tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
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pairing: bokuto x gn!reader
word count: 2,547
warnings: mentions/suggestions of sex, swearing
“I don’t think i can do this anymore. I know i told you it was enough but it isn’t.”
Your locker closed with a ‘click’ and you turned to look at Bokuto sadly. You had felt the energy between the two of you becoming more strained over the past few weeks, so it wasn't exactly something you didn't see coming. 
The call of your name became more desperate, when he left your bed to search for his clothes he just couldn't meet your eyes anymore, the kisses he parted from you with ever so slightly lingered now. 
He had fallen in love with you.
You had been friends with Bokuto the entire way through high school, though you had never really planned on the benefits side of things. It had started earlier on in the year, at a party the volleyball team threw for making it to nationals again. Few outside the club were invited, but you were lucky. 
Lucky enough to end up in your best friends bed, seemingly enough.
It felt wrong and yet right at the same time, but you never agreed it wouldn't happen again. So it did. 
Once it became a regular thing, you made an agreement; no feelings, no strings attached. It was just sex, nothing more. It would end when you graduated, but clearly, Bokuto’s heart had other ideas.
“Are you sure?” While you knew the agreement between you and wanted to stick with it, you enjoyed Bokuto’s company, and knew that there was a possibility that your friendship may never recover. He replied with just a nod and a rough swallow, clearly holding something back. 
You reached a hand out to his, taking it in yours for most likely the last time, and giving it a small squeeze.
“I love you,” He blurted out, unable to leave without admitting his feelings to you, even though he knew it was obvious. You dropped his hand, taking in a breath to keep your composure.
“I’m sorry, Kotarou,” Saying his name was a jab to the heartstrings for both of you, but he nodded in understanding, turning his gaze away from you. 
To spare yourself the pain of a goodbye, you left before either of you could say it, leaving Bokuto to wander off to practice alone for the first time since the beginning of high school. 
Weeks later, you sat in class, a sick feeling in your stomach and an inability to focus. No matter what you did to distract yourself and move on, you found yourself still feeling as though you were physically missing part of yourself, as if something had been taken from you. It had left you unusually short-tempered, your ever-increasing irritation at whoever decided to torture you with the incessant tapping off the pen. 
Clenching your teeth, you closed your eyes to attempt to block out the noise, but with no success. The tapping only seemed to get louder, creating a throbbing at your temples. 
The bell rang and the tapping stopped finally. You let out a breath as you opened your eyes to see the other students leaving as quickly as possible to get home. You noticed a dull ache in your palms and you glanced down at them  to see small indents where your nails had dug into the skin in the midst of your frustration. You stared at the marks for a few moments before deciding to leave, seen as you were the only one left in the classroom. 
You took your time, even slowing as you neared the gym without realising. Your body wandered towards the open doors to see the volleyball team already practicing, which was expected when you realised how near the nationals qualifiers were. It seemed the year had passed by quicker than you expected.
Poking your head into the gym, hopefully with the boys too distracted to notice you, your eyes immediately landed on the captain, who seemed to be practically stumbling around the court rather than actively playing. It was a stark contrast from the ruthless player you had come to know, but the boy was clearly in the early stage of his infamous ‘emo mode’, in which the team usually just ignored him for a time. 
You jumped as you moved your eyes from the boy only to catch the eye of another. You froze before backing away, trying to leave as quickly as you could so that he couldn’t follow, but Akaashi had always been the swift one, so you weren't surprised when he caught your arm before you could make it very far. 
He pulled his hand away as you turned to face him, meeting his stoic expression with one of your own. 
“Did something happen between you two?” All of the boys had clearly noticed your lack of presence. How could they not when you were the one that was usually there every day at practice, handing out water bottles or towels, cheering out encouraging words as they played. 
Swallowing heavily, you looked away, unable to meet his eyes. He didn't know about the arrangement and Bokuto had clearly kept his promise of keeping it quiet, not even telling his best friend when it was over. Your heart ached as you realised that he was suffering in silence. 
Akaashi let out a sigh as he watched you struggle to find some sort of explanation. He wasn't sure what he was expecting from you if he was being honest. 
“He finally told you didn't he?” You stared up at him in surprise. He knew about Bokuto’s feelings?
“I’m not stupid, y/n, and neither is anyone else. We see how he looks at you.” Oh, wow. It would have been understandable if Akaashi knew, the boy noticed everything, but more people knew? The entire team? More?
“You look at him in the same way, you know that right?” 
“Shut up.” He stayed nonchalant as you practically spat at him. Your response only confirmed what everyone else was thinking. 
You had fallen in love with him too.
It’s not like it was impossible for it to happen to both of you, in fact, you were surprised it had taken this long to realise. It’s possible that there was already something there all the way back last year, when you ended up in bed together for the first time. 
Either way, it didn't matter. Admitting it would just complicate things even further, and you already couldn’t bear the situation as it was.
“It would ruin our friendship.” It was a pathetic excuse, and you both knew that. Akaashi could only shake his head at you in disappointment, filling you with a sense of regret. 
“It already has.” Someone in the background called for him and you swallowed, knowing the voice all too well. Akaashi stared at you one more time as you did everything you could to resist looking in the direction of the voice. With a sigh he turned back to practice, having to drag Bokuto back into the gym from where he had frozen in place, staring at you with a sense of longing. 
Akaashi had been at Bokuto’s side for almost two years now, and yet, even with  his emo modes, he had never seen his captain look as dejected as he had these past few weeks, especially when playing volleyball. It was worrying, not only because the national qualifiers were right around the corner, but also because Bokuto had never been in such a bad mood for so long.
He had been angry at first, subjecting himself to spiking drills for a straight week or so, hitting the balls with power the team had never seen. Bokuto was strong as it was, but it was very rare anything ever upset him so much to the point of anger. 
The captain had tried to act normal after the first week, but it only took another three days for him to slip into whatever was going on now, and he stayed that way, with everyone else on the team unable to break him out of it this time. 
Along with your disappearance, it wasn't difficult to decipher at least a rough idea of what was going on, but none of the boys could figure out a solution. All Akaashi could hope for was that you would come to your senses on you own, and in the next few days.
