turbo-turner · 10 years
"Thank you, ma'am!" Turbo trills, bouncing on the balls of her feet happily. She had been on the ship for such a long time by herself; Icarus was a mighty nice companion, but she had always been surrounded with the company of both machinery and humans. There was a warmth to people that gadgets and gizmos couldn't replicate, no matter how many heated engines and coils they contained. 
Al'Sena's sentiment was well noted, but Turbo still let out a small giggle. "I don't think you'll ever see me clean, honestly," she said, still chuckling. "being covered in dirt and grease reminds me of home. There's a smell my planet has, and it's all in that engine room, clogged up in the pipes....do you miss your home, Captain?"
I guess it's that time
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Turbo's mouth formed a perfect 'O' shape as Aldrek stopped in his tracks. Had she insulted his culture in some way by asking what 'biology' was? She never meant to do anything of the sort -- she hated hurting any sort of thing, whether it was a human or a machine. Machines lived and breathed just as humans did; the cool thing about them was that you could program them to live and to specialize. When Aldrek continued, the small mechanic breathed a hearty sigh of relief, having avoided hurting her new friend. "Whoa...I'm not really sure about everythin' you just said," she said quickly with a cheeky grin, not meaning to insult at all. "but...we're biology? I mean, you and me? Is the ship biology too? 'Cause she's got a brain, and she thinks just like you and me. Well, sort of; it's complicated, but I feel 'er just like I feel people."
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"Yeah really! Biology is the s—- Wait.." A lecture on his most prized subject was already rolling when he realized the question the girl asked. At first it seemed as if she was just joking or ‘yanking his chain’ as the old earthlings would say. But as Turbo explains that she had legitimately never heard the word but a few times in old text books the man is legitimately surprised. He had studied up on the basics of other planets but he seemed to simply overlook the fact that if a planet had little to no plant life that they wouldn’t really be able to study biology , at east other than anatomy Blinking twice and clearing his throat to collect his thought, Aldrek puts on his smile again before explaining. "Biology — put literally and simply , is the study of living things and organisms. Cells, Animals, trees, humans, bacteria, you name it. If it is composed of cells and living biologists study it’s composition, life interactions with other living things, role in the eco system, etc." He then realizes he is rambling a bit and stops to check on Turbo. "Sorry just thinking about it gets me a bit riled up. You catch my drift right?"
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turbo-turner · 10 years
If he hasn't seen the cockpit, then it's a perfect opportunity for Turbo to show him it. "Well, I'll show you, then!" she exclaims, beaming and beckoning him to follow her as she traipsed backwards through the halls. She had grown so used to walking the depths of ICARUS that she no longer needed the guidance of her eyes to tell her where to go; the machine whirred in her ears, played soft, mechanical notes in her ears, songs of her people and her home, just like the birds of Tianlian for Lee. "You've piloted other things? Where? That's so drillin'--and you're absolutely right! Icarus Epsilon is her name, and she's....a few months old? This's about her third or fourth flight, 'cause we don't have many pilots back home. At least, not pilots that can pilot as big a ship as Icarus. Which is why New Earth's been so helpful, in findin' people like you and the Captain and everyone else to come on and be a part of it."
At the back of her mind, Turbo tried to imagine a world filled with songbirds of all shapes and sizes; she wasn't very creative, so all she came up with was a heightened, more musical form of her home planet. Her lack of creativity didn't bother her much, as she delighted in her new created world as if it were a work of art. "Huh...do you guys have little ear-inserts to dull the noise? Or injections for hypersensitivity? Sometimes some of the workers at my factory have to get those sorts of things when they've been around loud machinery for too long. It happens." She shrugs off loss of hearing like a bit of dust on her shoulder; poor health is so common among her people that it wouldn't be normal to always be healthy. 
"Well...sort of! The big ol' states don't have as many people as us," Turbo explained, pulling at a curl or two in her hair and watching it spring back into place. "but in my home, if you've got enough members of your family t'fill a team, then you're set for life. Oh! No sort of....disaster or anything--though there was somethin' in the history books at school that said something about 'razing land'...I'm not so sure. I never was real good at history, anyways. And yes! Mech's our thing on Orion, and we love it--you've got to, you know? It's in our blood...literally. I'm sure every one of us's got a little bit of metal parts, some sorta android bit installed into us that we don't even know about."
"Yes, I do," Lee smiles again, after a brief pause. A few of the people he’s met over the years have spoken in similar ways to this one, but it still takes a moment or two to translate, at times. He supposes that, living in such close quarters, he’ll become used to the speech in no time. Hopefully. 
