touch-of-virgo · 1 year
my key thoughts when manifesting (i might add more, this is to help others btw!!):
my goal should be to become who i desire in my inner world which also means to leave all identifications of the old state alone
the 3d reflects naturally to my inner world, i need to stop trying to control the 3d but myself
everything is done already all i have to do is shift my consciousness
i have my desires already!
the past is just the past (the past is simply just me identifying with a version of myself that experienced that, theres another version of myself that already haves my desires! lemme identify with it!)
all of this is simply a reflection of myself! the 3d is nothing but me! therefore the 3d is me!
my goal with persisting is to make this my natural dwelling state/dominant state
all of my answers is within me! i dont need to go outside (this applies to my manifestations and my loa knowledge!)
signs dont matter to me because i already have what i want within, it already worked out for me
the 3d doesnt need any controlling, the 3d REFLECTS.
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
define: states 🫶
also known as: how to manifest using states!
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your state is what manifests, not your thoughts.
this has become a very inflammatory sentence for some, but it shouldn't be scary. states simplify manifestation, it doesn't complicate it.
at the beginning of my loa journey, i would affirm alllll day long. while watching tv, while reading, while hanging out with my friends. and by the logic of "your dominant thoughts manifest," i should've gotten my manifestations after only a few days of that. but i didn't, because dominant thoughts aren't what manifests, it's your state that manifests.
you are not a state. you are I Am, and you enter in and out of states all day long. there is an infinite number of states, and no one experiences states the same way. so even if two people are manifesting the same thing (for example, money), the State of Being Rich will probably look different for both of them. so there's really no one specific way a state should look/feel!
because there are an infinite number of states you can occupy, right now you have the power to be rich, just as much as you have the power to be poor. it is just as easy to occupy the state of being rich as it is the state of being poor. you are both of these things, and you know that you are both of these things because you can imagine being both of these things, and everything stems from your imagination.
the state that you consistently go to, also known as your dwelling state, is the state that manifests into your 3d reality.
so, how do you get into a state?
you switch states simply by intending to. the second you want to switch states, you do. in order to maintain this new state, you can use a technique such as affirming, scripting, or visualizing.
let's talk about affirming.
affirming is a TECHNIQUE. some people argue that since affirmations are just thoughts, you can never stop affirming and should be monitoring your thoughts all day long. i do not agree with this.
your thoughts do not manifest. it's why i spent my time from summer 2020-summer 2021 affirming on a constant loop 24/7 that i was in a relationship with my [old] sp, and it never manifested. it's why when you get intrusive thoughts they don't manifest. it's why--even tho every time you go to the bathroom you check behind the shower curtain in case something's there--nothing ever is. it's also why you were able to manifest something by thinking you wanted it once.
you do not need to "create new neural pathways" or think in your favor 24/7. your negative thoughts act as indicators that you fell out of your desired state, and you can instantly correct this by shifting back to the state of the wish fulfilled. you don't even need to flip the thought. your thoughts have no power, unless you give them power by allowing them to let you wallow in the state of lack.
all that being said, affirmations can help you maintain your desired state. i say maintain, because getting into the state is instant, and requires no technique. however, there is such thing as affirming from lack.
what is affirming from lack? it's affirming to get what you want. it's affirming from a state of not having your desire. it's the same as thinking of your desire, instead of thinking from your desire.
a few months ago, the 10k challenge was going around. it was marketed as a fool-proof way to get your manifestation, because all you had to do was "affirm 10k times to create a new neural pathway which created an assumption." yet so many people affirmed 10k+ times and still didn't get their desire. why? because they were affirming from lack.
quality > quantity. you can affirm 10k times and not get your desire, because you weren't in your desire state. you can affirm once and get your desire, because you were in the state.
so how do you not affirm from lack?
an easy way is to pay attention to your affirmations. mindless affirming is out! this shouldn't be a scary thing to hear, because as we discussed, there's no need for you to affirm 5 million times in order to reach some imaginary quota, because your thoughts don't manifest.
