technotalksnimien · 27 days
Techno Conclusion
My fifth blog to comply, but I hope this is not to make. I still want to continue writing my blog that reflects my everyday learnings. As promised, I will have a double update today. Last Wednesday, it was concluded that technopreneurship course for this semester is about to end. I am feeling mixed emotions, happy because it's over and at the same time, sad because it's over. I didn't paid that much attention to our entrep subject in Grade 11. And I must say, I didn't learned a lot as well because it was in modular, and I don't even read modules. I am beyond grateful to encounter technopreneurship as it taught me many things.
1. Small idea makes great good things
Why are we encouraged to pitch our ideas? Is it merely to comply and pass the subject? NO. I have learned that not matter how small, or silly and idea can be, an idea is still an idea. However, an idea itself won't bring you to success. You have to put effort. Like a seedling, it requires ample amount of sunlight, water and care to survive
If you start doubting yourself, you also doubt the things you might do. If you have something in mind, that you think will contribute to the society, work on it, tell others about it, tell them about your plans. Help and money will come along the way. The key to success is your perseverance.
SEED is an acronym for Self-Mastery, Environment Mastery, Enterprise Mastery and Development of Business Plan.
2. Think outside the box
I can still remember it. We had an activity wherein we were tasked to connect the 9 dots without ifting the pen. I wasn't able to do it because I am stressing out how. My classmate figured it out and later on, our professor explained. We must think about the box and do't limit our learnings. We do not only learn in school, but also to outside.
"Think outside the box" means approaching problems and situations in an innovative and non-traditional way, breaking free from conventional thinking patterns. It involves using creativity, exploring unconventional ideas, and challenging existing assumptions.
3. Follow instructions
following simple instruction is very important because if you are not doing it, you cannot run simple programs.
In that activity, we were told to bonly used blue pen, luckily, I have all colors of ballpens in my bag. Then he told us to write our name. I was hesitant at first and I was like, "are we gonna have a surprise quiz?". Then he gave us additional instructions. To write it in all capital letters. Some of my classmates frowned as they get another piece piece of paper and ignored the first one. Then I realized, I should wait for him to finish giving the instructions first before I write on mine. That's it guys, always follow instructions!
4. Trial and error
from my previous blog, I said that I first failed my techno pitch but got it the second time. I almost lost hope but of course, I have to think and try again. Just like what research taught us in junior and senior high school, trial and error. Just don't give up trying. You will only fail if you stop. Using the trial-and-error method is the only way we can truly learn. When we make a mistake or fail at something, we allow ourselves the chance to reflect, make changes, and try again.
5. Love what you do; do what you love
Syeve Jobs said, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle."
Love what you do - love it because you are doing it. Do what you love - Do it because you love it. These are two different things, you can be in either of it, or both. I have learned that if we put passion and love in the things that we do, we are bound to have great things ahead. Learning to appreciate yourself, your job, your family and friends is a great facctor in being happy.
I hope that you learned something from me. I am happy that finally, I finished my five blogs. If I have time, and I have something to share, I will surely remember technotalksnimien. Thank you so much!
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technotalksnimien · 27 days
Hi everyone! It’s me again, Mien. I’m dropping off my fourth and fifth blog today since I am not that busy and I kind of miss posting here.
