twitchexrs · 4 years
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A huff came from the young man, his shoulders slouched as he rubbed at the bridge of his nose. Normally their day was filled with laughter, pranks and fun. Today though, today had been lessons, detention, lectures, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take. If he wanted to be yelled at he would open one of the many letters he got from his mother, heaven knows they came in almost hourly it felt.
“I swear is McGonagall goes about the pride of Gryffindor again, I’ll eat the Sorting Hat.” Sirius semi-joked, glancing to Jane after a few moments. “Though I will say, that prank was worth it to see their faces. I would give it a solid 9 out of 10 on the rating scales of what we have done.”
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Oh the ‘Pride of Gryffindor’ speech; a favorite of McGonagall’s and one that Jane had heard all too often in the past three weeks. It seemed every time she or Sirius got into trouble, McGonagall was telling them about how disappointed Godric would be. How Gryffindor stood for something more. Jane was fairly certain that were Godric alive today, he would be on her side. He seemed like a man who liked keeping people on those toes.
Just like her and Sirius. And really, if they didn’t want them transfiguring all the trophies in the trophy case, why did they teach them transfiguration?
“It really was. And I’m fairly certain there are still two trophies missing. I think I saw them fly off towards the forbidden forest.”
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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“I can never tell what’s going on in the bloody head of yours Jane.” Though he hoped it was the embarrassment of some Slytherin’s. Truly. Did that make him a bad person? He wasn’t sure but considering the vast majority of the Slytherins - outside of the Black’s impeccable genetics - looked like toads they just made it fair game.
“Snivellus hitting on Lyle?” Was that still a thing? He wasn’t entirely sure.
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“What? No. Ew. Why would you ever put that image in my mind? It’s enough to make one wish for a forgetting charm.” One that would forever erase that idea from her brain. Poor poor Lyle being hit on by... “And besides, as Lyle’s roommates, shouldn’t you all be protecting him from such advances? Defending his honor from Slytherins that would take advantage of him and I don’t know...talking me up?” Making him see how she would be a far superior item?
They’d get back to the reason she had originally sought Sirius out (pre-shower) in a moment. Really, it was Sirius’s own fault for mentioning Lyle and distracting her. Where was Lyle anyway?
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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Arms folded, green eyes focused upon the woman who stood before as a look of disappointment was clear. It was true, even with all their banter, Lily had never really hated the other as some may have taken it. She did, however, find herself at odds with the woman when she did things like this. 
“You have really stopped to a new level of stupid Jane,” her tone clearly carried the emotion she felt about this situation. “What were you thinking? What if someone had gotten hurt? I thought you were smarter than this, and don’t try blaming Black. You are your own person, you don’t share the same brain.”
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It was Jane’s opinion that Lily only found herself continually at odds with her because Lily, herself, refused to lighten up. If the redhead took things like...60% less seriously then Jane was sure they could be great friends. 
Not that it looked like that was happening anytime soon. “Lils. Lils. Calm down. Did anyone get hurt? No. And do you know why? Because Sirius and I were in control of the situation the entire time.” Sirius who, by the way, she did share a brain with, thank you very much. Just ask Remus.
“And really, if anyone is to blame, it’s Remus. He’s the responsible one and yet...I did not seem him making a move to stop us.” Thank Merlin. The sight of Mulciber covered in black sludge as his cauldron exploded was just too priceless. And well deserved. At least if you asked her.
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twitchexrs · 4 years
Is anybody ok with my muse mentioning your muse in a thread they have with somebody else?
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twitchexrs · 4 years
the opposite of ‘we die like men’ is ‘we survive like women’
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twitchexrs · 4 years
the best rp feelings:
being so excited that your partner replied to a thread that you have to literally stop everything you’re doing, find a safe place to curl around your screen, and devour every word
when you meet someone new and you knew nothing about their muse or anything but within a few bits of plotting / writing you just CLICK!!!! and they feel it too!!!!
writing friendships that turn into genuine, real friendships
when someone mentions your muse in a thread 
when people send you gifsets of your muse / your muses and are like !!! it’s them !!!! 
that New Icon feeling 
when you get to write with someone you’ve admired for so long and they’re SO AMAZING YOU CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE IT 
when people send you memes!
when people send you nice anons!!! 
when people randomly come tell you how much they love your muse / writing / anything about your blog!!! 
if you write a canon muse, when people come and tell you they want to watch / read / explore your muse’s canon world because you inspired them for it 
when you think of a new headcanon and oh my god it all makes sENSE! 
throwing headcanons back and forth
when you come on and you just HAVE all the muse and you get that feeling of “oh things are gonna be WRITTEN today!!” and then you actually do it 
when you’re writing a reply and it’s just  f l o w i n g 
having those big, genuinely happy bursts when you just think about how much you love your muse
when people take the time to read your headcanons and then they incorporate them into threads 
anytime someone makes your character / ship a tag, a pinterest board, an edit, or anything
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twitchexrs · 4 years
About the Mun:
Name: Mary
Gender: Female
Star sign: Scorpio/Saggitarius Cusp (more archer than scorpion tho)
Height: 5′5″
Sexuality:  Bisexuality
Favourite animal:  Hedgehog
House: Slytherin
Sleep: I usually pass out around midnight and get up with my alarm between 5:30 and 6:30am. Closer to 6:30 these days now that I’m working from home.
