- Benedict and his Darling -
Just something I couldn’t get out of my head.
Benedict Bridgerton x reader
You had been searching for Benedict for most of the morning, but of course you would find him here, holed up in his studio. He was lost in concentration on his latest masterpiece, fine tuning details only the trained eye would notice. You gave a slight knock to alert him of your presence to which he turned and fixed you with one of his famous lopsided smiles, motioning gently for you to enter the studio.
You did so with haste, him spreading his legs a bit wider to accommodate you, and patting his thigh, gesturing for you to sit.
You perched yourself upon his leg, leaning back into him to admire his latest work.
Benedict’s arms wrapped around your middle, lips pressing fleeting kisses to any exposed skin, losing himself in you while waiting for the hum of approval that you always graced his ears with after every successful painting.
But it never came.
A small intake of breath followed by stillness was the only reaction the painting managed to elicit from you.
His cheeks began to flush, reluctantly pulling away and mumbling out a bashful, “Is something wrong with it my darling?”
That statement was perhaps the farthest thing from the truth.
The painting was beautiful, truly.
He had somehow captured you perfectly with only his memory to serve as reference.
However, you couldn’t help but be shocked at the more… salacious pose he chose to depict you in.
The image was of you spread atop your and Benedict’s shared bed. No clothes adorned your body, only the thin white bed sheet that left little to the imagination while still managing to barely cover up your more intimate parts. Head thrown back in post coital bliss and hands gripping the sheets, there wasn’t much room for misinterpretation of what emotion had inspired this painting. Yet, it was clear the painting had been constructed with a sort of reverence in mind, not only for your body but also the emotions that went along with being involved in such an erotic act.
“It is lovely Benedict,” you began, choosing your words carefully, “yet is it not quite a bit more suggestive than your usual pieces?”
“I supposed it is,” he conceded, “guess that means we’ll just have to keep this one all to ourselves.” His mouth attached itself back to your neck.
“Wherever would we put it?” You tried to maintain your train of thought but Benedict was making it hard.
“Mm, I would love nothing more than to have it displayed to the public and all our guests in our formal sitting room,” you lightly smacked the back of his head, causing him to chuckle, “but I do believe it would look most excellent hanging above our bed.”
You couldn’t help but agree.
“If you keep painting me as often as you do, people will start to assume I pay you for this kind of flattery.”
“Or they will simply see how truly and deeply I love you. I’d most certainly be branded as Benedict Bridgerton: the artist who was so in love with his darling that he couldn’t bring himself to paint any other subject.”
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Not Going Anywhere
Pairing: Jack Mercer x reader, Four Brothers Imagine
Summary: Jack gives you a scare.
Warnings: mentions of blood, death
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It all happened so fast. One moment Jack was racing out the door in pursuit of a man who hit him with a snowball seconds before, and then the next he was lying on the ground coughing up blood as it pooled in his mouth and poured out of the wound in his shoulder.
You heard the shot ring out from the street and time stopped.
A weak “No,” was all you could mutter as you raced to his side and dropped to your knees in the snow. The cold seeped into your very bones as you fought to keep his attention on you, hands cupping his face, pleading with him to stay awake. The cold was acting only as more motivation to keep him awake and with you.
His pain shone through his scrunched up expression, eyes squeezed tightly shut, as you tried to keep pressure on the wound. His breath was coming in gasps now and you knew if he didn’t get help within minutes your attempts at saving him would have been for nothing.
He was fighting to keep his eyes open and get a glimpse of you, if this was the last thing he was going to see before he died he wanted it to be of you. The perfect curve of your face, your eyes that lit up whenever he was around, a smile that never left and was always shining bright.
Except you weren’t brandishing a smile when he finally found the strength to glance up. He only saw tears streaming down as they came to mix together on his cheek.
“You’re not dying on me, Jack. Not like this,” you pleaded, “just stay awake.”
His hand reached for your face, attempting to brush the shed and unshed tears away in a last ditch effort to capture the image of you one final time.
His thumbs ghosted over your face, tracing your features, you leaned into his touch, accepting his warmth that lit up your cheek at the mere contact. Your hand came up to meet his and you placed a kiss to his palm, not caring you were getting blood, his blood, further onto you.
“I love you,” he managed to muster up, but this action only resulted in coughs that tore through his slowly dying his body.
“Jack I love you too, I love you so much. Please don’t leave me, I need you cause I can’t do this alone.” you knew your attempts were futile at this point, but not caring anyways you continued on with your pleas, hoping some higher power would listen to your cries and take pity on you.
“It’ll be okay,” He said, smiling a bloody smile, finally closing his eyes for the last time.
The life drained out of him along with what was left of your heart.
You sobbed over his lifeless body for what seemed like hours, clutching tightly to the last bit of sanity you had, until the paramedics showed up and had to pry you away from him. They ushered you into the arms of Angel, who held onto you just as tightly as you did him, you crying loudly as Angels silent tears slid down his face.
“He’s gone.”
You awoke with a start, sitting straight up in bed, sweating rolling off you in waves with the sheets in a tangle around your legs.
A nightmare.
None of it was real. Jack was here, with you, alive.
Except he wasn’t.
His side of the bed was messily undone, the sheets only harboring a coldness that came in his absence.
Panic flooded you causing you to shoot out of the bed and race down the stairs in search if some proof that he was still here with you.
The sound of a pan sizzling should of alerted you of someone in the kitchen, but you paid it no mind as a burst of adrenaline roared behind your ears.
