treeoflifelegacy · 11 years
Are the church and Kook Jin Nim lying to and suing members?
Question: Are the church and Kook Jin Nim lying to the members about lawsuits and suing members as an intimidation tactic? 
Short answer: Yes, they are. Several first and second generation members were sued by the church and/or Kook Jin Nim. And Kook Jin Nim did lie about the lawsuits publicly in front of a full crowd at one of In Jin Nim's LLM sermons. Fortunately, most of the lawsuits initiated by them are very ill-conceived and they have lost most of the cases. To read more about how they lied to members and how they are wasting public money, click on Read More to read the Long answer.
Long answer:
This post is to freshen the memory of those who read it and to introduce new information to people who joined later. It's what happened to a 2nd gen named Kyung Hyo Kim. He was sued by KJN. Don't worry, Kyung Hyo won the lawsuit and subsequent appeal. This is part of his story. I am bringing it up because KJN says in front of a full LLM crowd that he sued Kyung Hyo for talking about his "illegitimate children". He even names KyungHyo by name. But KJN was lying. You can read the post to learn the rest of the story:
Many of the distortions that the UC leaders thought they could hide are surfacing one by one through the lawsuits. The results of Kyung Hyo Kim's second hearing were announced yesterday.
The verdict is that Kyung Hyo Kim won the case (again).
We can chalk one more loss in the legal battles for KJN. I hear he is going to appeal. But before you say "Yes, he should appeal!" I recommend you read the background of what led to this lawsuit. Things are not always what (KJN says) they are.
Why is this lawsuit significant?
Remember the sermon where KJN talks about suing 3 people (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXmOgPYow88)? I put a transcript of KJN's words in the mid-section of this letter.
If you didn't see it I suggest you do. It's only 3 minutes long. Although they've sued a lot more than 3 people till now. Kyung Hyo Kim was one of the 3 people whom KJN calls by name in his sermon accusing him or associating him with anonymous postings of KJN's "illegitimate children" (these are not my words, they are KJN's own words in his sermon) on the internet.
Needless to say, the actual lawsuit itself had nothing to do with rumors of KJN's "illegitimate children". KJN lied to the members. Kyung Hyo Kim was sued for distributing a statement written by UCI regarding The Washington Times situation on July 19, 2010. It wasn't even something that Kyung Hyo himself had written. This is the statement that he was sued for. You can download it here in PDF format. (It's also worth a read in case you haven't seen it already as it clarifies about the situation regarding TWT...)
The UCI statement reveals that in July of 2009 orders were given to UC leaders to stop funding from Unification Church of Japan which were destined to go to The Washington Times (TWT). The statement states that it was KJN's decision to stop funding TWT, despite Father's requests that the media foundation has to receive continuous funding. I recommend reading the document to refresh your memory of the events.
As you know, The Washington Times faced incredible financial hardship in 2009 and much of it was blamed on HJN by church officials. However, the reason for the financial hardship of the company had more to do with KJN cutting off the main channel of funding than with HJN messing up the company. This "tactic" that KJN used forced The Washington Times to have to undergo emergency restructuring to stay afloat. Having been historically dependent upon the funds from the Unification Church of Japan, The Washington Times had to restructure or disappear.
Shooting the messenger
All Kyung Hyo Kim did was put out the UCI statement for members to read. He got a defamation lawsuit in return and some nasty publicity by KJN himself.
My understanding is that throughout the lawsuit several UC Japan leaders (including Young Seok Song--Korean guy who is the overall UC Japan leader) went to testify in court in Korea and they said that they never told members to raise funds for The Washington Times. By stating that they never ordered to raise funds for The Washington Times--an obvious lie--I think they are basically committing perjury in court. And for what? To try to save KJN's face? By filing this lawsuit and claiming that they never ordered people to raise funds for TWT they also opened up the Japan UC structure to public and government scrutiny. This could have serious consequences for the future of the UC in Japan. It is unclear to me whether they went to testify in court with such a false (and stupid) argument out of their own volition to destroy the UC or if it was a direction from above. I suspect it was the latter. Many UC Japan leaders were also under the impression that the funds they raised had been sent to The Washington Times, but they were told that HJN / UCI misused the money. This was also not true.
So, KJN wrongly accuses Kyung Hyo and others of putting out rumors of his "illegitimate children" in front of the members, and then sues him for something else. KJN also says that the people put the rumors anonymously and they had to get investigators to find the perpetrators. He also insinuates that they are cowards for not wanting to face the lawsuit (read the transcript below). However, Kyung Hyo Kim was sued for a letter he didn't write and simply put out for others to read. KJN also insinuates that the 3 people are cowards for not wanting to face the lawsuit (read the transcript below).
If the 3 people that KJN is publicly blaming are the ones behind the "despicable" rumors that KJN stated, then KJN would be winning the criminal defamation lawsuits. However, he's losing every single one of them. At the time of the sermon, KJN is basically humiliating and accusing these 3 people even before an investigation had been done. He already considered them guilty and saw no problem in using the pulpit to humiliate them in front of other members.
These were KJN's statements about the lawsuit:
KJN's statements at a LLM sermon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXmOgPYow88): (see the video, it's only 3 minutes long)
Parts in bold are lies.
"You know, actually I've asked people. Hey, why am I not getting sued for paternity? Where are these illegitimate children people are writing about and talking about? I would like to know. Sue me!"
"... In the US we have freedom of speech so it's very difficult to prosecute people for libel. But in Korea ... you can put people in jail for it so... With all these 'unfortunate' and pretty despicable propaganda which is being distributed not only in the US but in Korea and Japan and throughout the world. We cannot let that situation stand."
"We did file a criminal lawsuit against postings on the internet. Of course these postings were anonymous because all the rumors are posted anonymously. There's no name attached. But that's one of the benefits of filing a criminal defamation suit. That you hand it to the government officials and the prosecutors and they have state police powers. And they can investigate and find the true names of the people putting these postings up on the internet."
"And so we did refer to the prosecutor and we did file a criminal lawsuit, and they did come back and tell us who is doing it. And we have their names. Kim Kyung Ho, Lee Sun Kyung, what's the third guy's name? Lim Jee Heen. Who are these people? These people work for the chairman of UCI and for Rev. Kwak. You wanna know where all these rumors are coming from? That's where they're coming from."
(This part was not included in the video but it's what KJN says right after:)
"So these individuals are wanted for questioning in Korea. I would suggest that they go to Korea and answer the questions which the government officials and police have for them. But from what I understand they are not going to Korea. They’ve told the government that they are not in Korea and they don’t have any intention to go to Korea. If they didn’t do anything wrong, why don’t they go ahead and talk to the police?"
Also, Kyung Hyo does not work for UCI nor does he work for Rev. Kwak. Contrary to KJN's portrayal, Kyung Hyo did not try to escape from the lawsuit and responded following the required procedures. He agreed to any necessary police investigation. One of the other people that were sued (she was living in America) responded by email and asked the investigators how they could proceed. She was concerned for being publicly blamed and named guilty even before an investigation was done.
Why even bring it up at all:
Why would KJN bring this up in a sermon? The sermon and lawsuit can be seen as an intimidation tactic to deter others from sending out information to the membership. It was a not so subtle message: "You reveal information. We publicly blame you, burn you, and sue you."
The intention of the UCI statement was not to expose any "illegitimate children" but to reveal the circumstances of TWT to make leaders and members come to their senses. KJN and the UC will likely appeal the decision again (third time), but do they really want to see this through to the end? This is the kind of thing that has to stop.
If they lose all the lawsuits I hope the church has the decency to clear the names of the people KJN wrongly accused in front of a Lovin' Life Ministries crowd.
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treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Was Phyllis Kim and Joshua Cotter's tour approved by True Father?
Question: In early 2010 there was a tour done by Peter Kim's wife (Phyllis Kim) and Joshua Cotter with negative content about Hyun Jin Nim. Was this tour approved by True Father?
Short answer: No. The tour was not approved by True Father and there is strong evidence of it. Click on Read More to read the Long answer that has the contents of an email correspondence that explains this.
Long answer:
The truth about the Phyllis Kim and Joshua Cotter Tour: Not True Father's direction
The context of the situation at the time is that there was an attempt by a few leaders to "bridge the gap" between True Parents and Hyun Jin Nim. But there were other forces (including IJN, H2, KJN, PK) who saw this bridging of the gap as a threat and tried to undermine any leader who attempted such a feat.
In 2010, Phyllis Kim and Joshua Cotter were using True Father's name to do a tour in America to attack Hyun Jin Nim. When one of the people working with Hyun Jin Nim heard about the tour and its justification based on True Father, he wrote an email to a certain top Korean leader who was directly attending True Parents in Las Vegas. This is their email correspondence. The Korean leader who wrote this was later demoted and removed from his position (after having sent out this email that revealed the truth to other leaders).
Email from person working with Hyun Jin Nim:
"The content I am showing you is what is being told to regular members and it is the content that Joshua Cotter is presenting. They are claiming that True Father instructed In Jin Nim to do a lecture tour to explain to the members how Hyun Jin Nim is not uniting with True Father. Did True Father give this instruction? It looks like it will not finish with New York and New Jersey. It looks like they will continue doing this tour in other cities. They are trying to generate an environment so that Hyun Jin Nim can't even show his face to members in America. Although, I don't believe that True Father would instruct to go ahead with this tour that is replete with incorrect information, misunderstandings and misleading statements, but since the church leaders are saying that [True Father instructed] to give this content, what are we supposed to do about this situation?"
The Korean leader who was with True Father immediately replied with the following email:
"Over here [some leaders] are also very angry over what Peter Kim's wife and Cotter are doing. I intend to go and speak directly in person to In Jin Nim. I'm taking a plane to New York tonight. True Father does not consider In Jin Nim to be in charge of America at all. Soon there will have to be some measures taken. True Father also is instructing that all Sunday services be centered on True Father's words only, and he has ordered not to use In Jin Nim's videos.
True Parents did not give any instruction [about the tour]."
Following this email correspondence, the Korean leader would have met with In Jin Nim to convey True Father's instructions to her [about the tour and In Jin Nim's Sunday service videos]. However, even after being told, In Jin Nim ignores True Father's directions and forcefully continued with her video sermons and continued her activities of attacking Hyun Jin Nim.
Would this have been possible with only In Jin Nim's authority? Or did she have the support of someone else in the organization that enabled her to continue doing what she was doing without listening to True Father?
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treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
What happened on November 19, 2009, during Hoon Dok Hae?
Question: I heard that True Father was upset with Hyung Jin Nim's UPF inauguration on November 19, 2009, and that he said certain things. Is this true? What did he say? Why can't I find any record of what he said?
Short answer: It looks like we will never have the official text of what True Father said that day. The only form of proof are the notes of a participant at the HDH session. Apparently, these words by Father were requested to be stricken out of the record and deleted by someone way up in the UC ranks (someone with enough influence and power to delete TF's words). However, the notes of this Hoon Dok session made it through the censorship and we have the notes.
Click on Read More for the Long answer that contains the notes.
Long answer:
Unfortunately, all that remains from this day are the notes of a person who attended this Hoon Dok Hae session. All official records were erased. It shows that the UC leadership inaugurated Hyung Jin Nim into UPF and removed Hyun Jin Nim without TF's permission, among other things.
Notes from Hoon Dok Hwe Nov 19, 2009
These are my personal notes from attending HDH the day after Hyungjin nim’s inauguration as the new Chairman of UPF.
Father says, “You’re telling me that you held Hyung Jin Nim’s UPF inauguration, but who told you to do this? Restore everything back to its original state. Retract everything that happened yesterday. Rev. Kwak and Hyunjin should be the heads of UPF. Why did you inaugurate Hyung Jin into that?”
(I’m not sure why Father mentioned that Rev Kwak should be leading UPF too. I had thought that Father recently asked him to step down from that position.)
Father says, “Rev. Kwak has to be in charge of the Peace Cup. Who told you to put someone else there?”
Father yells, “You people, who participated in that UPF event, stand up. Dr. Joon Ho Seuk and others stand up. Who ordered you to inaugurate Hyung Jin Nim as the International UPF President?”
Mother asks Father, “Wasn’t it you Father that asked them to do so?”
Father responds, “When did I tell you to inaugurate him? All I said was let’s reflect on Hyung Jin Nim and think about it’. When did I say to go ahead and inaugurate him?”
Father keeps shouting, “Who kicked out Rev. Kwak? Joon Ho Seuk, was it you?”
Father starts pointing out the leaders and is strongly questioning them.
Father says, “If you kick out Rev. Kwak, then who is going to restore the Abel UN and who is going to do the Peace Cup? If Rev. Kwak and Hyun Jin aren’t in charge of America, then who is going to establish the Abel UN?”
Father is shouting, yelling at Mother too, “You ganged up together and kicked them out, right? Mother secretly went out and met with people without me knowing. Do not listen to Mother. Mother should become one with Father. But now you and her have caused this big problem. That did not come from me and God. The Washington Times has also divided into two camps and are fighting.”
Father is furious and loud. Father yells, “Hyun Jin had to start from scratch and make a new foundation, GPF, because you people kicked him and Rev. Kwak out, isn’t that so?”
Father appoints Rev. Jung Soon Cho to be in charge of an investigation committee. Father tells him, “Investigate all these people here and report to me.”
Father’s anger raged on for about an hour. He asked that everything be restored back to its original state of affairs and then he left to Seok-Cho.
After HDH, I walked around asking what the other leaders thought. Some of the executive leaders who attended this Hoondokhae shared that what they took from HDH was that Father clearly ordered Rev. Kwak and Hyun Jin Nim to be back in charge of UPF.
Father also scolds Hwang Sunjo concerning the Keo- Mundo: “President Hwang, you should be in charge of Keo-Moondo. Why did you stop the project? Just because Kook Jin told you to stop?”
After today’s morning Hoondokhae ended, Mother ordered the PeaceTV staff and History Recording Department to erase all audio and video recordings of today’s morning HDH.
--- End of notes ---
Again, these are my personal notes, so I may have missed further details. But a few things were certain:
1. Father was not happy about Hyung Jin nim’s inauguration. 2. Father wants Hyun Jin nim and Rev Kwak back in charge of UPF. 3. Father was also somehow very mad at Mother, and after HDH, MMMMMM ordered all the HDH audio and video documentation to be destroyed.
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treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Are the lawsuits being done with True Parents permission?
Question: Are all these big lawsuits being done with True Parents' permission? 
Short answer: Not all of them are approved by True Parents. The church leadership is fond of saying that the lawsuits are approved by True Parents, however, there is recent evidence that seems to show that they have been using True Parents' name in front of members when they had actually not received permission for their actions. This is specially true about the Yoido lawsuit which True Father allegedly asked on August 3, 2012, to be ceased.  
Click on Read More to read the Long answer and find out more about this.
Long Answer:
This is news that just came out in Korea on the CARP Cafe. Link to original article: http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/cSkJ/18437 (Membership required) This is significant because it shows that Kook Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, and many leaders under them basically lied to the members by saying that the decision regarding the lawsuits (especially the major Yoido lawsuit and appeals) were TP's decision. This document shows that this decision was not brought to TPs, but that it was an arbitrary decision of the board of directors of the Tongil Foundation. In other words, this means that the decision which will inevitably lead to a 450-700 million dollar loss when they lose the Yoido case was not because of TP's will, but because of the will of those who compose the board of directors. Apart from the financial damage, this signifies and confirms a terrible breach of trust between the top leadership, TP, and the members to whom it was communicated that all of this pursuit of lawsuits was TP's will. It was not.
The UC seems to be imploding from inside out, with inside workers and staff not wanting to support its shaky structure any longer. They seem to be passing on crucial information for all to see what is going on. TF spoke of living without shadows under the noonday sun. Here is a major issue coming to light:
Exposing the arbitrary decision of the Foundation's board members in the Yoido appeal
- The decision to appeal the Parc1 case was not True Parent's decision - They intended to hold on without paying the damages that the court ordered them to pay until the very end even while incurring a 20% interest rate on the millions in damages - They were planning additional lawsuits, including a lawsuit to return Y22's shares
The board members of the "Foundation of the International Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity" (known as the "Tongil Foundation") held a secret provisional board meeting on July 13, 2012, before the judge would make his decision on August 1, 2012, on the case that the Tongil Foundation had appealed in the lawsuit over the right to the superficies of Yoido (the "Yoido Parc1 lawsuit").
In that board meeting of the Tongil Foundation there were 5 board members including Kook Jin Moon. They voted on the following points:
1. If we lose the appeal we will immediately submit an appeal with the Supreme Court 2. We will withhold from paying any damages 3. We will initiate further lawsuits, including a lawsuit to return the shares of Y22
The board of directors centered on chairman Kook Jin Moon had already made their decision and voted on these 3 points on July 13, 2012, and when they received the decision by the judge that they had lost in their appeal on August 1, 2012, they had Secretary General Sun Pyo Hong send out a statement to all members claiming that, "In response to [losing in the appeal of the Yoido case], and according to True Parents direction and a resolution made at the Foundation board meeting, the Foundation has decided to immediately appeal to the Supreme Court." Consequently, on August 16, 2012, while True Father was lying down in the ICU room in critical condition they held another provisional board meeting in which all the members present unanimously reconfirmed the decision from the July 13, 2012, board meeting.
These facts were explained and provided along with a copy of the minutes of the board meeting by a representative that will remain anonymous. (See the attached minutes of the board meeting at the end of this document)
We have no words to express how shocking this is. When looking at the content of the minutes it seems very unlikely that the board members explained and discussed their decisions thoroughly with True Parents before or after they voted to make their decision. Even if they did explain something to them one can see how reckless their decision process was.
With only a 1% chance of success they decided to appeal to the Supreme Court, and unilaterally made the decision to withhold from paying the tens of millions of dollars in damages that the court ordered them to pay at the expense of having to incur a high 20% interest rate [on the money being withheld]. The decision to withhold the payment in damages ordered by the court despite the high interest rate burden was a decision made under the assumption that UCI's side would run out of money and would eventually collapse. And they even went as far as planning for the worst case scenario, in which they would have initiated additional lawsuits to buy more time to not allow construction to resume at the Parc1 construction site. It openly shows their intention of buying as much time to delay and putting their hopes on the UCI case [in America]. However, a few days ago their assumptions and expectations were crushed: Shin Se Gye acquired the shares of Central City for KRW 1.025 trillion won (approx. USD $927 million dollars) which generated enough funds to sustain and pay for any legal battles for decades to come.
The seven board members of the Tongil Foundation who led and initiated these reckless lawsuits all around the world are the responsible party in actively destroying the precious work and foundation of our True Parents and the Unification Movement. They have already squandered hundreds of millions of dollars in public money in the Yoido Parc1 lawsuit and the UCI lawsuit, the criminal lawsuit against Hyun Jin Moon in Brazil, the criminal lawsuits against Chung Hwan Kwak and many other members. In just 2-3 years they turned the Unification Church into a place which many of the 2nd generation are ashamed to be associate with and brought True Parents down to the level of ridicule and rumors.
But now the leaders are trying to find a solution to this mess by sending Hyung Jin Moon off to America and finishing with Kook Jin Moon. They are putting the entire responsibility of the situation on these True Children while the leaders surrounding True Mother act like they themselves are not accountable for this situation. Furthermore, they are placing the entire burden on the shoulders of True Mother.
