thehatchettownchronicles · 45 minutes
Not as hot as me 💪
Both of you hush.
Dan is kinda fine tho
Why is everyone thirsting after my boss???
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Dan is kinda fine tho
Why is everyone thirsting after my boss???
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max jagerman u are so babygirl even as a ghost
Hey Lissy, what does this mean?
First of all, you of all people don’t get to call me ‘Lissy.’ Second of all, um…they’re kinda calling you cute? Like, they have a thing for you, I guess…?
Ohh okay. Thanks babes 😘
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why ghost max kinda,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cuz I’m hot as fuck, that’s why. Gimme your name and I can show you a good time ;) (Although if my heart could beat it only beats for one girl, sorry babe)
Ugh, you truly are insufferable…
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why is Dan kinda 😳
I…what does this mean??
I think this nerd has the hots for your boss, sweetheart.
Don’t call me that, and…what??
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Good Morning Hatchetfield.
So, um.
My findings at the Waylon place yielded pretty, uh…significant…results…
God, why do you have to sound like a nerdy prude too?
Um. I did end up finding a ghost…
Helloooo, I’m right here? Gimme that.
No, don’t—
Wassup nerds and losers of Hatchetfield? Thought you could get rid of me? Think again, bitch! The Jägerman is back and better than ever! And I got this babe doing my bidding for me, ain’t that right?
…Um…Don’t call me that…
Shut up. Anyways, send me in some asks too. I’m cool, unlike this nerdy babe.
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Melissa made her way through Waylon Hall, having quietly broken into the building. She wore dark clothes, not wanting to attract any attention. She had her journal and a flashlight on her.
She slowly moved through the dark, desolate halls of the building, and found herswlf growing increasingly frustrated.
There truly was no trace of anything out of the norm. Perhaps Dan and Donna had been right.
“Guess there aren’t any ghosts here after all,” she said to herself, kicking a loose floorboard out of frustration.
“You guessed wrong, bitch.”
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"They're very busy people" the most significant thing happening in those news anchors lives are reporting on a random ass squirrel
I’m gonna have to ask you to refrain from talking about my bosses like that! Dan did excellent work reporting on the protest lines at the Hatchetfield Kennel, and Donna’s work on the Black Friday incident of 2020 was phenominal.
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Favourite season?
I love mid to late spring! It’s perfect for softball season!
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that's right! There's also a production of a VHS Christmas Carol doing auditions for the holiday season!
And also from what I've seen from that Peanuts song their voices aren't that half bad and they can probably act so.
I mean, I’m not sure if they would have time! They’re both very busy people. Maybe I’ll bring it up?
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Good evening, Hatchetfield!
After hearing some rumors about something lurking in Waylon Hall, I decided I wanna investigate! Dan and Donna don’t really care as much about the Tumblr as they do their more mainstream platforms, so I’m going to report my findings here!
I’m going in. I wonder what I’ll find in there?
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nah man that rickroll was BRUTAL 😭
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Melissa are you a lesbian
asking for a friend who totally has a crush on you
Oh my! Well, I’m flattered, but I’m not necessarily interested in relationships at all about now…I’m sure your friend is nice though!
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“Today is my wedding anniversary, I had to run by my wife’s favorite bakery before it—“
This is a lil fic about Sergio and his wife! A friend and I brainstormed for their dynamic and his wife’s character. So enjoy 🤍
Content Warning(s): infertility mention, potentially poorly translated Spanish
Sergio pushed open the door of his small apartment. It was on top of a local café, which was perfect for the five of them. Well, five if you counted their 2 cats and their dog. Sergio joked that they had two cats and a football, and Lucía would swat his arm and tell him to stop it.
Sergio was humming to himself as he eased into the apartment, carefully minding the cake box in his hands. It was his and Lucía’s tenth wedding anniversary, and he was just as smitten with her as he’d been since the day they met.
It’d been twelve years ago, when he’d bumped into her at a party.
He’d been dragged along by some of his buddies, a bit nervous to go out and socialize. Sergio had always been a little shy. But when he saw her, he knew he had to work up the courage. She was too beautiful, with her dark, curly hair, warm eyes and plump lips that had him mesmerized. A few shots of tequila later, and he’d managed to chat her up, learned that her name was Lucía.
He’d asked her to dance, and dance they had. He had never been so enamored by another human, had never desired so strongly to make another person smile. And with her gorgeous smile (with the little gap in her front teeth that she hated but he adored), Sergio knew he’d do anything in the world to see that smile every day of his life.
Two years later and they’d eloped, opting to skip the cost of the wedding to have a romantic vacation, just the two of them.
The one thing missing from their perfect little family were children, but he would never hold it against her. After 10 years of trying, he’s figured it wasn’t meant to be. But that didn’t matter; as long as he had his darling Lucía, everything was right in the world.
“Mi vida! I’m home!” he called out as he set the cake box on the island counter of their kitchen. He slumped his now empty briefcase on the floor, and stretched, letting his back pop. “Where are you, mi paloma?”
“Right here, mi corazón,” she said, and Sergio whipped around with a wide smile.
Lucía grinned, and looped her arms around Sergio’s neck. His hands found their way to her hips, and their lips met in a sweet, loving kiss. Sergio smiled into the kiss, and playfully pressed Lucía against the countertop. Lucía giggled as Sergio began to pepper her cheeks and jaw and neck with kisses, his stubble tickling her skin.
“Sergio that tickles!” she protested, her voice light hearted as she moved a hand to cup the back of his neck.
Sergio chuckled against her skin as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, exposed by her red camisole. “Whaat? A guy can’t love on his stunning wife on his anniversary?” he asked, tone flirty.
Lucía cupped his jaw and moved his face so she could kiss his lips one more time. She pulled away while biting her perfect lower lip, and mumbling, “I…I have a surprise for you…I think you’ll like it, but I don’t know…”
Sergio raised a brow and smirked at Lucía, who proceeded to swat his arm.
“Not that kind of surprise!”
Sergio gave a low curse in Spanish, but his expression showed that he wasn’t actually upset. Lucía guided him to the couch, making him sit and close his eyes while she went back to their bedroom.
Curiosity flooded him. If it wasn’t a sexy kind of surprise, then what kind of surprise was it?
Soon, he heard Lucia walk back into the room, and felt the couch dip beside him as she took a seat.
“Okay…I need you to promise to be calm, okay mi amor?”
“Okay…open your eyes.”
Sergio listened to what his wife said, and opened his eyes. In her hands was a piece of paper. He was confused, but took it. Lucía looked at him expectantly, and Sergio unfolded it, beginning to read. It was from the doctor. He knew that she’d had an appointment recently, but wasn’t sure about what it was for.
But when he saw that one eight-letter word, he felt his heart stop, and tears prick his eyes.
Sergio looked up at Lucía, who had grown misty eyed as well. She reached out and grabbed Sergio’s knee.
“Mi corazón…I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby,” she whispered.
Sergio all but tackled her, wrapping her in his arms as he covered her in kisses.
“Mi amor, mi paloma, mi vida... ¿Voy a ser papá? Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar,” Sergio rambled, not caring that he’d slipped back into their native tongue.
Lucía grinned and kissed Sergio sweetly. “Yes, cariño…We’re gonna have a family at last…Te quiero hasta Saturno y de vuelta.”
It was perhaps Sergio’s favorite anniversary.
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If you had to choose between having a pet rat and a pet lizard what would you pick?
A pet rat! Lizards are interesting, but rats are cute and fluffy :)
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oh no
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Bat Wayne I mean Bruce Man w/ navy/black and related stims!! {requested by 🗞 anon} X X X X X X X X X
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