“Jack? Jack!” You called throughout the house, only stopping when a ‘in here!’ sounded from the direction of the stove.
There he stood, bare from the waist up, only clad in his pair if boxers from the night before, making what could only be the start of an enormous stack of pancakes. You barreled your way into his back, arms winding around his middle as your face pressed into him, taking his presence in in any way you could.
“Woah,” he chucked at the sudden impact, setting down his spatula and turning to face you, “what’s this all about?” He noticed what appeared to be tear streaks along your face, eyes still red and puffy from the unconscious tears you had shed during your dream. “Are you ok, what happened?”
You said nothing, only squeezed him tighter, a choked sob escaping from your throat. His hands rubbed across your back in a soothing gesture as he gripped you in an embrace in return.
“Nightmare, you got hurt, and I couldn’t help you,” you muffled out from his chest through your cries.
“It’s okay, I’m okay, I’m right here.” He pressed kisses repeatedly to your temple until you were calmed down enough to pull away and look up at him. His soft smile melted you. You then pulled him down to meet your lips in a sweet but desperate kiss, one to cement the idea into your head that he was still here, very much alive and well.
“Don’t leave me.” You whispered.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He promised.
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A Storm Is Brewing
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Summary: Stiles faces a battle no one can help him fight.
Warnings: I tried to write sad
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“Stiles if you would just talk to me, I could try to get you help or-“
“No, don’t you say that. I already hear it from everyone else and I don’t need to hear it from you.” His voice cracked on the last word, hands gripping his hair while he paced the living room, eventually settling on the edge of the couch where he rocked back and forth slightly. “There’s something dark inside of me, I can feel it. For some reason it wants you gone and-and I wouldn’t be able to handle that. Especially not if I was the cause. Maybe it knows your my weakness, maybe it just wants leverage but whatever it’s planning is going to end up with people hurt. You need to stay away from me.”
“Stiles,” you disregarded his last statement and walked over to him, gingerly placing your hand on his cheek. He flinched at the contact, his own hand coming up at the slightest brush of your palm, wrapping around your wrist tightly. His eyes turned darker and narrowed at you, the scared and worried expression he had previously was replaced by one of sick curiosity. His head tilted slightly as this strange version of Stiles eyed you up and down coldly.
“Interesting,” his voice spoke in a gravely tone.
In an instant the look was gone as was his grip on your arm and he was left stumbling backwards away from you.
You could see the internal battle he was facing. It was all too evident in his eyes. The dark thing that had taken root in him was fighting it’s way to get out and wanted badly to surface again, there was no telling how long Stiles could hold it off, or if any of the pack would even be able to tell the difference between the old Stiles and the new version the creature decided to present itself as.
Would you all even notice if he suddenly wasn’t himself one day? This thought raced through his head and instilled more fear into his mind. His emotion were wrecked, his mind a mess, and his heart torn in two. He didn’t want to lose you, and he knew he needed help, but felt he didn’t deserve any, that he should suffer through this alone.
“Go, please just go. Don’t let me hurt you.” Was all that he managed to get out.
“But Stiles-“
“GO Y/N!” He exploded.
The house seemed to shake from the sudden noise.
You were shocked and scared into silence. He never yelled at you, never in your time of dating had he ever even slightly raised his voice at you.
But you weren’t moving.
His chest was heaving and a wild look was in his eyes. With a huff he turned and flung open the door, the force causing it to bang on it’s hinges.
“Don’t you dare walk away.” Your stare remained focused on him, silent tears finally making their way down your cheeks.
“I’m not good for you or anyone, not in this state at least.” He never turned around to face you, just walked out the door.
Ah, it seems we’ve upset your little pet, she seemed such a sweet thing.
“Stop,” Stiles growled at the voice in his head.
Would be a shame if she ended up hurt.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
You don’t know the half of what I’ve done. When our time together is up you won’t even be able to look in the mirror and recognize yourself, let alone even dare to show your face to any of your friends. The pain and havoc you’re going to help me cause will destroy not only you but all those around you.
“That’s what I’m most afraid of, losing everyone.” A single tear fell down his face.
I know.
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Promises Don’t Last Forever
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Summary: where Stiles girlfriend gets caught in the crossfire.
Warnings: blood, attempted angst, sad stiles
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It seemed to happen in slow motion.
One second you were calling out to Stiles overtop the commotion going on, and the next you felt a red hot slash being ripped through the soft flesh of your side.
“Y/n!” Stiles screamed, the battle came to a standstill. He stumbled over to where you fell to the ground, dropping to his knees and hovering over you, quickly assessing the damage and immediately noticing the large blood stain pooling from your side. He slowly peeled up your shirt to reveal three long slashes that were cut deep.
“No, no, no, no,” he shed his flannel shirt off and pressed it into your abdomen with shaky hands, trying to halt the steady flow of blood that seeped from your wound. You hissed and tensed up at the contact, grabbing his wrist but trying to keep your expression calm and breathing steady.
The rival pack the fight was against had taken off at the first sign of a distraction. Not wanting to stick around to see how angry this rag tag group could really get when it came to someone hurting one of their own.
There was too much blood, his attempts not working as he cried out for the rest of the pack to call an ambulance, but deep down he knew you were surrounded by the dark woods out of the reach of immediate help. His heart was being torn in two and there was nothing he could do in his power to stop it.
You came to the slow realization of how this was going to end.
