the-slapshot-series · 9 months
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Chapter 1
Summery: Tyler finds out that his now Ex soon to be wife had been cheating on him behind his back. Heartbroken and alone he hinds out in his Captain's basement until his best friend in the whole world offers him refuge in Pittsburgh to ride out the summer and let things cool down in Texas.
Word count: 3.5K
Warnings: swearing, drinking, a fight of you look hard enough. I believe that's it.
I just want to put this out there this is a work of fiction. I in no way shape or form know how these players really act in really life. For those of you who may like Alex Kerfoot I am warning you for the sake of the series ONLY, I made Alex a jackass to fit the story line. I don't know how he really acts in person but I made him what I needed him to be for the story only. Please don't hate on me or the series if you don't agree with how he acts or talks within the series. Thank you
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When you plan the perfect fairytale wedding, have the perfect ring, the perfect girl to walk down the aisle to you, you expect it to go perfectly smooth right? Well that's what Tyler Seguin thought the day he proposed to Tiffany. It had been the perfect beach proposal in Italy during the off season, they had been together for 2 years and she seemed to understand what it meant to be a hockey player's wife. Everything seemed like a fairytale… till last night when he found what he thought was the love of his life, fucking another man in their bed, in their house. Since then he had been hiding away in Jamie's basement, nursing a beer as he poured out his heart to his best friend over facetime.
"Ziggy, I know it hurts, and I'm truly sorry, but hiding in a basement till the season starts is not the answer." Arabella Kerfoot said with a dramatic sigh. Tyler took another sip of his beer and looked away from the camera. He knew she was right but his pride was too wounded to admit that.
"I don't know, Jamie's basement is pretty nice."
"It's May, Segs. Hockey starts in September. You gonna hide down there for over 4 months??" Ella gave him a hard look. Hanging his head the hockey forward sighed and shook his head. Running a hand through his black hair he looked back up and gave her the same look back.
"So what do you suggest, oh Great One?"
Bella laughed and flipped him off through the camera. "Wayne Gretzky is the Great One. But come spend the summer with me hiding away from the Media and just regroup. Take a breather." She said, taking a bite of her muffin as she leaned back into her chair. Tyler watched her closely, seeing if she was serious about it. He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair again before looking back up at the camera. "Come on, even Jamie thinks it's a good idea."
"You talked to Benn about it?" .
Bella smiled at the camera and took another bite of her muffin. "What else was I supposed to do?" She asked. "Of course I talked to Jamie about it and he agreed with me. You need to leave his basement. Like yesterday and get your ass up here to my place. Take the summer to shut out the world and regroup with me." She sighed and sat her muffin down, running a hand through her hair before leaning closer to the camera. "Tyler, what happened is shitty. What she did to you was something horrible, but if you stay there, if you let this haunt you, it's going to ruin you. The media will eat you alive. Plus if you went home… dude I love your family, but let's be honest, they won't let you have any peace trying to make sure you're okay after something like this."
He knew she was right. He honestly did. They both had shitty reputations with the media. They messed up one time in their careers and all the sudden they were uncontrollable wild childs that needed to be torn down. Tyler has done so much since his move to Texas to rebrand himself, make a better name and leave all the Boston shit behind him. He finished his beer and looked off into the distance of the darkened room. Ella stayed silent as he thought, as his mind went through all his thoughts. He sighed and picked at the sandwich Jamie had made him hours ago, but left untouched. He knew Ella was waiting for him to answer, but his mind was tired and his heart was too broken to give her one. He heard his best friend sigh, knowing she was trying hard to give them the space he needed but a push at the same time. There was a 6 year age gap between the two Forwards, Tyler taking on the role of big brother to a young girl he met in 2017 who had just won the Stanley Cup in her rookie year with Pittsburgh, and made a mistake in front of the media, earning her a nasty reputation, similar to the one he had when he played for Boston. Fast forward 4 years later and the two were more like siblings then their own siblings. Tyler stood by Ella in so many fights with her brother Alex, who played for Toronto, when he would fight her on what a disappointment her reputation bright to the family name. Ella also stood beside Tyler during many family events where his family would hound him on not having settled down yet and setting his new found reputation into stone. Over the past 4 years the two of them formed a bond, one that to the outside world looked more than platonic, but they could never see each as anything more than best friends and siblings.
Knowing that Ella was in his corner and would understand if he needed a moment to breathe and ponder her request to spend the summer in Pittsburgh with her, he finally answered her question. "Let me have the night, to just…. Let my mind shut down and figure out how to go about this. I'll call you in the morning and let you know what I'm going to do. Okay Bell?"
