themunsonmurders · 1 year
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the time bat eddie discovered his new favorite resting spot
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
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The Duffers really robbed us of Robin’s reaction to Steve in Eddie’s vest and I’m never going to forgive them
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Steve hadn’t thought his nightmares could get any worse than they already were. They were already such a nasty cocktail of the jaws of Demogorgons, both big and small, the Russians, the beatings and the horrifying sounds of the kids screaming, of Robins voice begging. They would blend together so horrendously that he would often wake himself up, screaming.
He hadn’t thought it could get worse than that.
He was wrong.
Every night, without fail, Eddie died. It didn’t matter how many times he tried to repeat the miracle he’d pulled off, no matter how often he repeated his same actions, Eddie would always die. He’d always be left, eyes wide open, blank. Dustin would always beg Steve to bring him back.
Steve would always wake up sobbing.
And there was nothing he could do. He'd tried taking sleeping pills, tried meditation, tried to tire himself out before bed in the hopes that he'd be too exhausted to dream. Yet, still, every night, without fail...
It continued for weeks. Steve was getting less and less sleep each night. He’d started waking himself up earlier, and earlier, trying desperately to cut his nightmares short. To go one night without seeing Eddies cold and lifeless eyes.
One night, Steve wakes up early. He wakes up before the nightmare ends. He wakes up before Eddie dies, once again. He wakes up.
He’s as confused as he always is, disorientated and struggling to grasp reality.
But he woke up. Eddie hadn’t died. He isn’t dead. Steve knows it, can feel it in his bones.
He forces himself up, doesn’t bother grabbing a top or changing out of his pj bottoms or putting on slippers. He grabs his car keys and starts driving.
He gets to the little house the Munsons now owned, thanks to the hush money. He didn’t bother knocking on the door, carefully hopping around the bushes to knock on the bedroom window.
“What the fuck is-” Eddie hisses, but shuts up when he pokes his head out. “Steve? What is it, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“Can… can I just…” Steve wipes at his face, hating how wet his cheeks are. He has to bite back a sob. "Please."
“What? What do you need?”
Steve grabs Eddies hand, pulling his arm out the window a little more, so he can press his fingers to the inside of his wrist. It takes a moment for him to find his pulse but, once he does, he just feels relief.
“Oh… oh, Stevie…” Eddie whispers. “Come on, get in here.”
“I’m ok,” he chokes out. “I’m ok now, don’t worry, I can-”
“No, you can’t. Get in here. I’m not asking, Steve, I will come out there and drag you in if I have to.”
It takes a moment for Steve to crawl in through the window, mostly because they’re both trying to keep him from knocking anything off the desk, making sure he doesn’t break anything.
“Shit, you’re not even wearing socks… come on, come here.”
Eddie grabs his wrist, pulling him over to the bed, gently pushing him down.
“Where will you sleep?”
“Here, dumbass. Move over.”
Eddie gently pushes him to the side, crawling into bed so he’s behind him, tugging him close so he can spoon him. He wraps his arms around Steve tight, almost painfully. Tight enough that Steve sighs, finally relaxing.
“I’ve got you,” Edide whispers. He presses his forehead to Steves shoulder. “And I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. I’m ok. You’re ok. We’re both ok. We’re safe here.”
“I promise. I’m staying right here.”
"You'll still be here when I wake up?"
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
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Corroded Coffin has come out of the gates swinging with their debut album, Resurrection.
Four boys from Hawkins, Indiana have captured lightning in a bottle with this hot new record. Controversial, subversive, but most importantly: metal, Corroded Coffin bring a unique sound to the scene that pays homage to the greats while having something fresh to say. (ID in alt text ; REBLOG DON’T REPOST)
The album begins with hard hitting lyrics about the frustrations of repeating the same struggles day in and day out in Sisyphus. Leading into Freak, which angrily harps on societal fears of the unfamiliar. Divide Divide is a heartbreakingly romantic departure from that—Munson sings about unrequited love while likening the object of his affection to seraphim, wailing “I realize on my ascent / That your love was heaven sent / I won’t be the one you choose / You were never mine to lose.”
