teamxmaron · 8 years
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teamxmaron · 8 years
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I wore my Bernie shirt to school today, and my history teacher didn't seem to really care, which is nice because he doesn't really like Bernie. Like students at school were rude, which was expected, but he was hella chill about it, and I am greatly appreciative for that. He even went as far as stopping a kid from questioning me about my shirt, so bless him; I love him so much !!
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teamxmaron · 8 years
Dear Zealots in my US History Class: An Open Letter,
I have personally been in a feud with one or two other students about the motives behind the atomic bombing of Japan in 1945 as a result of WWII. Whether it was a demonstration of political power over the Soviet Union, whether it was because Japan would not surrender, or whether it was about ending the war as quickly as possible; all valid debates. But what happened in my US History class today utterly appalled me. They were happy that so many Japanese civilians died. The reasoning: because they weren’t American. They weren’t American so it was completely justified to obliterate so many people. They have an “us or them” mindset. The kind of mindset that has control over so many domestic terrorists, and just terrorists, today. Killing is okay because they aren’t me or my people. I am absolutely flabbergasted that these almost adults are under the impression that racial or ethnical killing is something to be happy about. So many civilians died, the land is still radioactive, children born today in Nagasaki and Hiroshima live with birth defects. Wildlife won’t ever grow the same. So much hard work and beneficial knowledge lost to the world. But it’s okay because they weren’t American or on American soil. That was the mindset of slave owners, of Nazis during the Holocaust. It is the mindset of people today towards Muslims.
when should it ever be okay?
It’s never going to be okay.
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teamxmaron · 8 years
I have this little issue...
…with getting pissed off about politics on Facebook. I always say “no more Skye! Nothing good comes from this!” Then some shithead pisses me right the fuck off.
So I’m gonna rant here:
As much as I have no respect for Donald Trump and I feel like he would be the absolute worst president in US History - doesn’t mean I don’t respect, love and appreciate people who are Trump supporters.
I don’t understand exactly why someone would support a misogynistic racist who was born into money, claims to be the best businessman ever with 4 bankruptcies, a reality star, and obvious raving lunatic - but whatever. My (to be) mother in law, friends from home and several others that are close to me - who are very important to me - do support him. As much as I hope to God that man is not our next president … I will not be the person who shits on other people for having an opinion. (Even though a lot of trump supporters wouldn’t give me the same respect but, alas…)
In other words: don’t be that guy.
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teamxmaron · 8 years
i've never been interested in a class as much as i have been in us history. like i'm not even taking apush, but i've learned so much and i actually remember the majority of it so far. i love my history teacher and how he teaches so much cause he is amazing, but he thinks he's shit because people fail the tests because they choose not to study, and it makes me sad because his self-esteem is low. but he's great, and i honestly think because of him, I've looked at history in a new light, and i am seriously considering majoring in history and gosh i love him and the material so much. but our class is shit and lazy and under appreciative and i just need to rant because push me off a cliff.
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teamxmaron · 8 years
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teamxmaron · 8 years
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i’ve wanted to make a masterpost for a longer time now, but just didn’t know about what! so, i’ve decided to compile some links and masterposts i’ve found useful!!
study methods and focusing
study techniques
learning styles quiz
study methods masterpost by etudiance
guide to studying by elkstudies
surviving finals week by studyingandlattes
language learning tips by study-ings
tips to help you focus
staying focused by elkstudies
tips on staying focused by strive-for-da-best
note taking and revision
note taking masterpost by areistotle
note taking masterpost #2 by studyign
flashcards masterpost by etudiance
how to use sticky notes by etudiance
history note taking tips by simply-study
annotations guide by studyign
character flashcards for literature text
how to annotate by tbhstudying
notetaking 101 by wonderfullifee
taking effective notes by hiccop
time management
time management
the pomodoro method masterpost by etudiance
time management by studyign
there’s a LOT more links and masterposts out there, but i think this is enough!! make it a great day, and keep on studying!!! :-)
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teamxmaron · 8 years
Tips for In Class Essays
Sorry for the long hiatus in useful posts, but I’ve finally come up with something! As with most of my posts, this is more targeted at high school students, so it might lack information that older students need. 
Planning Ahead
Find out the question. Obviously, if you can find out the question from your teacher directly, that’s massively helpful. Unfortunately this doesn’t actually happen that often. Try to figure out the question based on themes that you’ve covered in the class. If there is one major theme or idea that is present in a majority of the lessons you’ve done, it’s pretty likely that will be an essay question. 
