touchofgrace · 4 years
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INSTAGRAM: @gracecardinal uploaded a new photo
the night wasn’t so bad.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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touchofgrace · 4 years
hide away || jonah & grace
jonah: gasped playfully, "are you telling me that you don't believe in pinky promises? i'm hurt." he chuckled before taking a sip of his drink. he knew it'd take a lot to prove to grace that he was trustworthy and he was one-hundred percent willing to be patient and supportive in the meantime. "you make a good point...their claws are pretty crazy, huh? but do you really think they have a mean bone in their body?" he asked with wide eyes. "for the record, i'd /never/ bother a sloth -- i just like watching them snooze," he laughed lightly. "so you can relate to sloths?" jonah asked, tilting his head to the side.
grace: smiled, looking over at him, a slight seriousness in the tone of her voice, "i only believe what i can see." her smile was almost apologetic as she looked away from him. grace shrugged, "i don't think animals are mean, nor are they nice. they just.. live to survive. so if you threaten a sloth, i have no doubt it'd put its claws to use." she smiled, happy to hear that jonah wasn't someone who would bother a wild animal simply for a selfie. grace took a deep breath in, speaking as she let the breath back out, "i guess in a way, all a sloth wants is a quiet, sleepy life, and i certainly wouldn't mind that. and sloths have to make every move they make count, since they use up some of their precious energy with every slow movement they make. i dont like doing things just to do them. i need reason. motivation." she shrugged, stopping her slight rambling there.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
hide away || jonah & grace
jonah: knew grace had a hard time trusting people and he was more than happy to give her all the time she needed to trust him. "you can ask my mom, i'm /great/ at keeping promises...i pinky promise," he laughed and held out a pinky for the girl. "you're right -- i'm far from the macho type. you know me too well," jonah responded with a grin. "cardinal, i'm beginning to worry about you. first puppies and now /this/? sloths are the cutest. have you seen their little faces? their smiles are heart-warming -- you can't deny that," he laughed as he thought about all of the sleepy sloth videos he'd watched during his free time. "i mean, they could destroy me...but they choose not to. i feel like they have sweet little hearts," he replied, bumping his hip against hers.
grace: glanced over at his pinky finger, looking from his finger to his face before she lifted her hand and pushed his hand down, shaking her head, "i'll believe it when i see it." she smirked. her eyebrows knit together and she shook her head vigorously, "no no no, you have the view of someone who knows nothing about sloths! their claws could literally kill you. i mean, the baby sloths are usually very docile, but adult sloths are not so sweet. looks can be deceiving." she rolled her eyes, her smile growing, "of course they choose not to, cause most aren't being bothered. but bother a wild sloth? would not recommend that." she looked over at him, "i'm very dedicated to my study of sloths." she partially joked, although she has read books about sloths before.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
hide away || jonah & grace
jonah: snuck a glance at grace, smiling softly to himself as they walked. somehow he'd managed to convince her to hang out with him and he was surprised, but he wouldn't let her know that -- at least not yet. he put on a bit of an air of nonchalance. he was usually incredibly easygoing and calm so the nerves inside of him were new. "yes, blow your mind. you'll leave this walk thinking 'wow, that was the best walk of my entire life' and you'll never forget about it." he teased, chuckling softly. "i feel like i have things in common with snow leopards...i function best at night, i'm laid back, and i'd /never/ harm a human being." his eyes grew wide at her reply and he looked over at her, his mouth slightly agape. "wait, you've just altered my life -- there were a type of sloth that lived on the ground?" he asked, a brow raised, "that sounds incredibly adorable. when did they go extinct?" he ran a few fingers through his hair, "see? i /knew/ you were soft for cute animals."
grace: took in a deep breath, holding it in for a moment before huffing it out, her lips forming a smile for a half-second, "don't make promises you can't keep, haak." she eyed him before looking forward once more. her head nodded as she listened, curious to hear his thoughts. she was interested in the way he viewed himself, his opinion of himself was most important, after all, "hmm, well, i'd say never say never, but you don't seem like the macho man type." she teased, a grin on her face. her eyebrows rose and she laughed, shaking her head, "a giant sloth, yeah. but i don't know when it went extinct, probably a very long time ago." she shrugged, "and sloths are not adorable, definitely not a giant sloth! today's sloth could destroy you, imagine what a GIANT sloth could do?!" she shook her head, "no way. a sloth is not cute. it's chill until you bother it, then it'll rip you to shreds."
