tysatan-moved-blog · 4 years
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You can only reblog this today.
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
Whoop whoop I’m depressed, do you know what that means? I’m going to make a new tumblr! Since every time I’m depressed I delete a social media account then make a new one apparently! Anyways doubt anyone would want to, but message me if you want my new tumblr when I make the new one.
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
Lesbian means A girl being only attracted to other girls.
Lesbians aren’t men and can NOT use male pronouns.
All pronouns are gendered.
If you’re a girl it’s She/Her. If you’re a boy it’s He/Him.
If a Transgender Man is attracted to only girls, that makes him Straight, NOT Lesbian.
Calling Trans Men who are Straight, “Lesbian” is transphobic.
“Non-Binary people” can’t be Gay or Lesbian. : D
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
Your local transmed here to tell you that I love myself and dysphoria does not equal self hatred 🥰😘
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
I don’t fucking want people to see me struggling so I just push it away and never talk about it 1 on 1 with people
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
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It may be easier to act the way other people want me to, but it’s better to be myself than to act like someone I’m not. I am feminine, I do like cute and “girly” things. I’m still trans though. you can look like anything and be a trans guy so why not look a way that makes me happy?
This comic may not be super comprehensive just because this is all a bunch of feelings I’ve had lately and it’s hard to put into words well. The main point of this is to kind of combat the idea that feminine trans guys are not real trans guys. Like maybe dressing in a more feminine way but still passing is alright but if you wear dresses then noooooo wayyyy. I’m basically here to say: I love feminine things and I’m still a valid trans person and so are you. Yes, I do want to be seen as a guy but I’m not going to compromise who I am so that people who don’t respect me will begrudgingly call me Parker. This also is a little bit messing with my want to be on T. I still want to be cute but I feel like T will take that away and that’s scary. I know for a fact at some point in my live I will go on T since I honestly can’t see myself living pre T for the rest of my life, but since I’m scared I’ll feel like a different person almost I don’t know when. Anyways, I actually named the comic after tucutes because that’s what most people would assume I am. I don’t really think I’m on either side of the debate here, I just want everyone to get along. I hope you enjoyed this comic, sorry for the style shifting through it it, it took me a while to get the motivation to keep going here and there. The next comic will be going back to the other style unless people like this one better! Thanks for reading, love you all!💜🌸 -Parker
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
“lions aren’t expressive”
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
I hate them all now
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
‪Onision: Loving Husband of Trans Man. And Whining About Teenage Boys, and All That is the Internet. A Rant\Review! ☕️✨
This was literally the stupidest (not as an insult, quite literally) stream ever. And yeah, I watched the full hour and 20 minutes and skipped no part. He is SO hypocritical. He says “spouse” in THIS stream then whines when Kalvin says spouse. BRO.
He also brings up Shane again for no reason, + ‬ he (and omg was I done here)
What the ACTUAL fk? He says “oh it’s legal” “it’s legal so what’s the problem”.
Legal doesnt change the fact that a minor is a minor.
You can’t change that someone is underage JUST because they are legally allowed to consent\marry. Aren’t there places in the world where it’s “legal” for a 13-16 year old to consent too? His logic and morals are actually nonexistent. And Greg stop whining, we KNOW you didn’t go to court or jail, at least I knew it wasn’t true, half of us claimed it for shock value or jokes. At least, I did. I live off of joking about your stupidity, uwu.
Plus he whines and whines over Kalvin to the point where he apparently can’t even pick his own “husband” up from the (park?) DUDE!! 😂
Then, proceeds to hate on Generation Z, telling us BC he hates us means he’s not attracted to minors. Does-is-is he serious? I don’t care that you hate my or Kalvin’s generation.
We get it, you want to defend your “husband.” That’s fine and good on you man, cool. I admire that.
But— you take it WAYY too far, saying Kalvin is a “fraud.” Saying he “took things outta context.” I watched Kalvin’s full video. Turns out, Greg took things out of context. And I wouldn’t lie abt that cause I don’t even hate Onision. Wow, shocker, I know. But Greg is so stupid in this stream. Truly.
Says he’s so old, his husband cries, always defensive. Whines about how he hates the internet and everyone is against him. Well idk, Greg, maybe if you didn’t exploit so many terrible things and parts of your life on the internet, maybe people wouldn’t hate you so much. We want your family safe, and that’s all. We want your kids safe, to the point where we rage on him. Not because “Oh I just wanna be a sheep and follow the herd!”
No, because we care. And not everyone does and Greg never changes so he will never see it that way. But that’s my two sense. ☕️
God Almighty, you can’t knock sense into this man… You JUST can’t.
And here’s some of Kalvin’s pretty proof you asked for countless times. Lmao. Good day.
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
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this 👏 image 👏 is 👏 so 👏 important 👏
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
“I’ve never been to war. I can’t have PTSD.” Yes, you can.
“I’m not suicidal. I can’t have depression.” Yes, you can.
“He’s never hit me. It can’t be abuse.” Yes, it can.
Suffering is not a contest. Your experiences are valid. Seek out the help you need.
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
Anyways this is at the ??? 3 people ignoring me right now like lmfao fuck you, learn to communicate.
Anyways I love when people refuse to communicate with their partners, even friends and instead just to ignore them when the problem COULDVE ALREADY BEEN SORTED OUT. You’re causing more of a issue you’re not fixing anything, fucking communicate.
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
Anyways I love when people refuse to communicate with their partners, even friends and instead just to ignore them when the problem COULDVE ALREADY BEEN SORTED OUT. You’re causing more of a issue you’re not fixing anything, fucking communicate.
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tysatan-moved-blog · 5 years
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I stole this from Facebook
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