affirm with purpose! create an affirmation that implies you already have your desire, and repeat it with the purpose of conjuring the feeling of knowing. the feeling of knowing may feel like calm, peace, relief, contentment, or even excitement. when Neville Goddard said "feeling is the secret," this is the feeling he was talking about, NOT emotions.
if your affirmations are making you feel anxious, this can indicate one of two things:
affirming is not the technique for you (which is OKAY!!)
you're affirming to get
"affirming to get" is a big debate as well. yes, you are manifesting your desire because you want to get it in your 3D. but in order to get it in your 3D, you must change your 4D first. so you should be using techniques such as affirming in order to change your 4D, knowing that if you change your 4D, your 3D will follow. there is no one to change but self.
if affirming is not the technique for you, there is always visualizing, scripting, vaunting, etc.
also the distraction technique, my fav way to get into the state of the wish fulfilled! hehe
to sum it up:
"it's not focusing so much on getting the objects, but becoming the one who already has it." - Edward Art
where does persisting come in?
you should still be persisting in the fact that you already have your desire. you persist by consistently shifting back to your desired state, no matter what you see in the 3D.
reacting to the 3D, like negative thoughts, is an indicator that you have slipped from your desired state.
it can be very beneficial for you to have self-soothing tactics to use in case your 3D causes you to spiral or makes you anxious. these can include eft tapping, breathing exercises, etc.
your 3D is malleable. if you see something in your 3D that you don't like, you can change it. your 3D is simply a reflection of your dwelling state. if you don't see what you want in your 3D, let it serve as a reminder to shift your state back to your desired state. once again, you change your 4D to change your 3D. there is no one to change but self.
question: if you can affirm to get into a state, doesn't that mean your thoughts create your state and that your thoughts technically manifest?
answer: WRONG! like i've mentioned earlier in this post, you enter a state by intention. affirming can help you maintain the state, but your thoughts do not create your state. your state creates your thoughts. every state has thoughts that correspond with it, which is why can manufacture affirmations that imply you already have your desire and repeat them to conjure the feeling of knowing. it's also why negative thoughts act as indicators that you fell out of the state.
question: isn't that the same as someone saying "just assume?"
answer: NO! there are techniques to help you maintain the state. yes entering a state is instant, but there are techniques for you to use to stay in it.
question: are states ableist?
answer: NO!!!! this is something that people are saying on loatwt in order to villainize the people who teach states, and it's frankly disgusting. ANYONE can get into a state, even if they are neurodivergent! you are always in a state! you're in a state right now. i am neurodivergent, as are most of my friends that are states enthusiasts, and it has helped all of us to manifest our desires without driving ourselves to mental exhaustion by affirming 24/7.
question: how long do i have to stay in the wish fulfilled?
answer: it's not so much about how long you stay in the state, it's about frequency. no, not frequency as the law of attraction vibration bullshit, but how often you go back to the state. if you think about your desire 15 times a day, you should shift back into the state 15 times that day. if you think about your desire 5 times, then you should shift back into the state 5 times that day.
hopefully this helps clarify the idea of states for you, and helps you manifest your desires!! <3
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
I'm so confused by this "states manifest not thoughts" stuff. I've read several posts about states and it just doesn't enter my head how to put it into practice, I mean, if thoughts don't manifest, is affirming useless? Visualization, affirming, etc. Don't they all start from the thought? Because of this whole "thoughts don't manifest" thing I'm always thinking I'm doing it wrong by just affirm or whatever…
For example, how do I return to a state? Actually, how do I enter a state? In practice, live in the end = state?
I understood the basics I think, but aren't thoughts the basis of a state? How to enter a state if not from thoughts?
➔ you enter a state by intention. you shift in and out of states all day long.
➔ the state in which you dwell the most/the state which you return to, the most - manifests.
➔ affirmation, visualization, etc are used for maintaining a state. they are there to remind you of what you have, already.
➔ thoughts don't manifest. i think i saw @remcycl333 give an example about this, if I'm not wrong. it was: if you think that there's a ghost behind the shower curtain, it won't become true. that is because it's just a random, passing thought, not your state. that's why thoughts don't manifest, states do.