"Okay Ziggy. If I don't hear from you by 10am I'm calling Benn and making him put you on a plane though. Love you Bubs."
"Love you Bubs." Tyler said back with their signature sign off before hanging up the phone. The room was darker than he remembered from before Ella had called, so flipping on a light he sat down on one of the sofas in Jamie's basement. His phone lit up with text messages from Tiffany, ones he swiped away so he didn't have to see them. With a sigh he flipped his phone over and ignored it as it continued to buzz. Getting up he walked slowly up the staircase to the first floor into the kitchen. Jamie was there cooking some food, listening to a game from the playoffs from the TV in the corner.
"About time you showed your face. Ella finally got you to leave my dungeon of despair?" Jamie asked as he stirred the stuff in the pot. Tyler raised an eyebrow upon hearing the weird name for the basement and Jamie saw the look of confusion. Nodding his head and waving a hand in the air he answered the silent question. "That's what she called it when she called me this morning. Don't ask, it's Ella, that's enough said."
Both men have a soft chuckle at that and Jamie went back to stirring his food. Tyler walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, chugging it down like his life depended on it. He hadn't drunk anything other than beer in the past 14 hours, and he didn't realize how thirsty he was till that moment. Throwing the empty water bottle in the small bin beside the sink, he leaned against the countertop and ran a hand through his thick hair.
"Ella wants me to come to Pittsburgh for the summer…. Instead of going home." He broke the silence after a bit of deep thinking. Jamie hummed in response, turning the stove off and removing his dish he had been stirring. Tyler watched him closely as he poured the stew into bowls. "You don't seem surprised." Jamie put the pot down and turned to face his best friend. He placed his arms over his chest and leaned against the table.
"Tyler, going home is only going to end in 1 of 2 ways. Your family going overboard on trying to keep you happy and giving you no time to grieve this, or being all up your ass about how shit went wrong and how this is going to look in you. They won't let you have any peace."
Tyler folded his arms and hung his head, giving a slight nod. "That's what Ella said too."
Jamie pushed off from the table and walked over to the forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ella is right. And she's right in the fact you should go spend the summer with her. Lord knows that girl can't go home to her family. Not fair you two spend your summer with people that don't understand you. She's your best friend, so go and recover from this."
Tyler nodded his head and looked down at his bare feet. He knew they were right, there was nothing holding him here for the next few months. So pulling out his phone he shot a text to his one friend, asking if they could fly them on their small private plane to Pittsburgh in the morning. Then he shot a text to Ella that he knew she was probably already expecting.
*Pick me up at the airport in the morning*
Stepping off the private plane around 8am in Pittsburgh instead of getting ready for a bachelor party that night wasn't how Tyler saw his weekend going. But here he was getting off his friend's plane at the airport to meet up with Ella. Flipping his sunglasses up onto his hair he looked around for the tall brunette he called his best friend. Looking off to his right he saw her walking his way. Ella was one for fashion. She knew what looked good on her tall, thin but muscular frame. Clad in a white deep V neck shirt that hugged her curves, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with black ankle boots. Orange tinted Aviators kept her eyes from the morning sun, her hair fell to her shoulder blades thick and wavy down her back.
"You definitely know how to make an entrance Ell-Bell." Tyler said as he took the last few steps off the private plane. Ella's bright laugh filled the air around them as she stopped in front of her best friend.
"Please Ziggy, you dress to impress all the time, you lady killer." She said waving her hand at his current outfit. He had on a dark green shirt that was so tight it was a second skin. Every muscle on display. Tan pants clinged to his thighs, dark brown Hey Dudes on his feet. His hair was styled in the blown away look, curls perfectly messy. Dark sunglasses now perched on top of his head. His wide, full white smile lit up the runway, reaching out he pulled his best friend into a hug. For the first time since he found his now ex-fiance with another man, he really smiled. Pulling away from the hug, Tyler grabbed his bags he had dropped at his feet and followed Ella to her car. Tossing his bags Into the back seat of her Jeep, he climbed into the passenger seat and turned to look at his best friend.
"Thank you Ella…. For helping me during this. For being my best friend."
The brunette smiled back at him and took his hand, giving it a squeeze. "You are welcome Tyler. I know this is hard, and shitty. What she did was unforgettable. You are more of a brother than my own flesh and blood and I will always stand in your corner." She let go of his hand and started up her jeep, the warm spring air floating through the windows as she pulled out of the airport parking lot. "And you know that whenever you want to talk about it, or vent, or just sit in silence and drink a beer together, you just have to ask."
Tyler watched the scenery go by out his window. Pittsburgh was a beautiful town, the people here passionate about their sports teams with flags and banners blowing in the light breeze. What had once been a small coal town was now a booming city with people from all over flocking to its doors to watch hockey and football and baseball, for jobs and major opportunities that showed up each day.