Will this situation be fixed simply by having Kook Jin Moon step down? Will them praising True Mother with words as they once did for Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon be enough to change this situation? Even if they were to hold the Foundation Day event, do they expect a cataclysmic change to automatically take place? It would be foolish to expect that.
Regardless of who it is, if they really want to solve this situation they have to wake up from the fantasy world bubble they've been living in and acknowledge the cold harsh reality. We will have to find and identify those who have been intentionally blocking the eyes and ears of True Parents and ask them to voluntarily step down, or we will have to be made to step down. With what right do those who derailed and destroyed the providence claim to represent True Parents? With what authority do they claim to guide the members? All lawsuits should be immediately stopped, we should focus on restoring the trust that was stepped upon, and we should focus all our strength on correctly upholding God's will and the providence.
If they do not listen to this advice, Heaven itself will directly hold them accountable and True Father will work through the members who were cast away.
▣ Attachment: Minutes of the board meeting. This section contains the minutes of two board meetings: July 13, 2012 and August 16, 2012.
Copy of the minutes put into a PDF file (Korean): http://www.mediafire.com/file/m4wwey74ww9xzxx/121019-boardmeeting.pdf
Board Meeting Minutes (Translated from Korean original--unofficial translation)
1. Notification of Meeting: July 5, 2012 (Thu) 2. Actual Meeting: July 13, 2012 (Fri), 10 AM - 1 PM 3. Place of Meeting: Meeting room on the 11th floor of the Foundation 4. Total number of Board Members: 7 people 5. Present Board Members: 5 people (Chairman Kook Jin Moon, Hyo Yeul Kim (Peter Kim), Kook Jing Seuk, Dong Han Lee, Jin Sun Ahn) 6. Absent Board Members: 2 people (Hyung Jin Moon, Jung Ok Yoo) 7. Agenda of the Meeting:
a. Decision in case we lose the appeal in the Yoido lawsuit for the rights to the superficies (whether to appeal, etc.)
b. Issue of whether to withhold from paying the damages and provisional payments [due to our] losing in the first hearing of the Yoido project lawsuit
c. Issue of pursuing additional lawsuits such as a lawsuit to return the shares of Y22
8. Issues voted on:
a. We will discuss in the future any follow-up measures depending on whether we win or lose the August 1, 2012, court decision in the lawsuit for the rights to the superficies of Yoido. However, if we do lose we will immediately appeal to the Supreme Court.
b. We will delay payments in damages and provisiona payments related to the Yoido Project, and we will discuss this issue again after the August 1st court decision on the appeal of the Yoido case is decided.
c. We will move forwards with additional lawsuits including a lawsuit for the return of Y22 shares
9. Content of the Meeting:
Chairman Kook Jin Moon: Today we are holding a provisional board meeting for 2012, with 5 of the 7 board members present. According to article 17 of the bylaws of this corporation this meeting is being held in a legitimate way, therefore we will start this provisional board meeting. Vice-section chief, Hoon Choi, explain to us the agenda of the meeting.
Vice-section chief Hoon Choi: Explains the 3 points of the agenda.
Kook Jin Moon: Regarding the first point in the agenda, which is related to the decision of our appeal of the Yoido lawsuit for the rights to the superificies, tell us about what measures will be taken if we win the case.
Board member Jin Sun Ahn: If we win the case, our follow-up measure would depend on whether the opponents appeal [that decision]. Therefore, I suggest that we discuss this again after observing how the opponents react after the court's decision. At this time, I would like us to discuss if we are going to appeal to the Supreme Court in the case that we lose.
Kook Jin Moon: Do other board members have an opinion?
Board member Kook Jing Seuk: I agree. We can discuss at a later time our follow-up measures if we win. I agree to immediately appealing to the Supreme Court if we lose.
Board member Dong Han Lee: I agree. If we lose the case, I also think that it will be good if we appeal.
Jin Sun Ahn: It looks like the opponents are preparing to sell the rights to the superficies in the case that they win. Therefore, even if there's a risk to the Foundation in the future, appealing the decision would essentially be a way to protect the Yoido World headquarters and protecting the assets of the Unification Church, which I think is what the Foundation should be doing.
Board member Peter Kim: I agree to appealing the decision.
Kook Jin Moon: Then, for the first point of the agenda, we are unanimously deciding that we will discuss at a later time our follow-up measures in the case that we win the decision. And [we are unanimously deciding that] we will immediately appeal to the Supreme Court in the case that we lose.
Kook Jin Moon: We will discuss the second point of the agenda. In our previous board meeting our board members decided to withhold from paying damages and provisional payments until the date of the court decision of our appeal on the Yoido lawsuit for the rights to the superficies. Now that we are approaching the date of the decision of our appeal, the board members should tell us their opinion on the issue of paying for damages and provisional payments.
Kook Jing Seuk: I would like us to withhold for now.
Dong Han Lee: I agree that we should withhold.
Jin Sun Ahn: I think we should have a meeting after the decision of the appeal to the rights of the superficies is made.
Peter Kim: We should withhold from paying for now and discuss it in a later date.
Kook Jin Moon: Then, we have unanimously passed that we will withhold payments of damages and provisional payments until after the decision to appeal the rights of the superficies is decided.
Kook Jin Moon: For the final third point of the agenda related to the Yoido project, give me your opinion on whether we should proceed with additional lawsuits such as a lawsuit for the return of Y22 shares, lawsuit for damages in negligence of duty by the board members, etc.
Peter Kim: I think that we should obviously proceed with additional lawsuits.
Kook Jing Seuk: I agree in proceeding.
Dong Han Lee: I second that we should proceed.
Jin Sun Ahn: I think it's good to proceed.
Kook Jin Moon: We have unanimously passed our motion to proceed with additional lawsuits with relation to the third point in the agenda. If there are any further points to discuss you can tell me now.
All board members: No further issues to discuss.
Kook Jin Moon: Then, with this we are finishing the provisional board meeting of the Foundation. Thank you.
July 13, 2012 (Foundation) International Holy Spirit Associaion for the Unification of World Christianity
Chairman Kook Jin Moon Board member Kook Jing Seuk Board member Peter Kim Board member Jin Sun Ahn Board member Dong Han Lee
Board Meeting Minutes (Translated from Korean original--unofficial translation)
1. Notification of Meeting: August 3, 2012 (Fri) 2. Actual Meeting: August 16, 2012 (Thu), 11 AM - 3. Place of Meeting: Seoul Palace Hotel, 2nd floor Japanese Restaurant Da Bong 4. Total number of Board Members: 7 people 5. Present Board Members: 7 people (Chairman Kook Jin Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, Kook Jing Seuk, Dong Han Lee, Jin Sun Ahn, Hyo Yeul Kim (Peter Kim), Jung Ok Yoo) 6. Agenda of the Meeting: Regarding the civil and criminal Yoido lawsuits
We are holding this temporary board meeting according to article 14 of the bylaws, and according to article 17 of the bylaws chairman Kook Jin Moon is present and has announced that this meeting is in order. We will be voting on the following points.
7. Issues voted on:
Chairman Kook Jin Moon explained the content of the issues that were voted on in the board meeting of July 13, 2012 regarding the Yoido civil and criminal lawsuit. The board members present unanimously voted that they fundamentally reconfirmed the issues that were voted on in the July 13, 2012 board meeting. However, depending on the result of the decision of the appeal by the foundation we have decided to have another meeting to discuss the issue of [withholding or] paying the damages.
a. In case we lose the appeal, we immediately appeal to the Supreme Court b. The foundation will delay paying damages and provisional payments from losing the first hearing c. We will proceed with additional lawsuits such as a lawsuit for the return of shares within the range that is possible
August 16, 2012
(Foundation) International Holy Spirit Associaion for the Unification of World Christianity
Chairman Kook Jin Moon Board member Kook Jing Seuk Board member Peter Kim Board member Jin Sun Ahn Board member Hyung Jin Moon Board member Jung Ok Yoo Board member Dong Han Lee
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treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Was it really True Mother's decision to have Kook Jin Nim step down? And other rumors...
Questions: Is it true that True Mother decided to have Kook Jin Nim step down? Also, is it true that Dong Moon Joo will be taking over Sun Moon University? And finally, is it true that the Tongil Foundation started questioning True Mother's authority?
Short answer: Yes. Yes. And, yes. That's correct. 
Click on Read More to get the long answer. 
On the public Facebook page of the Tongil Foundation, of which Tim Elder is the administrator, the administrator has posted several messages that are of interest. 
1) Confirms that Mr. Joo will be taking up a position in SMU as I had reported earlier this week
2) Confirms that KJN is stepping down at TM's request as was reported by several sources some time ago
3) Tim (with his own account) engages in showing disunity between TP to the point of implying that TM is acting against TF's wishes. Interestingly enough he made this post with his personal account rather than as the admin of the Tongil Foundation page. They were the ones who hailed TP as one and TM as being the same as TF in all levels, and now that KJN is out the door he actually writes this?
These are the actual messages by Tim Elder that correspond to my comments:
1) "Tongil Foundation Mr. Joo is scheduled to succeed True Mother as Chairman of the Sun Moon Education Foundation. That foundation owns and operates Sun Moon University and eight other schools. It is separate from the Tongil Foundation."
2) "True Mother made a decision and Kook Jin Nim is uniting with that decision. In the implementation of the decision, Kook Jin Nim has requested that one process be followed rather than another."
3) "[N]o I don't understand anything more. There have been a number of instances in the past few weeks where what Mother said appeared to differ from what Father wanted. For example, True Mother has said she wants to change the Cheon Seong Gyeong. She says there is a lot of redundancy and Father's more recent words are not included. All this was presented to Father before his Seonghwa, and he specifically said that we should NOT TOUCH the Cheon Seong Gyeong."
Link to the Tongil Foundation facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/TongilFoundation 
0 notes
treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Did True Parents ask Kook Jin Nim to step down?
Question: Did True Parents ask Kook Jin Nim to step down from his position as chairman of the Tongil Foundation?
Short answer: Yes, they did. True Father and True Mother specifically told Kook Jin Nim to step down on several occasions. True Father first said that he never put Kook Jin Nim in the position of chairman and now True Mother is asking him to resign.
Click on Read More to see the actual posts from the official Tongil Foundation page on this issue that confirm it.
Long answer: This part has two sections: 1) actual quote from the Tongil Foundation site and 2) an analysis of the situation.
1) Direct quote from the Tongil Foundation website:
"Kook Jin Nim has asked True Mother that he be relieved of his position in the Tongil Foundation by a majority vote of the Foundation's board of directors. He said he was acting in response to True Mother's decision to turn the Foundation over to new leadership. 
Speaking Wednesday at a previously scheduled luncheon with members of the 36 Blessed Couples, Kook Jin Nim said he did not feel free to resign as Chairman of the Foundation because of promises he made to True Father. Before Father went to the spirit world, he asked Kook Jin Nim not to leave his position as Foundation Chairman and to help and protect International President Hyung Jin Nim, he said. 
Though he is not resigning, he will not resist the board of directors as they move to relieve him, Kook Jin Nim said. 
Tongil Foundation is governed by a seven-member board of directors. The members are Kook Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, Yu Jung Ok, Peter Kim, Lee Dong Han, Seok Jun Ho and Ahn Jin Sung. 
The bylaws of the Tongil Foundation allow a majority of the board to request a meeting of the board. On receiving such a request, the chairman is required to call such meeting within 20 days. Kook Jin Nim said he has asked Peter Kim to gather the necessary signatures from board members to initiate this process. He said he would like for this process to play out in the next seven days so that he can leave Korea and return to the United States. 
Kook Jin Nim told the 36 Blessed Couples attending the luncheon that he was grateful for their support and assistance during his eight years at the Tongil Foundation and that he hoped the church and its organizations would continue to develop after his departure."
--------------- Part Two ----------------
2) Analysis:
During his US tour H2 denied the news that KJN was asked to step down and said not to listen to these online "blogs". But lo and behold, yesterday Mr. Tim Elder indicates that KJN is going to step down and that he himself might be out of a job. Either H2 or Tim Elder, one of them, is not telling the story right. KJN can't both be stepping down and not stepping down. It's got to be one or the other. This time I'll believe Tim Elder and assume that H2 was not telling the truth. 
The interesting thing to point out is that KJN decided to make public his resignation the day after the news came out that Central City had been sold. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this means something. Of course there were other factors mixed in the decision of KJN stepping down: TM being upset at KJN (for x, y, z reasons), TM not supporting his policies on lawsuits, influence of CP forces, the general pressure of all the lawsuits he lost and is on his way of losing (especially the Yoido one), etc. But the Central City sale must have been a big blow to KJN's hold onto power and might have been the final piece necessary in his decision to step down. 
This can be understood based on two main reasons:
1) KJN originally wanted to have control of CC. But now it's gone. Giving him one less reason to stay in power.
2) The funds from selling CC gave HJN enough resources to last for a long, long time in any legal battles KJN initiated.
I will focus on reason #2. 
The fact that KJN threw in the towel right after CC's sale confirms that KJN's game plan was to squeeze the life juice out of HJN through a battle of attrition. To KJN it was a battle over who could outspend the other. KJN's lifeline was the money from the Japanese. With that money he could stage his legal battles. A never ending influx of money to sustain him for a long time. However, the legal battles were also taking a toll on him. When we tally up the score, it's about 9:0 (the UC foundation lost about 9 and won 0) in the public cases and closer to 15:0 when you add all the lawsuits KJN initiated against individuals (including 2nd gen). He used an intimidation tactic to try to shut up people by suing them. He lost in those cases too. 
But, of all of them, the Yoido lawsuit that KJN initiated (which his supporters claim was done at "TF's request"--although it is unofficially reported that on August 3, 2012, TF was upset at the leaders for continuing the lawsuits) was the most irresponsible, expensive, and stupid lawsuit in the history of lawsuits in our movement. My guess is that KJN stepping down will probably not save the UC Foundation from having to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in damages from the companies involved in the construction and financing of the Yoido project. Having lost in the Yoido hearings, lost in the appeals, and now waiting for the final decision at the mercy of the Supreme Court (with chances looking really bad for the UC foundation), he decides to step down and go back to America. 
KJN made the UC into the land of lawsuits using money and power to push away "Cain" or "Satan" in an effort of being what he considers a "Strong Abel". In 2010, when everyone including the media were warning about how meaningless it was to initiate a lawsuit against the Yoido Parc1 project, KJN chose to move forward with the lawsuit anyway to disrupt construction and bring the project to a halt in the hopes that it would scare off investors and other related companies. Halting the construction meant that all the companies involved were incurring losses, plus interest, as they waited for the meaningless lawsuit to end so that construction could resume. Many investors were turned off by the ugly fighting and fled. 
The media estimated that regardless of the conclusion of the Yoido lawsuit--that is, regardless of whether KJN wins or loses the lawsuit he initiated--the UC Foundation will be liable for 450-700 million US dollars in damages incurred to the companies involved in the Yoido project. That is how big of a mess he created simply by initiating and dragging on this lawsuit. Even if he wins, he loses. Even if he stops the lawsuit now, it's probably too late. The damage is done and it has to be paid for from someone's pocket. In this case, it will probably be from the coffers that were supplied with money from Japanese members. In the end, the prediction of the media was correct. The UC Foundation had a crushing defeat in the first hearing, and then another loss in the second hearing. Now they appealed the case to the Supreme Court. And the courts are already asking the Foundation to start paying up close to 45 million dollars in damages as what can be seen to be the first phase of payments in a long string of damages that the UC foundation will have to pay.
So, what was the reason for initiating a lawsuit that they knew they could not win? It is hard to understand with simple common sense. That is because they played a "money-game" strategy to bring down their opponent. In other words, by buying as much time as possible and prolonging the lawsuit KJN was hoping that Y22 (the company that is in charge of the Yoido project) would not be able to overcome the financial burden and would go bankrupt. They thought that if Y22 goes bankrupt the Yoido Project would go back into the hands of the UC Foundation which happens to be the owner of the land. Therefore, it can be understood that from the very start KJN made his decision to move forward on the lawsuit with the knowledge and willingness to sacrifice millions upon hundreds of millions of dollars of public money. But, with the sale of Central City his brilliant plan was brought down for the childish scheme that it was. 
More information on the Yoido lawsuit:
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treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Are the latest lawsuits done with True Parents' permission?
Question: Are the latest lawsuits really done with True Parents' permission?
Short answer: No. So far there is proof that the recent lawsuits and appeals were not True Parents' instructions. It can be argued that True Parents may have agreed on some of them, but the decision to do the lawsuits and pursue appeals originates from elsewhere. Someone else is calling the shots.
But click on Read More for the long answer and full article. 
Long answer: This is an example of how members are being lied to and TP are not actually approving the things that people like Hyung Jin Nim, Kook Jin Nim and others are doing. 
This is news that just came out in Korea on the CARP Cafe. Link to original article: http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/cSkJ/18437 (Membership required) This is significant because it shows that Kook Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, and many leaders under them basically lied to the members by saying that the decision regarding the lawsuits (especially the major Yoido lawsuit and appeals) were TP's decision. This document shows that this decision was not brought to TPs, but that it was an arbitrary decision of the board of directors of the Tongil Foundation. In other words, this means that the decision which will inevitably lead to a 450-700 million dollar loss when they lose the Yoido case was not because of TP's will, but because of the will of those who compose the board of directors. Apart from the financial damage, this signifies and confirms a terrible breach of trust between the top leadership, TP, and the members to whom it was communicated that all of this pursuit of lawsuits was TP's will. It was not.
The UC seems to be imploding from inside out, with inside workers and staff not wanting to support its shaky structure any longer. They seem to be passing on crucial information for all to see what is going on. TF spoke of living without shadows under the noonday sun. Here is a major issue coming to light:
Exposing the arbitrary decision of the Foundation's board members in the Yoido appeal
- The decision to appeal the Parc1 case was not True Parent's decision - They intended to hold on without paying the damages that the court ordered them to pay until the very end even while incurring a 20% interest rate on the millions in damages - They were planning additional lawsuits, including a lawsuit to return Y22's shares
The board members of the "Foundation of the International Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity" (known as the "Tongil Foundation") held a secret provisional board meeting on July 13, 2012, before the judge would make his decision on August 1, 2012, on the case that the Tongil Foundation had appealed in the lawsuit over the right to the superficies of Yoido (the "Yoido Parc1 lawsuit").
In that board meeting of the Tongil Foundation there were 5 board members including Kook Jin Moon. They voted on the following points:
1. If we lose the appeal we will immediately submit an appeal with the Supreme Court 2. We will withhold from paying any damages 3. We will initiate further lawsuits, including a lawsuit to return the shares of Y22
The board of directors centered on chairman Kook Jin Moon had already made their decision and voted on these 3 points on July 13, 2012, and when they received the decision by the judge that they had lost in their appeal on August 1, 2012, they had Secretary General Sun Pyo Hong send out a statement to all members claiming that, "In response to [losing in the appeal of the Yoido case], and according to True Parents direction and a resolution made at the Foundation board meeting, the Foundation has decided to immediately appeal to the Supreme Court." Consequently, on August 16, 2012, while True Father was lying down in the ICU room in critical condition they held another provisional board meeting in which all the members present unanimously reconfirmed the decision from the July 13, 2012, board meeting.
These facts were explained and provided along with a copy of the minutes of the board meeting by a representative that will remain anonymous. (See the attached minutes of the board meeting at the end of this document)
We have no words to express how shocking this is. When looking at the content of the minutes it seems very unlikely that the board members explained and discussed their decisions thoroughly with True Parents before or after they voted to make their decision. Even if they did explain something to them one can see how reckless their decision process was.