“Hey, hey Stiles look at me,” your hands reached up to cup his face. He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes as tears slipped down his cheeks. You wiped them away with your thumbs and gave him a small smile when his eyes fluttered back open. “It’s okay, I’m not in pain.” And it was true, the blood loss was making you tired along with the rush of adrenaline that was fading from the fight that happened moments before. Derek’s grip on your ankle and the black veins traveling up his arm could also be attributing to the lack of pain you felt, for that you sent him a weary half smile.
The other members of the pack either stood around still on guard or sat surrounding the couple in a protective loose circle.
“You can’t die now, you can’t leave me.” Stiles choked out through a torrent of sobs that wrecked his frame.
“You’ll be okay.” You promised as you used your remaining strength to press your lips to his. His body reacted quickly, pulling you closer and giving you a passionate kiss in return, knowing this could be your last.
“I love you, Stiles.” Your hands ran through his soft hair trying to provide any source of comfort.
“Yeah I mean who doesn’t.” His attempt at a joke only left more tears streaming down his face, you gave a short laugh then winced when it caused pain to stab into your side. “I love you, too. So, so, so much.”
He could tell you were struggling to hang on to whatever life was left running though you, “It’s okay, you can let go. I’ve got you.” He reassured, rocking you back and forth.
With his final words you nodded smiling and closed your eyes, feeling safe nestled into him, not even caring about the fading consciousness you were experiencing. All you knew was Stiles was there with you and that was all that mattered.
He watched your eyes close for the last time and felt the final breath leave you. “You should of taken me instead, do you hear me? Giver her back and take me instead!” Stiles cried out over your limp body. His face was completely broken as he gazed down upon you. His mind began to wonder to how he’d never hear you laugh at his smart remarks again, or have Friday movie nights where you tried your hardest to stay awake but without fail always ended up snuggled into him and out like a light, or how he’d sneak you out in his jeep in the middle of the night to stargaze while talking about anything that came to mind. Memories flashed through him while he held you flush against his body.
“I could stay like this forever.” He murmured into your hair while you stared up at the night sky.
You laughed at the feeling of his breath on your neck, “I wish we could, this night is perfect.” You rolled over to face him, you noticed he turned shy as you gazed into his eyes. “What is it?”
He mumbled something you couldn’t hear and then fumbled around in his pocket. He jerked his hand out of his jacket pocket and the small object he’d been digging for went flying into the field that was surrounding you.
“Smooth Stiles, smooth.” You both laughed as the two of you searched for the object. He found it quickly then made you close your eyes and hold out your hand. You did as told and felt a ring being slid into your finger.
Opening your eyes you saw the silver band Stiles had been so nervous over giving you.
“It’s a promise ring, you know cause like we can’t get married right now cause we’re too young, but I want you to know that I’d like to some day eventually. I’d like to get married to you, have some dogs maybe a couple of kids, then grow old together. I hope you don’t think it’s boring or stupid or whatev-“
You silenced his quick mumbling with a long kiss to his lips, your hand coming up to the back of his neck.
“Well then I’d say it’s safe to say you liked it.” He said after you pulled away breathless from the kiss.
“I love it Stiles, and I love you.”
The remainder of the night consisted of you two planning what kind of dog you would adopt and wondering if Scott would be mad if you named it after him.
In the end you decided it didn’t matter as long as you were all happy.
“Please, please,” were the only words that came out as he pressed his forehead to yours, begging for any sign of life to come back to the still warm body he now cradled against his chest.
The woods fell quiet.
“Hey,” Scott tried out gently, setting his hand on Stiles shoulder. He had tears threatening to burst over, but tried to stay strong for his best friend. Losing y/n was going to take a toll on the whole pack. “Stiles, we need to get her somewhere, can’t just let the two of you sit out here forever.”
The rest of the pack gathered around as Stiles nodded, sniffling. Reluctantly he stood up, bringing you with him and holding you bridal style in his arms. Derek offered to carry you back but Stiles refused, not wanting to let go of you for even a second.
They walked in silence back to the jeep. No one else dared ask Stiles if he needed help.
He laid you down in his lap in the back seat of his jeep. Your cheeks had the lightest bit of color left to them, but it was quickly fading. His hand brushed the wet and tangled hair back away from your face while he gazed down at you. His shirt that was wrapped around you was ruined as would be the back seat of his beloved Roscoe but he couldn’t find it in himself to care in the least. He held your hand that was adorned with a silver promise ring tightly, knowing that if he let go he’d break down again and have to accept that you were really gone. No, he could live in his little fantasy for a bit longer, you were sleeping and on your way to the hospital to be checked out after encountering a wild mountain lion. Nothing serious, just a scratch. He imagined you’d be up and better by the weekend. Maybe he could plan a nice dinner for the two of you or find a beach to go set out at for an afternoon. He could practically hear you fussing at him to put on sunscreen already and then complaining when he splashes you.
Yes, he decided, you were going to be alright.
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Hi! I was wondering if I can request a Derek Hale imagine, where him and the reader are married (maybe they are mates) and they have a kid who is in kindergarten or something. The pack doesn’t know about the child so one day the reader picks the child up from school and when they go to the loft they see the whole pack. Maybe the child is shy or maybe they are energetic you can come up with that. Thank you!
Unexpected Guests
Pairing: Derek Hale x reader
You smiled at your small child’s attempts to buckle the seatbelt that was connected to his car seat, him only swatting you away every time you offered to help him. Stubborn like his dad, you thought to yourself. He gave it a few more tries before letting out a small huff and looking up at you with his big green eyes.
“Momma help,” he pleaded in a small voice.
You laughed and buckled him in with ease, “Ready to get home bub?”
