, he thinks.
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hi y'all! i have been sooo busy w sm stuff lately, like i've been preparing for college and i've been going to the gym and i've been doing sm. updates have been scarce except like the 3 alhaitham posts (i couldn't resist). but hopefully during these last few weeks of summer i can get my grind back on!!!
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silken-moonlight · 15 days
Older Alpha and Human waitress/ Part 4
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A/N: Hello again! I am back with part 4 of this series. I have a lot of fun with developing the plot and characters. I am hoping I am not overdoing it in any way shape of form. Also we have now the Moodboard and the Introduction. Also here you'll find part 3 if you are interested. I love you guys so much -Swan/Moon
Desmonds POV
The next day was similar to the days before. He went to the meetings in the morning and noon, speaking with the other alphas about the pack territory. The problem had been that there was a new pack forming and they had demanded space or else they would have taken themselves said space. This of course could not have been permitted, since that would have ended in a massacre. The human government would have not been amused to cover up a slaughter between two packs and so they had to find a way without blood. While Desmond knew better, some days he wished they would just fight it out. Atlest then there wouldn’t have been so many meetings and fights in the meeting room. His thoughts were captivated by something else anyway…He was worried for his mate, she had looked so distressed. The longing to just take her away from all her worries had never been as strong as in that moment.
The alpha tried to cheer himself up, he would see her again today. Maybe would even make her smile when he brought her the books she had left behind. Of course was he aware that it might have looked a little weird…he just could not help himself. The urge to spoil and pamper his little mate was overwhelming. In his mind he had already planned their first trip to his cabin. He would take her there before they would officially return to the pack village. Thinking about all the things they could do…while Desmond really tried to keep his thoughts pure…it was not as easy. His inner wolf whined and scratched against the walls of his mind. The primal needs he felt were strong, he craved to touch his mates soft skin. To kiss her plump lips, to make her feel safe in his arms. To undress her slowly before- Desmond stopped his thoughts right there. He really didn’t want to get a boner in the middle of a political discussion.
A few hours later, the meetings and work was done for the day. Desmond would do the paperwork later, he had gotten an email from Isaac with some documents he needed him to look at. Desmond’s Pack had a few companies under their name or were part of them, while most things were equally shared, two of the companies were under his name. There also were many contracts he had to look at, work with or renew. 60% of the money earned ran into the Pack fund, all pack members that were working full time also gave away 10% of their salary to the pack fund. With that money were paid a lot of things like the maintenance of the packhouses, insurance costs, school and kindergarten places, student loans, cars that were free to use amongst the Pack…the list went on and on. Desmond himself had brought this concept to the pack after seeing it being absolutely successful in another pack. Since he did that, his pack had not only grown a lot but also was one of the most peaceful. That comes along with being an actual community. Desmond had learned the importance of acceptance, beginning to help werewolves who had not such a good start in their life or a rough time…The Alpha wondered what his mate would think of all of that. With how sweet she seemed, he was sure she would adore his work.
With his mind occupied by that thought, he walked into the restaurant. He sat down in his usual booth…but his beloved was not there. Desmond ordered by her colleague, waiting for her to arrive. But she did not come. His heart sunk…where was she?
Your POV
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It had been your day off when your father had a bad episode of pain. His back and hip were hurting so much that he couldn’t get up from his bed. Of course you took two days off and stayed with him day and night. You had called his doctor who had taken the time to do a home visit. He had given your father some medications that eased his pain for a short time. Today was the first day that he felt better. Right now he sat in the garden, Pumpkin and Spice laying at his feet, enjoying the sun. Your mum and you were baking blueberry muffins, the kitchen smelled deliciously like the home baked goods. Tonight you would work again, but would always be available for your parents to call.
Initially you had wanted to become a nurse, but the condition of your parents has kept you occupied. You were unable to stay away from home too long, so you found a job that only would be in the afternoon and evening. That's how you ended up in the Sailor Boy, utterly grateful for your job and understanding boss. It may not have been what you wanted at first, but you were more than grateful to have something. Your mum and you put the muffins in the oven, setting the timer and sitting down. Your phone beeped and you looked at it.
William: Hey love, I am in town again, how you doing?
Y/N: Will, haven’t heard from you in forever! I’m doing fine.
William: Nice to hear that, yeah, I was on a big hike with Jeannie. Want to meet up and catch up?
Y/N: Sure, but I am only free in the mornings and noon, you okay with that?
William: Absolutely, how about tomorrow? In our Café?
Y/N: Sounds like a plan, how about 9 am and eat breakfast together.
William: Deal, see you there.
You were quite excited to see Will again. He was one, actually the only, friend you had left. Most of your friends had stopped texting you when your parents' conditions worsened. Since you refused to go out and party, which wasn’t your thing anyways, they stopped making the effort. You tried to do other things with them like going shopping together, movie nights or hikes together. That wasn’t really what most of your friends wanted. So they and you started to text less and less until you lost contact. The two friends you still had were William and Amanda. Amanda began to use you as her personal therapist, trying everything to get your attention. Manipulating you to be available to her at all times. Will told you she was bad news, you didn't listen. The brutal fallout came eventually. Both of you were left hurt.
So that only left Will. Will had no one but his girlfriend Jeannie and you, he had gone no contact with his family as soon as he moved out. For a short time he had lived with you and your family, when his flat had caught fire and he was left homeless. Will didn’t want to be a bother, but you refused to let him sleep in a dingy hotel. That was two years ago. Will had also been the one to tell you about Werewolves and other magical creatures. You didn’t believe him, that was until he had transformed into a Werewolf in front of you. You had been…a little out of it afterwards. However when he explained everything and you swore secrecy, everything went on as usual. Honestly the knowledge of magical creatures didn’t affect your daily life in the slightest. Shortly after the housefire William met his wonderful girlfriend Jeannie, she was a travel and hiking blogger. The two of them hiked and traveled the world together, often sponsored by some big company. William took the pictures and videos while Jeannie was the model. Jeannie was a lovely person, kind and so confident. You two got along so well that Will often joked if he was even needed when you all met up.
The next hours passed quickly, you thinking about tomorrow, the muffins being ready and eating a late lunch with your parents. You got ready for your work and took the bus into the city.
Half an hour later you arrived at your workplace, quickly going up into the staffrom an changing into your work clothes. After that you went down, doing your usual routine. Not even forty minutes had passed when a certain somebody entered the restaurant. Desmond, you remembered his name, was dressed in a black suit, his hair in a bun and his beard must have been freshly cut and formed. You bet that he smelled like the most expensive perfume.
You smiled at him kindly: “Hi there, how are you doing?” You asked him. Why did he look so relieved? You were missing something, you just didn’t know what. “I am good, wonderful actually.” He stepped with you on the side and a worried look was on his handsome face, his gray eyes were filled with compassion. “Is everything okay? You looked distressed the other day.” He asked, his voice was soft. Actually worried. Your bottom lip trembled, a sudden wave of sadness and exhaustion washing over you. If you thought too hard about it, you would cry. However, you caught yourself. Faking a smile you tried to ease his worry: “Yeah everything is alright, don’t worry.” You looked up at him, he was far taller than you. “May I ask what happened?” You nodded slowly: “Well my parents are chronically ill. My father had a bad episode of pain and needed me.”
The handsome man, Desmond, looked at you again with such compassion. “I know I might overstep, but you left the books behind and I took the freedom to buy them for you.” He placed a black paper bag in your hand. Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him absolutely surprised. “I cannot accept these.” You quickly said. Desmond chuckled:” I insist.” You felt guilty, you must have looked so distressed that he wanted to help you. “Let me pay you back.” You tell him, wanting to get your money. “If you pay me back I will give it as your tip.” Desmond said with a grin. “Has anyone told you before that you are stubborn?” You said with a smile. Desmond chuckled: “Actually yes. And please accept the books. I am so grateful for our conversations. After a day at the office I always look forward to it.” You grinned and answered: “Here I was thinking you’re always returning for our town's famous cocktails.” Both of you laughed at that.
“Thank you, really.” You then said a little more serious again. You blushed slightly, but then quickly remembered what you had told yourself before: He was just kind, not interested in you. You reminded yourself that he was older, a businessman and very surely not interested in a waitress from a medium sized town.
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agendabymooner · 6 months
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summary: she really shouldn't have undermined their abilities to win a bet she off-handedly made.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, dom!rbr!seb and dom!mclaren!jenson, threesome, oral sex (m receiving), p in v, spitroast 🥸/trip to paris or sumn, size kink-esque (someone choking reader to feel themselves in reader's- you'll see), praise kink + dumbification, bratty turned cockdrunk!reader
note: what if you have two papers to write but then god said "write a smut?" enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
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if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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she shouldn’t have undermined these bastards. 
that bet that she made with them was an off-handed comment, anyways. so why did they take it too seriously?
she had a podium streak in comparison to jenson button and sebastian vettel, always finding herself a rank or so above the two. because of her constant p2, her ego got the best of her — telling them that she would let them celebrate with her the next time they landed a place above her. 
she seemed to be hesitant at the thought of it at first— but she was more bewildered when her race engineer announced that jenson got p1 and red bull’s sebastian followed after him. she was in p3.
she had known that she had sebastian on her tail before the last lap, but she wondered where she went wrong as they sat in the cooldown room. the two men smirked and gave each other a knowing look, watching the woman as she sat there silently— unable to look at them. 
and now, a quick teasing and grinding of hips against the others later, she found herself whining on all fours between the two drivers. jenson’s cock pounding inside her cunt while her cheeks hollowed around sebastian’s length.
her eyes were teary as she took a deep breath, feeling sebastian’s hand wrapped around her neck as he groaned and swore in german.
“scheiße, schatz,” sebastian muttered beneath his breath, feeling her tongue lapping on the underside of his cock. “you suck my cock so well— and i thought driving's the only thing you’re good at.” 
sebastian squeezed her throat lightly, groaning deeply when he felt the bulge in her throat as she took his length in. “such a good girl, schatz— i can feel my throat in your cock, baby.” 
jenson chuckled breathlessly, driving his hips against her backside as he spoke, “wait ‘til you feel her cunt, mate. she’s so fuckin’ good— you’re such a good fuckin’ girl, no, baby?” 
her eyes found sebastian’s as she tried nodding. only to end up choking for a brief moment as she continued to moan around the german’s cock. 
her walls were too oversensitive from getting tossed back and forth between the two after each one of them fucked her with their thick fingers. yet jenson was kneeling behind her as if she had more in her system.
because truthfully, she did have more in her system— she just couldn’t explain it anymore. she was too drunk on their cocks that she couldn’t say anything.
sebastian took his hand away from her throat and tapped her face, “he’s asking you a question, liebe.”
she almost cried when sebastian pulled his cock out of her mouth, unable to utter a word besides from, “seb— please- wan’ your cock—“
“but jenson is asking you a question— do you even know what he’s asked, liebe?” sebastian crooned mockingly, making her shake her head in embarrassment and immense pleasure as he laughed, “oh my goodness, are you getting stupid for our cocks?”
“my goodness, gorgeous,” jenson laughed from behind, his thrusts making her moan aloud as he continued to mock her, “us winning must’ve made you dumb, huh? can’t you believe that we get to fuck you like this because you were so bratty before this week?” 
“jens— seb— ah,” she babbled, her arms shaking before she held onto sebastian’s hips. she looked up at him once more, eyes glazed with tears as she pleaded, “please… wan’ your cock so bad, seb.” 
“i know you do, liebe,” sebastian dipped his head down to peck her lips. “you knew we’d win after that bet of yours that’s why you made it, hm?” 
“such an eager girl,” jenson tsked, “you could’ve just begged us to fuck you like a good girl. you didn’t have to come bragging to us about your winning streak.” 
the next thing she knew was that her mouth was back to sucking sebastian’s cock, making lewd noises as she devoured his length. 
jenson’s cock was sending her to an overdrive, making her moan around sebastian as she whimpered. to make her body shake harder, jenson’s hand snaked around her hips and found its way towards her clit. 
“mmh- ah hah,” she tried to let out, but sebastian’s length kept her voice muffled and vibrating as sebastian moaned. 
“oh gooood~” sebastian groaned, “fucking hell, jenson keep fucking her like that.”
jenson hissed sharply, “god, she’s so fuckin’ tight around me, seb. she’s about to cum. good girl, baby— you are such a good fuckin’ girl for us.” 
she nearly screamed, too turned on by jenson and sebastian’s filthy yet praising words as she felt her legs shaking and cunt throbbing. 
“mh- ngh~ f…” jenson’s fingers continued to toy with her clit as she murmured around seb, “f- uck—!” 
her eyes began to roll back, her vision blurring and turning white as she came around jenson. jenson and sebastian groaned loudly as they both came, with sebastian’s cock twitching inside her mouth and jenson’s coating her walls white. 
her body limped for a brief moment, her ears listening to the men’s heavy breathing as they shuffled around the room. she hadn’t even bothered looking up until she saw jenson and sebastian standing in front of her. 
“mmm…” she hummed. 
“you look so pretty when you’re fucked out like this, doll,” jenson grinned at her, making her smile lazily. 
“maybe we should win more often,” sebastian snickered quietly. 
“and here i thought the prize money matters more,” she murmured quietly, making the two laugh at her quips. 
“not if we get to see you like this every win, darling,” jenson replied with a smirk, “now c’mon. drink up. you’ve promised to ride seb. up you get, sweets.” 
she never really should’ve undermined these bastards. especially when she saw how much energy they’ve had left after fucking her for hours.
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (8)
Chapter 8: Own My Mind
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
Warning: cursing
Word count: 8.3k
Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au
Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Hello, lovelies! I'm back with a new chapter and let me tell you, ever since I've started writing this there's been little changes to the plot here and there, but...we should all thank Song Mingi for the way he's been acting this weekend for bringing a major change to it (i wanna kms ha-ha *dies in pain*) Anyways, I have a love-hate relationship with that man right now, don't mind my dramatic ass. Please listen to Maneskin's Own My Mind before or while reading this chapter, just the usual! If you want to be added to this story's taglist, just leave a comment on this post and you'll be added! Also, the drawing our girlie is talking about that is on her bed (later in this chp.), is absolutely waterbomb Mingi and it's a call-back to chp. 4 hehet. I have a surprise at the end of this chapter lol. One last question and then I'm going, should I do a Q&A surrounding this story? Like, if you have any curiosities about it, you can send in an ask and I'll gladly answer it! ^^ I hope you'll enjoy this part and, as always, let me know your thoughts about it!