➔ living in the end means dwelling in the state of wish fulfilled, which is basically what you've to do, so yes.
i hope i could make it clear for you! ♡
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
cr. too @/lawofcam on twitter (i love her <3)
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
Infinite States:
What are states?
"So when I speak of states I am speaking of states of consciousness, attitudes of mind which create a body of belief." - Neville Goddard
According to Neville Goddard, "A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by." In other words, a state of consciousness is the mental attitude you carry about yourself and the outer world. Your self-concept determines the state you live in and the experiences you have in your outer reality as you navigate throughout the world.
Ask yourself this:
Do you identify with the state of being a "victim" of the outside world or being the powerful master of your own reality?
▪︎▪︎ States of being ▪︎▪︎
If you are in the state of being poor, you will experience poverty in the outer world.
If you are in the state of being wealthy, you will experience wealth and riches in the outer world.
If you are in the state of being admired and wanted by others, you will experience being wanted and receiving admiration from others in the outer world.
If you are in the state of being unwanted and ignored, you will experience being unwanted and ignored by others in the outer world.
If you are in the state of feeling as if "the universe is always against you" and "life is difficult for you", you will often experience "misfortunes" and situations to prove "life being difficult and unfair for you" in the outer world.
If you are in the state of feeling as if your life is always perfect and everything works out in your favor at all times, you will experience having an utterly perfect life in all aspects in the outer world.
Your state of consciousness is the sole cause of all phenomena in your reality because you are the creator.
Shifting states
"A change of circumstance happens as a result of a change in your state of consciousness." - Neville Goddard
It is essential for you to shift your inner state in order to embrace your infinite power as a creator with confidence and manifest your desires. There are infinite states because every possible state already exists. Once you change your state, the outer world changes to match your new state of consciousness because you are the operant power.
You have the freedom to choose whichever state you want to identify yourself as and persistently living in that new state of mind manifests the experiences you have in your reality. The entire outer world is molded by what you are conscious of being from within your state of mind. Shift into another state in order to experience a new reality with changed results. You can step into any state you want and when you persist in living in the new state of mind, the outer world will inevitably change to match the new state.
No matter what, you are always expressing a state. When you shift your state, you see the world differently and think from the mental attitude of already being the person you desire to be, no matter what it is you desire to realize or who you desire to be.
Your state manifests
Before I begin this next section, I need to clear up something very important. There's a lot of misinformation in this community about what truly manifests into your life on autopilot as creators. Everything in the outer world is manifested from your state, not your thoughts. It is solely your state that manifests. The world is entirely your state pushed out.
Thoughts are *only* an indicator of the state you currently hold, so you change your state instead of targeting the thoughts. It is absolutely pointless and a waste of time to worry about your thoughts when your thoughts are only revealing to you what state you are operating from. Your state is what is truly manifesting on autopilot and endlessly shaping your experiences in the outer world.
Everything you experience in your reality is entirely caused by the state of mind you hold. You can only experience that which you are conscious of being because you are the operant power.
The outside world is only a mirror magnifying what you are conscious of being from within your state. You are always manifesting on an endless repeat based entirely on your state of mind as the operant power of your reality and until you change your state and persist in a different one, you will forever manifest the same circumstances over and over again, endlessly.
When it comes to manifesting your desires, you sustain the state of the wish fulfilled and mentally embody the confident attitude and knowing of the person who has already achieved your desire. You persistently live in that bold mindset of brazen impudence and view your world from knowing your wish is fulfilled.
If you identify with the state of "desperately trying" to manifest your desire and doing everything you can to "get" it, you are dwelling in the state of lack. You are embodying the desperate mindset of somebody who has not achieved your desire and therefore, you will continue to manifest experiences to prove that you have not attained your desire. This sort of poor mindset is also an indicator that you are living and viewing from your world from the "victim" mentality instead of truly seeing yourself as the master of your reality.
If you truly knew and understood you are the sole creator of your own reality, you wouldn't be "struggling" or "desperately trying" to manifest your desires with frustration and you would know for certainty that you already have achieved your desire. Why? Simply for the fact that you are the master of your own reality and nothing is impossible for you as a creator.