He nodded and began to babble on about his day in kindergarten, telling you all about his friends, the playground, what he colored, and everything else he could fit into the short car ride home.
When the two of you made your way up to the loft you were not expecting to hear what sounded like an argument inside.
Ari raced ahead, wanting to be the one who got to open the heavy sliding door, still not fully being able to. With the help of you, the door opened to reveal Derek and what seemed to be a group of teenagers gathered around your dining room table.
The arguing came to an abrupt halt as their attention turned to focus on the two of you standing in the doorway. Ari deciding to duck behind your legs upon seeing the crowd of people.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know you had a pack meeting.” You said putting your stuff down on the counter.
Derek walked over to you and pressed a kiss to your temple, then reached down to scoop up Ari in his arms. The small boy giggled and squirmed to escape as Derek tickled him in his hold, then setting him back down by your feet.
The group stared at you dumbfounded, confusion written all over their faces.
“Who are they?” Scott finally asked after a few moments of silence, on behalf of everyone.
“This is y/n and Ari, my wife and my son.” Derek responded sending the both of you a bright smile.
“Since when have you had a kid?” “Married?” “Who would of thought.” “Why haven’t we met them?” The group erupted into a slurry of questions and comments.
“Ari, you wanna go over there and say hi?” Derek squatted down to be eye level with the boy. Accepting the invitation after a few moments of hesitation Ari nodded and took Derek’s hand, walking over to the group.
“So there’s been a mini Derek all this time?” Stiles exclaimed as he rushed over.
The rest of the pack slowly flitted around Derek to get a look at the child who had been kept a secret for so long.
Ari hid into his dads side at the new and unfamiliar attention. Derek’s chest rumbled with a laugh as he attempted to coax Ari to look out at the group.
“It’s okay bub, they’re my friends they’re just a little loud sometimes.”
Eventually after some more encouraging words, Ari detached himself from the safety of Derek and went to show an excited Stiles his small collection of Star Wars toys. The rest of the group cooed at the two, sitting around and joining in.
“Well this wasn’t exactly the way I wanted to introduce the two of you to the pack.” Derek said, pulling you into his side.
“At least now we have a whole crew of babysitters, and Stiles really seems to like Ari.” You responded, wrapping your arms around his middle and leaning into his chest.
“Yeah, that’s never gonna happen.” He laughed out before pulling you onto the couch to enjoy the moment.
Hope this is kinda what you wanted
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Pairing: Derek Hale x reader
Summary: A morning with Derek.
It was a sunny morning. One you woke up to alone, you soon realized, as you rolled over only to be met with empty space.
Derek was no longer in bed with you so you could only assumed he had went on a run.
After giving yourself time to wake up, you made your way down the stairs to find to your surprise Derek making breakfast in the kitchen with a coffee mug in hand.
You silently awed at the moment of him in just his boxer shorts in the light of the early morning, hair still a mess from his previous sleep. That was until he began pouring the good majority of a bottle of bourbon straight into his cup.
The both of you knew the strong bourbon wouldn’t do much to hinder his senses due to his werewolf abilities but there was never any harm in trying.
You smiled to yourself and shook your head, making your way over to where he was standing in front of the stove. “Are you drinking?” You asked, arms snaking around his torso as you peeked over his shoulder to see what he was cooking.
“What, it’s been a long week.” He said turning around in your arms to face you.
“It’s Monday morning.”
“Mmh,” he mumbled taking another sip of his spiked coffee then setting it on the counter. “I’m pretty sure Peter is annoying every day of the week, Mondays included.”
He leaned down and kissed you sweetly on your lips. As soon as he moved away, you were quick to pull him back in for another longer and passionate kiss. Unable to resist, it soon turned into a make out session where he lifted you up onto the counter, standing between your legs. But a smell invaded your nose and caused you to lean back.
“Your eggs are burning,” you giggled before pulling away from his touch so he could stop the small fire that had started in the pan.
He attempted to save the eggs but there wasn’t much point, they were beyond edible.
“Well, I guess we’re eating out for breakfast.”
“Yes!” You did a little victory dance and made your way back up the stairs to get dressed but not before quickly yelling behind you, “sorry Der you know I love when you cook!”
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Dating Derek Hale
Pairing: Derek Hale x reader
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Calls you babe
You call him Der Bear and Sourwolf (thanks to Stiles)
Will take you on expensive dinner dates but prefers nights alone with you
Loves late night driving when it’s just the two you and no destination in mind
It’s hard to get him to sit down with you and enjoy a night in so when you finally do you put on a movie and cuddle on the couch
Sometimes you have to lay on top of him just to get him to take a break
He will always ‘complain’ but you know he loves those moments with you
“C’mon get up I have things to do.”
“Not today you don’t.”
Is a cuddler on the inside
I’m convinced he keeps a little calendar of all your anniversaries and important moments
You wear his shirts around the house just to get him all riled up
Is very much a gentle giant
He’s so soft and caring around you and would give anything just to see you safe and happy
Would never dream of hurting you and if he ever did he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself
He takes your pain away
Yeah, sure the “we work out together as a couple” headcanon for Derek is great in all but consider this:
Him being the active one and you being the one who avoids exercising under all circumstances
“So I’m guessing you’re not going with me on my morning run?”
“I’ll buy breakfast.”
He wants to keep you out of supernatural stuff, but you’re nosy so he ends up having to tell you anyways
You alway try to get him to smile because he’s beautiful when he does
Dealing with him when he’s grumpy
Enjoying making him blush and vice versa
You’re best friends with Stiles
Almost being inseparable which causes the both of you to team up on Derek
Stiles buys you a bat
Stiles: I bought this cool bat!