Feather/Board is the first experimental track of the album, with an emphasis on drums and the guitar cutting out intermittently. Tackling the concept of one sided promises, Broken Pinky explores the hurt of betrayal. Vulture’s Lament is likely to be a cult favorite, a hidden gem tucked in the middle with a more theatrical lilt to the lyrics and vocal style laced with tongue-in-cheek humor, with lines like “They say beggars can’t be choosers / Sanity’s the price you pay / Here, the winners are the losers / In this buffet of decay.”
Opening the second half, Corpse Masterpiece blows you away with a wall of sound, pushing the Dorian Grey-esque concept of artistic immortality and how your image can warp over time. Metamorphasize addresses the masks we put on to fit one place or another, with the most impressive guitar solo yet. Sweetheart somehow brings it all back to earth without losing any momentum, subverting your definition of sweetness and love itself. “When I crack open my chest / You occupy my ribcage / Sweetheart, you’re not like the rest / You’ve made your mark upon my page.”
Closing it out with Leftover from the Rapture, clocking at a whopping 7 minutes and being the most daring musically of the entire album, there isn’t a more breathtaking note to be left with. The song muses on survivors guilt, and the thought of the last man standing having some sort of a moral failing for not being more self sacrificial. The riffs in this are nothing short of genius, weaving around the vocal line in a haunting echo, leaving us with the final phrase—“Can’t go back, too late to run now / Can’t escape what I’ve become, how / With my last breath the devil’s won / I’m hurtling straight into the sun.”
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
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2 and a half dudes!!
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Eddie doesn’t say a thing, still hidden under the blanket.
Steve, the brilliant thinker he is, pokes it, because that went so well for him the first time.
“You didn’t die, did you dude? Cause I really can’t handle someone biting it in my car. She’s my baby.”
“Shut up Harrington.” Eddie says, but it's wobbly.
The same tone Max tends to get when she’s furiously trying not to let on that she’s crying.
This leaves Steve two choices.
The first is to pull the blankets off Eddie, which will reveal him to the world at large, possibly exposing him to any passerbyers (not that anyone is likely to jog by but Steve takes no chances anymore) and very likely piss him off if not make the panic attack he’s denying having much worse-
Or, he can do what he does with the kids.
Debates for a second if this is a Henderson or Wheeler Jr situation, before landing on Wheeler. He and Eddie both have that same tendency to screech and wave their arms instead of whining and sulking.
Steve grabs the blanket, lifting it up so it covers both the floor and the seat, and then crawls under the blankets with him.
“What the fuck-” Eddie sputters, wrestling for a moment and making things difficult, until Steve manages to get into a somewhat okay position.
Chest hugging the backseat, the blanket lifted up enough that he can see Munson’s face, water bottle next to him and within reach.
Knows he looks absolutely fucking ridiculous to any passerbyer with his feet hanging out the open door.
“Hi.” Steve tells him, and wow is it crammed back here. “Thought I’d join the blanket fort."
He does not get a response.
The blanket was big enough to cover both his seat and a good chunk of the floor (purchased on purpose so as many of the gremlins could fit under it as necessary)
Red rimmed eyes stare back at him, Eddie looking all too like a cornered, feral cat.
Feeling an awful lot like he’s repeating the Tew’s Stuck in the Cabinets situation, Steve prepares himself for the long haul, rummages around in his pocket where he know he keeps a coin for this exact joke, and says;
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Eddie lets out a noise that might have been a laugh, if someone also choked and sneezed at the same time. “That was fucking terrible Harrington.”
