too-much-jonerys · 4 years
All hail mad queen Reina 👏👏
Yep, I’ve got their mad queen right here 👸🏾
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Funny since Reina also means queen, so I’m Mad Queen Queen.
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
The Stormborns
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[dedicated to @adecila​]
“Well, that was a disaster.”
Dany didn’t look at him. Her eyes narrowed imperceptibly as she stared out the window of her office overlooking the cramped alleys and cross-streets of Flea Bottom. It was night, too dark to see much of anything, anyway, but at the moment she didn’t want to see the smug look on her second’s face. “Shut up.”
No doubt, Jon Snow smiled. “I told you you shouldn’t have sent Daario.” He drummed his gloved fingers on the desk. “If he’s not dead by now, he’ll soon wish he was. The Gold Cloaks don’t have any scruples about torturing their prisoners.”
He didn’t need to tell her that; Dany was well aware of the Gold Cloaks’ unsavory tactics when it came to dealing with the petty thieves and criminals that plagued Flea Bottom. She didn’t have to imagine what they’d do with someone caught breaking into the Red Keep.
“Daario was my best picklock,” she said, her voice unwavering despite her mounting irritation.
“You didn’t need a picklock. You needed a ghost.”
She cut him a look. “I already told you I’m not sending Arya. She’s too young.”
“She’s your best shot at getting in and out of the Red Keep unseen,” Jon argued. He leaned back in his chair at the desk where he sat. Her desk, actually. Her chair. His arrogance was part of his charm, and a large part of why she’d recruited him to join the Stormborns, her street gang of thieves–that, and his unparalleled combat skills. But sometimes, like now, his audacity really just pissed her off.  
“You want me to put your own family in peril? If they catch her, they won’t go easy on her just because she’s a kid.”
He shrugged. “They won’t catch her.”
Dany shook her head. Arya was probably the best suited to break into Maegor’s Holdfast, the most secured fortress of the Red Keep, to steal the old Targaryen family crown Dany desperately wanted back. They didn’t call Arya No One for nothing, after all. But despite her reputation as a mercenary criminal, Dany wasn’t about to send a 15-year-old girl into the most dangerous place in King’s Landing. “I’m not risking it.”
“But you risked Daario.” Jon tsked sympathetically, kicking his dirty boots up onto her desk. He took the match he always kept behind his ear and stuck it between his teeth. It was a weird tic of his, one she’d never asked him about. They all had their coping habits, developed after years of just trying to survive on the ruthless streets of Flea Bottom. “You’re heartless, Targaryen.”
She ignored his dig. “Unless you plan to lick my desk clean, I suggest you put your feet down.”
He smiled knowingly at her, his leather gloves creaking as he clasped them behind his head. “You weren’t that concerned with cleanliness when I was fucking you on it the other day.”
Her nostrils flared. Narrowing her eyes, she focused intently on the red match head. Instantly, it exploded in a tiny ball of orange flame. Swearing loudly, Jon fumbled to snatch the match away from his mouth before his beard could catch fire, violently flapping it in the air to extinguish the flame. He scowled at her. “You know I hate it when you do that.” Still, he dutifully put his feet down.
Her smile was faint; she took her victories where she could, and right now she needed one, badly. “I know.”
Fishing another match out of his coat pocket, he slipped it behind his ear, pushing back his black curls with his gloved fingers. “What are we going to do now?”
Dany pushed off the window and stalked toward her desk. His dark gaze followed her movements, his appreciation obvious. “You’re going to break into the dungeons and get me my picklock back. If he’s not dead, that is.”
Jon huffed his irritation, though she knew he’d do it–if not for her, then at least for the chance to gloat in Daario’s face. “What are you going to do?”
She folded her arms over her chest. “I’m going to get the crown myself.”
Skeptically, he narrowed his eyes at her. “And how do you plan to do that?” She could hear the growing wariness in his voice.
“The Red Keep has been a blight on this city for far too long now.” Her smile turned wicked. “I think it’s time someone finally burned the whole damn thing to the ground.”
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
I just had the best experience with an anti 😌
They were trying to say that there was a reason for the KL burning and Dany’s madness but that it wasn’t clear.
I said
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He tried to say “Well I think the purpose (logic) is there even if the writing didn’t uphold it, so we can’t dismiss it.”
I said there are no logistics, and it can dismissed because again
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Then he said “Are you interested in hearing my logic of it?”