With only a 1% chance of success they decided to appeal to the Supreme Court, and unilaterally made the decision to withhold from paying the tens of millions of dollars in damages that the court ordered them to pay at the expense of having to incur a high 20% interest rate [on the money being withheld]. The decision to withhold the payment in damages ordered by the court despite the high interest rate burden was a decision made under the assumption that UCI's side would run out of money and would eventually collapse. And they even went as far as planning for the worst case scenario, in which they would have initiated additional lawsuits to buy more time to not allow construction to resume at the Parc1 construction site. It openly shows their intention of buying as much time to delay and putting their hopes on the UCI case [in America]. However, a few days ago their assumptions and expectations were crushed: Shin Se Gye acquired the shares of Central City for KRW 1.025 trillion won (approx. USD $927 million dollars) which generated enough funds to sustain and pay for any legal battles for decades to come.
The seven board members of the Tongil Foundation who led and initiated these reckless lawsuits all around the world are the responsible party in actively destroying the precious work and foundation of our True Parents and the Unification Movement. They have already squandered hundreds of millions of dollars in public money in the Yoido Parc1 lawsuit and the UCI lawsuit, the criminal lawsuit against Hyun Jin Moon in Brazil, the criminal lawsuits against Chung Hwan Kwak and many other members. In just 2-3 years they turned the Unification Church into a place which many of the 2nd generation are ashamed to be associate with and brought True Parents down to the level of ridicule and rumors.
But now the leaders are trying to find a solution to this mess by sending Hyung Jin Moon off to America and finishing with Kook Jin Moon. They are putting the entire responsibility of the situation on these True Children while the leaders surrounding True Mother act like they themselves are not accountable for this situation. Furthermore, they are placing the entire burden on the shoulders of True Mother.
Will this situation be fixed simply by having Kook Jin Moon step down? Will them praising True Mother with words as they once did for Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon be enough to change this situation? Even if they were to hold the Foundation Day event, do they expect a cataclysmic change to automatically take place? It would be foolish to expect that.
Regardless of who it is, if they really want to solve this situation they have to wake up from the fantasy world bubble they've been living in and acknowledge the cold harsh reality. We will have to find and identify those who have been intentionally blocking the eyes and ears of True Parents and ask them to voluntarily step down, or we will have to be made to step down. With what right do those who derailed and destroyed the providence claim to represent True Parents? With what authority do they claim to guide the members? All lawsuits should be immediately stopped, we should focus on restoring the trust that was stepped upon, and we should focus all our strength on correctly upholding God's will and the providence.
If they do not listen to this advice, Heaven itself will directly hold them accountable and True Father will work through the members who were cast away.
▣ Attachment: Minutes of the board meeting. This section contains the minutes of two board meetings: July 13, 2012 and August 16, 2012.
Copy of the minutes put into a PDF file (Korean): http://www.mediafire.com/file/m4wwey74ww9xzxx/121019-boardmeeting.pdf
Board Meeting Minutes (Translated from Korean original--unofficial translation)
1. Notification of Meeting: July 5, 2012 (Thu) 2. Actual Meeting: July 13, 2012 (Fri), 10 AM - 1 PM 3. Place of Meeting: Meeting room on the 11th floor of the Foundation 4. Total number of Board Members: 7 people 5. Present Board Members: 5 people (Chairman Kook Jin Moon, Hyo Yeul Kim (Peter Kim), Kook Jing Seuk, Dong Han Lee, Jin Sun Ahn) 6. Absent Board Members: 2 people (Hyung Jin Moon, Jung Ok Yoo) 7. Agenda of the Meeting:
a. Decision in case we lose the appeal in the Yoido lawsuit for the rights to the superficies (whether to appeal, etc.)
b. Issue of whether to withhold from paying the damages and provisional payments [due to our] losing in the first hearing of the Yoido project lawsuit
c. Issue of pursuing additional lawsuits such as a lawsuit to return the shares of Y22
8. Issues voted on:
a. We will discuss in the future any follow-up measures depending on whether we win or lose the August 1, 2012, court decision in the lawsuit for the rights to the superficies of Yoido. However, if we do lose we will immediately appeal to the Supreme Court.
b. We will delay payments in damages and provisiona payments related to the Yoido Project, and we will discuss this issue again after the August 1st court decision on the appeal of the Yoido case is decided.
c. We will move forwards with additional lawsuits including a lawsuit for the return of Y22 shares
9. Content of the Meeting:
Chairman Kook Jin Moon: Today we are holding a provisional board meeting for 2012, with 5 of the 7 board members present. According to article 17 of the bylaws of this corporation this meeting is being held in a legitimate way, therefore we will start this provisional board meeting. Vice-section chief, Hoon Choi, explain to us the agenda of the meeting.
Vice-section chief Hoon Choi: Explains the 3 points of the agenda.
Kook Jin Moon: Regarding the first point in the agenda, which is related to the decision of our appeal of the Yoido lawsuit for the rights to the superificies, tell us about what measures will be taken if we win the case.
Board member Jin Sun Ahn: If we win the case, our follow-up measure would depend on whether the opponents appeal [that decision]. Therefore, I suggest that we discuss this again after observing how the opponents react after the court's decision. At this time, I would like us to discuss if we are going to appeal to the Supreme Court in the case that we lose.
Kook Jin Moon: Do other board members have an opinion?
Board member Kook Jing Seuk: I agree. We can discuss at a later time our follow-up measures if we win. I agree to immediately appealing to the Supreme Court if we lose.
Board member Dong Han Lee: I agree. If we lose the case, I also think that it will be good if we appeal.
Jin Sun Ahn: It looks like the opponents are preparing to sell the rights to the superficies in the case that they win. Therefore, even if there's a risk to the Foundation in the future, appealing the decision would essentially be a way to protect the Yoido World headquarters and protecting the assets of the Unification Church, which I think is what the Foundation should be doing.
Board member Peter Kim: I agree to appealing the decision.
Kook Jin Moon: Then, for the first point of the agenda, we are unanimously deciding that we will discuss at a later time our follow-up measures in the case that we win the decision. And [we are unanimously deciding that] we will immediately appeal to the Supreme Court in the case that we lose.
Kook Jin Moon: We will discuss the second point of the agenda. In our previous board meeting our board members decided to withhold from paying damages and provisional payments until the date of the court decision of our appeal on the Yoido lawsuit for the rights to the superficies. Now that we are approaching the date of the decision of our appeal, the board members should tell us their opinion on the issue of paying for damages and provisional payments.
Kook Jing Seuk: I would like us to withhold for now.
Dong Han Lee: I agree that we should withhold.
Jin Sun Ahn: I think we should have a meeting after the decision of the appeal to the rights of the superficies is made.
Peter Kim: We should withhold from paying for now and discuss it in a later date.
Kook Jin Moon: Then, we have unanimously passed that we will withhold payments of damages and provisional payments until after the decision to appeal the rights of the superficies is decided.
Kook Jin Moon: For the final third point of the agenda related to the Yoido project, give me your opinion on whether we should proceed with additional lawsuits such as a lawsuit for the return of Y22 shares, lawsuit for damages in negligence of duty by the board members, etc.
Peter Kim: I think that we should obviously proceed with additional lawsuits.
Kook Jing Seuk: I agree in proceeding.
Dong Han Lee: I second that we should proceed.
Jin Sun Ahn: I think it's good to proceed.
Kook Jin Moon: We have unanimously passed our motion to proceed with additional lawsuits with relation to the third point in the agenda. If there are any further points to discuss you can tell me now.
All board members: No further issues to discuss.
Kook Jin Moon: Then, with this we are finishing the provisional board meeting of the Foundation. Thank you.
July 13, 2012 (Foundation) International Holy Spirit Associaion for the Unification of World Christianity
Chairman Kook Jin Moon Board member Kook Jing Seuk Board member Peter Kim Board member Jin Sun Ahn Board member Dong Han Lee
Board Meeting Minutes (Translated from Korean original--unofficial translation)
1. Notification of Meeting: August 3, 2012 (Fri) 2. Actual Meeting: August 16, 2012 (Thu), 11 AM - 3. Place of Meeting: Seoul Palace Hotel, 2nd floor Japanese Restaurant Da Bong 4. Total number of Board Members: 7 people 5. Present Board Members: 7 people (Chairman Kook Jin Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, Kook Jing Seuk, Dong Han Lee, Jin Sun Ahn, Hyo Yeul Kim (Peter Kim), Jung Ok Yoo) 6. Agenda of the Meeting: Regarding the civil and criminal Yoido lawsuits
We are holding this temporary board meeting according to article 14 of the bylaws, and according to article 17 of the bylaws chairman Kook Jin Moon is present and has announced that this meeting is in order. We will be voting on the following points.
7. Issues voted on:
Chairman Kook Jin Moon explained the content of the issues that were voted on in the board meeting of July 13, 2012 regarding the Yoido civil and criminal lawsuit. The board members present unanimously voted that they fundamentally reconfirmed the issues that were voted on in the July 13, 2012 board meeting. However, depending on the result of the decision of the appeal by the foundation we have decided to have another meeting to discuss the issue of [withholding or] paying the damages.
a. In case we lose the appeal, we immediately appeal to the Supreme Court b. The foundation will delay paying damages and provisional payments from losing the first hearing c. We will proceed with additional lawsuits such as a lawsuit for the return of shares within the range that is possible
August 16, 2012
(Foundation) International Holy Spirit Associaion for the Unification of World Christianity
Chairman Kook Jin Moon Board member Kook Jing Seuk Board member Peter Kim Board member Jin Sun Ahn Board member Hyung Jin Moon Board member Jung Ok Yoo Board member Dong Han Lee
0 notes
treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
A leader told me, "Hyun Jin Nim was not blocked. He was invited to go to the Original Palace to pay his respects to True Father. He was told that the entourage would have to offer their respects at the stadium, just like the tens of thousands of other members who had come from around the world to honor True Father." What is your perspective?
This is partly true. HJN tried to go see TF's body and TM allowed it on the second attempt. However, KJN vetoed TM and he blocked HJN from actually entering by barricading the road with Japanese members. Apparently, this really upset TM. 
More information on HJN's attempts to see TF at the hospital and later to see TF's body can be found here (organized chronologically--you have to go back to the first post and read from there).
The church claims that if the people who accompanied HJN would only have followed proper protocol they would have been allowed in to see TF's body. However, this is a lie. Mr. Dan Gray went to Korea to see TF's body at his own expense and he followed all "proper protocol". He was singled out of a line of hundreds of members and was denied entry. You can read his testimony (PDF). Another person from the Philippines working with HJN had the same experience. 
To summarize:
1) The people who went with HJN first asked that they wanted to see TF's body. This was denied because the church officials said that the people accompanying HJN hadn't "followed proper protocol" and didn't "submit their names" to receive the necessary "ribbon" to enter. Then the people who came with HJN changed their terms asking only to be allowed to walk half-way up the mountain to see that HJN made it into the CJG without incident. This was a reasonable request. They were not asking to go inside to see TF any longer. This was denied too.
2) On the second attempt, TM said that HJN was allowed to enter. HJN went with a group of 2nd gens. but this time the road was blocked by Japanese members. Not only that, but KJN demanded that HJN sign a document if he was to go inside. Meaning that even if he tried to enter alone, he would have to sign some document. There was a clear intention by KJN to block him from entering to pay his respects to Father.
3) At the scene, the church official said that all these members had to follow "proper protocol," had to have submitted their names ahead of time and had to have a ribbon like the rest of the members. If only they had followed that protocol, they would have been let inside. They reiterated this message to the press (and other things as well) when explaining the conflict.
4) Dan Gray followed all proper protocol and went to Korea, received his ribbon. He was standing in line for TF's viewing. The church leaders spotted him and immediately brought security guards to remove him. The same thing happened to Dr. Zablan who works in GPFF also followed proper protocol but was removed by security guards. They were both singled out from a crowd of thousands of members. This shows that there was no intention of letting anyone working with HJN to go see TF's body whether they followed "proper protocol" or not. The excuse about "protocol" was a lie used on the UC members to portray an image of fairness and of the UC leaders being reasonable.
1 note · View note
treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Did Kook Jin Nim say his brother is "Satan"?
Question: Did Kook Jin Nim publicly say that his brother is "Satan"?
Short answer: Yes. In an interview on the May, 2011 issue of Shin Dong A magazine in Korea, Kook Jin Nim stated that, "It is theologically evident that my brother is Satan". 
But don't take my word for it. 
Click on Read More for the long answer and full article...
Long answer:
You can download the article in PDF format here (English). It is 27 pages long. 
Interviews with Primary Figures of the Unification Church ‘Clash of the Princes’  
Tongil Group Chairman Kook Jin Moon (4th Son)  vs UCI Chairman Hyun Jin Moon(3rd Son)
Table of Contents
IN-DEPTH REPORT: Unification Church ‘Clash of the Princes’ (Pg 136)
 Tongil Group Chairman Kook Jin Moon (4th Son)
"My brother is Satan, a fallen archangel who went against the will of the Founder"
• The issue of Succession has been resolved; the decision is irrefutable
• Must believe in my father as Messiah to be saved
  UCI Chairman Hyun Jin Moon (3rd Son)
"Blind faith in my father will not guarantee salvation"
• My father is not the founder of the Unification Church 
• You do not become a leader with the power of money and authority
"My brother is Satan, a fallen archangel who went against the will of the Founder"
Kook Jin Moon Tongil Group Chairman (Fourth son of Rev. Sun Myung Moon)
• Disposing of the Yeouido land at his discretion was an act of contempt to the followers • The succession issue has been resolved. No one can challenge the final decision. • You must believe in my father as Messiah to receive salvation • Half of the world population will eventually follow the Unification Church
By Hong Kun Song ([email protected])
It is a complete deadlock. The conflict over jurisdiction, property, and power  is tumultuous. Pastors are having altercations. The Unification Church elders sigh over the provocative media coverage of a younger brother involved in litigation against his older brother, and a son filing court proceedings against his mother. But they choose to remain silent.
What is going on inside the Unification Church?
Sensational headlines such as, “Clash of the Princes,” are the focus of media, insinuating that the dispute over succession, or a power struggle is heightening inside the Unification Church. At the center of it stand Hyun Jin Moon (42) and Kook Jin Moon (41), third and fourth sons respectively, of the Unification Church Founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Pg 136
"Blind faith in my father does not mean salvation"
Hyun Jin Moon, UCI Chairman and 3rd son of Rev. Moon
• You ask if I accept my father as Messiah? My father contributed to humanity • Power and money do not make a leader • Regardless of my brother's action, I will maintain dignity as elder brother • I think beyond the confines of religion. Furthermore, my father is not just the founder of the Unification Church.
The fourth son is currently in a more powerful position leaving the third son in a weaker position. Kook Jin Moon, as Chairman of Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Unification Church Foundation) and Chairman of Tongil Group, is the heavyweight of the Unification Church, controlling the churches in Korea and Japan, with authority over finance and human resource management.
Hyun Jin Moon is UCI Chairman and Chairman of the Global Peace Festival Foundation, having access to the global network and assets of UCI. Like Tongil Group, UCI has a corporate structure. Chairman Hyun Jin Moon is the eldest living son since the oldest and second oldest have passed away in 2008 and 1984 respectively.
The article is divided into three parts, the first of which deals with happenings within the Unification Church, the second covers an interview with Chairman Kook Jin Moon, and the last is an interview with Chairman Hyun Jin Moon. These are exclusive interviews by Shindonga Magazine after the dispute has erupted between the second generation of the Unification Church.
Pg 137
<PART I> What is happening in the Unification Church?
1. Is it a fight over succession?
On June 5, 2010, Rev. Sun Myung Moon completed a proclamation with the help of his wife Hak Ja Han, in which their 7th son Hyung Jin was designated as successor. The following is what is contained in that text.
"God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents. All families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom. Moreover, the Unification Headquarters of Universal Peace is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else is a heretic and destroyer. The above content is True Parents’ proclamation.”
The representative and successor named in the proclamation is Hyung Jin Moon, International President of the Unification Church. Their fifth son Kwon Jin is not involved in the Unification Church or Unification Movement activities. Their sixth son Young Jin Moon died in 1999.
“the reaility is well…  (sigh)”
A source supposedly close to Hyung Jin Moon's family videotaped Rev. Sun Myung Moon writing the proclamation, and the clip was released to the public. Rev. Moon in the video seemed to be not as robust due to his old age. He even had to write down what his wife was reciting to him. The following is the excerpt of their conversation.
Hak Ja Han: You are not going to write down that they have to listen only to the World Mission Headquarters President? Isn't that what you’re saying? You don't want to sign where it says all Unification citizens must accept the official memos sent from World Mission Headquarters? If we post it on the web, it wouldn't be a problem. When the members find out about this, they will not to listen to Hyun Jin. It is to empower of the World Mission Headquarters.
Sun Myung Moon: I did that already. It is all in here already.
Hak Ja Han: Therefore Unification citizens must only trust the official memos sent from the World Mission Headquarters.
Sun Myung Moon: Why do you keep on repeating that? Huh?
Hak Ja Han: I think that is the key point. Since they do not acknowledge the World Mission Headquarters, you should help legitimize it.
Sun Myung Moon: That is not necessary. It is Hyung Jin's headquarters, and it says Hyung Jin all over.
pg 138
Hak Ja Han: Yes, but the reality is... well… (sigh).
Her saying that, "when the members find out about this, they will not to listen to Hyun Jin," basically suggests that quite a lot of people are following Hyun Jin Moon. It would seem that Hyung Jin is not stably established as Mrs. Moon implies that people are not acknowledging the authority of the World Mission Headquarters and sighs about the reality. One Unification Church official commented that “Mrs. Hak Ja Han stands behind Kook Jin and Hyung Jin Moon”.
3rd SON removED FROM succession structure
The Unification Church is both a religion and an enterprise. Chairman Kook Jin Moon is in charge of the businesses conducted by the Unification Church, and President Hyung Jin Moon has taken over the religious aspect of the Unification Church. Yet, there are a number of people who do not like the Kook Jin-Hyung Jin system.
Chairman Hyun Jin Moon, eliminated from the succession race, established himself through the Global Peace Festival Foundation, an NGO supported by UCI assets. In the video, Hak Ja Han describes the World Mission Headquarters as not being recognized, which indicates that a large number of overseas operations are favoring Hyun Jin. Chairman Kook Jin Moon's Foundation has alleged that GPF activities have no bearing on the will of the founder.
For quite a while Hyun Jin was seen as heir apparent. However, from the beginning of 2009, his position began weakening. One church executive says that Hyun Jin was disqualified “due to his strong character and firm convictions.” Nonetheless, he has control over foreign assets of the Unification Church as well as a big percentage of the organization based on networks that he established during the time that he was preparing to become the successor.
Both Kook Jin and Hyun Jin disagree that the issue of succession has caused the strife as it has been posed in the media.
Hyun Jin Moon has said, "Unlike a business that has a clear boundary of ownership over assets, a religion cannot own believers. Do you think one can own people? No. It is certainly different from a company that owns material assets. I have no idea who came up with this succession issue in the first place, but it is not an important point."
Kook Jin Moon states, "It is not appropriate to frame it as a succession struggle. Rev. Moon designated International President Hyung Jin Moon as successor and representative of the Unification Church on June 5 of last year. Worldwide church members have welcomed him after Rev Moon's decision and respect him. That is Rev. Moon’s absolute prerogative, and the succession has been concluded."