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touchofgrace · 4 years
so you're not going to prom?
Why would I? I have no reason to go.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
advice for prom night
Don’t go. Save yourself.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
it’s a sleepover~
send me:
crush stories
your tumblr crushes
tell me about your pets
have you evers
would you rathers
ask my advice
tell me a story about you
a n y t h i n g (▰˘◡˘▰) 
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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Then how do you know what you want?
I don’t. Most of the time I don’t have a clue.
What about now?
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touchofgrace · 4 years
hide away || jonah & grace
jonah: shrugged with a smirk on his lips, "well, they don't call me braveheart for nothing." he took a sip of his drink and nodded, "yep, coffee is a good addiction -- nothing that'll get 'ya into trouble." he couldn't help but laugh when she eyed him. "i'm gonna blow your mind, just you wait," he responded, bringing his hands toward his head and signifying an explosion. "oh, a hard-hitting question, cardinal," jonah teased before pondering for a few moments. "maybe a snow leopard? they're pretty chill, they love nighttime, they're a bit withdrawn, and aren't aggressive towards humans. plus they're really pretty." as they began to make their way to their destination, he turned towards her, "and what about you?"
grace: was pretty happy to be outside, she always felt so trapped whenever she was home or in class. she could go in any direction and there'd be more open space for her to roam. casually sipping from her coffee, her eyes watched the clouds in the sky, but her ears were attentive to jonah's words, "blow my mind? yeah okay." she shook her head, that hidden smile still on her lips. grace considered his words as he answered her random question, "so, do you think you have things in common with the snow leopard, or do you wish you were like the snow leopard?" she wondered. with a shrug, she replied, "a sloth. people underestimate sloths. they could tear someone apart if they wanted to. but really all they wanna do is hang in trees all day and night. not to mention they're related to the unfortunately extinct animal called the giant ground sloth. imagine a huge ass sloth on the ground. so dope." she laughed lightly.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
hide away || jonah & grace
jonah: jumped slightly when he heard grace's voice -- only because it brought him out of his thoughts and back into reality. he'd been lost thinking about how he should act and whether or not she'd enjoy herself, but now she was standing just a few feet from him and his focus was on her. "i guess you could say i'm brave then," jonah retorted, raising his brows. "only a /little/ bit of a coffee junkie," he replied with a lopsided grin. "i wasn't sure if you liked it, so if you don't, don't be afraid to tell me." he hoped grace liked it, but if she didn't he figured he could down two iced coffees quick enough. he held the drink out for the girl and wiggled his brows, "so are you ready for the most exciting walk of your life?"
grace: smirked, allowing for the corner of her lip to lift slightly, "ah yes, the bravest of all men." reaching out, she took a coffee from him, tilting her head in extra thanks, "thank you, i love coffee. it's the only addiction i'm cool with having." she shrugged before letting herself laugh. her eyebrows rose before she rolled her eyes, "oh really? that's a bold thing to proclaim. i guess we'll see, now won't we?" she eyed him playfully as she fell into step with him, walking away from Degrassi. she took a drink from her coffee, her eyes drifting towards the sky, "so, if you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?" she looked over at him questioningly, the hint of a smile on her lips, "oh, and why?"
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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The North Star. That’s the center point. What everything else spins around.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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touchofgrace · 4 years
hide away || jonah & grace
jonah: sat on the front steps of degrassi, two iced coffees in his hand as he waited for grace. he was nervous about the afternoon, despite how laid back he came across. grace was different than most girls and she piqued his interest in a way no one else had ever done. he knew that they didn't know each other well yet, but it seemed that they hit if off nicely and he was excited for what was to come. jonah kept glancing around as he anxiously tapped the coffees in his hands.
grace: was forced to stay after class and have a 'talk' with one of her teachers. in order to speed up the conversation, she basically agreed with everything her teacher said and she was quickly let go. as she put books and notebooks away in her locker, she noticed a slight shake in her hands. maybe she was nervous, but she really didn't need her nervousness to be noticeable. sighing, she shoved her messenger bag into her locker, opting for the small crossbody bag she kept in her locker just in case. with a slam of her locker, she made her way towards the front of degrassi, fiddling with the strap of her bag. as grace walked out the front doors, she spotted the back of a curly head and smiled, "huh, you showed. most usually chicken out. apparently i'm intimidating." she laughed, her eyes falling to the two coffees in his hand, "you a coffee junkie?" she teased him, smiling slightly.
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touchofgrace · 4 years
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