tamrielarchive · 4 months
Mehri awakes after a long nights sleep to the sound of warriors bustling around about her. She feels stiff as a log and her joins crack as she pulls herself out of bed. She gets her stuff together and shakes herself awake listening to the conversations of the companions around her. Some of the lazier louts still snore loudly in their cots.
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By the light of a hanging candle Mehri takes a moment to write a small letter. Using her journal she scribbles down some notes about where she's been and where she's going before tearing the page out. She folds it up and tucks it away in her pocket and takes her leave from the musty basement.
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As Mehri heads upstairs and finds the hall sparsely populated. Most of the warriors seem to be sleeping in. As she takes a turn towards the door she runs into a new face. The man looks remarkably similar to Vilkas, enough to be his twin brother. He approaches her curiously, Farkas: "Hmm, You must be the new blood everyone's yapping about. You're at it early? Where you headed to?" M: "Oh just into town I guess. Gonna look for some work. Are you Vilkas's brother?" F: "Mhm. If you're looking around for something to do we've got word of some trouble. Bandits holed up at Redoran's Retreat to the west. Up for it whelp?" M: "Ah! I'll take care of it then. Some bandits wont be much trouble." F: "Haha, I like your spirit. Hope to see you back here soon then." The young man wanders off towards the dining table leaving Mehri to her own devices. Mehri steps out of Jorrvaskr to find a light morning shower greeting her. The rain is cool and refreshing but it isn't long before she attempts to take cover under the large twisting tree at the center of the plaza. Although slightly under cover the rain still pitters down on Mehris face. She thinks to herself that perhaps it would have been better to take cover under a tree with leaves. For a moment Mehri gets lost in thought, enjoying the smell of the morning air. Her face goes numb from the cold of the rain. Her mind is so muddled by the senses around her she barely notices as a woman in a blue robe approaches. As the priest walks by and up to the tree Mehri shakes herself from her haze.
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The woman begins to pray for a moment before turning to Mehri, the two look at each other and back at the tree. Danica: "It's a shame isn't it..." M: "The tree? Yeah it looks.. unhealthy." D: "It's called the Gildergreen. It was planted as a sapling in the early days. Deciples of Kynareth could sense the winds of the goddess in its branches. Many pilgrims would come to see the tree, they built the temple to our lady. Not so much anymore though." M: "Why not? The temple's still here isnt it?" D: "A dead tree isn't so inspiring. The divine of wind and rains is the mother of life and we need a living tree to be our symbol." M: "Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense. Whats wrong with it?" D: "It was wounded. Struck by lightning. I would try to tend to it, but the process would be long, and there are many wounded from the war I have to care for."
M: "How would you go about that? Reviving a dead tree?" D: "The Gildergreen is ancient. It's parent tree, the Eldergreen was but a seedling when the first men came from the north. Its sap is potent, and can revive even barren fields. I'm sure I could revive it if I could get that sap." M: "Ah. I could help with that. My name is Mehri, and I am one of the companions, I suppose it would be my job to aid the citizens of Whiterun." D: "Even if you could get to the tree you wouldn't be able to cut it. Not even skyforge steel can cut the bark of the Eldergleam. You'd need to tap into the old magics to wound it. That means dealing with the hags. Those old crones terrify me, or I'd have already tried." M: "Sounds like a problem I can take care of." D: "Your spirit is strong, Mehri. Thank you. The hags are located at a place called Orphan Rock, just south of Riverwood. You'd be looking for a knife. I hear they call it 'Nettlebane' and use it for sacrificing spriggans. You can find me at the temple if you need anything, My name is Danica Pure-Spring. May Kyne's winds guide your path."
The robed woman gives Mehri a quick bow before heading back towards the temple. Mehri lingers at the tree for a moment waiting for the rain to let up, though she quickly grows impatient. She meanders around town finding her way to the more affluent manors of the city. As the rain continues to pitter on the cobbled streets a large statue of Ysgramor looms over the wind district. There a lone redguard man is patroling the plaza, a familiar face. Mehri approaches sensing an opportunity.
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M: "Hey you!" Mehri approaches the man and greets him with a little wave. Amren: "Can I help you?" M: "I saw you around yesterday, arguing with your wife. You need hired help yes?" A: "Ah. Yes, I do. My name is Amren. I lost my family sword, but I've tracked it to a den of thugs nearby. I want to go get it but my wife, Saffir, she wont have it." M: "I would be glad to help then. No use in risking your life over one sword." A: "I know. I'm not an idiot. My father fed my family with the gold he made using that sword. I just cant let it gather dust in some bandits cave." M: "I can take care of it." A: "I'd be in your debt then. You'd be headed just east of the city in a little cave called White River Watch, it's not far. Good luck out there, and stay safe. It'd be nice to have another friendly face around to bring some warmth to this frozen wasteland" Amren chuckles and gives Mehri a soft pat on the shoulder. He takes a deep breath and sighs before continuing his patrol, wandering off towards the cloud district. The morning rain continues to pitter down. Mehri takes shelter under a small roof and pulls out her map. It doesn't take her long to locate the locations of the camps on her map and formulate a route. She sets out with a skip in her step, hopeful she can take care of two jobs in one day.
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As Mehri passes by the gates to the city she loiters for a moment, sheltering under the walls waiting for the rain to die down. Eventually the last of the morning trickle fades away and soon after the gates lumber open. Through comes in a small group of travelers, but Mehri only has her eyes on one. She approaches a scrawny nord lad that seems to be in a hurry, wearing a hefty couriers satchel. She retrieves the crumpled note from her pocket. Thrusting her hand out at the boy as she steps in his way she offering him a fistful of septims. M: "Ay boy you can take this to Riverwood yes? Take it to the trader, they will know who to give it to." The boy is startled but quickly nods and snatches the letter from her. After counting the coin the lad gives Mehri a big grin before running off further into the city. Mehri turns and strolls out the gate of Whiterun. The morning sun peaks its head from behind the fading rain clouds. A faint mist begins to form over the plains of the hold. Mehri jogs down the road, excited to finally get out of the city.
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tamrielarchive · 5 months
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As Mehri takes her first steps into Jorrvaskr she is hit by a wave of senses. The sound and sight of rowdy strangers. The smell and taste of smoke and wet dog. At first she is overwhelmed and confused, but soon her attention is drawn towards a commotion that is beginning to brew. A nord woman and a dunmer male argue loudly. Mehri approaches the scene watching from afar. The two belligerents stand up and begin to fight. Although tenacious the dunmer man isn't able to gain a foothold against his opponent. Eventually the nord woman manages to knock him to the ground. She struts away proudly to finish her meal. Mehri snickers at the scene, and begins to look around excitedly. The building is full of warriors seemingly grizzled and battle hardened. The walls seem ancient and the cobblestones on the ground well worn. Mehri searches around for a familiar face but doesn't seem to recognize anyone. She approaches a woman sweeping the floor, seemingly the caretaker of this building. M: "Excuse me" Tilma: "Oh? I'm just a servant dear, you're here to find one of the companions I'm sure" M: "Oh no! I'm a bit lost, do you know where I can find Kodlak?" T: "Ohoho! A new whelp looking to test their mettle? He'll be downstairs at the far end of the hall deary. Sorry about the ruckus earlier, just try and stay out of the way when the dogs start roughhousing." Mehri thanks the woman for her time. and heads towards the stairs. As she approaches she sees various shards of a battleaxe displayed proudly on the wall. The same battleaxe that lines the banners around hall. It sits unwhole, missing many of its most important fragments. Mehri can help but think this is a bit of a dreary sight, considering the artifacts clear prominence.
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The steps creak as she clambers down them, worn by the feet of hundreds of men. As she opens the down to the basement she is hit by an air of sweat and blood. She hears two voices coming from the end of the hall. One seems uncertain and worried, although she cannot make out their words. The two men silence themselves as Mehri enters the room. Their gazes are intense, examining every part of her as if their eyes wanted to pick her apart. She approaches the older of the two. He looks at her with a great curiosity. Mehri is as rigid as a board as she speaks. M: "I. have come here. Have come to join. Your companions." Mehri's brow furrows as her words spill out of her. The two men stare at her as she stumbled through her words. She huffs in frustration before blurting out M: "You are Kodlak yes? I am here to be a companion."
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Kodlak: ".... are you now? Let's have a look at you then." Kodlak's intensity and curiosity fade as he examines her. From head to toe he studies her very being and how she holds herself. After a moment he nods K: "Perhaps. I sense a certain strength to your spirit."
The younger man is shocked at Kodlaks response Vilkas: "You're not being truly serious are you master? This whelp?" K: "I am not anyone's master Vilkas, I would bite your tongue. Last time I checked the beds of Jorrvaskr are free for any with a fire in their hearts." V: "Ah, apologize. But this isn't a good time don't you think. I've never even heard of this woman before." K: "The famous won't always come to us youngblood. Sometimes their legends are forged here. The weight of their name is irrelevant. What matters is their spirit." Vilkas turns to Mehri and examines her V: "and their arm..."
