thinktosee · 12 days
“The Negro Code was enacted in 1685. A century after, in 1788, the Le Jeune case laid bare the realities of slave law and slave justice in San Domingo.
Le Jeune was a coffee planter of Plaisance. Suspecting that the mortality among his Negroes was due to poison, he murdered four of them and attempted to extort confessions from two women by torture. He roasted their feet, legs and elbows, while alternately gagging them thoroughly and then withdrawing the gag. He extorted nothing and threatened all his French-speaking slaves that he would kill them without mercy if they dared to denounce him. But Plaisance, in the thickly-populated North Province, was always a centre of the more advanced slaves and fourteen of them went to Le Cap and charged Le Jeune before the law. The judges could do no less than accept the charges. They appointed a commission which made an investigation at Le Jeune’s plantation and confirmed the testimony of the slaves. The commission actually found the two women barred and chained, with elbows and legs decomposing but still alive : one of them had her neck so lacerated by an iron collar that she could not swallow…….The case was clear. At the preliminary hearing, the fourteen Negroes repeated their accusations word for word. But seven white witnesses testified in favour of Le Jeune and two of his stewards formally absolved him of all guilt. The planters of Plaisance petitioned the Governor and Intendant on behalf of Le Jeune, and demanded that each of his slaves be given fifty lashes for having denounced him……..The judges, after a thousand delays, returned a negative verdict, the charges were declared null and void and the case dismissed……White San Domingo would not tolerate any interference with the methods by which they kept their slaves in order.” (1)
  - An excerpt from the non-fictional, The Black Jacobins, by C.L.R. James (1901-1989), acclaimed West Indian writer, historian, playwright and activist.
On this Labour Day (2,3), we wish every working individual a Blessful and Peaceful day of rest and remembrance. This day is perhaps the most celebrated in the world, as it consigns due (and for some, long overdue) recognition for the universal rights of the worker. Much however, remains to be done to extend, preserve and protect the rights of the worker, especially where independent workers’ trade unions are discouraged or banned, while employers and business federations are lawfully empowered. This “rule of law” is reminiscent of the foregoing passage from The Black Jacobins which demonstrates clearly the unequal and also unjust relationship between the slave owner and the slave. Economic exploitation in the worst possible manner continues unabated to this day, as this 2022 report by the United Nations attests :
We appeal for compassion and a fair deal for all on this Labour Day. 
1. James, C.L.R. The Black Jacobins, p18-19. Penguin Books, 1980 (1938)
2.  https://indianexpress.com/article/when-is/international-labour-day-2024-date-origin-significance-may-day-9284138/
3. https://www.britannica.com/topic/May-Day-international-observance
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thinktosee · 17 days
The Football Club of Life
Over two decades ago, when we re-located to our current home, and while kicking ball one evening in the playground, a few kids who lived in the neighbourhood, decided to join me. That was the beginning of the beautiful game for us. Initially, the kids had the barest of skills - kicking the ball with their pointed toes. One especially showed good promise, and later went on to play for the state’s youth team. A few of these pioneers were contemporaries and playmates to my children, Sara and David. 
Football as in any sport, is a structured system of character-building for the players. Over the years, the pioneer kids grew older and eased into things that teenagers and adults generally find more appealing, like digital games, career, love interest, marriage, and of course, starting a family. That did not quite end the game for us however, since a new generation of kids appeared on the scene.
Over the span of the two decades, I had the enormous pleasure and also privilege to engage with the children in the neighbourhood over football. I must say the current crop, the 4th generation, consisting of boys and girls, is the most passionate, particularly since they insist on playing every evening. Admittedly this daily routine is quite physically demanding for an ancient footballer as I, but hey!, who cares! It’s the Beautiful Game! 
At this juncture, I wish to share my casual and personal observations, mined over the years, on these young, passionate and precious human beings :
1. No two children are the same. So please avoid comparing and measuring them on some erroneous yard stick, or worse, against each other. 
2. They are very passionate in what they do. More so when they are doing something that they enjoy, which in our case is football. 
3. The love and concern they display for each other is genuine. There were occasions when one team member stumbled to the ground during a game. Everyone would rush over to ascertain if he had sustained any injury. Admittedly, this concern also spilled over onto me, the old man, when I fell flat on my back during a game. 
4. While the game is generally friendly, we should nevertheless be mindful that given their innate passion, children do take the game seriously. Winning and performing well are deeply ingrained in them. They seek affirmation all the time. 
5. During a game, the pressure on the child may be such that he/she may appear out of character. Heated arguments do arise, and not uncommonly as I discovered. However, once the game recommences, all is forgotten and they revert to being best friends once more. The lesson here for me is that kids don’t hold grudges for long. They are very forgiving. Something that we adults certainly can learn from.
6. Every child strives to do his/her best in the game. The girls play just as well as the boys and proved time and again that their gender is not a handicap/inhibitor. 
it is amazing to watch a game, including when a 12-year old, 120-pound boy dribbling the ball is stopped dead in his tracks by a 9-year old scrawny girl playing defender. This brings me to the next observation which is related to the anecdote. 