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
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another bat (st)eddie comic i did last month ^_^
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Steve starts calling Robin "Bobin" when they're alone, which later gets shortened to BB, which works for both BoBin or Bobin Buckley. At some point he ends calls her BB in front of the kids. It's not exactly a slip up since it was exactly meant to be secret, but the whole thing has just been a between them thing. So the kids hear him call her BB, but they think he's saying baby and now they think they're dating. At this point Dustin has been given enough crap about his ego so he forgoes his "I knew it/told you so" spiel. He begrudgingly decides to just be happy for them. The rest are less enthusiastic and/or invested in their relationship so they all kind of shrug and assume they're dating. They get some kind of wake up call way later (steddie something, ronance/buckingham/rockie something) confusing everyone involved
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
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Screenshot redraw but it was touched by a gay person (me)
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Steve, nervous and on Eddie’s doorstep: I guess I’ve been having these…feelings?…for you and I thought I was going crazy but then when you smiled at me today… I just had to come here and talk to you and figure out what that meant. I really think I… I like you
Eddie, already taking his shirt off: Go on
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Steve is a romantic and Eddies probably never had a guy try to woo him. They would go absolutely feral over a slow burn.
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Steve sits in his car, parked outside of the Hawkins High theater room as he waits for his begrudgingly favorite group of gremlins to come spilling out of the building and pile into his backseat (and argue about the front seat too) so he can drive them home after their Dorks & Doofuses, or whatever it's called, club.
It, technically, ends at six, but it usually takes them a while to pack up all their shit (and who knew a nerd game could have more equipment than most sports?). Plus they love to linger after to try and weasel hints about future sessions out of their Nerd King or whatever he's called and start strategizing for next time. Steve always tells them not to dawdle, they've got curfews and he's got parents to keep happy, but they never listen.
He glances down at his watch right as the little hands ticks past the three. Any minute now. At least that's what he hopes, anyways.
ABBA's playing through the tape deck, and Steve absentmindedly taps along as the opening bars of Gimme Gimme Gimme fill the car. He hums the tune through the first verse and turns it up just as it starts to gear up for the chorus.
And then, as if on cue, right as that chorus hits, right as Agnetha and Anni-Frid start to ask for their man after midnight, the doors of the theater room go flying open.
And out walks — nay, saunters — the prettiest boy that Steve has ever laid eyes on. Dressed in a tantalizing mix of leather and denim, he's got his head thrown back in a bright, beautiful laugh (loud enough to hear even over the music, and jesus, it sounds even better than the song), his long, wild curls fanning out around his face and shoulders, and the most gorgeous, easy smile pulling at his mouth and baring all of his teeth.
There's not a soul out there, ABBA sings, no one to hear my prayer.
But boy oh boy are they wrong. Steve didn't send out any prayers, but there sure as shit is a soul out there. Traipsing through the Hawkins High parking lot like he owns the place, throwing his arms and hands around in erratic, enthusiastic gestures, walking backwards towards a beat up old van in the back.
And Steve can't look away.
It's almost embarrassing how caught up he gets in staring at this boy, because he doesn't even register the kids trailing out behind him, or how they've finally made it to his car until the doors are wrenched open none too carefully and their raucous bickering bursts through the bubble.
Dustin slides into the front seat and slams the door behind him, and Steve's attention is momentarily stolen from the pretty boy as he slips into the familiar song and dance that is chastising Dustin for his lack of respect for Steve's things and volleying back at the snarky remarks he gets in return.
"Later dweebs!" Interrupts a smooth, lilting voice from outside and every pair of eyes in the car (including Steve's, especially Steve's) snap towards the source. The pretty boy stands in the open door of his van with a broad smirk and a hand stuck up in a sedentary wave.
The kids all chorus their goodbyes and wave back, and Steve — ingloriously, embarrassingly, mortifyingly — gives a wave of his own.
The pretty boy notices, because of course he does, and his grin sharpens. He adds an extra flutter of his fingertips as he meets Steve's eyes directly.
