Fibromyalgia in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Affects Clinical Evaluations
Fibromyalgia in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Affects Clinical Evaluations
According to a new study, psoriatic arthritis patients who suffer from fibromyalgia have worse clinical evaluations. The researchers made a cross-sectional study in order to analyze the existence of fibromyalgia in 73 psoriatic arthritis patients. They managed to identify 13 patients who suffered from fibromyalgia. In order to get as much data as possible from the patients, the researchers…
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Cows May Provide a Cure for Arthritis Patients
Cows May Provide a Cure for Arthritis Patients
Researchers have recently been able to grow new cartilage tissue from cows. This new breakthrough can prove essential for treating arthritis given the fact that more and more people are affected by it. Arthritis develops when the cartilage gets damaged causing patients to feel stiffness and pain. On very rare occasions all the cartilage in the joint may be worn away causing the bones to grind…
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Body Fat Can Help With Arthritis Pain
Body Fat Can Help With Arthritis Pain
Normally, being overweight has a negative impact when you’re suffering from any type of arthritis, but a new trial made in Saudi Arabia showed that by injecting your own fat into the joints can help you get rid of arthritis pain. The surgeons that conducted the trial stated that this new method of treating arthritis can prove very efficient. They tested this method on 100 patients suffering from…
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Dealing With Knee Pain Caused by Arthritis
Dealing With Knee Pain Caused by Arthritis
Recent studies have shown that 13% of women and 10% suffer from knee pain caused by arthritis, causing most of these people severe discomfort during their daily activities. It can be very difficult to deal with knee pain, especially when it is caused by a type of arthritis. The most common type of arthritis responsible for knee pain is osteoarthritis which develops when the cartilage surrounding…
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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Can Influence Women's Perception
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Can Influence Women’s Perception
A recent study has shown that rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia can change women’s perception, making them think they have an ugly body. The study was made by the National Institutes of Health, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which affects the joints, causing stiffness and pain. The…
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Getting Rid of Gluten to Ease Arthritis Pain
Getting Rid of Gluten to Ease Arthritis Pain
Getting rid of all the gluten in your diet is normally recommended for celiac disease patients in order to control the symptoms, but recent studies have shown that it can also help rheumatoid arthritis patients. People that suffer from celiac disease have a higher chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis, but it is yet unknown how this happens. Although by removing gluten from your diet, you…
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Old Arthritis Patients May Not Benefit From Arthroscopic Surgery
Old Arthritis Patients May Not Benefit From Arthroscopic Surgery
Patients who suffer from serious hip pain may not have any other option for treatment rather than surgery. When choosing between a minimally invasive hip surgery and a total hip replacement, people often go with the first option. Unfortunately, according to a recent study made by researchers at the Hospital of Special surgery (HSS) in Manhattan, having an arthroscopic surgery could be very…
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Using Wasps to Treat Arthritis
Using Wasps to Treat Arthritis
It seems that some tribes in India’s northeast have a special remedy for treating arthritis symptoms. The treatment involves eating a wasp with a sharp sting which was stir-fried or boiled. The scientists at the North East Institute of Science and Technology (NIEST), Jorhat, looked into this natural remedy and noticed that the larvae from the wasps help to boost the activity of two essential…
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9 Herbs for Treating Arthritis
9 Herbs for Treating Arthritis
Arthritis can prove to be a difficult disease, affecting a large number of the population. Its symptoms consist of pain and stiffness of the joints which sometimes can be very painful to manage. Luckily there are many treatment options available for dealing with arthritis. If you don’t like the idea of taking drugs to ease the pain, there are some alternative methods which could help you get some…
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The Difficulties of Psoriatic Arthritis
The Difficulties of Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a special type of arthritis normally associated with psoriasis. Despite the fact that they have similarities in their names this doesn’t mean that one is caused by the other. The link between the two diseases comes from the fact that they both tend to occur at the same time. There are many types of arthritis and sometimes it can prove difficult to diagnose them…
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Proper Nutrition Can Help With Arthritis Pain
Proper Nutrition Can Help With Arthritis Pain
In order to deal with arthritis symptoms people often use a combination of different medications. It seems that this method of treatment isn’t the only option and there are simpler, less dangerous ways to cope with arthritis pain. According to dietician and nutritionist Jenelle Solomon, a simpler way to get relief from arthritis symptoms is changing your diet. Solomon says that because arthritis…
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Top 5 Facts about Arthritis
Top 5 Facts about Arthritis
People tend to have the wrong idea when it comes to how and why arthritis develops. Here is a list of facts to better understand the disease and its symptoms. Changing the climate won’t help arthritis symptoms Arthritis patients often seem to state that their symptoms felt less bad in warm and dry environments. Unfortunately, this is just an illusion. Although the weather has a small impact on…
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Treating the Source of Inflammatory Arthritis
Treating the Source of Inflammatory Arthritis
According to a recent research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science there are specific compounds in the body that are capable of reducing inflammation and preventing damage to healthy tissues for both arthritis patients and patients suffering from other inflammatory diseases. The researchers from the University of Edinburgh have been studying human cells in…
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Sexually-transmitted Diseases (STD) Can Cause Arthritis
Sexually-transmitted Diseases (STD) Can Cause Arthritis
Although sexually-transmitted diseases (STD) and arthritis aren’t generally associated with each other, sometimes there can be a connection between the two of them. It is important to recognize the symptoms quickly so that you may begin the proper treatment. A recent story published in HealthDay involved a young man who noticed that a painless lump appeared on his ankle and then started to…
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Do's and Don'ts When You Have Arthritis
Do’s and Don’ts When You Have Arthritis
Arthritis is one of the most common diseases and one the main causes of pain and disability worldwide. There are many ways of reducing arthritis pain by doing exercises, taking medication and reducing stress. The problem is which will work best for you. This is a list of do’s and don’ts to help you decide what’s best for you. Standard Action In order to better deal with the disease better the…
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Why Lose Weight When You Have Arthritis?
Why Lose Weight When You Have Arthritis?
Having arthritis may make it harder for you to lose weight but it doesn’t make it impossible. Losing weight can be difficult as it is, but it can prove to be an even harder challenge when you have arthritis. Being overweight can influence how you feel and can also raise the risk for arthritis. According to Robert H. Carter, MD, deputy director of the National Institute of Arthritis and…
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Nerve Renew Review: All the Neuropathy Support You Need in One Bottle
Nerve Renew Review: All the Neuropathy Support You Need in One Bottle
The result of years of research by the Neuropathy Treatment Group, Nerve Renew was created to improve neuropathy symptoms, reduce pain, numbness, tingling and burning sensations in hands and feet, strengthen nerves and nerve linings, help improve coordination and balance and diminish stress and anxiety.   What Is Nerve Renew? Nerve Renew was created to improve neuropathy symptoms, specifically to…
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