7. Children generally show little fear while on the pitch. On countless occasions, I observed smaller kids going up against their much larger opponents and skillfully re-taking possession of the ball. Their determination is not something which could be easily explained. I do suspect however that the spirit which resides in each child is a motivating factor. 
8. Kids will stand by their buddies through thick and thin. Their loyalty is refreshing to observe. There was one time that I recall where a player had to explain to his parents who had just arrived on the scene as to how his jersey was drenched. Before he could narrate his dilemma, his friend stepped forward to say that it was he who had accidentally spilled drinking water on the boy. The friend told the truth. I could not help but smile at this dramatic confession by the child. It was apparent to me that his parents had raised him well. 
9. Never underestimate the power of a child who feels he/she is the underdog. It makes him/her more determined to succeed. On occasions during a game, one side might be down 3-0, but this seemed to only give them added purpose to work harder to even the score. 
10. As every child is unique, playing styles will doubtless differ among them. That’s the beauty of it - every imaginable skill comes into play. There is no one size fits all where kids are concerned. Every child has a special set of abilities which defines him or her. This is characteristic of the unique personality and spirit of the child. 
11. Parental support for the child’s passion for football is a critical element to the latter’s on-going interest and success in the game. I am pleased to say this has consistently been the norm in the neighbourhood. Some parents have even gone to the extent of accompanying their children to the sporting goods store to purchase a new pair of boots, jerseys and of course, a shiny, new ball. 
12. Among every group of children there will always emerge one or two who seem to demonstrate leadership qualities. There will be times that this leadership will be contested by someone within the group. How they peacefully and respectfully resolve their differences is something that every politician can learn from. 
13. Kids display maturity on the playing field. The funny thing is they do come up with their own set of rules of conduct, and it works! 
The game goes on and on, as it has been for over 20 years! It is hoped that the passion the children display today for football will help fortify/affirm each child’s personal confidence and standing throughout his/her lifetime.
Learn from and support the kids! 
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thinktosee · 1 month
April 10, 2024 is a declared national holiday in multi-cultural Singapore in respect of and for Eid Al Fitr, ushering the end of Ramadan or fasting month. 
Growing up in Singapore as a teenager in the 1970s, I was very much enamored by the faith, traditions and customs of my friends of the Islamic Faith. They opened their hearts and homes to me, a young Sikh. I especially enjoyed the visits to the home of Ramlan, my boyhood friend. His mom, Fatima an ethnic Chinese who married a Muslim, was an excellent cook, especially of Malay/Indonesian cuisines. Her ikan Asam pedas dish was just so good. Till now, I tried several times but could not come even close to the level of culinary excellence to which she passionately operated in the kitchen of her home. I do miss her dishes. And also, her warm and generous hospitality. 
I am also mindful at this time of the tragedy which is unfolding in Gaza. If only the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships make the necessary effort to break bread together this Eid. How lovely that would be. 
Selamat Hari Raya Eid Al Fitr to one and all Muslims. 
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thinktosee · 2 months
What if…..
What if the lemon grass soothes the cracked universe
What if the flaming hibiscus flower stands alone on the green landscape
What if the honey bee claims the sweet-scented crown
What if……
What if the ignorant child sees the horror in each of us
What if a lemon tree smiles beneath the clear blue sky
What if the Sun shares its infinite energy with the Mother
What if……
What if a rabid dog walks forlornly down a gravel-lane
What if the rustling leaves above signal impending doom
What if the stench of death resides with the heartless living 
What if…..
What if the tears a child sheds are crystallized into gems of joy
What if a school is about learning and not mindless ideology
What if friendship never fades just like the stars yonder in the dark sky
What if……
What if idealistic Hamlet had not avenged his father’s murder
What if youthful passions are symptoms of goodness
What if a human being is sacred, like the stoic cow
What if……
What if the road to redemption is paved with biting truths
What if the message of Jesus is there are no divisive faiths
What if the ruler trusts the people and does their bidding
What if…..
What if Morality is the same as our wide-eyed children
What if conscription and war are a coward’s weapons to rule
What if spying on citizens is the most depraved of crimes
What if…..
What if we are not guided by greed and power
What if the corporation is not a person but a virtual creation
What if a general is a mannequin shielded behind an armoured desk. 
What if…..
What if we set “free the monkey and the lions too.” 
What if Spring is served in a golden goblet at the end of the rainbow
What if the taint of Agamemnon is a metaphor, for our sins
What if…..
What if the Plague is deep within us and not without
What if the wall which keeps us inside is removed
What if the laughter of children echoes through the universe
What if…..
What if the soul cries out for its twin, among the stars
What if the princess was brought down over a majestic horse
What if the magic of the immoral wizard is but an illusion
What if…..
What if we “be kind to one another,..Before the sand has all run out of the hourglass.”
What if our eyes and heart are reunited as one , finally.