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @scarfac3 @juicy-red @sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time @maru-matt @kyeos4ng @deathbyyeekies @chicksmoothie @mjlbn01 @xhexy @sharksandminhos
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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            I shivered as I hurriedly shrugged off my jacket, backpack discarded the second I stepped inside my warm home, the loud thunder cut short as Mingi quickly closed the front door behind himself, hissing and groaning. I turned my head to watch him struggle out of his worn-out jacket as I stepped out of my shoes, hardly believing that from just a few minutes out in the rain, even my socks got soaked. Mingi’s head shook as his body trembled, and I couldn’t help but chuckle as I watched him. He looked quite hilarious with his black hair sticking to his forehead, glasses so wet he couldn’t see through them anymore, loose clothing now sticking to his lean body like a second skin.
“What’s so funny?” Mingi playfully furrowed his eyebrows as he took his specks off, shaking the water off the glass, as wiping it against his already wet clothes wouldn’t have helped him in ridding his glasses of water.
“You.” I mumbled with a chuckle as I peeled my cardigan off, skin covered in goosebumps as my damp skin was exposed to the chilly air in the hallway. Mingi rolled his eyes, and placed his glasses back on as I took off towards the wardrobe by the stairs, chewing on my bottom lip. Mingi would have to change out of his wet clothes, unless we wanted him to catch a cold. I couldn’t leave him standing there like that, shivering and sniffing as he already sneezed loudly. His apology was sheepish, but I just flashed him a small smile before opening the heavy door of the wardrobe. There were minimal chances that the box I was looking for was still inside the wardrobe, considering the fact that my mother would go on a cleaning frenzy every month and throw out almost everything inside the house that she deemed unusable anymore. Therefore, there were almost one to zero chances that the box I so vividly remember having placed here ages ago, was still in its spot.
“Uh, do you think I could use the bathroom real fast?” Mingi asked, voice sounding unsure as I kneeled down in front of the wardrobe, eyebrows furrowing when I didn’t spot the box right away.
“One second, let me find something.” I called out, leaning forward as I pushed my mother’s long coats hanging in my face out of the way, and disappeared further into the wardrobe as I pushed and pulled at the thick blankets she kept in there. I thought about giving up for a second, about her having thrown out the contents of the box I was searching for, but I gasped when I felt the sturdy cartoon underneath my fingertips. With a triumphant smile, I pulled on it, a few scarfs and my very old Hello Kitty beanie falling out in the process. The box felt heavier than I remembered it to be, and my heart settled knowing that my mother didn’t throw it out. But that didn’t mean it didn’t start beating wildly once I sat back on my heels, box placed in front of me. A chill ran down my spine, and I knew right now that it wasn’t because of the chilly air and my damp skin. Whatever still remained inside this box…is what I never had the strength to throw out, to fully get rid of every memory lingering of Yunho. I gulped, chewing on my bottom lip as I hesitated opening it up. But there was another loud sneeze, and as I briefly glanced at Mingi, I couldn’t help but notice the light red tinge on his cheeks as he typed away on his phone, completely soaked. I really had no other choice but to open up the box of pandora.
And a lump formed in my throat when I finally opened it, a stale scent hitting my nose. My eyebrows furrowed when a golden butterfly necklace sat on top of everything, a harsh reminder of all the gifts Yunho would buy for me during our relationship. I have thrown out all the gifts, except this one. It was expensive, and frankly, too beautiful to be thrown out or gifted to anyone else. Gulping, I pushed the necklace aside and sighed as I dug around the box, jaw clenching at the three sketchbooks getting in my way. They were filled with drawings of Yunho and myself, of all the places we’ve been to, of all the places I have wished to visit with Yunho. Of all the memories we have once made, and of all the memories I wished we could’ve made. Being an artist was amazing, but at certain times it was a nightmare in disguise, brain able to conjure such vivid images that never happened, that it could fool me into thinking that they have actually happened. I sighed quietly as I felt eyes on me, and finally found what I was searching for. A fuzzy and faded knitted sweater, a plethora of colors mixed together, from beige to a light purple, black and silver in the mix too. I pulled it out of the box, together with the grey sweatpants, and cleared my throat as I stood, hands burning the longer I held the clothing in my hands. I felt guilty, almost disgusting as I neared Mingi again, trying to avoid his eyes as he had an easy look on his face, smiling despite continuously sniffing.
“These are the only male clothing we have in the house,” I said as I reached my hands out, looking at Mingi’s chest rather than eyes, “hopefully they’ll fit you.”
“And if they won’t, you can always give me one of your colorful fuzzy cardigans.” Mingi’s tone was playful and I chuckled, giving him a playful glare. Those cardigans would never fit his broad shoulders. The tightness was gone from my chest as Mingi took the clothes from my grasp, a thankful look on his face. The guilt remained, but it wasn’t so pressing anymore.
“You can change in the bathroom downstairs,” I pointed towards the closed door across from the wardrobe, “towels are in the cabinet above the toilet. Do you need a hairdryer?”
Mingi shook his head with a smile and gave my soaked hair a light tap, “Thank you, Y/N.”
The way he seemed to linger on my name sent my heart into a dumb frenzy, and I found myself flustered beyond, emotion so foreign I forgot how to speak for a second. And Mingi didn’t miss it, fuck, because he walked away with a smug smile towards the bathroom and paused in the doorway for dramatic effect, before disappearing with a damn wink. I huffed, glaring daggers at the closed door as I scurried to shove everything fallen out back inside the wardrobe, closing its door rather harshly. I licked my chapped lips and raced up the stairs, throwing the door to my room open and taking a second to take in its state. My desk was messy, but that’s just how it always was, I couldn’t do much about it right now. I opened the blackout curtains, however, the weather already gloomy enough to cast shadows inside my dark room. I flinched as another thunder rumbled through the sky, and grabbed the first clothes I found in my closet, walking to the bathroom upstairs.
After having changed into wide legged leggings that had cotton on the inside, I quickly threw on a white tank top and a soft pink mock neck sweater, sighing in content as warmth finally enveloped my body after I have dried up the dampness on it with a towel. I skipped down the stairs as I had a towel around my head, messily towel drying my hair, completely missing the tall form standing at the foot of the stairs as I stumbled into him. I yelped, but Mingi quickly steadied me by the elbows. Before I had the chance to pull the towel off my head, two large hands grabbed at it and started softly rubbing the towel against my wet hair. I froze, everything inside me stopping as even my breath stilled, eyes wide open. Mingi said nothing as he continued with his actions, quietly humming to himself. I was afraid he’d be able to hear my loud heartbeat as I breathed through my mouth, lips parting as I struggled to calm down. I was thankful for the towel hiding my face, because I could feel the blush spreading down from my cheeks to my ears, and even neck. I couldn’t remember a time when I have blushed this hard, and it made me feel slightly disoriented. For God’s sake, Mingi was simply towel drying my hair for me, why was I having such a visceral reaction to it?! My mind seemed to be screaming at me, but I was too busy trying to regulate my breathing, doing so quietly, as Mingi’s hands became a little rougher, almost pulling on specific strands of hair. My eyes narrowed as he turned my head left to right to his likes, and I groaned as his fingers dug into my scalp.
“Hey, stop it!” I whined and slapped at his hand, making Mingi chuckle as he ruffled my hair to the point I had strands from the back falling into my eyes.
“Oh, good,” He was still chuckling, “for a second there I thought you had fallen asleep with how quiet you were.”
Despite not being able to see his face, or anything if I looked ahead, I could still peek down and see his feet. I was standing on the last step of the stairs, and with an evil grin, I jumped down, his naked toes falling victims to my attack. Mingi yelped loudly, and I cackled as I pulled the towel off my face, smiling at him smugly.
“Serves you right since my hair is all knotted up thanks to you.” I raised my eyebrows at him as Mingi had his right leg raised, massaging his toes with a pained expression.
“So you break my toes?!” He exclaimed, his deep tone a few octaves higher, making me snicker to myself as I threw the towel at him, making him yelp and look at me with an appalled expression on his face.
“Stop being a baby,” I stuck my tongue out at him as I walked towards the front door to lock it before I went inside the kitchen, “And wear some slippers before you come to the kitchen.”
Mingi was closely following behind me, ignoring my words, “What, one of your dwarf slippers? It’s either my toes or heels will be dangling off.”
The image was funny in my head, but I ignored it in order to throw him a scrutinizing look, “The tiles are cold in here, you’ll catch a cold.”
A wide smile spread on Mingi’s lips as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed in front of his chest, biceps bulging underneath the tight fabric of the sweater, “You’re so cute when you worry about me, doll.”
There goes the pleasant exchange we’ve been having up until now. My voice became devoid of any expression besides the glare I threw at him, mirroring him as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, “I’m not cute. I’m merely saying you’ll probably catch a cold since we’ve been out in the rain not even fifteen minutes ago. And since you’re a singer you should be taking a lot more care of yourself.”
Mingi remained silent for a few seconds, until I watched a light hue tinge his cheeks. Was he blushing because I was lecturing him? Just what in the hell?!
“You’re right, sorry.” Mingi mumbled, but showed no intentions of actually following through with my words as he walked further inside the room, sitting at the table, feet up on the chair as he hugged his long legs to his chest. For such a tall and broad man, he looked extremely tiny sitting on that chair right now.
“Uh,” A little confused by the turn of events, I looked around the kitchen, trying to remember the initial purpose of me coming here, “Right. You don’t like tea, so we have coffee or hot chocolate to warm us up, which one would you like?”
Mingi’s eyes lingered on me for a second too long, taking in my whole being before his eyes settled on my face again, a smile so genuine settling on his lips that his eyes were sparkling, “Hot chocolate is fine.”
I hummed, a little breathless, then turned to open the cabinet above the microwave to take out two tall mugs for the hot chocolate. For some reason, I didn’t mind Mingi’s eyes following my every move as I tinkered around in my kitchen, taking everything I needed in my hands to prepare them on the counter. The thought of having Mingi inside my home, sitting in my kitchen, wearing my ex’s clothes, acting like we’ve been friends since forever seemed to hit me at once as I froze for a second while pouring water inside the second mug, Mingi’s mug. And what was even more surprising was not finding any thoughts that suggested that this was wrong, that I shouldn’t be doing this, that Mingi didn’t belong inside my kitchen. I didn’t want to dwell more on why it all felt so right, so instead, I watched as the mugs whirled around in the microwave, locking these thoughts away for later…I knew they’d come back late at night to haunt me, it’s just how it always was.
Mingi clearing his throat gained my attention as I glanced back at him, and tried not to look too long. The way Yunho’s clothes perfectly fit Mingi’s form was alarming, albeit the sweatpants seemed to be slightly too long for Mingi. I’ve had Yunho’s clothes since highschool, which was a few good years ago, yet they still fit Mingi. It made me wonder if the two ever exchanged clothes or wore something matching, like best friends would do for fun. I know Yunho had once mentioned having matching rings with Mingi, but back then I was too jealous about their closeness to ask any further questions about any other matching items they had. And it was a little surprising just how well Mingi’s skin tone was complimented by the colors of Yunho’s old sweater, Mingi’s necklaces sitting on top of the knitted fabric. That sweater was one of my favorite’s while Yunho and I were dating, Yunho always seemed to be glowing when he wore it. At some point I had even forgotten that I still had it. Perhaps I should do something about the contents of that box, join my mother next month in her frenzy cleaning marathon and throw out its contents.
The microwave pinged and I took the two mugs out, realizing that Mingi and I had been staring at each other for at least a good minute, my cheeks flushed again. A soft chuckle was heard behind me, but I ignored it for my own sake. The silence didn’t last for longer as I opened the little packages containing the hot chocolate powder to pour into our cups, “This might sound crazy, but I swear I’ve seen this exact sweater on Yunho quite a few times.”
I froze, thankful that I had my back to Mingi as panic flashed over my face. Deep breaths, I had this. Mingi didn’t have to know, I could lie my way out of this. And so, I forced a small smile on my face as I faced him while walking to the fridge, “Really? Well, coincidence, maybe. It’s my cousin’s sweater, he forgot it here once, but as he lives overseas he never came to get it and my mother just placed it away for when he comes to visit us.”
I didn’t have one single male cousin. Let alone cousin’s that lived overseas.
“Oh,” Mingi mumbled as he picked at an undone string on the sleeve of Yunho’s sweater, “Yeah, that could be it, a coincidence, I mean. Besides, my memory is a little fuzzy, I might be wrong.”
I gulped away the guilt that suddenly bloomed in my chest and grabbed the whipped cream, raising it up, “Whipped cream for your hot chocolate?”
I grinned at Mingi as he slowly shook his head, “I drink it simple.”
“Really?” I asked surprised as I walked back to the mugs, “Not even with marshmallows?”
Mingi shook his head with a small smile and so I mixed his powder with the warm water, handing it to him. Mingi had a fond smile on his lips when he took it, his cold fingers lightly brushing against mine, making me blush like a stupid schoolgirl who has a crush. And I do not have a crush on anyone, let alone on Song Mingi. I swiftly turned around, hoping that Mingi didn’t notice me blushing as I quickly put whipped cream in my hot chocolate and stuck two marshmallows in it, putting everything away quickly. I turned to face him as I took a sip, leaning against the counter. Mingi sat in a cross-legged position on the chair as he had the mug in his hands, ring clad fingers wrapped around the warm ceramic. I couldn’t help myself as my eyes lingered on his painted nails, slowly trailing up to Mingi’s face. His black fluffy hair fell in his eyes, obscuring his sharp eyes slightly as they were devoid of the black eyeliner now, a few blemishes tainting his otherwise glowing skin around his jaw, glasses slipping low on his tall nose, and plump lips red and slightly wet from how much Mingi always licks his lips. The simplicity of his whole being has never looked more attractive than right now, and as Mingi opened his mouth to say something, I was startled by such alarming thoughts, and so I hurried out of the kitchen.
“Let’s go up to my room!” I called out, on the brink of crying from all these stupid emotions I was suddenly feeling, trying to calm my crazily beating heart. Who allowed my brain to think in such way of Song Mingi? When did I even start considering him attractive? He was annoying, obnoxiously loud, arrogant and irritating, there was absolutely nothing to like about him or find in him attractive. I had to get a grip of myself right now! Mingi’s footsteps were dull as he followed after me, probably surprised that I had waited for him at the top of the stairs, unknowing of the storm inside my head, matching the raging storm outside. Lightning flashed every two seconds, skies rumbling with thunder, shaking even the ground at times. I hated storms, but suddenly it wasn’t as unbearable as before. When Mingi stood next to me, I lead us towards my room and pushed the door open, leaving it like that as Mingi walked in once I stepped aside for him, allowing him inside my safe space.
