teeniecrayonz · 5 years
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
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Captive children found each other
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
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Girly names for your stuffies
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Tea cup
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
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i did the science thingy!!!
Caring-Dragon- You did so well!! You made it beautiful too ⭐️
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
fucked up how cooking and baking from scratch is viewed as a luxury…..like baking a loaf of bread or whatever is seen as something that only people with money/time can do. I’m not sure why capitalism decided to sell us the idea that we can’t make our own damn food bc it’s a special expensive thing that’s exclusive to wealthy retirees but it’s stupid as hell and it makes me angry
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
(for maximum effect play before bedtime?)
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
Very stimmy, love to chew & flap
people with autism and/or adhd reblog and in the tags put your feelings on the end parts on the sleeves of hoodies. i have adhd and personally i love them
[nt people don’t touch this post]
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
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Dealing with Flashbacks + Anxiety while small 
So, I know a lot of us have PTSD + anxiety (myself included!). So, I decided that I would make a post on how to cope with flashbacks + anxiety while small! 
♡  Hug a soft stuffie! Use their soft fur to help ground you! You are in the present, you are holding this soft stuffed animal. Hug them, take a deep breath into their fur. What does it smell like? How does the fur feel against your nose? 
♡  Drink juice, water, or milk from a sippy! It’s not only important to stay hydrated but focus on the temperature of the drink. Is it cold, is it luke-warm, is it hot? How does the sippy feel in your hands? Is the texture smooth? Is it rough? Now how about the drink, how does it taste? Is it sweet? Sour? 
♡  Put on your favorite movie! Try not to focus on the things that are making your little heart worry! You are safe, they can’t get you. You are not in the past. You are in the present watching your favoritest movie!! 
♡  If you have a person who takes care of you, ask for help from them! You can even call a friend or family member. You are not alone in this. It is okay to ask for help, especially when you’re so small. The world can be tough, even more so for someone as small as you! It’s okay to reach out! If you can’t, vent to your stuffie! They’ll always listen to you with the purest of intentions! 
♡  Take a warm bath! Bring your bath toys with you! Distract yourself by playing with your toys in your warm bath! If you’re having flashbacks, use the warm water to help you ground yourself. You are safe, you are sitting in a warm bath, nothing can hurt you here! 
♡  Try to snuggle up with your stuffies and sleep! I know this is pretty much impossible but if you can achieve it, it might make you feel better! 
♡  Cry. It’s okay to cry, little one. You’ve gone through so much and you’re so strong. Your stuffies and I are so proud of you. All your stuffies love you and they want only the best for you. 
♡  I’m always here to talk to anyone that needs help! You can come to me on anon and vent if you like, I won’t post it (please specify if you don’t want it published!). I care about you all, you all are so strong and so amazing. ♡
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
if you’re white and you act like race issues are just “unnecessary drama” or “discourse” then sorry to tell you but you’re just…. racist
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
people who make fun of autistic people are no longer allowed to use slime, weighted blankets, stress balls, or anything similar that originated and/or was popularized by the autistic community.
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teeniecrayonz · 5 years
Color-Themed Stuffie Names!
🍒Scarlet 🍓Strawberry ❤️Raspberry 🎒Red 🍒Mars 🍓Carmine ❤️Ruby 🎒Ariel
🎃Pumpkin 🦊Foxy 🧡Autumn 🐹Sunset 🎃Blaze 🦊Reese 🧡Zest 🐹Caramel
🍯Honey 🌼Buttercup 💛Sunny ⚡Lightning 🍯Bumblebee 🌼Sunflower 💛Goldie ⚡Lemon
💚Eartha 🌿Fern 🐢Kale 🍀Clover 💚Emerald 🌿Forest 🐢Camo 🍀Lucky
💙Winter 🌊Ocean 💎Sapphire 🐳Whale 💙Blueberry 🌊Lapis 💎Cinderella 🐳Sky
💜Indigo 🔮Mystic 👾Lilac ☂️Grapes 💜Lupine 🔮Galaxy 👾Amethyst ☂️Lavender
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teeniecrayonz · 6 years
Accurate Guide to Figuring Out Your Regression Age!