What if the familiar person in the mirror is from the ancient past
What if….
What if we dance to an “an old fashioned love song.”
What if Time swings both ways in this mysterious universe
What if You were here with me again and forevermore.
What if….
What if he who “prayeth best, who loveth best, All things both great and small."
What if the Madman was not insane but his accusers instead
What if an eye for an eye turns us into murderous stone
What if….
What if you are “here to make this day hilarious and joyous that only you can.”
What if “to kill the illusion, you must kill all hope” as you said
What if “Do not silence me. Let my work live,” as you commanded.
What if….
What if tomorrow and yesterday do not exist except in our mind
What if the warm playground is our timeless abode
What if our now-silent home is the only sacred place on earth
What if…
What if birth and death are one and the same
What if…
On Mar 27, 2016, David’s Family, Friends and Teachers gathered in the ballroom of the Hyatt Hotel in Singapore for his Memorial Service. The outpouring of love and grief for David on that occasion would forever be a testament to the amazing life of this wondrous person. David touched so many lives with his loving and caring ways. His body of work too will forever guide us in ways we did not and do not expect. Such is the light touch of a sacred spirit as David.
May we live according to his Will, always. 
“Farewell, farewell! But this I tell 
To thee, thou Wedding-Guest!
He prayeth well, who loveth well
Both man and bird and beast.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (1772-1834), The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
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thinktosee · 2 months
Open letter to U.S. President Biden – Gaza and beyond
Dear Mr. President,
“What is the matter with this American? It is clear enough. He suffers from what is called in psychology a split personality. He is two distinct Americans. One of him is a benevolent, liberty-loving, just man. The other one of him is a creature who may or may not be benevolent but who is undemocratic in his race attitudes, and who, on this subject, throws justice and human equality to the winds as any Fascist.” (1)
Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), American Nobel and Pulitzer Prize recipient. 
The on-going carnage in Gaza is the most disturbing political event of our time. The fact it is occurring at all speaks clearly and unambiguously about the absence of moral global leadership, be it among the permanent members of the UNSC, or within Washington, D.C. As Don Corleone, in The Godfather, asked aloud from his fellow-criminal competitors following the murder of his son, Sonny : How did things ever get so far? (2), this same question is staring at us today in full view of the enormous loss of lives from the on-going war in Gaza. 
Long ago, the folks who lived in Palestine did get along as a community. The Arabs (Muslim, Druze and Christian) and Jews had lived side by side and oftentimes too, inter-married over the centuries. It was only in recent history, more precisely in the 20th century, that the conviviality and also, blood-ties among the community members came to be undermined and then blatantly destroyed. These could be attributed to the rapid and massive influx of Jewish refugees and settlers from Europe to Mandatory Palestine. They were understandably escaping from the onslaught of German Chancellor, Hitler’s genocidal policies and actions before and during World War 2. New Jewish settlements in the Mandate tragically came at a very steep price for all, but more especially for the native Arabs. Forcible displacement of the Arab population to make way for these new settlements became the norm. On some of these occasions, massacres were committed by both sides, culminating in the regional war which arose from Israel’s declaration of independence on May 14, 1948. (3) The question then as it is now is : Who armed the belligerents? We need not look further than to the permanent members of the UNSC – Britain, China, France, Soviet Union(Russia) and United States – collectively the allied victors of World War 2. (4,5,6) 
The two-state solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict, was given concrete impetus through U.N. Res 181 of 1947 (7). While discussions toward its implementation were protracted and obviously very challenging initially, Israel’s declaration of independence and the ensuing regional war however, had made Res 181 seem an impossibility in practice. Nevertheless, it remains the most visible and viable among a short list of choices, none of which is good. This list also includes a unitary state consisting of Palestinians and Israelis. No matter how fundamentally bad the options appear to be, global attention and action must continue unabated nevertheless, to help resolve the conflict and to end the suffering of the Palestinians and Israelis. To be seen to act in good faith is far better than not at all. The latter presently and regrettably, appears to be the case in Gaza. 
The Gandhian admonition of the consequences arising from the application of the biblical (Exodus) prescription for eye for an eye should not ever be ignored. Certainly, we do not seek and neither should we promote a literal interpretation of the passage from the holy book as is the form and substance currently in attendance in Gaza. The Blind no doubt, cannot see the carnage which is wrought by their illegal, immoral and deplorable actions. But those with sight can and are moved enough to speak and act as our conscience dictates, always within the realm of a peaceful and lasting settlement to this tragic and century-long conflict. 
Hatred does not define the Peoples of Israel and Palestine. There are a few among their respective political leadership and also within the permanent or inner body of the UNSC however, who, for want of a better explanation, are not receptive to a higher calling, in spite of the principles which embody the UN (Refer to UDHR).