Although not openly showing support for Hyun Jin, some elders and pastors of the Unification Church project skepticism towards the Kook Jin-Hyung Jin system. It is probably because they disagree with Kook Jin's style of management, including recent restructuring of the church and the corporate style organization he is promoting. Pg 139
Recently, a somewhat unusual current against the Kook Jin-Hyung Jin system has been detected. One top level officer explains:
"Rev. Moon found out what was going on and ordered that three individuals working closely with Kook Jin be dismissed. He wanted to put President of UPF, Korea, Sun Jo Hwang, in the main central position and have the brothers, Kook Jin and Hyung Jin, receive further training under Hwang’s supervision. This was interpreted as Rev. Moon proclaiming going back to a system in which the king rules directly. Soon after, personal attacks targeting Sun Jo Hwang began. Somebody began spreading suspicions about Sun Jo Hwang's embezzlement of public funds. The whole situation was resolved when Rev. Moon embarked on a world tour. The brothers Kook Jin and Hyung Jin overcame this crisis."
2. True or False: "Son Filed Suit Against Mother"
When Rev. Moon left for Europe on April 25, the Kook Jin-Hyung Jin regime seemed to relax. Yet, another incident took place that once again outraged elders and some leaders of the Unification Church. It was the media coverage that Hyun Jin allegedly filed court proceedings against Hak Ja Han seeking restitution of 23.9 billion won. JoongAng Ilbo issued an article with the headline, “Rev. Moon's Third Son Filing Suit for 23.9 billion Won against His Mother” on May 2. The next day Chosun Ilbo covered the internal strife of the Unification Church on a full spread.  The following is an excerpt from the article as it appeared in JoongAng Ilbo.
"According to the Western District Court of Seoul, Washington Times Aviation, affiliated with a group operated by the 3rd son of Rev. Moon named Hyun Jin, filed a lawsuit against HSA UWC Mission Foundation to recover 23.8 billion won. Ms. Han is the blood related mother of Hyun Jin as well as Kook Jin and Hyung Jin Moon."
This article was detrimental to Hyun Jin who is involved in a power struggle with his younger siblings. It could be construed as a son filing suit to claim money from his mother after losing the battle for succession. But key church figures that have first-hand knowledge of the inside story place the blame on the Mission Foundation and not on Hyun Jin.
Hyun Jin Moon and the Unification Church Foundation both agreed that the article about Rev. Moon's third son filing a suit of 23.8 billion won against his mother is a false report. Hyun Jin Moon asked for a correction in the article since the suit is about “restitution of company funds between two corporate bodies”. The Unification Church Foundation also admitted that “the truth is different from what the media reported. It’s something that took place between people beneath”. The following is the truth about this suit based on the assertions from both sides.
Pg 140
[Second Generation of the Unification Church]
Rev. Sun Myung Moon (91) --------------------- Hak Ja Han (68)
First son Hyo Jin (deceased in 2008) Second son Heung Jin (deceased in 1984) Third son Hyun Jin (UCI President and GPF Chairman) Fourth son Kook Jin (UC Mission Foundation Chairman and Tongil Group Chairman) Fifth son Kwon Jin (Residing in the US) Sixth son Young Jin (Deceased in 1999) Seventh son Hyung Jin (UC International President)
[The plaintiff in the suit against Unification Church Mission Foundation is Washington Times Aviation (WTA), an affiliate of UCI. Mr. J, who is a former director of WTA, wired 23.8 billion won to Hak Ja Han's Mission Foundation on November 9, 2009. On that day, Hyun Jin Moon had discharged Mr. J, who is one of Kook Jin's associates. WTA claims that Mr. J unlawfully transferred money after the discharge, and he asserted that he loaned out the money with an IOU, not being aware of the dismissal. Mr. J is a former president of the Unification Church's Washington Times and has visited North Korea to meet Kim Jongil in 2005.]
UNIFICATION CHURCH's reputation tarnished
A UCI official says they were caught in a ‘trap’ set by Kook Jin's people. If the money is a loan as the Unification Church Foundation claims, they could have just paid it off. But the claim is that they deliberately went into default, inducing UCI to file a suit so that they could frame Hyun Jin Moon as a bad son: he fell into the plot set up by the Unification Church Foundation officials.
Mr. K, aide to Rev. Moon and acting Secretary General at the Unification Church Mission Foundation, was also dismissed from UCI by Hyun Jin Moon. In February of last year, he belittled Hyun Jin before Unification Church leaders from various nations for filing a suit against mother.
Pg 141
One Unification Church Foundation official says, "The articles in The JoongAng Ilbo and The Chosun Ilbo created a lot of internal turmoil. Some people think we purposefully made a press release. We are also protesting against the media. The media coverage is not accurate and I hope that you do not write about it."
Some members conclude that the Unification Church Mission Foundation released this information as part of a plot to “kill Hyun Jin Moon”, but also tarnishing the reputation of the Unification Church along the way. This is also what some elders think, says one official who is very connected with all these issues. However, this is unconfirmed since there is no trace of Mission Foundation interfering with the reporting process.
Although it has been alleged that the President of WTA has pressed charges against the mother of the president of its parent company UCI, it can be speculated that the suit is derived from a power struggle that surfaced when Mr. J and Mr.K were dismissed. Hyun Jin Moon asserts that “the suit bears no relevance to the issue of succession.”
3. Yeouido Property Battle: Younger Brother's Suit Against the Older Brother
The Parc1 construction site at Yeouido evokes a feeling of desolation, with no workers in sight. It is a stark contrast to the construction of the adjacent Seoul International Finance Center (SIFC) that is well in progress. The Parc1 project includes construction of a 72 story and a 56 story tower. With the court battle over the estimated 2.3 trillion won project initiated in November of 2010, construction came to a standstill.
The Unification Church Mission Foundation is the legal owner of the disputed Yeouido property.  Y22 has rights to superficies for a 99 year term, according to an agreement made with Mission Foundation in 2005.
The suit is a battle between the landlord and the holder of rights to superficies. The Mission Foundation filed a suit to cancel the registration of rights to superficies at the Central District Court of Seoul in October of last year. Their intention is to claim back the right of superficies transferred to Y22 based on the argument that Y22 deceived the Mission Foundation in the agreement. Y22 is one of affiliates of Hyun Jin Moon's UCI.
The Mission Foundation was furious over media coverage that Y22 projects to sell out the two towers to financial institutions including Mirae Assets. They claimed that they cannot tolerate the sale of the land, for it is equivalent to holy ground. The Mission Foundation argued that the articles had not been amended, and authorization of competent authority was not obtained. Furthermore, Kook Jin Moon’s side asserted that they were deceived into signing the agreement, thus the contract should be void. On the other hand, Hyun Jin Moon's side counters, "They are belatedly creating issues and contesting an agreement which underwent a normal course. The physical damage due to the construction halt is immense."
Pg 142
The Central District Court of Seoul dismissed the Mission Foundation's motion for a preliminary injunction to halt construction based on the fact that “it is hard to acknowledge that the agreement was made out of deception or error.”
It seems that Hyun Jin won the first round of battle, but the property struggle is to continue mercilessly. It is very unlikely that either side will make an attempt to cease fighting and come to terms with each other.
high value property owned by the entire UNIFICATION CHURCH  
The Yeouido land is a high value property in Seoul owned by the Unification Church. The struggle over the property is a fight over assets, but it is also connected to a power struggle.
When The Mission Foundation signed the agreement with Y22 in 2005, the then chairman was 75 year old Chung Hwan Kwak, Hyun Jin Moon's father-in-law. Back then, he was the second ranking official in the Unification Church, and Hyun Jin was receiving training as heir apparent. In official documents issued by the Unification Church, Chung Hwan Kwak's family is mentioned often, alluding to a group of people who intend to dispose of the “holy ground” at their discretion. The suit functions as an instrument to hamper Hyun Jin’s influence.
Chairman Kook Jin Moon said, "We entrusted Chung Hwan Kwak's family with a lot of responsibilities when they were in major positions. I just hope that everything will return to normal as soon as possible."                  
4. The Struggle for Hegemony: “Win the Hearts of the members at the bottom”
The Washington Times, published in the U.S., used to be an affiliate of UCI but has been handed over to Kook Jin Moon. Rights to management have changed hands from the third to the fourth son.
When Hyun Jin Moon dismissed certain board members that are from the Unification Church at the beginning of 2010, the financial situation of the Washington Times worsened. In November of last year, the Unification Church bought the Washington Times at the cost of one (1) dollar.
UCI claims that Chairman Kook Jin Moon's discontinuation of funding aggravated the situation, yet the Foundation argues that “the funding was provided but used for a different purpose”.
This is how the conflict between siblings continues.
It seems like the cause of the dispute among the siblings is a struggle for property; but fundamentally, it is a power struggle for hegemony the “post Sun Myung Moon” era. It is more of a struggle to position themselves among the ‘believers’ of Rev. Moon, rather than a ‘succession struggle’. Since the announcement was official, it is hard to reverse the appointment of the successor.  
Pg 143
Chairman Kook Jin Moon would like to establish the Unification Church as a religion. He changed the official name of the church to the Unification Church and no longer uses the name Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Chairman Hyun Jin Moon asserts that a ‘Unification Movement’ that operates beyond the box of religion is what Rev. Sun Myung Moon desired. The Mission Foundation interprets such activities as a waste of public money.
Brothers, Kook Jin and Hyung Jin, are currently wielding the power and are mainstream; Hyun Jin Moon is in the weaker position and is in the minority. The minority dreams of turning the tables. Although ‘Hyun Jin Moon’s group’ has not been considered to be in the race for succession, they hope to eventually be recognized.  They believe that “the opinion of the general membership is changing.” 
The mainstream fears that the minority might invade their territory. Due to Hyun Jin Moon's GPF activities, the Unification Church under Hyung Jin Moon has experienced a blow to their overseas foundation.
Struggle in Nations All Over the World
The power struggle between brothers has affected various Unification Church chapters around the globe including the U.S., taking on a similar strategy of the mainstream attacking the minority. Between November 15 and 19, 2010, a speech tour addressing ‘the issue of UCI’ was scheduled to be held in six cities of Japan. The summary of the tour results are as follows.
◊ Kook Jin Nim (Koon Jin Moon) visited Japan during the tour and President Kajikuri clearly denounced Chung Hwak Kwak as Satan ◊ All 300 public leaders of Japan announced that Chung Hwan Kwak was Satan ◊ 50% of the Japanese members don’t know who Rev. Kwak is, but were given a clear understanding of his betrayal and Satanic conduct ◊ The members will sever all relationships with UCI and Chung Hwan Kwak and refuse to communicate via email or any other correspondences ◊ The members pledge their absolute faith and absolute Hoon Dok to overcome this age of crisis.
It would appear that the Unification Church Foundation is able to exert great influence over the church in Japan. The Unification Church of Japan has better organization than that of Korea and the amount of donations from membership exceeds what the church of Korea generates. Yet, in third world countries, where the Unification Church has invested for so long, Hyun Jin Moon exerts greater influence. Struggles are occurring also in African and Latin American countries.
The neutral pastors of the Unification Church say “the Moon brothers should reconcile”.  Members are divided into two sides accordingly. One side thinks Hyun Jin must come back to the church and accept the designated successor; the other side is upset at the powerful trying to take away from the powerless.
The Unification Church is a religious denomination and an enterprise. It is a corporate group and a religious organization that promotes international projects including the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel.
"The way things are going, it is very probable that Hak Ja Han will be the actual head and the power of the church."
The people who have not taken either side in the sibling dispute had high expectations for Universal Peace Federation President Sun Jo Hwang.
When members heard that Rev. Moon was “trying to place Sun Jo Hwang in the center of the administration in February,” they got excited. Since the power to make decisions about finance, human resources, and religious activities has not been in the hands of Rev. Moon, Sun Jo Hwang's appointment to the main post is interpreted as an attempt to make a return to the old system.
To their disappointment, Sun Jo Hwang did not meet the expectations. On May 2, he signed a loyalty pledge in which he made an apology for causing worries to the ‘True Children’, apologized to Chairman Kook Jin Moon, and vowed to maintain transparency to clear any mistakes in conducting business.
Those who remain neutral position called this statement ‘humiliating’ and concluded that Sun Jo Hwang was waving a white flag of surrender.
One Unification Church official expressed disappointment at the fact that “the last remaining communication route to convey information from the outside (opposing views) to Rev. Moon has disappeared.” He said that “under current circumstances, it is likely that Hak Ja Han will be the commander in charge.”
The Unification Church has been holding a speech series entitled 'The Providential History in the Course of True Parents' Lives.' The main point of this speech is that Mrs. Moon is the wife of God and Hyung Jin Moon is the providential successor.   
It is involved in many sectors that go beyond the realm of religion including media, education, and sports—the Unification Church has been trying to increase its influence on a societal level.
The Unification Church used to take a firm stand against persecution coming from the outside world, including the controversial accusation of heresy. However, the current internal division is projecting an repulsive image of the Unification Church. Now, let the two brothers take the floor to tell their side of story.
Pg 145 <PART II> Tongil Group Chairman Kook Jin Moon
"It is theologically evident that my brother is Satan."
The Unification Church Foundation Chairman and Tongil Group Chairman, Kook Jin Moon, exudes an aura of coldness.
He moved to the US at the age of 3 and came back to Korea at the age of 35. So, his Korean is not that good. His answers in English were short and concise.
He wore a business suit with a baseball cap. He mentioned that he had just seen his father off, who was on his way to Europe for a speaking tour. His younger brother Hyung Jin and his wife were accompanying Rev. Moon.
- What should we make of this situation?
Pg 146
"I understand we are faced with difficulties. I think this suffering is for further growth. The Unification Church and Tongil Group made a growth spurt in the midst of adversities. Except for my brother, all the leaders and members of the Unification Church are united centered upon Rev. Moon's words and are striving for the bigger and more mature future. We will overcome this suffering."
I am sorry To the church members
Regarding the Yeouido property dispute, he answered the following.
"Fundamentally speaking, our financial rights are not being protected sufficiently."
We expected a lengthy explanation, but his answer was rather concise. He did not hide that they are fighting over assets.
At the Yeouido construction site, hundreds of the Unification Church members have protested, holding picket signs that said the following, including that Chung Hwan Kwak must repent.
"The holy ground of the Unification Church should not house a financial entity." "The World Mission HQ must occupy this land." "Chung Hwan Kwak's family and their associates must disclose their illegitimate acts."
As mentioned in Part I, Former Foundation Chairman Chung Hwan Kwak is Hyun Jin Moon's father-in-law, and was once the second highest official in the Unification Church.
- Some members raise their voice saying that Yeuido land must become a holy ground.
He did not use the words 'holy ground' or 'World Mission Headquarters' to justify this issue. He explained that the crux of the matter is the struggle over property rights.
"I know what the members are saying. On the Church Foundation's part, damage compensations were not adequately made. The Unification Church Foundation is the legal owner of that land. But in fact, we are not entitled to our rights."
The Yeouido property is a high valued property that the entire Unification Church owns in Seoul. Hyun Jin procured the right of superficies on this land. UCI also owns Central City in Seocho-gu Banpo-dong.
- How big is the damage? "It is quite big."
- You will continue with the struggle? "Until the economic rights are clearly recognized on our part."
- Will you accept a modification of some sort? "It depends on the details..."
He sent us additional answers in writing, in which he stressed that The Yeouido property is a holy ground.
"The Yeouido property is not just any other property, but it was made possible with the offerings and devotions from the Unification Church members for a holy ground. No one can dispose it at his own discretion. Such an act is equivalent to trampling on the hearts of the members all over the world. This issue cannot be silenced by ignoring the members' opinion. As we are trying to seek our own rights, I feel burdened that things got amplified to the point of a court trial and I send my apology to the members."
I am a businessman
He seems like a businessman rather than a successor of a religion. We asked that question directly.
- You seem more like a businessman. "I am a member of the Unification Church. I studied theology for a while. Although I am religious, I am a rather practical person. What the Church Foundation does is to manage the assets of the church, providing support to my father and my brother on practical matters. My youngest brother is the spiritual leader and the spiritual successor to my father. My role is a practical one."
- What does your father mean to you? "He is the founder of the Unification Church and a religious leader. Personally, he is my birth parent. He came to earth to complete God's true love as Savior, Lord of Second Advent, and True Parent. He received a revelation about his mission at the age of 16 and has sacrificed his entire life up until now, and at 92, has to substantiated the life of a true owner, true teacher, true parent and of true love. On April 25, he embarked on a world speaking tour, at the age of 92, to build a strong nation of God.
- Have you ever dreamed of being someone like your father? "My abilities are different from my father’s. I am much more practical. I am more cut out to be a businessman than a religious leader. My brother Hyung Jin, who is International President of the Unification Church, has better qualifications for that."
When he explained about his stance, he used the word practical quite frequently.
He stressed that the succession issue has been resolved.
"My father nominated Hyung Jin to be the next generation spiritual leader of the church. I have no problem with that. He is a competent spiritual leader. All my life, I have been working in the practical sector, not a religious one."
Then he moved on.
Pg 148
<photo caption>
Kook Jin Moon visiting one of the Unification Church affiliate companies. __________________________________________________
"The struggle for Succession is not the right way to put it. On June 5, 2010, Rev. Moon designated International President Hyung Jin Moon as representative and successor of the Unification Church. No one can challenge Rev. and Mrs. Moon's authority on that decision. Hyung Jin currently carries on the duties of the religious leader. I admire my father the most and next is Hyung Jin Moon."
- So you intend to succeed the will of Rev. Moon as the Unification Church Foundation Chairman and Tongil Group Chairman? “The Church Foundation exists solely to provide support for the church. We own affiliate companies to produce funds for the church. It is true that Tongil Group's activities are geared toward fulfilling the will of my father. Since its establishment, the disciples of my father have been working to fulfill his will. I stand on the extension of that. “
- What is your vision as a businessman? "Tongil Group was founded to support the Unification Church, but somehow the church has supported Tongil Group. From now on, it should serve its purpose to the fullest. By improving the management styles of the affiliates and the other entities, the Unification Church will be able to develop into a world class religion with a strong economic support."
- You just cannot keep on digging money out of them, can you? He answered in Korean this time.   
 "Companies must focus on making money. They should make money."
Condemnation against Hyun Jin Moon as Satan or fallen archangel is brought up here and there within the church. I wonder what he feels about this.
    Pg 149
- Isn't that too extreme of an expression to use it on your brother?
He did not hesitate to answer.
“From the standpoint of Unification Theology, it is a very clear truth. If you ever get a chance to study it, you will be able to see how clear it is. Theologically speaking it is precise. My father is the Messiah and representative of God. The church leaders providing assistance to him stand in the position of archangels. Whoever betrays my father, the Messiah, becomes Satan and fallen archangel just like the one that betrayed God. It might be hard for those who have no knowledge of Unification Theology to understand this, but it is a simple, logical and appropriate expression if you understand our theology.”
- I think your brother will be sad. "I am sure he will. But theologically it cannot be interpreted in any other way. Our church has a theological framework based on which the church operates.”
- So, Hyun Jin Moon's GPF activities have nothing to do with the Unification Church? "They are not related."
-Which means they have no bearing on Rev. Moon's will... Before I even finish the question, he answered in Korean.
"They are irrelevant to my father's will."
