OC Bio - Veikko Järvinen
Well.. this is Veikko’s bio, but please remember - bios only tell basics about characters, not everything to avoid spoilers and make plot more interesting. So remember - Vei and other characters are much more complex than what is written there! And if you don’t see some things (for example, backstory, habits or family), it is likely it is not there simply because spoilers)
So, well..
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Name - well, obviously, his full name is Veikko Järvinen, and as for nickname he prefers to be just called Vei)
Age and birthday - Vei was born on 26th of November, 1999, and as for now he is 20.
Gender - male, he/him
Nationality and ethnicity - Finnish
Place of living - Vei was born in Helsinki and spent his childhood and school years there, but after finishing the school moved to Joensuu.
Appearance - well, Vei is short (169 cm/~5,54 ft) and overweight, though his weight is a “seasonal thing” (he is much heavier in winter than he is in summer). Anyways, in summer he is usually around ~160 kgs/~352 lbs, and in winter he is ~245/~540. Vei’s skin is light and he sunburns easily. His hair is also light (”dark blonde”), it is quite long, wavy and asymmetric (longer on left side). His eyes are heterochromic, with left being green and right being purple, and he wears glasses. His nose is “snub”. There is also has a scar on Vei’s left arm, a remnant from dinosaur attack. 
Veikko is very kind-hearted, caring and empathetic, he will always give a helping hand to ones who need it, and he is reliable. He is inqusitive, smart and intelligent, sensible and always thinks before acting. At the same time, he is also emotional, sensitive and has deep feelings. At the same time however Vei is quite too sensitive. Being easily offended, he is very shy and anxious if he talk to people he don’t know. He takes insults and criticism too seriously, and is quite not self-confident. Despite being anxious in socializing with people he don’t know, Vei is friendly, sociable and even a bit talkative if he is talking to his friends and/or family.
Likes (and hobbies):
Knitting, cooking, watching nature, travelling, painting, reading, hiking, exploring the world, sleeping, relaxing, spending time with his friends and/or family, tea, coffee, hugs, (actuallly there’s a lot more but I’ll not say that to avoid spoilers)
Being offended and/or abused, conflicts/arguments, when someone he loves is in danger, large cities, hot weather, (still there’s not everything to avoid spoilers)
can help if you’re sad/worrying/anything this way is good at making peace can make delicious food (though not all cuisines) clothes he knit are comfortable is nice in painting with oil paint can talk Finnish, English and Russian his eyes have tapetum lucidum, so he can see in the dark and they glow at the same time however he is colorblind (tritanopia)
Some more details:
Religion: atheist Occupation: studying to be chef, moonlighting as waiter Marital status: single Pets: Kanerva the Proburnetia
That’s all for now, though a lot more details about Vei will be revealed later)
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Everyone have a happy New Year!
AN IMPORTANT MENTION: in my Tumblr dashboard, images don’t load and I can’t post images too, so I’m required to leave links, sadly there is no way to fix it now..
This is one of my older (June 2019) paleoart, depicting a Gorgonops torvus playing, rolling in snow like a dog.
I hope everyone will have a happy New Year and enjoy it like this synapsid enjoys winter!
And yes, in Late January or February there is going to be an update of The Past’s Entry!
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The Past’s Entry is my (PermianArtist) “fictional universe”, it’s the world where my OCs live and it is what most my posts will be probably about. I created it quite long ago and developed for several months, and now I think it is finally quite developed, complex and interesting to appear in the internet.
Well, what is it? The Past’s Entry is pretty much our universe with a few differences.. A little disclaimer: The Past’s Entry deals nothing with realism, so several biological, geographical and political changes can be unrealistic.
Physical geography and climate
Physical geography is pretty much the same as in our universe, with mountains, rivers, seas, islands and other features at the same place as they are there. However, climate is much different. The Past’s Entry is overall colder and wetter (though there are several exceptional regions). For example, South Africa has much more temperate continental climates, more like real-life American Midwest, British Isles are more like Baltic States in temperature, and most of Alaska is tundra. Higher precipitation means more rainforests and less deserts. Sahara is a grassland/savannah area now, most temperate/boreal/austral areas are rainforests, and even some parts of Atacama are not so dry now.
However there are exceptions, one of them is Southern Russia, Ukraine and Caucasian Mountains area, which, on opposite, is much warmer in The Past’s Entry than it is in our universe, and, for example, Sochi (which is subtropical IRL) is almost tropical there.