Dear Mr. President, I appeal to you to help put an end to the massacres and other inhumane acts of state that are going on in Gaza. You, most of all understand the emotional turmoil and suffering from losing a loved one. Your beloved first wife Neilia, baby daughter Naomi and adult son Beau were prematurely taken from you. I cannot quite fathom how you coped with the tragedies. On this aspect, I greatly admire your strength and perseverance to go on with your life and to love, and thereon, to re-commit to family and the nation. Very surely, healing is that which is needed most now in the world.
Sir, America obviously possesses the soft power necessary to end the war in Gaza. That too should be instrumental to resolving once and for all, this incomprehensible internecine conflict between two ancient and related peoples in the region – the Arabs and Jews, who incidentally, will be observing Ramadan, Good Friday and Purim this month. The significance of these religious observances should not be lost on us. 
I close this letter to you by repeating something which I had said before elsewhere (in bold), about government :
The most dangerous invention of the human race is government. And the most beneficial invention is also government. Question is how to assiduously contain the first while happily promoting the second? Perhaps this is the split personality that Pearl Buck spoke about in her referenced essay. 
Thank you and God Bless. 
Harmohan Singh
Mar 11, 2024
1. Buck, Pearl S. Freedom for All : Tinder for Tomorrow, p10. Post War World Council, Mar 1942
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D_zITtVJGA       
3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/09/why-israel-palestine-conflict-history
4. https://www.jpost.com/international/the-czech-arms-that-saved-israel-650710
5. https://theconversation.com/where-do-israel-and-hamas-get-their-weapons-220762
 6. https://thinktosee.tumblr.com/post/731602293674442752/war-and-the-elephants-in-the-room
 7. https://www.un.org/unispal/data-collection/general-assembly/
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thinktosee · 2 months
Mar 8, 2024 is Women’s Day. 
Congratulations to every Woman, and more especially to David’s sister and my daughter, Sara who inspires me to no end by her intelligence, love, strength and wit. 
Good wishes also to Melet, Vuong, Celine, Made, Patricia and David’s friends, who continue to amaze me with their kindness. 
I like to enclose herein a link to an article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls, tracing the life and achievements of the individual who helped inspire Women’s Day. Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910) was not just exemplary but also a dogged feminist in a time when it was neither acceptable nor accommodated  :
A Blessed Women’s Day. 
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thinktosee · 3 months
The Swift Era
The greatest show on earth is upon us. Once upon a time, Buffalo Bill Cody (1846-1917), an American Wild West showman, put together a rag-tag troupe of performers and took them on the road, across the American and European continents. His was possibly the beginning of the era of entertainment as a transformative and global phenomenon. Later on, Hollywood was to adopt and also adapt Cody’s idea into film, which stupendously expanded audio- visual entertainment across the planet. 
A couple of weeks ago, we were privileged to watch one of professional sports most brutal and yet, intriguing annual events – the American National Football League’s championship game in Las Vegas, pitting the San Francisco 49ers vs the Kansas City Chiefs. I was able to watch it “live” in Singapore only because it was the Lunar New Year Holiday and that being the case, the major television network allowed a one-time free access to all cable programmes, including sports. The KC Chiefs took the show, I mean, the championship through a delayed comeback, principally on the brains and hand of their stair quarterback, Patrick Mahomes. But hang on. While the media focus on this kid-wonder was understandably and deservedly overwhelming, there were a couple of folks too who were in the spotlight during the match – in attendance was the celebrity entertainer, singer and songwriter, Taylor Swift. She was adoringly cheering her boyfriend on the field, whose name currently escapes me (just kidding). But really, that was what it looked like. Travis Kelce of the Chiefs is no doubt a superb footballer, or perhaps as Prez Putin alluded to, handballer. But he is no match for his GF Swift in the popularity stakes, no matter what ex-Prez Trump said. Listen, music is the bread of life. And Taylor Swift seems to have it cornered. Sorry Beyonce.
I have not witnessed a music sensation as Taylor Swift, especially among the global masses, perhaps since the big bangs Beatles in the 1960s.. This is not to say that I am a fan. Admittedly, I cannot with any bit of honesty say that I am familiar with Swift’s music. My daughter, Sara and her BFF, Marie however are.  The duo is presently attending Swift’s concert in Sydney, with self-made bangles and all. I am sure they will be electrifyingly entertained by the greatest show-woman on earth. 
After Australia, Taylor will swiftly glide over to Singapore for a six-night exclusive engagement. Something which was grudgingly conceded by the Thai PM. That’s how amazingly popular this musical icon is. As news reports about Swift and her goings-on continue to overwhelm our digital space, one thing is for certain – millions of youth across the universe are crying out for more, more, more. Yes, Billy. This is the new Idol. And what do I like about this? Why, entertainment makes us happy, doesn’t it? The fact that Ms Swift has helped to light-up millions of lives is an amazing thing altogether. 
Sports and entertainment, including music have always been fused, as my friend, Rick told me. Except that now Swift and Kelce have made it into a billion people or dollar business. Whatever the case may be, I admire Swift for her unique talent, stamina and grace. She is one of a kind. And she’s giving us a thrill of a lifetime. 
My best wishes to Swift and Kelce. 