I have never been consciously proud or embarrassed of what my room looked like, the thought of what others thought of it absent up until right now. As Mingi walked further inside, head turning each and every way, taking everything in, suddenly I realized I was scared of what he would think. My walls were painted a light grey, on purpose, and there was little to no space left bare except for the wall on which the window was. My bed was pushed up against the wall to your left just as you walked inside, sketches that I have done throughout the years plastered up and put on display, my very first drawing even making it up on my wall. It was my little personal museum, a way of reminding myself of where I started out and how much I have evolved ever since, and even how much I was still changing as I was experimenting with my styles, learning a new technique in the class of Mr. Yoon. The desk across from my bed was messy, like I have said, it was littered with everything I needed to have at hand. Pencil holders filled to the brim, at least five of them, then there were brushes and little paint tubes littered all over it, notebooks and discarded sketches sitting underneath it, with my laptop hanging just a little dangerously off, not having paid much attention where I have put it this morning. A plain canvas was spread out on the little free space I still had, a project I had planned on starting today, now postponed for tomorrow. The wall above my desk had three modest shelves filled to the brim with books and some vinyl’s I have started collecting not long ago, pots and plants hanging off from the sides. The wall around the shelves was decorated by posters and pictures of my favorite bands, a few of my favorite paintings mixing in with them. The little stand next to my desk had my vinyl player, plants underneath it and around it, little ones. And then in the corner there was an old guitar that once had belonged to my mother, who has had a phase back in highschool and dreams of becoming a band member, famous and rich. She didn’t have the heart to gift the guitar to anyone, so she’s always kept it and passed it on to me once I was old enough. I never had an affinity for playing any instruments, but I do enjoy good music. A mix of old and new artists making it in that mix, actually—perhaps Noir Zenith slowly becoming one of them too, but Mingi didn’t have to know that. My closet was to the right just as you walked in, and it was of dark and sturdy wood, expanding from the ceiling to the floor. I had a little mirror right on its right side, the wall above and behind it, going right behind the door even, littered with my favorite painter’s paintings. Of course, they were only prints made at the local copy shop, but that didn’t matter. Fairy lights hung above my bed and from the lamp on the ceiling. The two nightstands on either side of my bed were more organized than one would expect from me, little makeup buckets placed on the one closest to the window, charger cable and some headphones sitting on the dark wood. The one nearest to the door had pictures of myself and my mom, and of Seulgi and I on display with a little clock, its drawer so filled with notebooks that I couldn’t quite close it. Thankfully the drawers of my desk weren’t so filled, I had just rearranged them last week, one evening when I was too restless to sleep.
Mingi was quiet as his mouth was slightly open, eyes wide as he took everything in, eyes falling onto my bed. I followed his sight and was mortified to find my biggest sketchbook open and displaying a quite realistic sketch of Mingi performing on stage. It was from the night I had a breakdown and Mingi found me in that diner. Seulgi had sent me some pictures she had taken of Wooyoung and accidentally slipped in one with Mingi too, and because the image just wouldn’t leave my mind, I knew I had no choice but to draw it. I dived for the sketchbook as if my life depended on it, all of it happening so fast I hoped Mingi didn’t actually catch what the drawing—or better said, who—the drawing was of. I shut it closed and pushed it off the bed, the light thud loud in the silent room. When I turned to look at Mingi, ready to face his smug face and taunting words, I was surprised to find his attention on something completely different. Of course, I should’ve expected from a man who plays in a band to be enamored by the vintage guitar in my possession. Its body was a light blue and had cherry blossoms painted over it, something my mother admitted to doing so, which lead to an argument with her father back in the days when he had seen the “damage” my mother had done to the pricey guitar.
“Is that a Martin D-19?” Mingi gushed as he walked toward the guitar, mouth hanging open. My eyebrows raised at his knowledge about it upon one glance. To me, it looked like a regular acoustic guitar. But then again, I should’ve expected it from a music major and a guy who has a literal band and plays the bass.
“Yeah, it was my mother’s.” I answered as I set my mug on the nightstand and sat at the edge of my bed, watching the awed expression on Mingi’s face. He had placed his mug by the foot of my desk as he crouched down, admiring the guitar from up-close.
“It’s absolutely beautiful.” Mingi whispered, fingers carefully tracing its body. Not even at gun point would I have admitted my next thought, which was of just how beautiful Mingi looked in this exact moment. Lightning flashed and the ground shook with the intense thunder, making Mingi tense for a second before he turned back to face me with the prettiest smile I have ever seen on someone.
“Your mother knows how to play it?” He asked, sounding enthusiastic. I was breathless, but after a big gulp, I forced my brain to function.
“Yeah,” I answered with a small smile, “she was a big rock lover back in the days, even wanted to start her own band. But due to her parents negative reactions to it, she unfortunately had to give up on that dream and do something more ‘real’.”
I rolled my eyes at the end of my sentence, not very fond of my grandparents. They weren’t bad people, but they also treated my mother harshly, and even myself, always asking about my future plans and straight up crying when I told them I wanted to become a painter. I saw the way Mingi’s face hardened for a second, but I knew he didn’t want to talk about it as he became expressionless quickly after. I was curious what made his mood become sour so quickly, if he perhaps related to what I have said in some way, but I wouldn’t prod. If he wants to tell me, he will sometime. So, instead, as a distraction, I scooched up further on my bed and patted the mattress next to me with a lazy smile, watching Mingi’s eyes slightly widen. He looked a little shy as he grabbed his mug and rose up to his full height, steps almost hesitant as he approached the bed, making me snort. It made Mingi narrow his eyes as I crossed my legs underneath myself as he kneeled on the bed and then settled beside me, long legs extended as he playfully wiggled his feet left and right. I chuckled as I clasped my hands together, letting them rest in my lap as Mingi took a sip of his hot chocolate. The silence was comfortable between us, the harsh rain hitting the windows loudly, wind rocking trees harshly, and the lightning and rumble a constant background noise.
“Last time when we performed at Outlaw, when you didn’t come,” Mingi paused and turned his head to look at me, “you know, when we met at the diner—”
“Let’s not talk about that.” I muttered with a grimace and Mingi hummed, licking his lips.
“Right, so, that night,” His voice was quiet, lips pulling into an abashed smile, “the crowd was bigger than usual, at first I blamed it on being a rowdier night, but it turned out those people were there to see us, Noir Zenith, to see me.”
I felt a small smile appear on my own lips, Mingi looking pleased with himself despite the light pink tinge of his cheeks, “And now Hongjoong might help us sign with a record deal, I feel like everything is finally coming together. Like my hard work is finally being rewarded.”
I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling too wide, subconsciously reaching out to hold Mingi’s arm as he looked me in the eyes, “That’s so good, Mingi! You deserve all the praise and attention your band gets, you’re really good.”
“You really think so?” Mingi sounded small, eyes wide in wonder as he flushed more. I knew I have said some things that weren’t the nicest, and now it made me realize that Mingi never deserved hearing those things from me. Yeah, I didn’t like the guy much at the beginning—not that now I like him more—but I still shouldn’t have shit on his music, on something he pours his whole soul and heart into.
“I really do, Mingi.” I slightly squeezed his arm, hoping that he could hear the sincerity in my voice as a wide and bright smile spread onto Mingi’s plush lips, so contagious that I found myself with a matching smile on my own lips. I chuckled, for some reason not wanting to release his arm just yet, the knitted sweater soft and warm under my touch.
“Lovely seeing you slowly turn into my number one fan, doll.” Of course, trust Mingi to ruin the moment. My eyes narrowed as I sighed loudly, slowly shaking my head. Mingi chuckled before taking a large gulp of his not so hot anymore chocolate, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Now, don’t get cocky.” I rolled my eyes, pulling my hand off his arm, watching as his eyes lingered where I have touched him, “I can recognize good work without becoming your fan.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Mingi mused playfully and I scoffed, bumping my shoulder into his before I went to retrieve my laptop from my desk, “Seonghwa and Wooyoung want us to try out new genres.”
“Really?” I asked surprised as I settled back in my previous spot, knee brushing against Mingi’s thigh, “Like what?”
“Well, nothing specific, just something little softer.” Mingi pursed his lips, fiddling with the mug in his hands, “Maybe something more indie rock.”
“I love indie rock,” I muttered absentmindedly as I powered on my laptop, “and why are you reluctant?”
Mingi seemed surprised that I had caught on, but it was quite obvious in his tone that he didn’t sound very enthusiastic about it, “Because my voice is rough and raw, unlike Seonghwa’s who’s smooth and almost angelic, and Wooyoung’s who’s can reach pitches I can only dream of and has a roughness that is absolutely soft at the same time, alluring.”
“Your voice is deep and powerful, it conveys every single emotion you’re feeling when you sing, Mingi. Your raspy tone alone tells a story, even without speaking the same language I would understand what you’re singing about. But just because it’s rougher and more powerful compared to Seonghwa and Wooyoung’s doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful and enchanting, Mingi.” Occupied with typing in the password to my laptop, I failed to notice the way Mingi’s breaths became shallow, the way his eyes bore into the side of my skull, “I think your voice is unique and desirable, you should be proud of it and not look down on yourself because of it. Many wish to have what you have, so really, don’t think any less of yourself because you think Seonghwa and Wooyoung are somehow better and more alluring. It’s not true, each one of you has their charm and well…I think you’re the most charming out of the three of you.”
I didn’t expect the expression on Mingi’s face when I turned my head to look at him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were glazed over as his sharp eyes watched me intently, his breaths loud as his cheeks were red. My eyebrows furrowed, and for a second I worried I have made him angry, but the longer I looked, I realized the look in his eyes had nothing to do with anger. I gulped and averted my eyes, suddenly feeling my heart race again, biting my lower lip and trying to ignore the overbearing proximity between us. It was only our knee and thigh touching, yet it felt like Mingi was all over me, his scent still strong despite having changed out of his clothes and getting soaked by the rain. He always had a sharp scent surround him; it reminded me of pine trees.
“Thank you.” At last, Mingi found his voice and it was lower than before, goosebumps covered my skin as the low baritone of it traveled through my body. I nodded once in acknowledgement, not trusting my voice as I went on the internet to search for some movies to watch and pass the time while we wait for the storm to pass. If it passes, “Do you think rapping would fit my tone?”
It was an unexpected question, but as I mulled over it, I concluded that Mingi had the perfect timbre to both sing and rap, “Yeah, I think it would.”
I dared to take a peek at Mingi from the corner of my eyes, and was relieved to find the intensity gone from his face, instead, a soft smile grazed his lips as he finished his hot chocolate. He leaned back and placed his empty mug next to mine on the nightstand and fished his phone out of his pocket, “I found some old videos of me at school plays, let’s see what my music genius bestie thinks of them.”
I rolled my eyes, but nevertheless peered over Mingi’s shoulder in curiosity, “Don’t make fun of me, I’m merely stating something that someone with not musically trained ears hear. You should be more thankful.”
“I’m more than thankful, Y/N.” Mingi suddenly turned his head, our faces too close for comfort, so I quickly leaned back as he placed his arm on my thigh and pressed play on a video he pulled up from his gallery.
『Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?』
            The movie of my choice was simple, The Quiet Ones. Nothing better than something a little spooky while there’s a wild storm raging outside, but to my utter surprise, Mingi looked terrified after only ten minutes of watching it. We were both leaning against the headboard of my bed, pillows behind our backs, and laptop placed between our lower bodies as our legs were stretched out. And despite the laptop being between us, Mingi’s shoulder pressed against mine not even five minutes after settling in our current spots. Trying to watch the horror movie, which was one of my favorite movie’s, turned out to be a fail, and I had no choice but to give in to Mingi as he only stopped whining when he got what he wanted. And that was watching a rom-com from the nineties, called 10 Things I Hate About You. I’ve seen it numerous times already, but it never gets old. There is something about the way the actors play their parts, and the plot too, that have me coming back to it with the same enthusiasm I had for it when watching it for the first time. At first, I thought Mingi hadn’t seen it and had only went along with my suggestion because he didn’t know what else to watch, but when he started quoting Patrick’s lines as if he were the character himself, I narrowed my eyes at him and poked his arm. After some painful jabs, he admitted that it was his favorite movie and he regularly rewatched it, especially if he was in a bad mood. That was a piece of information I wasn’t expecting from someone like Mingi. He looked like a guy who enjoyed tough and brutal movies, with the occasional romance movies if a pretty girl begged him to watch it together. Turns out, Mingi’s favorite genre is romance, and he hates horror, and depends on the type of thriller whether he likes it or not.
We found ourselves joking and laughing throughout the movie, making our own commentary about it after our first disagreement. Which was about whether Patrick accepting the money to charm Kat was right or wrong. Of course, it was very wrong to play with someone’s feelings and get paid for it too, but Mingi argued that if he never accepted it, then him and Kat would’ve never gotten together. And for that, I threw in the hypothetical scenario of him accepting money from Wooyoung so that he could take me out on a date and make me fall in love with him if that meant Wooyoung could have Seulgi date him. Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed and he declined such scenario, exactly proving my point why this was so wrong then, but he remained believing that for Kat and Patrick it totally worked out. And then he had the audacity to compare my stubbornness to Kat’s, making me call him just as stupid as Patrick was.
Time flew by as our laughter got louder, completely missing the way the rain had started to quiet down as we were immersed in the movie we were watching. It felt like a bubble was wrapped around us, isolating us from the cold world, and letting us enjoy ourselves without being so cautious of what we were saying. It felt nice. I couldn’t remember a time when I was able to let loose with someone other than Seulgi. It was a nice feeling, it made me excited in some way, completely making me forget that I was doing this with Mingi. He made it too easy to forget my worries and made me feel really comfortable all of a sudden, never stepping out of line—if we ignore his stupid flirting—and always keeping everything lighthearted. It was a nice change for once.