If you identify with the state of the master mentality and you know with confidence because you are the God of your reality, you already possess your desire and you truly recognize your power to move mountains at your command. That's an indicator you are living in the confident state of knowing. You are in the confident state of recognizing that you have already achieved your desire. Persistence in this state of mind will allow you to manifest your desire in the outer world.
Are you conscious of desperately "trying" to manifest your desires with "failure" or are you the person who recognizes that you already possess your desires?
To shift into another state, decide what it is you want and switch into the mindset of being the person who already has your desire. If you want to manifest a record deal, you persist in and view the world from the mindset of somebody who has already made a record deal. If you want to manifest extravagant riches, you persist in and view the world from the mindset of somebody who has already attained insane amounts of wealth. You can absolutely manifest anything you desire but you must persist in the confident mindset of somebody who has already achieved your desire for it to come to fruition in the outside world.
Since you are the powerful God of your own reality, your whole entire life reflects your state of mind as a result and this includes all the beliefs, ideas, and assumptions you hold about yourself and the outer world. The outer world has no choice but to conform to your state and what you are conscious of being because you are the boss in charge and you are always creating your own reality solely based on your state of consciousness. Simply shift into a different state of mind to experience a whole new reality as a result.
Play of Life
Think of your life as a play.
You are the writer, the director, the star of the show, and a character within the play of life.
Let's go back to Neville's comparison between states and rooms in a mansion.
"Think of the world as containing an infinite number of states of consciousness from which it could be viewed. Think of these states as rooms or mansions (...) with infinite plots and dramas and situations already worked out but not activated. They are activated as soon as human imagination enters and fuses them."
You are free to play the role of absolutely any character you choose for your role in the play of life. There are an infinite amount of possibilities and you have infinite characters to choose from.
Let's say you are inside of a mansion with an infinite amount of rooms and each room holds a new character role for every possible situation. When you enter a room, you become that new character and you embody the new state. As soon as you enter a room, you become a whole new person and you take on the state of the new character you wish to play. When you choose the character role you want to take on and you persist in the state of the chosen character, you experience that character's beliefs and assumptions reflected back to you in the outer world. The state of the character you persist in embodying determines the experiences you go through in the play of life.
"You can move into many states and play many parts (...) When you are rich, you are the same actor as when you are poor. These are only different parts you are playing."
▪︎ If you choose to play a character who is in the state of being absolutely wanted and adored by everyone - your character will experience those beliefs and assumptions in the play of life.
▪︎ If you choose to a play a character who is in the state of being ignored, unwanted, and invisible to the eye of others - your character will experience those beliefs and assumptions in the play of life.
▪︎ If you choose to play a character who is in the state of being treated as royalty and worshiped by others - your character will experience those beliefs and assumptions in the play of life.
▪︎ If you choose to play a character who is in the state of being wealthy and free from financial worries - your character will experience those beliefs and assumptions in the play of life.
▪︎ If you choose to play a character who is in the state of always being the center of attention with a seductive Marilyn Monroe effect upon others - your character will experience those beliefs and assumptions in the play of life.
▪︎ If you choose to play a character who is in the state of being a mysterious and bewitching female fatale - your character will experience those beliefs and assumptions in the play of life.
Do you understand the point now?
The character you identify as directly goes back to your state of consciousness. The character you identify as in the play of life. Your current character role determines the experiences you have in the outside world because you are the master of your reality.
Ask yourself this: what character are you currently playing in the play of life?
▪︎ Examine your character role below:
How do you see yourself? - Is your character a "victim" of the world? Or a powerful master?
What is your character conscious of experiencing?
What does your character believe and assume about themselves?
What does your character believe and assume about the outer world?
Is your character conscious of struggling with money? Or is your character wealthy?
Is your character conscious of perfect health or is your character having health issues?
How is your character's relationships with others? Are there any patterns in how your character is treated by others?
Is your character desperately "trying" to manifest with little success? Or is your character confidently aware of already possessing the desire?
Is life easy for your character or is life always difficult?
Is your character wanted and adored by others or is your character unwanted and left in the dust?