Political geography
Political geography is different, too. There are much less countries than in our universe, as many of them are united. However, several large countries’ areas are, at opposite, separated there.
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As obvious, everything can be seen on this map. Large countries such as Russia, China, Canada, USA and Brazil are mostly separated, while smaller ones like African countries are mostly united. However, politics of many countries are pretty much the same as they are in our world.
Portals in Time and Prehistoric Creatures
The Past’s Entry has one more weird feature. There, time gets just “broken” in some areas, leading to “portals in time” (similar to Anomalies from Primeval TV series) that can allow travelling in time. However, in The Past’s Entry they appear only in some “anomalous zones” which are there around the world. Because of them, prehistoric creatures arrived in modern world several times. It seems that “timeshifting” begun just recently, and humanity hadn’t yet accustomed to it, so things like “large-scale dinosaur invasions” are still considered disasters of a sort.
And yes, Artistic License – Paleontology is a thing there, as some paleo-creatures may look not the same way as they’re considered now. I still try to mostly go with realism, but some creatures are quite changed…
Characters and plot
Finally, I need to say about my OCs who live in The Past’s Entry world. As for now I’m working on OC biographies and references, and so their “descriptions” are coming soon. As for now I’ll just tell you their names and slight details about them. Disclaimer: info there is just a few notes about characters! More info is coming when refs will be finished!
Major characters
Main characters
Veikko Järvinen – he/him, 20 years old. He is a very kind-hearted person, empathetic and caring. Also Veikko is sensible and smart, curious about the world and interested in nature, he loves visiting new places. Some of his hobbies are knitting, cooking and painting. However, he is shy and sensitive, being easily offended. He is Finnish, was born in Helsinki, Finland and lives in Joensuu, Finland.
Albert Henderson – he/him, 19 years old. He is cheerful, fun-loving and energetic. At the same time, he is quite childish, carefree and very impatient. Albert is interested in computers and technologies overall, he is a studying programmer and videogame developer. However, he also loves watching nature. He is American and was born in Miami, USA (but moved to Joensuu, Finland).
Kanerva – she/her, Veikko’s pet, Proburnetia viatkensis. Kanerva is friendly, but she is also loyal and protective. She can be aggressive to anyone who hurts someone who she loves. She is curious (though not too much) and interested in the “new world” she arrived to, so she adapted easily.
Raptor (Yurgovuchia doellingi) pack that appeared in modern time by walking through “anomaly” and now is there, in modern Joensuu
Melissa – she/her, alpha of the pack, old female. She is very skilled, experienced and wise, always thinking before doing. She is brave and will risk her life for her pack’s survival. And yes, she is very caring about her pack and her son.
Sage – he/him, Melissa’s son. He is a brave young raptor, determined and energetic, however he can’t really control himself and is a bit too self-confident and ambitious. He dreams of being the best fighter and hunter in pack, and he works hard to improve himself.
Rosalia – she/her, a middle-aged female. She is a very powerful fighter and dangerous when in battle, but she is cheerful in other times. She is optimistic and talkative. Also, she’s Black’s mate.
Black – he/him, a middle-aged one-eyed male, very smart and strategic. He is grumpy and uncommunicative, loves to be alone, but he is actually very kind and caring, but do not really shows that to most “people” around. He is Rosalia’s mate.
Minor characters are not mentioned
This is all for now, though character refs are coming soon, and after refs there will be something interesting (not saying what is it going to be for now to avoid spoilers).
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Just a reblog)))))))))
Veikkoverse climate compared to real 2: is Russia really cold?
As we keep digging into Veikkoverse’s climate, we have to mention that NOT EVERYTHING is colder there. A region in Southern Russia, Ukraine and Caucasian countries is opposite - it warmed there. Southern Russia, Abkhasia and most Georgia is already mostly subtropical, but there it is even warmer…
Stavropol, Southern Russia
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As you can see, IRL Stavropol is a warm humid continental (Dfa) and humid subtropical (Cfa) borderline climate with sub-zero winters. In Veikkoverse, it is humid subtropical bordering on subtropical highland (Cfb) with coldest mean minimums above zero and almost absence of snow! It is more like real Florida now! And we didn’t even talked about Sochi, which is warm and subtropical IRL!
Southern Russia is a weird example how overall cooler world can have some warmer areas. But remember, it is an exception!
