thehiddenhudson · 3 years
// OMG Ace apologizing to his mom after having to baby sit Carson and Ryan all day. I love it.
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
Christmas Sentence Starters
Feel free to edit how you see fit! Happy Holidays!
“I baked Christmas cookies!”
“This calls for a snowball fight!”
“You know you don’t need mistletoe to get a kiss from me, right? Come here _.”
“Is that mistletoe?”
“I think the kids are afraid of Santa Claus..”
“Come take a picture with Santa!”
“So what do you want for Christmas!”
“I’m freezing, come cuddle with me!”
“Holding a mistletoe over our heads does not count.”
“How long have you been in that gift box?”
“This is the ugliest sweater I have ever seen. It’s perfect.”
“I don’t like Christmas that much actually.”
“It’s snowing!”
“Stop eating all the cookies, we gotta leave some for Santa!”
“Oh, aren’t the Christmas lights beautiful?”
“These carolers suck.”
“Why do you always bite the heads off the gingerbread man cookies first?”
“Look, couples Christmas sweaters!”
“Joke is on you, I’m already on the naughty list!”
“That mall Santa does not get paid enough.”
“Aw, look at you pretending to be Santa for the kids.”
“Wait up, Santa. Let me fix your hat~”
“There’s so many presents!”
“I.. I love it!”
“Getting married on Christmas- it sounds like a dream!”
“Oh the stores are crazy!”
“I made you some hot chocolate.”
“I’ll be home in time for Christmas, I promise.”
“Christmas brings up bad memories for me.”
“I’m so happy to spend Christmas with you this year.”
“It’s been years since I last celebrated Christmas.”
“I love the way you sing Christmas carols.”
“I hope you like your present.”
“Wanna help me decorate?”
“It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!”
“You don’t have anyone to spend Christmas with? Well this year you can spend it with us.”
“Looks like you got a little drunk off the eggnog, hm?”
“I’m not drunk!”
“These Christmas parties are always so awkward..”
“Oh you didn’t have to get me anything..”
“Don’t be such a scrooge!”
“Merry Christmas _. Will you marry me?”
“The baby is coming… on Christmas. Holy shit.”
“I have something wonderful to tell you, _. I’m pregnant!”
“Last time you tried to make Christmas cookies you almost set the house on fire.”
“Oh I could stay by the fireplace forever.”
“Our flight home got cancelled. We won’t make it home for Christmas.”
“You look freezing, take my coat.”
“Now why are you out here alone in the cold?”
“You’re gonna get sick if you stay out in the cold like that.”
“Let’s go sledding!”
“Oh the food looks delicious, _.”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟎𝟏𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | accepting!!
@thehiddenhudson​ sent:   “ It’s not my fault, they initiated it. ” (Ace)
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“They’re just a couple of schoolyard bullies. It’s really best not to let them antagonise you, Luce. Act like it doesn’t bother you, and they should get the message and move on.” Did that always work? No. But he’d often found that to be the best approach to things like this. “’sides, if they continue with that behaviour we can talk to Nick about having them removed from coming into The Claw. Set ‘em straight.”
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“You know what else sends a message? Having their car repossessed. One phone call and I can make it happen...” Because that was one did when you were a Hudson. And it was a behaviour that Lucy was struggling with. She wanted to let it go. Be more than just her family. Be more than just the ‘poor little rich girl’ everyone once saw her as. But it was hard. Especially when presented with jag offs like the one in the corner booth.
She did not know how Nancy and Ace and them did this whole...work thing every day. Putting up with shit like this.
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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Nancy knew that what she had said had hurt her.  She hadn’t meant to.  Lucy was her sister.  And they had spent 18 years apart.  Now that they knew each other, they should be close.  They should be spending all this time, getting to know each other.  But instead she had just sent her sister storming out of the house.
God she was dumb sometimes.
“Luce!  Wait!”  She sighed as she ran after her, reaching for her arm to stop her.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean it.”  She sighed, shaking her head.  “I just.. All of this is so much right now.  Between finding my sister, and the Aglika, and Odette possessing George, and our grandparents, and just all of it, it’s a lot.”  She sat on the steps, her fingers tracing through her hair.  “I need you.  I need my sister to keep me sane.  I’m sorry.  Forgive me?”
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"Yeah. No shit, Nance.” It was a lot. For both of them. Because Nancy wasn’t alone in this; in all that was going on. They had both just discovered they had a sister. Both just found out the full truth about their biological mother. And both were dealing with the fact their grandfather was a murderous douchebag. 
“I need you too. But we can’t...we’re both used to going at things alone. But we’re not, anymore. Alone. And that means you can’t cut me out when things get sticky. Okay? Whatever happens, we deal with it together. You and me.”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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50 𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙐𝙀 𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙈𝙋𝙏𝙎 | accepting!!