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K: "Of course. Girl, how is your skill in battle?" M: "I can handle myself."
K: "Hm, that remains to be seen. Vilkas, take her out to the yard and see what she's capable of."
Vilkas grumbles as he gets up. He beckons Mehri to follow as he heads out towards the courtyard. Mehri follows close behind and the two make their way out the back doors of the building. The courtyard is filled with warriors practicing their form and dogs run about playing and wrestling. Vilkas and Mehri square themselves in the center of the courtyard. V: "Alright, Old man thinks I should have a look at you so lets see what you got. Just take a few swings at me and show me your form. Don't go easy now, I can handle it." Mehri steps back and withdraws her silver sword. Vilkas eyes lock onto her blade. As she goes for her first swing he deflects it with his axe. Mehri carries the weight of her sword with her, swinging with all her might into Vilkas. Each time he deflects her blow. After He is finished studying her form they put away their weapons. The young warrior seems sweaty despite not doing much physical work.
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V: "Haha, not bad at all. If we get in a real fight I won't go so easy. You might just make it around here, but you're still a whelp so you're gonna be doing what the others say." Vilkas withdraws a sword and hands it to her. V: "Take my sword up to the forge to get it sharpened by Eorlund. Be careful with it. It's probably worth more than you." Vilkas chuckles as he walks away, wiping away the sweat from his neck. Mehri sneers at him and heads up the stairs to the forge. The old cobblestones stand sturdy under her feet but have grown slippery with moss. An old iron gate creaks as she steps through, alerting the old man working the forge. A figure of an eagle looms ominously over the forge, its eyes glowing with a fire of their own. Its stone hewn wings coddle the forge in a looming embrace. Mehri approaches with Vilkas's sword in hand. The heat of the forge is pleasant as she stands next to it. Various unfinished pieces are strewn about the area. The steel of the weapons shines with a peculiar sheen. The old man peers inquisitively at Mehri as she basks in the heat of the fire.
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Eorlund: "What brings you here?" M: "I've brought Vilkas's sword, he wants it sharpened." E: "Oh, you must be the new face then." M: "Does he normally send people to do things for him?" E: "Oh, don't worry about him. Everyone here was a whelp once, they just don't like to talk about it. Nobody is anyone's lackey in the companions girl, don't always do what someone tells you." M: "I see. But Kodlak is the leader yes?" E: "Not really, just and old head. And a wise one at that. Think of him as nothing more than an advisor." M: "Fascinating. And you are a companion yourself?" E: "No not really I just work the Skyforge. Best damn steel in all of Skyrim. All of Tamriel. It's an honor to serve them, since none of those knuckleheads know a damn thing about a forge. You good with a hammer girl?" M: "I know enough to keep my equipment in shape." E: "Aye, wish that were true of every whelp. I have a favor to ask. Got a shield for Aela ready. Would be much obliged if you'd take this to her for me. My wife is in mourning and I must be back with her soon." Eorlund hands a masterfully made light shield of leather over to Mehri. She accepts it without question. E: "Good woman. Come back around and I'll show you a thing or two about the skyforge." Mehri gives Eorlund an excited grin and turns back the way she came. She clambers down the stairs holding the shield in front of her.
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The sun sets as she heads into the old lodge. She searches amongst the warriors feasting but Aela is nowhere in sight. Mehri takes her search downstairs. A few men are already in the beds, but Aela is not amongst them. Mehri eventually finds her way to Aela's room. She hears two voices speaking inside and knocks. They quickly silence themselves and Mehri waits a moment before opening the door. Aela and one of the older warriors stand in her room. Mehri approaches and holds out the shield for Aela. A: "Ah Good! You made it! I've been waiting for this, Happy to see the old man thinks you've got some heart. " Skjor: "Oh, so you know her? I saw her training with Vilkas in the yard." A: "Maybe the old age is getting to you knucklebrains, she was the one who took down that giant earlier. Heard you gave Vilkas a thrashing, HAHA!" S: "Don't let him catch you saying that." Skjor grumbles as he walks off out of the room. Aela turns to Mehri.
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A: "So, you think you could actually beat him in a fight?" M: "I don't like to boast." Aela snickers and wraps her arm around Mehri. A: "I knew I liked you, c'mon. I said drinks on me." Mehri chuckles, flushed and excited. The two make their way upstairs to eat and drink till night. The two tell stories of their exploits. Mehri regales the table with a story of how she once had to wrestle 3 imps because she had been napping in their den. Aela describes a story in which she once took down a mother bear using nothing but her bow itself, because she had run out of arrows. The two drink and laugh the night away, but eventually the rabble and alcohol take their toll and the women decide to head to bed. Aela shows Mehri where the whelps sleep, showing her the clean beds before stumbling off to her own room for the night. The hall is quiet as most of the warriors have gone to bed, and Mehri sits in contemplation on her bed. The old planks creak as Mehri shifts around.
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She stares off at the wall, a lot has happened and there's much to think about. Before heading to bed she takes out her journal to write about her day.
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tamrielarchive · 5 months
As Mehri enters Whiterun she takes a moment to take in the noise and clear her mind. Her attention turns towards a woman hammering away at a workbench outside a weapon shop. As Mehri approaches the woman takes notice. Adrianne: "Hello there stranger, got some nice pieces out here. More inside if you're looking to buy." Mehri looks about at the variety of weapons scattered around the workshop. She then peers up at the sign of the building in front of her. M: "Warmaidens... Sound like my kind of place. Why don't I" Mehri heads to enter the shop. The woman gives her a small grin before turning back to her work. The inside of the shop is warm and smells strongly of oil and steel. A large man works at the counter. He smiles at her as she approaches and speaks up.
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Ulfberth: "Welcome to Warmaiden's. You, my girl, have come to the right place. I have everything a woman of your caliber could need." Mehri examines the wares lining the walls. She takes particular interest in the swords, especially the big ones. M: "The lady outside make all of these?" U: "Mhm, Adrianne, my wife. She's been swinging swords around since she was a kid from what I hear. Place is named after her."
Mehri eyes a particularly interesting sword hanging behind the counter. A large silver great sword. Ulfberth catches her lingering gaze. U: "Ah, a dungeon delver are we? You've got a good eye." He grabs the piece from its display and sets it on the counter. U: "This one here is 500 septims. Silvers good for daedra and undead if you find yourself wrapped up in a sketchy situation. But..." Ulfberth's gaze settles on the great sword at Mehri's hip. U: "I'm willing to negotiate the price if you'd be willing to make a trade." Mehri withdraws her blade from it's sheath. Its ancient irons still glitter despite the years of wear. U: "What a piece of work. You don't find many of these in such good shape. It's a shame to let something like that crumble with use." M: "and how much would the silver sword be in exchange?" U:"Hmmm... 300 septims. I wouldn't normally buy something like that for more than 50 even in such good shape. But, lets call it a personal purchase. And don't let Adrianne know haha."
The two chuckle and Mehri hands over the gold from her sack. She exchanges the old nord great sword and gets a feel for her new weapon. It's slightly heavier, but more precise. Mehri feels a little bit more powerful. Her and Ulfberth thank each other and Mehri steps out of the shop off to explore the city more. As she steps outside she is met with the sight of two redguard men arguing with some guards from the city. The guards refuse them from going any further into the city. The men argue for some time but eventually relent. As they are about to depart Mehri's gaze meets with that of one of the warriors.
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Alik'r: "Hey you there! Over here, come here." Mehri approaches the men cautiously. They seems to be studying her intensely. The way they eye her face unnerves her. Alik'r: "Hmm, no not you, You're just some vagrant. We're looking for a foreigner in these lands. A redguard like you and I. We're paying good money for her whereabouts." M: "And why exactly is that?" The warrior grows more irritated and raises his voice slightly Alik'r: "That's none of your concern. We're paying for information, that is all. She's likely not using her true name. We'll pay for any information about her location. We aren't welcome here so find us in Rorikstead if you feel useful." The men turn to leave and the guards wander off. Mehri is left uneasy and leaves to go find something else to do. She wanders into a very affluent looking neighborhood. The houses here are grand and clearly house large and powerful families. Amongst the street she runs into two children arguing.
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One of the children seems to be bullying the other. Mehri approaches the two and the young boy that was being bullied runs off at the sight of her. A small redguard girl is left sneering at the stinky woman before her. Braith: "What do you want dung head? I'm not sacred of you." M: "Watch your mouth brat." B: "Or what?" Mehri raises her fist, balled in her steel gauntlet and swings at the girl. The child flinches as the punch whiffs by in front of her face. Mehri walks off chuckling as the girl huffs in frustration. Mehri wanders amongst the markets perusing the stalls and suppressing the urge to spend all her money. Eventually she finds herself climbing the steps to the upper city. Before her stands a tree, withered and white which presumably use to be full of life. The sight is ominous but she pays no mind and continues her day.