The trees were just starting to green up, the grass turning a pretty shade of green, early spring flowers blooming in the yards of the homes they drove past. Tyler was lost in thought as he watched the town go by, the wind blowing through his curls as he leaned his head back against the headrest. The sound of a phone ringing broke him from his thoughts. Looking over at his friend, he watched as she looked down at her phone, a scowl across her face as she quickly hit decline to the call.
"Is everything okay Ella?" Concern in his voice. The forward sighed as she came to a stop at a red light. She looked over at Tyler through her sunglasses and he knew right away she wasn't happy.
"Alex keeps calling." She finally spoke as she turned back to look at the road.
"What does he want?"
"It's Alex. The only reason he ever calls his baby sister is because he wants to yell at me for being the family disappointment." The light turned green and Ella started moving the Jeep again, flipping her turn signal on and going right, towards her house. "Every year my family goes on a vacation together and last year I just…. Hide away and not gone. And I don't plan on going this year and I'm sure he is calling to bitch me out for it among other things….. shit."
Tyler looked from his friend to the front windshield as he felt the jeep come to a stop. He looked up the driveway to Ella's house on the outside of town and saw a car parked right by the front door. Looking back at his friend he gave her a pissed off look.
"What is he doing here?" Tyler hissed as he looked back at the Subaru in the driveway. Ella remained quiet as she pulled up her driveway to park beside the car that was waiting for them. The Jeep hadn't even been turned off yet when Tyler was out of its doors and marching towards the man waiting. After the past weekend, the drama and pain he went through, he was now ready for a fight.
"What the hell do you want Alex?" His voice boomed as Tyler stopped in front of the tall dark haired player from Toronto. He watched as Alex Kerfoot scowled upon hearing his voice and turned to face him.
"I should have known my baby sister would have gone running the minute she found out you were no longer engaged." Alex sneered as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Ella stopped next to Tyler and matched her brother's posture. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Alex laughed, shaking his head as if the answer was obvious. "With the reputation you both have among players it should be very clear what I'm saying. But I'll spell it out nevertheless." He pushed off his car and stopped inches from his sister. "You couldn't wait to have him back in your bed after you were the one that probably wrecked his engagement, Arabella. People like you two don't know how to be any different no matter how much your families try to put you on the right path."
Tyler grabbed Alex by the arm and yanked him away from Ella who had a look of horror across her face. Tyler pushed Alex up against his car and pinned him there with an arm across his chest.
"Watch your mouth Kerfoot. My engagement being called off has nothing to do with Ella. Your sister is my best friend and she offered me a place to stay while all that shit back in Texas gets worked out. Next time don't speak without the facts." He said through gritted teeth. Tyler stood a few inches taller than Alex, and he put his full height to his advantage. The two glared at each other for a moment before Ella spoke up.
"Why are you here Alex?"
Pushed against Tyler's arm, Alex broke free and fixed his jacket, giving the taller man one more glare before facing his sister. "You never come home anymore during the off season. Your place is at home, with family, keeping your rep clean during the summer instead of hiding out in Pittsburgh, giving the media more drama to feed off of. So I came to get you."
"Yeah that's not happening." Tyler chuckled sarcastically as he stepped closer to Ella for support. Alex cocked his head and waved a hand between the 3 of them to make a point. "And what place do you have here to speak Seguin?"
"Stop Alex!" Ella snapped as she pushed between the two men. She could see Tyler was holding back his anger, an anger he was famous for once having. And Alex knew how to push buttons, it's what gave him an edge on the ice. Tyler shook his head and took a step back, giving space between the three of them. He hated how Alex and her whole family treated her after one mistake. It was like watching his early years play out all over again.
"I am home Alex. Pittsburgh IS my home now. And I have house guests to care for. So I suggest you leave and let me go about my life here, with my friends and my team who are supporting me far more than my family has in the past few years." Tyler watched as Ella spoke, before she turned her back on her brother and walked back to her car to grab her purse from the back seat where she had left it. Digging out her house key she turned back to face Tyler and nodded her head towards the front door. Tyler nodded and turned back to face Alex, crossing his arms over his chest and tapped his chin up towards the Subaru behind him. He watched as Alex shook his head and grabbed the handle of the car door and yanked it open.