Current time: 3:51pm
Dogs or cats: I love both, but my gf is allergic to cats so dogs it is. 
Dream job: Author and/or VP of Parks and Resorts for WDW
Why I made a tumblr: To rp. Duh. :P
Blankets you sleep with: One, but it’s a weighted one.
Reasons for my url: It’s the url of my old Ceara solo blog. Taken from her “marauder-esque” nickname. I just loved it too much to give it up. So now it’s the url for my multi.
Followers: Right now? 9. But I’ve just rebooted this blog. My old blog for Ceara had 215.
tagged stolen from: @islecaptain tagging: @you
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twitchexrs · 4 years
Drabble: Take a Bow
Ceara said nothing as she entered. She just simply strode across the Slytherin common room, stopping in front of Regulus, her shadow covering the pages of his transfiguration text. “Ceara?” With a frown, he closed the book, setting it down on the couch beside him. What was she doing here? And why did she look so upset? Did she and Sirius have a fight? Though he couldn’t really imagine what sort of fight would bring her all the way down to the dungeons. “Is everything okay?” No. Everything was not okay. But she didn’t say that, she didn’t respond at all except to grab his left wrist, pushing up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal the Dark Mark. “Fuck…” So it was true. Letting go, she stepped back. “Fuck. Regulus!” “Ceara…” Dammit! She wasn’t supposed to know. He was still trying to find a way to tell her. To make her understand. He had to do it. It was what was right. “Don’t. Don’t try to explain. Because you can’t. Do you know what that means? What you’ve done?” “Of course I know!” Okay, now he was getting angry. He wasn’t stupid – some little sheep to be led about by Bella. He knew what was doing. “Bullshit! You may think you know, but…” “No. I do know!” He knew this was the right thing to do. The honorable thing. It would keep his family safe. Keep her safe. “I did what I had to.” “Except you didn’t HAVE to do anything! So just admit it. Admit you’re exactly like Bella and the rest of our family. Admit you’re just as bigoted as twisted as every other member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.” The sarcasm and hate dripping off Ceara’s words were at a level Regulus had never heard before. Not even in her rants against Bellatrix. But then, she had never thought Bellatrix had a prayer of being anything different. Regulus she had wanted to be different. He opened his mouth, but quickly closed it again. He wasn’t quite sure what to do. He wanted to yell back at her – match her virulence word for word. But he also wanted to make her understand. Not that it mattered. Once Ceara got started, she rarely gave anyone else a chance to talk. And this was one of those times. “Go to Hell, Regulus. I’m done.” With that, she turned, storming back out the door she had come in. And as soon as she was gone, Regulus went slamming up the stairs to his room. The common room may be empty now but it wouldn’t be for long. And he really didn’t want to see anyone. Not right now. And possibly not for a good long while. Which meant neither sibling realized their conversation had had an audience. A small one, but an audience all the same. Laying his book back down on the shelf it had come from, Severus Snape left the antechamber he had been standing in and headed for the door of his common room. If he was right, she would be headed towards the Quidditch pitch…
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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Absolutely stunning scene for character development for Fred and George. You can really see how they are older brothers.
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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According to the 2014 additions to the UK versions Rowling toyed with the idea of a vampire professor at Hogwarts called Trocar, named for a “sharply pointed shaft inserted into arteries or cavities to extract bodily fluids.” This, of course, led to me coming up with the following (for now) NPC using Jonathan Rhys Myers as seen in Dracula.