*record scratch*
This is the part where, in the past, I would’ve allowed him to say his piece, which I would’ve inevitably disagreed with and written out a long, drawn-out reason as to why I disagree. But I, a changed woman had a different answer.
“I’ll be so honest here, and please don’t take this the wrong way. But no, I’m not. I’ve heard it all. I think enough time has passed since that finale that we should all go back to our own sandboxes instead of going round trying and failing to convince each other of something.”
He started whining, asking why I even commented if I didn’t want to hear his side. Was I only there to jump in to say that it’s bad writing?
My response:
“Yeah, that’s it. I spent 8 years putting more thought into this series than D&D and writing more for this series than GRRM in that same time. I’m done. I’m here to occasionally drop my “Because it’s sh!t” nugget and move on to another topic. That’s just where I’m at now.”
Crickets. And I washed my hands of the convo. I’ve heard the other side and just don’t care. We don’t have discussions in this house anymore. This is no longer a two-way street. I say what little I want to say, if I even want to say it, and that’s all I’ll ever say about it.
I will never explain myself with researched facts and beautiful words defending my stance again, because I’ve finally reached the point that any response to my dissenting opinion on GoT will only be
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
*whisper in the ask* come to smut land 🌚
Oh, it’s already in progress...
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Of course, being a part of this series, it’ll be fluff and have some humor. But, it’ll have a Mature rating.
There is a totally separate fic I’m working on for this Valentine’s Week event that’s Explicit, though 🌝
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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Good Morning
Jonerys Modern AU
Rating: T
A/N: Part... what is this? 5?... Part 5 in my “Blind Date” Modern AU series! I’ve been kind of convinced by some comments to maybe make a”night before” one shot for this 👀 (it’ll make sense once you read it). But yay, here is it. Let me know what you think!
Summary: An eventful late night leads to an unexpected early morning run-in for Dany.
Dany was the first to wake up to the sound of a car alarm going off. Her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the morning sunshine. Even faced away from the window, the light was glaring. The relentless alarm nearly gave her a headache. The drinks she’d had the night before didn’t help matters much either. Though someone eventually shut the alarm off, she found it impossible to go back to sleep after that. Still, unfamiliar setting and annoying sounds aside, it was quite a happy place to awake in.
Jon’s arm lazily hung across her body, his bare chest against her back, and she felt his warm sleeping breaths against her hair. How he could sleep through that car alarm was beyond her comprehension. Perhaps he was used to the sounds his neighborhood made in the mornings. She wasn’t.
Careful not to wake Jon, Dany leaned over and sifted through the clothes near the bed until she managed to find her phone somehow tangled in a pair of his jeans. It was just after eight. There were a couple of missed calls from Missandei and a text from her after midnight.
“ OH MY GOD! YOU’RE SPENDING THE NIGHT, AREN’T YOU ,” the message read, and Dany could almost hear her excited voice.
She hadn’t intended on it; staying the night. They’d only meant to meet up with a few of Jon’s friends at the pub. But, they quickly lost track of time and before they knew it, it was too late for Dany to travel across the city alone. Arya was out for the night, so they’d have the place to themselves. Just them, alone. All night.
Read full fic on AO3
I’ve also had it suggested that I tell people to subscribe to the full series so people can better know that... well, that it exists. LOL. And I think that’s a great idea! So, *YouTuber voice* if you’re enjoying this little universe of mine, please subscribe to my Jonerys Modern AU series for it! I’ve got lots more coming soon!
Subscribe to the full “Blind Date Series” here
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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when i put my lips on you | a Jonerys one-shot
Summary: Jon’s attempts to wingman go awry when he tries to pick up Daenerys on behalf of his unlucky-in-love friend, Edd — for Edd, that is. For Jon, things have never gone better. Explicit. Written for Jonerys Valentine’s Week 2020, Day 2: One Night Stand. (thanks to @adecila​ for the moodboard!)
“And what do you think?” At his blank look, she elaborated, “Do you think I’m cute?”
Jon laughed, slightly bowled over by her direct question. Sheepishly, he scratched at his beard. “Truthfully? I think you’re stunning.”
She pursed her lips together, as if to suppress a smile. “Well, thank you. For the record, I think that’s a much more effective pickup line. You might wanna tell your friend to try it himself.” She sipped her gin and tonic, her vibrant red lipstick leaving a faint imprint of her mouth on the glass rim.