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at the far end of the plaza a preacher hollars hoarse prayers amongst a sparse crowd. Mehri watches the people going about their days around her. As she walks she overhears an argument between a man and a woman. A married couple having some sort of dispute. Mehri listens in closer Amren: "Please, i just need one or two good men. We would'nt starve, I just need a little time." Saffir: "Let me put it plainly, dear, If you set foot outside of that gate you wont have a wife to come back to. You can have me, or your damn sword."
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The woman storms away frustrated Amren: "Saffir! Wait, I cant..." The man is left defeated and wanders off towards the market district. Mehri continues on. She loops around, admiring the glory of Dragonsreach from below. The towering fortress sits like a jewel atop a crown. The wear of the days travel weigh on her as she gazes up. to the east she spies a peculiar sight. A building that resembles an upturned boat. As she approaches it she hears merriment and hollering coming from inside M: "This must be Jorrvaskr then." The building isn't nearly as impressive as the fortress but carries its own sense of grandeur. The afternoon sun begins to sink as she steps inside the structure excited for what may lie ahead.
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tamrielarchive · 5 months
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Early in the morning Mehri wakes to Angi bustling around getting ready for the day. The two prepare for their plans, packing away food and essentials and filling their water-skins. By the time Mehri has all her armor on Angi calls from her from the entrance of the cave. A: "Mehri! I'm about to leave, when you head south watch for any imperial patrols. Whiterun is neutral so far, but keep an eye out. Head back and let me know if there's anything of concern." M: "Aye aye! Good luck out there! Lay low!" A: "See ya!" M: "I'll be back before long!" Angi takes her leave and Mehri takes some more time to pack her stuff. Before long she has everything set and locks the door behind her, setting out for a new adventure.
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As she cross the bridge and takes the road south the sky is blanketed by dreary clouds. Soon after it starts raining, Mehri is forced to pick up the pace chugging along. Her armor clanks and shudders as she jogs downhill.
Wolves bark and snarl out from the wilderness but she keeps pace. For hours she jogs, taking brief breaks to rest every now and again.
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By the time the rain begins to clear she finds herself at the meeting of two rivers. Before her stands a massive fortress of a city. Mehri stands in awe, impressed with its tenacity and grandeur. Soon after marveling at the city for a time Mehri begins to take the road west. The golden grass of the Whiterun plains dances in the wind and cotton floats on the air like snow.
Fields of cabbage and wheat stretch unimpeded only halted by the mighty walls around the city. Mehri mindlessly picks flowers as she strolls along the road enjoying the savory sweet air of the grass. The sun streaks high in the sky as the midday approaches. Mehri passes by a small farm nearing the entrance to Whiterun when she hears a commotion in the distance. Loud thundering stomping followed by yelling and bellowing. Mehri rushes towards the noise when she finds herself rapidly approaching a giant.
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Several warriors are already engaged in combat with the creature by the time Mehri arrives. An archer fires several arrows into the thick back hide of the giant, which only enrages the creature further. The humongous humanoid rampages around the farm slamming the ground so hard it sounds like thunder. Mehri notices the warriors routing the giant away from the farmhouse and follows suit. While the beast is distracted by the other warriors Mehri loops around the windmill. The archers provoke the creature more drawing it further away from the structure as warriors close in. They stab at the creatures heels and back away as it swings its club around Mehri runs from the back as the rest of the group surrounds the giant. The monster roars in rage and swings its weapon about recklessly. As it bats around it Mehri takes an opportunity to go in for the kill. Slashing the creature in the throat while it has it exposed.
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The giant crumples to the ground and the warriors around take a moment to recoup. Mehri wipes away the blood of the monster off her sword as she is approached by the archer that was provoking the beast. Aela: "You fought well out there, clearly an experienced warrior by any measure. My names Aela, me and my brothers here appreciate your help." M: "You weren't too bad out there yourselves, you guys have some serious mettle. What was that all about anyways?"
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A: "A giant, by the name of Bor. Had lost the last of his herd a few weeks ago and decided to start making trouble. Too bad we had to put the poor thing down." M: "Ah, I apologize if I was a bit too bloodthirsty." A: "HAHA! Not a problem. Say, you'd make a fine member of the Companions. What do you say about becoming a Shield-Sister?"
M: "What're the Companions? Sounds interesting." A: "You haven't been around long then outsider. We're an order of warriors who fight to keep Skyrim and its people safe, as long as the coin's good. We're in Jorrvaskr in the upper city. Kodlak has a good sense for people. He can see your heart right through your eyes, he'll see if you got what it takes." M: "I'll have to check it out. Seems like fun." A: "Good luck, if I see you later drinks will be on me!" The rest of the companions begin to disperse and Aela turns to follow. They to wave to each other and Mehri gets the last of the giants blood cleaned off her armor. Heading the direction the companions took, Mehri climbs towards the entrance to the city. The walls loom overhead ancient and crumbling. As she approaches the front gate she is eyed by guards flanking either side, she passes without a word but feeling their burning gaze.
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Whiterun is bustling as she enters, sounds of hammers slamming and children playing. Dogs bark in the distance and people chatter amongst market stalls. She takes her first steps into the city, unsure of what she wants and enamored with people and places around her.
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tamrielarchive · 5 months
Through the late hours of the night Angi and Mehri pack up supplies. Storing away any unneeded items and making sure to not leave any valuables. By midnight Mehri sits for a break, writing her thoughts down briefly
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The two head to sleep soon after, uneasy but eager. By morning Angi awakes to an empty shack. Checking outside she sees Mehri staring off the edge of the mountain cliffs. She throws on her travel clothes and jogs up to meet her. A: "Now what are you up to?" Mehri is startled and shaken from her focus.
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M: "Hm? I'm just surveying the path. Nice view from up here, you can see pretty much the entire hold." Angi chuckles and nods A: "You get it, eh. Ready to go?"
M: "Ready as ever"
The pair shudder the cabin and smother all their fires. Heading out down the mountain the morning sky remains clear and pleasant. Angi leads Mehri down the mountain with wisdom from a thousand descents. As the two reach the treeline they begin to sneak, wanting to avoid any unnecessary attention.
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Down the mountain path they sneak. Angi tells Mehri stories of old hunts and times in the woods. Passing a small cave Angi is reminded of a particularly interesting tale. A: "See that hole over there?" M: "Mhm? What of it?" A: "Right in there is a little grove. A long while ago I was trying to find a mark when I found myself in there. And it would be just my luck that I would come to find myself in the face of a spriggan. I had been caught completely off guard and only just managed to escape." Angi chortles in a jolly way. A: "Nothing like I've ever experienced. I hope I never come across one again, too many bees." M: "That reminds me of the time I saw a minotaur. A towering beast. Stalked through the woods like a monster, I had to hide inside a log!" Down the mountain path they sneak. Angi tells Mehri stories of old hunts and times in the woods. Passing a small cave Angi is reminded of a particularly interesting tale. A: "See that hole over there?" M: "Mhm? What of it?" A: "Right in there is a little grove. A long while ago I was trying to find a mark when I found myself in there. And it would be just my luck that I would come to find myself in the face of a spriggan. I had been caught completely off guard and only just managed to escape." Angi chortles in a jolly way. A: "Nothing like I've ever experienced. I hope I never come across one again, too many bees." M: "That reminds me of the time I saw a minotaur. A towering beast. Stalked through the woods like a monster, I had to hide inside a log!" The women share a laugh and continue on. As they descend further they come across a small stream. Angi takes a deep breath and scolws. A: "Mehri. I have a question." M: ".. Yes?" A: "How long has it been since you've properly bathed?" M: "...... its really that bad?" A: "You smell like goat shit, follow me." Angi leads her down along the stream, eventually the reach a small pond. There Angi stands along the waters edge listening to the morning bird song. In the pond Mehri bathes herself of days of dirt and blood and sweat. The water is cold and clear. Although chilly Mehri manages to relax.
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M: "Stendarr's mercy I feel like a new person. Thank you, this place is great." A: "Its a quiet little spot. Haven't run into bandits out in this area just yet thank the gods." Mehri dips her head into the water and washes her face off. Looking over to Angi the two lock eyes briefly but Angi looks away hurriedly. M: "Haha, no shame here don't worry about nothing." Angi chuckles along, now staring off into the woods. M: "Say, those are some nice clothes. Whats the deal with that?" A: "Ah. Thats a conversation for another time. They keep warm though. High quality is worth it." Mehri nods, gets up and begins to dry herself. After shes fully dressed and armored the two head out. Eventually near the base of the mountain the reach a road. They sneak along the sides of the road northward until they reach a small farm. At the farm Angi leads Mehri off the trail through the wilderness. Steady footsteps and staying low keeps the two hidden. In the distant forests they hear shouting and movement. Avoiding any signs of life they eventually make it to the road to Riverwood. The two keep low until they reach the hold border. From there they begin to walk with renewed energy and excitement.