- Why don't you give a message of harmony to resolve this conflict? "My father designated my youngest brother as successor. My older brother does not agree with this. It seems that Chung Hwan Kwak and he took control over one of our Church Foundation's affiliates, trying to incorporate it into their group. In my opinion, this is not unusual phenomenon; it has happen to every major religion in history. In major religions, there is a founder, followed by division, and unity returns. I do not think this is a big deal."
- Struggle has broken out in a religion that is known to be peace loving. "Religion strives for something that helps one transcend the circumstances of reality. We need salvation because reality is far away from the sacred situation of God. When we speak of peace, it is because the secular world is far from it.”
Kook Jin Moon and Hyun Jin Moon obviously have different views on the present and future of the Unification Church.
Whereas the older brother says, "My father didn’t say to establish a religion," the younger brother defined the Unification Church as a Christian denomination which believes Rev. Moon as the Messiah."
pg 150
My father is the Messiah and the representative of God. The church leaders who assist my father stand in an archangel's position. If they betray my father, they become Satan and fallen archangels, just like the one that betrayed God.
        - The Unification Church is a Christian denomination? "We are Christians. Jesus is the son of God. He came to earth and was crucified to redeem human sins. Humanity was endowed with great blessings and grace from God through his death. But the only difference between Protestant Christianity and Unification Theology is that we believe Rev. Moon came to earth as the second coming of Christ."
The official title of the Unification Church used to be the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). Since Kook Jin came into office, he started using the title Unification Church with great emphasis. Hyun Jin Moon’s side is not happy about going back to its old name. His argument is that a certain group of people who are trying to maintain the organization are distorting the will of the founder. The brothers have different points of view on the notion of Messiah.
- Rev. Moon is the only way to salvation "That is true. You must also receive the blessing from him. God's mission does not exist on an individual level but on a family level. We believe that had Judaism and Israel accepted Jesus, he would not have been crucified. Then, he would have been able to form a family. The main difference between us and Christianity is that we emphasize the importance of salvation as family not as individual."
The blessing in the Unification Church signifies marriage through a mass wedding conducted by Rev. Moon.
- So, by accepting Rev. Moon as the Messiah, you receive the Blessing, which would entitle you to salvation. Is that right? "Yes." 
After assuming the role of Tongil Group Chairman, he was able to lower the debts of the businesses through restructuring. He even introduced a performance assessment system for the pulpit, which evaluates pastors on the basis of performance factors including congregation size and amount of offerings collected. Hyun Jin Moon followers criticize that “it is preposterous to assess a pastor and the church by the amount of donations collected."
- There are quite a number of people who are dissatisfied with your restructuring attempt. "Personally, I feel sorry for those who lost their jobs. The restructuring process is painful. Anyone who has gone through it would know that that is not the way to gain popularity at all. You have to put up with screaming, threatening, protesting, crying, and outrages..."
- What about restructuring of the church... "There is opposition." Pg 151
He added in English after answering in Korean.
"I would feel bad and be disappointed if I was fired. But I say to them that, that kind of suffering will make the church prosper."
 Those who criticize Kook Jin Moon argue that society-related activities have decreased drastically. They claim that he is negligent of the essential activity of a religion.
- NGO activities have dwindled. "Now is the time to put more emphasis on the productive part and less emphasis on the less productive one. The Unification Church is the foundation, and we have to solidify that."
- What is the future of the Unification Church? "Bright. Through restructuring, we experienced a substantial increase in congregation size and the amount of donations is also increasing."
- What kind of business are you engaged in the US? "Upon college graduation, I got into the business of arms production. I have 7 patents for guns."
After graduating from Harvard, he completed his MBA at the University of Miami. His arms manufacturing company, KAHR, boasts 100 billion won in sales. He travels between Korea and US to conduct business.
- What is the business in Korea that you are most concerned about? "I am most concerned about the resort business. The resort business might have high assets, but it the ratio of assets to profits generated is undesirable. That is not the area of business that I favor the most."
- How are Segye Times and the Washington Times doing? "Things got better for Segye Times. The deficit used to be 27 billion won and was lowered to less than 1.5 billion won. The Washington Times is still heavily in the red."
The Unification Church established the Washington Times in 1982. Its circulation volume is not large, but is somewhat influential in the political arena of Washington DC. President Lee Myung Bak published an article in the June 27, 2010 issue. It was under the management of Hyun Jin Moon and later ownership was transferred in November 2010.
- Your brother handed it over? "My father bought it back. He purchased it."
As mentioned in Part I, the Unification Church received ownership of the Washington Times at the cost of one dollar along with its debts. Hyun Jin's side says the halt of funding from Seoul worsened the financial situation. Pg 152
- They say discontinuation of financial support made things difficult for the business. "We actually sent funding to the Washington Times. I assume they did not use the money for the intended purpose."
- Which title do you take most pride in? "I feel great joy running the arms producing company."
- You collect earnings from that company only? "Right. There are a lot of headaches involved with the church. But I feel happy that I am providing support for people who believe in a religion like our church."
He added in Korean.
"As a matter of fact, it is nothing but headaches."
- If you were not born as son of Rev. Moon, life would be much easier for you? He didn’t hesitate with his answer.  Before even finishing the question, he replied in Korean, "I think about that a lot."
- Do you ever get frustrated about Korean culture? "At first, I had some trouble, but by now I am used to it. I am always busy working, so I cannot think about much else."
- It is not likely that you will become a religious leader. "I am a member of the church, but I have a practical role. My brother is better suited for that. Of course I am a person of faith. If you ask me to explain our theology I can also do that."
- When will the kingdom of heaven come about on earth? "From our religious standpoint, True Father is the victor in fulfilling God's will. The current age has been prepared to accept the second coming of Christ. That is why we are experiencing prosperity, advanced technology, and affluence. Unification Theology explains that God prepared the foundation for the kingdom of heaven to be built here on earth, but there is a period of transition. We will face difficulties, which God intended, on the path to building heavenly kingdom on earth. When I see what is happening around this world, I am fully convinced that our faith is the right one. I believe that over half of the world's population will become Unification Church followers."
His office in Mapo is rather simple. His office supplies are practical as well. He has six children and was asked what he feels about rearing children.
"Sometimes it is not easy," he answered in Korean. Then, he smiled for the first time.
Pg 153
<PART III> UCI President Hyun Jin Moon "I am living my life and walking my course."
UCI and GPF Chairman Hyun Jin Moon seems like a warm and passionate person. He is also an eloquent speaker and quite charismatic. The interview was done at an inn in Bozeman, Montana, a famous hunting site.
Although he is Rev. Moon's third son out of seven, he is the first living son since the first and the second ones have passed away. He majored in history at Columbia University and graduated from Business School of Harvard with an MBA. He has a large physique. He once competed in the Olympic Equestrian Games as member of Korean national team in 1988 and 1992. He is 42 and has nine children. His oldest son is a senior in college. We talked about raising children to break the ice.
- What brought you here? "I offer devotion in the mountains and take care of animals. Nature has always been like school and place of worship for me."
- You enjoy hunting and fishing in such settings? "That is right. I used to go out to the wild with my father. I don't know if you have ever read the Exposition of the Divine Principle, but a lot of it is based on inspirations gained from nature."
The Exposition of the Divine Principle is the doctrine of the Unification Church written by Rev. Moon.
“We are not A Christian DENOMINATION”
 While the interview with Kook Jin Moon was very realistic, the interview with Hyun Jin Moon took a philosophical course. Even when he was asked straight questions, he answered philosophically. He never gave short answers to the questions that could be answered with straight yes or no.
His perspective in regards to religion and the notion of a Messiah was different to that of his younger brother. Since his frame of reference is different, it is not a matter of disputing whether something is right or wrong.
- Do you believe your father is the messiah? He gave an answer with a serious look on his face.
"Within our circle, we like to use that expression. But I would like to talk about various interpretations and meanings of the term ‘messiah’.
Pg 154
The notion of messiah holds a different meaning and is interpreted in different ways from one religion to another. Even within Christianity and Judaism, each of their own denominations have different interpretations for it. Islam also has a different concept of the messiah as well. If you ask me whether I believe my father is the Messiah, based on which viewpoint should I answer that question? I'll tell you what I believe. If you ask me whether I believe him to be a person who made a great contribution to humanity, I would say I do. If you ask me whether I believe him to be a person who allowed us to envision the dream of One Family under God, I would answer that I do."
- Do you agree that Rev Moon is the only way to salvation? "There is what is called the foundation of faith and foundation of substance. Blind belief or faith alone cannot guarantee one’s salvation. You must be able to show results and practice it in a way that it is manifested in your own life."
Pg 155
He asserts that anyone can be a spiritual leader. While conducting this interview with him, it occurred to me that he has a somewhat Buddhist perspective. Of course, he might not agree with me on that. But certainly he has a different religious point of view from Kook Jin Moon who firmly believes that one receives salvation by accepting Rev. Moon as the messiah, and by receiving the Blessing from him. Hyun Jin Moon was negative towards sticking to one specific religion or faith.
He continued in the following manner.
"The notion of messiah within Unification Movement is utilized in a broad sense. It includes the concept of a national messiah and a tribal messiah. Therefore, our understanding of messiah could be a little different from that of Christianity and Judaism. I think that it is a more open and expanded version of traditional notions of messiah. Not once has my father believed that God will work only through the Unification Church, and he never will. In fact, the Unification Church is not the official name of the church my father made: It is Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Some people think that my father is the founder of the Unification Church, but he does not consider himself to be the founder of the Unification Church."
Hyun Jin regards his father as the pioneer of the ‘Unification Movement’, not the founder of a particular religion like the Unification Church.
- Then, it is incorrect to say the Unification Church is a Christian denomination?
He asked me back. "What do you think?"
I have never given it a deep thought, but I said, "It seems wrong." He said, "Well, then I might agree with you."
- What is your religion? "I have come out of the confines of religion."
And he continued,
"Religious leaders advocate their own religion and particular faith. I am not a religious leader but a spiritual leader. There are many of them in every religion, including Buddhism and Christianity. Bishop Ferreira, a good friend of mine, is the head of the largest Christian denomination in Brazil, but he is stepping out of the narrow frame of religion and is working to make social reforms not just in Brazil but on the entire continent of Latin America. Dr. Said of Indonesia, top leader of the Nahdlatul Ulama, the biggest Muslim civil society organization in the whole world, is like that too."
He is negative about institutionalized religion.
"As disciples and followers interpret the messages of the founder, they tend to institutionalize it. An organization is followed by bureaucracy and then politics kick in."                                                   Pg 156
He favored the term ‘Unification Movement’. He only used the term ‘Unification Church’ when he had to compare it to the Unification Movement.
This is what he thinks of the division within the Unification Church.
"If I ask my father whether he came to this world to set up a church, he would say, no. You must understand that a conflict exists between the power that is trying to fulfill the fundamental message of the founder and the other that is trying to maintain the organization."
Unlike Kook Jin Moon's idea of the ‘Unification Church’, Hyun Jin Moon says his father’s will was to build a ‘Peace Movement’ beyond the context of religion; thus, he uses the term Unification Movement.
His resume includes Co-Chair of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), International President of the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP), and other top level positions that enhanced his qualifications to be heir apparent. After he resigned from the UPF Co-Chair position in 2008, he was disqualified from contending for succession.
- You resigned from the UPF Co-Chair position 3 years ago. Maybe your views influenced that? "Let's talk about leadership. Position, power, or money do not make you a leader. Leadership requires the ability to set an example that others can be moved to follow. After I took over UPF, it made major improvements. But as soon as I left, their purpose and direction changed. So, I set up GPF and continue doing the same thing that I have been doing all along."
- Were you sad to go? "I am not a person who gets motivated to work for position, power, or money."
- It is said that your performance did not meet expectations. His voice was louder. "Do you believe that? Do you think I am a person who can’t bring results?"
- Many Unification Church members believe so. "Are you sure about that?"
- Do you clearly object to building a religion as organization?
Position, power, or money do not make you a leader. Unlike a business that has clear boundaries of ownership over assets, in the realm of faith, like with religion, do you think you can own the followers or people? The answer is no.
    Pg 157
"That is not what I am trying to say. I am saying you must remove yourself from the confines of religion. You can set up a religion as you please, but you should not be confined to it. What I’m saying is that you have to be dedicated to the essential teachings of the great leaders of faith. It is especially crucial today since the struggle between different religions is increasing on a global level. I focus on how history will evaluate the accomplishments of my father’s work and activities made during his lifetime."
- According to your logic, it is nonsense that the Unification Church needs a successor. "Well, you said it's nonsense. I am laughing."
- Have you ever thought about being someone like your father? "I once did say that I want to be like my father. But he encouraged me ‘to be myself’. I am living my life and walking my course."
- Do you think religions need successors? "Unlike a business that has clear boundaries of ownership over assets, in the realm of faith, like with religion, do you think you can own the followers or the people? The answer is no. Religion is different from a company that owns physical assets. I do not know who started this successor issue, but I do not believe it is an important issue. It is nothing but a sideshow. It is a tabloid. It is a fluffy drama."
- So do you think you have a sound argument over an important issue? "Yes."
- How should people understand the dispute over the Yeouido property? He gave a puzzling answer.
"I also do not know how to understand this issue. Can someone who does not understand an issue give an explanation to another for better understanding?
- Is the struggle over property rights? "It is rather unfortunate that the rumor is going around like that. It not only makes my father, my family, and the entire Unification Movement have a misunderstanding of the situation, but it disgraces them.”
He seemed to underline the will of Rev. Moon, yet he was being vague about it. I thought he did not give a frank answer but I did not argue about it.
Pg 158
"My father has always tried to do something for Korea. Economically speaking, the Yeouido project would have induced investments of trillions of won into Korea. My father has lived with a dream to develop Korea. Whenever he came back to Korea, he visited the site in Yeouido to offer prayer. I am sure that the Yeouido project will bring in incredibly invigorating energy to Seoul. In that respect, when President Lee Myung Bak was a mayor of Seoul, he provided assistance to us. The recent turmoil is a humiliating thing on our part and is not the true image of Unification Movement."
- Unification Church members protested at the Yeouido site, saying that it should be turned into a holy ground. "There are various individuals. I cannot say they are speaking on behalf of the entire Unification Church. One American pastor burned a Quran in a public space. The U.S. government warned him not to do it but he insisted on doing it again.  As a result, major violence broke out in Afghanistan which sacrificed young Americans.  Just as the pastor's burning of the Quran does not represent the entire view of Christianity, likewise, Yeouido does not represent the views of the entire Unification Movement."
- Is there any possible way to resolve all this? Maybe you can concede. "Are you asking me about the solution? I think I have explained as much as I could."
- You do not have to answer if you don't want to. "I think I have given enough explanation.”
- The Unification Church Foundation is throwing attacks against you. Do you have any regrets? "Do I look depressed about it?"
- You are not sad?   "I think that adversity serves as an opportunity for further growth and development. Am I disappointed? Of course I am. Different kinds of people exist in this world. If you are not capable to digest all kinds of situations, how can you lead a global movement?"
- You did not even get upset? "I am human. I get upset. But do you think I will let emotions which will eventually subside, take over my action and work? No. The media coverage is not a true reflection of the Unification Movement. A mature individual would understand that something like this could happen in any organization. I hope that people do not criticize the entire Unification Movement or draw a wrong conclusion about my father based on a series of incidents happening around Yeouido."
Pg 159
- According to media coverage, you filed suit against your mother, which would make you an immoral person… "Which article are you talking about? Do you know that they are recanting a lot of the details from the coverage by that media company? Please do not use that article as your central basis."
Prior to the article that appeared in The ChoongAng Ilbo, The SISA Journal covered a story about the division in the Unification Church and a lawsuit between WTA and Mission Foundation. The article contained a lot of details that could get church followers upset at Hyun Jin Moon.
- Who do you think is behind all this? "You are telling me to make assumption again."
He got a little carried away at this point.
"Let me ask you first. Is the reason for this interview because you want to know about me, or is it to make a connection between me and the tabloid drama that is being created in Korea?"
He added.
"Whatever the Unification Church Mission Foundation or Mission Headquarters is doing, or whatever some members are up to, no matter what kind of false representation they make, it has nothing to do with me. There is always someone who tries to frame a person who works at a level like me. It is irresponsible of you to ask me to make assumptions just to get an answer to that question. I do not simply represent myself, but I represent many other people too. If I act irresponsibly just because someone else is acting irresponsibly, I become an irresponsible person.”
I could clearly tell that he was upset.
- The Mission Foundation said that what you are doing goes against the will of the founder.
He wanted to confirm it. "Did the Foundation really say something like that?"
- Officially they did say that. He said he would not answer any question that might require speculation or assumption. "Look, how can I make a comment on that?"
- Korean society places a big significance on the first son. Why don't you give a reconciling message to your younger brother? "You are basing this question on a certain assumption. Your article will be written in a certain way depending on what premise or assumptions you make. I think you are under the assumption that I am struggling and feel sad. I am not like that, but I am not sure about them. I cannot speculate on that, and I am too busy with my work for that. In fact, I am not the oldest son. Although, I am the oldest living son. It is not only in Korea that the first son assumes an important role. It is the same in the US as well. The responsibility of the oldest son is to bring glory to the parents, family, and whatever the parents represent no matter what happens to the family. I want to live a life that respects everybody that I love and those who have a blood relationship with me. Blood relationships are absolute. No one can choose his parents or siblings. Regardless of how my younger siblings may act, I believe I must maintain the dignity of an elder brother. I hope that people of Korea can recognize my father as a person who has awakened the dream of humanity, not as a founder of a religion."
The Global Peace Festival (GPF) is an NGO headquartered in Washington, DC, USA, focusing on interfaith initiatives, family values, and service activities. He explained that undertaking the Nairobi River Cleanup Project has helped overcome conflicts between different tribes in Kenya. GPF has been held in Nepal, Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines, and Mongolia. Some leaders of the Unification Church criticize that “one-time events do not accomplish anything; they are a waste of church money."
"Developing countries do not view western society as an exemplary model. GPF organized a global conference in Kenya, attended by a president and prime minister who used to be enemies to each other at the same time. The focus was drawn to Korea's Saemaul Undong (New village movement)."
In August, GPF is scheduled to be held in Mongolia. He provided a lengthy explanation about the activities that are going on in Mongolia.
"Many of the Mongolian leaders have formed a deep bond with the top level leaders of North Korea. GPF Mongolia will be an important event in regards to a peace settlement in Northeast Asia."
He is a person of large scale. He used the phrases like ‘universal spirituality’ or ‘the dream of One Family under God.’
- Are you an idealist? "Maybe so. I don't know. You tell me. In many instances, the term idealist denotes a negative connotation that one is not grounded in realistic terms, just hovering in the air. When you see me, do you think I am that kind of an idealist? Or do you think of me as an idealist who is based in this world and brings up the issues that can make dreams come true. I don't know. It is rather silly to evaluate oneself. You make the judgment."
His father published an autobiography entitled As a Peace Loving Global Citizen in 2009. He did not attend the publication event.
- You did not go to the publication party.
I asked him whether he didn't go or if he couldn't go.
He did not answer this question.