@thehiddenhudson​ sent:   ❛ what are you doing out here by yourself ? ❜ (Ace)
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From the rock cliff he sat on, Ace peered out at the horizon as he heard the sound of a ships’ horn in the distance. Fog was beginning to roll in across the bay, and a few fishermen’s boats were starting to make their way back to shore. Despite the sun being blotted out by clouds, it was otherwise a beautiful day in Horseshoe Bay. Reaching for the handle of the cooler beside him, he opened the lid and began to pull out the Tupperware containers that had the snacks his mom had packed. A noise from behind startled him, and he turned to face it, expecting an animal but pleasantly surprised to see a familiar face standing there. “Hey, Luce, I thought you might’ve been a rabbit or deer. I just came out here to clear my head.” Picking the cooler up, he set it down on the other side of him, making room for her if she wanted to sit. “I didn’t know anybody else knew about this spot. What are you doing out here?”
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“You knew it was me?” Lucy couldn’t help but be impressed. The number of people that could tell her and Nancy apart from afar was, well, miniscule. Like aside from Ace it was pretty much Carson and Ryan. 
Settling on the ground beside him, she took in the scenery. It was gorgeous. But then, a lot of Horseshoe Bay was. As she was slowly learning.
“I was...looking for a hidden trail. You know those hikers that disappeared a few days ago? The tourists? Well, Nancy’s looking into it and it seems like, on the older maps of Horseshoe Bay, there was another trail. So I volunteered to come out and see if I could find it. So...do you wanna talk about it? Whatever made you need to come out here? I’m told I can be a pretty good listener.” Or at least she was trying to be.
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
// Lucy is so concerned about everything going on right now.
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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She could tell she was doubting herself.  And it was cute.  Not that she had to.  Ace liked her too.  She didn’t need to worry about that, in any capacity.  “You really like him, don’t you?”  She was happy for her sister.  She really was.  She wanted her to be happy, and Ace to be happy.  They both deserved it.  More than anything in the world.  She wanted them together, if they could have that.  “You’re not going to mess this up, Luce.  And if you feel like you are, just look at me.  I’ve done more to screw up relationships in the last year, than anyone else you know.  Just do the opposite of me.”
"I do, yeah.” She never expected to. When her dad and Tiffany “temporarily” moved her back to Horseshoe Bay, falling for a guy had not been the plan. Of course, finding out she had a twin sister hadn’t been part of the plan either.
The past year had been weird. Weirded than weird. Which was why... “I don’t think anyone can look at this past year and say its par for the course. You went through a lot of life changes. And that takes a toll on relationships. Doesn’t mean you screwed them up.”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
What sort of fan theories would exist for my OC if they were canon?
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
// I suddenly have very strong feelings about the fact that Ace can tell Nancy and Lucy apart -- even from a distance. And it makes me wonder who is good at telling them apart and who isn’t.
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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“I can do that, if you’d like.” He wasn’t sure how much of a caver Lucy was, in fact he’d never heard her bring it up before. Picking up on her nervousness, he stood there replaying the earlier conversation, trying to figure out what had brought this on. “There’s a few caves around here that are safer than the one we’re going to. Used to go exploring them when I was in Scouts.”
Do something else… The way she worded it, as if she was only making the cave trek suggestion as something he’d enjoy. “Luce, we can do something we’d both enjoy, but we should probably get going to the cave, find that box so we can finish close the case, and stop whatever it is that’s doing all this.” Heading for the door of the Claw, he held it open for Lucy to go through, still clinging to his laptop. “Are you alright? You seem a little skittish. If this is about the cave possibly collapsing, I don’t mind going in alone.”
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“Yes; yes we should.” Because they were on a deadline. Which meant they had absolutely no time to deal with her internal crisis over liking the boy beside her. Like how typically Hudson was that? People could die and here she was, stressing over future hypothetical dates. Could she get any more ridiculous?
Heading outside (and towards the car), she looked back at Ace at his question. “What? No. I mean, yes...the idea of the cave in is not ideal but I’m still going. Whatever happens in there, we’ll deal with it. Together.” She wasn’t going to send him in there alone. No way in hell.
But that word still hung there. Together. Not to mention Ace had noticed her totally not chill behaviour. “Okay...look...I know this is so very not the time nor the place but obviously I’m really bad at hiding things and we need not to be distracted right now so...I like you, Ace. Like really like you. And that wigs me out a bit cause well so many reasons and I know I have totally destroyed any semblance of playing it cool but when it comes to you I’m not real good at that. So yeah. That’s my embarassing confession of the day. Hopefully the cave will not collapse and this totally unhinged rambling will not be your last memory of me.”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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“Others?” His thoughts turned to his own family, and the many fights he often had with his dad. Did that mean he didn’t deserve the kind of love they gave each other? No, he was certain he did. At the mention of Lucys’ grandfather, Ace hesitated, jaw clenching a little at what he knew the man had put his granddaughters, and many others, through. “Your grandfather is many things, and has had horrible things done to a lot of people. Does he not deserve to be loved? I think there needs to be justice for the crimes he’s committed and had done, but that doesn’t mean you cant respect him or care. He’s still a person, a human being. People - any person - no matter who they are, deserves at least that much.”