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I just want to share that 99% in our class got approved in techno! Yes, our pitch has been approved and we will now proceed to our business plan. The last one will do his or her pitch this Friday.  I am so happy that no one gets left behind. Hoping for good results. This blog will be mainly about my techno idea – CHICQUETTE. It sounds very girly and chic, isn’t it? After my first idea was rejected because it already existed, I took my time in figuring out the perfect techno idea. I tried looking online and spent hours there. I never thought that the idea that will bring me success is the one that gives me so much curiosity, SKIN CARE. I am very particular about what products to use on my face, or more like scared. I’ve read so much testaments online of them using a product but at the same time, comments say otherwise. So who do I trust? Are they really sincere in saying that a particular product is effective or they are just doing it for money? Yes, some content creators who endorse products are mostly sponsored, we don’t even know if they are applying it themselves. Is it FDA approved? Safe for all skin types? That was not indicated. I was just curious about skin care that time, but I didn’t give in. I did my own research; some sites weren’t reliable. That was a couple of months ago. Just last year, I finally got the courage to buy myself my cleanser, and sunscreen. I found the perfect match for my skin. Not sponsored but celeteque cleanser and fairy skin sunscreen works best on me. I never had break outs or irritations. And then one time, I realized, why not make this a techno idea? About skin care. I know there are other people who are confused as well, and there are people who are victims of fake products. So I decided to name it – CHICQUETTE, chic and coquette. I made sure to include something novel in my proposal. But before I share the features, let me share first how I came up with the most unique part. I tried searching FDA website online and curious about the process to find out whether a product is approved or not. Clicked cosmetics then search. “fairy skin” and then boom. There were so many results! I couldn’t find the product I was looking for. Like there were too many products that has the same name. If you want to see the product you’ve been looking for, you have to input the company, expiry date, manufacturer, license number I think, and many more. Imagine going through such a long process only to check a single product! What if you were to check 10 more? So that’s how I came up with the search feature in my app, you can use voice search, describe the product or image recognition, take a picture of the product. It will then redirect you to FDA website that contains the necessary information. Other features are:
1. Tracking of Lifestyle and Eating Habits
maintaining a nutritious diet is essential for achieving and maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Eating habits play a crucial role in skincare because they directly impact the health and appearance of the skin. The app will allow the user to input their current diet or the foods that they are planning to eat and the app will tell if it is good or not (will indicate what ingredient will trigger the user’s allergies or possible skin reactions) aside from that, it will also display suggestions of food alternatives that the user can choose from
2. Set up and Personalize Profile
specify your skin type, if you don’t know your skin type, the app will provide series of questions for you to answer, “know your skin type test” , after the test, you will get the percentage break down of skin types, and the one with the highest is the skin type you have. If you want more accurate results, you have to pay for dermatologist consultation (in app purchase). This is crucial so that the app can accurately match products according to your needs Aside from that, the user also needs to input his or her allergies in order to get safer skin care suggestions.
3. Beauty Podcasts
purchasing a subscription will let users join exclusive podcasts or live streams of skin care enthusiasts and dermatologists (includes masterclasses, make up techniques, skin care routines). free users may also be able to access but only once
4. FDA Approved Product Scanner and Voice Search
FDA portal allows searching of approved products on their database, however, there are lots of products with the same brand name which makes it difficult to find immediately. if you want more accurate results, you have to manually type the brand name, company name, registration number, issuance and expiry date TAKES TOO LONG IF YOU WANT TO CHECK MULTIPLE PRODUCTS so now, the app will allow you to scan a certain product. Voice search can also be used. You are to describe a product you want, the specific ingredients you prefer and it will show you the results. automatic speech recognition system (ASR)
5. Community
members can share tips, advice, product recommendations, and experiences, provide a supportive environment for skincare enthusiasts to connect, learn from each other, and stay updated on the latest trends and research in skincare
6. Business model
ads in app purchases, subscriptions/memberships partnership with cosmetic brand
7. Others
the user will be informed if he or she has allergy to the product he or she searched for, making it unable to purchase (restricted) after that, safer alternative products will be displayed. Visual representation of possible effects on the skin of that certain product. the app will show references/facts or research related studies (regarding why a certain product is not allowed or why is it beneficial) app will analyze weather conditions, will remind user to hydrate, reapply sun screen, etc. (user will input the time he or she applied it) chiquette will give off journal/tracker vibe that allows user to monitor their lifestyle.
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technotalksnimien · 1 month
Tech Revolution: Reflection on the Pirates of the Silicon Valley
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Hi, it’s me again. I decided to drop double or triple updates on my blog today. I just feel like it. I wrote this blog on a rainy evening. I hope you are all doing fine.
Just like the three Idiots, I was also wondering why this movie is called, “Pirates of the Silicon Valley”. Did you wonder too? Spoiler alert! Honestly, at first I thought this movie is like the famous Pirates of the Caribbean or typical Pirate story, hunting for treasures. It is actually way more than that. Waaaaaaay more. I wondered why this movie weren’t introduced to me back in my elementary or high school days. Man, this talks about how the world changed. So great, so worth it.
