#The Battle at Procyon
Captain Jim Hawkins Headcanons
Hello hello! I adore writing about Jim Hawkins. Despite the awkward design of him in The Battle at Procyon video game, I have loved exploring his future as a captain. Here are a few of my Captain Jim Hawkins headcanons:
Jim takes risks with his ship and crew on missions. While other Naval Officers would follow protocol to the letter, Jim throws the rule book out the window. This leads to others thinking he's rash and incompetent. In reality, the risks Jim takes are perfectly calculated. He would never put his crew in unnecessary danger for his own ego. He weighs the odds which is why his gambles typically pay off.
He's a young captain. Despite his fellow crew being trained to serve their commanding officer, some can't help but passive-aggressively talk down to Jim. When meeting with base command, Jim will occasionally run into an Admiral or two with more years in the field who see Jim as 'too inexperienced'. While this irritates Jim, he converts the frustration into a drive. He goes out there and rattles the stars despite how people treat him.
He was issued a standard Naval Officer tricorn hat upon graduation, but he never wears it because he prefers the wind in his hair while out among the stars.
He takes great care to oversee his lines and tackle. He's not about to repeat the fear of losing a crew to a lifeline failure.
Sometimes he takes the longboats out on a test run, and the rest of his crew all refuse to join him because of that one time with that one stunt...you know...Jim being Jim.
At first the crew aren't sure how to react around their young captain with his pink shape shifting companion, but Morph quickly becomes a favorite. An annoying favorite, but a favorite nonetheless. Sometimes Jim asks Morph to report in on how the crew are handling their emotions because morale is just as important as a job well-done aboard ship. Morph keeps people in higher spirits on those long or heartless missions.
Mister Onyx is Jim's best friend from the Academy for good reason. Whenever Jim's own emotions are bubbling over or impacting his command of his ship, Onyx acts as an anchor. He essentially forces Jim to sit down and take a breather. He also keeps Jim from making decisions that serve only Jim's passing whimsy and not the collective.
I'll think of more soon, but just my initial first post woo!
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staid-skipper · 26 days
An addition of mine to @verrixstudios Treasure Planet X Wings of Fire crossover/AU ;)
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I was originally going to redraw the picture for Evar’s, but I didn’t want to design two other Hivewings lol
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pastasilly · 6 months
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edited a cutscene of jim and dr doppler from the treasure planet game, battle at procyon!!
(left: edited, right: original)
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mibibosartblog · 9 days
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Base used, tweaked. (deviantart link)
Don't have much to say about this one, other than I might wanna redraw this one at some point :'D
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grayrazor · 5 months
Horatio Hornblower...in Space!
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myausofia · 1 year
This is for those who watched the walkthrough, or played Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Treasure Planet Battle At Procyon has an Active Modding Community on steam. check it out. the Pirate ‘Windjammer’ is a mobile base and battle station in the game. 
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ckadart · 10 days
Treasure Planet Juvie AU pt. 1.2
I'm having way too much fun with this ngl.
Jim's first day, getting a mugshot taken:
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And a few messy sketches of who he could potentially meet once inside
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I dont think I have mastered the style yet, but I feel I'm getting closer
Close ups:
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Aside from Jim, all these characters are original characters. Maybe none of these designs are permanent, but honestly I really like how they turned out a lot.
The rock guy I was thinking he could actually be Onyx from Battle at Procyon. I would have to change his face structure if I end up doing that, but it could add depth to the story-ish I have in mind.
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eliavraay · 1 month
Question since I really love your comics: How did Scroop join adult Jim's crew and why did he accept?
After his fight with Jim, Scroop was carried away by a cosmic current and weeks later an acturian ship found him barely alive. Since this nation has a very strickt law against pirates, Scroop is sent into one of the arcturian prisons. He spends 5 years here, since the arcturian law dictates, that his EVERY crime must be brought up against him on trial. That way they can call it a fair execution.
During these 5 years, Jim makes a name for himself, graduating the Navy academy and taking part in the Battle of Procyon. He becomes a war hero and he can have his own ship, which he names the "Solar Fire". As he becomes a captain of the Navy, he gets access to their databanks. With a little light of curiosity and wanting some closure, he tries to look up what happened to his father. He learns, that he was part of an expedition, trying to map an uncharted sector of space. The place is called the Scyllian Nebula and is famous about not being mapped, because all tech fails in the cosmic cloud. Nobody knows, what's on the other side, since no ship ever came back. Jim's father disappeared with the last ship going in.
So... Jim just can't help himself and wants to find out, what happened to him. He assembles a very specific crew of individuals the Navy is not too fond of having under their flag and doesn't mind if they disappear. However they do care about the ship and Jim, so the Admirals only allow the expedition, if Jim recruits someone at least vaguely familiar with the way to the nebula. And Scroop is one of three people in the Etherium, who knows that region. The moment Jim sees his name on the list... he just accepts it as fate and rolls with it. Thanks to his heroic efforts as captain, the arcturians release Scroop into his custody.
Of course, Scroop tries to escape immediatelly, but then he faces Jim's crew. And this is the moment this crew starts to shine, since any of them could take on Scroop individually, anytime. They are all dangerous and has their little quirks. Scroop and Jim eventually make a pact, that he won't escape until they reach the destination. Jim also promises him freedom and even some money to start anew, so Scroop accepts. Thou he starts to wonder, what to do with that freedom and money, since he really wants nothing. He tries to avoid the crew, but they are not stopping including him, so... eventually he just accepts them.
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dani-luminae · 6 months
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I just now discovered a gallery of thumbnails from the Battle at Procyon video game (basically the only sequel to Treasure Planet we ever got) and I am dying at the way they drew Jim in these
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marvelmaniac715 · 4 months
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staid-skipper · 4 months
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Admiral Jonah Percy [he/him]
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pastasilly · 5 months
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recently watched a gameplay of Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon!!
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mibibosartblog · 10 days
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Second part, at least in lineart, to the Battle at Procyon redraw project.
There was one detail on the mast on the right side that I just couldn't identify, so I ended up omitting it altogether. With that said, I feel this one's a little barren, thinking I might need to add more characters to it maybe?
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arconinternet · 3 months
Battle of the Eras (DOS, Procyon, 1995)
You can play this fighting game in your browser here.
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sparklemaia · 2 years
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some quick character sketches from The Strange Case of Starship Iris, @iriscasefiles. I am obsessed with this “gays on a spaceship” scifi audiodrama podcast, y’all. 
you should check it out because it’s got:
a ragtag found family of criminals undermining a corrupt intergalactic government! 
heists! ciphers and secret codes! double agents! 
alien linguistics as a plot device!
a useless lesbian! (good with guns, bad with feelings!)
a queer trans Jewish nerd wanted by several mafias!
a stunt pilot who composes battle poetry while defying the laws of physics!
multiple nonbinary characters! bi rep! poly rep! (grey) ace rep! it’s so gay you guys
baby goats! 
sea shanties!
I love every single one of these idiots, thanks to the whole team at Procyon for this kickass story. I’m currently listening to it for the 8th time in 2 months 😅
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