Derek: It’s stupid is what it is.
Y/n: I bought one too! :)))
Derek: It’s perfect babe :’)
He is very warm like your own personal furnace, so he sleeps shirtless
100% has you lay on his chest at night with his arms around you
Falls asleep to the sound of your heartbeat
Always let’s you sleep in late
Unless he’s needy, then his hands are all over
Moderate PDA
His love language is through physical touch
It is usually in a way of reassuring himself you’re there or protecting you
Light handholding, arm around your waist and the occasional kiss to your forhead
He likes for you to sit on his lap but only when alone or around people you’re both comfortable with
“Gross Derek you two need to get a room.”
“....this is my house. Why are you even here Stiles?”
Is great with boundaries and would never do anything you’re uncomfortable with
Is easily jealous and short tempered
But he knows you would never cheat so he can usually keep his cool and get them to back off with a single look
But on the off day he does loose his temper it takes every trick you’ve got to calm him down
You constantly bicker with Peter
But never over important things
“I’m telling you y/n, Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie!”
“You take that back right now or so help me God.”
You treat Isaac as your child
An argument ensues when you discover Derek kicked Isaac out of the apartment
Offering Isaac a place to stay but him politely refusing and staying at the McCalls
The pack sees you as a mother figure (I feel like this just comes with being someone dating Derek Hale)
You guys adopt a dog together
This dog immediately takes a strong liking to you much to Derek’s distaste
He then gets jealous over said dog and is not above pouting until he is given more attention from you
Derek is a very talented chef
He can make any of the most difficult recipes with ease and loves cooking for you
However will deny all knowledge when the pack asks about his little hobby
You have videos you send to the pack every once in a while of him cooking in the kitchen with an apron on while singing to himself
You spruce up the loft once you move in
Let’s be honest, it needed a good redecorating
“How many pillows did you buy?”
“Just enough for you to complain about them whenever we sit on the couch.”
Loves you to death
But you’re still not driving his car
He was scared at first to fall in love with you and tried to keep his distance
It didn’t work
The thought of you just kept climbing its way back into his heart and in no time he was done for
Is a big sap but would never let anyone know
You said I love you first
He didn’t hesitate for a second to say it back
“I love you,” you whispered while your fingers ran through his hair as he laid on top of you with his arms around your waist. He snuggled deeper into your chest and murmured out something you couldn’t hear. “Hmm?” You hummed, hands still combing through his hair.
“I love you, too.”
Ahhh I could of included so much more because he is amazing.
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Pairing: Derek Hale x reader, Platonic!Stiles x reader
Summary: Stiles gets into some hot water with Derek and you have to defuse the situation.
“We have a problem!” Stiles was panting as he skidded to a halt in front of you from where you sat on the couch.
“No, you have a problem and I’m the one who has to deal with it.”
“I’m serious this time! Please hide me.” Stiles begged.
You sighed as Derek came in with an expression of pure rage as Stiles attempted to duck behind the couch in a last ditch effort to hide.
“Stiles there’s no point in hiding, I will kill you.” Derek roared, eyes glowing.
“There will be no murdering of anyone in this house.” You said standing up to place a hand on Derek’s heaving chest. “What did he do? It can’t be too bad.”
“He destroyed my car! I don’t know how you managed to push it into a lake but you did!” Derek yelled, trying to move closer but your hand held him in his place.
“It was for a vine.” You heard Stiles mumble as he stood up from his previous hiding spot.
“Doesn’t matter-“
“Derek, stop and breathe for a minute. I don’t care what he did, you aren’t killing him or even slightly injuring him. No buts. If the car means that much to you I’ll pay for it.”
Derek huffed and was silent for a moment. Giving Stiles a final glare, his eyes then trailed down to meet yours, returning to their natural color. “No, no I don’t want you to pay for it, it’s fine. As long as he,” insert angry finger point in Stiles’ direction, “keeps his grubby little hands away from anything I own in the future. Including you.” Derek pressed a long kiss to your lips before waking out of the room, no doubt to call an insurance company.
Stiles joined you on the couch, now free from any immediate danger. “Guess you could say you’ve tamed the beast.” Stiles raised his eyebrows and smirked at you.
“One more comment and I’ll let him at you.”
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Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Summary: You and Calum spend a day at the beach.
You had spent the week with his family in Australia, taking advantage of the amazing beaches everyday you were there.
From the second the sun came up you had begged Calum to take you to the beach and that is where you enjoyed the majority of your vacation. You had done every possible activity: swimming, walking along the pier, building sand castles, laying in the sun, and Calum insisting on talking tons of photos of everything you did.
One of these things your were beginning to regret.
You moved stiffly around the house, face scrunched in pain at each movement.
Your whole body was colored a bright red. Aloe had brought no relief and neither did any amount of lotion. The only thing that proved to work so far was lying completely still.
“Are you burnt?” Calum asked, the smile never leaving his face as he watched your slow trek to the kitchen from the couch.
“Are you sure?” He reached for your hips, pulling you into his lap, while you did the bare minimum to resist. His hands made their way up your shirt and lifted it off exposing the angry red patches that would soon start to peel. “Liar.”
“Yeah, yeah, not all of us are immune to the sun.”
“You know what I’ve heard always helps? A cold shower.”
“Only if you’re offering to help me.” You grinned at him.
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Pairing: Theo Raeken x reader
Summary: Theo gets jealous (surprise surprise.)
