tfp-imagines · 1 year
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A very famous moth, the African death's head hawkmoth :) Named after the skull shape on their back, though honestly i dont care about the skull, i care about the fact that they can SQUEEK!!!
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tfp-imagines · 1 year
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tfp-imagines · 5 years
Dreadwing and Skyquake jealousy headcanons?
What he considers “subtle” is not in fact subtle.
He hovers when jealous and makes very loud declarations of love.
I mean, he does that normally but those are usually about HIS undying devotion for you.
These jealousy ones are about how strong your bond is and how unshakable the relationship is because you would never betray each other.
He shall be very smug if you respond in kind or just agree with him. He makes a big show of it and everyone hates it.
We get it. You guys are grossly in love.
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tfp-imagines · 5 years
I like your blog and your words you said
Thanks, Sweetie. Glad you’re here.
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tfp-imagines · 5 years
Hey, Friends! I’m Back!
I’ve got a lot of stuff in my inbox but it doesn’t follow my rules, so here’s the deal. I’m gonna delete everything that doesn’t follow my guidelines then answer the stuff left. You’re welcome to resend what I don’t answer as long as it’s in my rules.
In case you missed it, Here are the Rules:
1.) 3-4 characters per ask is my limit due to time restraints I have.
2.) NSFW is allowed but I reserve the right to decline to answer certain requests if I’m too uncomfortable with it.
3.) Have fun. Play nice.
Shows I Write For:
Transformers Animated
Transformers Prime
Transformers Armada
Transformers Cyberverse
IDW Comic Transformers
G1 Transformers
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tfp-imagines · 6 years
I know I haven’t been active, but I promise I’ll get back to writing soon. Thank you so much for your putting up with me. I’ve just had a lot going on with school and my job.
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tfp-imagines · 6 years
Alright I’ve been read post after post in multiple boards and I feel like an idiot but I cannot for the life of me figure out what S/o means/stands for. Please help me!
S/o is an abbreviated form of “significant other”. It’s a gender neutral term for someone that’s romantically involved, so if I say person A is person B’s s/o it means they’re romantically involved ( dating, married, etc.)
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tfp-imagines · 6 years
to the new fans rolling in: - we couldn’t be happier to have you here - some parts of this fandom are toxic, but don’t let them ruin the music or experience for you. block people if you have to - the majority of this fandom is extremely welcoming and loving. if you ever need a friend, there’s always someone who isn’t too far away - the tumblr clique has some of the best editors, writers, and artists around - but don’t feel intimidated. don’t be afraid to reach out to people because most of us love making friends and supporting each other’s content - have a good day :)
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tfp-imagines · 6 years
If we lose Net Neutrality in the next 24 hours, blame congress. Call your lawmakers now:
If we lose it guys we’re not just getting charged for using the internet but were also losing these websites
-ALL online games and networks
-ALL online shopping services
-ALL online classes
-ALL the porn
Just 24 hours until the choice is made. Do your part if you already haven’t. Call the FCC and tell them you don’t want to pay for social media
-CALL: 202-418-1000
Or text RESIST to 50409 and get walked through the process of making your voice heard to your senator. They represent you and always will
But in the mean time Tumblr, BREAK THE INTERNET. Reblog these pics, post your own thoughts/blogs, spread the word, Join the Fight!
Don’t lie down and wait for results, make the results happen, we’re the people, we’re stronger than we know. Now let’s out and show it
@shyvaporwave @chicagoxjapan @sangapmarii @cubedcoconut @cutestlesbian-pearl @baited-in @nacrepearl @whateverman97 @mr-universe99 @coolerdeath @shesavampirequeen
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tfp-imagines · 6 years
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I could make one fragged up story with this. So many ideas!!!
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Did we have a TF:P Click and Drag game before this? Because if we didn’t, we’ve needed one. For those of you who don’t know how to play, just click and drag the gif off to the side so you can see who you end up with, then reblog with your results.
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
Hi Hi! Can I request Knockout, Optimus and Wheeljack going on a dangerous mission but earlier they were letting their human ally take a nap in their front seats and they sorta forgot that they were in there and basically took them with on the mission. Luckily, the bots find out before they transform.
OPTIMUS PRIME Can’t really see this happening with him, but on the off chance it does, he asks Ratchet for a bridge and get you out of the situation.
WHEELJACK HE would definitely do this. He makes sure you’re not in any place you’d get killed….. but he’s not the most careful. The minute you get hurt, though, he gets you out and jumps right back into the fight. He’s definitely checking on you afterwards.
KNOCKOUT Yeah, as soon as he realized you’re with him, you’re both gone. No way is he letting you get anywhere near that fight.
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
i only accept anon hate that begins with “i, lord starscream,”
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
something I noticed
What I notice is that a lot of people in this community don’t get much feedback or anything in their inbox when they reblog questions, when they post a story etc. Feedback to any work is highly appreciated because we work incredibly hard to write these pieces. The reblogs are basically a writer’s way of saying “it would be amazing if one of you interacted with us! We’re bored or we want to interact with some of you so please send us something!”
Often, the writer gets little to no feedback and no asks, which deals a hard blow to their self-esteem. I cannot stress this enough; writers love you and want to interact with you. You’re not annoying them by sending something in. They love it!