"I haven’t seen the cockpit yet, no, but I imagine I’ll get there soon," The ship hums beautifully around him, and he would love to see the cockpit, but he’s never been much one for plans in situations where they remained unnecessary to function, so he’s been wandering aimlessly for some time, "I’ve not piloted something exactly like Icarus, no. The ship sounds very new— but I have piloted one or two ships that I imagine run on a similar mechanism. Nothing on my planet, but I worked on a couple of larger operations years back that had ships nearly this nice, and at least this large." 
Keeping up with Turbo’s questions feels like an exercise, but Lee can’t tell whether he’ll be exhausted or exhilarated by the end of it, “More birds live on Tianlian than I could hope to name. In school they taught us how the environment is perfectly suited for the avian, but I never delved much deeper into that aspect of things. Mostly I remember the stories of people driven mad by too much birdsong, before the first landers developed better tech to deal with it. Many of the birds that people like to keep as pets sing beautifully, though.”
Lee finds himself tipping his head to the side again, listening to Turbo’s words. He didn’t get as much music, anymore, but a planet mostly devoid of it still sounded… Unpleasant. Not that the hum of engines was always unpleasant, it sounded an awful lot like living in some sort of monochrome world. Before Lee can think on it much, though, the topic moves on. 
"That sounds like a very large family! Does your planet encourage that size? Do you have many people leaving your planet, or many hazards?" Perhaps the government allowed that size of family to help replenish the population from some sort of disaster? "Your planet primarily bases its culture in the mechanical, then, it sounds like? Do you enjoy that?" 
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turbo-turner · 10 years
"Shiny...?" Turbo asked, tilting her head to the side at the unfamliar word. "But yeah, just fine! Depends on how you kind of emphasize it, but it can mean anythin' from fine to great. What means bad? Oh! Well, there's loads of things for bad--I mean, there's 'grimy gutters', and 'gulletmouth', and...some other things that're a bit too naughty." She giggles, blushing under oilmarks and dirt patches. 
“Drillin’ means good in Orion. Shiny means good in Tianlian.” Ziegric nodded. “It’s just drillin’ means it’s fine, yes?” He wrinkled his nose as he thought of how odd the words seemed to be associated with something good and suddenly he wondered how they would say otherwise. “So if that means good, what means bad?” He cocked his head slightly in curiosity.
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"Ah— I see," Ziegric nodded, quickly learning what Turbo had taught him. His planet had been a far too formal place to have verbal slangs like that. Language was respected in their planet, it was their form of sacred art so the words they spoke were often direct to the point except for their written literary pieces.
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Turbo swings her legs back and forth, her shoulders following the opposite movements as she waits for the last person she's yet to greet to come into the medbay. When he enters, she stalls the movement of her legs and perks up, jumping off the patient bed and bouncing over to greet him. "In peak condition...awesome! No problem here -- well, right now. Maybe later we'll have some problems, though I hope not, especially 'cause I hate being down. Sitting's just too boring, you know? Oh! and--" she flutters excitedly over to him to give him the Orion greeting by taking a bit of the soot off of her cheek with her thumb and then spreading it onto his. "My name's Turbo -- Turbo Turner. It's nice to meet you, Doctor! Is that your actual name, Doctor? Or do you have another name? Like...a birth name?"
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With a yawn that stretches his mouth into an absurdly elongated circle, and a scratch of his cheek, the good doctor (mostly self-proclaimed) ambles his way into the medbay, a cursory glance thrown to the white-sheeted beds for signs of life. “I’m Doctor Althaus.” Rowan says as he takes his seat, one hand holding his head up, and the other drumming a tune against the armrest. “For the sake of the crew’s health, I’m here to ensure that you are well enough to consistently do your work, in peak condition. What’s the problem?”
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turbo-turner · 10 years
"Yeah, yeah!" Turbo says, nodding along. "It means...it means 'fine' or uh, 'dandy'. Like...'It's just drillin'' means it's all right! Or, if you inflect more on it, it means it's really good."
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She's beginning to realize there are a lot of things in her vocabulary that she takes for granted. On the ship, she is the only person from her planet. Back home, there were billions of other people who understood exactly what she was talking about. It was exciting, yet also isolating; she wanted to adapt, to learn about other people, but could not help but hold dearly onto her customs and her language. "Oh! It's...it means to, well, to want to hurt you for what you've said to me. Say, if you called my mum a well oiled rig, I'd want to take my nail gun out and shoot you into the floor. See?"