   Pg 161
Translator's note: Original Translation - Revolt of the Prince Dramam within the Unification Church.  The Korean is 통일교 왕자의 난- controversey, dispute, feud, dissent (I chose Clash of the Princes)
This is how the Korean reads - but I'm not sure if it needs to be modfied with something like:  My father is not just the founder of the Unification Church.
hegemony may not be the best term - perhaps power, authority is better
rows makes sense - but not commonplace - other terms altercations, castigation
again - words such as authority, power, leadership would be more appropriate when referring to this level of power (hegemony usually referrs to ideological spheres of influence)
This means they were held simultaneously in the same place with the two induals together, or at the same time in different locations? mb it's ok to omit?
second generation successors, inheritors?
management might be more appropriate in this context
system, regime, administration
Moon Family Tree is the other Alternative
entourage either sounds like a royal court or a diva entertainer - maybe associates is better?
The Korean is범 - which indicated pan, or expanse of - i wonder if International fits best.
leadership, authority, power sounds better that Hegemony - which is used mostly in reference to ideological or national power struggles
laymen refers to people not in a clergy, if this refers to the laymen of the church, so not pastors, it works, although a little ackward.
does this mean Rev. Moon's position after he's gone, or for position after Rev. Moon is gone?
not sure how this phrase plays into the whole point of the paragraph - no turning back from the fight?
alternative to the latter clause?
maybe realm and territory are too kingdom oriented?  juristiction,
leader, head are other better terms as founder has been used to describe father.
0 notes
treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Did True Father put Kook Jin Nim in his position?
Question: Did True Father install Kook Jin Nim as president of the Tongil Foundation?
Short answer: No, he did not. Several church leaders such as Tim Elder and Kook Jin Nim himself are claiming that it was so, but that is not true. It was not True Father who appointed Kook Jin Nim to the position of president of the Tongil Foundation.
But click on Read More to see the long answer that explains why this is the case...
Long answer: 
I never named Kook Jin to be president of the Korean Foundation
Source (http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/cSkJ/11248)
On May 16, 2011, during his tour of Europe, True Father said in Germany that leaders "shouldn't let Hyun Jin bleed". He left words of true love for all to hear.
Nevertheless, reality is that the church's campaign to "kill off Hyun Jin Nim" continues. President Kook Jin Moon, Hyun Jin Nim's younger brother, stands at the forefront leading that campaign. Free of any restrains, he calls calls his older brother 'Satan' in front of the media. According to a recent post on Twitter by Kook Jin Moon's closest aide, Mr. Tim Elder, the members supporting his older brother are designated as the "Kwak Group". Mr. Elder has tried to reinforce a negative image of these members by putting them at the same level with the "Nakayama group". It's unclear how long these despotic actions will continue, but one thing is clear: the end won't be pretty if they continue down this road. 
During his tour of Europe, True Father openly shared a fact. He laid down the truth. Father said he never designated Mr. Kook Jin Moon to be  president [of the Korean Foundation]. How many members know about this? The ironic thing is that a member named "Alejandro" was translating for True Father at the time and Alejandro knew the truth that Father had spoken, and he reported to his superior Dong Mo Shin what Father had said. This is the letter that Alejandro sent to Dong Mo Shin on June 16.
This is the email:
From: Alejandro de Souza <Email address omitted> To: Dong Mo SHIN <Email address omitted> Date: June 16, 2011, 6:11 PM
Subject: Watching this video
Reverend Shin,
The thing I thought after watching KJN video is that in SPAIN several times True Father said that I never named Kook Jin as the president. Of course I will keep Father's statements a secret, but because he repeated those words three or four times it must mean something, right? Lawyer Geanella will go to Paraguay from June 20 till June 23 because Publio called. 
Stay healthy.
[End of email]
Dong Mo Shin, who happens to be the continental director of South America, replied to Alejandro in the next email that he would also keep this secret.  It is almost touching to see the treacherous trio Peter Kim --> Dong Mo Shin --> Alejandro trying to protect president Kook Jin Moon. Obviously, Kook Jin Nim's position has to be firm and secure for those three to keep their jobs. They are very smart individuals who wouldn't overlook that point. But the sad part is that such secrets have a tendency to leak out. Heaven can't take their treachery any longer. Even without doing anything, now it seems that spirit world has opened up their emails and is sending them out one by one for all to see.
[Second explanation of how Kook Jin Nim was installed as president of the Tongil Foundation in 2006 (download in PDF format)]
Explanation of how Kook Jin Nim came to power:
On April 20, 2012, Kook Jin Moon lied in court that True Father put him in the position of Chairman (Read previous post titled "Chairman Kook Jin Moon's 3 Major Lies in Court" for reference). This document expands upon how Chairman Kook Jin Moon got the position of Chairman and it explains why his a statement is a lie. The document also explains about the situation surrounding UCI and the Unification Movement in 2006. (This document can be freely distributed.)
Summary of the Situation Post-True Family Meeting in April 2006 **[1]
(Something that could totally reverse Chairman Kook Jin Moon’s statement made in court)
In April 2006, True Father (hereinafter referred to as Father) proclaimed UCI should oversee the entire Church foundation worldwide in order to manage the worldwide foundation more efficiently. Father was concerned about the global foundation of the Unification Church scattered all over without a unifying force. Father had made certain changes to the church structure to unify all the foundation dispersed around the world centered upon UCI to work efficiently towards the unification of North and South Korea and for the establishment of Cheon Il Guk. Only this way could the hope of fulfilling the wish and goal of True Parents within the 7 year period before 2013 be accomplished.
As can be seen in the decision that Father made in April of 2006, Father’s perspective is very clear. Father inaugurated the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in September 2005 consolidating all other church organizations with the goal of fulfilling the role of a Model Abel UN. In April 2006, he incorporated the worldwide financial base centered upon UCI.
Father stressed that Hyun Jin Nim, with the legal title of chairman, should be actively involved in all countries where Father established a foundation. Furthermore, Father made the decision that Kook Jin Nim should work under Hyun Jin Nim as vice-chairman. However, Kook Jin Nim said he absolutely could not accept Father’s decision and threatened that he would resign. It was impossible to understand Kook Jin Nim’s act of disobedience towards Father’s direction. The other unbelievable thing is that Mother intervened during that meeting** [2] and tried to invalidate Father’s decision.
During Hoon Dok Hae on the day after the above-mentioned meeting, Father asked Rev. Kwak to announce and confirm that all the financial foundation of the Movement was to be managed by and subject to supervision of UCI, and he also emphasized the importance of the Yeouido project. But at the time he did not give a detailed explanation about Hyun Jin Nim serving as chairman and Kook Jin Nim’s role as vice-chairman, so Hyun Jin Nim went to ask Father and Mother about this to make everything clear when they are together. In that place, Father clearly confirmed Hyun Jin Nim as Chairman of the Korean Tongil (Unification Church) Foundation and assigns Kook Jin Nim to the role of CEO so that Kook Jin Nim can provide support to the Yeouido project. And Father made the decision on a structure where Kook Jin Nim works under Hyun Jin Nim. Since Hyun Jin Nim knew that Kook Jin Nim would take this matter personally and would argue about it to the very end, Hyun Jin Nim’s intention was to clarify Father’s decision so that it would be possible to cooperate in implementing Father’s decision at an organizational and legal level.
However, that evening Mother came to see Hyun Jin Nim by herself and desperately begged Hyun Jin Nim to give up the position of chairman of the Korean Tongil Foundation to Kook Jin Nim. She told Hyun Jin Nim that if he does not give up the chairman position, Kook Jin Nim would resign and leave from Korea. Hyun Jin Nim tried to reassure Mother that Kook Jin Nim would not leave Korea, and that Kook Jin Nim is just trying to make her believe his story so that she would be worried and he would get what he wants. But Mother continued to strongly push Hyun Jin Nim to yield the chairman position assigned by Father and said that Hyun Jin Nim has everything but Kook Jin Nim has nothing. And she said that if Hyun Jin Nim insists on keeping the chairman position causing Kook Jin Nim to leave Korea, the church members will denounce Hyun Jin Nim as the brother who pushed away his younger brother and it will disgrace the True Family.  
Hyun Jin Nim could not agree with his Mother’s explanation. This is because he never considered that any of the public roles he assumed were his own. He, as a steward, was first concerned about managing public assets in order to make further contributions to God’s providence and will. Moreover, he figured Kook Jin Nim would not leave Korea even if Hyun Jin Nim became the chairman; and even if he did leave Kook Jin Nim would eventually come back once things were in order. He knew the more Mother sided with him (Kook Jin Nim), the more spoiled and disobedient he would become towards Father’s directions. The thing that Hyun Jin Nim was most concerned about was whether Kook Jin Nim would comply with Father’s directives if Hyun Jin Nim actually yielded the chairman position. He was concerned on whether Kook Jin Nim would actually follow Father’s directions of providing full support for the success of the Yeouido project. Hyun Jin Nim was worried whether Kook Jin Nim would respect UCI as the upper management, and whether he would accept his elder brother as his organizational superior as Father had ordered.
For these reasons, Hyun Jin Nim could not give in to Mother’s request. Nevertheless, unable to reject her strong demands, he suggested 3 conditions to Mother. The three conditions are the following: First, Kook Jin Nim must fully cooperate in the success of the Yeouido project. Mother would be responsible for convincing him on this. Second, UCI-owned Central City and Yong Pyung Resort will be under UCI management and supervision, and the Korean Tongil Foundation will report to UCI on its activities on a regular basis. Third, Mother will cooperate with Hyun Jin Nim in fulfilling his responsibilities as an elder brother and in establishing the proper sibling's order. He said that if she agrees with these conditions and can promise before God, Hyun Jin Nim would yield the chairman position.
He said this for several reasons: The first reason was to make sure that Kook Jin Nim does not delay the Yeouido project any further and to make him follow Father’s directive with full support. Second, the reason he asked for direct management and supervision over UCI-owned Central City and Yong Pyung resort is because having UCI as its largest shareholder, all the earnings of Central City have to be routed to an overseas recipient as per Korean foreign exchange management law, and cannot be sent directly to the Korean Foundation. As per US law, UCI has certain fiduciary duties as the largest shareholder to check the profit management and make strategic decisions. Even for the Yong Pyung resort—which UCI holds a significant stake—the original rule and standard was that Kook Jin Nim and the Korean Tongil Foundation cannot make unilateral decisions about management but they must consult with UCI for all matters. Third, he wanted to make sure that Kook Jin Nim would comply with Father’s directions asking him to work with his older brother as his direct superior to establish an adequate business relationship for the efficient management and development of the church’s financial base and to settle the True Family within a proper older-younger brother relationship.
Mother promised to Hyun Jin Nim that these 3 conditions would be fulfilled, and it is on that basis that he yielded the position to Kook Jin Nim. Hyun Jin Nim trusted Mother 100 percent. He wondered whether Kook Jin Nim would actually adhere to any of this, but he thought that if he had Mother’s support then everything could be resolved. He believed that Mother would take up the responsibility and help solve things if things went wrong. Furthermore, with Mother’s cooperation, he wanted to give Kook Jin Nim an opportunity and to build trust between the siblings.
Hyun Jin Nim wanted to ask Father about this, but Mother said that he didn’t have to, and she strongly emphasized that Father has the same opinion as Mother. Given the situation that Hyun Jin Nim was about to embark on a world speaking tour with Mother, he wanted to remain on good terms with her. In the end he couldn’t report to Father about it.
But to our dismay things turned out worse than any worst case scenario.
Immediately after assuming the role of chairman, Kook Jin Nim was not cooperative in the Yeouido project and even caused intentional delays. Hyun Jin Nim was shocked about this situation because he was relying on Mother’s promised support. In the beginning of 2005, the Yeouido project was ahead of its rival counterpart, AIG, as it was progressing 6 months faster. But, due to Kook Jin Nim’s continuous interruptions, the project ended up falling 6 months behind, giving AIG a better opportunity. Furthermore, even though it was necessary to obtain construction permits before new regulations were applied so as to avoid unnecessary huge tax payments, Kook Jin Nim remained uncooperative. Finally, with no other choice Hyun Jin Nim had to have Rev. Kwak notify Father about the situation. With Father’s intervention the Yeouido project was able to resume and the necessary permit was barely obtained on the last day of the allowed timeframe.
In June 2006, Hyun Jin Nim arrived in Korea to attend the opening celebration of the Cheon Jeong Gung. During this period he held a meeting with officials from the Korean Tongil Foundation and President Shin of Central City in an attempt to execute Father’s direction of having UCI, as an international foundation, manage and supervise the foundations from all nations. During this meeting, Hyun Jin Nim first tried to set up a reporting system between the Korean Tongil Foundation and UCI. He asked for quarterly financial statements and management data. Second, he had a UCI representative dispatched to the Korean Tongil Foundation to assess the situation. Third, based on what was agreed between Mother and him, he had Central City President Shin report directly to UCI, and he announced that Kook Jin Nim has no authority to control the income of Central City through the Korean Tongil Foundation. And fourth, he announced that Kook Jin Nim himself cannot make unilateral decisions on the earnings and management deals of Yong Pyung resort, and that all matters are subject to consulting between UCI and the Korean Tongil Foundation.
Kook Jin Nim refused to accept all of this and said that he would not comply with an of Hyun Jin Nim’s decisions. Furthermore, during lunch with True Parents, Mother suddenly declared that, ‘From now on Kook Jin will be in charge of Central City and Yong Pyung resort’. Not only did Mother break her promise with Hyun Jin Nim but she made a decision catering only to Kook Jin Nim’s demands without consulting Hyun Jin Nim. At that moment, Hyun Jin Nim was about to refute her claim but was interrupted by Father. As it was important for True Family to be seen as one before the opening of the Cheon Jeong Gung palace, Hyun Jin Nim did not raise his voice.
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treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
Blocking Hyun Jin Nim from seeing Father
Question: Is it true that the church leaders are actively blocking Hyun Jin Nim from seeing True Father?
Short answer: Yes, it's true. They blocked him when he tried to go see Father at the hospital (they failed). They blocked him again when he tried to see Father at the hospital a second time. And they blocked him twice when Hyun Jin Nim was trying to see Father's body at the Seong Hwa in Chung Pyung.
For more information (and pictures) on the situation, go to trueaccount.tumblr.com. You will have to read from the back pages towards the front pages for it to make chronological sense.
0 notes
treeoflifelegacy · 12 years
The Rev. Hwang scandal
Question: Is it true that Father named Sun Jo Hwang to be his representative? And is it true that Kook Jin Nim made Hwang and all the leaders deny it and made Hwang sign a loyalty pledge to him? And why is this relevant?
Tumblr media
Short answer: Yes, it's true and it's true. This episode in our movement is relevant because it clearly demonstrates leaders like Kook Jin Nim working against Father's orders and the lengths to which they will go for it. 
In 2011 for a brief period there was a lot of talk about Rev. Sun Jo Hwang. Father had appointed Rev. Hwang to be his representative and said that he should be above Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim. This did not bode well with them. Immediately they initiated a campaign to destroy the image of Hwang...
But, click on “Read More” for the Long answer…
At this time I would like to bring back into light several key documents that shed light into how True Parents, especially Father, have been lied to by his closest people. The purpose of this post is to show the machinations and manipulation used by people like Kook Jin Nim to remove a threat.
This particular case did not attract much traction around the world when it came out because the church did everything it could to suppress it, but it was a significant situation because there is visual evidence that Father's orders were being circumvented by the church leaders (especially KJN and PK) and they did whatever they wanted while portraying an image of being aligned to Father. The worst part is that when Father said Rev. Hwang was to be his "representative", KJN and others went so hard on Hwang to the point of threatening him to sign a pre-written loyalty pledge to KJN, which he signed. Mr. Kamiyama revealed this and was put under surveillance by KJN after that.
The attached files are the following:
1) absolute.jpg --> Father saying that Rev. Hwang is absolutely appointed by Father 2) rejected.jpg --> Father saying that he rejects the loyalty pledge to KJN signed by Hwang 3) June6-1 and June6-2.jpg --> Mr. Kamiyama's letter to the members
This is a relatively long document but it is worth a read. It starts with an intro, followed by the letter from Mr. Kamiyama.
(Source: http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/cSkJ/8874)
If the text is garbled you can download this text here (http://www.mediafire.com/?8362m2uhgnhniaj).
My comments are in brackets [ ].
Introduction to the situation:
All of this has been discussed and previously posted on this group. Do a search for the word 'Hwang' and you can find the events leading up to now.
Basic summary: Father asked Rev. Sun Jo Hwang be named his "person with special privilege (leader with special privileges)" to be even above the current international president and president of the Tongil group. Hyung Jin nim and Kook Jin nim were not particularly happy with father's decision and their staff did not want to comply with these orders either. Rather than comply, they decided to malign Hwang through mass email campaigns "exposing" his corruption to Korean members. Father was furious to hear about this and asked 3 of Kook Jin nim's key staff who orchestrated the campaign be fired. This direction was also not followed through. UPF director Dongwon Jung loyal to Hwang resigned from his position and ended his public life by writing and distributing an exposé of the Mission HQ's practice of campaigning against leaders they considered a threat (such as Hwang or Kwak).
Kook Jin nim and Hyung Jin nim averted this "crisis" by having Father go on a world tour, leaving Hwang virtually unable to report to Father. Far from Father's reach, now Kook Jin and Peter Kim among other top leaders could apply pressure on Hwang. Finally, Hwang caved in and signed a "Loyalty pledge" accepting the accusations flung against him and apologizing for his wrongdoing and pledging allegiance to Kook Jin nim and the Mission HQ. Rev. Hwang signing this loyalty pledge was seen as a career-ender for Hwang and interpreted as him losing all his power base and credibility in front of Korean members. The church Mission HQ had yet again won and averted a big crisis.
But all of that was not in line with Father's desire. Father didn't know all of this had taken place. Father still thought that Hwang was in charge and he didn't even know about the loyalty pledge, which was later revealed that Hwang had been forced to sign. Father re-emphasized Hwang's new position at many Hoondokhae sessions in Korea and Las Vegas throughout March, April, and June of 2011, and he was furious whenever he heard of anyone putting Hwang down. Father also wanted Hwang to be the president or director of the Ocean providence, but Kook Jin nim appointed a different person named Heesu Kim, who at one time used to be Kook Jin nim's personal chaffeur into that position. And Father also asked that public memos be issued in Hwang's name, but this order was also not followed.
It is with this brief explanation of the context that Kamiyama's letter comes into play...... [Original letter signed by Kamiyama can be downloaded here page 1 (http://www.mediafire.com/i/?9fj39a6batbk7s8) and page 2 (http://www.mediafire.com/i/?uh9akka4p2omjoa) with signature.]
Respected leaders and members of the Unification Church!
I am Mr. Kamiyama in charge of the Japanese section of the Unification Church International Ocean Church (Cheong-Hae Garden) where we do 40 day special workshops.
On June 6 before True Parents went to Cheon-Jeong-Goong from Cheong-Hae Garden, True Parents spoke to me in their private car regarding the report I gave to them about the Unification Church International Ocean Church. I am explaining this in order to avoid any further misunderstandings or rumors (speculation) from taking place.
1. True Parents gave the direction to continuously hold 40 day workshops for ocean church leaders and requested that the public memo regarding this issue be sent out in the name of Rev. Sun Jo Hwang, who happens to be the World Peace Tribal Messiah Federation president. Father wrote the words “Absolute appointment decision” as you can see in the attached file and Father signed the paper himself when he gave this direction.
[See attached file “absolute.jpg” for Father’s original signature or see here (http://www.mediafire.com/i/?n2v29pic4uyags7)]
Father confirming his directions
2. Furthermore, I reported to Father about the recent loyalty pledge that Rev. Sun Jo Hwang had signed. Specifically, I reported to Father concerning point number two in the pledge which talked about Ocean church training. True Parents said “Go tell Kookjin that this loyalty pledge is void and nullified.” And True Father wrote “I do not acknowledge this,” across the whole page of Hwang’s loyalty pledge and Father signed it.