Mumbling to yourself as you began to throw your dirty laundry into the machine, you cursed yourself for letting your bedroom get so untidy. It had been easy to keep it clean while Bokuto was coming over, but since that stopped it seemed so did your motivation. 
Even so, it was somewhat cathartic to sort through the mess, getting everything back to the way it should be. But still, there was just something missing. 
As you loaded the last of the laundry into the machine, your eyes caught a certain jersey hidden in with the rest. It wasn't yours, but you remembered it well. How could you not when it had his number printed right in the centre of the back.
You had managed to steal it from where it lay forgotten on the floor before he could, knowing he had another in his duffel anyway. He’d apparently made his way straight to you after a match with Nekoma, his ego bursting beyond belief and adrenaline beyond what you could handle. 
Slipping it on as he turned over in bed, you smirked as his eyes widened and his jaw slackened, already eyeing the way the sheets graced his torso as he moved. 
Walking to the mirror, you pretended to pose at yourself, when you were really keeping an eye on Bokuto’s reflection as he rushed out of bed, most likely forgetting that he was stark naked. He wrapped his arms around you the second he reached you, leaning around your body to attach his mouth to your neck as you watched. 
“Is it too much to ask for you to wear this to a game? For me?” You exhaled as his hands roamed your body, tilting your head back to rest it on his shoulder. 
“People would get the wrong idea, you know that.” He moved away from your neck, tightening his grip on you as he made eye contact with you in the mirror. 
His eyes seemed sad, and you could briefly see the hurt on his face, before it was replaced by the smirk he liked to keep well hidden, already dragging you back to the bed.
“I’ll give them the wrong idea.”
You were lucky it was still winter at the time, so the scarf you wore to cover the  state of your neck afterwords went unquestioned, even if Bokuto liked to pull on it every so often to tease you, loving the look of panic on your face when he did. 
Without realising, a smile had crept up onto your face. You frowned, trying to shake off the way your heart was beating at the memory, resisting the urge to call him. 
You threw the jersey in with the rest of your laundry and closed the machine, turning it on and walking away.
Though you still couldn't shake that feeling.
You were so stupid. Like unbelievably so. 
You tugged on the hem of your t-shirt, avoiding the stares of the people around you, and hoping you could make it through the arena before anyone important noticed you. 
It was the day of the qualifiers for nationals, and you had decided to do what was probably the most irrational and nerve-wracking thing you had ever done in your life, but now that you were here, there was no point in turning back. 
You rushed through the corridors, desperate to make it before the match started, only to not pay attention to where you were going and run straight into someone. Whoever it was must’ve had amazing reactions, and managed to slip an arm around your torso before you were knocked back, preventing you from falling. 
It was only when their arm loosened from around you in order to set you back on your feet that the familiar scent washed over you, but by then it was too late. 
“Y/N?” You couldn’t help but stare as you looked up to see Bokuto’s face for the first time in over a month. He looked tired, and you felt your heart tug at the realisation that you were the cause, but you could help the feeling that stirred inside of you as you watched his eyes darken as he looked to your jacket. 
You felt the air shift as his teammates scuttles off, leaving the two of you alone in the corridor. 
“You’re wearing my jersey.” It was a statement more than a question.
“...yes.” His hand twitched as he felt the urge to touch you.
“To a game.” There was lust like you had never see swirling in his eyes, and you gulped.
“Yes.” He let out a breath of frustration and averted his eyes. He swallowed heavily, jaw clenched.
“I made a mistake.” He moved his eyes to you slowly, body still angled away. He said nothing, and you took it as a cue to continue. 
“...I love you too.” Once again, he stood shocked, eyes wide as he let what you just said sink in.
“I’m sorry, I fucked up. I should have just-” The air was knocked out of you as he grasped your arm and pulled you forward, before he was pushing your back roughly into the wall. 
His hands explored your waist, tugging at his jersey as his lips crashed into yours, taking you by surprise. By the time you came to your senses and reached up to thread your fingers into his hair, he was already pulling away, leaving you both breathless.
“I love you.” You said it again, relishing in the way his smile lit up his whole face, bringing back the Bokuto you knew. 
“I love you.” He leant in to kiss you again, gentler this time, a hand rested on your neck, thumb stroking your cheek. 
A rough cough interrupted you, and you quickly separated, looking over to see Akaashi stood a fair distance away.
“It’s time to go.” Bokuto cleared his throat and nodded. You tried to smile at the other boy, only to be returned with a curt nod. You knew you had made a mess and it had impacted on the team, so it wasn't surprising if they weren't happy with you. 
Bokuto reached for your hand, pulling it up to kiss as you blushed. He moved so his lips were at your ear, whispering something only meant for you to hear.
“If I win, you better be ready for me to fuck you in just that jersey, got it?” He could practically hear you swallow as he moved away, giving your hand one last squeeze before joining Akaashi for the match. 
Of course they won. 
How could they not when Bokuto was in the best mood in months, fuelled even more by you in the crowd cheering the team on, most importantly, wearing the captains number on your back. 
And of course, he lived up to his promise.
Benefits were nothing compared to this. 
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
top level procrastination when i have final exams to be studying for but instead of doing that i manage to finish writing a fic ive been trying to write for six entire months :)
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
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pairing: barista!akaashi x f!reader
word count: 2,418
synopsis: you walk into akaashi’s back-alley coffee shop every thursday evening with a new book, a new order, and a new name.
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The feathers of the duster glided over the counter, brushing off any loose beans onto the linoleum on the bar. Conscious of the time, Akaashi let his eyes wander over to the door expectantly. It was still an hour till closing time, but that’s not exactly what he was looking forward to. 
For the last two months or so, every Thursday evening, roughly an hour before close; in walked you. 
From the second you walked through the door, he was entranced by you, and his infatuation only deepened the more you visited his hidden little cafe.
Akaashi had never been one to have friends, besides ones he met through his old volleyball team, and there was definitely no girlfriend anywhere in the picture, so he didn't really know where to start when just one look at you made his heart tumble out of his chest.