"I’m sorry? Drilling? Is that some sort of slang?" Ziegric was realizing fast that coming from a planet that barely communicated with the outside world became a hindrance to communication with the alien species he encountered. If he didn’t have accurate memory, it would take years for him to settle down with the community.
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"Zee will suit me fine," he replied nodding. As long as he wasn’t called Ziggy, he would be fine with any nickname, even those that would poke fun at the fact that he was probably the smallest in the ship. Anything but Ziggy. "Nailing me to the floorboards? I am assuming this is another figure of speech?" Ziegric raised his eyebrows. "I am sorry if I am not very familiar with the connotations of your vocabulary. I am yet to learn them. But do not worry, I learn fast."
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turbo-turner · 10 years
"The first mate? So you're the lucky gear that gets to fly this girl!" Turbo hoots, shaking her curls. "Have you seen the cockpit? It's mighty cool; I'm not sure what all the smallest little buttons are for, but I guess that's your job to know, right? Have you ever piloted something like Icarus before? Well, something around your planet I suppose."
There aren't many birds on Orion -- if you didn't count the crows, which, like cockroaches, could withstand any sort of large technological advance as if it were another day. They made noises like unoiled gears grinding up on one another: not very pleasant to hear in the morning, or when falling asleep. Turbo tried to picture sweet songs bursting from their beaks, much like Lee's. "What kinds of birds do you have on...Tianlian?" she asks. "We don't get many birds that make nice sounds. Everything's all mechanical -- we've got...well, we've got some sorts of music, but you don't hear it often enough to call it something 'common'." 
Turbo nods enthusiastically. "I've got nine other brothers and sisters, their kids, my mum, my dad, my aunts and uncles, and all my cousins. There are enough names to make at least three songs!" she says joyfully. "You're so kind! My mum's the loveliest thing around; she designed a bit of the ship on her free time; usually she helps 'round with building things, but she's always liked inventin'."
"I could try," Lee tips his head as he speaks, trying to remember how he had first learned to whistle, "Call me Lee, I work—" The first mate’s voice fails him for a short moment after the mechanic’s greeting, as he habitually stills at the touch of a near-stranger, "I work as the first mate." He finishes with a smile, nonetheless, and raises a hand to his cheek. 
"Nearly all of the people on Tianlian whistle from a very young age. If that qualifies as custom, then yes. It mimics the sound of the birds that inhabit the planet with them, and has become a large part of Tianlianese music and expression," The first mate’s eyes crinkle as his smile grows, finding fun in trying to keep up with the mechanic and parse out the significant bits of her words, "Does your planet not indulge in music as much? And do you have a very large family, to fill a song? Your mother sounds lovely." 
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Icarus gives a little shake, jolting slightly to the right as it takes a turn out of New Earth's first gravitational sphere. Turbo slides into the wall, giggling slightly at the movement before patting the chrome panelling with endearment. "Historian? So....those people who write the long books?" she asks excitedly, waiting for the ship to right itself before she straightens up. "Sorry about the shift; she's not very used to being flown all over places. Which is funny, 'cause she's a spaceship! We just never had the space to fly her -- not to mention we wanted to keep her extra special-y secret from everyone else making their own space ships."
"Are you gonna take everyone's histories down on the ship? I mean, since we're all from different places," Turbo queries, making a motioning sign for  Aylin to follow her. "I could tell you all about Orion one day! Though I might be kinda scratched up about the dates...history wasn't always my strong suit. I had a might bad teacher back in SY 10. Straight out of the junk pile!"
They round a curve and wind up by the entrance to the private quarters. Turbo presses her hand against the closed metal doors, and they spring open on her command. "Good girl," she whispers to the ship, letting Aylin go first into the large circular room. "So, these are the private quarters. We wanted to make 'em all in a big circle, so you could exit your room and just walk 'round the room knockin' on whomever you needed! There are some extra beds up by the hydroponic-y room, but those are for whomever we might pick up on the way. Theeeese are for the crew."
Remarkable. Simply remarkable. A young woman as the mechanic of this ship— a crew of people who were deemed the best of the best, and she was among these people. The ship was impressive, but the sudden reaction of the ship surprised her, but did not scare her. Aylin wrinkles further as a chuckle escapes her lips. “I’m fond of her already.” Aylin gives a quick nod.
