dockwriting · 2 years
temporary hiatus for now i dont have motivation to write sorry
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dockwriting · 2 years
Every great detective needs a great rival, right? Well, what about Sholmes with his own rival/eventual lover, S/O? But, she’s no detective, she’s a phantom thief! She steals things, tricks the audience, brings thrilling chases, and it’s Sholmes’ duty to catch her! Of course, S/O does help out with cases when necessary and even helps people in her heists if they’re in danger, but there’s like a forbidden love them between her and Sholmes. Catwoman and Batman, kinda!
anon i. i dont think i can write that this is so Big Brained that my tiny little creature mind cannot handle it BUT it is such a good Thought i will resonate with this forever
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dockwriting · 3 years
May I request Kazuma, Barok and Holmes taking s/o out on a date (where would they go, fancy or casual ect.)?
i kept drawing blanks for most of these lmao oops
(starts under the cut due to length!)
kazuma would most likely take you out on a casual date. most likely a study date or something of the sort
mostly simple (and cheap cause college) dates. simple lunch dates, studying at the library, anything that involves the two of you
if he has enough money he may take you out shopping or to a nice restaurant
holmes, surprisingly, likes to stay at home!
he loves sitting next to you at home with a nice cup of tea and reading books with you
every now and then he will take you out to a park or a local store he'd think you'd like!
barok would take you somewhere nice, or would most likely spend time at home reading with you
a quiet moment at home also reading books with you sounds like a dream to him
also enjoys taking you out to a wine garden and tasting wines with you
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dockwriting · 3 years
please send me requests i am begging yall (read my pinned post before submitting requests!!)
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dockwriting · 3 years
little update: all of my headcanons on this account have been posted on my AO3 account. you can find it here.
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dockwriting · 3 years
hi, if possible could you write barok pining/being a moron in love for his s/o whether before they knew eachother or are already in relationship?
hey lol *acts like i didnt forget about this acc for months*
- barok refuses to admit that he ever has feelings for someone. he is a Master at concealing his true feelings.
- he tries his best to avoid his feelings of love, but when love hits it hits hard. so he has to come to terms with the fact that he might possibly be in love with you.
- barok sends you gifts to your place of work and invites you more often to do things with him.
- he loves everything about you. your smile, your laugh, you pretty much warm his ice cold heart.
- one day, while you and him are out walking around on the city streets, barok decides to ask you out.
- he is A Mess. poor dude is stumbling over his words and has a small blush on his face. completely opposite of his cold demeanor and stoic face.
- you cheerfully say yes, and a wave of relief washes over him. he truly has fallen head over heels for you.
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dockwriting · 3 years
reblog because DGS localization!!!!! 
hi yall! im back (temporarily) to post a new work! i decided to write some angst because naruhodou/asougi brainrot is taking over my life. 
also crossposted onto my AO3 account! fic is under the cut for length reasons
Keep reading
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dockwriting · 3 years
hey dock. i saw u were feeling down, i really hope you feel better soon!! much love- anon
aww thank you anon! im feeling kinda better, my mood has just been fluctuating around for some reason dfjslfjsl
hopefully ill be back to writing soon! <3
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dockwriting · 3 years
hi dock!! hope ur having a good day. you up for writing klavier and diego for an s/o who’s main love language is touch? have a very lovely day or night! - much love, anon
hello anon! sorry i havent been active, i just havent been feeling great mentally... hope u enjoy these tho!
- klavier absolutely loves the physical affection you give him. the two of you have to have an arm or hand on each other at all times.
- his love language is also touch, so during random times of day he likes to sneak up on you and hug/kiss you.
- extreme cuddlebug. doesn’t matter what you’re doing around the house, klavier automatically has his arms around you and is nuzzling into your neck.
- diego isn’t really used to physical affection, so it’ll take some time for him to warm up to being touched.
- he appreciates gentle kisses and soft touches. occasionally he likes longer hugs and cuddle sessions. 
- for diego, i’d say his love language is words. he constantly likes to sweet talk to you and loves to tease and flirt with you.
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dockwriting · 3 years
could I request soft cuddling hc's with klavier? 👉👈 maybe he hasn't been home for affection a lot since work piles up and s/o really just wants to love their boyf
-susato anon
fkljdjflkdsjdgfdfl welcome back susato anon!! klavier brainrot has been hitting me big time these past few months so its nice to indulge with him. hope you enjoy!
- klavier absolutely ADORES cuddling with you. though sadly with his job as a prosecutor he never gets to fully indulge in cuddling with you.
- usually after a particularly hard trial or day in the office, he loves to come home and flop straight into your arms. to him, it’s the best stress reliever. 
- klavier also loves whenever you play with his hair! he takes very good care of his hair, so every time you run a hand through it he melts.
- overall, he just wants to spend every day in your arms and cuddle.
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dockwriting · 3 years
happy holidays! could you write some headcanons about barok going shopping for gifts?
hello everyone im back and ready for sum more headcanon action. thank you barok anon (am i allowed to call you that?) for sending this in and happy new year!
- barok has never really shopped for gifts at all, with the exception of his brother and maybe occasionally hart.
- for your first holidays spent together, he went all out with buying you the most lavish gifts. 
- to his surprise, however, you decided to buy him a gift! you bought him a small plush case to hold his late brother’s prosecutor pin.