Ace took a deep breath, and side glanced Lucy’s way, “Your dad has gone through a lot in the past year, so have you. He’s grown, and changed. I think if you don’t allow people to learn from their past, you’ll never be able to grow and learn yourself. This kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight though, Lucy. I’m not saying you have to give your grandfather anything right now, but if one day he reflects on what he’s done, and decides to be a better person, to come forward with what he’s done, then does he not deserve it?”
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"Unfortunately, I think the objective word there is ‘if’.” If he decided to reflect. If he came forward. Things Lucy highly doubted would ever happen. Everett Hudson was not a man who admitted he was wrong. 
Even when it came to his family. “There used to be this tension when my grandparents would come visit us in Portland. I never understood it because I was so excited to see them, especially my grandmother. They’d come laden with presents and Grandma would take me shopping and to get our nails down while Dad and Grandpa talked about whatever it was they talked about. Business, I guess. Now I know it’s because of the resentment Dad still holds towards him. Costing him my mom. Making him feel like he had to split me and Nancy up. But as much as my grandparents love and spoiled me...because I would like to think that despite everything my grandfather does in some way love me...they’d never apologize. Never tell my dad that they fucked up and they should have let him be with my mom. Because that’s not their way. Which is why I’m not holding out hope that my Grandfather decides to atone for his sins. As much as we might want him to.”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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She shook her head at Lucy’s question.  “No windows, no air vents.  No skylight.  Just the door.  It’s a small room, in the attic.  There is only one way in.  The window was removed and filled in years ago with bricks.  The only way into the attic is to walk through the entire house, up two flights of stairs, and then into the attic.  And the stairs to the attic are quite creaky.”  It would cause a lot of noise.  
“It’s this one…”  She pulled out a photo - that had been taken for insurance purposes a few years before - and slid it over to her.  “It’s nothing special.  Just a painting of the bluffs, overlooking the river.  It’s by a local artist.  It’s not even valuable.”
Taking the photo, Lucy frowned. The fact that no one could have gotten in or out of the attic without being heard meant that they were most likely dealing with something not a person. Great. She did not remember Portland having this many ghosts.
And the key was no doubt the painting. But why? “Is the artist still alive? Can we go talk to them? See if this piece had any particular significance?” It was as good a place to start as any, right?
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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She had to laugh softly at her words.  She could only imagine what her tantrums were like.  She imagined fireworks, for some reason.  Looking back at her, she let out a breath.  “I just feel so out of place here.  I’m always comfortable at places.  No matter where I go.  But here…  I feel like I’m on trial or something.”  Maybe she was in a way.  Maybe this was a trial, before a public execution.  And she just didn’t know it.
Her words cut her a little and she let out a deep sigh.  “Bess always wanted to be a Marvin though.  She knew that she wanted to live in that life.  It was her choice.  I grew up, hating the Hudson’s.  And everything this life stood for.  I saw the things they used their money for, and I never wanted to be a part of that.  Now knowing that I am?  I just…”  She sighed.  “I don’t know how to feel.  About myself mostly.”
Fireworks were pretty damn close, actually. She’s sure, if Nancy asked, Ryan and Celia would be all too willing to pull out the embarrassing Lucy stories. Not that she recommended doing that. At all. 
“That feeling? It’s not just you. Part of being a Hudson is being watched. By the rest of the family. The public. Ninety percent of what we do is on display, for all to see. And as shocking as this piece of information is...there are a lot of people who would take great joy in our downfall. Why do you think Dad moved me away from Horseshoe Bay? Besides the obvious, of course? To give us both a bit of breathing room. To let me be the horrid child I was without all of Horseshoe Bay watching. So trust me when I say you’re not alone in that.”
“Or in disliking who we are. I’ve had more than enough breakdowns in front of you these past weeks for you to know we are struggle with it. Grandpa...we’re not all like him. We’re not. Dad has his moments of being a dumbass, but he’s not evil. Neither is Grandma. Just...give them a chance. Please. For me?”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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Lucy would like to talk to her father about this look because what the actual fuck is he wearing????
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
@magickisafoot liked this post for a witch!Lucy starter
“Makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?” Lucy rolled her eyes a bit as she searched the workroom of her father’s house for the herb they needed. “Once you know the Hudsons are magical...well, their hold and control over everything makes a lot more sense...aha! There you are!” Pulling down the jar of Yarrow, she took out a few of the white flowers, adding them to the small silver dish in front of her. “Once I light the ingredients in this dish, we should be able to follow to smoke to wherever Bess is.”
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
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thehiddenhudson · 3 years
// Lucy definitely came long to DetectiveCon. One, it sounds super fun and two, Portland! She can show Nancy, Ace, and George where she used to hang around.
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