Can your character manifest desires easily? Or does your character "struggle" with it?
Does everything always go wrong for your character? Or does everything always go right?
Sources on states:
▪︎ Life Reflects Your State
▪︎ Infinite States
▪︎ Shifting Your State
More About States From Neville:
▪︎ "Always expressing a state, you identify yourself with it by saying: I am poor or I am rich. I am known or I am unknown. I am wanted or I am unwanted."
▪︎ "You can change states morning, noon, and night, but the state to which you most constantly return constitutes your dwelling place."
▪︎ "You can satisfy self by appropriating the feeling that you are what you want to be. And this assumption though false, that is, although reason and senses deny it, if persisted in will harden into fact."
▪︎ "The state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return, constitutes your dwelling place. If you dwell in self-pity you will express the state."
▪︎ "The world and all within it are states of consciousness objectified. Your world is defined by your conception of yourself-"
▪︎ "There is no one to change but self; that self is simply your awareness, your consciousness and the world in which it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self. It is to consciousness that we must turn as to the only reality."
▪︎ "Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true."
▪︎ "It is just as easy to possess the consciousness of having your desire, as it is to possess the consciousness of not having it. Get the consciousness first and the thing is compelled to appear."
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
Manifestation Checklist - 2023
50K in my bank account
Job at the ATSID at the Museum in my city
6.5 GPA
Engaged with SP
Pregnant with my first baby
Move in with SP
Long, Curly Hair
Clear Skin
Dream Body
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
I had a really good day today (:
I completed my tasks for work and just chilled, I did whatever I wanted to do and I am happy with how today panned out 💕
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
cr. too @/lawofcam on twitter (i love her <3)
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
how do you accept something as true ?
it's so simple. you accept(assume) "i am xyz" "i have xyz"
don't complicate things. JUST DO IT. simplify everything.
how difficult it is to be simple! -vincent van gogh
you do NOT accept your desire in the 3d. the 3d is irrelevant. the 3d has nothing to do with manifesting, NOTHING. leave it alone. you accept it IN IMAGINATION-where all things are already created and you can be anything you want and you don't need no one's permission, where you can just do you. and identify yourself with the "you" in imagination(which is the real you, what you always have been) who has the desire not with the outer self which is a temporary body.
I remember my only goal is to BECOME the one I want to be IN IMAGINATION ONLY. So I think about something I want to be, anything. Then I assume I AM that IN IMAGINATION, and in Imagination I can be all things. When I say the words, “I AM” I am not speaking about this outer-body but the Inner Man. The Inner Man to me is I AM and I know that all I must change is I AM to change my life. I accept that I AM that Inner Man EXPERIENCING in present tense what I desire -ed art
your desires are in your imagination WAITING and BEGGING for your acceptance. it's right there. all you have to do it give it to yourself in imagination.
manifesting has absolutely nothing to do with the 3d....nothing....not a thing! it's about giving yourself what you want for yourself. it's about showing love to yourself in imagination.
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
define: states 🫶
also known as: how to manifest using states!
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your state is what manifests, not your thoughts.
this has become a very inflammatory sentence for some, but it shouldn't be scary. states simplify manifestation, it doesn't complicate it.
at the beginning of my loa journey, i would affirm alllll day long. while watching tv, while reading, while hanging out with my friends. and by the logic of "your dominant thoughts manifest," i should've gotten my manifestations after only a few days of that. but i didn't, because dominant thoughts aren't what manifests, it's your state that manifests.
you are not a state. you are I Am, and you enter in and out of states all day long. there is an infinite number of states, and no one experiences states the same way. so even if two people are manifesting the same thing (for example, money), the State of Being Rich will probably look different for both of them. so there's really no one specific way a state should look/feel!
because there are an infinite number of states you can occupy, right now you have the power to be rich, just as much as you have the power to be poor. it is just as easy to occupy the state of being rich as it is the state of being poor. you are both of these things, and you know that you are both of these things because you can imagine being both of these things, and everything stems from your imagination.
the state that you consistently go to, also known as your dwelling state, is the state that manifests into your 3d reality.
so, how do you get into a state?