And, becuase of course, there was another dilema on his mind; despite asking for your name every time he made your drink, he didnt actually know your real name yet. Every time you came in you had ordered something wildly different, along with a brand new name. The poor boy thought he was going insane.
The first time he had met you, it had been a sunny evening, and as usual, the shop was pretty much empty - only two customers and himself occupying the café. He was practically begging for something to do before the bell on the door chimed, signalling another entry.
For the first time in his life, Akaashi had to physically pause in shock as he laid eyes on you. He quickly caught himself out and slipped right back into his role, but the fact that you had caught his attention enough to distract him like that was baffling to him.
"Good evening. What can I get started for you?" His eyes followed you as you approached the counter gracefully, smiling at him before squinting up at the menu.
"Ah... hazelnut mocha? Yeah, regular size, please." Akaashi resisted the urge to chuckle at your indecisiveness.
"And a name for that?" You rained an eyebrow slightly, eyes darting around the shop, noting how empty it was. Akaashi has realised his mistake, but it was both a mistake of habit and just a petty excuse to learn your name.
"Elizabeth." Once again, Akaashi was rendered speechless. It seemed his surprise didn't go unnoticed either as you attempted to hide your giggle behind the book he hasn't realised you were holding. he tried to catch the title, but didn't get the chance as you had composed yourself before he could even blink. 
He cleared his throat and moved to the till, where he quickly tapped your order into the machine. He tried desperately not to blush when your hands brushed as you handed him the money for your drink, and decided to focus on making your drink instead of studying your face. 
However, because of this, he completely missed the way your eyes followed him as he danced across the bar, first for the syrup, then for the chocolate. It was as if you would miss the entire show if you took your eyes off of him. He moved so fluently it was if the process was ingrained into his body. You continued to watch as he allowed the chocolate to steam unsupervised while he prepared the espresso, savouring the scent of the coffee as he pulled the shots. 
You noticed a slight change in the sound to the steam, as did he, and without even looking he turned the lever to stop it, while also pouring the the espresso into the mug and swirling it together. The pouring felt like some sort of performance, with the way he held the jug so lightly, gently and precisely guiding the chocolate into the mug, wiggling it to make a gorgeous pattern on top. 
He placed the drink on a saucer, pairing it with a spoon and a little biscuit that he had pulled from seemingly nowhere. You smiled gratefully as he pushed it over to you, barely able to meet your eyes. 
“If you want a quiet place to read, the corner over there with the ferns is probably your best bet,” He nodded over to a little nook across the shop and you could see what he meant, it was secluded, and all other tables were faced away from it, but you could still see out over the entire store, especially with it being so small. 
“They’re fake... in case, you know... allergies?’ Giggling, you tucked your book under your arm in order to use both hands to carry the drink over to the table. A you did, Akaashi finally got a good look at the spine. 
‘Pride and Prejudice’
Elizabeth, of course.
“I’ll be here if you need anything.” With one last nod in thanks, you left the counter, allowing the barista to breathe again without the fear or stuttering or stumbling over his words. 
The second time he met you it has already turned cold, and frost was beginning to creep its way up the café windows. Luckily, it was nice and toasty inside the shop, and with an unlimited supply of hot drinks at his fingertips, it couldn’t be any better.
Except, it could. 
Akaashi was actually meant to be training up a new barista today, and yet he was distracted, thinking about a certain customer that he hasn't seen in a full week now. Who did he think he was? Falling in love at first sight only to possibly never see you again? It was just his luck. 
The owner was drawn out of his thoughts as he heard a hiss of pain, immediately looking over to see said new barista with a hand now covered in scalding hot coffee. He sighed, but quickly grabbed the cloth he kept in his apron pocket. Wiping the trainee’s hand, he instructed them to run it under cold water for as long as possible to make sure it didn't blister.
As they walked away, Akaashi faintly heard the door chime, and ran a hand through his hair in order to calm himself before speaking to a customer. 
“Hi, what can I- oh...” You stood across the counter, warm eyes peeking out from where your neck and mouth were buried in the biggest, fluffiest scarf Akaashi thought he’d ever seen. He heard a small chuckle and you reached up to unravel yourself from the bundle of fabric. 
“Stressed?” Your voice was soft when you finally freed yourself. Akaashi could only give you a nod and a small smile in response, aware of his trainee’s return to the machine. A quick once-over told him that they were fine and he could continue with their training. 
“What can I get you today?” It only took one look between the two baristas to understand the situation, and you immediately took pity on the owner, deciding to order something simple to be nice. 
“Just a latte, thank you.” The more experienced barista smiled at you gratefully, and put the transaction through the till before taking your money. 
“And a name for that?” He suggested playfully, mostly in reference to his mistake the last time the two of you met.
“Emma.” He almost laughed, eyeing the new book you were holding. A fan of Jane Austen then. Akaashi opened his mouth to say something else when he was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of breaking glass behind him. It was a good thing he turned away in a panic the second he heard it, or else he would have seen you jump out of your skin in surprise. 
The whole café seemed to become even quiter than it already was for a few moments, only Akaashi’s soothing murmer present in the silence. He once again made sure that the trainee was alright before instructing them to step away so that he could clean up the mess. He disappeared for a moment before returning with a sweeping brush. With a smile, albeit a nervous one, he told you to sit down to wait rather than remaining at the counter. 
“Get comfy, it may be a minute.”
The third time you returned to his little café, Akaashi was too busy already serving a customer to greet you immediately. He was so distracted that he hadn't even heard the chime of the bell on the door, which was unusual. What did attract his attention to you however, was the odd sniffle every minute or so to his left. He slipped his gaze over you in time to see you desperately trying to hold back a sneeze, nose scrunched in the cutest way possible, sleeve ready to catch it. 
With a quiet chuckle he quickly finished up with his current customer, handing the order over to his trainee, who had surprisingly improved by miles in the past week, and was now able to handle the standard drinks to an acceptable degree. 
As the customer moved on, he watched you with an amused smile as you practically waddled up to the counter, no scarf today, but instead a chunky sweater that more of less buried you, barely visible fingers clutching your book choice for this week - Sense and Sensibility. 