- barok was shocked (and somewhat emotional that you thought of him), but graciously accepted your gift. 
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dockwriting · 3 years
requests are open (for like the third time ksdjfksdjfklhgl) im in the holiday spirit so don’t be afriad to send in some christmas-esque asks! 
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dockwriting · 4 years
Hi the dgs Fandom is a dessert and theres finally some respite (you!) Can I please request an asougi fic or scenario of him with a shy crush? His crush isn't shy to the point of avoidance but they get a tiny little bit frazzled whenever he talks to them.
lfjdlkfjdlskfjlkfdjds sorry this took so long anon! life decided to fuck me over so i hope this does justice to you!
- asougi might seem like a confident person, but in reality he is a Mess.
- when he starts to develop feelings for you, he doesn’t really know how to accept them.
- every time he sees you, his heart freaks o u t. he has to take a deep breath before approaching you.
- his attempts at flirting are... interesting. he asks naruhodou how to flirt with someone and it fails miserably.
- after a while he finally decides to accept his feelings and ask you out
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dockwriting · 4 years
hi yall! im back (temporarily) to post a new work! i decided to write some angst because naruhodou/asougi brainrot is taking over my life. 
also crossposted onto my AO3 account! fic is under the cut for length reasons
Keep reading
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dockwriting · 4 years
hello everyone! im feeling a bit better so i’ve decided to open requests up again! please read the rules before requesting and i’ll get to you asap! <3
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dockwriting · 4 years
hi yall! im back (temporarily) to post a new work! i decided to write some angst because naruhodou/asougi brainrot is taking over my life. 
also crossposted onto my AO3 account! fic is under the cut for length reasons
A name as sweet as honey. A name as soft as silk. A man as fierce as a hurricane. 
A man that laid dead on the hardwood floor.
A name as gentle as the wind. A name as heavy as rocks. A man with many gifts.
A man that stood above his dead best friend crying.
Two men with big dreams.
One man left to fill the holes in the already destroyed building.
Asougi and Naruhodou. Two rivals and best friends ready to take on the world of law. 
Asougi and Naruhodou. One man broken and one forever gone.
Two lawyers. One was a defense attorney dealing with the loss of his closest friend and rival.
One was the fabled “masked disciple.”
“I never expected to meet you here, Naruhodou.” Asougi sighed, silently gazing towards the defense attorney standing in front of him.
“I thought… I thought you were dead.” Naruhodou clenched his fists. “We all did.” The defense attorney inhaled shakily, on the verge of tears. 
“Why are you here then?”
“What?” Naruhodou looked up.
“Why did you try to find me.” Asougi scoffed. He was surprised that Naruhodou actually searched for him after what occurred on the S.S. Alaclaire.
“I missed you. I missed you a lot, Asougi. All I wanted was you back. I never truly believed that you were dead, so I went searching for you.” Naruhodou sobbed, looking straight towards the floor. “I loved you Asougi. I wanted to come to England with you. I imagined us doing everything together.”
Asougi’s eyes widened. Naruhodou… loved him? He was caught off-guard, left to stare at the crying defense attorney in front of him. 
“I never realized that you felt that way, Naruhodou.” Asougi went over to his crying best friend, trying to give him his best hug.
Naruhodou sobbed into his shirt. “All I wanted was a life with you, no matter what it took. That’s why I came to England with you. I love you, Asougi. I really do.” He cried harder, soaking the white fabric of Asougi’s shirt with his tears.
Asougi stood there, still shocked. He shook his head, trying to collect his thoughts. Asougi grabbed Naruhodou’s tear-stained face and looked at him. 
All he could do was stare. Stare at the man who just confessed his fucking love to him. The man who searched all of England just to find him. 
His best friend, Ryuunosuke Naruhodou.
Asougi’s lips smashed against Naruhodou’s, needy and quick. Naruhodou’s eyes widened in shock, but said nothing as he kissed back. The two men’s lips moved in harmony, pent up emotions letting themselves out with each movement.
Naruhodou was the first to pull away, a light flush covering his cheeks. The two men stared at each other, then burst out laughing.
“So, do you love me back?” Naruhodou asked, grabbing ahold of Asougi’s hand.
Asougi chuckled, giving him a soft peck on the cheek. “Of course, Naruhodou.”
Two men with big dreams. One concealing his feelings like the mask on his face. 
One torn between guilt and love.
Asougi and Naruhodou. Two men torn apart.
Asougi and Naruhodou. Two men brought back together and ready to take on anything, again
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dockwriting · 4 years
hello dock! thank you for your barok domestic headcanons, may i ask for confession/proposal headcanons? if not thats okay, thank you anyways! :)
hello! i’m very glad that you enjoyed the domestic headcanons. thank you for requesting as always! <3
- barok had never really thought about marriage. in fact, he never even thought about getting in a relationship considering his past.
- after he met you, however, a lot of things changed. he softened immensely and learned to care about others.
- you and him had been dating for a few years when barok realized that might have found “the one”
- he refused to acknowledge whether or not he wanted to marry you, no matter how much you pestered him. 
- one day, when the two of you were walking around outside, he pulled you aside and proposed to you.
- you were absolutely overjoyed, and barok was too (but he was too shy to probably ever admit it).
- the two of you were so happy together, and you could not wait to spend the rest of your lives together.
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