thegraven · 4 years
The Graven
by Edna Alice Poe-Em
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As I pondered, bleak and leery, coronavirus and germ theory-
My mind obsessed o’er corporal lore.
Reporters yapping; jaws loud flapping:
“Danger! Danger! Shut your doors!”
And then I sneezed, just as before-
Allergies and nothing more.
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My hands (well-washed, so red and chapping) labored o’er lists and mapping-
A venture to the local store.
Then I stooped to count my dough; I’d stock my home though funds sunk low-
Household basics I would score:
Canned food, TP, soap and more-
Throw in bleach to vanquish spores!
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At the store, mass panic rising; empty shelves mean list revising-
Other options I’d explore.
So I contrived substitutions, simply sought out sure solutions-
Napkins work for varied chores.
Shoppers grumbled and some swore:
“[Harsher words]!” than days of yore.
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Late that night, the clock struck twelve and into dark my thoughts did delve-
Birthed from flicks of bloody gore.
On the window- creepy rapping- ominous, persistent tapping-
Sounds my reason bade: “Ignore!”
Hysteria I deigned deplore.
Sanity I must restore.
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Heart fast pounding- fears abounding-
Whirlwind tizzy I should abhor.
Vampires or werewolves or incubi? Zombies or mummies or a black bird’s eye?
Dragons and demons and monsters galore.
Divine assistance! Please hear me implore!
I’m drowning in dread! Dear Lord, bring me ashore!
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