you switch states simply by intending to. the second you want to switch states, you do. in order to maintain this new state, you can use a technique such as affirming, scripting, or visualizing.
let's talk about affirming.
affirming is a TECHNIQUE. some people argue that since affirmations are just thoughts, you can never stop affirming and should be monitoring your thoughts all day long. i do not agree with this.
your thoughts do not manifest. it's why i spent my time from summer 2020-summer 2021 affirming on a constant loop 24/7 that i was in a relationship with my [old] sp, and it never manifested. it's why when you get intrusive thoughts they don't manifest. it's why--even tho every time you go to the bathroom you check behind the shower curtain in case something's there--nothing ever is. it's also why you were able to manifest something by thinking you wanted it once.
you do not need to "create new neural pathways" or think in your favor 24/7. your negative thoughts act as indicators that you fell out of your desired state, and you can instantly correct this by shifting back to the state of the wish fulfilled. you don't even need to flip the thought. your thoughts have no power, unless you give them power by allowing them to let you wallow in the state of lack.
all that being said, affirmations can help you maintain your desired state. i say maintain, because getting into the state is instant, and requires no technique. however, there is such thing as affirming from lack.
what is affirming from lack? it's affirming to get what you want. it's affirming from a state of not having your desire. it's the same as thinking of your desire, instead of thinking from your desire.
a few months ago, the 10k challenge was going around. it was marketed as a fool-proof way to get your manifestation, because all you had to do was "affirm 10k times to create a new neural pathway which created an assumption." yet so many people affirmed 10k+ times and still didn't get their desire. why? because they were affirming from lack.
quality > quantity. you can affirm 10k times and not get your desire, because you weren't in your desire state. you can affirm once and get your desire, because you were in the state.
so how do you not affirm from lack?
an easy way is to pay attention to your affirmations. mindless affirming is out! this shouldn't be a scary thing to hear, because as we discussed, there's no need for you to affirm 5 million times in order to reach some imaginary quota, because your thoughts don't manifest.
affirm with purpose! create an affirmation that implies you already have your desire, and repeat it with the purpose of conjuring the feeling of knowing. the feeling of knowing may feel like calm, peace, relief, contentment, or even excitement. when Neville Goddard said "feeling is the secret," this is the feeling he was talking about, NOT emotions.
if your affirmations are making you feel anxious, this can indicate one of two things:
affirming is not the technique for you (which is OKAY!!)
you're affirming to get
"affirming to get" is a big debate as well. yes, you are manifesting your desire because you want to get it in your 3D. but in order to get it in your 3D, you must change your 4D first. so you should be using techniques such as affirming in order to change your 4D, knowing that if you change your 4D, your 3D will follow. there is no one to change but self.
if affirming is not the technique for you, there is always visualizing, scripting, vaunting, etc.
also the distraction technique, my fav way to get into the state of the wish fulfilled! hehe
to sum it up:
"it's not focusing so much on getting the objects, but becoming the one who already has it." - Edward Art
where does persisting come in?
you should still be persisting in the fact that you already have your desire. you persist by consistently shifting back to your desired state, no matter what you see in the 3D.
reacting to the 3D, like negative thoughts, is an indicator that you have slipped from your desired state.
it can be very beneficial for you to have self-soothing tactics to use in case your 3D causes you to spiral or makes you anxious. these can include eft tapping, breathing exercises, etc.
your 3D is malleable. if you see something in your 3D that you don't like, you can change it. your 3D is simply a reflection of your dwelling state. if you don't see what you want in your 3D, let it serve as a reminder to shift your state back to your desired state. once again, you change your 4D to change your 3D. there is no one to change but self.
question: if you can affirm to get into a state, doesn't that mean your thoughts create your state and that your thoughts technically manifest?
answer: WRONG! like i've mentioned earlier in this post, you enter a state by intention. affirming can help you maintain the state, but your thoughts do not create your state. your state creates your thoughts. every state has thoughts that correspond with it, which is why can manufacture affirmations that imply you already have your desire and repeat them to conjure the feeling of knowing. it's also why negative thoughts act as indicators that you fell out of the state.