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Eventually Mehri stops to admire some ruins. She stares at the broken foundations and crumbling pillars with wonder. M: "You ever wonder what this stuff used to be? A: "Can't say I do, not often." M: "There oughta be someone out there who knows." A: "You think? Hmm." sounds of distant barking drives the pair to carry onwards up the road. As they stroll Angi admires the surrounding landscape. They follow the river north, salmon leap along the frigid water. Eventually the trees give way to the village walls.
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Mehri stops as they enter town M: "Welcome to Riverwood! My place is off out the other side of town, but the trader and inn are good places for supplies if you need them. So what do you think on next steps?" A: "Right now I need to settle down and think. I'm not in any rush now." M: "Well okay then, follow me!" Mehri escorts Angi to the other side of town, the townfolk eye the two as they walk past and Mehri gives them a friendly wave. The two rush off and into the woods. Heading up the hill Mehri leads Angi to the mouth of the cave. Hopping up on a rock she presents her humble little abode.
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M: "This is home, feel free to come and go as you please." A: "Wow, you found this?" M: "Heh, yeah! Sitting out here right for the taking. Nobody in sight. Left the key out so now its mine!" A: "Are you sure this is safe?" M: "Absolutely. Whoever owned this place died a while ago probably, plus they left a note. Its totally fine."
A: "Well... alright then. Lets head inside shall we?"
Mehri leads Angi into the cave, she rushes over to her chests to store her supplies as Angi looks around hesitantly. Eventually as she explores the cavern she speaks up
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A: "Wow, I was not expecting this." M: "Its very nice! perfect place to rest up and lie low." A: "Hmmm. Hahaha! This is great! You're a lucky one aren't you. The woods around here seem perfect for hunting too." Angi wanders towards the back of the cave. After stuffing away all her gear Mehri follows along giving her a short tour of the rest of the camp. The pair cook up and eat a small meal before resting from the days travel.
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M: "So what are your plans for tomorrow?" A: "Scout out the area, maybe snag a kill, and head into town for a bit. I'll probably stock up on some supplies too." M: "Oh! You should head to the Riverwood Trader the guy and his sister there like me so just say I sent you." Angi nods in approval A: "And what about you?" M: "Not sure! I like to wander wherever. I'll probably go to Whiterun. I've heard some interesting things about that place. Might be gone for a bit so you're free to use this place as you please." Mehri gives Angi a warm smile before realizing something M: "But as long as you dont touch my stuff! I like it where it is." Angi giggles and nods along A: "That all? You're too kind." Angi looks over the pile of boxes and treasure below. A: "The dragon in the cave has a hoard and everything. Ill make sure to keep guard then." The two share a laugh and chat through the afternoon. Soon the last of faint sunlight coming from the mouth of the cave fades. Angi rolls out a bedroll and the two head to bed for the night.
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tamrielarchive · 5 months
Angi's rhythm is suddenly broken by the hollering coming from out front. Setting her hammer down and stepping away from her bench she is met with the sight of a tall and chipper redguard woman swinging her arms about. Approaching Mehri, Agni smirks and gives her a quizzical glare A: "Took you long enough. You get lost or something?" M: "Nonononono not at all! I know how to follow the map just fine. I just... was exploring." A: "Ah, exploring. Of course." Angi closes the gap between them and grabs Mehri by the arm A: "C'mon, lets get you to work. I'm nearly done repairing the shack for today." Mehri is taken a back by her sudden approach. She stops for a moment and holds up a jangling satchel. M: "Wait wait. I brought drinks!" Angi gives Mehri an impish grin before tightening her grip. A: "Ah ah ah. Not yet. The sun is plenty high in the sky. Lets work up an appetite first, eh?" M: "But.. I'm plenty hungry, I just hiked up a mountai-" Angi turns back towards her shack, dragging Mehri along. Mehri stumbles after Agni, startled but impressed with her strength. Soon the pair find themselves climbing about
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As the two women work away the sun begins to sink lower into the horizon. Mehri tails Angi around camp, assisting her in day to day chores. Soon the daylight begins to fade and they find themselves enjoying the warmth of a roaring fire. Stew bubbling over the fireplace fills the air with a sickening savory scent. A: "By the Nine, I've never finished up so quickly. You've been mighty fine help." Although weary from a long and tiring day, Mehri is flushed and a timid smile turns to a large grin. M: "It was hard work though! You do this every day?" A: "Not every day. The shack would be fine if I didn't, I just enjoy it." Mehri chuckles. Turning her attention to the flames she stares off. It's warmth melts away the stress of the days work. The heat clears her mind, and as her body untenses she is reminded of the gift she brought. She takes out the sack, bulging with bottles. M: "Check this out. I got something special."
Angi grins greedily at Mehri,
A: "Aren't you sweet. My throats dryer than a old horker, give me some of that"
Mehri tosses the sack over to Angi, her face gleaming with excitement. Angi snatches it away and tears it open. Liberating a bottle from the bag, she rips the cork out and begins to take a swig. The bitter-sweet booze hits her tongue with a sting that shakes her heart. She gasps, then chokes and begins to cough. Mehri gets up and rushes to Angi's side. as she catches her breath Angi gives Mehri a small shove M: "Are you alright??"
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A: "Ysmir's Beard... you should have told me that you brought THIS." Mehri freezes in hesitation but soon Angi's coughing and sputtering turn to a calm chuckle. A: "I'm fine. Thank you. I'm sure this wasn't easy to get. I'm just no good with surprises."
Mehri's tense demeanor loosens as Angi relaxes and catches her breath M: "Apologies, I'll.. remember that." Angi leans over to Mehri and gives her a soft kick to the shins A: "Don't get down now we have a great night ahead of us. Thanks to you. But if you feel bad, what I want most right now is a story. How in Oblivion did you manage to get these. You said the city was in smoke and ruins."
M: "Oh it wasn't too far out of the way and the smoke had cleared. It seemed safe enough. It wasn't exactly simple to navigate but I avoided the more dangerous areas." A: "Ah. I see. And what were... the ruins like?" M: "Um, are you sure? How much detail do you want?" Angi's brow furrows and she stares off into the fire. She takes a drink from the bag and nearly gulps down half the bottle before settling. A: "As much as I need to know." M: "Thats... uhm, vague. Okay" Mehri describes to Angi how houses lie collapsed in on themselves and the bodies that litter the streets, charred into an unrecognizable mess. She waves her arms about gesturing as she speaks of unexplainable wounds in stonework. The two begin to drown the terror with booze, as Mehri wraps up her story Angi begins to stare off ruminating in her thoughts.
M: "I wish I knew more. But it was all so strange. I've never seen anything quite like that before. From daedra or monster."
For a moment the two sit in silence staring at the fire before them.
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A: "Thank you. You've given me more than I could ask for, are you usually this nice to all the strangers you meet?" Angi chuckles and begins to drink some more. M: "It wasn't anything I wouldn't do again. Are you doing alright? I know this must be painful." A: "Hmmm, dont be getting sorry on me now. I already lost everything I had in that city a long time ago." Mehri's heart begins to race as Angi scoots closer to her. The nord woman takes a hearty swig and a deep breath before speaking up. A: "It might be the drink, but I think I have a dumb idea." Angi turns to Mehri and stares into her eyes, both their faces flush drunk and nervous. A: "Could you... help me get away from here." Mehri is shaken out of her flustered stare and thinks for a moment. M: "You mean escape the hold?" A: "Exactly, with Helgen gone the imperial patrols have to be as sparse as ever. If we hurry we could make it to Whiterun before we come across any soldiers." M: "That... would be accurate." Mehri stands up and grabs a wooden bowl from her bag. She pours herself some stew that has been toiling over the fire and begins to walk towards the shack. M: "C'mon, it'd do us no good to get more drunk. Lets get ready to go. If we hurry we could be ready first thing in the morning and we'll make it to Riverwood by daylight." Angi is shocked at Mehri's straightforwardness. But it doesn't take long for her to start scrambling up to follow Mehri with a grin on her face. The night would be long, the morning would be longer, but the thought of a better life and good company drives them on.
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tamrielarchive · 11 months
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A short jaunt up the road leads Mehri face to face with the gate to Helgen. The doors swung wide open revealing a city now a husk of its former self. Only smoldering piles of refuse and ruin left to tell the story of what happened.