Steve flushes all the way up to his roots and immediately tears his gaze away, drops his hand to the wheel, and clears his throat. "Alright," he says, sounding a bit pinched. "Buckle up shitheads," he adds and hopes that none of the excruciatingly nosy children in his car noticed any of that.
He doesn't even know how to begin explaining any of that to the kids. He doesn't even know how to being explaining any of this to himself.
Steve waits for the sound of three distinct clicks, then shifts the car into drive and eases off of the break. As he heads towards the parking lot exit, Steve spares one last fleeting glance to the pretty boy getting smaller and smaller in his rear view mirror.
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight, take me through the darkness to the break of the day.
The song — which Steve is absolutely going to have stuck in his head for days now, just like a certain boy that will absolutely be stuck in his head for days (and weeks, and months, and—) — fades to it's end, but this? This is only just the beginning.
This is the beginning of Steve Harrington's big huge crush on one Eddie Munson.
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
I wanted to get the last chapter of hand in hand out before, or maybe even on, Christmas, but apparently my family made plans ?? Nothing is set in stone yet, but let's hope I can get this finished before I start getting v busy ☹️
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
Eddie is asleep on his couch. Steve didn’t remember Eddie being asleep on his couch. Or on his couch. Or in his house. He wasn’t complaining, but was still confused. But hey, Robin had a spare key and well. That meant that Eddie could easily acquire a spare key if he needed… or wanted evidently.
He was curled up tightly, arm twisted up behind his head. Blanket clutched in the other hand, a happy smile on his face. Steve shook his head with a small laugh, Eddie almost looked like a cat, belly towards the sky (and just as likely to bite your hand if you moved wrong).
Steve crouched down next to the sofa and gently brushed back some of Eddie’s hair, evidently he even chewed on it in his sleep. Hopefully nothing was *wrong*, Steve loved when Eddie came to hang out, but he had never dropped by without notice before. He hated to wake him, but Steve had to check and so he very gently whispered, “Eddie, hey, Eddie.”
Eddie twisted around, arms entwined above his head in a stretch and he let out a sleepy sound, “mrrp?”
Steve fell forward from his crouch and leaned up against the sofa to muffle his laughter. Eddie had just fucking woken up like a cat, mrrp activation sound and all.
“Steve? What’s so funny?” Eddie asked in a sleepy voice.
Steve only shook his head in laughter, chest full of warmth (and maybe love).
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themunsonmurders · 1 year
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'ronance and steddie accidentally going on a date to the same place and steve and robin see each other across the room.'
Based on this post on Twitter.
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themunsonmurders · 2 years
the fruity four but make it hollywood au
actor!steve who’s newly famous for his leading role in last year’s hit romantic comedy, everybody and their mother is in love with the guy, his face is on every fucking billboard across the country, he’s charming and funny and god is he attractive and eddie is so fucking over it.