I groaned as I let my head fall back, lips pursed as my ass had gone numb from sitting so much in one place. Mingi snickered as Kat reversed into Joey’s car, clearly amused by the snarky remarks exchanged between the two characters. He was clearly into the witty exchanges, especially between Patrick and Kat, even having said that it makes Kat attractive how quickly and well she can shut Patrick down. I had told him that she wouldn’t have to do that if Patrick wasn’t so stupid most of the time, making Mingi roll his eyes at me, and say that I simply didn’t appreciate some good banter. Which wasn’t even true, I liked bantering if it had a smart purpose, not just to rile each other up, what was the point of that?
I licked my lips as my head lulled to the right, eyes falling on Mingi’s profile as he had his legs up, leaning forward as he hugged them around his knees with one arm. He was smiling and chuckling, pretty red lips pulled to the side, showing off his white teeth. His brows were dark, and his browbone being more prominent really sharpened his face in a very aesthetically pleasing way. Mingi’s face was very beautiful, and as an artist, I couldn’t help but admire it, and recognize it. So many pretty portraits of his face could be made, pity he doesn’t model. My lips pulled into a tiny smile at the thought of him modelling for me when we had to sketch human forms for our next class. I’m sure my professor would appreciate my drawings even more. Mingi’s glasses were discarded, and my eyes paused on his long nose, biting my lower lip just as Mingi chuckled again, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. He sniffed before rubbing two fingers against his plump lips, wetting them not even a second later. I gulped as I suddenly wondered what they would taste like. It was such a startling thought that I jumped, but Mingi suddenly looking at me certainly scared me more. I gulped, instantly blushing as a friendly smile painted Mingi’s lips as he leaned back, placing his head on the pillow, and letting it roll to the left. Our gazes connected, and I wasn’t surprised to find my heart beating so quickly once again, my lips pulling into a straight line as I struggled to keep my breathing even. Mingi’s easy smile didn’t disappear as his eyes racked over my face, it only became wider.
There was a whole galaxy behind those beautiful deep brown eyes of his, they sparkled with life and an excitement I haven’t seen in anyone before. I wished that I could recreate that in my drawings, but I wasn’t good enough to give simple eyes such deep emotions yet. And I really wished I was able to do so, because the longer I stared into Mingi’s eyes, the more lost I got in them, thoughts and worries disappearing into nothingness. Mingi’s hand twitched for a second and I tensed when I felt a finger gently poking my cold hand. I gulped, but I wasn’t able to look away as ever so softly more fingers brushed against my skin like feather, Mingi’s bottom lip between his teeth. His actions were slow and cautious, probably afraid that I would pull away, but I was too captured by his alluring gaze to even think to move away from him. Slowly, his longer fingers intertwined with mine and his rings cut into my skin when I squeezed his hand, uncaring that it hurt a bit. I knew my cheeks were now surely very red, but I couldn’t actually be bothered to feel embarrassed, not when Mingi’s cheeks were dusted pink as well. His high cheekbones were flushed the pretties color they could have been, and I smiled as Mingi blinked, looking abashed. Somehow no words had to be exchanged between us, everything felt comfortable, scarily familiar. I haven’t felt like this…since my ex. And not even with him have I felt so safe and understood, it always seemed like there was some invisible barrier between us, and I never understood why. With Mingi, if I allowed myself to feel and be unafraid, no barrier lay between the two of us.
I gulped, eyes suddenly falling on Mingi’s lips as his tongue poked out just slightly to wet them, his plump lips red and full. I’ve never seen a person have such full lips, and it made me wonder if they were as soft as one would imagine them be. Aware that my eyes were glued to Mingi’s lips, I looked back up in his eyes, trying to ignore how insanely attractive his mole right underneath it made him look. There was something about Mingi’s bareface that was so charming and beautiful that it almost made me feel jealous of it. Mingi sniffed quietly, and his bottom lip was between his teeth again as his eyes fell to my lips, my rapid heartbeat halting for a second. Could he be having similar thoughts to mine? I wouldn’t know, but when Mingi’s eyes found mine again, they were just slightly more intense and sharper. Like he was determined and nothing could stop him. I gulped loudly as he moved his head, just lightly, but it was closer than before. My heart was beating like crazy, but almost as if I was under a spell, I found myself shifting my head just a little bit closer. Mingi’s eyes no longer were on mine, and as my lips parted when I licked them, I felt Mingi’s hand squeeze mine just a little bit more. I gulped as I proceeded to lean even closer, my eyes fixated on Mingi’s lips now too, just wondering and wondering infinitely if they were warm, soft, wet, and what they would taste like. I didn’t startle nor flinch when Mingi angled his body so that he could lean dangerously close, the bridge of his nose brushing against mine. His hot breath mingled with mine as our lips were parted, a pull so magnetic I couldn’t untangle myself from it even if I tried to. My eyes threatened to flutter closed as I pressed my nose against his, the side of our lips rubbing just a little together as I couldn’t breathe regularly anymore. Mingi’s lips pressed ever so slightly against the corner of mine, feather like, and it suddenly wasn’t enough. The distance, it was too big—even if it didn’t even exist between us anymore—and I squeezed his hand as I angled my head to finally press our lips together, Mingi’s breaths audible due to our proximity.
But suddenly, a door was slammed shut loudly, “Sweetheart, I made it home finally! I saw a car parked in front of our house, all’s good?!”
The curious and shrill voice of my mother sent Mingi and I flying away from each other, both of our eyes wide as I was panting, my whole body burning. I couldn’t look at Mingi as I scrambled to press pause on the movie and Mingi was off the bed in a flash, sprinting towards my window. I could still feel his hot puffs against my face, and I gulped as I forced myself to forget everything I felt just seconds ago.
“The rain stopped,” Mingi’s voice was hoarse, so gravely that I had to clench my fists to stop myself from doing something I would regret, “I will be going.”
“I’ll go downstairs, let my mom know you’re here.” My voice wasn’t better off, I sounded breathless. I felt lightheaded as I got off the bed, standing and pausing for a second.
“Right, I’ll change back into my clothes and then—”
“No,” I didn’t mean to sound desperate as Mingi’s eyes fell on me, I had to look away in embarrassment, “keep them, they are of no use to me.”
“Right.” Mingi cleared his throat and I quickly walked past him, thankful that he stepped aside, and hurried out of my room and down the stairs. I took a deep breath to compose myself as I heard my mother placing down plastic bags in the kitchen. I needed to behave like everything was fine, when nothing was fine anymore.
“Hi!” My greeting was high pitched and way too cheery, my mother’s eyes narrowed when she saw me standing in the doorway, “Glad you made it home, the storm was awful.”
“It really was.” My mom grimaced as she continued unpacking the groceries, “You got home alright?”
“Yeah, uhm, actually,” I gulped and bit my lower lip as I heard Mingi coming down the stairs, “a friend from university drove me home as it was already raining, and he, uhm, stayed over. Because the rain was so bad he wouldn’t have been able to drive home. You know, safety measures and all.”
My mother paused and looked up at me with both of her eyebrows raised, “He?”
And on cue, Mingi appeared next to me, glasses pushed up on his nose adequately for once and hair not as messy as before, “Hello, my name is Song Mingi.”
“Nice to meet you, dear.” My mother’s eyes were glinting, looking way too happy for someone who was just introducing themselves. I was afraid of what would come, so, I grabbed Mingi’s arm and guided him towards the coat hanger.
“Mingi’s leaving, mom.” I said as I let go of his arm, averting my eyes as he wore his shoes and pulled on his jacket.
“Already?” My mom asked with a pout, coming to stand in the doorway, “Don’t you want to stay for dinner, dear?”
Mingi froze, eyes first finding mine before he looked at my mother with a polite smile, “Don’t worry, Mrs—”
“Oh, don’t be all formal with me, I hate that shit.” My mother chuckled and winked at him, “Call me Boyoung.”
Mingi gulped, seemingly taken aback by my mother’s behavior. I couldn’t help but chuckle quietly, knowing how surprising the contrast between my mother’s personality and mine was. Sadly, I haven’t taken after her when it comes to my attitude, but that’s fine.
“Well, Boyoung, thank you for your offer, but my friends and I actually agreed on dining out tonight.” Mingi’s excuse sounded real, so I knew he wasn’t lying. I gulped when my mother threw me a very slick glare, almost saying that this was my fault. I rolled my eyes, offended by her assumption.
“That’s a pity, dear,” My mother pouted, but soon a bright smile appeared on her lips, “But you are invited for whenever you feel like having dinner with us, right, my starlight?”
I tried not to glare at my mother for the outrageous nickname, especially when I saw Mingi’s lips twitch in amusement. I told her not to call me that in front of others so many times, “Right, mom.”
My mother chuckled, all too aware of my dislike for the nickname, before her eyes landed on Mingi again. There was a brief pause, one too awkward for my liking, and then Mingi was clearing his throat and opening the front door.
“Uh,” He made eye contact with me briefly, “talk to you later.”
“Wait,” My mother’s eyebrows furrowed as Mingi stepped outside, trying to adjust the strap of his backpack, “Aren’t those Yun—”
“Talk to you later!” I loudly said, making sure to send my mother a very alarmed look as Mingi froze for a second before he hummed quietly and took off towards his car.
The air was chilly and humid due to the harsh rain, and as I closed the front door, I knew I had a lot of questions to answer when my eyes fell on my mother’s amused face.
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lol, this is the surprise I mentioned...I saw this post and it would just not leave my mind, besides, I think it's very fitting for our plot, no?
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Non con sex pollen fic where Joel and the reader are waken up in a random room together and he recognizes who you are because he used to be friends with ur dad , he starts begging the people who took them to let him out because the reader isn’t the only person that’s ended up in this situation with him, and then there’s smoke that enters the room but it only has an effect on Joel, if you even decide to turn this into anything can you add oral f receiving pls and do the smut however you want! I’ll love it either way <3 IM SO SORRY ITS ALOT
Lazaretto (sex pollen)
2.6k ONE SHOT / joel x afab!reader / master
Part 2 HERE
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WARNINGS: non-con, sex pollen, manhandling, oral f receiving, unsafe P in V sex, anal, reader menstruates. poorly edited. Horror elements apparently lol idk how sex pollen is normally written. 18+
You wake up in a heavy-duty four-wall tent with a burly stranger, both of you in hospital gowns.  You were sedated and you're still groggy when a man in a biohazard suit explains you’re being quarantined in a makeshift lazaretto outside the overcrowded army hospital.  Neither of you were bitten in the chaos earlier, but it’s a precaution.  You'll be monitored for 24 hours, treated with an antifungal fog, then monitored for another 24 hours before they release you.  You sign a release about potential side effects which include psychological and sexual disturbances. 
He doesn’t elaborate, but Joel is clearly disturbed as if it’s not his first time.  
“No,” he says.  “No!" He screams, then begs, "Let me out, or let her out, I don’t care.”
“I’m not authorized to let anyone out.”
“Then put me in my own tent!" 
“I’m afraid we’re far past capacity.  Most units have three.” 
“Can you at least tie me up or somethin’?” 
“I’m afraid not.” 
"Then get me away from her!" 
You're offended and confused.  The quarantine man leaves.  For a while, neither of you talk except to say some variation of, “this is bullshit.”  Joel seems genuinely distressed.  You have your own problems to worry about.  You’re at the tail end of your period and don’t have any provisions, not even any underwear. You want to check and see if you’re still bleeding, but not with this stranger in the tent. 
You ask him, “What are you so worried about?” 
He starts to say something but stops himself and says, “I’ll tell you later.” 
"What did I do?" You ask and your temples feel weak. 
He recognizes how mean he must have sounded.  "Nothing at all, sugar.  It's me. I had. . . a bad reaction in the past."  
He changes the subject and tells you he recognizes you.  It hits you - Joel Miller - he used to run a smuggling route with your dad.  Life has hardened Joel into a much stronger, more attractive man since then.  He’s not a big talker, but he occasionally indulges your questions about pre-outbreak life.  You start to really enjoy his company.  For a minute at a time, you manage to forget about the scary circumstances. 
There’s one old cot and a blanket.  He says you can have them because he won’t be able to sleep anyway.  You’re not comfortable but you manage to fall asleep.  You wake up shivering and ask if he’ll join you.  He hesitantly agrees, then settles in behind you.  You grab his hand and hold it tight.  You’re gushing between the legs.  You expect a nice red spot on both your gowns in the morning, but that should be the least of your worries.
“Do you think we’re okay?” you whisper. 
“Yeah, we’re okay,” he replies softly in your ear. 
You start sniffling.  “I’m scared.” 
He tightens his arm over you. “I know, sugar. You’re gonna be alright. We’re alright.”  You can hear his heart beating faster.  
As you drift off to sleep, it’s impossible not to notice through your gowns when his dick hardens against you.  He backs off a little but you push your ass back into him and tighten your grip on his hand.  His chest swells against your back and you feel him inhale your hair, but he doesn't make a move and neither do you. 
When you wake up, he’s lying on his stomach on the floor using his massive bicep as a pillow.  Before he notices you’re awake, you subtly dip your finger into youreslf to check for your period, and it’s not there.  You were just wet.  You sit up and look at the back of your gown.  Nothing.  When he sees you’re awake and sits up, the fear returns to his eyes.   He says, “I reckon the fog will come soon, now.”  There’s no clock, but he senses it.  He moves his jaw side to side anxiously and his eyes dart around the tent. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask. 
He opens his mouth several times then stops before he manages to say it.  “Look, if. . . If I do anything after they fog us. . .  it’s not me, okay?"
"Okay. . .do anything like what?" 
"It . . . The fog has an effect on certain people."  He swallows and looks away.  "Like a sexual effect. It can make you . . . Aggressive."
"Oh. . ."
"Listen.  You can fight me off, do whatever you have to do, okay?" 
Your heart beats faster wondering what's in store.  You can’t imagine it’s that bad. 
Finally, one side of the tent ripples as a small, circular portal is opened and something clicks into it.  The tent begins to fill with fog.  The fog smells faintly like a thunderstorm and settles toward the ground before it slowly rises.  Joel backs away from it, sitting in the very corner of the tent as it spreads across the floor.  As the fog continues to pour in, he stands up and turns his face toward the ceiling.  But it reaches him. He tries not to breathe it, with his mouth in his gown, but it’s no use. He squats down, facing away from you.  
He swallows.  “I’m sorry.”  His voice is shaky.  He looks back at you one last time apologetically, then pinches his eyes shut and takes deep breaths. The fog valve is shut.  For a few minutes, you can hardly see him. 