Stepping into the city the empty streets are adrift with dust and dirt. Collapsed houses and charred rubble filled now only with unrecognizable husks of people. Mehri is incredibly unsettled by this sight. The town lay abandoned and littered with corpses cooked to an utter crisp. As she drifts from house to husk and road to ruin Mehri speculates to herself "What creature... A demon? daedra? maybe hoards of devils. Hmmmm no. Probably the Thalmor. Vile bastards would take joy in such an atrocity. But... no, what is that" Mehri's gaze is drawn upward as an unsettling sight. The tower looming over her bare with fresh wounds. Great and terrible claw marks gnarling the cobbled stones. The nature of the attack only becoming more enigmatic by the moment Mehri shakes the thought and begins rummaging about. Although most of the village lie barren, a particular house holds an unexpected surprise. Mehri comes across unopened bottles scattered about. The faded and scratched labels reading 'Mead with Juniper Berry.' Mehri scours the structure and pilfers every last unopened bottle.
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With her pouches packed full of booze she makes her way out of the dilapidated structure. Looking for a way forward, Mehri finds the road blocked by rubble. She clambers over the pile. avoiding splintered wood and rusty nails. Hopping over the ruins of fort Helgen remain the most in tact. The courtyard spread spattered with ash and dried blood. Not one to linger, Mehri slips out the western gate. The grim scenes of the town burn in her mind. Whatever occurred there was nothing she wants to be a part of. Her pace quickens as she heads downwards into the wilds of Falkreath Hold.
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The forest grows thick over Mehris head and dewey mistdrops sprinkle from overhead branches; dampening the already saturated soil. As she makes her way further into the forest the cobbled roads grow muddy and slick. Soon she finds herself in a familiar spot, turning into a side trail and beginning yet another ascent.
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A short hop up the path gives way to an icy stream. Following the water tumbling from uphill, eventually abundant green turns scattered and snowy scrubs. The path up the mountain remains icy and rough as she meanders up the side. Drawing towards the top she spies a trail of claw traps. Following it, a small mountain shack comes into view and the clanging of hammer on wood fills the area. Mehri charges in waving her arms about and shouting from the bottom of her chest.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
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Cold mountain air drifts down the path forward, bathing Mehri in a bitter blanket. The icy breeze forces her to steel herself as she forges forward. As her cheeks flush her eyes are drawn to the tops of lush conifers that surround her. Their gentle sway stealing away her gaze as she clambers up the trail.
It doesnt take long to cross into the border to Falkreath. Marked by a lone flag flanking the trail. Its faded fabrics slowly swaying with the wind. Mehri stumbles ahead following along with the dance of the treetops. Her waltzing walk performed with a distinct lack of dignity.
Mehri's prancing is swiftly halted as she spots a dreadful sight in the distance. Looming above the road rests a pair of bandits resting at a small camp, a dunmer and an orc.
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Attempting to sneak around the duo Mehri hides behind trees and sneaks through the brush. Slow and steady she inches her way around the edge of the road. From above the dunmer shifts their gaze from their impending meal to the road below. Although partially hidden, the sheen of her steel garbs betrays her. As soon as he spots her the scout draws his crossbow and shouts.
D: "HEY! You there!" The dunmer begins loading a bolt while the orc rises and retrieves a hefty warhammer. The orc marches ahead and the dunmer begins firing at Mehri. She rolls as the bolt flies past her and dives behind a tree for cover. Drawing her sword she marches forward. The orc shouts as they grow closer. O: "I hate sneaky types like you. So I think I'm just gonna kill you." The two clash and the orc meets Mehri with a slam. She dodges out of the way. Side stepping the bandits blow before skewering him.
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As his partner is swiftly cut down the dunmer lets off one last shot, firing off into the woods. Shaken and scared the bandit attempts to run away. With his path down being blocked by Mehri the dunmer understands the futile state of his situation. He begins cowering, begging for mercy. Mehri roars with anger at the bandit. M: "Coward! You wont even fight back?!" D: "Leave me alone! I don't want to die. By Azura please just dont kill me!" The dunmer's pleas for mercy leave Mehri uneasy. They grow louder as she approaches. For a moment she hesitates, but it only takes a single strike to silence him. His voice rings in Mehri's ears for only a moment before her unease fades.
The bandits' supplies make for a comforting addition to Mehri's meager stockpiles. Soon she is set back down the road. Her mind lingers on the encounter as she travels. Contemplating if she should have spared the cowering elf. Mehri values mercy but leaving enemies to fester is the last mistake she intends to make. Ultimately her contempt for banditry lets her ease her mind. Eventually the road forks at a small waypost. Rickety signs pointing the way to go. The split path presents to Mehri a dilemma. The road through the forest is long and full of creatures, while the road through the mountains passes through Helgen and unbearable cold.
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Ultimately Mehri has an idea. Deciding to head to Helgen in hopes of searching the remains. Up the road she continues, optimistic of the prospect of finding something to comfort Angi.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
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Cold mountain air drifts down the path forward, bathing Mehri in a bitter blanket. The icy breeze forces her to steel herself as she forges forward. As her cheeks flush her eyes are drawn to the tops of lush conifers that surround her. Their gentle sway stealing away her gaze as she clambers up the trail.
It doesnt take long to cross into the border to Falkreath. Marked by a lone flag flanking the trail. Its faded fabrics slowly swaying with the wind. Mehri stumbles ahead following along with the dance of the treetops. Her waltzing walk performed with a distinct lack of dignity.
Mehri's prancing is swiftly halted as she spots a dreadful sight in the distance. Looming above the road rests a pair of bandits resting at a small camp, a dunmer and an orc.
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Attempting to sneak around the duo Mehri hides behind trees and sneaks through the brush. Slow and steady she inches her way around the edge of the road. From above the dunmer shifts their gaze from their impending meal to the road below. Although partially hidden, the sheen of her steel garbs betrays her. As soon as he spots her the scout draws his crossbow and shouts.
D: "HEY! You there!" The dunmer begins loading a bolt while the orc rises and retrieves a hefty warhammer. The orc marches ahead and the dunmer begins firing at Mehri. She rolls as the bolt flies past her and dives behind a tree for cover. Drawing her sword she marches forward. The orc shouts as they grow closer. O: "I hate sneaky types like you. So I think I'm just gonna kill you." The two clash and the orc meets Mehri with a slam. She dodges out of the way. Side stepping the bandits blow before skewering him.
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As his partner is swiftly cut down the dunmer lets off one last shot, firing off into the woods. Shaken and scared the bandit attempts to run away. With his path down being blocked by Mehri the dunmer understands the futile state of his situation. He begins cowering, begging for mercy. Mehri roars with anger at the bandit. M: "Coward! You wont even fight back?!" D: "Leave me alone! I don't want to die. By Azura please just dont kill me!" The dunmer's pleas for mercy leave Mehri uneasy. They grow louder as she approaches. For a moment she hesitates, but it only takes a single strike to silence him. His voice rings in Mehri's ears for only a moment before her unease fades.
The bandits' supplies make for a comforting addition to Mehri's meager stockpiles. Soon she is set back down the road. Her mind lingers on the encounter as she travels. Contemplating if she should have spared the cowering elf. Mehri values mercy but leaving enemies to fester is the last mistake she intends to make. Ultimately her contempt for banditry lets her ease her mind. Eventually the road forks at a small waypost. Rickety signs pointing the way to go. The split path presents to Mehri a dilemma. The road through the forest is long and full of creatures, while the road through the mountains passes through Helgen and unbearable cold.
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Ultimately Mehri has an idea. Deciding to head to Helgen in hopes of searching the remains. Up the road she continues, optimistic of the prospect of finding something to comfort Angi.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
Mehri rises bright and early. Sneaking down to the river and across the bridge. She loops back to the far side to the village hoping to leave unbothered.
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Only a few early risers in the village stir as she passes through meager docks built around and across the river.
Mehri passes by the mill sticking to the river's edge. Leering from above upon the lumber saw, a burly nord gives her a peircing glare. Mehri hurridly passes along and behind the mill making it to the other edge of town.
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She slips around the gate and out of town. Finally settling down to a lazy trot. The outer edges of town are just as sparsely inhabited as the rest. A few villagers rest on their porch and a bumptious wood elf struts past returning from a mornings hunt.
As the elf passes her by he gives her a curious look and asks
F: "Aren't you that adventurer? Faendal. I saw you lingering around the inn. Id be careful of Sven the bard, he seems charming but he's not all that nice in reality." Mehri is confused by the mer's sudden advice M: "What's the bard done to you?" F: "Big haughty nord spends most of his time playing music at the inn. Sometimes he finds time to do his job at the mill here. Thinks his little songs are enough to get Camilla Valerius to marry him. Bunkum the whole of it. " M: "The shopkeep's sister? She's quite nice." F: "Yeah. She is. Real charmer. An intelligent woman like her wouldn't be wooed by a lunk like Sven, I hope." M: "You hope? You two fighting over her or something." F: "No No nothing like that. I'm just... worried for her. I respect her a lot. She deserves someone who can hold an axe right and doesn't live with his mom."