Turbo’s thumb against her skin felt warm. Aylin didn’t know what this meant; if it was a method of saying hello or if it’s just common behavior in the planet Turbo comes from. Either way, it was still lovely to know that someone could actually be this warm and not burn.
Aylin places her hand on Turbo’s shoulder; a gesture that meant hello, thank you, or goodbye in Boreus. It usually lasts a few seconds. Aylin takes her hand away and folds this one over the other. “Aylin Neive. Historian. Borean.” She says proudly. “Why don’t you just show me around?”
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turbo-turner · 10 years
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turbo-turner · 10 years
"Really?" She almost can't believe him; first try on his name, and she got the pronunciation properly? It's either a time for celebration or he's being far too kind, she thinks, her smile growing as she listens with dire intent to Aldrek's answers. "Well, thank you! ICARUS likes you very much, too. And...man of many talents...like biology -- what's biology? I've certainly heard of it, or read it in a few large old textbooks, but I'm not sure we have that occupation on my home planet. It might just be because I don't know all the occupations on Orion! My state's speciality is fixing up things; you break something, we fix it. Unless you're actually broken -- you'd have to see a medbot for that! Or an inventor to actually make another type o'leg for you. But they're mighty expensive, so it's best if you just go to one of the drones."
A cheeky grin raises the corners of her lips, and she nods enthusiastically. "Excellently," she comments, giving him a thumbs up. "That's me! How'd you know?"
"Perfect actually." Turbo actually impresses him with her pronunciation of his foreign name, seeing as the few people he dealt with before boarding seemed to have trouble with it. Though she was definitely wild and energetic , he could tell she was also extremely intelligent — through her aura and otherwise. Even though it wasn’t surprising, seeing as the best of the best were selected for this mission. Suddenly the man is bombarded by questions as if her brain were a speeding machine of interrogation shooting at him, but he just remains calm to answer them all in one smooth rhythm. "I haven’t had many encounters with ships, though this one is certainly amazing. Pageos is pretty busy most times, so I guess that’s the best way to describe it. I’m the biological expert on board — and as far as my name goes, back home it means ‘man of many talents’." 
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Chuckling and taking a breath to catch up, Aldrek crosses his arms and watches as the energy radiate off of her to the walls and reflect back. “Did I do good?” He questions humorously as if her questions were a test. “Also I would like to guess that you’re the mechanic.” Sure, he cheated — he saw the interaction between herself and the machinery of the ship but it’s always good to ask rather than assume.
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Turbo gave herself a mind-five. The cook had smiled! After first encountering his impassive face, she'd wondered if she could ever make him crack some grin, and in mere minutes she'd completed what she had set out for. No one could resist a smile for too long, especially around Turbo. "Ohhhh," she said, cocking her head to the side and screwing her eyes up to remember what she'd put on the forms. They had asked for her full name, and it did seem like an official document--something she'd actually have to put her birth name on. "Turbo's great, yeah! And it's totally drillin', Zee--can I call you Zee? Your name's lovely, but Zee suits you mighty well, too. You didn't know anythin' about birth names and the like; I can't go around nailin' you to the floorboards for something you didn't even know existed!"
Ziegric had realized the child wasn’t talking about him alone anymore, but the entirety of the crew. He did share the wonder with her, but he could never have topped her excitement for an environment to learn. He had to smile slightly at that, though he rarely gave off a smile.
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It didn’t go unnoticed to Ziegric that Turbo had gone a bit tense at the mention of her real name. “I read everyone’s profiles so as to know what exactly I can feed you. I shall settle with calling you Turbo if that makes you comfortable. I did not know of this custom, you must forgive me.” He bowed slightly, in an apologetic gesture. “Ziegric, yes. That is my name”
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turbo-turner · 10 years
"Dunyasha -- does it mean anything? It seems like it'd mean something...I mean, everything's got to mean something, doesn't it? Both my names mean something in different ways. Turbo for my job, and Turner for Technicians Under Registered Network in the Epsilon Region," she recites, placing her hands on her hips and grinning up at Dunyasha. 
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"What?" She looks at the girl. She wasn’t much used to her surroundings, she was expecting to see the usual bare walls of her hut, and it took a few moments to realize where she was, and what she’d been doing to get herself here. She isn’t surprised by Turbo’s means of introductions, having seen it done many times when glimpsing… Orion. Yes. Though she did find it a bit strange when she was glimpsing at it, she thought it quite fascinating. "I’ve seen them. I was just, exploring last night. And I didn’t make it back to my quarters before sleep took me away." She says to the girl and gives her a small smile as she takes Turbo’s hand to help herself up. "I’m Dunyasha."
