thadewey · 5 years
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thadewey · 6 years
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glad twitter thought this was a thing too.
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thadewey · 7 years
About “Mixed Reality” (and a how-to part 1) was originally published on RobertWall.com
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thadewey · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omB3HxJdSz0)
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thadewey · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIwQYj519HM)
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thadewey · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7nN4uCqOzw)
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thadewey · 8 years
Pushing the Payload by myself. “Git GUD!”
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyeAj2dQ39Q)
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thadewey · 8 years
Dreamcast 4
Last night Fran and I finished watching SHIROBAKO, which is an anime series about anime creators at an anime studio - it’s one of the best anime I’ve seen in years, incidentally, and deserves being written about (though I’m sure a lot of others have beat me to the punch…) Anyway, this is a non-spoiler post, but in the last episode there’s a scene where one of the characters gets this…
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A “Dreamgast 4,” the box proclaims, which is funny for at least a couple of obvious reasons right off the bat. For those who are unaware, anime often contains tweaked “real world” trademarks that remain recognizable, so as to add a sense of realism, but are clearly not the actual represented product, like this “SUNY” boombox I found on a tumblr devoted to fake brands in anime:
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Anyway, the other reason it’s funny (besides “Dreamgast” or the very idea of a Dreamcast 4) is the fact that the target was clearly chosen because the staff of SHIROBAKO (someone on it, anyway) is a Sega hardware otaku. Because after a second I noticed that the hardware depicted on the front of the box is a Victor Wondermega.
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What’s a Victor Wondermega? It’s a Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) and a Sega Mega CD (Sega CD) all-in-one unit released by Victor (aka JVC) in Japan in the 1990s, while that was a viable (?) system option. It’s pretty obscure (natch) and really cool looking, in a 1990s electronics kinda way.
Being that it was released by an electronics company, it has some enhanced functionality for music. Or something. I forget, and the top Google hit for it isn’t that informative.
The Wondermega was released in the U.S. by JVC:
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As the appallingly-named “X’Eye.” Where do they get these names?
You’ll notice that is a different casing design than the original. At some point a revised Wondermega was released, which looks way less cool. That’s what we got in the West.
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Images mercilessly ganked from Google Image Seach.
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thadewey · 8 years
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Source: Comic Strip Artist’s Kit/This blog (These are scans of the original handout as opposed to the book!)
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thadewey · 8 years
Background & Movement in TV
Since TV animation tends to have smaller budgets than feature animation, we are often times limited in the kind of animation we can do in terms of backgrounds.  Here are a couple workarounds I have to show movement in a background.  
The first is a tracking shot into cam where our Character is running without gaining away or from cam (but they could if you wanted) The foreground is the ground plane which is just a simple looping set of lines. The BG is actually a static image that would slowly drift down towards the horizon line imitating movement away from the background. 
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The second is also a tracking shot where the character is more in profile. This one requires some soft focus and low detail background drawings (usually not a lot, maybe 3 looping images. I only used 2 here but the theory holds.
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The last one only requires a single background layout, but we use the camera to imitate action as it pulls out over a static image.
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This is all based on my own experience rather than hard rulesets, so you know as usual take it with a grain of salt.
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thadewey · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPxgK-cjzsI)
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thadewey · 8 years
Raspberry Pi 3 - Ordered
So I just ordered a raspberry pi 3 from Amazon. In trying to figure out how setup a replacement for my WDLive Media Player. Here recently ive been having issues getting it place the videos that i want it to play. So, i’m going to setup a new media player that will work and  play with more modern video encoding.
  Raspberry Pi 3 – Ordered was originally published on RobertWall.com
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thadewey · 8 years
Simple Review: Heavy Object
Two Guys that aren’t Solid Snake constantly destroy Metal Gears. Look for fun, randomness and impossible scenarios.
Stream: Heavy Object Steaming
Simple Review: Heavy Object was originally published on Robert Wall.com
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thadewey · 8 years
Reblog if you gots feets now
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thadewey · 9 years
The Base, Where It Are Belong To Us
Build on fundamentals. That is what I told someone last week. Build an awesome base. That no one or thing can knock you down from. try not to chase fads. Don’t get swept up in bad production habits.
It can happen fast. I know. You are being pressured to produce. or get good grades. To earn fast money. It can become a trap, and by the time you realize, it going to be much harder to dig yourself out of.
I read in Richard William’s The Animators Survival Kit, really stuck with me. “The Epitaph of an Unfortunate Artist”, by Robert Graves really helped me construct my philosophy on workflow and project management.
Epitaph of an Unfortunate artist.
He found a formula for drawing rabbits: this formula for drawing comic rabbits paid. So in the end he could not change the tragic habits This formula for drawing comic Rabbits made.
The Base, Where It Are Belong To Us was originally published on Robert Wall.com
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thadewey · 10 years
The HTML5 Game Engine Search END
So, after the announcement from Unity that they will be supporting WebGL.  I no longer have a need to realy search for a HTML 5 alternative. I will looking at using Unity for the majority of my projects from  this point foward.
In my search though, I did uncover an interesting gem. Phaser.io was a  crazy robust html5 game engine. It has a lot going for it and had the scalability i was looking for in all of my projects. So if you need one take a look at Phaser.io.
The HTML5 Game Engine Search END was originally published on Robert Wall.com
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thadewey · 10 years
Go to http://www.fcc.gov/comments  
Click on 14-28 
Comment “I want internet service providers classified as common carriers.”
Please reblog for people who have phone-related phobias or anxieties.
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