You could feel Theo staring at you as you talked to your friends about a new project coming up. He was growing restless and you knew his patience was running thin.
“If your just gonna keep pouting, I will make sure to drag out this conversation.” You threatened under your breath, knowing he heard you.
That was the last straw, he was tired of just standing around waiting for you when it was supposed to be his night. The two of you rarely got to spend time together and he wasn’t too fond of others taking up his time with you.
Theo came over and intertwined your hands together, pulling you into his chest so he could place a kiss to your forehead.
“We really should get going,” he said to the group, tugging you away and towards the parking lot. You said your goodbyes and began the walk to his truck.
“What was that all about? Are you jealous?” You smiled, poking his face with your free hand.
“I’m not jealous,” he grumbled.
“Is that so?” You continued to tease until you reached where he was parked.
He suddenly grabbed your hips and pushed you up aganist the passenger side door. “I’m not jealous, I’m territorial,” he leaned in close, growling in your ear. “Jealous means I want something I don’t have, territorial means I’m protecting what’s already mine.” He pressed his lips to yours in a heated kiss, his tongue hastily entering your mouth as your hands wrapped around his neck. Just as quickly as it had happened he pulled away and released you, already walking around to the drivers side of his truck.
You’re breathing and heart rate were erratic while you stood shocked and speechless at his actions.
“Well, are you just gonna stand there all day?” He called out, you could pratically hear the satisfied smirk on his face.
You shook your head no and climbed in, leaning over the seat to press another passionate kiss to his lips. Your hand rested on his thigh, “I suggest you start driving.”
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Valentine’s Day
He would go the simpler route with taking you out to a nice restaurant and buying you roses.
Derek pulled up in the Camero, wearing his classic leather jacked and some jeans. Neither of you ever bothered to dress up for this occasion.
He knocked on your door, bouquet of roses in hand. You opened it with a smile and gladly accepted the roses he offered out to you, finding a vase to put them in.
“Ready?” He smiled as you walked up to him, tiptoeing so your lips could peck his cheek.
“Let’s go.”
Isaac would buy tons of gifts. Chocolate, flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, you name it and he would buy it.
“I couldn’t remember if you liked milk chocolate or dark so I grabbed both, sorry the flowers are a little wilted but it’s all they had of your favorites-“
You silenced him with a kiss. “Isaac it’s perfect. Now help me dig in to this mountain of chocolate.”
“Yes ma’am,” he laughed, pulling you onto the couch to watch a rom com and eat your weight in candy.
Liam is so sweet and would want to take you somewhere nice but would end up messing up the reservations.
“I swear I told them 7,” he huffed as you both walked back to the car. You took his hand in yours trying to comfort him.
“Hey, it’s okay we can just order a pizza and head back to my place. I’m dying to get out of this outfit anyway.”
“I just wanted to take you out for once. Sorry I ruined your night.”
“My night is not ruined so no need to apologize. Pizza, video games, and hanging out with you is what I consider to be a perfect night. No need for some fancy restaurant.” He sent a smile your way then started the car to head back home.
Scott would be down to do what ever you wanted to do. Movies, chocolates, going out to eat, it didn’t matter to him.
You walked in Scott’s house, presents in hand and headed for the living room.
“Scott?” You heard a hiss and the clatter of a pan coming from the kitchen. You walked to the kitchen to find Scott apron clad and covered in flour.
“Hey...” he said sheepishly as he stared down at a dozen or so burnt cookies that now laid on the floor. “Mom was supposed to help me with these but she got called in and I though I could handle it. They were for you.”
You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’ll help you all you had to do was ask.”
The both of you didn’t like surprises, and neither of you were good at planning, so you would go the day after Valentines and buy all the candy that was on sale.
“I think that should be about it.” You mumbled, hands on your hips as you stared at the shelves.
“Is there any candy you didn’t grab?” Stiles asked, arms stacked full of sweets you had picked out, because he refused to grab a cart on the way in.
You snapped your fingers together as an ‘ah ha” moment gesture. “I forgot the Cadbury Eggs!”
“Aren’t those more for Easter?” He asked, peaking over the top of the pile, as you stacked the individually wrapped eggs on top of the pounds of candy he was already carrying.
“Never hurts to be too prepared.” You kissed him then pulled him along to the register.
Theo loves to stay in with you because then he gets you all to himself.
You decided to stay in this year, settling down on the couch with a million blankets, ready to watch Can’t Buy Me Love for what was surely the 100th time.
“No,” he groaned, “not this movie again, we watch it every year!”
“Yes we are watching this movie again.” You said from your place on his lap.
“But we could be doing other things, I mean it is Valentine’s Day.” His lips began to kiss up your neck but you pushed his head away.
“After, movie first.”
“Fine.” He huffed out, arms snaking around your waist as he settled further into the couch.
Well I tried doing a preference. Happy Valentine’s Day y’all.
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Not Scared
Pairing: Derek Hale x reader
Summary: Derek begins to push you away after you get hurt because of him. Very cliche I know.
Warnings: angst I guess, you getting hurt, mentions of blood, Derek being his worried self.
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Derek had been different.
Every morning since what you had dubbed as ‘The Incident’ he was out the house before you even had the chance to wake up.
He couldn’t talk to you, touch you, or even look at you for any amount of time without the feeling of guilt swallowing him whole.
You knew he felt bad and blamed himself for what happened, but you were tired of him pushing you away to wallow in his own self loathing.
You decided you were putting an end to it today.
Derek came home to a quiet house. Usually the sounds of you cooking or at least a tv could be heard. He listened for the sound of your heartbeat, one he could easily pick out even in a crowded room, and followed it to your shared bedroom.