Fuck him, but he was intrigued by her. Leaning against the bar, Jon smiled. “I’ll be sure to pass along the tip, ah…?” he trailed off questioningly.
“Daenerys,” she supplied.
“Daenerys,” he tried it out, tasting it on his tongue. “I’ve never heard a name like that before.”
“Not surprising. It’s Valyrian.”
It all made sense now. “Ah, that explains the eyes and the hair. It’s very…”
“Please don’t say exotic,” she deadpanned.
Lifting his hand in a placating gesture, he grinned. “I was going to say it’s very fitting.”
Daenerys rolled her eyes, but she was smiling now, at least. “And what do I call you?”
She gave him a slow once-over that made him inexplicably hot all over. Her lips twitched at the corners as she lifted her gaze back to his face. “Hm. Fitting.”
His brow furrowed, but he was still smiling. “How do you figure? I haven’t told you where I’m from yet.”
“The North,” she said simply. At his bewildered look, she laughed. “Your accent is a dead giveaway.”
This time, he was the one rolling his eyes at himself. “Aye, all right, fair enough. And how is it fitting, exactly?”
She shifted in her stool so she was facing him completely, squinting her eyes in consideration. “Jon is very…modest. Brusque. Like the North.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “You don’t think very highly of the North, do you?”
“On the contrary,” she objected, holding his gaze. “I’m finding the North very appealing at the moment.”
Read it on AO3.
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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chapter two: Keep’s Door
Last Christmas AU
• • •
Still in his scolding position, Jon’s coat has fallen open behind him, only to reveal the tight black shirt he wears underneath, shaping to his torso so well that she finds herself wondering about his abs instead of listening to his answer. He finishes talking and all she hears is a buzz, a far echo of his voice despite the closeness and the almost total absence of people around them. She has to blink several times to focus back on his words, shaking her head in order to remove all the uthopic scenarios she had just pictured in her mind. Those would definitely make her enthusiastic. “Excuse me, what?” Dany asks, her attention drawn back to his face. “It’s the keep’s door, actually,” he repeats. “What were you thinkin’ about?” Jon then asks with narrowed eyes as he approaches her, his hand slipping to her lower back, a silent invitation to follow him. “Iguanas,” she lies.
• • •
Thank you @stilesssolo​ & @anneshirlei​ for being the best betas alive - ily!
Happy belated Valentine Jonerys fam. Hope you’ll enjoy! xx
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
Like Lovers Do
Summary: Leather | Enemies to Lovers - Flirting doesn’t usually involve assassination attempts, but King Jon and Queen Daenerys aren’t exactly normal people. Tags: AU - Fantasy setting; OOC; Enemies to Lovers; Hate Sex; Assassination attempts; Attempted Murder; Royal Rivals; Smut; Alcohol Characters: Jon Snow; Daenerys Targaryen; Sansa Stark; Tyrion Lannister; Grey Worm
(Title based on Hey Violet song)
Also read on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22727260
The castle could be considered spartan and cold. The furs everyone wore didn’t exactly dispel the image of the frozen wasteland everyone thought their kingdom was. Jon didn’t really like the image his homeland created, but if it meant fewer people to look after then he was fine with it.
What he could do without was the northern lords and his sister’s non-stop scheming. They looked to outwit enemies, each other, and, most of all, him. Jon knew his bastard status would always cause his lords and sister to side-eye him. He knew it didn’t matter how many battles and wars he won, he would never be completely trusted on the throne. 
Part of him wanted to just let his half-sister have the damned crown she coveted so much, but a larger part of him knew he needed to do this. Sansa would rule smartly but not wisely. She could play the political game as well as anyone he knew, but she never seemed to understand what really mattered. She never seemed to know where to draw the line of decency and just let some stuff go for the greater good.
That was how she got them all involved in this mess with the southern kingdom and its Dragon Queen. It wasn’t war. Not yet. But it wasn’t friendly relations between allies either. Jon wasn’t quite the fool people sometimes thought he was. He knew that the southern kingdom was looking to gain what it saw as its property back. Jon’s father, Ned Stark, had broken away from the south when the Mad King Aerys had cruelly murdered his father and brother. 
Daenerys wasn’t like her father, but she couldn’t be trusted either. She had more power than her father ever did, having given birth to three live dragons, but she seemed content to stay where she was, enjoying home more than conquering. Jon knew that didn’t mean she didn’t eye the northern kingdom as territory that belonged to her that she merely had to win back. He knew Sansa’s fears of the Dragon Queen weren’t completely unfounded. 