Decide which viewpoint you will argue. It’s smart to plan this out ahead of time because you don’t want to be struggling with an internal debate when you’re actually writing a test. You have to have enough evidence to support your thesis, so make sure you choose the viewpoint that has enough support in your notes, not the one that you personally agree with. 
Write an outline. This is pretty self explanatory. Write out a thesis and plan out what evidence from your notes that you can use. 
Use versatile points. Even if you make an educated guess, you might not be 100% right on what the topic of the essay will be. Try to use evidence that can be used for more than one topic, instead of things that are super specific to one topic. 
If you’re not sure which side is better, outline them both. Sometimes there is lots of evidence in your notes to argue both sides, at least at first glance. Make a t-chart or other organizer to weigh the evidence on both sides, or outline them both. As you try to outline one of them, you will be which one has stronger evidence to use. 
Remember the evidence! Don’t choose super specific details from your notes if you aren’t going to be able to remember it when the essay is actually happening. If you do have a really good piece of evidence that is highly specific, make sure you can remember the details. Don’t try to remember quotations unless it is specifically asked of you. 
If you are allowed a quote sheet or outline, do it!!! There is no excuse to pass up a rare opportunity like that. Do it! 
Writing the Essay 
Start with a super quick outline. Jotting down the points that you planned is a great idea just to start the essay. Using 5 minutes or less to do this will help you stay on track and remember your evidence without wasting time. 
Do a basic introduction. Don’t waste your time making an elaborate introduction. Start with a few general statements about the topic, outline what your arguments are, state your thesis, and move on. An introduction is rarely a make or break factor in the quality of your essay in this type of situation. 
Use tons of details and evidence. An in class essay is usually focused on how much of the things from the notes you can actually apply. Be very detailed and talk about specific events, not just general ideas. (This is why planning ahead is helpful – you can plan which details you want to use!) 
Don’t get too caught up in spelling and grammar. A majority of the time, in class essays are more focused on organization, ideas, and your ability to explain yourself, not whether or not you can spell. Unless your teacher says otherwise, don’t get stressed over a word spelled wrong. 
Try to write legibly. You don’t want to lose marks on your essay because it was hard to read and the teacher didn’t understand your points. I recommend using a ballpoint pen because gel pens and pencil can smudge. Fine liners often make it hard to write quickly, so I don’t love those either. 
Focus on the time. Know how much time you have and pay attention to it throughout the test. Don’t get caught up in one body paragraph and use 90% of your time on that. Figure out how much time you have for each part and stick to it. If you fall behind, wrap up quickly and move on. 
If you have to leave anything off, leave off the conclusion. If you are running out of time, ignore the conclusion. It’s the least important part of the essay in this situation and its not worth skipping evidence in a body paragraph to get it done. 
Let me know if you have anything else to add or if you want me to write about anything else!
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teamxmaron · 8 years
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i love us history and my teacher so much because he literally makes sure we all understand the topic before moving on, but sometimes i want to throw-up @ the work. today was an easy day too. like just reading, notes, and key questions, but sometimes it takes me three hours to do his homework sometimes i want to scream. but i love my teacher so much; he is great and doesn't get any appreciation from our class for the shit he does and he's a bean okay : )
and we aren’t even apush; we’re honors 🙃
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teamxmaron · 8 years
jefferson, disguised as lafayette: a buddy of mine saw thomas jefferson take his shirt off in france and he said that thomas jefferson had an eight-pack, that thomas jefferson was shredded.
hamilton: thomas jefferson's a puNK BITCH.
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teamxmaron · 8 years
okay, i’m not gonna tag this because this is sorta mean and I’m not putting that in the tags.
So i think the Hamilton fandom sorta forgets that Hamilton and Burr and Washington were real people??? Like, I don’t think they forget, per se, but they forget that these people had real flaws and real bias and real prejudice? They were white men, in a racist society, in positions of power, both as politicians and slavers? Read-more for length and topic.