"I'll tell Mom that you already had plans for the summer. At least call her some though." Alex called out dryly before climbing into the car shutting the door behind him. Tyler glanced over at his friend and watched all kinds of emotions cross her face as her brother drove down her driveway and then down the road. Tyler watched her from the corner of his eye as the car disappeared down the road. He was fortunate enough to have a family that still supported him even after everything in Boston. Even after up until a year and half ago when he got serious with Tiffany he bounced around from girl to bar each weekend not caring if he got too drunk and ruin all he worked so hard to build. Even now, with everything that has happened in the past 48 hours with Tiffany, he knew his family understood to a point why he didn't come home. Why he wanted see space. Sure they would check in on him and maybe suggest coming to visit but they wouldn't show up at his door and chastise him for his choice.
"Don't bother even bringing your bags in." Ella's voice broke him from his thoughts. He turned to fully face her but Ella was already heading for her door.
"Excuse me? Care to explain??" He asked, not fully understanding that statement at all. He had a split second fear that maybe she was going to send him back to Texas after what just happened. But seeming to sense his underlying fear, she stopped at the door after she unlocked it and gave him one of her famous looks.
"We're not staying here." She said with a flip of her hair over her shoulder. "If we really want to disappear, then we are going to the cabin." Tyler had only seen her cabin once since she bought it. It was in a small fishing town at the top corner of Erie county and the lake. It sat by the water with only 2 other cabins in sight across the lake. It was remote and quiet. "The three of us need a break from the world. So to the cabin we go!" Ella singsonged as she marches through her front door, leaving Tyler to stand with a smirk on his face. He shook his head as he followed through the now open door. Only Sidney Crosby and himself knew she bought the cabin up north, as a way to really disappear when life got too much in the city.
"Wait." He stopped, replaying what she had said in his head. Three of them. Three people. So someone else was spending the summer with Ella? "Three people?" He called out but Ella had already disappeared upstairs to her room. "Ella, who else is spending the summer with us?!" He yelled up the steps as he raced up them two at a time. "I've had enough surprises in the past 48 hours to last a lifetime." He grumbled as he reached the top step. He found Ella packed 2 large suitcases of clothes, bathroom needs, shoes, and other random things. She smiled up at him and just gave him a wink. With a groan He knew he wasn't getting his answers till they reached that cabin on the lake.
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the-slapshot-series · 10 months
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Welcome to the Slapshot Series!
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To get you started here is how this series works. Each story is interconnected through the casts, knowing each other in some way, shape or form. Each book can be read as a stand alone, but after book 1, there will be spoilers through each book that will point to a chapter or event that had happened in a previous book. This won't affect the outcome of you reading the story you picked, but reading in order will help you understand some things within the story. (but the path you choose is totally up to you! Don't feel obligated to read about a player you don't like.) Below is the books in order of how I would read them based on the events that happen within each story. Main blog Masterlist
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*** Loosely based around the song "God Made Airplanes" by Jason Aldean. Set in 2021***
Tyler Seguin thought he found the woman of his dreams. A perfect girl, a perfect engagement and the soon to be perfect wedding, he had everything down to a T. Or so he thought. Just a few short weeks before what was supposed to be the most perfect day of his life, turned into him booking a one way flight to Pittsburgh to spend the summer with his Best Friend and forget about his cheating ex fiancee. Wanting to shut out the world, his parents and most of his friends for the time being, Tyler find refuge with the only person who really seems to know the real him, Arabella Kerfoot, who plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins. While spending his summer hiding away, his best friend not so sneakily plays match maker with her childhood best friend, Quinn Canton. Sparks soon begin to fly, and a whirlwind summer romance takes hold of these two burnt out hearts. But when hockey starts back up, and old partners come back to burn them to ashes, can they withstand the distance between them, or will it be to much for them to handle?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Arabella Kerfoot is the younger sister of Alex Kerfoot and she one of the only female hockey player in the league. Ella as she likes to go by is the wild child of the family and also of the Pittsburgh Penguins. With a reputation of the "Wild Cinderella" Ella is the media's #1 target. Her best friend is Tyler Seguin, who had a bad reputation in Boston before going to Texas, so he understands her better then her own family and is trying to help work through her rebellious reputation. After a wild and not so pretty night out on the town Ella is quickly not the favorite anymore in Pitt and is soon traded to Toronto who is looking for a power forward with the speed and risky skill set she brings to the table. The catch: they need to fix her tarnished reputation before the Toronto media tears her apart. The solution: have her fake a relationship with Morgan Rielly to show she is determined to settle down and leave her wild Cinderella life behind, and make a fairytale lifestyle in Toronto instead. Only Ella wasn't planning on falling for the red haired man who offered the solution to her problems. With the media and her brother breathing down her neck to fix her past, her best friend telling her that a fake relationship will only hurt her and the man she never new she needed in front of her, she is about to ether live out a Hockey-Ella fairytale or an ultimate disaster.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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