You hear the sticky footsteps of his bare feet on the floor, then he gets close enough to see him through the fog, just a few feet away from you.  His whole face has darkened.  And it further darkens as he looks at you in a trance.  He wets his lips like you’re something to eat.  His chest rises and falls with heaving breaths.  
Minutes ago, it was hard to imagine being afraid of him,  but he’s a whole different man now.   You get up from the cot,  walk backwards to the opposite side of the tent, and sit in the corner. 
He crosses the tent in two long, swift strides.  As he looms over you, it’s impossible to ignore the massive tent in his gown or his muscular thighs. 
“Get up,” he demands through the fading fog.  You look down and stay where you are, pulling your gown over your knees, shrinking into yourself.  
“GET UP NOW!” he yells with his mouth wide open, face red, hair bouncing.  
You still don’t.  
"I’m sorry,” he says, then darkens again.  “But you're askin' for it.”  He squats down and gently cups your face.  “Get up.”
You don’t. “You don’t want to do this.”  A last ditch effort:  “I have my period!”   But it only makes him more feral.  You see it in his face right after you say it. 
Joel grabs you roughly by both elbows and manhandles you to your feet, then pushes you over to the cot.   He tears your gown off and throws you down on the cot face-up.  He scans you head to toe.  You futilely try to cover yourself with your arms and hands.  You’d feel even more naked without the fog though, which still hangs in the air.  You start to sit up and he forces you back down, pinning you with an arm across your chest.  "Starving,” he growls in your ear, giving you butterflies.  He grabs your hand off your pussy then shoves his own between your legs and the butterflies swarm to your core.  You try and fail to keep your legs shut tight but the pressure of your thighs around his hand feels far too good between your legs.
“Joel, stop,” you plead. “You’re not yourself.”  You beg him to stop, but you're getting wetter by the minute.  His intensity turns you on. 
“No use, darlin’.”  He inserts his middle finger and breathes heavily.  “Nothin’s stoppin’ this." 
You still try, though.  You thrash and kick, then he grabs you by the arms so hard his fingers dig deep into your muscles, practically to the bone. “Sit still, damnit.”  He softens only for a moment.  “Don't wanna have to hurt you.” Then he darkens again.
Your face gets  cold and you swallow.  He kneels at the foot of the cot and uses your thighs to violently yank you toward him so your ass is at the end.  He pries your legs open and holds them that way with his massive hands.  His mouth latches onto your pussy and you’re flooded with a rush of arousal as the hook of his nose begins to massage your clit.  He really digs in, pressing his lips hard into you, thrusting his tongue inside you.  A ball of tension gathers in your traitorous core and you twitch.  
He’s grunting “Mm” as he sucks and laps.  You squirm and he forces you still again and continues, ravenous to consume you.  He looks up with black eyes, and the animal between your legs terrifies you.  He intensifies his eating and you feel it coming.  The next time he thrusts his tongue inside you, his nose drags up your clit.  You moan and your spine arches as you see stars. He stops and watches you unravel with his head still firmly planted between your legs.  Your eyes water with your pulsations as you stare up at the ceiling of the tent. He lifts his head and a lighter patch of his beard is just barely tinged with your period.  He dug it out of you.  He inserts his fingers and you clench around him with the aftershocks.  You close your eyes and catch your breath.
He must stand up, because before you know it, you feel his tip at your entrance.   Your body wants him inside you. You could make it easy on him, but you don’t want him to fuck you and regret it.  It’s not just your body – you’re realizing you want him, too.  You may be getting ahead of yourself, but it’s the product of a near-death experience, of being sealed in a tent with him for 24 hours, and of getting head within an inch of your life. The perfect storm. If you’re going to have him, it has to be under different circumstances or he may never want to do it again.
He begins to push in. 
“Joel, no!” You squirm and thrash.  
He sighs.  “You're just gonna tucker yourself out like that.” 
You still give it your best try, but he’s right.   You’re no match for his strength. He overpowers you, pins you down with his weight, then shoves his thick cock into you with a grunt.  Your wet little hole can hardly take him.  You yelp as his unforgiving girth splits you open and fills you up.  When his length retreats, you try to push him off, but you can’t.  “You’re takin' it one way or another, darlin’.” 
He bottoms out with a guttural roar like he’s charging into battle. He pounds you brutally, slamming to the hilt each time.  It hurts but it isn’t long before it starts to feel okay, then good, and then, the delicious stretch of his girth feels like something you never knew you needed.  After a minute or two, you stop squirming and thrashing. It's happening, and you might as well enjoy it. 
When you stop fighting, he takes his weight off you and stands at the foot of the cot, your thighs in his hands, pulling you back on his dick as his hips snap into you. His hair is messy and his face and neck are splotched red.  His big arms bulge out from under the gown.  You’ve never seen such intensity on anyone’s face before.  
After a few minutes of him pistoning into you, you feel another climax building.  You whimper and he rails you even harder, sweating, grunting, growling.  When you come, it’s a burst unlike anything you've ever felt. You hear yourself wailing as he fucks you through it.  Your walls are still contracting around his cock when he grabs onto your hips for dear life and plunges into you with more force than ever.  
You realize he’s going to come inside and yell, “No!”  You try to get away.  You try to fight back, but he’s too strong and determined.  Rage falls across his face.  A groan rips out of his throat as his cock erupts into you, pulsing massively, extending your climax longer than you thought possible.  It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before.  
Your whole body is spent.  When he’s finished coming, he slides out of you and you lie there limp with your eyes closed. It’s quiet for a minute. The fog has settled more. 
He groans softly. Then, "I'm sorry. . ."  You open your eyes and sit up. You reach for him  at the foot of the cot, but he backs away.  It seems like he can't look at you. His eyes are tearful.  
"It's okay.  Look at me, Joel. It's okay."
It's quiet for a minute.
"God damnit,” he whispers. He covers himself and when your eyes follow his hand, it’s clear he’s hard again or it never went away.   The fog has faded enough that it seems he at least has the wherewithal to jack off instead.  "Close your eyes," he says as he turns away and wraps his hand around his cock.  You study his eyes and they’re dark, but not as dark as they were. You lie down with your eyes shut and listen to his breath and the squish of his hand around his cock, wet with your slick.
The  rhythmic squish gets closer and closer.   You open your eyes to the darkest look on his face.  He’s standing there at the foot of the cot, gown pushed up out of the way again as he strokes his stiff, imposing cock. 
“Flip over,” he demands but gives you no time to comply.  He grabs you under the arms.
“Okay, okay,” you comply and he forces you down on your stomach.  
He wedges the tip of his cock between your cheeks, aligning himself at your asshole.  You’re terrified.  You beg, "no, wait," but he's not there anymore.  It's not really him. 
He plunges into your tight, virgin hole and you yelp in shock. His hands on your hips lift your ass in the air and you bury your head in your arm, biting your own skin as he yanks you back into him, making your ass flush with his pelvis.  You’re stuffed full of him, fuller than you’ve ever felt, even fuller than when he was in your pussy.  
He pummels you with abandon and your eyes well up in tears.  You're mortified, you've never done this before, and you have so many fears – is he going to ruin you?  Is there going to be a mess?  But each time he buries his length in your ass, it feels better and your fears fade into pleasure. The longer he pounds you, the better it feels.  It feels surprisingly good, much better than you ever thought it would.  The tent seems to echo with his grunts and the slap of skin.  
Another orgasm is brewing as he pounds your guts.  It builds faster this time.  He grunts louder, then your whole body is seized by the deepest, most powerful climax.  You whimper, then your whimper turns into a groan as your ass spasms and your pussy clenches around nothing.  
And then he pulses inside you, filling up another hole.  By the time he's through with you, you're filled to the brim with him.  He slides out and you turn around. 
He stumbles backwards in horror at what he's done. 
“I’m sorry, sugar.  I’m so sorry."
Part 2 HERE
Thank you for reading and engaging! Might wanna follow me if you like this because my posts are getting reported and might not show up in the tags.
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carionto · 8 months
What Humans call the "Thousand Yard Stare"
As more and more Humans interact with and integrate within Coalition stations, reports, closer to hushed whispers really, began to circulate of some Humans being... discomforting... to be around.
Initially we thought it was just rudeness or passive aggressive behavior or any number of subtle actions or choice of words, no matter how advanced or civilized there will always be some assholes.
However, when some of these "offenders" were presented to us peacekeepers, we found them to be perfectly polite and reasonable. As our conversation continued and shifted topics, whenever there was a lull or the focus was on another speaker for a longer time, the Human's gaze drifted somewhat.
Sometimes she would look to the side and it was harder to tell what her exact expression was, but every so often she would be looking at one of us, but... not. It was as if she was staring at something behind us, through us even. Beyond the walls of the station, it even felt as though beyond space and time itself.
It was one of the most unnerving and chitin-chilling feelings we've ever felt, but then the Human seemed to notice our change and became that friendly and cheerful person once again:
"Sorry, my mind drifted there for a bit. What were you saying?"
And the conversation continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary for the Human.
Upon our return to our office, one of the Human peacekeepers heard about our impromptu assignment and offered this explanation after we told him what happened:
"Oh yeah, I think that person was a retired firefighter or rescue worker of some kind. Professions like that can be dangerous and you'll eventually encounter something horrible at a disaster site or crime scene. Probably saw someone die, or a person they rescued later didn't make it, or it was a kid... It's the toughest when you're the last one a child sees before..."
There it is again. That look, but with a tinge of sadness this time. We didn't know he was carrying such memories. The untimely death of anyone is a difficult time for those that survive, especially when it is the young whose life was still just starting. It seems Humans with their heightened senses and sensitivity to the feelings of others these kind of experiences imprint a far stronger memory than for most.
"Anyway, we've got a bunch of names for such things, but typically we call it the thousand yard stare. It's an old measurement unit, don't worry about it. I think the meaning may have changed a bit over the years, but basically some people go through traumatic stuff and they decide, consciously or not, to sort of... detach themselves from reality. It's a coping mechanism.
A few people thrive on horrible things, but they're the exception. Most of us would go crazy or depressed or any other infinite bad possibilities our brains can go in if we don't find a way to separate ourselves from certain realities. It can get real bad otherwise. It's rare, but a few go truly nuts and try to inflict their pain unto others. Most end up suffering alone for a long time. And some can't take it anymore and decide to end it themselves.
Thankfully therapists and support options are widely available, so those kind of scenarios are really rare, like... suicide accounts for about three out of a hundred thousand deaths last time I saw those charts. Plus drones and automation take care of most of the dangerous tasks, leaving the vast majority of cases to be caused by interpersonal relations actually. A broken heart is one of those traumas we'll never get rid of it seems. That's just life, I guess."
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writinghotchner · 5 months
Wait I love girldad!hotch so much. Hotch x Reader where they have a baby girl? Since it's christmas maybe a cute family xmas moment with them and Jack?
god, i love girldad!hotch too 😭
fandom: criminal minds pairing: hotch x fem!reader rating: e warnings: none
this isnt as christmassy as i really wanted but this is where the story took me?? 🤷‍♀️ anyway, i hope you enjoy it! <3
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it was relatively late when you finally dragged your tired feet through the front door of your home. later than you usually get home, anyway. 7 pm isn't usually late for most people, but you're usually home by 4, 4:30 at at the latest. a holiday party fiasco kept you later than normal and you could've snuck away sooner if it hadn't of been for your boss stalking and lurking his way through the building.
as you step inside and kick off you heels, you're immediately hit with two things. 1. something smells so good and, 2. your daughter has once again been possessed by the loudest screamiest demon to ever travel the dark realms.
you quickly shrug off your coat and drop your bag off at the door and make your way to the smells and noises. you travel down the small hallway, taking in the christmas decorations that adorn the walls, you trail by the big beautiful christmas tree thats fully lit and standing so tall in the living room, and then you finally round your way into kitchen where you see your husband with your nine month old daughter strapped to his chest, the carrier straps crisscrossed along his back giving it away. he's bouncing her as he speaks while stirring whatever it is he's making on the stove. you lean against the door frame with a smile listening to the cuteness in front of you.
your daughter's screaming has calmed down now, it's now just a hiccupping cry accompanied by little sniffles here and there. you see hotch use his spare hand to bring it up to cup the back of the little girls head.
"i know, baby, i miss her too, but she'll be home and we'll both be so happy, huh?" he steps away from the stove and starts swaying her, his hand never leaving the back of her head. he turns a little giving you access to her little face and you can then see her big beautiful brown eyes staring up at him and the worlds biggest frown on her face. even from this distance you can see her face is red from screaming and she still has globs of tears threatening to leave her eyes at any given moment.
"i'll put on a wig and one of mommy's shirts if it'll make you feel better," he says in his baby-talk voice. "i'll do whatever you want if you'll just stop giving me those big sad eyes."
you can't help but to chuckle at that. you step more into the kitchen to rest your elbows against the island counter directly behind him.
"what's goin' on in here?" you finally say and hotch spins around, his face cracking open with a smile.
"hey!" he laughs through his smile, "when did you get home?"
"just now." you tell him. you stand behind him and pop up on your toes to peer over his broad shoulder at your baby girl. she's nearly stopped crying at this point but the second her eyes land on you and she realizes who you are, she full on screams, the tears sitting in her eyes now free falling down her cheeks. her face scrunches up so much you wonder how it's even possible.
"oh, baby," you coo, moving to stand next to your husband as he helps you pull her out of the carrier. "what's the matter, huh? stuck at home with daddy all day got you the blues?"
hotch turns to glare at you for that. "we had a good time." he says turning back to the stove. "you know, until she started screaming at me."
you hold her close to your chest, your lips resting on the top of her soft head. she almost immediately calms, save for a few shuttering breaths. you sway her slowly, giving her a little squeeze of comfort.
"where's jack?" you ask, turning to look back into the living room to see if he was in there watching tv.
"he's probably in his room getting ready."
you blink a couple of times, your eyes drifting up to think about why jack would be getting ready to go somewhere. and then it hits you.
"oh, no, dave's is tonight?" you questioned, checking the time on the on the stove. dave had invited the entire bau gang + family to his house for christmas eve dinner, it had been in your planner since thanksgiving.
hotch turns to look at you. "yeah. is that a problem? we can cancel if-"
"no! no, it's okay. i just forgot. it's been a long tiring day." you sigh, a little mad at yourself for forgetting.
hotch opens the oven door and takes out a batch of what looks like sugar cookies. he uses his foot to close the door behind him as he sets the cookie tray down, and then he shuffles his socked feet over to you, quickly enveloping you and your daughter in a hug. he smiles at you lovingly before he kisses your lips and then kisses his daughter's head.