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The man seems flustered for a moment, fiddling about with his belt before having a realization. F: "Hey, you help people? Would you mind helping me out." He pulls out a letter from under his shirt. F: "Would you give this to Camilla. And say its from Sven. I think she oughta know what he's really like." He wriggles the letter at Mehri insistantly. Initially Mehri is shocked by the man's offer. Uneased by such a proposition and concerned for Camilla. She accepts the letter wordlessly, giving the elf a hollow smile before turning around and walking back into town.
She quickly makes her way over to the Riverwood Trader. Stepping inside and darting to Camilla's side. Mehri steps up to her and leans over her shoulder. Camilla is startled but quickly settles down once she recognises her curious new hero. C: "Always a pleasure to see you dear. Do you need something?" M: "The elf, Faendal. He gave me this letter. He wanted me to say it was from Sven. He said he needed help."
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All the joy in camilla's face suddenly dissipates.
C: "Not this. I was hoping you didn't hear anything about that. What did he give you?" Mehri hands the letter to Camilla, Camilla gives it a glance. Her face of exhaustion and annoyance turns to disgust and horror. C: "Why that. Absolute bastard. Thinks he can manipulate me into marrying him by slandering someone? I'm sorry you had to hear about this. These two have been bickering over me for who knows how long."
An aura of exasperated shame clouded over Camilla.
M: "Ah. I understand. Men are petty. They get into fights easy." C: "Sven is nice. Faendal was always so eager. I want a man to settle down with but they have their own... quirks"
Mehri grows more and more concerned for Camilla.
M: "Hm. Most wanderers don't have time for these kinds of pleasantries. Life is short and you must live it well. Perhaps chosing when to be polite could be beneficial."
Camilla huffs and pouts
C: "Hmph. Fine. You're wisdom is as trusty as your sword."
As she is about to ask a question she hesitates for a moment, unsure in her words
C: "Could you go and tell Sven about this for me, Im sure he would be thankful for what you've done. Maybe you could also let him know that this whole this is wrapped up?"
Mehri chuckles, patting her on the shoulder and turning to the door.
M: "Say no more madam."
With barely a word Mehri steps out of the shop and heads over to the bard's house next door. She knocks on the door, and when a voice from the other side of the wall beckons her in she obliges.
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Inside his house she finds Sven having a morning drink. S: "Hello there. You're that adventurer that lives in a cave right? Need something from me?" M: "Sven yes? Camilla sent me to tell you that the situation between you her and the elf is over." S: "I... is that so. Does she wish to see me?" M: "I would suggest knowing when to quit sir." He slouches disappointed and dejected, but his sadness does not linger and soon his drink is back to his lips and his mug to the ceiling. Mehri is surprised at his nonchalance, but gives him an awkward smile and bids him farewell. With no reason to leave town quickly Mehri takes a moment to check all her gear. The road ahead will be rough and Mehri's dedication to being prepared for anything is as steeled as ever. After asking the smith for permission to use his forge Mehri sets of to work. For the morning she works, fitting new armor to her and crafting a curiass.
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The clouds darken in the sky and as she works rain begins to pour in a deluge. Wind blows howling through the forge as she bends steel into form.
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As she is finishes the clouds in the sky clear. She steps into the sunlight with an new set of steel armor, reinforced and sturdy enough to take any blow Mehri should receive. After taking selling off her old armor to Lucian and giving Camilla a proper farewell she decides to set off out of town.
Mehri makes her way over to the eastern gate to venture into the mountains back to Falkreath.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
Descending the side of the mountain is a bit tricky. However, Mehri is plenty experienced. She manages to get down relatively safely. Hopping off short ledges and sliding down easy slopes.
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Further down she manages to reach flatter ground. Looking along the coast for any sign of life she spots a small dock in the distance. The dock lay next to a small ruined shack. Passing through the shack Mehri is surprised to find another person sitting at the dock.
A rare sight, a redguard just like her! She greets the lonely fisherman with a heavy wave. The man seems tired but gives her a polite smile. Seeing any opportunity, Mehri asks the fisher if he would lend her passage across the lake.
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The man grumbles at her request. He reluctantly obliges but only for a heafty fee. The man asks her for 100 gold. At first Mehri is taken aback. But seeing as she has plenty septims hoarded away she doesn't hesitate to pay up.
Satisfied with Mehri's generosity, the man ushers her onto his small boat. Settling in, the two drift off to the other end of the lake.
The boat ride is short and pleasant. The morning dew still lingers over the lakes surface. The redguard man rows the boat ashore on the coast near the guardian stones. Hurrying off, Mehri hops and trots up towards the road. The walk to Riverwood is pleasant and the road remains clear of any disturbance.
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Mehri stops for a short moment to wash herself by the riverside. Still slick with sweat and ash, she splashes herself with cold river water. By the time Mehri makes it back to riverwood the morning sun hangs high in the sky. The people of the small village greet her, some with a smile, other with surprise. It seems her return comes as a surprise. Mehri swiftly makes her way over to the Riverwood Trader to speak with Lucan.
When she steps into the store Lucan is flushed with a flurry of emotions, from confusion to surprise to relief and joy. Mehri takes the claw from her backpack setting it on the counter with a thud. Lucan relentlessly thanks Mehri for her aid and hands her a thick sack of coin. She leaves him with some of her spoils which he pays for generously.
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After sifting through all the things she's willing to part with she wishes Lucan well. Before she leaves her hands her a small ring.
"This be a good 'reading light'"
Scooping up the ring Mehri steps out the door turning to the far end of town. Just as she steps from the walls of the village she is ambushed by an unexpected surprise.
Camilla greets Mehri with enthusiam and begins to shower her with thanks for her deeds. She commits to always remember her. Mehri is flattered and offers her aid any time. Camilla offers Mehri a roof to stay under for the night, but Mehri declines.
Camilla continues to make talk with Mehri for a small while, but seeing her exhaustion Camilla relents in her pursuit of Mehri's attention.
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Camilla grasps her hands, departing with a final thank you and a lingering brush of the fingers. She wanders off into town, leaving Mehri alone to think. She eventually finds herself trudging off the road towards her own cave. Mehri is hit with her inability to decide her next course of actions. Stepping up to a wooden platform overlooking the river. She thinks about what her goals are. Her cave will remain her home, but she came to Skyrim to travel. Lingering in Riverwood is bound to bring trouble.
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Mehri thinks back to Agni and her camp in the mountains. In her travels carousing about with too many people has brought her far too many troubles. Yet again resolute in her desire to explore Mehri heads back inside her cave. She slips on the ring to light her way and from it comes a small glowing orb. Rummaging away she unloads her pack into a variety of trunks. Finally she caps off her treasure pile by hanging the Dragonstone on a ledge above.
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Heading up to her bed she rests her weapons and sits down. She relaxes for a bit, resting her body and satiating a raging hunger. As she sits in her bed and stares at the cave ceiling her thoughts are allowed to fester and grow. Eventually she grows too restless and whips out her journal to write her thoughts down.
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For the rest of the day Mehri would rest. Wandering about the cave rummaging through barrels and crates. She would admire that whoever lived here before her knew how to keep a cave stocked. Thanking the gods for her fortune as she soothes her aching body in cold cavern streams.
Eventually night falls and Mehri drifts off to bed, content with a plan for her departure the following day.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
Gathering all her courage Mehri pushes forth. The room she enters into is old and dusty, yet still a roaring fire sits in the center. Its caretakers absent, an ominous sign, but one that provides a comforting warmth.
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Mehri takes a moment to soak in the soft glow of the fire. Its radiance relieves her bones of ache. But her mind lingers to the rustling she heard earlier. Perhaps she was wise in having some patience. It takes her some time, but reluctantly Mehri departs from the safety of the chamber. The walls of the corridors grow icy and the air slowly returns to it's wearing chill. The halls twist and turn and abbruptly halt to a disturbing sight. Mehri finds herself in front of a cramped corridor within which a trio of gargantuan iron blades swing side to side. Stunned and silenced Mehri briefly considers the lengthy treck back out the other end. A slight pause in the mechanisms draws her ear snaps her out of her contemplation. She stands waiting. Listening. The swing of the pendulums slowly revealing their rythm. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk... Thunk. Thunk. Thunk... With reckless abandon Mehri charges ahead at the termination of the third blades swing. Closing her eyes and storming ahead she prays for safe passage to any benevolent god that could hear her. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.