Something I also noticed is that it’s only when a writer admits that they feel like quitting or is feeling upset do people begin sending asks.
Now, that is not wrong. In fact, I admire people who take the time to send asks to those in need to cheer them up. You all are doing so wonderfully and you should keep doing that.
However, when a writer openly states that they’re upset, that means they’re at their limit. I want to prevent that, so this is me saying that we have to do whatever we can to keep a writer’s confidence up.
Send more feedbacks. Interact with them! Drop a random ask saying how much you appreciate them/how much you love them! Let them know you love them and love their work! Because these messages keep a writer’s confidence up, motivates the writer and keeps them happy. A lot of times writers don’t feel that pleased with their own work, I know some who have a record low self-esteem and I know for a fact that they aren’t the only ones in the community.
So let’s not just send things in when a writer has reached their limit. Take a little time to send something in to make sure they don’t reach that point. They devote so much time and effort to their blog, to their stories and to you, and it’s all for you, their followers. We should take a minute to send some love in return for the countless hours they give us.
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
okay sorry if this is too personal but 2 days ago someone, uh. Made me feel uncomfortable and trapped at school and I’ve been pretty fucked up since. :///// crying on and off and all that. Can I have some ratchet, optimus and Smokescreen cuddles please? to take my mind off it?
RATCHET He’s gonna grumble about it at first but he shuts up rather quickly. He is not one for casual cuddles. If you guys are cuddling, you’re laying down somewhere and cuddling for an hour or two. Very comfy. As long as it’s not “inappropriate” (in other words, anything that would make him visibly flustered) he’ll pretty much hold you however you want. His favorite is just when you lay next to him and he holds you as close as he possibly can. It’s very easy to just kinda curl into Ratchet and hide there. He won’t move until you want to leave or he’s needed for an emergency.
OPTIMUS PRIME He doesn’t often have time but if you’re upset, he’ll make time. He also prefers to lay down and cuddle for as long as he can given that he never has time to. Slightly awkward but he gets comfortable after you get into the position you want. It makes him feel better when he’s holding you and has himself between you and the door. He feels like he’s shielding you from everything. There is no way you are ever physically closer to him that when he’s holding you. He’s not letting go until he absolutely has to.
SMOKESCREEN Cuddling is cool at all times. Will stop whatever he’s doing for cuddles. Smokescreen, you can’t cuddle through a mission briefing. You can cuddle whatever way you want, but be warned, he is very twitchy. He likes it when he can do stuff like playing games while cuddling. Doesn’t really like holding still but likes cuddling. He conflicted, so you’ve got to decide what you want to happen.
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
The end of Prime made me feel bad for Megatron but happy he had a change in perspective. How would Post-Prime Megatron react to a human stumbling upon him while he's in exile?
MEGATRON Okay, his first reaction is “How the frag is this human here and not dead???” Then, the guilt comes. He tried to destroy your planet.
If you scold or yell at him, he hangs his head, flinches from time to time and quietly takes the verbal attacks.
If you’re nice to him, he is so confused. It almost makes him feel worse because he realizes that if he’d bothered to look, humans are fascinating. He guilt trips himself even more unless you snap him out of it.
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
okay what about tfp optimus, ratchet, and wheeljack reacting to their human running up to them, saying "WATCH WHAT I CAN DO!" and immediately black out
OPTIMUS Low key freaks out. He picks you up as gently as he possibly can and calls June. He will not put you down until she gets here. After you wake up and June assures him you’re fine, he’ll lightly scold you for scaring him.
RATCHET Openly freaks out. Thinks you’re dying and calls June in a complete panic. He’ll lecture you and freak out after you wake up. You and June have to calm him down. Don’t do this to him. He might have a spark attack.
WHEELJACK He laughs because he thinks you’re messing with him. However, he bolts to get Ratchet when you don’t answer or respond to him at all. Ratchet calls June and she takes care of you. Wheeljack tells you very seriously to never do that again.
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tfp-imagines · 7 years
Hello, I'm a new follower and I love your writing, your stuff is awesome. Kind of inspired from the techno-organic and robofamily ask, how would Optimus, Ratchet, and Arcee react to finding out Silas used his own child as an experiment (because let's face it, if he did have a kid, there's no way he wouldn't turn them into a lab rat)?
OPTIMUS He’s PISSED and absolutely horrified. He swore he’d never harm a human intentionally, but after seeing what Silas did to his OWN CHILD, he finds that he may have to make an exception. His first priority is to get this child out of Silas’s grasp. He’ll deal with Silas later.
ARCEE Oh, she’s absolutely killing Silas. Immediately. She’s in a rage no one is ever going to forget any time soon. You think she’s pissed with Arachnid? That’s nothing compared to how pissed off she is that someone would knowingly torture their own child.
RATCHET He only finds out after the others bring the kid back to base. He’s so angry that he’s shaking. However, he’s well aware that there is not anything he can do about it, so he calls June so she can help him make sure they aren’t in any danger of dying. He will fret over this child forever. He’s always scared something might go wrong.
They’re all super protective of you. Silas is never getting near this kid again.
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