"i can take the kids if you want to stay here."
you shift the now sleeping baby to your left arm and use your right arm to pull him closer to you, reconnecting your lips.
"that's sweet. but i don't mind going, really. my social battery might be a little on the dead side, though." you kiss him again with a hum, chuckling softly when you taste the sugar cookies on his lips.
he smiles against you. "okay," he says, taking the baby out of your arms. "i'll take her, you go check on jack and then go get ready. everything in here is nearly done, and then all i have to do is get changed and put her in her christmas onesie." the little girl whines a little as shes moved but doesn't make much of an effort to wake up or cry. he sits her back in her carrier, her head lulling to his chest, her little lips smacking as she settles into him. you nearly cry at the sweetness of it all. especially the thought of the littlest hotchner in her green christmas tree onesie that penelope had gotten her before she was even born.
"she's fine, honey, get outta here." and with that, he lightly snaps a hand towel across your butt grinning.
you laugh and turn to leave the kitchen but not without throwing "keep that up, hotchner, and we won't leave this house," over your shoulder. and then you're gone.
"oooh, mommy's being mean to daddy, little one." hotch stage whispers. she doesn't move or even open her eyes. "oh, i see how it is. take her side, huh?"
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mechaknight-98 · 2 months
Aftermath (NSFW) FT Sejeong
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Authors note: had to do a bit of world building as I try to figure out what the world looks like now that I don't want to use Karina or Jiyho anymore due to the dating thing…it would be weird ya know.
"Hey, Danger can I ask you something," Seji asks me with a clear and concerned tone,
"Yeah, sure," I answer hesitantly. Sejeong smiles brightly.
"Why did you run away from me," She asks. I bite the inside of my cheek as I consider my response.
"I figured it would be better than dealing with any of the repercussions of my feelings. I have a limited time left to live and I didn't want to put anyone through the sorry of losing someone they care about. So I figured dipping before that would be a cleaner cut-off than this going too deep instead," I reply
"You coward," Sejeong teases.
"I...yeah you're right. I should have let you choose," I reply
"At least you're a reasonable coward," Seji teases further
I squint at her causing her to smile wide, "I am not a coward, nor am I reasonable," I reply. Seji beams
"Oh really and why don't you think so," Sejeon asks sternly.
"You'll see soon enough," I replied.
Three weeks later Sejeong bought my little photo studio and shop. she was okay with not paying rent as long as I became her "personal photographer", and so I went with her all on these trips and events to snap pictures of the beautiful girl, but honestly she used it as an excuse to relentlessly fuck. I would spend hours cutting angles and working on shop composition to make sure the photos were perfect, and looking at her face always led to a visceral response. I'd be hard for hours, and like clockwork, she'd come into my office give me a warm-up blowjob then have it lead right into mindblowing sex.
As I worked on photos there was a knock on the door. I assume it's Sejeong as she's the only one who comes in here typically. The door opens to a tall dark-skinned man he smiles at me with malicious intent.
“Well, I didn't think I'd ever see you again,” he says as aggression rises in his tone.
“What do you want Alistair,” I ask
“Oh remember call me AL or Tahm,” Alistair replies
“Oh well you know I'm just checking in on my favorite curse bearer. I truly thought you'd come hunting for me, but you never did. I wanted to know why, but you were hard to find. When you said I want to disappear I guess you meant it,” Alistair adds.
“Are you here to kill me, because if so I'm not going down without a fight,” I reply
“What heavens no! I'm here to give you something you want more. Freedom,” Alistair replies.
“What is the catch,” I ask.
“No catch at least this time. I can't beat the curse bearer chasing me as he is using holy relics, but you have a myriad of experience so I figured I'd make a deal,” Alistair answered.
I look at the photo on my desk of Sejeong and I, “Fine I’ll draw up the contract.” I reply
30 minutes later I procured a draft of the deal between Alistair and me. He's excited as deals are like his favorite thing to make something about the ability to bind and
Making rules that can't be broken makes him feel safe. After we sign he smiles and hands me my Maxos Cards. I look at him surprised
“Why,” I asked
“I am asking you to hunt someone using holy weapons and not give you your best tools against holy weapons. I'd be a fool, besides I have to give them back to you anyway.” Alistair replies nonchalantly. I nod and grab them.
“So where was the last reported location of this curse bearer,” I ask
"So there I was, in Minnesota of all places, following leads to my ex, Janie. The trail led me to a scene that raised my concerns: golden ichor staining the ground. I knew this was about to get more complicated. As I concealed myself, the door creaked open, accompanied by ominous sounds of groans and a knife piercing the wall.
"Step out from your hiding spot," a familiar voice demanded. I cautiously emerged, armed with my card and sword, only to face Janie.
"Dangerfield? Of course, he'd send you," Janie muttered with evident annoyance.
"What brings you here?" she interrogated, her accusatory tone emphasizing the revelation that my ex was now a full-blown witch, a fact I was still processing.
"I'm here for the holy weapon, nothing more," I asserted, my mind grappling with the revelation of Janie's newfound identity.
"And what were you promised in return?" Janie probed further.
"Freedom," I replied succinctly.
"Freedom? From whom?" Janie's disbelief was palpable.
"Alastair," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction.
"Alastair? Did you strike a deal with him? You're unbelievable," Janie's frustration simmered.
"He promised Morrigan would leave me alone," I explained, hoping to justify my actions.
"You never think, do you? Your recklessness causes chaos for everyone," Janie scolded, her frustration evident.
"I'm only here for the weapon. Give it to me, and I'll leave," I urged, attempting to end the confrontation.
Janie's gaze hardened as she considered my request. "What if I refuse?" she challenged, prompting me to reveal my trump card - my maxos card.
Her eyes widened at the sight. "You wouldn't dare," she uttered, realizing the seriousness of my intent.
Taking a defensive stance I watched as Janie's eyes widened
With a mixture of resignation and menace, Janie relented, handing over the holy weapon. "You'll regret this, selling out a friend for your gain," she admonished.
"If I were truly betraying you, I'd have handed you over to Alastair," I retorted, stowing away the cards.
"This is why I despise dealing with your kind," Janie spat bitterly.
"Careful now, insults might provoke me to take action," I teased, though the underlying tension remained palpable.
"Pathetic," Janie scoffed, as I left her house, her warning lingering in the air.
Returning to Alastair, I handed him the weapon, cautioning him against its use.
"Why not?" he inquired, intrigued by my warning.
"It's not just holy; it's a fusion of divine and demonic energies, a result of a battle between a demon and an angel," I explained,
"so why is the blade okay with you," Alastair asked
"Because I am Fomori," I answered.
"Oh...Interesting," Alastair said. Alastair's grin widened at the revelation. "Morrigan's favored, no wonder you sought to disappear quietly," he mused, anticipating the chaos to come as he reveled in it.
"I look forward to seeing the next part of your tale," Alastair replies. "Our deal is done," He says calmly as he conjures two contracts that burn themselves up before me. I feel the burden of my curse lift and Alastair smiles.
"I look forward to the damage you will cause. That will be more interesting than anything I could ever do with such a weapon. I see it has bound itself to your soul so using it would only garner your strength." Alastair adds. I shrug at his point to which he smiles.
The next day I arrived at my office to see a pouting Sejeong
"Hey, Seji. are you ok..." Before I could finish she had me cornered in a kiss.
"I got your not but I was worried sick for you," She replied. As she she ran her arms through my body she gasped,
"You're curse-free," she exclaimed with surprise.
"Yeah," I nodded.
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Hi, Linked Maze fans! It's me again!
Ohhhh boy we are cooking and I am excited. Let's do a late-night ramble with yours truly
When I tell you I looked at these panels for a reasonable amount of time I was lying and it was longer than that.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here! Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Oh lordy it's the sun (you'll see why later.)
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He sniffin. Sniff Sniff
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Now, Everyone remembers the first rule of exploring. Dont run off! That includes you Wolfy!
Now I have a theory. Which I'll come back to in detail later. But just, Remember the shadow behind four for me. We'll get back to it.
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Warrior is the group Dad at this point. also, I love this side shot of him thank you.
Warrior. Speaking to Wolfie like he is a kid rather than a wolf.
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I dont think It'll be Sky. I think it'll be a hero we haven't met yet!
We interupt this comic analysis for unhinged analysis :D
Ready? Me too, lets go
Because, that shadow?
this one?
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I dont think it's wolfy, It can't be.
Wolfie's shadow has a definition to it. It has a shape.
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You can see the outlines of his tail, which is what we would see if it were him.
Where this one is a blob. Closer to a person.
Ie Winds's shadow
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the blob
In fact, if I had to give you a position for Wolfy right now. It's not there. Let me explain.
Remember the sun? (Me too, I miss it;-;)
The sun can tell us a bunch about time and stuff. But also where a person is (Because fun angles and maths that I know way too much about tbh)
So Wolfy's shadow hits another wall
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This wall looks flat so it can't be a corner. (Taking the grass as reference)
And his face isn't shadowed at all, So he himself isn't behind a wall. He's approaching one tho. So in this case I reckon Wolfie isn't visible at all to wind and Warriors at the point Four turns to them.
So who is this mysterious shadow?
It ain't angel. No way.
I reckon it is another Link group. And we are either going to meet the last of the Links we are yet to meet. Or we are pulling groups together.
You know what....
I think it's World or Spirit. And we are gonna see these guys interact before they meet the other larger group of heroes.
Though im leaning towards Spirit just because of the shadow's shape. (And the lack of Sheerow)
Let me know what you think because I'm not 100% sure and I'm interested in what you think.
Okay ramble over, but to be fair that's why your here right?
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Oh windddddd
the poor boy
I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He probably tried to open his eye cause he was excited. :(
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The boyyyyyyy
He's trying to be a strong hero in front of these other heroes again. This poor kid i feel so bad for him.
They have expressive ears and it kills me to see wind sad like this.
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And his little ear lower of worry for the small I love him sm okay.
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Excuse me?
You can't leave it like that
Where's wolfy
Wheres four?
Will the small boy ever not be in pain?
I have questions!
Ahh okay okay I loved this update it was very fun. Im excited to see what's coming up in the next chapter.
Thats all from me!
Have a great night all! :D
106 notes · View notes
lizsos · 5 months
The Lee's
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Summary : Tatter's sister is a famous idol, she happened to meet Bada and Lusher . The problem is both of the Lee's have crush on Tatter's sister who will y/n choose in the end .
Genre: fluff , smut
(Idol reader )
It was a calm day in JustJerk studio . Bada , Lusher and Tatter were dancing around trying to come out with a new choreography gpfor Kai's new song . They've been dancing for 2 hours they came up with some ideas for the first part of the song . Bada decided that it was time for them to rest , so right now they were chilling around . Lusher was sitting on the floor while leaving on the wall behind her . Meanwhile , Tatter was lying face down on the floor , seemingly busy chatting with someone . Bada wasn't in the room at the moment, deciding to find a vending machine to by a drink .
The moment that Bada entered the room again , Tatter randomly asked a question "Unnies , what do you want to eat for lunch today ?"
"Lunch ? Are we ordering food today ?" Bada questioned tilting her slightly .
"My sister is coming today to visit us, she decided to bring lunch so we can eat together ."
"Ehh , you have a sister ?! " Lusher screamed out , surprised by the new information . Bada , also with a shocked look reposted, " Yah ! I've known you for how long and I didn't know you even had a sister. Why didn't you tell us" she point's an accusing finger at Tatter .
Finally sitting up from her position Tatter answered back both of the Lee's that had been questioning her , " In my defence, the both of you never really asked about her and she's really busy I haven't seen her in 5 months. "
"But still , I mean you've met my family " Lusher pouted , disappointed
"Well , now you know " Tatter shrugged " anyways , what do you want to eat? She waiting for our response .
" I'll have Jjajangmyeon " Bada answered still looking in deep thought. "I'll have Kimbap" Lusher requested.
"Okay I'll let her know" Tatter continued to text on her phone, seemingly serious with the conversation that she's currently in "She'll come in 40 minutes "
"Also please don't freak out when you see her . I don't want it to be awkward I trust you guys "
"Freak out? Why would we freak out ?" Bada questioned, curious about the whole situation. It was just strange to her , Tatter announcing that she has a sister that they don't know about then asking them to not freak out
"You'll see later" Tatter dismessed the question, too excited at the fact that she's finally able to meet her sister again . The girls then go back to dancing after their small break , deciding to move to making the key point of the dance . They were so focused on dancing that they didn't notice the door opening and a figure entering the room .
The unknown figure was wearing a hat and an oversized hoodie that covered her head . Not forgetting the mask that adjourned her face , making her seem more mysterious. She then put the plastic bag that contained food on the floor before walking towards Tatter and hugging her from the back while she was busy dancing . Suprised by the unexpected action Tatter squeaked in shock and tried to move away from the person holding her before relaxing after hearing a finolaiar chuckle from her sister .
"UNNIE !" Tatter yelled excitedly , turning around yo return the hug "I missed you so much " .
The unknown figure , now revealed as Tatter's sister , just chuckled at the youngers reaction , glad to finally able to see her sister again .
Throughout the whole thing , Bada and Lusher just stared at the interaction between the two sisters , it was really heart-warming and it makes them wonder about the mysterious sister of Tatter even more
" I miss you tata " th girl's beupautiful voice can be heard . "Let me take the food so e can eat" tithe girl walked back to the entrance, picking up the plastic bag , before standing next to Tatter again .
"Bada unnie seoyoung unnie this is my sister y/n . Unnie this is my dance teacher Bada and teammate seoyoung pr usually known as Lusher" Tatter introduced her sister to her members .
" hello there , nice to meet you , I'm blackpink y/n , Tatter's half sister "y/n bowed
Shocked from the famous person in front of them Lusher and Bada just stared at her before finally snapped our of their trance and bowed back , introducing themselves back .
"Well now that you all officially met , let's eat" Tatter excitedly clapped her hands . Hearing the youngest words y/n just chuckled and gestures for the rest of them to sit on the floor before taking the food out "here you go m Tteokbokki of my favourite sister " y/n gives the food to Tatter and rubbing her head before giving Bada and Lusher their food . Thanking y/n for the food, they began to eat . Bada and Lusher interrogating Tatter and y/n about their relationship throughout the whole meal .