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So I’ve seen lots of posts helping people figure out what age they regress to, and that’s great! The problem is that, a lot of the time, they tend to be kinda inaccurate. I’ve volunteered with babies and kids for pretty much my whole life (I helped in my church nursery from the time I was six), so while I’m not an expert, I thought I could maybe paint a more accurate picture!
See, when kids are really little, they change as much in a few months as older kids change in a year or more. A toddler that just turned two is going to be completely different than one that’s about to turn three, even though they’re the same age.
0-3 Months
Sleeps a lot.
Starts to coo at about two or three months. Does not yet babble, though.
Might not even look at faces.
Really don’t do much at this age, they’re basically sleepy, soft little balls that occasionally start to scream.
Always confused.
3-6 months
They start off cooing/gooing and start to babble at about 4 months.
Basic playing would start in around this age (shaking rattles, peekaboo, etc.)
Will look at faces and smile.
Very stationary; might not be able to even roll over until 6 months.
Can usually start solids (purée, not actual solid food) at 4 months or so.
6 months to 1 year
This is honestly a pretty big age gap but if I went month by month this would be a novel.
Understands simple words at about 9 months. (‘No’ is a good example)
Babbling at first but can potentially say their first word at 9 months or even a bit sooner (very rare, though) but usually won’t until about a year.
Starts out eating purées but will start eating regular food soon after (needs to be cut into small pieces, though, and usually doesn’t eat hard foods)
Will play with guardians and by themselves but will not play with other babies. They’ll play beside each other but not with each other. This is called parallel play and can last up until about almost three years old, but usually ends sooner, particularly if the baby goes to a daycare.
Will start to crawl at about 6 months, perhaps later, and can walk at about 9-12 months.
Some babies completely skip crawling and just go straight to walking though. It’s pretty funny.
These babies have practically no balance, though. They fall over pretty much constantly. It’s not uncommon for a baby to lose their balance and fall over just standing still.
Start becoming little stinkers at this age. This is when they can understand what their guardian is saying, but ignore them and do it anyway.
It’s cute but they’re such stinkers and get into everything.
1 - 1 ½ years
Start learning a lot more words and can usually understand a lot of what their guardian says.
Can follow one-step instructions (“go get your boots”)
This is the age that they usually start being classified as toddlers. They’re toddling and waddling about and aren’t very solid on their feet, even if they can run.
Puts EVERYTHING in their mouths.
Starts being more compassionate. Might hug a crying sibling.
Will initiate some games, such as peekaboo.
Might start potty training at this age. It’s becoming increasingly rare, though. They’re capable of it but I find that guardians usually start later now.
Likes music and bobbing up and down to dance
Loves to play with guardian
1 ½ - 2 years
Will interact more with other babies
This interaction is usually limited to fighting over toys, pulling hair, and pushing, though. General roughhousing. But they’ll also give hugs and kisses unprompted.
Around the age they start mimicking the adults in their lives. This is usually when they get a bigger interest in baby dolls.
Though potty training has often started most babies will still be in diapers at this age.
Knows many words and can say them on command. Might know a few colours.
2- 2 ½ years
Two+ word sentences (Ex. Leah’s hat, help please, Jack’s turn, go to park, stop it, etc.
Contrary to popular belief, kids pretty much never say things like ‘me do’ or ‘me want’. They usually use their names instead (Max’s turn, Max do, Max want). The only time I’ve ever met a kid who said ‘me’ when they should say 'I’ was when it was older kids pretending to be babies for whatever reason.
Kids are really smart it’s awesome.
They can walk and run but they fall down all. the. time. Very uncoordinated. This is why they’re called 'toddlers’.
Becoming more independent but they will usually go back to their guardian at different points for cuddles and reassurance.
Starting to play with each other more, (mainly games like 'chase me’) but still mainly parallel play.
Will want to do what guardians do. Can do simple tasks like sweep or put things on table. Goes from carrying baby dolls around to pretending to feed and take care of them.
Loves being read to and usually sits through the whole book.
Pacifier use is still common enough at this stage but by now most parents are weaning them off of it.
2 ½ - 3 years
Last toddler stage.
Much more balanced. Pretty much never falls when walking but trips a lot when running.