eddie munson--lead singer and guitarist for successful metal band corroded coffin--doesn’t even know steve harrington but he’s annoyed by him nonetheless. by what, he’s not really sure. his success? his popularity? how his face is literally everywhere eddie turns? who knows! eddie writes him off as another one hit wonder actor who will flop in his next feature or burn out in the next five years from doing too much too fast and not being able to handle the workload or the stardom
but then he meets steve at some 30 under 30 in hollywood party, and he's not at all how eddie expected. they become sort of friends that night, and in the following weeks eddie starts to learn more about hollywood's newest heartthrob
like how steve never really wanted to be an A-list actor, how he never saw himself in the romcom game at first. he learns how steve got his start as a stunt double on a couple of decent coming of age/teenage hijinks action adventure films, how he spent most of his twenties absolutely broke, living paycheck to paycheck and constantly worried between jobs
how steve met his best friend robin (a makeup artist) on the set of his first real gig, and how he pulls her in to any and all of his projects now that he’s a big name (not that she isn’t talented in her own right, she’s damn good at what she does, but they've always looked out for each other like this in the near decade they've known each other). she's been his "date" on more than one red carpet this year, and every couple of months steve has to publicly squash the dating rumors that start to circle them
how steve met his ex-girlfriend nancy wheeler (yes, that nancy wheeler, picture perfect girl-next-door older sister on one of the most famous sitcoms of the last decade) when she starred in a movie where steve was her co-lead’s stunt double, how they dated for about a year and then broke up but stayed friends, even when she went through her rebellious phase and broke out of her cookie cutter miss-teen-perfect shell and had a bit of a "wild child" phase before settling into the indie film scene for a while and fading into the background for a couple of years
how steve never wanted to be an actor--like, not even a little bit--but on this one gig he flirted a little too much with this one casting director that he really liked, and then the next thing he knows he’s being cast as a supporting part in a six part mini series that sort of blew up one summer before everyone immediately forgot about it when fall programming began airing
fast forward a year or so and he’s still doing stunt work--with name recognition comes a steadier stream of gigs, so he's happy with what he's doing, he likes stunt work--when something goes wrong and he gets a pretty bad concussion (just another in a long line of them) and his agent tells him it might be time to hang it up for good for the sake of his health
but he doesn’t know what else to do, he has a little money saved from the mini series but it’s not enough and he needs a new plan, and robin--sweet, sweet robin--tells him about this movie she’s about to start working on where the male lead had to back out last minute and the directors are scrambling and she may have slipped steve’s headshot to the casting director when she caught him having a breakdown in the back room of the studio...
...and that's how steve gets his big break, starring in a well written romcom with an unknown cast that does big numbers at the box office, launching all of them into stardom overnight
and eddie is fascinated by all of this because, well, he thought steve was for sure a nepotism baby or some shit because he’s pretty sure steve grew up with money (he did, but he left it behind to move to LA and pursuit his dreams) and eddie just assumed his dad was a big name producer or something and that’s how steve got into all of this
so the two of them start hanging out and they become fast friends, always photographed getting coffee together trying to avoid the paparazzi or showing up to hollywood's hottest parties together (in an attempt to get both of their agents off their backs and actually show their faces in public) and buzzfeed starts to write these articles about how they're the most unlikely of friends
it takes them six months to start dating.
it takes another year before the press catches wind of it, and by that time they're already living together in a three bedroom luxury apartment in LA with robin and nancy sharing a place right down the hall. steve bought a ring. it sits in robin's sock drawer so eddie won't find it before steve's ready to pop the question
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themunsonmurders · 2 years
Steve loves Eddie's hands. They're beautiful and they're kind of impossible not to stare at, Steve thinks. He's not really sure how everyone else manages to pull their eyes away from them when they're playing guitar at The Hideout, or gesticulating with gusto during one of their Hellfire sessions, or when they're absently spinning the rings that adorn his fingers.
So, yeah, Steve loves Eddie's hands, thinks about them constantly. About what they would feel like holding Steve's hand as they sit together on the couch during movie night, or how they would feel cupping his face as he leaned in for a kiss, or how they would feel sinking into Steve's hair, tugging just a little.
So when Steve sees his opportunity to find out just how those hands feel cradled in his own, he takes it.
They've been at the trailer all day, smoking and just hanging out together with no expectations. These are some of Steve's favorite days lately, just spending time with Eddie, listening to him ramble about whatever nerd tangent he's gone off on any given day.
He specially likes days like today, specifically. Days when Eddie's writing music. He won't let Steve see what lyrics he's frantically scrawling into his notebook, but Steve gets to hear the music and that's enough for him. He's kind of honored to be allowed to witness what is clearly a very personal process for Eddie.
Eddie's been playing and writing and playing and writing and playing some more all day, and Steve sees his chance as soon as Eddie puts his baby back on her mount on the wall and flops back onto his bed with a wide grin.
Steve grins back and doesn't say anything as he reaches out and grabs one of Eddie's hands. He carefully starts removing the bulky silver rings from Eddie's fingers.