During the conversation both Bada and Lusher cant help but glance at the beautiful girl in front of them . Sure , they've met other idols before especially Bada , being the in-house choreographer for SM , but the idol in front of them is different. Being a member 9f blackpink really showcased a different aura than most idols they've seen before , maybe because blackpink are working more often outside of korea that their vibes has changed all together .
As they talk and eat their lunches , y/n admitted that she enjoyed the company upon her . Not only she finally got to hang out with her sister and her members , the sight in front of her is definitely not disappointing . She hates to admit it , but the moment she saw her sisters friends she got attracted to them . Both of the girls had a different personality and features that attracted her .
Finshing lunch , y/n decided to stay back and watch their practice promising that she won't spill anything she watches to the Internet jokingly, making the rest of the people there laugh at her joke . As she watches the three girls finance, she can't help but be amazed , her sister really has I proved so much , her musicality and how she now can help to make a choreography herself made y/n proud . Her gaze was soon distracted by the powerful moves of bada . She can't help but be entranced by bada powerful moves . As a dancer Heslerton, she rarely see's girls that can dance with so much power , it almost felt like watching a male dancing . Even the best dancer on her team ,Lisa didn't dance that powerful . Its truly a sight to see and she can't help but blush whenever her eyes and bada's eyes connected through the mirror .
But to be honest, Lusher's dance suprised her the most . She didn't expect the girl to be a combination of Bada and Tatter . Her moves are both powerful and feminine, being the perfect piece to the puzzle . She surprised her by staying at the studio for 3 hours already , realising that she still some errands to do , she decided to say goodbye to the group thats still dancing infront of her .
"Hey guys , its really nice meeting you and watching you dance , but I gotta go now" standing up she apologised to the trio . Pouting at her own words , Tatter goes to stop the music before hugging her sister .
"Thank you for visiting and spending time here , Unnie . Also can I sleep over at your place tonight?" Tatter begged adding an extra pout as a cherry on top .
Chucking at her cute sister , " Ofcourse you can Tata " breaking off from the hug , y/n rubbed Tatter's cheek before giving it a small pinch "Its nice to know you guys too" she said to the taller dou behind them
Bada walks closer with her arms opend , signalling that she also wants a hug . Y/n smiled at the cute action and decided to follow along hugging the tall girl . It was surprising feeling , the girl's embrace is so warm and comforting that she didn't want to let go . Finally breaking off from the hug, she hot engulfed into another hug by a more cheerful girl , slightly swaying both of their bodies side to side , making her giggle at her action , loving the playful video that the girl exuded .
"Umm ... can I maybe have your number unnie ? I really enjoyed your company today and maybe we could ģet know each other more ? " Lusher rambled after letting go from their hug , her personality doing a full 180 . Gone from her cheerful personality, to ow filled with a shy rambling mess . "Ofcourse ," y/n winked , before taking her phone and adding her number , even doing an extra effort by taking a photo of herself to be used as a profile picture,. "Now you have 1/5 of balckpink members numbers "she jokingly said .
"I'll text you to let you know its me Unnie " Lusher grinned , still shocked that she actually had the number of her bias
"How about me ? I'm actually your number one fan you know " Bada asked while pouting , acting like a hurt child , making her members laugh from their leader's action "Ofcourse I'll give my number to my number one family " y/n played along to Bada's antic , amused at the girl's action . Inserting her number to the phone given to her , she then does the some thing that she did to Lusher's , but decideding to be a little extra , she does a heart cheek for the pfp , still amused that she met y/n and even had her number .
Waving goodbye to the trio , y/n packs her bag and she leaves the studio .
"Look , she added a heart for my picture " Bada bragged to Lusher after making sure y/n left
"No fair" Lusher whined "you wouldn't even get her number if I didn't ask anyways unnie, so its a win for me actually " . The dancer's continued to bicker about who got ore attention from the blackpink member before Tatter's voice cut them off "stop ! I k ow that my sister is amazing and that you have some kind of crush on her but please talking about it infront of me" Tatter complained , annoyed how they keep bragging about the attention you showed them .
"Okay , Taeyoung-ah . We won't dicuss it again . Come on leat go back to practice " Bda apologised before turning the music back on .
It was late af night and y/n just finished yptaking a shower , after making sure that Tatter has slept comfortably in her room at y/ns penthouse , she can finally relax for the day . Scrolling on her private instgram , her attention was distracted by a notification from an unknown number .
Unknow Number :
Pretty girl <3 :
Ummm ... who is this ?
Unknow Number :
I'm you number one fan ;)
Just kidding, I'm not your stalker
Let me give you a clue
Pretty girls <3
Oh !
Hello bada unnie
I really thought some stalker manged to get my phone number 😤
Giant unnie 🌊💙 :
Sorry not sorry
Just kidding !
Sorry for the jumbscare
Pretty girl <3 :
Its okay unnie , its kinda normal occurrence for me
Giant unnie 🌊💙 :
Sorry that you went through that . I didn't know being am idol can be that scary . If you need any help just tell me
Pretty girl <3 :
Awweee ..... thank you unnie ! I'll keep that in mind ;)
Their conversation was cut off by another notification from an unknown number , guessing that this is lusher, y/n decided to play a joke on her .
Unknow Number :
Hello y/n unnie !! This is seoyoung 🤍🤍
Future girlfriend ❤ :
Umm ... who is this ?
I don't know anyone named y/n
Unknow Number :
Is this not y/n ?
If not I apologise . It seems like a texted the wrong member.
Sorry for bothering you this late .
Have a night night !!
Future girlfriend ❤ :
Lolo its me seoyoung-ah
I'm just kidding , this is my real number no need to worry .
Kitty 🐱 :
Unnie you're so mean 😿😿
Anyways I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your company today , even though I just knew you existed rptoday
Wait no!!!, not like that , I know a blackpink member , like you're really famous you know and there is no one in this industry who wouldn't know recognise you . What i mean is I just knew that you're actually related to Tatter .
I'm rambling arebt I?
Please forgive me unnie
Future girlfriend ❤ :
Why are so cuteee? ???.
Its not problem at all
Its a pleasure to finally get to know my sister's best friends and coworkers . It makes me really glad that she has someone to depend on in her job .
Throughout the night y/n kept texting Bada and Lusher back and forth . Enjoying both of the girls company .
Its safe to say that y/n has become close friends with the two Lee's . Whenever she's in Korea, she'll always spend some time to hang out with them and they still text constantly even if she's overseas .
This time y/n was staying in Korea for a longer period of time . She had just finished her closing concert in Korea and is finally given time to rest after such a long tour .
On her third day of relaxing , sho got a message from Lusher , asking her 8f she's free and if she wanted to visit the dance studio . Agreeing to the inventation since she's bored after laying in bed for the past two days , y/n went to get ready , not forgetting to wear sunglasses and a mask to cover herself . After making sure that she looks presentable, she went to the garage and drove her car to JustJerk academy. Walking to the room that Lusher told her to come in , she saw Lusher sitting on the floor , breathing heavily after what looks like an intense dance routine .
"Hey , you look exhausted " y/ greeted in a jokingly manner .
"No I'm not tired at all , uunie . What make you think that I'm tired ?" Lusher quickly responds, knowing that y/n means no harm and its how they usually talk to each other .
Y/n just chuckled at the younger girl who is still trying to catch her breath. Taking out the engery drink that she know Lusher likes , before handing it to her . Lusher just nodded happily , blushing slightly at her crushes action. I mean she can't help it, her once only celebrity crush just turned into a real crush .
"What are you practicing Seoyoung -ah? " y/n asked curious on what made Lusher dance so hard for .
"Im just preparing myself with a hard routine . I don't know if Bada unnie or Tatter told you this but team BeBe is invited to Street Woman Fighter 2 "Lusher explained excitedly, even now , she still didn't believe that they are given a chance to showcase their talent.
"Oh my god ! Congrats you guys ! Im really happy for you " y/n cheered once she heard the news,. Glad to see the girls talents will finally be appreciated.
After hanging out with lusher in the practice room for 2 more hours. You decided to part ways . Lusher was saying she had a team meeting for a shooting their crew preformance . You both said your goodbyes and left each other going different paths .
Team Bebe announcement of joining swf2 unknowingly added a new dynamic with her relationship with Bada and Lusher . Wheneven she had free time . She would join team bebe practice's and cheer them up. She's also now closed with the rest of team . Even having a group chat with her and team bebe . The rest of the girls know their Leader and sub-Leader had a crush in the Idol and they liked to tease them about it whenever they got the chance.
"Bada unnie , don't you think that y/n unnie and seoyoung unnie are extra touchy today ?" Kyma , the main bully of team bebe asked her leader . Hearing the question , Bada turned her her gaze onto Lusher and y/n who were laughing at something on Lusher's phone . Y/n was lying her head on Lusher's lap while Lusher holder her phone with one hand while her other hand was busy stroking y/n's hair. Not liking the view m Bada clapped her hand the practice will start in 5 minutes .
Amused by the leader's action, Kyma went to gossip with the rest fo the members about what has just happened. Tbroughout the practice, it was obvious that Lusher and Bada were trying to get your attention and impress you, the both of them could be found glancing at you all the time . It was pretty funny for all the members.
It was during the Mega Crew Mission that they finally let their emotions out , Bada in particular took the biggest damage. Y/n noticed that Bada seemed to lose her confidence and she looked apdiqn most of the time, meanwhile Lusher and Tatter tried to help their leader by taking action .
"Come on cheer up ! Who are you ? Bada lee !" She said to bada lifting her head up , gazing into her eyes . Her heart sqeezing itself at the sight in front of her . the strong charismatic leader that she knows looks very stressed and down . Pulling Bada into a hug , she just rubbed her back and mumbled encouraging words , trying to cheer the girl up and lessen her self-doubt .
The moment just made Bada fall harder . Her carrying actions and constant support for her and her team members are one of the reasons that she's strong enough to get through all that .
One night , after finishing the Mega Crew Mission bada and y/n were laying down on JustJerk rooftop . Deciding to take a breath after the announcement of the mission .
"Her y/n ?" Bada just started , y/n just hummed in response to Bada's question. "Im really glad that I met you " she confessed " I didn't know what would happen if I didn't meet you that time . I don't think I'll be able to pull though all those challenges " .
"Im really glad that I met you guys too . But honestly, I think your wrong , you're very strong . Your were able to get this far because of yourself and not just me . Please don't even underestimate yourself even again . Me and the girls think that you're great and will always belive in you " y/n said sincerely, still looking at the sky .
Touched by y/ns words , bada blushed heavily , glad that the night is dark and y/n wasn't looking at her . Of not , then she's definitely doomed . They just continued to talk to each other . Badas gaze flickered from y/ns eyes to her lips, wondering how if would feel against her own lips . She imagined them to be soft and luscious , maybe tasting like a strawberry, knowing that the girl in front of her likes to uses strawberry flavoured stiff . Slowly leaning in their lips met in the middle , fireworks exploding in both of their stomach. Their kiss lasted for some time before they leaned back to catch their breath .
"Wow " y/n mumbled . Still shocked that she kissing bada . To be honest she's been attracted to the girl form the beginning, finding her style to be unique and her charming personality fun to be around.
"Wow indeed" Bada agreed " so , uh do you maybe wanna go on a date sometime ?" She decided to shoot her shot m knowing that she'll do whatever it takes to be with the idol , she feels kinda gulity for asking you you out knowing that Lusher also had a crush on you and both of them have been in some kind of friendly rivalry for the past few months .
"Yaeh ofcourse , I would like to ," you replied shyly. "Bht what about seoyoung ? I don't want to disappoint her her " her mind was in some kind of dilemma. Sure she likes lushers company but to her , not as romantic partner. "Im sure she's a big girl already , she'll be able to accept your decision " bada reassured uy/n , taking the girl into a comforting hug , trying to calm her racing thoughts .
"Uh yeah , your right " y/n agrres noddding her head , her arms were wrapped tightly around badas waist , enjoying her company.
The next day y/n went to join bebe practice she decided to tell lusher about her decision
"Seoyoung -ah can we talk ? " she called out m trying to get lushers attention . Nodding her head , the slightly taller girl walked towards the idol and both of them went to an empty room .
" uh I just want to tell you that I know that you have a crush on me and I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings " y/n bowed feeling truly sorry for the younger girl ? "I always thought of you as a little sister , like Tater and I would tike to apologise of it seem like I'm leading on you on"
Lusher could feel her heart break but decided to accept y/ns decision whole heartdly "its bada unnie isn't it?" She said bitterly , slightly disappointed that her unnie got to be with her crush .
"Its not badas fault , but yes we decided to try it out together it didn't feel right to hide it from you "
"Its alright y/n unnie I knew from the start that one of us will lose and I kinda prepared for it . At least I know that you'll be with bada unnie and she'll take care of you "
Y/n just hugged the girl in response " I know you'll find so enemies better than me eventually someone who will love you better seoyoung -ah "
You bothwent back to the practice room you and bada announced it and everyone has happy especially Tatter she was happy some got to love her sister .
You and bada went back to your penthouse and you said to bad in her ear "bada I want you "
Bada was kinda shocked but she didn't complain she carried you to your room and sat you on the bed .
You kissed bada harshly wish took her by surprise.
Bada instantly kisses you back grunting, Her hands squeezing your breasts causing you to gasp and she slides her tongue into your mouth, swirling and exploring every inch of it. She kisses you harder and harder, teeth clashing and tongues dancing with each other, her hand goes up to cup your jaw, trying to mold her lips into yours .
''F-Fuck! w-wait'' You breath out cupping her cheeks to pull her away, you tilt your head s to the side and lean in to attatch your lips with her swollen pouty ones.
You let out a shaky breath hesitant at first, but then shake your head, your lips curving into a smirk. ''Lets see if you deserve to see my face hm?''
You were sprawled out on your bed by now, your shirt and skirt are long gone at this point .
''Take it off'' she pants out as she pulls away staring at you.
She stares at you hard. You're used the intensity of her gaze, but this is that special stare. That lusty one she gives you in dance practices when you sit there all pretty with your mini skirts laughing along with the other bebe members .
She holds her position, all up in your personal space as her fingers trail up your bare thigh. ''I know these pretty thighs all too well by the way you walk around me in dance practice '' Her hand inches upwards, fingers hooking around the band of your panties before pulling them and letting them go making them snap against your skin.