He raised an eyebrow expectantly and you rolled your eyes. Despite the scarf the previous visit, you had managed to catch a cold last week from the freezing wind you walked through to get to the café, and you still hadn't fully recovered yet.
“Afternoon, Elinor.” Your eyes widened as he guessed you name for this week before you even had chance to order, but it brought an excited smile to your face.
“Something strong... uh, a... ugh!” He snickered at your frustration and you scowled, a crease in your brow, but he couldn't take you seriously with the bright pink flush across your cheeks the cold had given you. 
“A cappuccino!” You announced triumphantly, but quickly calmed yourself in slight embarrassment as you realised you might have been just a tad too loud. Akaashi was clearly enjoying your playfulness today, but made no comment, thankfully.
“Chocolate dusting?” You perked up again at that, but remained sheepish.
“Extra, please?” He put your order through the till as he always did, and you stalked off to find your usual seat as he handed it off to the trainee. 
The fourth time you stopped by, the cold spell has finally disappeared, and the glow of the evening light shining through the windows was slightly warmer than it had been recently. 
Despite this, the sight of the improved weather was immediately dampened when you walked in, such a tired expression on your face that Akaashi physically stopped in his track out of worry. You always had such a happy smile that seeing you without it seemed so strange. 
At the look on his face, you tried your hardest to smile like you usually did, but you could both that it was horribly forced, and you gave up quickly. 
“Choose for me today, ‘kaashi.” He didn't know what surprised him more - the nickname or the fact that you knew his name in the first place. Obviously it was on his name tag that you saw every time you were in the shop, but he hadn't expected you to actually remember it. 
He couldn't help the strange feeling in his stomach, both in worry and... something else that he couldn't quite place the feeling of. 
“This one’s on me. Jane today?” Even with your mood, you were never without your precious book. A quick look at the cover told him that it was Jane Eyre today, his favourite. 
You opened your mouth to protest, but one stern look from Akaashi shut you right up. You gave him a thankful smile, a genuine one, and slowly walked off to take your usual spot.
Akaashi waited until you had your back turned to quickly switch places with his other barista in order to personally make your drink today. The other barista was shocked at his hurry, but shook their head with a smile at the action. They had witnessed enough interactions between the two of you to understand. 
The next week, Akaashi waited all day and all evening, so worried about last week and how you left without a word that he couldn't even focus on his work because he just needed to see you to make sure you were okay. 
But you never came.
He was upset, but you were probably busy, or something had happened, but the though of an incident of some sort only put him even more on edge than he already was. 
With a sigh, he exited the shop, adjusting the bag on his shoulder so that he could place the key in the door to lock it. He was about to turn the metal when he heard frantic footsteps behind him. Akaashi glanced back to see you, rushing as quickly as you could, jacket billowing behind you as you made it towards him. 
You came to a stop just next to him, hands on your knees as you attempted to catch your breath as Akaashi stared down at you in bewilderment. As you finally stood straight, you smiled heavily, breaths still laboured.
“Work meeting ran over,” you tried to explain, “you aren't closed yet, are you?” You could clearly see him with the key in the door, but he could hear the evident disappointment in your voice. 
“Depends.” Hope flooded your features and the absolute joy on your face would have made him give in if he hadn't already. 
“On?” Even if he didn't know it, you could see plain as day how dejected he looked today, and you had an inkling that it was to do with your lack of appearance. 
“Tell me your name.” The was a slight pause, before you giggled at the simple condition, causing Akaashi to turn his head away as to hide from you how contagious your smile really was.
“Y/N.” You held your hand out, having never been happier to introduce yourself to someone. 
“Keiji, nice to meet you.” He took your hand in his and shook it, lingering for a moment before letting to go to take the key out of the door and open it, gesturing you inside with a smile. 
You brought books to places with you to loose yourself in someone else’s fantasy, but maybe you had found your real-life fairytale. 
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
oikawa tōru x reader
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pairing: oikawa tooru/gn!reader
warnings: horrendous grammar, zero capital letters, slight timeskip spoilers
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“you still keep that photo of us in your wallet?” oikawa glanced over from where he was settled on the sofa with your son, having come over to spend some time with him after being away in argentina for months. 
he swallowed heavily when he noticed you holding his wallet open, staring at the small polaroid he kept hidden in there for when he was out of your home country. 
you and oikawa had gotten together pretty young - too young- and were what you would call 'high school sweethearts', you guessed. you got married, had a kid way before you wanted to, and then oikawa went away. it wasn't really as if you could make him stay. he had gotten a once-in-a-lifetime offer to join the national volleyball team in south america. he had pretty much worked his entire life for and opportunity like that.
so you let him go.
thats when the problems started. 
missed calls and skewed time zones got in the way; you were exhausted from raising your child alone and he was busy living his dream. there were very few instances when you got to have a real conversation, and even then it usually ended in arguments for some petty reason or another. 
for such a perfect couple, it fell apart unbelievably quickly. despite having been so emotional and hormonal back in high school, as all teenagers were, oikawa had never really cried over anything besides volleyball - until he received the divorce papers in the mail, along with your ring. 
you were his first love, and you would forever be his only love, but he just couldn't love you more than volleyball. and you knew that. but you couldn't hurt yourself by missing him anymore. 
the photo in question was from a vacation before your son was born. he took you to paris - the most romantic city in the world - and like the absolute cliché you fell in love with, he proposed to you right in front of the eiffel tower. you still remember the embarrassment of making a scene in front of so many people, but you remember it was the happiest you've ever been, and looking over the photo felt like deja vu slapping you in the face. 
instead of rushing to defend himself or explain, he set your son down to occupy himself with his toys on the rug and made his way over to you. he came to stand behind you, reaching his arm around you to grasp his wallet. you held your breath as you realised how close he was, and swallowed when you breathed in the scent of that stupid cologne he'd been drowning himself in since high school. you had spent a fortune on various others for birthdays and christmases and yet he still stuck with the same one after all this time. 