"What are you doing?" Eddie is watching Steve with an intensity that is hard to ignore, but Steve just continues in his task. He's on a mission and he will not be derailed.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Steve says, slipping off the last of Eddie's rings. They're sitting close, Eddie leaned back against his pillow and Steve cross-legged next to him with his body turned toward Eddie's like a sunflower finding the sun.
"It looks like you're taking off my rings. Why are you doing that? Are you trying to steal them? You could just ask, you know, I'd give you one if you wanted," Eddie doesn't sound upset, just confused and maybe a tiny bit flustered underneath his joking tone. Steve would check to see if Eddie's face has that delightful little flush that it sometimes gets when Steve touches him a little more tenderly than usual or flirts with him a little more overtly.
Steve would like to look, but he thinks he might lose his nerve if he does, so he keeps his eyes focused on Eddie's hands. On Eddie's long fingers, his chipped nails, his calloused fingertips. He places the removed rings into a small pile on Eddie's bedside table, in the little jewelry dish that Steve had gotten for him last month.
"No thanks, they're not really my style. I'm taking them off so that I can do this," And he pulls Eddie's arm out a little further from his body so that he can start massaging Eddie's palm with both of his thumbs.
"Oh," Eddie gasps and Steve feels a rush of satisfaction at how out of breath Eddie sounds. Steve chances a look up and is quietly delighted to see that Eddie is indeed blushing.
"Yeah," Steve offers a small smile as he turns his attention back to Eddie's hand in his. "I figured your hands must be cramping a bit after playing and scribbling things down in your little notebook all day."
Steve sees Eddie nod out of the corner of his eye.
"Yeah, um," Eddie says and Steve's heart is racing in his chest. "Thanks, that, uh, it feels good."
"Good," Steve looks up at Eddie with another small smile and releases his hand. "Other hand?" He holds his own palm up for Eddie to place his hand in, which he does bashfully.
"Okay," Eddie is staring openly at Steve almost like he can't believe that Steve would want to massage his hands, which Steve thinks is ridiculous because it's not like he's been subtle about his attraction to Eddie for the past several months.
Steve squeezes Eddie's hand quickly before he works his thumbs into his other palm and it's a little bit sweaty now, but Steve doesn't mind. They sit in companionable silence while Steve finishes the massage.
When he's done, he doesn't release Eddie's hand back to him, just sits with it in his own for a moment. He could do something now, it's a risk, but Steve's almost positive now that Eddie feels the same way about Steve that Steve feels about Eddie. And even if Steve's wrong about that he knows that Eddie won't give him shit for being queer.
So, why not? The benefits of being right outweigh the fear of being wrong and Steve makes up his mind.
"Steve?" Eddie asks slowly, but makes no move to remove his hand from Steve's grip.
"Eddie," Steve answers and brings Eddie's knuckles up to trace across his lips. Steve hears Eddie gasp as he places a gentle but undeniable kiss on the center of Eddie's knuckles, letting his lips linger for a moment before pulling back to look at Eddie's face.
For such a small kiss Eddie looks absolutely wrecked, his face is flushed, his eyes are blown wide, and his mouth is hanging open. Steve's eyes drop to Eddie's lips unconsciously and Eddie closes them with a swallow that makes his adam's apple bob tantalizingly.
"Eddie," Steve repeats and he inches forward so that his knees are pressed up against Eddie's thighs, his face hovering over Eddie's. "Tell me if I'm wrong, okay?"
And then he kisses Eddie.
He doesn't panic when Eddie doesn't kiss back immediately, Steve's kissed enough people to know that it takes a moment sometimes for your brain to catch up with your body.
He doesn't panic, but he does feel a huge rush of relief when Eddie does kiss back, sweet and deep and Steve feels like he could drown in it.
And when one of Eddie's hands comes up to cradle Steve's face while the other works its way into Steve's hair, it feels even better than Steve had imagined.
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