"Do you know how fucking good you look right now? How badly I've wanted to fuck you?'' She says as his voice drips with lust. '' the things you make me feel y/n " bada said with a shaky breath leaving a sloppy kiss right under your ear and the area around your neck .
The sudden sting causes you to jolt and whimper, a pout forming on your glossy lip.'
'Lets see if you can actually scream huh'' She mutters as she inches forward to your soaked panties, her breath fanning your silk covered fold earning little whines from you.
''T-take them off!'' You whimper, your hands going down to hold her hair and tugging on them slightly causing her to smirk. And so she does, in an instant she rips your panties off and without any warning, she connects her lips to your soaking folds, as if it was a magnet pulling Bada .
''O-Oh oh badaaaaa fuckfuckfuckk g-gon make me cummmmm- ngh'' You cry out arching your back, nipples hard and thighs trembling vigorously, your legs wrap around her shoulders practically suffocating her with your thighs, but she doesn't mind it she has wanted this for way too long now, she was too pussy drunk to notice.
“Mmm..s’sweet mmm” He mumbles into your cunt sending vibrations up your core.
You're mweling as you feel a new sensation build up in your stomach once you feel her tongue enter you, her nose nudging against your clit. her tongue rolling inside you and your spongey spot that will lead you to your destruction, she knows you're close- and just when you're about to have an earth shattering orgasm, she pulls away with a cocky grin, lips glossy and puffy, cheeks and chin stained in your juices, eyes fully lust-blowen. If it was possible, bada would definitely have heart in her eyes right now.
You whine and buck your hips shifting closer to the edge of the bed , hands yanking her head back down into your core in attempt for any stimulation.
She listen to you and continues her job hitting all the spots that makes you fold at the spot
"Ahhhhh~~~ bada im close fuckfuck fuck " you said as you were tugging on her hair for life "cum for me y/n let me taste you" she said while moving her tongue.
You had to admit she had amazing tounge skills , skills that would make you scream .
"CummingCummingCumming" you said as your load went out bada slowed down her movements but still her head was deep down in your core licking cat licks on your pussy while drinking up your juice .
Bada lifted her her up and went to kiss you a deep loving kiss .
You both washed up and went to your bed , you insisted bada to just sleep over and you both cuddled until the sun came up .
The end ~
Tag list ": @nimxie @pinkyqil @badaleeswifey @badaleesbish @badaspebble @badasgirlfriend @badaladinha @bebeyue @urlovebot @mikaleialt @mikachacha @ssivinee @galletitaluna @allur1ngs
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darkestspring · 1 year
Prompt for when you need it: reader is rhaenyra's only daughter and jacaerys' twin and in order to make things easier for her mother and her pregnancy she takes charge of caring and entertaining her younger siblings while they are staying at Kings Landing.
Cue Aemond having a hard time keeping it cool when seeing her playing and doting on little white-haired children and his mind going wild at the idea of her playing with their future babies. Gods help him if he doesn't end up doing something drastic by the end of the damn week
You take it from there, and feel free to disregard it if it's too silly. I just couldn't get the idea out of my head, and now I'm making it a WE problem
Thanks for listening to me anyways! ❤️
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You knew this pregnancy was taking it's toll on your mother, even with your stepfather's help. With your twin brother, jace, taking care of looking after Luke, Baela, and Rhaena, you had taken the role of looking after your younger brothers, Aegon III, and Viserys II.
You were carrying Aegon in your arms as Viserys held your hand gently as you guided him down the hall.
Aemond was watching from a short distance and he could feel his cock throb at the sight. He couldn't help but imagine that it was your children with him and not your younger siblings.
It was not a very well hidden secret that he had craved you since you were both younger. His pretty bastard, his alone.
His pretty brown haired wife-to-be.
A shiver went down his spine at the thought of you bearing his children, he'd give you so many white haired babies, true targaryens.
He cornered you later, after the dinner in which he insulted your brothers, yet again.
"What is it that you want, Aemond?" You had hissed at him, eyes narrowed at him. "There is nothing for you here."
"You're wrong about that." He purred at you, your anger only made his lust grow. "You're here. What better way to get even. Will you not settle your brother's debts by giving yourself to me?"
That made you stop, staring at him in confusion. You thought he hated you, loathed you the same as your brothers, you were a bastard, the same as them.
"Are you already dumb before i've even inserted my cock into you?" He retorted, walking closer as you moved back until your back hit the wall. "I'm going to settle my debt with your body, and once I do, I will marry you in our tradition and give you so many babies to occupy your time."
The logic was a little twisted but you understood it. Despite not having the features, there was no denying that you were of valyrian descent. You had bonded with the most dangerous dragon, the cannibal.
You stared at him impassively. "And if I refuse? Will you take me by force, dear prince?"
Aemond looked at you through his lone purple eye a minute longer before laughing. "No, you'll beg me for it. I have always seen it. Your kindness towards me, the lust in your eyes as you gaze towards me, even now."
His hand drifted down to touch your clit gently under your nightgown adn your hips jolted forwards at the touch.
"Tell me to stop. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want this, and I will stop, sweet girl." Aemond spoke neutrally as he watched your reactions.
You couldn't say that. a part of you hated him but a larger part loved him, wanted him.
"That's what I thought." Aemond chuckled before pulling your nightgown up further.
"Wait," you spoke softly, hands on his chest. "Not here. On the bed." You look over towards the neat bed. "I want... our first time to be on a bed, not against the wall." You spoke almost bashfully and his eye softened before nodding and pulling away.
You stepped out from your spot before grabbing his hand and leading him towards the bed. "I want you..." You murmured softly before starting to unbuckle his shirt. "I want this." You assured him in a soft tone.
"Sweet girl." Aemond groaned before starting to pull your nightgown up and over your head as you stood bare before him.
Aemond shrugged his shirt off as you finished and started focusing on his pants. Your hand pressed against his bulge and he hissed, grabbing your wrist. "Don't test my patience, niece."
You smiled at that before going back to pulling his pants down. "But I enjoy it so, seeing you strain to control yourself."
Aemond growled down at you, sounding all too much like the dragon he was before he pushed you onto the bed and crawling on top of you, his bare cock pressing against your thigh. "Brat." He commented before slapping your thigh, making you squirm.
"Hurry up." You whined, wrapping your legs around his hips, pulling him forwards and hissing as his cock kissed the entrance of your cunt.
Aemond was torn between wanting to go slow and wanting to absolutely ruin you.
"No need to be nice." Your sly smile told him a different story. "I open myself at the thought of you many nights." You taunted him, smiling as you saw his self control fade as he sunk into you.
A loud gasp left you as his hips pressed against yours. He smelled so familiar, like smoke and ink. "Oh, aemond."
"Don't quit on me now, darling. We're just getting started." His first thrust took the air out of you as your heels dig into his ass and pressed him deeper inside of you. "Shit, you really test me, you fucking brat."
The smile that earned him was entirely too smug and his response was to start thrusting earnestly inside you as your bedframe started to hit the wall. "I want you to scream for me."
"Oh gods!" You sobbed out as you held onto him. You could feel him so deep inside you, his cock making its home inside you.
"There's no gods here, just me." Aemond groaned out as you clenched around him yet again. "So don't call for the gods, call for me."
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babysun412 · 6 months
Hi!! Can I please request a haechan one-shot in which he's totally whipped for yn
Hi! Thank you for your request! I hope you don't mind that I used Haechan's real name. I'm just used to writing with it. Anyway, I hope you like it! 😊❤
Whipped - Lee Haechan
Pairing - Haechan x Reader
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You were already on your way back home when you got a text from Donghyuck. His message asked if you could stop by the practice room for while. Despite how exhausted you are, you caved and are now standing infront of the practice room door with food because you have the fattest crush on the world.
"Y/N!!!" Donghyuck shouted when he saw you through the mirror. He ran towards you and grabbed the food out of your hands. "You brought me food?"
"No," You teased with a smile. "I bought everyone food."
The dreamies came rushing towards you just as fast as Donghyuck did when you pulled out another bag from behind your back.
"You're literally the best," Jisung grabbed the bag and put it on the floor.
"I know I am," You sighed gently before patting your legs. "Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy your food."
"You're leaving?" Donghyuck's head shot up instantly.
"Yeah, I've got finals to study for," You grimaced as Donghyuck started whining at you.
"Y/nnnnnn you can study later," He had a pout on his lips as he dragged his feet towards where you were standing.
"I really can't," You tried to avoid looking at the puppy eyes he was giving you. "Everything's kicking my ass right now and i can't afford to fuck this up."
"You can study here!" Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders up and started pulling your backpack off your back. "You can study now and we can hang out after practice."
"Haechan-ah, she might be tired and just want to go home," Mark rolled his eyes at his best friend as Donghyuck proceeded to ignore him and set your bag against the wall.
"You'll stay, right?" Donghyuck's voice turned soft as he peered at you. He almost looked a bit shy.
"Yeah," You felt breathless at the smile he was giving you. "Just for a little while."
"YAY!" He screeched as he clung onto your shoulders before running back to finish his food.
By the time they got back to practicing you were almost falling asleep. Your classes had been keeping you up late at nights and you haven't been getting much sleep. All you wanted to do was curl up in your bed but who can say no to Lee Donghyuck?
"Dude, she's falling asleep," Jeno sighed before looking at Donghyuck. "You should've let her go home. She's clearly tired."
"No I'm not!" You straightened up and open your eyes as wide as you could get them to wake yourself up. "I'm as wide awake as ever."
Donghyuck peered over at you with worry. The divot between his brows was deep as he bit his lip. He didn't mean to keep you from sleeping but he really missed you. He likes spending time with you and gets more motivated when he sees your face.
Once there was another break he came over to sit next to you. He rubbed his sweaty hands over his legs and stared at the way your head was leaned back and your eyes were closed.
You weren't asleep but you could feel the warmth radiating off him with how close he was sitting to you. You wish you could bask in that warmth. You've constantly been avoiding telling him how you feel because you're afraid he'll reject you.
But hey...it doesn't hurt to take advantage of the situation now does it. You slowly leaned to your left until your head landed on Donghyuck's warm shoulder. You're body finally relaxing for the first time all day.
"Oh, y/n..." Donghyuck took a deep breath before he dropped his head on top of yours.
"We have to-" Jaemin started to say but instantly stopped talking when Donghyuck held a finger to his lips and gave him a life ending glare.
"Are you ever gonna confess?" Jaemin raised a brow as Donghyuck's cheeks began to turn pink.
"Shut up," Donghyuck grumbled.
You on the other hand could hear this whole exchange and it almost made you furrow your brows.
Does Donghyuck like somebody?
"She doesn't like me back," You heard Donghyuck say but it didn't seem loud enough for anybody but you to hear it.
Donghyuck slowly reached for your hand and slid your fingers together. You could feel him tracing light and gentle circles on the back of your hand.
"I'm sorry for making you stay," His voice was the softest you've ever hear it. "I know you're tired but...sometimes I just miss you."
You swear your felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest when his nose pressed into the top of your head and his free hand gently pushed your hair out of your face.
"You make me really happy," Donghyuck pressed a light kiss into your hair.
"Alright let's run it again!" Mark clapped his hands before screaming when Donghyuck had pick up one of your pencils and chucked it at him.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Donghyuck whisper yelled at him as you pretended to stir to not make it obvious you were awake.
Also maybe to calm yourself down because what in the actual fuck just happened.
"Haechan-ah-" Jaemin rolled his eyes.
"Five more minutes," Donghyuck huffed once he made sure you were "sleeping" again.
You had finally decided that maybe you would try to fall sleep on his arm. You could felt love burst through your chest at his words and you sleepily nuzzed your cheek against his shoulder.
"Sleep well, princess," Donghyuck ran his thumb over your knuckles as he stared down at your sleeping face.
If Chenle pretended to gag in the background then that was nobody's business but his and the ass kicking Donghyuck would give him later.
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kentoberry · 2 years
CEO childe fucking Fem secretary reader <333
yeah ! i'm obsessed with office aus so bad omg !!
content · [ 18+ , minors do not interact ] · sub fem reader · perv childe · skirt f3tish · edging · angry s3x · bruises · spanking · office s3x · exh!bitionism · teasing · p-nty stealing · ma$turbation · toys · blackmail mention.
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· CEO ! childe who didn't give a shit about your qualifications. he only hired you because of how fucking hot your ass looked in that tight pencil skirt you wore to the interview — most of the conversation was spent with him not-so-subtly staring at your tits anyway.
· CEO ! childe who can and will ask you to come and see him in his office if he's having a slow day, just to have you sit on his desk and let him tease and edge your pretty pussy whilst he has all the time in the world!
· CEO ! childe who practically drags you into his office, or any other available room, after he has a particularly stressful meeting. he's busy cursing out all of his shareholders and takes the rage out on you, destroying your poor cunt and gripping your hips so hard that they'll be bruises afterwards.
· CEO ! childe is a massive fan of randomly slapping your ass. even if there's others in the room, you'll find he never misses an opportunity to land his hand on your sore cheek.
· CEO ! childe who has you suck him off whilst he's on a video conference. sure, you could give him the best head of his life and make him cum in front of all of these important people, but there was virtually a guarantee that he'd punish you for it later on.
· on a similar note, CEO ! childe will pick up the phone while he's fucking you. you could be bent over his desk or pinned against a wall when his ringtone goes off, and he'll simply put a finger to his lips, indicating that you should stay quiet, before hitting the answer button. if it's boring (which it usually is), he'll only fuck you harder and deeper to see how much you can control your noises.
· CEO ! childe has definitely convinced you to wear a remote controlled vibrator during a meeting. the heads of all departments within the company meet monthly, and it's only natural that the CEO and his star secretary be in attendance! he teases you throughout, watching you squirm and rub your thighs together. if you're good for him, he'll fuck you into oblivion over the conference table once everyone has left.
· CEO ! childe has a locked drawer in his desk that's full of your panties. sometimes he'll fuck you and make you return to work without them — it gives him easy access later on anyways. besides, if you're absent for whatever reason (say you're sick or have a family emergency), he can just take out a pair and make use of them while he jacks himself off.
· at one point, CEO ! childe thought that it would be amusing to fuck you over the copy machine. he bent you over, smushing your tits against the machine as it whirred into action. after that, he sat you up on it and got some nice copies of your ass and some of your cunt. when he (jokingly) threatened to pin them up around the office and show everyone what a whore you were for the boss, you couldn't stop your cunt tightening around his cock.
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