“Y/n?” He called walking out to the middle of the room.
That’s when you attacked.
Using your element of surprise and all your weight, you tackled him to the bed, flipping him over so you were left straddling his waist as he laid under you. You knew based on his recent mannerisms he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to push you off of him, so he was ultimately trapped for the time being, or until you decide to release him.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” He asked looking up at you.
“What I have to,” your arms moved and you flung your shirt off, throwing it into a corner of the room. His eyebrows furrowed and his gaze traveled down your body then stoped when they reached right above your hips. He sucked in a breath, tensing up underneath you.
The twins each had one of Derek’s arms gripped tightly. Kali went to grab you but you were willing to put up a fight.
You dodged some of her swings, narrowly avoiding her razor sharp claws. That was until you noticed the twins battling with Derek.
“Derek!” You called out, which was a mistake. You let your guard down just long enough for Kali to sweep your leg, which knocked you down and took your breath away.
She grabbed you and hoisted you up above where Derek was being restrained.
“No!” Derek realized what their plan was and attempted to jerk away, but it was too late. Kali had dropped you right onto his exposed claws. A scream sounded throughout the room along with the small wimper of ‘no’ coming from Derek.
Both Kali and the twins left without a word, but the message was clear.
Isaac was quick enough to grab you and pull you off of Derek before his nails could sink any further.
Blood gurgled up in your mouth and Isaac screamed for Boyd to call an ambulance.
Derek had shifted back to normal and came over to cradle your body in his arms. The water around the three of you became stained a bright red.
“Hey, hey y/n look at me okay?” He begged, pushing some hair out of your face. Your eyes lazily met his and you smiled.
“Hey Der Bear,” he shook his head and gave a small laugh at the nickname.
“We’re gonna get you help, Boyd and Isaac called an ambulance I just need you to stay with me. Please.”
“I don’t think I can,” your eyes fluttered shut even with Derek’s pleas invading your ears and his bloodied hands gently shaking your body.
The ambulance had arrived a bit later, immediately rushing you to a hospital where you had to spend 2 weeks there because of the ‘animal attack’ you had been in. Or at least that’s what Derek told the staff.
You were cleared to go back home, but a difference in Derek had already began to appear.
“Derek,” He continued to avert his eyes. “God, you can’t even look at me. Is it because of the scars? ...do they make me look unattractive to you?” You whispered out in a hushed tone, tears pricking in your eyes.
His eyes went wide and he sat up, making sure you were still situated on his lap. “No baby, it’s not that at all. It’s just everytime I see them, it reminds me of what I did. Of how I hurt you.”
“It wasn’t your fault, I’m fine Derek.” He remained quiet and his fingers ran lightly over the scars that now decorated your hips. Ones that were caused by him with the help of the Alpha Pack.
“Stop telling me you’re okay when I know you’re not. I see how you flinch, I know how your heart races every time I get near you. You’re scared of me.”
“I’m not scared of you.” Your hand gently grabbed his jaw and guided his eyes up to meet yours. His eyes began to water when they finally met your gaze.
“Yes, you are I can hear your heart-“
You laced your fingers with his and placed them on your heart. He felt the strong steady beat underneath his hand.
“I’m not scared of you.” Your heart didn’t falter once as you repeated the statement. “There’s no way I could ever be scared of you.”
“I’m so sorry I hurt you.”
“I don’t need an apology, Derek. I won’t ever blame you for what happened.”
His lips pressed aganist you and you kissed back immediately, hands roaming his chest while his rested on your hips.
“I love you, so much.” Your foreheads touched while he cradled you in his arms, pressing light kisses along your neck for the remainder of the night.
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Pairing: Theo Raeken x reader
Summary: You’re angry at Theo for keeping secrets.
It was 2am and neither of you had yet to fall asleep.
You had too many things running through your head to even think about sleep, while Theo was waiting for your breathing to even out so he could wrap you up in his arms and hope you would forget the reason you were mad by morning.
“Theo, get your feet off me.” You scooted farther away from his side of the bed, your back turned to him.
“But they’re cold,” he complained, placing his icy foot on the back of your calf once again, laughing when he heard you hiss and move away from the contact. “It sure would warm me up if you could just climb on over here and cuddle me.”
“Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” You muttered burying deeper into the covers. You had to admit it was getting pretty cold in the house and Theo’s invitation seemed tempting, but you were standing your ground. “I’m still mad at you.”
He groaned and reached out to you, “For what darling?”
“For keeping secrets from me!” You exploded, throwing the covers off and stalking to the other side of the room. “For never letting me know what’s going on because it’s ‘for my own good.’”
He now sat up in the bed, the joking tone removed from his voice, “I do it to keep you safe, so you don’t have to be involved in the supernatural world.”
“I know Theo, I know it’s just,” you let out a sigh, “I don’t want to be seen as a liability or someone who’s useless. But lately Ive been feeling like that’s all I am. And there’s no way I can help you if I have no clue what’s going on!”
“I will never see you as useless.” Theo’s voice went soft as he climbed out of bed, making his way over to you.
His arms reached out to you hesitantly and you nodded, finally allowing him to wrap them around your waist for the first time all night. He pressed a kiss to you temple and swayed the two of you back and forth.
“I would love to tell you everything that’s going on in this crazy world but you are my top priority. If anything were to happen to you then we both know I’d lose it. I can’t let anything happen to you babygirl.”
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Pairing: Derek Hale x reader
Summary: You and Derek take a walk.