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Mehri feels heavy blades swing past, a chilling breeze touches her neck. But in the end she opens her eyes to see herself unharmed and on the other side of the door. Her luck does not run for much longer, as she soon finds her gaze met by several withered husks. The draugr roar at the precense of the intruder causing more to stir. In a panic Mehri uses her speed to rush forth and club one of the creatures with her pommel.
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The undead wretch's neck crunches under the weight of her slam. Thumping to the floor lifeless. Mehri steps and launches herself off the draugr forward onto attack it's kin. Slashing and sliding she crosses the room taking down another husk in the process. More assail her and Mehri is backed up a set of stairs.
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Unable to slash at the foe before her Mehri frees one of her hand. Her sword dropping to one side a burst of crackling flame looses itself from her palm. The draugr scrambles up the stairs into the flames. Its flesh bubbles and melts and its pitiable remnants of skin reduce to ash as it desperately climbs toward Mehri. With the last of it's mass melted away the monster whops to the floor. The room falls silent as the last ashes pitter to nothing.
Venturing around the circumfrence of the room, swiping anything she sees Mehri continues deeper into the depths of the dungeon. Eventually navigating crumbled halls with lush ivy and smouldering sconces she eventually finds a great door. With no little effort she heaves the wooden slabs open.
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The great doors open to a long and sparsely lit chamber. Its halls pristine compared to the ruins before. Decorated works of art still hanging on the walls depicting unknown scenes. The pictures of strange hooded men and great beasts capture Mehri's imagination. She knows she lacks the knowledge to comprehend whatever tale the walls have to tell, but that doesn't stop her from rampant speculation.
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Drifting from wall too wall Mehri eventually makes her way to the end of the room. There she is met with a great stone door. Its structure enigmatic in its construction but clearly readable. A claw shaped symbol adorning the center of the door, the claw's purpose became evident.
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Loosing the item from her pack she is relieved to find the solution to the other feature of the strange door. She matches the symbols on the door to the key of the claw. Then inserting the claw into the door. The center plate depresses along with the claw. The rings on the door spin in confusing ways before the entire black slate begins to sink into the floor. Behind the door was a stair case, sloping up into the unknown. Slowly Mehri crept forth. Cresting her head just above the top of the stairs she laid eyes upon a sight unlike she had ever seen before. A vast cavern lit by beaming rays of light and within it tens of glowing angry eyes from a scattered hoard of undead who all had their eyes trained on Mehri as she ascended the staircase. In a bellowing burst of screeching and howling the mass of bodies began to descend unto Mehri. She rushes forward desperately trying to gain ground and prevent the hoard from piling on top of her. Withered limbs come flailing at her and in a panic she lashes out. Her hands explode into a burst of light and the undead are stunned and pushed back.
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More and more draugr make their way towards Mehri, eventually Mehri is completely overwhelmed. For a moment the hoard's dreadful calls are the only sounds that echo through the chamber.
The, from the convergence point of crowd of draugr comes a raging scream. Mehri uses all her strength, going beyond what any one man should be able to do. Slashing and hacking, ripping and tearing through the damnnedable monsters. Her blood ripping through her body her heart pounding shattering bone. Mehri's mind was focused on one thing. Surviving, Winning, Killing, Punishing. These foul mockeries of men would fall.
Despite Mehri's determination the hoard managed to back her into a corner. Stepping onto high ground Mehri's strikes are relentless and inhuman in their speed.
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Eventually the crowd's numbers would thin and dwindle and with them Mehri's reflexes. Mehri would return to her senses, however this would not quell her anger. From the body of one of the draugr she pulled a sword. A trophy from her triumph, and a valuable tool in future exploits.
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With new prize in hand Mehri marches towards the aft end of the cavern. A large open cave with a grand platform in the center. Rotten sentries guarding the tomb churn and advance upon Mehri. The two clash, meeting upon a bridge. However, Mehri's will is stronger than the aged sinew of a necromantic abomination. She cuts them like dust, discarding them to the side pushing ever forward to the end.
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Mehri makes her way up the stairs to the platform, Eventually meeting the last of the draugr and dispatching with them just as efficiently as all other before. Atop the ruins she finds her self as everything in the cave lie dead around her. Her mind is hazy, and the dissipating rush of combat only worsens her confusion.
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Slowly the silence wanes as a whisper grows to a chant and the haze overwhelms Mehri's mind. She finds herself drawn to strange writings on a great wall before her. Although they are too blurry to read she finds them uncomfortably familiar. The words seem to almost glow as she approaches them. Suddenly, in a flash Mehri returns to her senses yet again.
Before Mehri is able to comprehend this new knowledge a sudden noise startles her.
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Turning around Mehri is faced with one more draugr. This one greater in size than the rest, weilding a frosty ancient axe. As the beast clambers out of it's cramped tomb Mehri arms herself and charges forth. The two meet and Mehri leaps upon the husk. The husk bashes her back in turn. The two meet again and trade blows, locking the two in a stalemate breifly.
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The draugrs decrepit form hides terrible strength. Mehri and the ghoul trade blow for blow. On the brink of exhaustion, she trips the towering deathlord and drives her blade into the center of its helm, killing it. Finally left alone in the chamber Mehri is free to let her guard down. Exhausted and frustrated, the only thing she can think is of the rewards that await her. Thrusting open the chest resting next to the draugr lord's coffin she rummages around for her prize.
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What she pulls out is not what she expected. She lays a large stone slab marked with yet more strange symbols on the ground before her. Examining it for a moment, an exasperated sign cant help but escape from her. "All this for a rock. Just my luck" Mehri reluctantly packs the stone away. Although it wont bring her any riches, she figures it would look nice on a mantle. Sick of her experience she winds through the caves in the farthest ends of the chamber. Stone and ice turn to warm earth.
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The end of the cave is terribly bright. She always hated this part. As her eyes are blinded and her senses become confused, a thought pops into Mehri's mind.
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The cave deposits her on an icy mountain edge overlooking lake Illinalta. The view is glorious, and Mehri takes a moment to appreciate the outside air. The smell of death and rotten blood is much less preferable she thinks. The morning breeze feels gentle on her skin. Perhaps she was too reckless to risk her life in such a way as she just did. But the thought doesn't linger too long in her mind.
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Her loitering doesn't last long. Patience thin and ever waning Mehri begins to make the hike back to Riverwood to get some long deserved rest.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
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Despite an attempt at caution, the noise of the large door alerts a group of bandits inside. Mehri is forced to quickly ready herself. Dodging arrows and slipping under the swing of an axe she cuts down a burly nord that charges her. Ducking behind a large pillar in the center of the room she's able to take cover. The archer slowly creeps around, attempting to get a good shot on Mehri. Unfortunately for them, they had not noticed that she had already snuck around by the time she skewered the bandit through the back.
The cold air of the antechamber stings the cuts on Mehri's face. Trudging further in the atmosphere becomes musty and thick with dust. Fires tended to by the bandits warm the gnarled ruins and melt the snow from Mehri's clothes.
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Down the halls she wanders, totems of dragons scattered about make her feel strangely comfortable in this place. However that comfort doesn't linger.
As she approaches a doorway the sounds of a man struggling with something echo from within. Perched atop stairs overlooking the doorway she watches as a bandit walks within view. The man grumbles to himself and curses the ruins beneath his breath. He approaches a lever in the center of the room. With a great deal of effort he yanks the lever from its off position. A strange mechanism churns in the room and Mehri watches as the man is pelted by a cloud of small darts. The bandit instantly collapses and ceases moving.
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After a few minutes of hesitation Mehri creeps up to the body of the bandit. Inside she is met with a strange sight. Symbols of animals loom above her and strange pillars rest to her left in recesses within the wall. With a little bit of critical thinking it doesn't take long for her to piece together the room is a giant puzzle.
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While hesitant to attempt anything Mehri is confident she can solve a simple puzzle. She sits down to rest and slowly takes in her surroundings. With a locked door barring her way frustration slowly begins to mount. However, just as Mehri begins to pout something catches her eye. A fallen part from the wall above rests on the floor. Connecting the dots, she wonders why anyone would even make a lock if the code to open it looms right over head.
She matches the symbols on the pillars to the key but hesitates to flip the level. She sits for a moment staring at the combination. Nonetheless, it doesn't take long for her hesitation to be overpowered by restlessness. Yanking the level the door forward flips open and all her anxiety melts away.
Enthusiastically heading deeper into the barrow her zeal is met with an icy sight. Slowly the halls begin to grow thick with cobwebs and skittering noises briefly interject the cold whistling of the mountain's breath. Eventually the webs begin to stretch from floor to ceiling. Deeper within the barrow Mehri hears screams of panic and a call for help.
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Charging ahead the stoney floors are thick with web and blood. Slashing her way through webs eventually her charge is halted. A door before her cloaked in sturdy webbing blocks her path. Mehri doesn't stay put for long. Slashing at the barrier she makes her way towards the source of the screaming.