By now is usually fully potty trained and in underwear. May occasionally have accidents, though. Might wear a pull-up at night.
By now is speaking in complete simple sentences. (Ex. It’s my turn, help me please, I gotta use the potty, etc.)
Again, they won’t say 'me’ instead of 'I’, but you know what they will mess up? Pronouns. “Her went to the park” “Him took that from me” “That doesn’t belong to she”, etc. This can last for awhile; the less extreme versions can last until four. These particular sentences will be used closer to three than two and a half, though. Might say things like 'go-ed’ instead of 'went’. This is usually the extent of their grammar issues and continues until sometimes five.
Can feed themselves but will make a mess. Uses sippy cups.
Will almost certainly be weaned off pacifier by three. Some still use it at 3 or even later but tbh everybody is seriously judging their guardians at that point. Is it nice? No…but it’s what happens.
Still puts stuff in their mouths. This is why a lot of toys won’t be recommended for kids 0-3.
Usually ends parallel play in favour of playing with other toddlers at this point.
Usually starts watching TV. Probably shouldn’t but they do.
Lots of tantrums. Wants to be completely independent but can’t yet.
Still loves cuddling with guardian.
3-4 years
Not a toddler anymore. (Seriously this is like my pet peeve) Very sturdy and balanced when walking and running. More likely to trip over things than older children, though.
Months don’t make as much as a difference as they used to anymore.
Usually drinks out of a cup at this point, but sippy cups aren’t out of the question.
Will prefer playing with other children to playing alone.
Plays more elaborate games of pretend.
Can have a conversation with an adult.
Will sing songs and do dances.
This is when the stereotypical princess and superhero phase usually starts.
Will probably have a favourite TV show.
Mostly independent but will likely be shy around new people and want to stay with guardian.
Pacifiers are not in the picture and most kids would be horrified at the idea of using one (that said, it’s totally fine for any age regressor to use a pacifier if it’s right for them.)
Often refers to themself as a 'big boy/girl/kid’ and will fight anybody who calls them a baby.
Still probably makes the same grammatical errors I mentioned earlier.
Plays with baby dolls, blocks, playdoh, trucks, barbies, etc.
Might sing the ABCs and be able to spell/write their name, but is unlikely to be able to recognize any other letters.
Runs everywhere, climbs on everything, jumps from things. Gives adults heart attacks.
Usually stops putting things in their mouths by now.
Preschool age
Knows a lot of stuff. Will know alphabet and can often write it, but usually can’t read or write words.
Drinks from cups
Biggest imagination you’ve ever seen.
Plays with the same toys as mentioned before but also puzzles and more complex toys.
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I can make one for older kids but this is already way too long haha. Let me know if you have questions!
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teeniecrayonz · 6 years
in case u stressed abt school
how to get motivated
10 useful study websites
how to be a morning person
taking notes on an ipad
how to beat test anxiety
group studying advice
how i catch up with work
15 habits of successful students
how to de-stress from school
maybe try summary foldables
how to start a planner
advice for freshmen
how to cram for a test
avoid careless mistakes
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how to get organized
common study mistakes
fastest way to take notes
how to start a bullet journal
stop procrastinating
15 study tips
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memorization advice
reorganize ur study space
act study advice + tips
advice: hs freshmen
advice: hs sophomores
advice: hs juniors
advice: hs seniors
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teeniecrayonz · 6 years
gentle reminder
just like it isn’t easy for you, it’s not easy sometimes for others to be able to help – that’s not your fault, and you are not a burden, but please just keep that in mind
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teeniecrayonz · 6 years
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happy stimming
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teeniecrayonz · 6 years
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Calling your carer “Mommy” is not kinky or weird!
Calling your carer “Daddy” is not kinky or weird!
Calling your carer “Momma”, “Papa”, or anything similar is not kinky or weird!
It’s normal for children to call their parent(s)/guardian(s)/parent figure(s) these things - so it’s normal for age regressors too! Don’t let icky kinksters and bad communities ruin these carer titles for you. They’re the ones in the wrong, not you! Be safe, happy, and keep on regressing ♡
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teeniecrayonz · 6 years
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Dino stimboard with bright colors for anon!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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