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Turbo laughs Mori's statement off, shaking her curls about her face. Her siblings--especially Wesley--have picked her quirks apart with such detail that a stranger's outburst, while still poignant, wouldn't reduce her to shame or embarrassment. "Well aren't you excited?" she breathes, zooming to the right down the hallway with Mori at her side. "There's just so much to say. Ah, don't worry! I guess not everyone's used to it...yet!" 
Mori's stutter doesn't catch her mind much; she focuses on the name and the accent of her new crew mate. "Cool! What's your job? Do you need any sort of specific quarters? I think we installed extra cooling jets for one member, but I'm not sure who exactly wanted it...."
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"You talk too much." Mori says while staring blankly at the strange girl. She immediately slaps her hand over her mouth realizing she hadn’t kept that comment in her head."Sorry I didn’t mean that! My name is Mo—I mean Izumi! Izumi Sato.”
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turbo-turner · 10 years
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Turbo tucks her feet up into the chair, criss-crossing them so they stay locked and she can concentrate on the game Alan begins explaining to her. As he pulls out the cards and begins explaining what each set means, she mouths the words -- Aleatum, red - subtract, blue - add. It helps her to memorize what he's saying; the words come easily once she's repeated them enough in her head. She thinks of her brain as a series of organized electrodes, all extending into her body by different colored wires. The more sensitive areas of her body just happened to carry more wire endings -- hence why her lips were so useful for memorization. Alan pauses, and Turbo takes the silence to review the shot of information in her head like a bolt of lightning. A millisecond or two later, she widens her grin and nods like a bobble head. "I've got it, Mr. Acrius! Continue, continue!"
So red cards - subtract, blue cards - add, green cards - main deck. Get to twenty without busting, use your four random cards to save you when you need it, pick your twelve blue/red cards before the game, gambling, three rounds, questions as currency--usually creunias -- She tries to pick up on the gist of the game as Alan speaks almost as fast as she does, though a few things slip her attentive ears every now and then. Her lips move softly along with his, and her left knee begins bouncing up and down in anticipation of playing. Questions surely seem like a nice form of currency, especially as she's not losing anything by asking or answering. There's only gain in this format. It becomes hard for her to imagine wanting to play this game for anything other than a good outcome. Her planet had quite a few of their own games, but those were mostly one-player against the computer based. That, or puzzle games. She fondly remembers a puzzle her parents bought her for her birthday, and the joy every person took in figuring it out. Well, except for Claudia -- but there was nothing to be done about her affliction. 
"I like it!" she declares boldly, tapping on the table to show her enthusiasm. "If you feed me some of the rules while we're playin', I think I can pick it up in a few rounds. Get ready to ask a lot of questions, because I don't think I'll be winning against you for a while!" The cards glimmer before her eyes, and it's too hard to resist grabbing at one of them and feeling its texture beneath her fingers. Though they were shiny, Turbo was slightly disappointed to realize they were made out of plastic. So perhaps they weren't at all like the currency she had back at home. Immediately, she attempted to cheer herself up by supposing that it was at least comforting they looked the same. Maybe when the card game finished, she could show Alan her currency and ID cards. If only they worked...she hadn't taken a look at them since she departed from Orion on the shuttle for New Earth. 
Amused, he raises an eyebrow at her chattering, glad that he’s faced with someone who clearly enjoys conversation. As a politician, Alan can handle all types of people, skillfully weaving his way around with words, but it doesn’t take too much effort to converse with a fellow extrovert. “Yes, indeed, it’s a game - of chance, actually. It’s what passes for the most common form of gambling around New Earth, which is where I’m from, so there you go.” He smiles, widely, and motions to himself then to the deck of cards, “I’m Alan Acrius, and I was just intensely engaged in a game of Aleatum. It’s a simple game, fairly easy, but it drags in a lot of profit from gamblers since it lulls them into the false sense of security that they can win.” He shrugs and starts spreading the cards out over the table, creating a colorful display of numbers, “This is a youngling’s game, really, but the addition of currency makes it adult’s play.”