"you missed these." oikawa held his wallet back out to you, along with a few other polaroids of the two of you in various places all over the world. there was one under the sakura trees from back in high school, another in argentina before he left, and one after your son had been born. it was a little difficult to see because of the way the picture had come out, but you could still make out the three of you cuddled up and asleep on the sofa after a tiring night of being new parents. you assumed iwa took it, as he was the biggest help during those first few months. 
it was so simple, yet so breathtaking. you couldn't even imagine the look on oikawas face, never mind your own. his hand came up to grasp yours, causing you to flinch and drop the polaroids onto the table in surprise. he gently turned you around, slithering an arm around your waist and pulling you close. with tears in your eyes, you cherished the moment, a bittersweet feeling filling your chest. 
"I didn't just come back to visit my son." he tugged away reluctantly, lifting a hand up to brush his fingers over your cheek fondly. 
"I miss you." it was only a whisper yet it held so much power.
"I miss you too." you said it before you could stop yourself, but the smile that lit up your lover's face washed away all of your doubts and filled you with hope. 
"lets start over." you let a tear fall down your cheek as you nodded, unable to control your own smile. 
"well hello there, gorgeous. I'm oikawa tooru, and the pleasure of meeting you is all mine.” he reached for your hand as dramatically as he could manage, bringing it up to his lips to give it a peck.
“and your name, dearest?” you giggled and bend down to pick up your son who had made his way over to the two of you. oikawa gazed lovingly at the sight, feeling like a teenager in high school seeing you for the first time all over again.
“you might have to treat me to a nice dinner before I tell you that.” he laughed, making your son laugh with him.
“that can be arranged, my love.” he lent down, smile never leaving his face as he placed a kiss on your forehead. of course, your son couldn't be left out and he started to kick up a fuss, so oikawa hauled him gently out of your arms to give him the same treatment. 
you smiled at your family, glancing back at the polaroids scattered on the table. 
maybe it had been the right people, just the wrong time. all you knew was that you couldn't live without him. 
so you wouldn't anymore. 
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A/N: it genuinely feels like so long since i posted and I as sorry for that :( college is kicking my ass and I have no motivation! hope everyones doing well and ill try and get myself back into posting again soon!
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
been so inactive these past two weeks becuase of school, work, and some personal stuff but i’m hoping to be back with some new scenarios and ideas really soon!
feels weird not writing or updating for vortex anymore but i’m glad people enjoyed it and are still enjoying it, and it puts a smile on my face every time i get a notification :)
hope everyone’s doing well!!
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
1. youth 2. vortex 3. daddy’s girl 4. touch the moon 5. truth or dare 6. femme fatale 7. fairytale ending 8. story of us
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
The night was silent, only disturbed by the low hum of the bass of whatever music the boys were fighting over inside. Outside, it was peaceful. The breeze brought a chill over your shoulders, but the warmth of whatever drink Taichi had thrust into your hand as you had passed him a moment ago took the edge off slightly. 
It was rare that you ever got any free time to yourself lately to gaze up and admire the stars, especially with you joining the band on pretty much every tour, meaning you were either spending your night time at shows, or when you were at home, you had carried on your streaming career with Kenma. While you still loved to do it as much as you could, you didn't actually really need to anymore. 
The band had finally gotten big - so big that tonight was a goodbye party, as they were all spending the next month touring Japan, and then going onto the U.S for another two. It meant that you shared the experience of travelling all over the country as well as abroad with your soulmate and friends, now documenting your life for others to see. 
The mini-documentary you had made for the band’s first album a few years ago managed to garner a decent amount of attention, not just for the band, but also for you for managing to put it all together for their fans. It led to you to continue doing the same thing as the band toured different areas around Japan, and you also had your own Youtube channel on the side, so you could show the more personal side of things. It was mostly about you, but a lot of the fans had taken a liking to you and now also kept up with your life, as well as the band’s. 
With the channel, and streaming, and Semi’s career skyrocketing, it made enough money for the two of you to live more that comfortably, and with you able to attend all of the band’s shows, it meant that you could still spend quite a lot of time together. It was the perfect arrangement. 
You heard the balcony door open, hearing the music clearly for a moment. You chuckled as you realised it was one of the band’s own songs, meaning Kuroo had gotten ahold of the aux and played it out of pure spite. 
Two hands slid around your waist, arms wrapping around your midriff, a head resting on your shoulder. You sighed in content, turning your head to see Semi looking out at the city in the same way you had just been. 
“You okay?” He lifted his head up momentarily, pecking you on the lips before returning to leaning his head on your shoulder. 
“Just thinking about how it’s been a crazy few years. we didn't exactly have the greatest start, did we?” He chuckled, holding you tight.
“Ah, yes. How could I forget the day you almost ruined my career?” Scoffing you shook your head, resisting the urge to elbow him for his cheekiness. 
“Or the time my crazy ex boyfriend showed up and you put him in the hospital?” 
“Fun times, fun times. Great memories. What about that time you slapped me?” That one earned him a nice laugh. You had really enjoyed that. 
Semi slid his left and into yours, parting your fingers to look at the heart tattoo you had been dared to get, matching it up with his. Although, they were currently partially covered by thin silver bands which glinted in the moonlight, bringing a smile to both of your faces. 
“Do you think any of them have figured it out yet?” Your fiancé twirled you around, resting your back against the balcony railing so you were now facing him, his hands still on your waist, of course. 
“Kenma gave me a look when he handed me a drink. He notices everything.” You smiled in agreement, knowing that him and Kei would probably catch on first. 
“I always thought Kuroo would be the first one to settle down and me and Kenma would get married purely for the tax benefits.” Semi raised his eyebrows in disbelief, not at the tax part. Thats one hundred percent something that you would do.
“Kuroo? Seriously?” You both looked through the glass of the apartment, only to see Kuroo, way too drunk for the hour it was, on top of the pool table with Taichi, neither of them wearing shirts. 
“Okay, maybe not.” You watched as the two boys lost their balance, a hand held up to your mouth to prevent you from laughing as they fell to the floor, taking each other down.
“I think its time to cut them off.” You tried to agree through your laugher, causing Semi to laugh with you, guiding you inside as you wiped tears from your eyes. 