The film is titled as it is because it is about fraud and piracy in computer technology. In which the term Silicon Valley is actually a region in the state of California that is known for its prominence in the computer industry. The term pirate is actually the typical word we can associate it with, piracy.
So, what did I learn? I don’t know where to start because I honestly learned so much from this. The film is actually about the men behind the birth of two famous technology company we have today, Apple and Microsoft. You see, I’m using Microsoft right now, I also use it in doing my paper works, and everything. And I’m looking forward to have an Apple someday. XD
1. “Good artists copy; great artists steal” – Steve Jobs
This line means so much. I suddenly remembered, my techno professor told us something like, even if you’re not the first one to create or invent it, only the first one to implement it matters. Like people won’t even care if it’s not your idea, they care about who made it happen for real, not the one who only imagined it to be. Put yourself in a situation wherein you stole something, could be an idea or whatsoever. But then you did something to improve that idea and made it even better. When you become great for something that is not originally from you, you will be seen as great and people will assume that it’s from you.
What does this tells us? As a future IT professional, we are already taught about the ten commandments of computer ethics. Though shall not appropriate other people’s intellectual output, though shall not use a computer to steal. Yes, I know how much glory we can gain by merely copying the works of other people. But what about the conscience? What about the things that we learned in our school? What about morality? Is fame and glory more worth it than your morality as a person? If you are reading this, I want you to think thoroughly about the decisions you make in your life. As future IT professional, let us be the beacon of integrity and principles. Being evil is easy, but choosing to do the right thing requires courage. I’m not saying that do not do what Steve Jobs or Bill Gates did. I’m saying that do the thing you think is right, do the thing that you think the world needs.
2. Information is power
This is one of the lines in the movie that really caught my attention. Information is power, as long as you can transform it into action. Just like what Steve and Bill did, they used their expertise well which eventually led them to success. Knowledge is very powerful. It has the ability to change and conquer the world. However, knowledge itself can’t bring you to success, you have to make an action, use it efficiently to help the society. Knowledge also have the ability to influence and empower people.
3. “When I was still in Berkeley, I kept making some weird electronic gadgets that were basically just jokes, but hey, you know jokes are important” - Woz
I think Woz was the one who said this in the movie, it showed an old man trying to fix his television because Woz at the back is trying to interrupt the signal. Hence, the line is so true. We may think sometimes that an idea is too absurd or ridiculous to be even given a thought. But great things come off from silly ideas. Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound as good as others, think of what could be the impact of this tiny idea to the world.
4. Sometimes, not knowing how crazy something is, is a good thing
I think we can all relate. Because based on my experience, the more I worry about something, the more situation gets worse. Like I realized that I’m worrying too much over a thing that doesn’t need my worry. Sometimes, we just have to put the trust in the things that we do, and surely, something good will follow. Thinking of something that is like, “Can I really do this?” soon enough, it’ll be “I’m so glad I did it, it turned out pretty cool”. In the movie, we can recall that during the computer faire, Woz asked Steve if people will show up. I feel like he has doubts if people will come to their booth. Then Steve replied like “How would I know?” or something like that and he added, “Of course, they’re going to show up” which pretty much sounded like a joke but with confidence. Then it just happened, they didn’t know. Hoardes of people running towards their booth just to see the amazing little machine with 63 chips that makes all these colors. And then boom.
5. Good things won’t chase you, it needs to be chased
Knowing how Steve Jobs and his friends started, in his parent’s garage. And Bill too. They kept on looking for possible investors or persons who can provide them the fund that they need in order to turn their ideas into reality. The movie showed that Steve tried to get a loan from the bank, bringing with him is invention. Unfortunately, the bank according to Steve, “doesn’t like beards”. The bank declined his loan request, just because he has beard, or he didn’t wear business attire or maybe because the bank don’t trust his idea enough. But did Steve stop? No. And now we have Apple. What brought Steve and his team success is their perseverance, intelligence. And Bill Gates? One of the richest man in the world. Remember, life doesn’t stop when one opportunity closes.
6. Respect your coworkers, your employees, respect everyone.
 A culture of respect in the workplace encourages innovation and idea sharing, as well as staff wellbeing, satisfaction, performance, and productivity. When employees know they are valued by their managers and team members, they are less stressed and more committed to their work. In the movie, we can see how Steve disrespected some of his employees at work, shouting and insulting them and even putting his feet on the table. Even we become the boss, we must not forget where we came from and always be humble.