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thinktosee · 3 months
David - 8th Year Remembrance
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Bouquet from Sara, Hugh and Jade (Sydney, Australia)
A bird perched upon the woods, 
In an array of trees dazzling in the misty Sun,
Waits silently, then cackles 
like a hyena would at helpless fawn.
Take flight, spread your eagle wings,
Oh, the feathers upon feathers fish for wind.
Take flight, lift your feet,
No reverie for drunken hearts on daylight affairs.
Your eyes stay beaded, jaded, like rocks.
Talons firm - into the branches of a softheart.
A bird perched upon the woods, makes its choice.
Plunge into the chasm depths, then rise –
rise to a brilliant sunset.
By David Cornelius Singh 
Dear David, 
One night, nearly two weeks ago, I dreamt that I held the hand of someone who stood beside me. I seemed to know and was very familiar with him. Together, we walked towards the abyss, as if that was something we knew and wanted. As we moved forward, hands clasped together, an old blues song played. It did not quite register with me, until I awoke from the dream and just as we were about to cross the line or cliff’s edge. My mind, once fully awake rushed to recall the song. 
We love you - our Son, Brother, Friend and Companion. On this 8th Year, we fondly recall your life and passion. You will always be in our hearts.
Let us have a listen to the song, As the Years Go Passing By from the dream. This one performed in 1972 by the very talented song writer, singer, instrumentalist, and record producer, Al Kooper : 
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thinktosee · 3 months
On this eve of the Lunar New Year, and as I ponder over the events in our life during the Year of the Rabbit, I am especially grateful for blessings of peace and good health. The Rabbit Year is also the most momentous – Sara and Hugh were married in December, 2023. This was the highlight not just of the year, but also of a lifetime. The blissful joy on the faces of my beautiful daughter and her dashing husband was something to relive in my wondrous mind over and over.  
The East Asians are wise people. They have always put family above everything. That’s the surest way to secure family or clan strength, goodwill and cohesion, I guess. Their descendants today have however also adapted to modernity where friendship, across every nationality, ethnicity and class is valued as much. To this, I am most grateful to my immediate family -  Sara, Hugh, Edna and Meow, (and of course, David who watches over us) and also to our friends, far and near. Each one has always been our joy and inspiration. You are in many respects, a reliable beacon as we go on our journey of life. 
We wish one and all, a fruitful, healthy and pleasant New Year of the Dragon.
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thinktosee · 3 months
On Nov. 2, 2023, the 77-year old International Bar Association (IBA) declared that Singaporean lawyer and civil rights activist, M. Ravi is the distinguished recipient of its Human Rights Award. (1) The IBA is “the foremost organisation for international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies.” (2) It reportedly has 80,000 individual members across every corner of the world. 
Mr. Ravi is a long-standing member of the bar in Singapore. I would additionally opine that he is the most visible and outstanding criminal law practitioner since David Saul Marshall.(3) His passionate and valuable contributions to the cause of justice in Singapore cannot be overestimated, more particularly to the plight of fellow human beings accused of capital punishment, and on death row. 
In awarding Mr. Ravi, the IBA cites his “extraordinary dedication to defending human rights and advocating for the decriminalisation of homosexuality and the abolition of the death penalty in the Republic of Singapore.” (1)
Following the IBA announcement, the Singapore Ministry of Law, quite contrary to the natural inclination toward a congratulatory gesture to Mr. Ravi, wrote to the IBA to take issue with parts of the association’s characterization of Mr. Ravi’s legal entanglements with the state when making the award.(4) This unfortunate response from the ministry is not untypical. There are however fine examples elsewhere from which Singapore’s public officials could with alacrity, learn from. For instance, in 2021 Filipino journalist-activist and government critic, Maria Ressa, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. President Duterte’s administration (2016-2022) thereafter termed the Nobel award as a “victory for a Filipina and we are very happy for that.” (5)
On receiving the award from the IBA, Mr. Ravi expressed these moving and telling words :
‘For the moments of heartbreak, tears and hopelessness, receiving this award makes my journey completely worthwhile, even if it means losing my liberty along the way….” (1) 
Mr. Ravi, Ms Ressa and countless of civil rights activists understand something that is quite lost on most of us and which was perhaps summed up best by Mr. Clay, played by the robust stuntman and actor, Jason Statham in Hollywood’s 2024 movie, “The Beekeeper.” Towards the end of the film show, after he had tirelessly battled and defeated his enemies within the state apparatus, and helped restore democracy,  Mr. Clay remarked that sometimes, we have “to choose between the law and justice.” (6)
Justice is not governed by the law as cynics would have us believe. The reverse however, is true. 
Congratulations, Mr. Ravi. You have done Singapore a lot of good. 