He stopped with his hand on the door, not letting you both in just yet. 
“I love you.” It was a phrase you had said to each other many times now, but it still meant so much every time you spoke it, and you didn’t think it would ever lose its meaning. 
“I love you too.” There was a slight twinkle in his eye as you said it back, the butterflies in his stomach making him feel as though he was back to when you first met, a boy falling in love all over again. 
With that, he pulled you inside, joining the others, as they dragged Kuroo and Taichi to their feet, Shirabu trying to persuade Tsukishima to not drop his bandmate into the pool to sober him up. 
A fairytale ending. 
You couldn't have asked for anything better.
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ahhhhh, its finally over :(
what a wild few months (like half an entire year wow) 
thank you all for reading!! Its been some of the best moths of my life doing this so im very grateful for you all!! I’ll hopefully still be around writing things so I hope you check back every now and then :)
thank you - admin J
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taglist: @chaelysian​, @mybbysugaware, @jeez-niki, @iwaisa​, @reyya-rea​, @xathxnax​, @4kaashl​, @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl​, @kac-chowsballs​, @celamoon​, @eitadesu​, @kingkagss, @macchiatoast​, @lexysclubhouse, @cowward​, @sun-daddy-yoriichi​, @bbyouamazin​, @flrtykawas, @attixca​, @amberalisa​, @a-moon-fairy​, @missalienqueen​, @mirikusashes​, @ohayoposts​, @sunflwrsandprettyskies​, @tarasaoristark, @mxngy​, @akkaso​, @xstormiii​, @haikyuufairy​, @simpforkurootetsu​, @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney​, @cluelesspurble, @vicassa​, @leinnah​, @stinkybitch1919​, @agaashesmilktea​, @atsunflower​, @sugawater, @quiche-inoya​, @hoekageyama​, @darkangeldesignstudio​, @crescenttooru​, @tsum-tsxmus​
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
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A sigh left your lips as you stared blankly at the grey door standing before you. You knew that piece of wood was the only thing standing between you and your  relationship - not that it even existed yet - but its still seemed so daunting. The last of your hope barely existed now, and no matter how much you tried to envision a happy ending for yourself, it just didn't seem possible, at least not with Semi. 
Even with your problems and your doubts, the most important thing right now was the band and its fans. If you couldn't coax Semi back to Miyagi by tonight, then... you weren't actually sure what would happen, but you had a feeling that it wouldn't be good for you and Semi, or the band either.
You reached a hand up, resting your hand on the door before pulling back and knocking thrice.
Somewhere deep within you, you were expecting an answer, and something told you there was hope yet, so you knocked again.
To anyone else, it must have seemed crazy that you were in this part of the district, banging on some random door in an empty building, and at this point, you could only agree. 
What were you doing? Chasing after some boy who clearly didn't want you, when you should’ve just stayed at home with your friends. You thought about doing exactly that, returning home, having your usual movie night sleepover, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. 
Shirabu and Taichi were your friends now too, and you couldn’t let them down.
With one last longing look, you finally turned away, hopefully leaving Semi behind you now, and made your way out of the building, ready to go back to Miyagi. 
It was almost showtime. 
“Y/N! I missed you!” You barely had time to brace yourself as a body flung itself at you, a blur of clothes and hairspray. A cough forced itself from you at the overwhelming scent, and the body, who revealed itself to be Taichi, backed away, a look of regret on his face. 
“Sorry...” You shrugged and smiled, reaching over to adjust the lapel on his denim jacket. 
“No luck then?” Your gaze slid over to Shirabu, who knew the answer the second you looked at him. He sighed, but smiled back, trying to hide how hurt he felt. 
The journey home had taken longer without the aid of Kenma’s helicopter, and so it was barely fifteen minutes until the show, meaning there was very little hope of Semi showing if he wasn't here now. It also meant that the two remaining members has very little time to come up with a plan on how to play a whole show with just the two of them. 
You began to panic as you watched them finishing getting ready, a knot in your throat as you began to come to the realisation that you were most likely the cause of the situation. Taking a few steps backwards, you removed yourself from the room, away from the mania of the dressing room. You needed a second to collect your thoughts, the venue suddenly way too hot and stuffy for your liking. 
Escaping out of a fire exit, you swallowed heavily as the cool evening air hit your skin. You tried to slow down the thoughts running circles in your mind, and came to the realisation that you don't remember the last time you had a moment to yourself to think quietly. 
It must have been before the party for Kenma’s company, you guessed, sine that was before the scandal and all of this drama you were putting yourself through. It was at the point where you couldn't actually remember how peaceful your life had been before. You had grown used to - and maybe even fond of - the chaos. It also helped that you had three new friends to keep it all in control. 
Chaos in Control.
How fitting. 
“Y/N!” Your head sprung up, squinting your eyes to see through the darkness as the alley was only dimly lit by the small light above the exit door. 
A familiar turf of grey hair came into view as Semi jogged towards you, already dressed ready to go on stage, guitar slung over his back. 
“They haven't started yet, have they? Look, I’m sorry-” He didn't have time to finish as his head snapped to the side, a sharp sting in his cheek. He reached a hand up to sooth it, wincing as he made contact with the skin. 
“Ow?” He looked back at you, eyes wide as he saw tears forming in your eyes, even though you looked as though you could murder him on the spot. 
“The show starts in five fucking minutes and you have the audacity to show up now? Seriously? I don't think I’ve ever met anyone as self-centred, arrogant... selfish!” Taking in a deep breath to calm yourself, you refused to look away from him. It clearly didn't work through, as the boy across from you couldn't help but crack a smile, letting out a laugh as he stepped forward, pulling you into his arms and wrapping them around you. 
As cliche as it sounded, it felt like you fit perfectly into him, your bodies moulding together as one as you relished in the warmth of the embrace. Eventually, you relaxed, giving into the feelings you were barely holding back, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“I missed you.” You held your breath at the words, so quiet as his voice was muffled in your hair, but clear enough to cause your mind to falter, your resolve wearing thin as you tried your best to stay mad at him. He deserved it, after all. 