I think that is all guys, that you so much. Next update will be very soon
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technotalksnimien · 1 month
Don’t be fooled by its name, it’s a great movie: The 3 Idiots reflection
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Hi everyone! I’m back again for another blog. I sincerely apologize for not updating my blog lately. I got really busy at school. I got a free time now though.  Well anyways, so much for that. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my blog as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Have a great day!
Have you ever wondered why is it called “3 Idiots”? If you haven’t watched the movie yet, you would probably wonder why. Why 3 Idiots though? Spoiler alert! Rancho, Raju and Farhan are the “3 idiots” despite belonging to a prestigious university. The reason why they are called three idiots is because of doing silly stuffs and they are way different from other students. The almost 3-hour long movie is considered to be among the greatest Indian films ever made. The film had huge social impact on education systems, not just in India, but across the globe. So if you haven’t watched it yet, you’re missing out! So much for that, let’s get over with the introductions and let me explain why 3 idiots is a “must watch”. Here are some of my reflections after watching the movie.
1.“Life is a race, if you don’t run fast, you’ll get trampled” – Virus.
A famous quote from the movie, 3 idiots. Life itself is NOT a race. It is us, who make it feel like a competition. People around us tells us that we have to always come first. First in class, first in anything that we do. Which usually stems from childhood, where we often hear them say, “you have to be like this”. Which gives the child a mindset that he or she has to excel in order to feel acceptance or belongingness which eventually leads to constantly seeking for validation and approval, making it the only way to reinforce the child’s sense of value and worthiness.
The education system has gradually become only about “who performed the best” and not about “who were able to perform”. Making it look like we are in a constant state of comparison with our peers. Life isn’t a race, nor a competition. Each of us have our own pace. If you get trampled, it’s okay. Stand up, and continue doing things that gives you meaning. Success isn’t measured on how fast you finished or how fast you got on top. There’s always a right time for everything. You don’t wait for it, but you make it happen.
2. Make your passion your profession
This is also one of the most crucial thing I learned from the movie, maybe because I can somehow relate. Programming isn’t really my passion. Although I took BSIT program, my love for science will never vanish. In my case, I had to be practical. Yes, it is not my passion but I believe someday, this field that I have chosen will bring me success. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer but he studied engineering to fulfill his father’s wish. He was never happy about it, but his parents were. Rancho advised Farhan to go after his dreams. I saw how passionate Farhan was. But at the same time, he set aside his dreams just to make his parents happy, which makes him a really good son. His father thinks that there’s not that much money in photography, but he said it will make him happy. This is so true even in real life. Some people have all the riches in the world but they never find contentment. Some are not that rich, but they are happy and contented. Life isn’t just about making money, it’s also about being happy. Those two come together. Even if you don’t earn that much when you start doing your passion, eventually, success will come to you because you love what you’re doing, and you are good at doing it.
3. Aal izz well (All is well)
Most mentioned phrase in the movie, the song is also captivating. What do “All is well” mean? We are so focused in achieving our goals for the future, that sometimes, we forget to enjoy things we have at the present. The phrases, “All is well” teaches us that everything is going to be alright. When life goes out of control, just say, all is well. It may not directly solve the problem, but it may increase one’s courage to face it. Positivity has a great impact when dealing with problems we think we can’t solve.
4. The power of friendship
Your friend circle influences your actions. At first, I kind of hated rancho for being such a jerk and a rebel. I felt like he’s influencing Raju and Farhan to be like him. But as the movie goes on, I finally understood what Rancho is trying to say all along. He sees Raju and Farhan as his friends that he doesn’t want them to be eaten up by the poor education system and encourages them to stand up for themselves. I recalled that when Virus told Raju to write a letter to expel him to the school, he can’t do it because he thinks of this parents, his paralyzed father. He said he can’t do it but then Virus told him to put Rancho’s name instead. I felt really bad that I expected him to betray Rancho. I kind of doubted Raju that time but I was shocked to see that he chose to commit suicide instead. He really is a true friend and I’m glad he was safe and recovered eventually. Their friendship is one of a kind, I even think it’s more of like a family. The people we choose to hang out with ultimately influences our actions and our future. Choose your friends wisely.