[See letter written on May 17 titled, “Hwang officially surrenders - submits loyalty pledge to Mission Foundation and Kook Jin Moon” or read the copy attached File 1 at the end of this letter]
[See attached file “rejected.jpg” for Father’s original signature or see here (http://www.mediafire.com/i/?renimf9dm6dho0v)]
Father saying he rejects the loyalty pledge Kook Jin made Hwang sign
3. I reported to True Parents about the new Cheong-Hae Garden organizational chart which was put up as a public memo on the official Unification Church website on June 6 which contained personnel changes of the director of Cheong-Hae Garden. At this point True Father said that he did not accept Mr. Hee Su Kim as the director of Cheong-Hae Garden. This point was reiterated at Hoondokhae on June 9 (amidst the participation of members who were part of the 40 day ocean church training workshop) by True Parents’ words.
[See letter written on June 15 titled, “Father’s instructions: Absolute instruction! Issue memos in the name of Sun Jo Hwang!” or read the copy attached File 2 at the end of this letter]
I feel sorry that I have to write to you [to clarify] these recent misunderstandings and rumors in writing to all of you who are busy working publicly to establish Cheon Il Guk. But I write this with the hope that through providing correct information there will be no more misunderstandings or speculation.
Also, since we are continuing our 40 day Ocean church training workshops, we ask your continued support and attention.
Boon-Bong-Wang of Japan, Japanese representative for the 40 day Ocean Church Special Workshops Kamiyama
True Father’s directions
* From now on any public memos regarding the ‘World Ocean Church Leaders 40 Day Special Workshop’ have to be issued in the name of Rev. Sun Jo Hwang, president of the Tribal Messiah Federation
* Kamiyama is responsible for the education of Japanese participants
* Regarding the parts in the ‘loyalty pledge’ that say that Rev. Sun Jo Hwang will clean his hands of the Ocean church providence, especially part 2 of the ‘loyalty pledge’(“2. I will not participate in human resource management, finance, and operation of marine business and resort business…”) were reported to True Parents. True Father said “Go tell Kookjin that this (loyalty pledge) is void and nullified,” and furthermore, with regards to the entire loyalty pledge Father wrote “I do not acknowledge this” and then he signed the paper.
[See attached picture “rejected.jpg” for original paper that Father signed.]
Location: In front of True Parents’ house, before Father left to go to his helicopter while Father was inside his car.
(‘Loyalty pledge’ refers to the letter National Messiahs received on May 13, 2011 sent through the Japanese Secretariat) (Signed by Rev. Sun Jo Hwang on May 4)
June 6, 2011
Kamiyama Takeru
File 1: Hwang's Loyalty pledge
1. Posted on May 17 of 2011:
I gathered this information from various posts in the anonymous section of the Korean cafe. You can feel free to use my translated content and comments.
In this post I am including the following:
1. Sun Jo Hwang's Loyalty pledge (with my comments in brackets [ ])
2. Some Korean member's reaction (I toned down the language)
3. Brief timeline of the situation till now for people who don't know the flow of events
I find it disheartening to see this kind of obstruction of truth taking place. It's inconceivable that we are practicing loyalty pledges. This loyalty pledge written and signed by Rev. Sun Jo Hwang was released in the Korean CARP Cafe. In Korea most members know that the Mission Foundation sent out mass emails with character assassination content about Hwang to hundreds and hundreds of church members. If continued, this type of behavior by the church and its leaders will be its undoing.
1. Sun Jo Hwang's Loyalty Pledge:
As President of Universal Peace Federation, I have neglected the Cain and Abel order, which is a tradition and the life of our Movement, resulting in my misconduct as a filial son. I apologize for causing True Parents worries and am sorry that I have not been an exemplary model to the members. I promise that I will do the following.
1. I will do my utmost for the victory of Ki Won Jol on January 13 by establishing a cooperative system with the international president of UPF and chairman of Foundation so that UPF and Ambassadors for Peace can fulfill their duties as supposed. Subsequently, I will administer the finances and human resource system in a transparent manner since UPF is one of the providential organizations. On a regular basis, I will make a report about the budget planning and account settlement and be open to supervisory audit of the Mission Foundation, which will be reflected in the operation of business.
2. I will not participate in human resource management, finance, and operation of marine business and resort business and promise to report to and discuss any matters with Foundation chairman [Kook Jin Justin Moon] under any circumstancesso that Tongil Group can keep the existing management principles and continue with the transparent, performance-oriented corporate culture.
3. I admit that I have committed faults while in office as Korean UC President and Ilsang President. When I perform my public roles from now on, I will ensure that everything is clear and transparent as a reflection of my past wrongdoings.
4. During the briefing made to True Parents, I have done some verbal damage to four individuals including Sun Pyo Hong, Secretary General of the Unification Church Mission Foundation, Ho Yeol Ahn, External Affairs Director of Mission Foundation, Sung Bun Yoo, and Young Sup Bang. As an attempt to restore their dignity, I went to see True Parents when they returned to Korea. Also attended by True Children, I have explained to them that I did not use slurs or make derogatory remarks to attack them and said I will listen to Father, who told me to reconcile and do not make an enemy out of them.
5. I, as a superior, would like apologize on behalf of Dong Won Jung, Planning Director of UPF, for the email he sent out to the members that contained denouncing and defaming accusations against Jin Sun Ahn, Director of Planning of Mission Foundation, on April 13 as well as his post on web cafe on April 15.
Mr. Dong Won Jung had already submitted a letter of resignation from his post and acted on his own initiative without my authorization when he was sending the message. I have confirmed that the slandering email and the web post that Jin Sun Ahn was suspected of doing turned out to be untrue and a mere conjecture. I would like to comfort Ahn for any feelings of shame or insult he might have felt as well as damage to his pride he might have experienced along the way.
In addition, Mr. Jung has openly denounced Chairman Kook Jin Moon, who is giving 'Strong Korea' lecture, for making similar slanders, triggering massive misunderstanding and confusion to Unification Movement as a result. I send out myapology to Chairman Kook Jin Moon for this predicament instead. Meanwhile, I will talk to Mr. Jung into apologizing to Director Ahn and Mission Foundation himself and will try to arbitrate this matter to the fullest.
In fact, former Director Jung, who created this turmoil, turned in a letter of resignation, and it will be officially processed.
I will make sure all the entities and organizations within our Movement comply with the hierarchical order established by True Parents, so that harmony and unity can be resulted. By doing my best in setting a good example, I will be able to praise the peaceful reign of the victorious True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind for generations to come.
May 2, 2011
Sun Jo Hwang (signed) Korean President Universal Peace Federation
File 2: Father’s instructions: Absolute instruction! Issue memos in the name of Sun Jo Hwang!
2. Posted on June 15 of 2011:
I ask the people here to consider what I’m writing. Has it occurred to you that all these accounts about Father may be true? Will you only accept what benefits your stance against Hyun Jin? Try to think what it means to be obedient to Father's words and if you are being fair to attack only Hyun Jin.
Father’s instructions: Absolute instruction! Issue memos in the name of Sun Jo Hwang!
Recently True Father went down to Yeosu and stayed there for a few days.
At that time a leader who is responsible for the Yeosu training center was together with Father and they had just finished the 57th Wife’s workshop. The leader asked Father if they would be doing the next workshop in Las Vegas. It was because Father had previously announced that they 58th workshop would be in Las Vegas. Father said that it’s not necessary to do that and told him to continue having the workshops in Yeosu.
The leader asked Father again.
“In whose name should we send out public memos?”
“Do it in the name of Sun Jo Hwang.”
When Father gave that direction Hyung Jin Nim was also standing right in Father’s presence. But the next day a queer public memo was sent out. It said that the leaders of Yeosu are Taegun Yoon and Heesu Kim. Heesu Kim is a 6000 couple member who just happens to previously be Kook Jin Nim’s personal driver and is currently working in Yong Pyung. The Yeosu leader considered the latest memo to be bizarre and so he went to Father with the memo and asked Father about it.
And he asked Father again.
“In whose name should we send out public memos?”
“It’s not these guys [actual words in Korean are a bit stronger]. Do it in Sun Jo Hwang’s name.”
Father was so upset that he took a pen and marked the names with an X. And then Father wrote on top of the memo “Absolute Instructions” and said to issue memos in Sun Jo Hwang’s name.
After coming back to Seoul and quickly finishing the Hoondok session, Father angrily asked the leaders who changed the leader of the Yeosu training center. The members sitting in the Hoondok session had no clue what Father was talking about because no one was informed of the situation. Even though Father clearly said his orders several times, it’s as if his words don’t have any effect any more. So it’s very confusing when leaders say we have to obey Father’s words. What do they mean by obey Father’s words? I am so confused.
0 notes
treeoflifelegacy · 13 years
In November 2010, Rev. Joshua Cotter, the Executive Vice President of the Unification Church in America did a nationwide tour with Tongil Foundation Chairman Kook Jin Moon. Joshua Cotter shared the following presentation entitled ‘A Period of Great Transition in History.’ A Period of Great...
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treeoflifelegacy · 13 years
Answering rumors: Denying True Parents?
1) Does Hyun Jin Nim think he doesn't need True Parents?
2) Did he proclaim himself to be a new set of True Parents?
3) Is he acting out of a negative emotion of envy and jealousy?
Short answer: No. No. And no. 
These are all false accusations being thrown around lightly by some leaders. These rumors were even spread all the way up to True Parents. When Father heard that Hyun Jin Nim's couple was trying to become a new set of True Parents, he was very upset. However, these rumors are not true. If anyone makes such claims, please correct them.
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treeoflifelegacy · 13 years
Does True Father think the Family Federation still exists?
Question: Does True Father know that the "Family Federation" signboard was taken down and the signboard of the "Unification Church" was put up again? 
Short answer: It seems that True Father is not aware of this change. If the name change were an official providential act, then there would have been a big ceremony as there had been on July 31, 1996, when he inaugurated the Family Federation and declared the end of the Unification Church. Or at least he would give some providential explanation or comment of why we had to go back to the Church. True Father has not done this. So it is possible that Father himself is not aware of the official name change initiated by Hyung Jin Nim. 
Click on "Read More" for the Long answer...
Long answer:
The thoughtful post below brings into question whether True Father knows about the official name change of the organization.
Sure, True Father says the words "Unification Church" when he speaks and refers to the entire Movement, but he has never officially changed the name nor has he declared an end to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. 
This name change was entirely Hyung Jin Nim's decision. True Father had quite the opposite intention as explained in a previous post. He officially declared the end of the era of the Unification Church in 1996. Yet, here we are...
So, if Father is a person who lives according to providence and has a providential schedule to abide by, then he must still believe that we are working through the Family Federation. 
Here's another piece of evidence that sheds light into this matter:
Source (http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/cSkJ/9888)
True Father doesn't know we took down the signboard of the Family Federation and put the Unification Church signboard up again: Through the lens of the Proclamation
The organization of the Unification Church itself is struggling and fighting for its existence to be justified.
Even while it goes in retrograde motion against the providence, against the era we live in, and even against True Father's words, it is still withstanding and doing its utmost to survive. Let us offer a round of applause to the Unification Church who is withstanding all that pressure. 
But it is not easy to hide its contradictions. When you see what the organization is doing the contradictions begin to rise one by one. 
Today I will present one more piece that adds further pressure. 
Let us take a look at the so-called "True Parents" Proclamation prepared by Peter Kim and other leaders. Something strange shows up:
(image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/823/familyfed.jpg/)
Although it is interesting to point out, I will not mention that the tone of language is far from Father's tone (someone else wrote it). 
There are other strange things going on in this document.
Let's take a look at the name above the title. 
For some reason they revived the "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Family Federation)" title.
Wait a minute, didn't the church go through such great lengths to get rid of the Family Federation and establish the authority of the Unification Church?  Didn't they disparage peace movements and federations while emphasizing the importance of the Unification Church to the members? ...
Why did they do this? I thought about it. Something didn't feel right. 
It's a public memo written in Korean and sent out to Korean members. Yet, the title "Family Federation" used in the document is written in English on purpose. Why didn't they write "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification" in Korean?
If this is a document prepared by Peter Kim and other leaders of the Mission HQ with the intention of getting True Parents signature on it, then the preparation process of the document must have been very thorough. 
We're talking about May 2011 when many, if not all, public documents are sent out in the name of the "Unification Church". So, why did they choose to not use the official "Unification Church" name on a document prepared to receive True Parents' signature?
Why would they go through the effort of using a "Family Federation" template instead of the standard "Unification Church" template for no reason? All of this was thought through and calculated.
But what is even more disturbing and shows that it's a calculated move is the Proclamation public memo sent to American members and other foreigners. In the public memo that was sent to foreigners and Americans they deliberately took out the words "Family Federation" and changed the organization's name on the memo back to "Unification Church". They changed the name on purpose and distributed it to the members.  
(image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/tongilgyo.jpg/)
The reason for that?
They need to present an image to foreign members as if True Father supports the "Unification Church" as the organization's official name.
They emphasize the "Unification Church" name in memos for foreigners so that they may forget that Father still recognizes the Family Federation as the correct providential entity and direction. The purpose of this is to generate an image that Father is supporting the direction in which these leaders are going, and to create an image that Father supports the direction in which the Unification Church is going. 
My conclusion: 
1) The leaders who wrote the declaration want True Father to think that the "Family Federation" is still alive and kicking. 
2) Or, Father got upset when he saw the "Unification Church" title in the document and told them to change it to "Family Federation"
3) Or, True Father does not know that they changed the name from "Family Federation" to the "Unification Church" and he did not allow such a name change for the organization. 
The fact that the very name of the organization is in dispute shows that True Father is receiving distorted reports from someone very close to him. 
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treeoflifelegacy · 13 years
What role did Peter Kim have in creating declarations to condemn Hyun Jin Nim?
Question: I heard that recent proclamations were written by Peter Kim and presented to True Parents to sign after a lengthy process of reporting.
Is it true that it wasn't True Father's intention to write them? Is it true that leaders were actively seeking to create documents to condemn Hyun Jin Nim?
Short answer: Yes, it is true that Father did not have any intention of writing condemnatory proclamations. The writing only takes place at the behest of close aides (such as Peter Kim, Hyung Jin Nim). And even then Father resists and doesn't want to do it in his own name.
There's quite a process behind the making of the declaration that reveals some of these leaders' intentions. Peter Kim wrote in a message: 
"One regretful thing is that we didn't get to carve the three words "Hyun Jin Moon" into the proclamation. If we need [another proclamation] in the future, we will make it to include his name and it could work as an ultimatum."
But, click on "Read More" for the Long answer to know what really took place...
Long answer: Peter Kim was also behind the false spirit world message that was presented to True Parents as if it were legitimate. These church leaders have yet to acknowledge their wrongdoing behind presenting True Parents a false spirit world message. Until now they have just ignored the subject altogether. But it speaks volumes of their legitimacy.
On June 5, 2011, we were presented with an explanation of how the "Heretic and destroyer" proclamation (video link) came to exist. It was the 1 year anniversary of the making of that proclamation. Here is the story of how it was made:
Revealing the truth behind the "Heretic and destroyer" proclamation
Source: (http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/cSkJ/8359)
My personal comments: Hyung Jin Nim, Kook Jin Nim, Peter Kim et al, you should stop what you are doing and find a way to talk to Hyun Jin right now. It looks like people close to you are telling the truth of the situation. More and more information keeps coming out each day...
Some people complained to me that the email formatting makes the text I write very annoying to read. You can download this text in MS Word format here (http://www.mediafire.com/?3wy91aogwwqsrs5).
------------------Translation (no comments added):
(The information that I am revealing here are true facts that I have received from conscientious people working from within the organization. I had this information with me for quite some time, but since it was of such sensitive nature I only kept it saved. However, the manipulation and deception against our True Parents and the treason against the Providence has reached such unbelievable heights that I have regrettably decided to expose this material. I will only reveal some parts of the material I have in order to protect the identity of the individuals that provided the information. However, the entire material will also be revealed if necessary.)
It has been exactly 1 year to the day since the proclamation of the "Heretic and Destroyer" was written forever leaving a dishonorable stain in the history of our True Family.
June 5, 2010 will be remembered as a shameful day in the Unification Movement. The biggest regret of the scheming forces behind the proclamation at the time was that they couldn't get Father to include the name 'Hyun Jin Moon' in the proclamation. They pledged they would accomplish that [that is, including the name in the future]. And 1 year later, they managed to have another True Parents' proclamation with True Parents name and signature, but only this time they achieved their goal: they managed to include the name 'Hyun Jin Moon' written in the proclamation without any title or designation.
They believe that by blocking Father's eyes and ears they can do whatever they want; but that's truly ridiculous. How can they think they can hide from Heaven and from spirit world? 
Now I will explain and expose how these forces were working on True Father to get the declaration from him one year ago. I know that people of conscience are watching every move and the developments taking place in our church and are reading all the evidence provided to them. In the future, history will be faced with the truth of these events and will spit in the graves of the people who plotted this event.
The origin of the situation
May 30, 2010, Hyun Jin Moon visits the church in Brazil. The reasons for his visit and other information are explained in his recently published book of sermons and lectures 'Realizing God's Dream', so I will only quote a part of it here.
"As God and True Parents' true son, Hyun Jin Moon said that he would show the true role of an elder brother to the leaders who are not correctly attending True Parents and are driving the Providence in the wrong direction. Last year he visited the church in Brazil where he spoke well over 5 hours. On this occasion he called up certain leaders who were acting wrongly and gave them stinging guidance. That was the reason for his guidance. He knew full well what actions they would take (after he guided them), and what difficulties he would face for his actions, but Hyun Jin Moon said that  "put his neck on the line" to educate them. The reason he educated them strongly was because they are providentially responsible leaders, and because they were his brothers, not 'others' that have nothing to do with him."  
As Hyun Jin Moon predicted, his visit to the church in Brazil caused great disturbance. The continental director for Latin America, Dong Mo Shin, received orders from the (World Mission) Headquarters to stay at the podium and, eventually, he lied down on the floor. Lying down on the floor, he had to be dragged out of the room. In an email that Dong Mo Shin sent to missionary K, he reveals that they set up traps in various places that he had approved of. His actions were all intentionally prepared. The next day at Hoondokhoe (HDH) on May 31, Dong Mo Shin once again attempted to stage a dramatic scene but he faced the restriction of Mr. Jin Man Kwak. But Hyun Jin Nim asked for Dong Mo Shin to come in and he proceeded to strongly scold Shin and president Ferabolli. This moment was captured in video by a person they had prepared ahead of time. Later they edited the long HDH session, made it into a 6 minute video and showed it to True Parents. And then they uploaded it onto Youtube spreading it through the internet. And then they started their campaign of portraying Hyun Jin Moon as a violent individual using the church organization all around the world.
Process of the making of the 'Proclamation'
June 1, 2010
Hyo Yul Kim (Peter Kim) made the draft of what would later become the proclamation. He reported the draft over to Sung Il Cho to report it to Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, and then he sent Dr. Chang Shik Yang to Yeosu to see True Parents and receive True Parents signature. But he failed and returned empty handed. Here we reveal the draft that Peter Kim drafted in English. This is the translated English version that was prepared for the two brothers (Kook Jin and Hyung Jin). The file name has the letters WMD (World Mission Department) clearly written on it. 