question: isn't that the same as someone saying "just assume?"
answer: NO! there are techniques to help you maintain the state. yes entering a state is instant, but there are techniques for you to use to stay in it.
question: are states ableist?
answer: NO!!!! this is something that people are saying on loatwt in order to villainize the people who teach states, and it's frankly disgusting. ANYONE can get into a state, even if they are neurodivergent! you are always in a state! you're in a state right now. i am neurodivergent, as are most of my friends that are states enthusiasts, and it has helped all of us to manifest our desires without driving ourselves to mental exhaustion by affirming 24/7.
question: how long do i have to stay in the wish fulfilled?
answer: it's not so much about how long you stay in the state, it's about frequency. no, not frequency as the law of attraction vibration bullshit, but how often you go back to the state. if you think about your desire 15 times a day, you should shift back into the state 15 times that day. if you think about your desire 5 times, then you should shift back into the state 5 times that day.
hopefully this helps clarify the idea of states for you, and helps you manifest your desires!! <3
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
falling in love with your imagination is such an indescribable feeling. once i stopped stressing over every single detail and just started imagining what i truly wanted- it became so much fun. i literally get so giddy after some of my meditation sessions bc i love living in my 4d and knowing everything i once desired is mine.
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
The Law and her laws
★ Your subconscious mind does not have eyes. She only manifests what YOU think about. She doesn’t know about what’s happening in your 3D unless you start thinking about it.
★ Your subconscious instantly absorbs affirmations like a sponge. With only one affirmation it’s already done in your 4D. With persistence it materialises in your 3D.
★ 4D is the only conformation you need because the 3D always changes itself to match 4D
★ You affirm to remind yourself that your desire already is yours
★ Manifesting is about changing your mindset and thought pattern and NOT seeing something new in your 3D
★ The things you hear and see in your 3D that contradict your manifestation don’t exist in your 4D. Therefore they aren’t real or relevant because 3D will only materialise whats in your 4D and will get rid of the things that contradict your assumptions. WITH PERSISTENCE.
Persisting means not giving up and being consistent.
★ Your subconscious believes that you’ve experienced what you visualise
★ What you focus on manifests
★ You can manifest whatever you want. Logic doesn’t exist.
★ You can change your past and your future.
★ I’ll update this when new aspects of the law pop up in my head. These are the only things that came to my mind when i thought about the rules of the law but honestly i think this is it?
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
if simply “knowing” you have your desire ACTUALLY fulfills you, THEN DO IT!
if robotically/mindlessly affirming ACTUALLY fulfills you, THEN DO IT!
if just affirming once and going about the rest of your day ACTUALLY fulfills you, THEN DO IT!
if sitting down and meditating for 10 minutes ACTUALLY fulfills you, THEN DO IT!
if listening to your subliminal playlist a few times a day ACTUALLY fulfills you, THEN DO IT!
hell, if eating a peach and saying "DINKLEBERG!!!" every morning ACTUALLY fulfills you, THEN DO IT!
the successful bloggers and anons on this platform that manifested their dream lives or "big" desires made their own rules, did methods that made them feel fulfilled, and persisted until they succeeded. if you look at all the success stories, there is not a SINGLE ONE that did the EXACT SAME THING to get into the state of the wish fulfilled. Some affirmed mindlessly/robotically, some simply got into the state of knowing, and others used affirmation tapes, subliminals, music, meditation, inner convos, etc.
long story short, cater the law to what feels right for YOU. remember that intention and belief are the ONLY things that matter at the end of the day. find what makes you feel good, mold personal rules and beliefs, stand firm, and persist until you succeed!!!
“what you assume to be true is true” - the literal basis of the law of assumption
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
All you ever have to do to get ANYTHING you want is
1. Decide that you have it
2. Not care what you see 💗
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touch-of-virgo · 1 year
LOA Twitter
Honestly I find Twitter LOA so toxic with the 'no wavering' culture and how most accounts spread misinformation. This is just a personal opinion, but the anxiety and instability I feel in that LOA community really just makes me want to stay away!
I do love the states girlies on there tho <3 so big love to you guys!
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