the-undresser · 6 years
Hi, idk if you're gonna answer me but if you did, that's awesome!! I'm a seventeen year old girl and I never had a boyfriend and I really don't know what's wrong. I always read stuff like 'wait till the right one will come' or 'love appears when you least expect it' but the thing is I never get attentipn from a guy (I'm also to afraid to ever male a move myself but there are also zero cute guys) So you see, I'm in wiote a complicated situation but I'm also longing for love so much! x
Hi :)
So I want to tell you that, in part, those quotes are real. The person you’re waiting for is going to appear when you least expect, but I think you should have some ‘action’ on that. Try to meet new people, see if you’re friends can introduce you to other people, and you could try to join some activities, because it helps a lot to meet new people. 
So until then, give love to yourself :) Everything will turn out ok! xx
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the-undresser · 6 years
Hi, So I’m 23 never been in a relationship, kissed or been intimate with a guy before. I feel like I subconsciously sabotage myself avoiding anything with a guy because I’m so inexperienced aka “prude” when it comes to anything sexual/sexual favours and feel embarrassed. Also I find it weird to watch porn and or to ask friends how’d they learn to do this or that, but I just want to experience what everyone else is experiencing cause I ain’t getting any younger lol
I’m sure you’ll meet someone who you’ll experience those things with. Try to meet new people. through friends, family, etc… Join some groups or activities, those are great to meet people. And maybe, if you have a close friend, you can try to talk a little bit about sex, and about your questions. I’m sure that person will be glad to help you. About porn, not everyone likes porn. And that’s ok, because those videos are acts, sex in real life is not really like that ahah everytime you watch it just keep in mind that they’re making a movie. But they can help you to explore your sexuality, etc… Hope this helps sweetie! xx
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the-undresser · 6 years
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the-undresser · 6 years
I just want to be happy 😔 but it’s hard when I have so many problems to deal with one being social anxiety and my nerves stop me from having sex because I panic to much 😕it makes future life seem hopeless I just want to find someone to love me with all my crazy and even if they can’t understand things they still try their hardest to , I want someone to look at me and see my flaws but still wouldn’t change me for the world , I just want someone to spend my life with is that to much to say for .
Hey, you’ll find someone like that. Guys can be immature at times, but I’m sure you’ll find someone one day. Are you being followed by a doctor or psychologist? xx
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the-undresser · 6 years
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I’m an advice tumblr, which means I’m very glad to help you! I’m here if you need a person to talk to.
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the-undresser · 6 years
I've just started "something" with a guy, it's the closest I've been to a relationship. I've always been a very private person, I tell only certain things to certain people so no one fully knows "everything". I want to start sharing but honestly don't know how to or where to start, any advice as to opening up?
You just have to feel if the moment is right. Sometime you’re in the midle of a conversation and remember a story, so you share it. And it begins little by little. Today you share one story, tomorrow you share another one. It depends of the subject, but usually you find the right time to talk about yourself. If you’re in the beggining, I bet you don’t know him very well too. You can ask him personal questions and see if he starts asking you questions too. Try it! xx
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the-undresser · 6 years
Hey. I was on a three weeks vacation to Hawaii and Califonia (I am from Europe) a few months ago. My boyfriend of 4 months was going to a music festival kinda like coachella. I was very nervous that he would do something stupid. And he did. Four days into my trip to the US he called me and said that he felt weird about us and might need some time to think about our situation. When i go back from my trip he was totally normal.... continues
So about a month after my return one of my friends pulls me aside and tells me that he cheated on me (and apperently saw the girl again still while I was away). I was so pissed and did not want to see him again. But we ended up hanging out like we used to. Now it is four months since this happened and I still get sag from time to time. He says that he will never do it again. I do really believe him and i know he love me more than ever. But I can’t get it out of my head. This girl he cheated on me with lives in my town so I am so scared to bump into to her because I know I am gonna slap the f out off her face haha. (I don’t mean that… Maybe a little). I wanna be with my boyfriend when I am happy, which is rare. I don’t love him anymore and I am not in love with him after this incidence. But I still like him and care for him. But somehow I have a feeling in my body that I need to get my revenge. He needs to feel the same kind of pain as me. What do you think I should do?
Hi dear! First I would like to tell you that you can’t get angry only with the girl. Yes, she did things with your boyfriend, but if you have to blame someone it is him. He was with you and still let that girl do things to him. So get mad at him, not her. If you’re single you can do whatever you want, and you can try to get a guy that has a girlfriend. It’s not a nice thing to do, but you can, and so she did. But the guy, if he is worth it, he won’t let anything happen. Your guy isn’t really worth it. And you’re young, so don’t get attatched to someone who does things like that to you. Value yourself and go find someone better.
You know why he was feeling weird and needed time to think? Because he wanted to full around with other people without feeling guilty. 
Second of all, if you don’t love him, you’re not in love, what’s the point in being in that relationship? If you told me he was a really worth it guy and “perfect” i would understand that you would like to be with him some more time to see if you could feel love for him. This way I don’t really understand. He was very shitty to you, stop wasting your time with this guy.
And third, revenge is never the answer. Believe me. You think that if you get your revenge you’ll feel better. I can tell you right ahead you won’t. Maybe in the moment you’ll feel great, but it won’t last. Stop wasting your time with this guy, because he is not worth a revenge either. A revenge takes time, and you should be giving your time to positive stuff and good people. 
I hope this helps! xx
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the-undresser · 7 years
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I’m an advice tumblr, which means I’m very glad to help you! I’m here if you need a person to talk to.
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the-undresser · 7 years
R U a girl?
Yes, I am :)
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the-undresser · 7 years
i really really like my best friend, and recently i’ve come to think that he likes me too, maybe.. i don’t know.. there’s definitely been tension and we both can tell, but i feel like neither of us will say anything in fear of losing the great friendship we have, and i have no idea what to do
I think you should wait a llittle bit and try to be more certain about what he feels. Eventually, you should tell him about your feelings. You’ll see that you’re going to feel better, even if he doesn’t feel the same way, because at least things get clear. I’m saying this because this happened to me. In my case my friend didnt like me back, but I felt so much better for taking it out of my chest. And then I just moved on with my life, but stayed friends. And if the friendship is strong, it’s not this that will tear it apart. 
Good luck! xx
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the-undresser · 7 years
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the-undresser · 7 years
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the-undresser · 7 years
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the-undresser · 7 years
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the-undresser · 7 years
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I’m an advice tumblr, which means I’m very glad to help you! I’m here if you need a person to talk to.
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the-undresser · 7 years
Hi guys,
I’m an advice tumblr, which means I’m very glad to help you! I’m here if you need a person to talk to.
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the-undresser · 7 years
Hi guys,
I’m an advice tumblr, which means I’m very glad to help you! I’m here if you need a person to talk to.
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