To         : Regional presidents, National messiahs, National leaders
Date      : Cheon-gi 1.4.20 by the Heavenly Calendar (June 2, 2010)
Re.    : True Parents’ Special Instructions 
This to convey special instructions from True Parents to all the leaders and blessed families of the Unification Movement around the world.
1. Dr. Hyun Jin Moon should step down as chairman of UCI, suspend all public activities and accept True Parents’ instructions that they gave directly to him at a meeting in Sokcho, Korea in March 2008.
2. True Parents’ instructions should be carried out by the regional presidents and national leaders under the leadership of Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, whom True Parents appointed International President, and followed by the Unification Church and/or FFWPU worldwide.
3. No member of the True Family may mobilize church members or preside over a meeting or hoondokhwae without True Parents’ instructions or approval.
4. Any changes in the ownership of church’s assets in any nation must be approved by True Parents (conveyed through the International Headquarters) and any unilateral action without the approval of the International Headquarters, be it church activities or external activities under UPF, is strictly prohibited.
Regional presidents and leaders of all level are hereby instructed to be absolutely obedient to True Parents’ directions and to rigorously uphold the religious tradition and traditions of the Unification Movement. 
Cheon-gi 1.4.20 by the Heavenly Calendar (June 2, 2010)
Sun Myung Moon
Peter Kim sent that information to a certain leader "M" on June 1. If one sees how this is handled, one can clearly see that Peter Kim himself is tightly controlling all the people and the information. It's difficult to disregard the suspicion that Peter Kim is in a position above Father [in which he controls people and information before anything reaches True Parents].
"I prepared a powerful written directive that includes TF's signature to send out to the whole world, but Dr. Yang went to Yeosu and came back empty handed.   We will take some more time and within a few more days we will absolutely obtain that written directive." 
Peter Kim reveals his desire to obtain a written directive from True Parents within a few days. Then, a few days later on June 5 his wish becomes true in the form of the "Heretic and Destroyer" proclamation. 
June 2, 2010
Failing to obtain True Parents' signature on the first try, instead, they made and sent out a public memo to the whole world. This is the conclusion of that public memo 'Reference No. FFWPUI 2010-28'. This is what it says [translated from the Korean version because the English version of the memo is slightly different]:
Ref. No. FFWPUI 2010-18 
To  : Regional presidents, National messiahs, National leaders 
From  : FFWPU International Headquarters 
Date   : Cheon-gi 1.4.20 by the Heavenly Calendar (June 2, 2010) 
Re.    : True Parents’ special instructions regarding the right to give sermons or speeches at churches or official events/meetings anywhere in the world  
Regarding this, True Parents made it clear that such violence is unacceptable. They gave the powerful directive that Hyun-jin nim may absolutely not give any lecture or sermon at an official event or at the church without the explicit approval of True Parents. Therefore, missionaries in each mission nation and continent should strictly guide their leaders and members so that this type of situation absolutely never happens again. 
But the June 2 public memo wasn't enough for Dong Mo Shin. He wrote an email boldly directed to True Parents with the title "Emergency support with the strongest and most powerful weapon". This was sent to Peter Kim, Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Sung Il Cho, and to Seung Yeon Doo (Hyung Jin Nim's assistant). In his letter he writes, "If we can make True Parents sign or attach a video of True Parents ordering that 'All mission nations have to follow the orders and public memos of the Mission Headquarters!' it would be the most effective and strongest weapon of all." And, adding to that he requests that they send a public memo out "as fast as a bullet" with the following contents.
This is what he requested to be included in the public memo:
"All mission nations must follow the orders and public memos of the World Mission Headquarters -- True Parents sign, or stamp, or a video file" The "Heretic and Destroyer" proclamation was made 3 days later (June 5). The proclamation  includes the abovementioned contents and includes Peter Kim's desire and Dong Mo Shin's requests. A video of the proclamation was also made and released.
June 3, 2010
On this day in the morning, International president Hyung Jin Moon's assistant Seung Yeon Doo sent out the following message to Sung Il Cho and to others revealing how they were planning on obtaining from True Parents the content that Dong Mo Shin had requested. One can see that once their plan through Peter Kim and Dr. Chang Shik Yang had failed, International President Hyung Jin Moon would have to step up to attempt to get what they failed to obtain from True Parents in person:
"Tomorrow (4th) after finishing the Dae-Jon 6-25 Seung-Hwa ceremony, Hyung Jin Nim will go down to Yeosu and he will give a report and he is planning on receiving the content that you requested. But because Peter Kim is not in Yeosu at the moment, we expect difficulties in obtaining this [from True Parents]."
On this day late at night, Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon gave the order to upload all the information about Brazil including the videos onto the internet. Jin Yong Park (Richard Bach) passed on the orders to Peter Kim, Seung Yeon Doo, Sung Il Cho and other staff in the World Mission HQ. 
June 4, 2010
Hyung Jin Moon's plan to go down to Yeosu is canceled. This was because True Father came up to Seoul in the afternoon. The writer suspects that someone close to Father made an urgent plea to True Parents to quickly come to Seoul for one day and then go back. When Father's trip to Seoul was decided, the World Mission HQ busily made all the necessary preparations. International President Hyung Jin Moon gave the special request that the once edited 16 minute video of the Brazil situation be re-edited and re-made into a 6 minute film. The plan was to show it to True Father at HDH on the morning of June 5th. Hyung Jin Nim gave the direction that the video should focus on the violence and requested it be edited in a way to make it look like Hyun Jin is asking the leaders if they will follow Father or if they will follow Hyun Jin Nim. The editing and production was done by In Seok Nam. 
At 3 PM, there was a general staff meeting for all the staff at the Cheon Bok Goong and for all the Mission HQ workers. They had a meeting and 'education' for them. It was in that occasion that they passed on the orders from the international president. They decided that on June 5 they would call and have all the national pastors of Korea waiting at the Kuri Soo-Taek-Ri central training center. And they decided that later on that day they would reveal to the pastors the proclamation to be signed by True Parents along with the video. At this meeting there also was an order given to film a video of criticisms against Hyun Jin Moon. It was decided that all directors, staff, and public pastors were to film a video titled 'Hyun Jin Nim is going the way of Satan.' And the last thing was that from the following week the church president would directly step up and start doing tours nationwide to criticize UCI and Hyun Jin Moon. That's what was decided.
June 5, 2010
Before HDH started, International president Hyung Jin Moon went into True Parents' room in Chung Pyung. He was waiting to receive a proclamation done in Father's name. Mrs. Yeon A Lee (Hyung Jin Nim's wife) boldly had her iPhone ready in her hand to film the entire situation. The entire setting within the bedroom was possible with the support of True Mother, and outside it was supported by Peter Kim. 
It is assumed that they managed to show the 6 minute video they created on the day before (4th). Finally, when True Father woke up, Hyung Jin Moon's couple entered True Parents' room and strongly requested True Father to write the proclamation including his name and signature. Under Mother's guidance, Father filled out the first proclamation exactly as they requested, and then at their repeated behest Father wrote the second proclamation. The entire process was caught on video by Mrs. Yeon A Lee. This video was then passed onto Seung Yeon Doo (Hyung Jin Nim's assistant), and only the signing process of the second proclamation was uploaded on the American Family Federation website. The scenes of the [request process and] signing of the first proclamation was not revealed to the members.
We can only assume why they decided to not reveal the signing of the first portion of the declaration. But it is obvious that they concluded it shouldn't be revealed to members because if members were to see the video of how they got Father to sign the document, there would be many interpretations over it and confusion. If they did not delete all their videos yet, then one hopes that the truth will shine forth one day rather than keep it buried.
After the ordeal, True Father came out to HDH later than usual. He did not speak one word about what he had gone through. He did not speak one word about the "proclamation" during HDH. After a short HDH he silently went off to Yeosu. 
Then, with the proclamation signed by Father in his hand, Hyung Jin Moon and his staff went to Soo-Taek-Ri training center where they held the pastors from all over the nation waiting. Professor Taek-Yong Oh gave the first lecture. Then director Jong Kwan Kim of the Cheon Bok Goong quickly showed the pastors a video. And then he introduced the proclamation somewhat stupidly stating, "True Parents have finally recognized and acknowledged the Unification Church!" Dr. Joon Ho Seuk spoke next. And then president Hyung Jin Moon came to the podium where he gave a lecture that was completely out of touch with the situation there. It was as if he gave a lecture that was completely out of tune with the recent developments to give an aura that he is not related with these issues. As if he didn't want people to know of his direct involvement in the matter.
On this day the church sent out a public memo to all churches in Korea saying that starting from June 7 there would be a tour of all the churches centered on president Joon Ho Seuk.
June 6, 2010
On Sunday Service in the Cheon Bok Goong, without notice, Mr. Sung Il Cho went up to the podium with his Powerpoint and lecture materials. He gave a strong scathing lecture criticizing Hyun Jin Moon and UCI. This caused much scandal. Clearly disturbed many elder members directly protested about this to Dr. Seuk. The next day, Jong Kwan Kim visited the church in Su-Won Kyung Gi region and gave the same scathing lecture to the members there. He received the same lecture content (Powerpoint, etc.).Then the church established Kyung Suk Yoo and Jin Hwa Jung as lecturers for this purpose and sent them all throughout Korea, followed by the entire world. Thus, the slandering and criticizing lectures were exported and expanded to the rest of the world.
The proclamation they received was then leaked to the media and published in the July 12 edition of Weekly Chosun magazine titled, "Rev. Moon writes proclamation of successor". This way they get to kill Hyun Jin Moon and establish Hyung Jin Moon as the successor. They thought they had killed two birds with one stone, but their plan backfired because the world criticized Rev. Moon for their actions.
Peter Kim was curious. He wanted to know if the proclamation was having the desired effect on the members. At the same time, Peter Kim could not hide his regret for not being able to have the three words "Hyun Jin Moon" carved into the declaration. This is a part where we can see into who he really is as a person and how influential he actually is. It shows how much power this individual has over the True Family and over the Providence. It clearly shows whose power base the church is currently following. Peter Kim wrote:
"Are the members eating up the proclamation that we got TF to sign and sent to you this time? One regretful thing is that we didn't get to carve the three words "Hyun Jin Moon" into the proclamation. If we need [another proclamation] in the future, we will make it to include his name and it could work as an ultimatum."
The content above was sent to me  by a top leader. It's unbelievable. True Father is bleeding inside and he is being cornered by these individuals to write such proclamations. Even though Father must have wanted to protect his son, if a person who attended and served True Parents and the True Family thinks that way... who is the real archangel and who is the real Satan in this picture? The recent proclamation that was released a few days ago smells of their putrid planning and plotting. I get the same feeling as I did a year ago and I don't think it's a coincidence.
Until when must we sit by watching them do this to True Parents? Will we wait till these leaders resign or must we bring them down ourselves? This is the last question the Providence asks of our church members.
Written on June 5, 2011
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treeoflifelegacy · 13 years
Tongil Foundation lost in lawsuit, but they are appealing. Is it a good idea to appeal?
Question: Okay, so I heard the Tongil Foundation lost in the Yoido land case and according to their position statement, they plan to appeal.
1) Who initiated the lawsuit?
2) And what did the judge say about the claims made by the Tongil Foundation?
3) Is it a good idea to appeal and is there any chance to win?
Short answer: 1) The lawsuit was initiated by the Tongil Foundation (led by Kook Jin Moon).
2) The judge rejected all the claims (about 8 claims in total) made by the Foundation, including the claim that there was a breach of trust on the part of Rev. Kwak. The decision was done on the basis of facts.
3) Appealing seems like a bad idea and so do the chances of winning. But read the Long answer and judge for yourself.
Click on "Read More" for the Long answer...
You will see excerpts from the text of the judge's ruling down below.
 (Warning! Some legal language in this page. Simply speaking, contract for the 'Right to the Superficies' means a contract for the right to use the land. The Tongil Foundation is the owner of the land. They lent the land to a company named Y22 so that Y22 can develop the land. This agreement between the two parties was done through a contract. The Tongil Foundation initiated a lawsuit to invalidate that contract...)
A few days ago Sun Pyo Hong of the Tongil Foundation issued a statement to members expressing that even though they lost the lawsuit they are planning to appeal to "retake the holy land" in the name of True Parents. The problem is that Hong is lying. It's not True Parents desire to initiate this lawsuit. The construction and contract took place with True Parents blessing.
Why is it a bad idea to appeal? In a previous email I explained the astronomical costs in damages that will be involved. If the Tongil Foundaiton appeals the costs will be even higher. Every hour that passes by with delays in the construction process is money that the Tongil Foundation will have to pay in damages.
Prolonging this legal battle is only a strategy to buy time....... at a very high price. Another reason appealing is stupid is because legally there's no way the Foundation can win. Read the analysis of the judge's ruling below. Some legal terms were confusing to translate into English. But for the most part it is understandable.
Source (http://cafe.daum.net/W-CARPKorea/Umxh/1356)By Je Sok Kim
False testimony and lies at the stand: The Tongil Foundation reveals itself in the lawsuit
If we read the judge's ruling in the case, 
First, we can see that this was clearly not a well thought out lawsuit from the very beginning. 
The tribunal dismissed the following claims the Tongil Foundation put forward:
1) That the [contract] is invalid because it goes against social rules [laws] 2) That Rev. Kwak controlled the defendant 3) That there was a breach of trust on the part of Rev. Kwak 4) That the [contract] is invalid because there was a misuse of the right to representation 5) That the [contract] is invalid because it didn't receive approval of competent authorities 6) Question whether the decision of the board regarding the final contract is effective  a) that it's invalid  b) that it fits the criteria for cancellation  c) that there's a a legal way to cancel the contract All of the above claims were rejected and dismissed by the tribunal. 
The tribunal's stated reason for rejecting and dismissing all of the claims made by the prosecutors (Tongil Foundation) was: 
"There is no evidence to acknowledge their claims, and, furthermore, there is no reason to look into those points."
Not only that, the tribunal revealed the Tongil Foundation's lies and false witness thanks to the lawsuit the Foundation inititated.
* The Tongil Foundation claimed that there was a breach of trust by Rev. Kwak. However, the tribunal revealed that the Foundation had prepared false witnesses to push this claim.
The tribunal explained the following as rebuttal points against the claim that there was malfeasance on Rev. Kwak's part :
1) "Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon specifically gave the order to Kook Jin Moon on April 24, 2006, not to be involved any more in the project to develop the plot of land in question." (Page 11 of the judge's ruling)
2) "The fact that Jin Sun Ahn was installed as chairman of Tongil Foundation on May 27, 2006 according to Kook Jin Moon's instructions at the same time the final contract was signed on May 30, 2006." (Page 12 of the judge's ruling)
3) "On May 29, 2006, at the prosecutor's (Tongil Foundation's) board meeting the final draft of the contract was distributed to all the participating board members. Mr. Han Duk Lee presided over the meeting as the chairperson and read aloud the main points of the contract, after which all the board members expressed their approval in unison, approving the contract unanimously." (Page 12 of the judge's ruling)
4) "The fact that on February 7, 2007, chairman Kook Jin Moon, who represents the prosecutors, applied for [the contract]." (Page 12 of the judge's ruling)
5) Essentially, "The fact that during the process of developing the land, Kook Jin Moon, representing the prosecutors, entered into another contract with the defendant in order to receive 2,000,000,000 won from the defendant for the land (earth) that was being dug out of the construction site. This [new contract he initiated] was based on the fact that he had established a contract to the rights to superficies between the defendant and the prosecutor." (Page 12 of the judge's ruling)
6) "Our civil code does not define a maximum length period with regards to rights to use superficies. It does state that 30 years is the minimum period for such rights. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude that setting the period to the rights to superficies to 99 years in a contract lacks social validity." [In other words, the prosecutors claims are rejected.]
7) "The fact that it's difficult to sustain the claim [as the prosecutor has claimed] that there's a lack of balance between the negotiating parties in the contract, considering that the leasing fee established in the contract set on August 18, 2005, is 5% of the official land value or 13.63% of the operation profits, whichever is higher.: [In other words, the prosecutors claims are rejected.] (Page 12 of the judge's ruling)
"Therefore, it is difficult to sustain the claim that the source of this lawsuit, which happens to be the contract for the rights to superficies, has illegal contents that go against the public order." "[Given the points above] It is difficult to sustain the claim that Chung Hwan Kwak was dominating the defendant. And if he wasn't [dominating the defendant] then you cannot say that there was malfeasance on his part. And because there is no evidence of such arguments, the prosecutor's claim that the contract in question is invalid because it goes against the public order has no basis. It's determined that the final contract was established in a legal and lawful manner and it is decided that it's a legal contract.  It is not a reason to invalidate the rights to the superficies." (Check page 13 of the judge's ruling) 
* Responding to number 4) That the [contract] is invalid because there was a misuse of the right to representation:
The misuse of the right to representation was perpetrated by Jin Sun Ahn (installed as chairman on May 27, 2006) who was following Kook Jin Moon's directions. If anyone, he misused the right to representation. The prosecutor confirms the abovementioned 'misuse of the right to representation' or 'abuse of representation' when Jin Sun Ahn, who represents the prosecutors, is who finalized the final contract in question in a legal manner. So the prosecutor's claim about the validity of the contract has no reason to it. (Page 14 of the judge's ruling)
* Responding to number 5) That the [contract] is invalid because it didn't receive approval of competent authorities:
The Tongil Foundation's claims that the contract is invalid because it did not receive the approval of competent authorities is also dismissed because the prosecutors are a non-profit entity according to the civil code which have as their main purpose the management of assets and raising of funds for educational activities and other activities. The [contract in question] only applies to the civil code and does not apply to the laws ruling public non-profit foundations, therefore the prosecutor's claim is rejected. (Page 15 of the judge's ruling)
As you can see, the Korean Tongil Foundation's claims were all thrown out of court. 
Without having knowledge of the most basic law, the Tongil Foundation hired the best lawyers money could buy and wasted it on a case that can't be won. How are we to explain this irresponsible waste to society and to the courts? What must the judges think about us?
Rather than make their case through this lawsuit, the Tongil Foundation revealed its own corruption and false witnesses in court. 
The Korean Church, Mission Foundation and Tongil Foundation who accused and condemned Rev. Kwak for no reason has been caught lying. And their lies are open in the public record for all to see. 
And still they want to appeal the decision. Seeing them running around trying to appeal a decision that is pretty clearly stated in legal terms, it makes the writer wonder if they have a psychological disorder or a complex that will not allow them to see someone else succeed. As if someone else's success makes their stomachs hurt. 
If you read the judge's ruling you can see that this is not the type of decision you can appeal. 
The tribunal examined each of the claims in detail and dismissed each and every one of them based on facts. To appeal this decision will only bring more pain and damage. The Tongil Foundation lost the case--a complete total loss. An embarrassing total rejection of all its claims. The Tongil Foundation should have nothing to say. 
But still Sun Pyo Hong put out a letter expressing that they will appeal this decision. Poor people. They do not want to admit their wrongdoing and errors till the end. All they can think of is to buy as much time as possible. That's their strategy. Buying time on purpose. Heaven and the nation of Korea and the law and the Blessed Central Families will not forgive you for that. 
Truly, the saying that if you "Save a thief from the gallows and he'll cut your throat" is applicable to the leaders and others from the Tongil Foundation and the Mission HQ and Foundation. 
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