tosetsu · 3 years
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tosetsu · 3 years
Prompt #4 Baleful
There once was a man, tall and menacing, who prowled through the streets preying on the pitiful. He roamed the city-states, looking and hunting, for any a person lost and alone or useful. Then one day he was blinded, by a girl so bright and shiny, that he knew he had to have her. So he stalked the shadows, watching and waiting, the crowd that watched her never noticing the blur. Seeing his chance, as she danced and pranced, he grabbed her and ran, what an evil man, he sadly was successful.
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tosetsu · 3 years
Prompt #3 Scales
There once was a girl, so pretty and bright, that shined like a star in the night. She had long flowing hair, styled with flair, and scales of white that shined in the light. Everywhere she goes, people stop and stare, as she danced in the rays of the sun. No one knew her name, or from where she came, as she walked the roads of Ul'dah having fun. Then one day she didn't come, and everyone was worried, their days had suddenly become less bright.
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tosetsu · 3 years
Prompt #2: Aberrant
The aberrant Sin Eater:
There was a lonely Sin eater, arms burly and figure lithe, that flew across the land It didn't bring destruction or ruin, didn't target people or cities, instead it seemed to lend a hand. With scars marring its body, carrying a wicked mace, It slew and slew so many of its own race. So if you happen to see it, scars worn proudly and mace aloft, don't misunderstand.
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tosetsu · 3 years
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tosetsu · 3 years
Prompt #1: Foster
Submit your entry here: https://forms.gle/zPdHWtwwhdzvTD82A
#FFxivWrite2021 is underway – a daily writing challenge presented to the Final Fantasy XIV writing community for the month of September. You can join any time throughout the challenge with any prompt number!
Entries can be written on any online writing platform (tumblr, Archive of our Own, Google Docs, etc.). Submit the link and be sure that I have reading access.
Reminder: The 24-hour deadline does not go into effect until September 8th.
More about single word prompts here.
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2021 || kofi
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tosetsu · 3 years
Writing Prompt #1 - Foster
There once was a man from Aleport, He name was Jeffery Winefort, He brought all the kids from far and wide, That had no families or places to hide, That is until he was caught and brought before the court.
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