“I’m sorry.” You let out the breath as your attempt to hate him crumbled before you, not being able to resist the whisper of his breath brushing over your ear. You finally lifted your own arms up, wrapping them around his waist, reciprocating the hug. 
He squeezed you tighter for a moment, partly out of relief that you hadn't pushed him away yet, and partly because he really had missed you, and he was going to savour every moment with you from now on. 
It wasn't long, however, until the screams of the fans inside the venue began, and you both separated in a panic. With a silent understanding between the two of you, Semi grabbed your hand and pulled you into the building, you trying to keep up the best you could. 
It looked weird with only two of the band stood up on the stage, but you knew Semi was actually here, and he himself would be up on that stage in a moment as well, taking his place where he truly belonged. 
He parted with you at the side of the stage, and you quickly helped him take his guitar out of his case and pushing it off to the side out of the way. 
He hesitated before going out on stage, quickly turning last second you peck you on the cheek, leaving you a blushing mess as he joined the band and you tried to mingle in with the first few rows of the crowd. 
The boys looked surprised, but nevertheless happy, to see Semi, although you knew he was in for a major scolding when the show was over. 
Even so, they got on the show, and even from the first song you could tell the energy was much better than it had been the week before. Semi looked as though he had finally figured himself out, and it affected his performance in the best way it possibly could have. You just hope it stayed that way. 
It got to the end, and you were readying yourself to help empty the venue when the band had said their final words when Semi suddenly silenced the crowd. 
“Actually, we - well, I - have one more song for you all.” The crowd mumbled between themselves in excitement, and Shirabu and Taichi glanced at each other, shrugging. 
“This is the first time this song has ever been played and heard by anyone other than myself, so please bear with me if it isn't the best. Its not like its my job or anything.” The crowd cheered in support, and so did you, unable to resist a smile at the cheeky grin that spread across Semi’s face as he walked over to the side of the stage, a member of staff switching his electric guitar for an acoustic one. 
“Many of you know by know that I have a beautiful, amazing girlfriend, who is somewhere out in the crowd tonight.” His eyes scanned the crowd, lingering on you for maybe just a moment longer than he should have, as the people around you began to whisper and gossip.
“I have to admit, I’m a pretty shit boyfriend. I really don't deserve her. But no matter how much of a dick I am to her or anyone else, she sticks by me. She likes me for me, and I couldn't ask for anything more.” There were a few ‘awh’s and you couldn't keep the grin off of your face. 
“So, this is my present to her, for putting up with me. Here’s the Story of Us.” 
It wasn't until a few weeks later, when the whole band was in the recording studio, reimagining the song that you ever actually heard it, because you were pretty sure you just blacked out after that point, too preoccupied with your heard beating out of your chest to listen to it. All you could see were Semi’s eyes shining under the stage lights as he strummed expertly on the strings of his guitar, literally serenading his way into you heart. 
You didn't notice the tears running down your face until you could taste them as the song ended, and there was no time to wipe them away because suddenly Semi was handing his guitar to Taichi and jumping off stage, pushing his way through the crowd to get to you. 
He was in front of you in a blink, hand on your cheeks, lips meeting yours for the first time in what felt like forever. 
You could see the flashes of cameras even with your eyes closed, but you didn't care. 
Finally, your happy ending. Not exactly in the way you imagined, but just as amazing.
The chaos was finally controlled.
You groaned as you looked at the empty venue, knowing you were one of the people who had to clean up after the crowd. 
Semi hadn't left your side since the end of the concert, and you had to physically pry him off of you so that you could leave, earning a chuckle from him as you struggled, before he finally left you go, leaving him alone with his two band members. 
He allowed himself to relish in the moment before turning serious. 
“I know you have a crush on her.” It was difficult to see exactly who he was talking to, but the other boy cracked a smile, looking directly back at Semi. 
“What did he say?” Taichi whipped his head around so quickly it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash.
“Kuroo let slip then?” Shirabu sighed, his secret finally out in the open. 
“Yeah, he popped by last night. Now that I look back though, it wasn't exactly subtle.”
“You clearly didn't notice.” Semi laughed at the sarcasm, not at all mad at his friend.
“Nah, I’ll get comfy in the friend zone. I quite like it here.” Semi rolled his eyes, bringing both his boys in for a group hug. 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* updates every monday *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
one chapter left :(
its going to be a short one as well as its more of an epilogue. full tracklist coming soon.
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taglist: @chaelysian, @mybbysuguwara, @jeez-niki, @iwaisa, @reyya-rea, @xathxnax, @4kaashl, @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl, @kac-chowsballs, @celamoon, @eitadesu, @kingkagss, @macchiatoast, @lexysclubhouse, @cowward, @sun-daddy-yoriichi, @bbyouamazin, @flrtykawas, @attixca, @introvertatitsfinest, @sadcosmicdoggie, @keijikunn, @amberalisa, @a-moon-fairy, @missalienqueen, @mirikusashes, @ohayoposts, @sunflwrsandprettyskies, @tarasaoristark, @mxngy, @akkaso, @xstormiii, @haikyuufairy, @simpforkurootetsu, @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney, @clulesspurble, @vicassa, @leinnah, @stinkybitch1919, @agaashesmilktea, @asunflower, @sugawater, @quiche-inoya, @hoekageyama, @darkangeldesignstudio, @crescenttooru, @tsum-tsxmus​
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
Omg yes I binged it all in one day and cried. Band au dont get my attention but your piece of work is👩‍🍳💋chiefs kiss
i think it’s the only idea i’ve ever had where i’ve settled on it and known it’s right. ive enjoyed it the entire way through and i’m sad to see it ending but it’s been an amazing learning experience, so i hope i can create something with the same feeling in the future
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
i don’t know if any vortex readers have ever gone back and read the entire smau all in one go but honestly it is a completely different experience than reading it the first time, especially if you’ve kept up with it week by week.
i don’t know whether it’s just becuase i’m the author and it’s different for me becuase i’m the one that wrote it, but it makes me proud that i made it this far, and i can’t wait to read it all for myself when it’s finished.
thank you guys yet again for this experience
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
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“Kuroo?” Semi merely received a nod of the head before his visitor was pushing past him, brushing his shoulder on his way into the studio without permission, not even bothering to slip his shoes off in the entryway, which ticked the owner off just the slightest. Even so, he merely closed the door and followed the other man in, picking his discarded guitar up from off the floor and placing it back on its designated stand.