You needed to get Derek out of the house. He was so stressed out he was pacing the floor and it was driving you up the wall.
“Let’s go somewhere,” you said abruptly, standing and placing your book on the table.
“I’ve got pack stuff to figure out and-“
“And nothing,” you interrupted, “I’m sick of watching you worry yourself over things you can’t control. C’mon we’re going to take a walk.”
After much complaining, you got him outside and headed straight for a nearby park. You laced your fingers with his and hummed while walking along the pathway.
It took a while, but his thoughts finally quieted down and you could tell he was beginning to enjoy being out here with you.
Until you felt a drop of water land on your shoulder.
He squinted up towards the sky, where dark clouds were beginning to form.
“So much for our peaceful walk.” He muttered.
“It’s a sign.”
“Yeah, that is gonna rain.” Derek said, quickly grabbing your hand and leading you towards a pavilion.
“No, that you should learn to dance in it!” You tugged his hand back, jerking him to a stop. You then connected your hands and attempted to get him to sway to the imaginary music. “C’mon sour wolf.”
Derek rolled his eyes and smiled, spinning you out and away from his chest then pulling you back in as the rain started to fall around you.
He leaned down and placed a long kiss on your lips. Your hands intertwined behind his neck, pulling him closer. Finally you both moved away, breathless and soaked to the bone from the rain. “Mmm, maybe this isn’t so bad.”
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Pairing: Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: Isaac spends the night with you.
Your phone buzzed from the table beside your bed. It was Isaac at 3 in the morning. You sighed and answered anyways.
“Hey love, could you please open the window, it’s freezing out here.” You looked up with a confused expression to see him waving from outside on your roof.
“You idiot.” You hung up on him and moved to open the window. He gave you a smile and pecked your lips as he ducked into your room.
What he didn’t take into account was how high up your window was from the floor.
He tripped.
A loud thud was heard throughout the house as he hit the floor, spewing a string of muffled curses.
A light turned on from down the hall. “What was that?” You heard your mother yell.
“Nothing!” You answered back, holding in your giggles.
“You would make a terrible ninja.” You laughed as he dusted himself off and stood up from the floor.
“Not terrible, just easily detected.”
“Pretty sure that counts as terrible. You do know we have a front door, right? You didn’t have to wake up everyone in the house.”
“Yeah, well this seemed more romantic at the time, now scoot over.” You did as told and he climbed into bed beside you. His arms wrapped around your waist and his head resting in your neck pressing soft kisses there.
“Hmm, it’s gonna be a fight getting you to leave in the morning before my parents get up isn’t it?”
“Definitely, so let me enjoy right now. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled, curling into his chest.
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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Summary: You have a surprise for Stiles.
I bet he’s going to be so excited! But, what if he gets mad? This is a really big step in our relationship. I can’t have this tearing us apart.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the closing of the front door.
“Y/n! I’m home.” Stiles called from the front hall.
Oh no.
You dropped everything you were holding onto the bed and ran from your shared bedroom.
“Stiles! Don’t. Move.” You scrambled down the steps and into the living room holding your arms out to stop him as Stiles froze.
“What, y/n, what is it!” His panicked expression turned to one of confusion when you started laughing.
He slowly turned around and came face to face with a 6 week old kitten that was resting on the back of the couch, sound asleep. “What is this?”
“Stiles, meet Marlowe. I got him today from the shelter. He’s our new pet.”
“A cat?” He said with almost disgust. “I thought we agreed on a dog.”
“We did, we did. But I mean c’mon this little guy wanted a home just as bad. You’ll warm up to him, I promise.”
Stiles scoffed and you picked up the kitten. Marlowe gave a meow at being disturbed but soon curled into your chest.
“Just look at him!”
Stiles gave the cat a glare, then the small ball of fur met Stiles’ gaze with his big green eyes. His resolve of disliking this cat was melting bit by bit and the look on his face softened.
“Okay, okay he is really cute. But he’s not sleeping on my side of the bed.” Stiles said, reaching out to scratch the kittens head.
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Pairing: Derek Hale x reader
Summary: You refuse to let Derek in the house after he gets all muddy.
“C’mon, please y/n!” He flashed you his best puppy dog eyes while stepping closer to you, arms outstretched, but you were standing your ground.
“Don’t you dare try to hug me, you’re filthy and I just cleaned.” You placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away from the screen door that led to your houses new polished floors.
“Isaac and Scott got to come inside. What am I supposed to do, I can’t stand out here all day.” He said exasperated as he threw his hands into the air.
“That’s because I like them more than you, and they weren’t as dirty.” you smirked and he let out a huff.
Then an idea came to you. He most definitely wasn’t going to like it, but he was going to have to deal with it if he wanted to be sleeping inside tonight.
“This is embarrassing,” he muttered while you cranked the hose nozzle, making sure to put the spray setting on full blast.
“Maybe next time you’ll think before you decide to go roll around in the mud like a dog.”
“We were tracking down someone, I already told you this-“ He was cut off as you sprayed him directly in the face with the pressurized water. He let out a yelp as his hands came up shielding himself from the water. “Real mature.”
You only shrugged, now directing the spray towards his torso. He finally gave in and turned letting you hose the rest of him down. Isaac came up beside you and upon seeing Derek soaking wet and looking like a drowned puppy burst out laughing.
“Scott! Come here and bring your phone.” He yelled behind him and into the house. Scott quickly made his way outside and was also sent into a fit of giggles at the sight.
“Tell anyone about this and I’ll make sure no one ever finds your bodies.”
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