1. https://www.ibanet.org/Ravi-Madasamy-receives-IBA-Human-Rights-Award-2023
2. https://www.ibanet.org/About-the-IBA
3. https://www.sal.org.sg/sites/default/files/PDF%20Files/Speeches/Speeches%20Archive/David%20Marshall%20Symposium%20-%20CJ%27s%20speech%20FINAL.pdf
4. https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/news/replies/response-by-minlaw-article-on-ravi-madasamy-receiving-iba-human-rights-award-2023/
5. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/10/11/21/palace-congratulates-maria-ressa-on-nobel-prize
6. https://www.mgm.com/movies/the-beekeeper
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thinktosee · 4 months
Our Dignity
“In upholding beauty, we prepare the way for the day of regeneration when civilization will give first place -  far ahead of the formal principles and degraded values of history – to this living virtue on which is founded the common dignity of man and the world he lives in, and which we must now define in the face of the world that insults it.” (1)
French Nobel Prize- winning author, dramatist and philosopher, Albert Camus (1913-1960). 
As we begin our journey in this new year of 2024, there is much to be happy. For instance, peace is with most of us. And we have our family and friends to share this joy with. 
There are millions however, in this precious world that we inhabit who have been savaged, raped, blown to bits, starved, formally executed, sanctioned and coerced to perform the most depraved violence on others. Somewhere in this on-going rule-based, yet violent drama, we have lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong – between peace and violence – between beauty and the state-sponsored rules which justify violence and war. The brutal and tragic wars in Ukraine and Gaza are prime examples. 
In a previous post, we asserted that the most dangerous creation of the human race is government. It is also our most beneficial. This interacting yet contradictory duality is what drives the conflicts within the body politic. In one form, the state through its monopoly of coercive power, assures peace and security in society while on another, it forcibly imposes limits to them. Power once ceded by the people, will never be restored peacefully. Neither will it be respected. More than likely, it will be abused. The state apparatus, through its unceasing and voracious demands for more power over the people (expansion of the state budget – and with it more taxes) will favour violence over peace to achieve its aims. Rebellions and revolutions are but by-products of these contradictory elements of state power. 
The question for us and the point which Camus raised in The Rebel as offered in the opening to this essay is : Do we wish to live in the beauty of creation, keeping to our dignity, or do we consent to our individual debasement through rules which legalize/authorize violence and war against us? 
Camus’ call, over seventy years ago for a redefinition of virtue to secure our dignity remains unmet regrettably. Hope nevertheless, must never take flight from us so long as we go on believing in the beauty of the human race and our capacity for good. 
1.   Camus, Albert. The Rebel, p277. Translated by Anthony Bower. Vintage Books 1991, 1951. 
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thinktosee · 4 months
The question of judicial review, of the reasonableness of applicable laws, regulations, or the administrative and legislative processes is paramount toward a properly functioning democracy. Every law should meet the test of reasonableness. That is to say it should not unreasonably harm the national and or individual interest. A legal review is best served through the courts whose specialized knowledge, skill and independence must be actively preserved and protected to foster the democratic principles necessary toward the national interest. Where there exists a complete or partial absence of judicial review, an authoritarian or in the most extreme scenario, totalitarian rule will arise to the detriment of the country. 
On New Year’s Day 2024, the High Court of Justice in Israel, by a vote of 8-7, annulled a controversial and highly divisive amendment to its Basic Law which was recently adopted by Parliament. (1) The law had reportedly sought to limit the reasonableness test or more precisely, the independence and judicial power of the Israeli courts. That this was a triumph for democracy and the rule of law (or justice) is beyond doubt. What is more telling however is that the High Court felt compelled to reassert its critically legitimate role as a check or balance on executive and legislative privilege, power and over-reach. To this end, the Israeli Government – the executive and legislative – is reminded that the powers which it arrogates to itself through the Basic Laws are limited, unlike that in authoritarian societies. 
We congratulate the High Court of Justice and the People of Israel for this legal decision, which quite clearly, will have far-reaching implications on governance in the country. 
Taking a contrasting approach, the Singaporean Government had in late 2022 passed the executive branch-authored Article 156 to the Constitution which reinforces the question of marriage as that between a man and a woman. This is unquestionably a desperate attempt to limit or prevent the assertion of the legitimate and equal rights of gay, lesbian and trans individuals and couples. According to the Singapore Law Gazette, Article 156 operates in a manner that “is intended as a pre-emptive strike against judicial activism in future. Parliament has signalled that what was happening elsewhere – the “perils of court-led change”, “with drastic social repercussions that polarise society” – was unwelcome.” (2)
Democracy remains elusive in Singapore so long as the court’s legitimate powers, particularly in the realm of judicial review, are curtailed for ideological and or political aims. 
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thinktosee · 5 months
Several years ago, when Sara and David were still in grade and secondary schools, we’d sing in the car to a song which we were very fond of. It was a song of Peace and Joy. Not exactly a traditional Christmas-sy song like Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, but the message is generally the same. 
Most of us have probably never heard of the singer, actor and songwriter, Hoyt Axton (1938-1999). Well, he wrote a hit which he titled, Joy to the World. It is not the traditional Christmas one which we are all very familiar with. No. This song by Axton, was popularized by the 1960s and 1970s rock/pop/folk band, Three Dog Night. 