He divides the cards into sections of red, blue, mixed, and green, pointing at each color while maintaining eye contact with the girl - simple rules of showing confidence and simple rules of gambling, “So, in Aleatum, there are four kinds of cards - well, five, but it gets complicated so I hardly play with those. The red ones are subtracting digits, blue ones are adding, and they both come from 1 to 6, so +1, -1, +2, -2, et cetera. Easy, right? Feel free to pause me if I’m going too fast, though.” Alan grins, happy to be showing off something of his culture - even if it is something that’s one of the top leading crime causes for Beauville; he continues, gesturing at the rest of the cards, “The mixed red and blues are flip cards - if you have possession of one, you can change the value from, say, +3 to -3, whereas with the standard reds or the standard blues, they only have one value. And, finally, the green cards are part of the main deck - the base of the game, if you will. They go on the table while all of the other colors end up in a player’s side deck.
So, when the game begins, each player gets part of the main deck to draw from, and that creates the basis of the game. Say, if I drew a card from the main deck and it was an 8 then I get an 8 for that turn. Once you throw in side cards, it just becomes simple arithmetic. So, each player gets a side deck of 12 - or, well, they choose a side deck of 12 red, blue, or flip cards, whichever ones they want.” He draws a line between the main, green table cards and the others, establishing the presence of two decks in use, “And, out of that 12, they end up with 4 random cards to hold in their hand. With those 4, they either add or subtract to build up to a total of 20 or as high as they can without going over.” He physically pulls back, leaning in his chair, and smiles apologetically, “Did I go too fast there? I could slow it down and maybe teach you as we’re playing, if that would help. I’m sorry, it’s my fault, really - I’m so used to having everyone around me know what it’s like to grow up playing Aleatum.” With a sweep of his hand, Alan gathers up the main deck in a stack, removing all of the greens from the table, and glances at the girl, “Normally, on New Earth, we play for Creunias - that’s our global currency - but I suppose since everyone onboard is accustomed to different types of things, I guess we can trade in conversation. Perhaps a question for every set either of us wins? In Aleatus, there are three rounds, but we could play a lot longer than that, if you’d like.”
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turbo-turner · 10 years
Turbo catches Dunyasha in the hallway dozing off, and hops over to her. There's a possibility the poor girl hadn't found the private quarters yet, and had drifted off to sleep from sheer exhaustion. Popping down to the seated woman's height, she pats her shoulder until Dunyasha opens her eyes. As with all crew members who have light eyes, Turbo's mouth widens in exhilarated shock. She grins widely, grasping her knees and leaning back slightly so the woman can regain her surroundings. "Hey there! Have you gotten lost? I know the halls can be quite comfortable for a little kip -- I've had more than a few -- but perhaps you haven't seen your quarters? I'm Turbo, by the way." Administering a bit of soot from her own cheek to Dunyasha's in her planet's form of an introduction, Turbo stretched up into a standing position and extended her coal-black spotted hand to the ground for her crew member to grab onto. 
Dunyasha hadn’t slept much after first boarding the ship. She’d been restless, and in need of some exploring. Everything was so new, so big and bright, that she couldn’t go against the pull. She explored as much of the ship as she could, before she couldn’t and she sat against one of the walls of the hallway, and fell asleep there. She awoke to someone shaking her. “Hmm?” She mumbled as she opened her eyes.
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turbo-turner · 10 years
"Of course! Everything about everyone is the most exciting. There are so many people with such....such light colors! Their eyes look like they've been electroshocked, and the hair... I've never seen hair that's so white! That only happens with the chromium we use in our technology--you can't get a person that pure on my planet," she rambles, chuckling to herself at her own joke.
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Turbo sucks in her cheeks and blushes red at the cook's use of her birth name, growing increasingly uncomfortable and sputtery. "I--grimy gutters, how didya--that's my--did my mum put that anywhere on my--" she looks over her uniform, pulling at her worker's patch to make sure the New Earth people didn't write her birth name by accident. It says Turbo, which relieves her a little, yet she's still confused as to how he knows it.
"Mister...Zeegreec, is it? How did you...how'd you know my name? I--I much prefer my work name, Turbo. On my planet we...we're not supposed to call each other by--well, by our actual names...."
"I am aware that my size is comparatively smaller than most of the other species in this ship, I see no need to point that out. And you seem rather excited about it?" The rain of questions seemed rather overwhelming at first. And if it weren’t for Ziegric’s heightened memory, he would never have caught on to what she said in mere shock. "I would not know how it feels to be the smallest of my family as Mnemosynes are only about as tall as I. I know who you are, Miss Josephine Turner and what you do on this ship. You are correct to assume that I am the cook but I do not specialize in food from where I am. I specialize in chemistry. I am from Yaogan. And my name is Ziegric Dahl.”  
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