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Inside a dunmer man hangs trapped within a doorway to the far side of the room. He yells at her to get back as she begins to approach. Confused by the mans words she is even more startled with a massive spider drops from the ceiling in front of her. With impunity it begins lobbing globs of thick venom towards Mehri. She ducks away into the door she came from to take cover. Nocking an arrow she fires back before ducking back away. The two continue sending potshots across the room until Mehri manages a shot into one of the eyes of the creature. When she hears the screeches of pain from the spider she takes it as her chances and charges into the room. She slides her sword clean into the monster's head and with a thud it collapses to the floor.
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With the spider dead she turns her attention to the man in front of her. Without any pleasantries she immediately asks where the claw is. The bandit is stunned at her cold demeanor but introduces himself as Arvel. He admits he is in possession of the claw and offers it to Mehri if she would cut him down. Ever hesitant to trust a bandit she demands an explanation first.
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Arvel begins to adamantly protest, however Mehri simply sits down and begins draining the spider of its venom. Eventually, Arvel relents and explains the claw is a key to a treasure further within the dungeon. At the mention of treasure Mehri immediately perks up. She thanks him for the advice and begins to cut him down. However as soon as he is free and the doorway is clear Arvel darts into the depths of the barrow.
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Mehri is only able to barely keep up with him and the dim light of the ruins give Arvel ample opportunity to escape. Encumbered by her equipment and with the smell of death growing stronger in the air Mehri sits down and rests for what she can only assume to be the night. Eventually she briefly drifts off to sleep.
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When she awakes everything is much the same as she left it. Spotting crypts ahead she readies herself for the horrors of the undead.
Its not very long before the corpses around her begin to stir. From all sides rotten husks amble at her wailing in an unfamiliar tongue. However the binds that hold these bones together are not as strong as they used to be. With a few frantic swings Mehri manages to return them to their natural state. Not too much further into the tomb does she find the mangled body of Arvel. Being much less protected than Mehri left him vunerable to the swarming draugr. Picking through his pockets she takes the claw into her possession.
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Intent on getting her worths out of delving into the tomb she marches forward eager for the promise of ancient treasure. As she descends further the undead grow more restless and sturdy. Nevertheless, with blood sweat and reckless abandon they are cut down all the same. With each rotting body that finds its way onto her sword her disdain for them only grows. The smell of fermenting flesh and curdling blood assaults her senses. Eventually after far too much hacking and slashing Mehri comes face to face with an odd sight. A tight corridor as her only way forward. Within the passage great blades swing from side to side. The hypnotic rythm of the axes tempt Mehri with promise of what she came to this land for on the other side. After taking in the pattern of the blades she charges through, not stopping for a second. Death teasing her from behind she manages to bolt through to the other side of the hallway.
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Her heart pounds with the force of a raging ogre as she basks in the imbecilic thrill of her actions. Keeping this momentum she trudges forward.
Grand halls filled with coffins turn to twisting corridors. The smell of oil wafts down the halls. Although most of the bodies remain decayed, a few stir from their resting place. With quick thinking and a well placed arrow Mehri has little trouble in dealing with them. Shooting a hanging lantern the pot ignites the floors beneath the draugr, dousing them in flames.
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It takes a while for the flames to diminish but once the oil burns away Mehri navigates through the ashes of her foes. The hallways twist and turn and begin to resemble a maze. Before Mehri manages to lose herself she makes out the sound of water and begins to track its source.
Finding the source Mehri is quite pleased to find an underground waterfall. However she is quite displeased to find her way forward blocked. With the only course of action being to follow the stream before her she reluctantly takes off her socks and presses onward.
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The small stream winds its way through a narrow tunnel. The water chills her feet as she ducks through suffocating rocks. Being barely able to make out her way forward the sight of glowing mushrooms and a vast cavern stun her as she steps from fissure. The musty warmth of the tomb is yet again replaced with a chilly air.
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Mehri takes some time to pick some mushrooms and admire the environment. The cavern water is clear and refreshing. conflicting with the skeletons and corpses scattered throughout. Her peace is briefly interrupted when a draugr charges from within a dark corner of the cavern. Although a startling encounter, Mehri takes this as a sign she's heading in the right direction.
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Soon enough the caves meet back up with the barrow yet again. Although void of any undead the air lingers with the smell of old bones and dust. Eventually Mehri is confronted with a large door. Although unlocked a stirring comes from within. Spotting the icon of what she can only imagine is a dragon, she gives a small prayer to Akatosh for good fortune.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
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With general disregard for safety and all her energy she charges into the structure. She dodges bolts from crossbows on both sides before closing in and cutting down each foe one by one. Eventually all thats left is Mehri and 3 bloodied heaps.
With the coast being clear she starts towards the entrance to the barrow. Staring at it her mind sparkles with wonder she hasn't felt since she first laid eyes on the Imperial City. Heaving the door open with all her strength she strides in, prepared for anything.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
Heading on back to the Riverwood Trader Mehri doesnt dawdle in her inquiry. Mehri makes it clear she isn't here to shop and asks about the thieves.
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The shopkeeper is a little flabbergasted but doesn't want to refuse an opportunity for help. Explaining that the shop had been broken into and the thieves had stolen one thing, a golden claw. Asking that she tracks these thieves to Bleak Falls Barrow in the western mountains, he offers his next shipment of coin.
Before Mehri could inquire on further details the shopkeeper's sister, Camilla, cuts in. Offering to show her the way the two quickly head out, leaving before Lucian could object.
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Camilla ponders what the thieves were trying to accomplish while Mehri follows behind silently. The two eventually make it to a bridge just outside of town when Camilla stops. She confesses she cant go much further than this because its too dangerous, leaving Mehri to keep going forward alone. Camilla points Mehri to her destination before taking off back into town.
Heading up the mountain the climate begins to get colder and colder. Mehri is forced to change into warmer attire. As she ascends she eventually spots something in the distance. A tower, and one guarded by what seemed to be a bandit.
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Hiding behind a tree she nocks an arrow and skewers the guard in the head. Sneaking closer it seems the bandits didnt notice her taking out their guard. With berserker speed Mehri charges into the tower, sword drawn and ready to kill.
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It doesnt take long for her to climb the structure. It takes even less time to cleave the companions of the guard in two. With the tower cleared out and Mehri's hatred of bandits sated for the time being, she moves on.
Heading through the mountains she eventually finds a pass that leads her to where she wants to be. In front of her ancient stone arches make her stomach churn with their immensity. Her heart flutters with excitement, a real ancient tomb. For a moment she is distracted, but soon the excitement fades.
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Seeing moment in the distance she is reminded of what she is here for. Mehri braces herself for what is to come.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
Now, not having a home was something that Mehri was quite used to at this point in her life. However, in the harsh wilds of Skyrim one cannot afford to just fall asleep next to a tree. Mehri had become quite aware of how harsh living in the cold without shelter was.
What made it worse was Mehri's "Impulsions". She had the tendency to pick up most everything she thought was valuable or useful without thought. She would throw away only what she absolutely had to. Luckily to cope with this, Mehri had a bit of a trick. Living up to the story of her birth, she had a knack for finding caves to dwell in.
Caves were the perfect environment to Mehri. If one knows where to look you could reliably find one. In all her travels she had picked up on patterns in the earth. No matter where she went she could always manage to spot one.
Heading straight out of town Mehri surveys the mountainside, looking for a hovel to settle into for the night.
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Not even 2000 paces north did she manage to find a small entrace into the mountain. The cave was surrounded by wooden structures and a small fishing spot was nearby on the river. Someone had been camping here for quite some time.
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Heading on inside it was immediately obvious whoever had lived here had not been here for quite some time. She wandered her way around the small cavern. While being mostly empty many places to store supplies and food were already constructed and Mehri had even managed to find a bed.
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Finding some trunks lying around she sets up a small place to store her spoils. Like a dragon, meticulously placing things to display and store them neatly.
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She had spent most of the morning sorting through crates and tidying things up before she took a moment to sit down. As soon as her ass had hit the bed the cranky grumbling of the shopkeeper came back into her mind.
Mehri laid back and stared at the ceiling. Her curiosity slowly encroaching to the forefront of her mind. Eventually she broke. Mehri got up and started trudging out the entrance.
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tamrielarchive · 1 year
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As Mehri arrives back in Riverwood her mind is set on a single thing, selling her spoils. Brimming with excitement she nearly runs through the door. Without wasting any time she begins to haggle away with the shopkeeper.
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As they speak it becomes apparent that the shopkeeper is particularly cranky about something that happened to the store not long before Mehri arrived.
However, before she gets a chance to inquire any further a disturbing realization dawns upon her. The weight of the coin she earned reminds her of a reality that Mehri had been ignoring for a while. Mehri was very homeless.
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