Alexander Trocar
Born: Unknown, though given his last name and knowledge of ancient Europe most surmise it was Frankish Gaul sometime around or after 486 AD. Also Known As:  Titles: Professor
Species: Vampire Gender: Male Eye Color: Blue-gray Hair Color: Brown Skin Color: Pale; extremely pale Boggart: TBD (though instead of something like sunlight, I am toying with it being like…a rotting corpse as a vampire fear true death) Patronus: Wolf
Occupation: Ancient Studies Professor (Classroom 6A) Loyalty: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
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twitchexrs · 4 years
“ Where do you think you’re going? “ ” I really don’t want you hanging out with them. “ ” Where have you been all night? “ ” I think it would be a good idea to get tracking devices. “ ” I’m putting cameras up all around the house for security. “ ” Don’t leave the house with the pocket knife or mase. “ ” I think we should get some better security. “ ” I’m going to get us a dog for security purposes. “ ” You really need to find better friends. “ ” I don’t think your friends are really your friends. “ ” Okay, call me as soon as you get there. “ ” Don’t you dare text and drive! “ ” Please don’t text while you’re driving. “ ” Is that outfit really appropriate? “ ” I think we should go shopping for your new clothes. “ ” He careful when you go to walk down the steps. “ ” Always knock before going inside. “ ” You have the emergency contact list right? “ ” Are you skipping school again? You know I’m going to give you a talk. “ ” I don’t want you going anywhere with those people. “ ” You aren’t aloud out past ten, you know that. “ ” Hey, I don’t make the rules around here. “ ” You should probably stay home with us tonight. “ ” Why don’t you stay home and have some family time? “ ” You missed family game night for that? “ ” That’s the second time tonight you missed family game night? “ ” I can’t believe you’re dissing us for your fake friends. “ ” Hey, why don’t you come out and socialize with your family? “ ” Look, I’m just worried about you is all. “ ” You don’t want me to take you to school? “ ” Where are you going? I can give you a ride. “ ” You’re not allowed to go out without one of your brothers or sisters. “ ” You can go as long as your brother/sister can go too. “ ” I put double locks on all the windows in the house. “ ” I think we should move to a nicer neighborhood. “ ” I do not want you out driving at night. “ ” I dont want anyone out while the storm is coming. “ ” Remember to stay indoors when the storm comes. “ ” We need to go over our fire escape route again. “ ” You aren’t supposed to shower during storms, dear. “ ” Are you feeling okay? Want me to draw you a bath? “ ” You’re sick, just stay home today and rest. “ ” I don’t want you to be home alone. “ ” Would you like to come to work with me today? “ ” Why haven’t you answered any of my calls or texts? “ ” You do not ignore me like that again. “ ” I can’t believe I’ve been up all night worried sick! “ ” No, you could get alcohol poison. “ ” I don’t want anyone drinking in this house. “ ” What happened to all that money I gave you? “
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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twitchexrs · 4 years
James, anxious that Mr Evans would answer the door, stood up with excellent posture like his mother had told him, trying his best to look confident. it was a warm day too so he was in a short sleeved button up with with the top 2 buttons undone and cream trousers with polished oxford shoes, dressed like a muggle to impress.
As he heard running from indoors his heart skipped a bit, that familiar voice reassured him, he’d fit in. “Of course” He said grinning, “Even brought a gateau Evans, you impressed yet?” He teased cockily as he took a sneaky peak at their houses interior, he’d never seen a muggle home before, and the pictures didn’t even move.. how strange.
On time, properly dressed, and bearing cake? Should she be concerned? Was this actually Remus who James paid to use polyjuice potion and pose as him? Cause she was beginning to think that was the case.
“Shockingly so.” Stepping aside, she let him in, taking the offered dessert so she could carry it into the kitchen. “Mum’s in the kitchen and Dad and Petunia are in the parlor. Shall we go say hello to Mum first?” Not that she didn’t want James to meet her dad. She just knew that anything involving Petunia was bound to be three times as difficult as things not involving Petunia. So Mum first.
At Lunch with the Evan’s.
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twitchexrs · 4 years
James Potter was usually a very calm and chilled out boy, but as he stood at the door to Lily Evans’ family home with a chocolate gateau in his hands he couldn’t help but feel nervous, what if the muggles didn’t like him? He wiped the sweat from his hands and hoped he’d be ok.
“Just breathe, they’ll love you” his mother had said as she trusted the chocolate gateau in his hands before dropping him off at the muggle residency. After taking a deep breath, he knocked.
Was Lily nervous? A little. While she had no doubt that her Dad and Mum would love James, she was not so sure about Petunia. Plus there was the small issue of Snape living just down the road. And while she and Severus were no longer friends (due to reasons of his, not hers), she did not need James departing on a side quest to prank him or whatever he and the others did.
Still, she had prepared as best she could. Reminded her parents that wizard customs could potentially be a bit different than what they were used to. Begged Petunia to be kind (and give him a chance) and helped prepare lunch. When all was set, she ran up to change and was just running the brush through her hair one last time when the knock came at the door.
“I’ve got it!” Running down the steps, she opened the door, smiling when she saw James standing there. “You’re on time. I’m impressed.”
At Lunch with the Evan’s.
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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Lyle Evans & Jane Potter
Top: Saying good-bye (temporarily) at Kings Cross Station, 7th Year (taken by Remus Lupin)
Bottom: Dancing in the living room of their house, the afternoon Jane told Lyle she was pregnant (taken by Sirius Black).
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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We know, we’re disgustingly in love.
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twitchexrs · 4 years
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“Intel just came in.” She said as she held out the file for Alice to take. These attacks were getting more and more brazen, the death toll was mounting and their numbers were dwindling. Some left due to stress, some left to ensure the safety of their family, others…well that was a path they didn’t need to go down. 
She glanced at her colleague, thankful that she was still around. “It seems there have been some more attempts on rounding up the households of muggle-borns, we were able to stop some but others…” She didn’t need to finish the sentence.
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It was true; Dorcas didn’t need to finish her thought. Alice knew all too well the outcomes of their failure. The things that happened when the Auror office learned of an attack too late. 
They had learned of way too many attacks too late. It was part of the reason the Order was so important. As Aurors there was only so much they could do -- still having to work within the confines of the law as they did. But with the Order, no such guidelines existed. They could hunt down the Death Eaters before these attacks occured.
Taking the files, Alice looked it over before returning her gaze to the other woman in the room. “Have they been added to the map?” It was useless, really. The map. Or so Alice thought. But maybe. If they kept adding the known attacks, something would pop out at them.
Maybe. Hopefully.
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