Sara, David and I would sing the song or perhaps, scream our lungs out to the song while we drove along the highway. Sara reminded me recently of these long-ago episodes, suggesting the enormous joy and excitement we shared together in that old, ghostly and trusty Audi A4. 
As we ponder once again the Miracle of Birth this Christmas, a birth which denotes peace, joy and redemption, we should also be mindful of the sacrifices which these entailed. We pray for peace and joy throughout the world this Christmas and forevermore. 
Here is a YouTube video of Three Dog Night performing the song, Joy to the World :
A Blessed Christmas and New Year to one and all.
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thinktosee · 6 months
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thinktosee · 6 months
The side of Peace 
Peace is often mistaken for an ideology. In times of conflict or war, the belligerents will have us believe, through their favoured media outlets, that they support peace. To reinforce this curious message or narrative, they focus, quite entirely on the atrocities committed, real or otherwise, by the other side. The Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza Wars are classic examples. These seem to lead to popular demonstrations for one side or other, predominantly across Europe, USA and the Middle-East. The mass media, on the left and right then distorts the messaging to offer a more extreme view of these mass protests. We are left to decide if we should be pro or anti Russia, Ukraine, Israel or Palestine. From these news reports, it appears no one is for peace. That is quite alarming, if one were to put faith in what the journalists produce. 
News outlets in general have abandoned any semblance of objective reporting. I am not sure if they had formerly been reporting the facts as they claimed to do. But of late, the reports which we are inundated with on an hourly basis do appear suspect in way of objectivity and factuality. This perceived failure of the news media to maintain its integrity for truthful reporting, especially within the context of the ideological battles being fought in this age – left versus right, China versus USA, Russia versus Ukraine, Israel versus Gaza, etc., do highlight the Orwellian mindset which pervades across the political spectrum. 
Why has the media not talked at length about peace instead? I really don’t know. To be absolutely clear, belligerents in a war are not peacemakers. One cannot and should not promote peace through conflict. It is absurd to do so. This is akin to the notion, argued by a cabinet minister in Singapore that to arrest the drug abuse problem, one needs to execute untold numbers of addicts and pushers as a warning or deterrence to others. And yet, every year, the number of people executed for drug offences has not decreased. Violence does not beget peace. If anything, it sharpens the will to commit more atrocious and violent crimes. The false narrative which the belligerent state and their media allies put out is as harmful as the violent acts which are performed in the name of peace. 
Peace stands alone. It does not take sides in a violent conflict. Human life and dignity are secured by it, not more wars and false narratives pushed by the mass media to the people, like a potent drug. Our addiction to these distorted news shapes our worldview, and in many instances leads us to consent to war as a solution to peace.
Peace does not favour the belligerents. 
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thinktosee · 6 months
Bangkok or the City of Angels, is an unpolished gem set within the alluvial crust of the great Chao Phraya Delta. Whatever our fertile imagination conceives in the realm of human civilization – culture, food, entertainment and learning, Thai society offers an almost perfect mirror image. In this Land of Smiles, Buddhist doctrine, including the faith in how the world is, rather than what it should be, predominates. Familial connections thereon are supposed to encompass the whole society. Hence, no quarrel or enemy is permanent. Mutuality of interests determines every relationship. In this respect, we have much to learn from Thailand and Thais. 
On account of the disruption to my scheduled visit to Israel last month due to the hostilities generated by the Oct 7 terror attack emanating from Gaza, I was thrust several days later into the warm embrace of Bangkok. It was not to be my first visit however. Over the decades, my family and I had travelled to Thailand for vacation. Sara and David had very fond memories of Bangkok and Chiang Mai, which we visited in 2006 and 2007. 
Post-Covid Bangkok is ramping up the buzz. Tourists have returned by the millions – the Suvarnabhumi Airport is cluttered at any time of the day and night. Construction activity within the city centre is a growing nuisance no doubt, but a necessary and desired product of economic development which creates employment across the board. 
As our imagination and expectation evolved from the pre to post Covid, so too has Bangkok. Once a haven for the most extreme forms of exploitative and fleshy entertainment, Bangkok today seems more intent on just being chill, like a meditating Buddha. Its many culinary attractions have been given added focus and also a wider palette. For those who know, Thai food is Heavenly. But wait, since post-Covid, there has been a significant uptick in the number of food outlets and restaurants across town. Of course, there are some or perhaps many who visit Bangkok for the legalized weed, which is easily accessible from the numerous “green” outlets splattered across the city centre. But food is my thing, and I suspect this is what coincides with the runaway imagination of most visitors – stuffing ourselves to our heart’s pleasure without any need for hallucinogens.
I do not encourage recommendations for food outlets, especially in Bangkok. What I do propose however is for the visitor to explore the many Sois or Lanes connecting to Sukhumvit Road. The finest foods may be found in them – Thai, Western, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Korean and so on. For Chinese and Thai-Chinese food, most folks, I gather, make their way to Chinatown. Everyone is an individual and every taste bud is different, I suppose. So, please seek out an outlet which you will find heavenly and in doing so, reinforces your imagination and expectation of Bangkok and Thailand. 