But while Sansa understood court intrigue better than Jon, she knew nothing of battlefields. She’d never seen a man holding in his guts as he cried for his mother; she’d didn’t know the smell of burning flesh; and she’d never tasted another man’s blood. Jon did. The Dragon Queen did. It was easy to call for war when you didn’t know the true cost. When you would never be asked to pay it.
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
Once in a Lifetime... Outtake
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So yesterday I was tagged in a Author tag game and going through it I realized I have shit ton of unused scenes that could easily be drabbles or outtakes as I like to call them for all my fics but ALOT for OIAL. 
So i dug up one that was initially in Chapter 4 and it didn’t work or add anything to the story but gets referenced in an upcoming chapter. So I’ve decided to share it here…maybe eventually on Ao3 but it was Valentines Day event that got cut and seeing that it is Valetine’s Day, fuck it why not share it. 
This take place in grade 7 for Jon and Dany and the awkwardness of Valentines Day when you kinda start like boys/girls but don’t know how to navigate it. Terrible years I know but here is the Outtake from Once in a Lifetime. 
“Daenerys, just pick something or we’re going to be late,” Rhaella sighed giving her daughter an exasperated look.
Dany stood in front of the Valentine’s Day card selection, chewing on her nails. For the past month, Margaery had stressed the importance of this year’s Valentine’s Day. They were in grade seven and the cute silly cards from the years before were no longer appropriate ‘We’re no longer children,’ Margaery informed both Missy and Dany. ‘Those are childish things and we are now women and as my grandmother says women leave childish things behind them’
But that’s what made Valentine’s Day great. It was the fun of exchanging goofy cards with friends and eating candy, cupcakes and all types of pink, red, white sweet confectionary delights that made Valentine’s Day one of her favorite holidays. Every year they would end the school day in their homerooms and feast upon generous amounts of treats till their stomachs felt like they would burst, leaving them twitching in the blissful rush of a sugar high. Why did this year have to be any different? Dany pouted as she stared at the card arrangements varying from the extravagant saccharine glittery cards to simple brown cards with only a red heart.
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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Devil’s Cupid // Jonerys Oneshot
Daenerys has the reputation as the best bounty hunter in the region - and the stories that follow her say that she leads men to bed only to kill them. But everything is thrown off balance when a new hunter - Jon Snow - starts taking her kills. They are rivals, quickly - until one night, one of her kills goes wrong.
For @iceandfiresource​‘s  2020 Jonerys Valentine Week -
Day 1 (Leather) : Enemies to Lovers
happy valentine’s day!
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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Challenge: Valentine // Jonerys Oneshot
Since fourth grade, Dany and Jon have fallen into the habit of trying to one-up each other in the exchange of Valentine’s every year. But what first started out as a fun childhood challenge slowly turns into a confusion of feelings, wants, and goals as they get older. It seems that everyone knows the answer. Except them.
For @iceandfiresource​‘s  2020 Jonerys Valentine Week -
Day 1 (Lace) : Friends to lovers/childhood sweethearts
happy valentine’s day!
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
Happy galentine day you priceless expensive gem 💎
OMG I MISSED THIS MESSAGE!! Thank you thank you thank you, anon ❤️💕❤️
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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Dirty Dancing (Part 1/2)
Summary: When Daenerys joins her brother on a trip to Casterly Resort, she expects it to be dull. She certainly does not expect falling in love with the dance instructor Jon.
A Jonerys AU Dirty Dancing story written for the Jonerys Valentines event.
Read it here
Happy Valentine’s Day fandom! ❤️
We’re very excited to share this story with you- it ended up being way too long which is why it’s getting split over two days. But don’t worry, the second and final part will be up soon :)
Also, I ended up doing 3 drawings for this part alone but you’ll need to go to Ao3 to see them. Sorry, the drawing I teased recently will come with the next part! Love you all ❤️
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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For You to Notice Me | a Jonerys one-shot
Summary: Dany has been in love with Jon Snow since she was ten years old, but growing up, he only had eyes for her sister, Margaery—until she broke his heart and got engaged to his cousin, Robb.
Four years after Dany left King’s Landing to study abroad in Pentos, she and Jon meet again by happenstance. Thankfully, she’s moved on. There’s a new man in her life, and her unrequited childhood crush is just a thing of the past.