A bit note on “Russian” climate overall (I mention real-life area of Russia, as in Veikkoverse it is completely different): most of Siberia has a similar temperature and more precip, western Russia is mostly cooler and wetter (like Finland, same way), Far East is slightly cooler and MUUUUUCH wetter. Southern Russia is warmer and a bit wetter.
Anyways, even though this area is warmer, overall Veikkoverse is colder and wetter than reality) *REAL LIFE STAVROPOL CLIMATE IS TAKEN FROM WIKIPEDIA*
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(and yes, climate charts of real life Pretoria and Joensuu are from Wikipedia)
Veikkoverse climate compared to real
As I stated before, Veikkoverse has a much different climate compared to reality. There I’ll share some examples. Pretoria, South Africa
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As I said earlier, most changes are lower temperature (at least in winters) and higher precipitation. From Cwa (summerwet humid subtropical) Pretoria became Dwa (summerwet hot humid continental))
Joensuu, Finland (Veikko lives there)))
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There, changes in precip are extreme, while temperature became just slightly cooler. Forests around Joensuu are now considered rainforests))
Remember, it is all fiction, and these changes are probably unrealistic in our reality))) I made it just because I want them for Veikkoverse)))
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“Veikkoverse”world details
If you remember one of my recent posts (https://permianartist.tumblr.com/post/188586832995/veikko-j%C3%A4rvinen-oc-sketch-thing), you know I have an OC -  Veikko Järvinen. Well, this post is not directly about him, but it is about world he lives in. “Veikkoverse” is almost the same as IRL, but there are some differences… And they’re enough to say that Alien Space Bats probably visited this world))) Countries
In Veikkoverse, countries are completely different… There’s an unfinished map with capitals that shows Veikkoverse countries (colored) and RL countries. (blank map from which I made this one is made by this Wikipedia user. It is PD so I used it. And yes, of course, thank you Wilipedia user!)
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As for now, the only ones of them related to my OCs are: 
Greater Finland (blue one at the top of Eurasia). Overall pretty much simiar to RL Finland aside from geography. And yes, Veikko lives there)
Eastern Russia (yellow one under Greater Finland). Once again, just Russia with alternate geography.
United States of Occidentalia (bluish one at east of North America). Pretty much USA, but more English)
Some other ones probably could also be related, but they will be described later)))
Climate of Veikkoverse is different as well) It is much colder, with humid continental climates found even in South Africa and tundra occupying almost all Alaska. It is also much more humid. Deserts are 2 times smaller than IRL, while rainforests (especially temperate ones) take much larger territories than IRL)
Veikkoverse also has one more detail - time anomalies, pretty much like in Primeval. However, there are some differences:
At first, anomalies appear only in some “timeshifting zones”. There are one in Finland (most important one), as well as some in Asia, America, Africa and Australia). 
Anomalies appear for longer time and can sometimes shift to different time (for example - it led to Permian, and after some time it shifts to Cretaceous). Usually they don’t even close for days! And yes, after closing, another anomaly can appear at the same place after some time.
And yes, anomalies are the way how Veikko’s Proburnetia pet appeared) In other things aside from these 3 ones there’s little to no difference))) Anyways, there’s some art coming soon, featuring Veikko and other characters from this universe)
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Veikko Järvinen (OC) sketch thing
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I worked for about 9 days on this one... It is a sketch thing of my OC, Veikko Järvinen)) There will be more of him there, but it is all for now.. A little description of him: He/him 20 years Finnish Was born in Helsinki, now lives in Joensuu Very kind, shy and sensitive, can be easily offended Loves reading, knitting and cooking Favourite “food” is tea Likes watching rainfall, snowfall, leaffall and birds, also likes hiking Favourite seasons are... well, all Loves hugs) Has a pet Proburnetia I think you got the idea about anatomy from pic, but there’s still a description: he is quite tall, overweight, has light hair and heterochromia, but there’s a little more detail: he is colorblind, more specifically - tritanopia Is in love with one more character I’ll post soon as well Of course, it is not a full description. Full one is coming later) 
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Nils (gift for Saxitlurg)
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It feels quite weird as I, who usually make paleoart, post my first art on Tumblr as not paleo one. Well, this is a gift for my friend @saxitlurgartblog a fanart of her OC, Nils. Drawing humans is EXTREMELY HARD for me. But.. when I found Saxitlurg’s art, I just thought, “he’s just a cutie and he requires to be depicted on fanart”. So I did this one, trying hard)
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