Keep reading
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teamxmaron · 8 years
my brother and I have bonded a lot over Hamilton, and it's made the two of us a lot happier (although i think i like slightly more than him). thank you @linmanuel for bringing us closer together, and teaching my brother more about american history : )))
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teamxmaron · 8 years
okay but i want to minor in united states history, and i regret not taking apush even though i heard that the work is horrendous.
i am taking advanced/honors now. i am taking the sat subject test for it in may so..
i am an actual slut for history
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teamxmaron · 8 years
okie’s entrance
and leslie’s intensity the whole time oh my god
and the look between hamilton and john when he gives him his bag
and just
i can’t handle this show lord take me now
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teamxmaron · 8 years
APUSH Study Recs
Since school is starting back up and some of you are probably going to be taking APUSH, I decided to put together a small list with resources that I used.
1. Adam Norris- apushreview.com / YouTube 
He’s pretty awesome. 10/10 would recommend. He makes review videos for the different periods and provides downloads for his powerpoints. In the powerpoints and videos he gives different examples and also some tips on answering short answer and essay questions. You can benefit from many of the things. He has provided a lot of help in dealing with the new curriculum. Also he has videos covering specific topics that are important to know (for example, I watched the video and used his powerpoint on Hamilton’s financial plan and ended up writing a pretty great essay on it). His videos can be long and go beyond individual sections within the periods, but he’s great on providing examples and supplements.
2. AP US History Crash Course- Buy / Download (Older edition)
I absolutely loved this little book! I had the older edition, but it still served me well. The newer edition is set up like the curriculum. I would recommend buying it because what I did was write extra information, cause and effect, examples, etc in it while reviewing. This book helped me throughout the year and on the exam. I actually read it twice the night before the exam. The book also includes a free online practice exam if you buy it new in print. 
3. Crash Course with John Green
I usually watched these videos while preparing for tests and quizzes given by my teacher because these are separated into different parts and cover a good amount of information. The only problem is that if you’re taking notes (or just trying to soak in all the info) you’re probably going to have to pause or go back because he does talk fast. I prefer Adam Norris over Crash Course, but these still do well as a review.
4. Gilder Lehrman
I found out about this at the end of the year (thanks Mrs. A…) right before the exam and it did help out. Like Adam Norris, they have videos that review the periods, but they are shorter. They also have videos to help with study skills and example questions. If you need a quick review in video format then this might be for you.
5. Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam- Buy
My friend used this book and she said that it helped her a lot. It’s like the Crash Course book but it has a little more involved information. This would definitely help throughout the year, but I wouldn’t recommend reading it in one sitting. It’s a good prep book. 
6. Know Your Presidents
If you don’t know all your presidents, I would recommend that you do. Not only know their name, which number, what years, but also their political party, and if you can try to commit the vice president and some important people in their cabinet if any. Knowing the presidents can help you draw comparisons and benefit to knowing a timeline. I have a ruler with the presidents and a bookmark.
7. Timeline
Make a timeline or find one so that you can recall certain events associated with another and a year. This helps if you can’t remember when a certain event took place or what happened at the same time. This is the APUSH timeline song. It helped, it got stuck in my head, but I neglected the use of a timeline till the day before the exam. Our teacher actually gave us a timeline bookmark.
8. Jefferson vs. Hamilton, Rap Battle
Okay, okay, so the songs from Hamilton the musical aren’t released yet but there is a rap battle between Jefferson and Hamilton that sums up their political parties. I’m throwing this in here because it’s absolutely brilliant. It might not be your cup of tea, but it’s great nonetheless. I actually didn’t use it for the exam because this video hadn’t existed, the soundtrack isn’t out yet, and I haven’t seen the musical… YET. 
I’m sure there are other prep books, review sites, youtube videos, etc. that can help but this is personally what I used and recommend. I actually didn’t use any of the notes I took in class to study because they were sucky notes and the teacher didn’t help much. You should read your textbook and take a few notes, but depending on your textbook, you won’t need to worry about knowing certain things. If you got the gist of something and use it as an example, you probably don’t have to explain yourself all that much. If you need any other help you can reach out to me!
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teamxmaron · 8 years
Do I Like Aaron Burr or do I Just Like Leslie Odom Jr: a novel 
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teamxmaron · 8 years
A few people have been asking where I get the clips for my gifs, so I compiled a list, which I will update. I just want to stress that I do not use bootlegs, I respect the hell out of Lin and all of the actors and crew. 
All 60 Minutes videos (Interview with Lin-Manuel Miranda, Backstage tour, and Cast album recording)
Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)
Hamilton Clips: Hip-Hop Musical about the making of America
Broadway.com clips
Hamilton Montage
“Hamilton” A founding father takes to the stage
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