The Innkeeper (Treasure Planet Short)
Jim wasn't here.
That was the first 'Oh-No' scenario that registered in his mind.
The second came in the form of two steely blue eyes (so much like Jim's) icing him to the polished new floorboards of the inn he stood in.
"Oh, you're John Silver?" Sarah Hawkins said before she crossed her arms, one holding a dishrag. A slow, and strangely devious, smile spread across her face as she examined him - this was definitely Jim's mother. Unlike Jim, however, full of spunk and attitude that Silver could swat away, Sarah Hawkins was monumental in a quieter way. Within that one look, Silver felt five years shaved off his life.
Because, really, what do you do when you go looking for that one pup you accidentally took a liking to years ago and find yourself, instead, standing in front of his mother whose inn you once burned to the ground during your gold-frenzied days?
"Jim's not here right now. He had orders from the Navy to ship out toward Waystation Grant," she explained, understanding his quiet question. "But he told me he should be home in a week or so."
This was a trap. No, an invitation. She was inviting him to stay. Why?
Because this was a trap.
She grinned, "Why don't you just start with lunch, Mister Silver?"
Silver removed his tricorn hat with a flourish of his robotic arm as he gave a small bow. He was nothing if not a charmer.
"A meal sounds lovely, Missus Hawkins."
"Just Sarah is fine," she laughed as she led him to a nearby table in front of the bay windows overlooking the road. Could she sense his anxiety? His sudden desire to run? Or was she just a fantastic host? Both could be true.
"If we be sharin' first names already, then call me John," he said, settling in.
"Very well, John." And she smiled again. A rare rose in the thorny underbrush that was Silver's life.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay while he waited for Jim.
He began to reach into his pockets to assess his current financial situation for the meal and boarding when Sarah again waved him off.
"I've got a better idea - if you do plan to stick around for a week, why don't you help me with some projects I have around here? Jim tells me you're a good cook."
There it was. The gentle coercion to stay still with the promise of an exit.
"Ah, heh," Silver rubbed his massive chin, an awkward laugh escaping him. "I've served aboard many a ship with hungry crews, aye."
"Good. Tomorrow morning, you can help me serve breakfast, but tonight I want to hear more about how you met my son." Then she spun on her heel to deal with a particularly noisy customer near the back while Silver released a resigned chuckle. The turn of her countenance alone was both mirthful and cutting. Jim's mother, sweet as she may be, was no fool. She was definitely playing with him. Trap indeed.
"Jim, Lad, ye better be worth it," Silver muttered.
But in his heart he knew Jim already was.
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Captain Jim Hawkins Headcanons
Hello hello! I adore writing about Jim Hawkins. Despite the awkward design of him in The Battle at Procyon video game, I have loved exploring his future as a captain. Here are a few of my Captain Jim Hawkins headcanons:
Jim takes risks with his ship and crew on missions. While other Naval Officers would follow protocol to the letter, Jim throws the rule book out the window. This leads to others thinking he's rash and incompetent. In reality, the risks Jim takes are perfectly calculated. He would never put his crew in unnecessary danger for his own ego. He weighs the odds which is why his gambles typically pay off.
He's a young captain. Despite his fellow crew being trained to serve their commanding officer, some can't help but passive-aggressively talk down to Jim. When meeting with base command, Jim will occasionally run into an Admiral or two with more years in the field who see Jim as 'too inexperienced'. While this irritates Jim, he converts the frustration into a drive. He goes out there and rattles the stars despite how people treat him.
He was issued a standard Naval Officer tricorn hat upon graduation, but he never wears it because he prefers the wind in his hair while out among the stars.
He takes great care to oversee his lines and tackle. He's not about to repeat the fear of losing a crew to a lifeline failure.
Sometimes he takes the longboats out on a test run, and the rest of his crew all refuse to join him because of that one time with that one stunt...you know...Jim being Jim.
At first the crew aren't sure how to react around their young captain with his pink shape shifting companion, but Morph quickly becomes a favorite. An annoying favorite, but a favorite nonetheless. Sometimes Jim asks Morph to report in on how the crew are handling their emotions because morale is just as important as a job well-done aboard ship. Morph keeps people in higher spirits on those long or heartless missions.
Mister Onyx is Jim's best friend from the Academy for good reason. Whenever Jim's own emotions are bubbling over or impacting his command of his ship, Onyx acts as an anchor. He essentially forces Jim to sit down and take a breather. He also keeps Jim from making decisions that serve only Jim's passing whimsy and not the collective.
I'll think of more soon, but just my initial first post woo!
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