One other thing, contrary to the old colonial mindset depicting the oriental as inscrutable, the Thais are just what we see however – gracious, helpful and friendly. They do live by the Dharma. 
Bangkok is the unpolished gem whose beauty can never be refined by a single hand. To see it at its finest, one has to immerse in the culture and society. 
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thinktosee · 7 months
“War is Dumb.”
David C. Singh (1997-2016) 
The war in the Middle-East rages while the major powers and their respective allies assign blame for the carnage to anyone, except themselves. News reports of a devastating missile strike on a hospital in Gaza, resulting in innumerable deaths are a disturbing reminder to us of the indiscriminate characteristic of war. While some within the governing elite, including the United Nations Organization, proclaim that a war crime had occurred, the stark fallacy of their determination is clearly visible (1) – War in and of itself, is a crime! The fact that we aim to categorize some wars into crimes and others into no crimes, establishes our support beyond a doubt that war is a legitimate tool for settling differences between or among nations or peoples. This rationalist approach to global order is the cause of much of the wars, carnage and misery which infect our shared civilization. Unless we discard the propagated belief that war can be rationalized or justified, nothing positive will emanate to make the world a safe and peaceful place. 
Israel and Palestine deserve better from their respective political leaders and also, from the nations of the world. This incomprehensible conflict has been on-going for a hundred years! (2) We should remember that Jews and Arabs of Palestine had lived side-by-side for ages before this. Ultimately, the decision to engender conflict between the peoples was and remains a political one. Israel surely has a right to exist in peace. Similarly, the Palestinians deserve statehood. Something which had been promised, yet purposefully denied them for far too long. Peace in the region remains elusive so long as this injustice persists. 
The Middle-East is a powder keg. War it seems is a preferred method for resolving political differences in the region. But what or who gives these state and organizational actors the wherewithal to wage these unceasing wars? Let us examine who gains from this :
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The largest weapons exporters for the period 2017-2021 as determined by SIPRI are :
United States.           – 39 percent of global total
Russia                         - 19 
France                        - 11 
China                          - 4.6 
Germany                    - 4.5 
Italy                             -  3.1
United Kingdom       - 2.9
The permanent members of the United Nations, that is, the United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom contribute in excess of 75 percent of the global demand. These are the nations to which the world places its trust and confidence in securing peace and security. Something is clearly wrong with our world when we are put in a position where the proverbial fox guards the hen house. The permanent members cannot possibly act in good faith if their respective national and geopolitical interests are in direct conflict with the question of peace, be it in the Middle-East or anywhere else. By arming smaller countries beyond the limited requirements of national defense, they have contributed immeasurably to the promotion of war as a justified means to address irredentist and other disputable claims. They have clearly profited from this disordered state of affairs. 
The current war, brought on by the terror attack on Israel on Oct 7, 2023 and which for now pits Israel and Gaza against each other, is undoubtedly a conflict which has its financial and armaments  supporters among the permanent members of the United Nations. These P5 nations, along with the political leaders who invoked war, that is those within the Gazan and Israeli governments should be held accountable for their misguided and irresponsible actions. To be absolutely clear, the Gazan government’s terror attack on Israel demonstrates beyond a doubt that war is incomprehensible – the Gazans knew from precedents, that their unforgivable actions would provoke an intense and devastating reaction from Israel. Yet, they had no compunction whatsoever about sacrificing the masses in furtherance of their irresponsible endeavour. This is after all a rationalist mind set where the despair of an individual or group is assumed, albeit not necessarily correctly, to be shared equally by the whole population, and that an imposed solution is equally supported by all. Hence, to them, violent action to address their despair is justified or legitimate. We should be mindful that violent anarchists in pre-revolutionary Russia felt the same way. These misguided groups and individuals helped pave the way for the creation of the Soviet Union and the birth of totalitarianism in the 20th century. This is not to excuse the brutal rule of the Russian Czars, but rather to point out that violent action does not beget peace and freedom. 
War is an indiscriminate campaign of mass murder. To rationalize it as acceptable under certain rules, laws or degrees of despair is dumb and grossly misleading. We only need to ask the victims in Israel and Gaza, to appreciate the truth to this. 
“Those who have chosen to kill and those who have chosen to enslave will successively occupy the front of the stage, in the name of a form of rebellion which has been diverted from the path of truth.” (3 )
Nobel Prize recipient for Literature, Albert Camus (1913-1960) in The Rebel.
1.  https://www.france24.com/en/middle-east/20231018-outrage-and-condemnation-after-deadly-gaza-hospital-strike
2. https://www.un.org/unispal/history2/origins-and-evolution-of-the-palestine-problem/part-i-1917-1947/
3. Camus, Albert. The Rebel, p148. Translated by Anthony Bower, Vintage Books, 1991, 1956.
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