“So... how did you find this place? And why exactly are you here?” Kuroo sighed, his fists clenched at his sides and a dangerous look in his eye. 
“Firstly, that’s not important. And secondly, I'm here to hopefully talk some sense into you. Because if not, I'll have to beat it into you, and I don't think either of us want that.” Semi furrowed his eyebrows, resisting the urge to flinch backwards as Kuroo cracked his knuckles, eyebrow raised threateningly. 
“Now,” The taller man dropped the act quicker than Semi could blink, replacing it with the smile he was very familiar with, since he always wore it whenever you seemed to be around. 
“Y/n came here to find you and take you back to Miyagi so you can all live your happily ever after. Do you mind telling me why she left crying?” The musician gulped as images rushed through his mind of you leaving the building with tears running down your face. He sighed, slumping down onto the sofa you had occupied not even ten minutes prior, a hand running down his face.
“I fucked up. Yet again. And yet again, she's the one that gets hurt.” Kuroo looked on as Semi reached forward, picking up some of the sheet music lying on the floor. 
“All of this is for her - for me - so I can finally get over myself and make things better. But I guess I can't even do that right.” He hoped his words sounded genuine, but given his track record over the past few months, he wouldn't be surprised if Kuroo didn't believe anything that was coming out of his mouth. 
“Look,” Semi lifted his head, his head and heart aching as he mulled over his own feelings, trying to figure out what to do. 
“You’re right, I really don't have a fucking clue what she sees in you at all. It’s actually impressive how much you’ve managed to ruin your chances with her. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were doing it on purpose!” 
“Gee, thanks..” Semi rolled his eyes, but clearly, Kuroo wasn't finished.
“I mean, you had literally the perfect opportunity! Fake relationship? That’s the type of shit that happens in books and movies, dude. Everyone knows they end up falling in love. All you had to do was go along with it and-”
“Okay! Okay!” Semi stood abruptly, once again scattering the sheets all over the floor. 
“I get it! Now, how do I fix it?” Kuroo chuckled, shaking his head.
“See, that’s something that you’re going to have to figure out for yourself. And pretty soon, I might add, before someone else swoops in and snatches her up.” Semi narrowed his eyes, assuming he was talking about himself. 
“You’re not the only one in the band she's close to, and you're not the only one in the band with a crush on her either.” A band member? Seriously?
“So if you can't help me figure out how to fix my relationship, then why are you here?” Kuroo had wandered over to the window, gazing out onto the alley of souvenirs stalls below. 
“Just making sure you know you fucked up. Again. And letting you know that she hasn't given up on you yet. She's booked herself into a hotel for the night and I suspect she’ll be back for you in the morning. You have one more chance.  if you somehow manage to make the situation even worse, then there’s pretty much no hope for you.” 
“Oh yeah, no pressure or anything.” There was a sudden seriousness to Kuroo’s expression, and Semi decided that it was wiser to keep his thoughts to himself in this situation. He was right, of course, It was now or never to make you his, and he wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity this time. 
“I’ll leave you to it then? I hope you can figure this part out for yourself?” Kuroo finally moved, making his way back to the door, not without a warning side eye to Semi. 
“Hopefully,” It was under his breath, but the other man still managed to hear, earning him a low chuckle.  
“Good luck.” With a wink, Kuroo had slipped on his shoes and walked out the door, leaving Semi once again alone in the studio. 
Well then, time to do what he did best.
Write a song.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* updates every monday *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ahhhhh... two or three chapters left :(
going to be sad when I end this but its been about six months since I started now so thank you everyone who’s stuck around this long!
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taglist: @chaelysian​, @mybbysugawara, @jeez-niki, @iwaisa​, @reyya-rea​, @xathxnax​, @4kaashl​, @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl​, @kac-chowsballs​, @celamoon​, @eitadesu​, @kingkagss, @macchiatoast​, @lexysclubhouse​, @cowward​, @sun-daddy-yoriichi​, @bbyouamazin​, @flrtykawas, @attixca​, @introvertatitsfinest​, @sadcosmicdoggie​, @keijikunn​, @amberalisa​, @a-moon-fairy​, @missalienqueen​, @mirikusashes​, @ohayoposts​, @sunflwrsandprettyskies​, @tarasaoristark​, @mxngy​, @akkaso​, @xstormiii​, @haikyuufairy​, @simpforkurootetsu​, @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney​, @cluelesspurble, @vicassa​, @leinnah​, @stinkybitch1919​, @agaashesmilktea​, @atsunflower​, @sugawater, @quiche-inoya​, @hoekageyama​, @darkangeldesignstudio​, @angrylittleriri​, @tsum-tsxmus​
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
um, just stressing over the fact that the unbelievable effort I've put into my education over the past three year has all gone to waste.
but new chapter of vortex in about a half hour so :) 
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
happy new year !!!!
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
we all know i love my smiley faces, like they’re on almost every post and message i send, but the willpower it takes to only put one smile instead of :)))))))))))))))
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
i totally have a crush on timeskip hinata and yet i still completely believe he had a fling with oikawa in brazil
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
It’s christmas morning here so wherever you are and whenever you see this - Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Have a great Friday!
I didn’t really want presents this year so i didn’t get many, but all of them were suprises and i got everything i wanted so i’m content :)
It’s been a rough year and i know quite a lot of people are spending today alone or in a place they’d rather not be, so if any one wants to chat i’m happy to be there for you all as much as possible!
i really appreciate each and every one of you, so thank you all for a great year :)
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 3 years
i’m 100% convinced that even if you only strictly follow the hq anime or the manga or whatever, everyone has at least one thing from some other part of the fandom that you go back to every now and then that’s just instant seratonin 📈
mines the tokyo battles opening from the stage play
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