5. Learning doesn’t end even after you graduate
Education doesn’t stop. People are constantly learning. Education does not only exist inside academic institutions, but also outside of that. Education is not about memorizing, it’s about learning. For me, Silencer or Chatur was really a great student. He was successful at the end right? But he was not that happy. He’s still consumed by the anger he has for Rancho years ago; he thinks that Rancho is not as successful as him. Sad reality, there are successful people that looks down on others. They think that they are on top, they think they are relevant. They have degree and all, but they don’t have the manners. Looking back, Chatur was mostly relying on memorizing stuffs rather than studying about it. I liked how Rancho and his friends taught him a lesson when he gave a speech wherein they changed some of the words to humiliate Chatur. I actually agreed on what they did even though I sometimes think it’s already too much but it was also Chatur’s fault for not giving any effort to research on his speech. You can still learn even you are already working. You learn different things from different people every day. Understand, apply and make a change.
6. Education is a right, not a privilege
Last but not the least, and also one of my favorite lesson. Education is not a privilege; it is a human right. I firmly believe that every person has their right to quality education without discrimination. Let’s recall when we found out the plot twist in 3 idiots. The Rancho we know is not the real Rancho. His real name was Phunsukh Wangdoo. He was a servant boy who loved learning. He agreed to take real Rancho’s name, give him the degree in exchange for attaining the education and the learning he wants. It amazes me how wangdoo (Rancho) doesn’t care about the degree, to him, it is just a title. He cares more about what he learned. He impersonated the real Rancho just to send himself to school. Then it revealed that wangdoo (Rancho) is a school teacher at Ladakh. Wherein children are motivated by love of knowledge, like how schools should be. In addition to being very funny and interesting movie, “3 Idiots” also prompts crucial issues on shortcomings of the educational system and the quest for pleasure and fulfillment,
That’s all! I hope you learned something and enjoyed my blog. It took me hours to finish it because I really want a detailed reflection. Thank you! Xoxo.
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technotalksnimien · 2 months
mien's blog
hello everyone !! thanks for visiting my blog ✧˖°. I will be posting all of my blogs here from now on, all related to my course technopreneurship
below's my cardd to help you get to know me better. I will start posting my blog as soon as I finalize my blog lay out !! stay tuned everyone ୭ ��� ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
cardd link : https://pin.it/39BbsblkY banner bg : https://pin.it/5Jgx88BLl
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technotalksnimien · 2 months
go little technopreneur !
hello everyone! I hope you are all doing great today. This is my first log entry. Please do like and follow. Thank you!
Growing up, I settled with the idea of securing a stable and good paying job someday. Although as an employee/freelancer, there’s not much of a chance in being a multi-millionaire. Will I become a nurse someday? I want to work in the hospital and help save lives because they did the same to me, back when I was little. I thought that’s what I was made for. But I can’t just pursue something because my heart longs for it. I had to be practical. I had to let go. Surely, there are other ways or resources that I can use to pursue this dream of mine but I humbly chose not to. Never easy. In the past few months, I have been contemplating whether I have chosen the right program or what. Because I honestly feel lost and dumb. If I knew I was going to take BSIT, I should’ve spent my previous years learning java, not science. And maybe the reason why I was feeling lost is because I couldn’t stop thinking of what’s ahead rather than enjoying what I have right now. Worrying if will I even get a job someday.             All those thoughts and worries vanished when technopreneurship was first introduced to me. Becoming a technopreneur will most likely make me a multi-millionaire rather than being a regular employee with 8 working hours, no offense. Having the necessary skills and funds and you’re off to go. Luckily, we are now given an opportunity to pitch our best ideas in mind that may contribute to the society someday. Who knows? I’ve read a few blogs about technopreneurs and I know that it’s very crucial to have your ideas acknowledge by possible sponsors and investors. Because whether we like it or not, money makes everything happen, and you make everything happen just for money. So, as early as now, think of possible innovations and new ideas that can be beneficial to our society. Dream about becoming a technopreneur. Be a technopreneur. 𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖
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technotalksnimien · 2 months
new blog !! stay tuned ⋆.˚
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