Except, her feelings might not be entirely unrequited, after all.
Written for Jonerys Valentine’s Week 2020, Day 1: Friends to Lovers. Loosely inspired by “Little Women.” Thank you to @adecila​ for the moodboard!
Dany found herself moving again, quickening her step, muttering apologies to the people she ran into as she searched for more glimpses of his hair. Once she was in a clearing, she stopped to scan the street. Almost immediately, she spotted him again: Just a few paces ahead of her was Jon Snow, striding at a leisurely pace, all by himself in Pentos.
“Jon!” she called, her feet already carrying her in his direction again. Desperately, she raised her voice over the clamor of the afternoon rabble. “Jon!”
Thankfully, he heard her, turning around to pinpoint the source of his name. His brow furrowed, briefly, eyes darting around, until he saw her pushing through the crowd. The moment he saw her, his face split in a wide grin.
Only steps away, she launched herself into his arms. Jon caught her in a hug and spun her around, laughing when she let out a delighted squeal. As she clung to his neck, she inhaled deeply. He smelled of tobacco and pine, just as she remembered, but different, somehow, as if his familiar scent had been faintly cured by the salt of the Narrow Sea. The rest of him was different, too, from the brush of his beard on her cheek, to the broad, muscled planes of his shoulders and chest. It was all new and alien to her. And impossibly exciting.
Embarrassed by her girlish display, Dany pulled away from him. At her resistance, he set her down, but he was grinning at her still, and she couldn’t help but return it.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, mystified. She hadn’t seen her old neighbor in four years, not since she’d left King’s Landing to attend university in Pentos, chaperoned by her grandmother, Olenna, who, conveniently, was also the one subsidizing her studies.
Jon shrugged, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. “Just felt like getting away from Westeros for a while. It was getting a bit stale.”
Her face fell. Of course, he’d want to find somewhere remote to lick his wounds, after her sister Margaery’s very public engagement to his cousin, Robb. “Jon…” She struggled to find the words. “I’m so sorry. I know how you felt about Margaery. I was as surprised as anyone—”
But he shrugged off the rest of it. “It’s fine, Dany.” His smile didn’t quite meet his eyes, she noticed. “It was a while ago now. I’m over it.”
She doubted that, but she didn’t push him on it.
Read it on AO3.
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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Jonerys Valentine's Week || Day 1 - Leather : Enemies to Lovers
Jon should have trusted his instincts when it came to Dany. Yet the more she ignored him the more he wanted her. After months of playing cat and mouse because of their conflict of interest, he had almost given up. That was until he saw her name on the list of attendees of the Annual Winter Gala. It all started with a blue rose. The rest of the night was a blur of her intoxicating perfume, her soft skin, her plump lips and her sweet taste; he vividly remembered her smirk as she took a sip of his drink, and her sweet moans as he finally pushed into her. When he woke up, she was already gone. On the pillow, a note written in her neat handwriting read:
"This changes nothing. The time for dragons has come."
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too-much-jonerys · 4 years
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Legends of Winter’s Peak
Chapter 34: Bury Me in Your Quiet Love
* * *
Some thumps, footsteps, and the rustle of fabric had her stirring, but the sudden blinding stream of sunlight woke her for certain.
“Time to get up lazy bones. This day’s half over already.”
Dany turned away from the light and buried her head under her pillow. Her bedmate's faint groan still reached her ears.
“Grandmother, must you be so rude?” Margaery grumbled. “It can't possibly be past eight.”
“Quarter till,” Olenna said, and if Dany wasn't mistaken she heard and felt Margaery throw a pillow at her grandmother. A beat or two of silence passed, Dany doing her best not to giggle. Olenna gave a sharp sniff. “If you weren't expecting my great grandchild…”
“Well, I am, and Dany is too. Leave us be until our stomachs settle. Please .”
Another sniff, then a grunting huff. “Ring Myrtle when you're ready for food.” She caught more soft thumping and then the door clicked closed.
“I'm so sorry,” Margaery sighed, the bed shaking a bit when she fell back into her pillows.
Dany reached behind her until she found an arm to pat. “It's alright. I’ve waited too long for this day as it is.”
Just speaking of it filled her with excitement, her stomach fluttering, heart skipping, nerves tingling. It was as if she'd consumed a rather large amount of champagne and was about to burst.
Her wedding day had finally arrived.
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