uchiha-senshi · 3 years
To A New Beginning
[Please read until the end, but tdlr : I’m on @hoebiirama now]
Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. I want to apologize for being inactive for so long, because even YEARS later I get notifications of new people following and liking my posts every day, and I feel like I’m misleading you all thinking I’m either still active or might come back one day.
The thing is, I’m not coming back to this blog, and neither are the other admins.
It was a decision I’ve made long ago, but I always hung up to the thought that maybe, just maybe I could pick this blog up again, but it never ended up happening for many reasons. The main one being, I created this blog in early 2016 when I was still an immature teenager, and I ended up handling certain things in ways that make me cringe so badly today that I keep dying of embarrassment whenever I think of the person I was when I was still active on this blog.
I’m 24 now, and I’m a completely different person today, so I just can’t associate myself with this blog anymore.
It will remain up for anyone who wants to read the scenarios and headcanons on it, but this will be the last post on uchiha-senshi.
I said my problem was related to my association with this blog, which is why I’m closing it for good. But that doesn’t mean I will stop writing !
I have a new blog now that serves the same purpose as this one does, save for the fact that I’ll only write headcanons from now on. The URL is @hoebiirama, in case you want to follow it. Requests are currently open and welcome, so if you choose to support me over there, feel free to drop by !
Thank you to every single one of you for sticking up with me for so long.
To new beginnings !
- Formerly admin ‘Alex’, which is now my deadname, so please don’t refer to me by it anymore :)
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
if you’re looking for more Naruto content, feel free to check out @ohshitmomitsanarutoimaginesblog! They’re a newer blog and they have lots of interesting takes on your faves!
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
Ngl I panicked a little when I couldn't find this blog. I come by to re read the Madara content a lot (my thirst is never satisfied) and I honestly was really worried when you dissapeared. From the bottom of my heart, I'm glad to see you back! This is still my most favorite Naruto blog, and I adore your writings! Welcome back ❤
Aww thank you so much 💕 We’ve been quite inactive lately (definitely want to change that though) but losing the blog was a huge hit for me bc it’s like my baby and I was internally freaking out but don’t worry ! I have no intensions of deleting it, so if it disappears, assume Tumblr fucked up somewhere ahah
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
You scare me of. I post on my twitter “iam with my old teenage problems, my favorit tumblr is gone” omfggggg, thamk god u r back
Ahahah omg I was on Twitter trying to IGNORE the anxiety losing this blog caused me so I guess we’re on pretty equal grounds 😂
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
in case you didn’t notice, we were gone for awhile. tumblr decided to purge all of admin sasucakes’ blogs, including uchiha-senshi.
but now we are back!!!! and more powerful than ever
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
hello!! admin sasucakes here! ahh this may come as a surprise to some of you, but i actually created my own naruto imagines blog!!! while i will definitely still be writing on this blog when the muse strikes, i felt like it was time for a fresh start, and i’ve always debated the idea of having my own nart blog!! 
soooo come follow me over @icha-icha-fics & feel free to send in requests!!
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
OOH welcome back!!! We missed you!!! Hope you are doing well. Can't wait to see what you have in there, but please take your time and don't overdo yourselves!! also stay hydrated my dudes
ahhhh thank you anon ヽ(´。• ω •。`)ノ we’re glad to be back! and yes we still stay thorsty WHAT I MEAN hydrated 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Kakashi as a husband and dad please >:3c
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♦ Kakashi never imagined he would one day get married and have a family. In his head, he would always end up dying young on the battlefield, so he never really thought about it in the first place. But it doesn’t take him much time to realize how good it feels to come back home to his spouse and their kid running around the house - how good it feels to know that there is someone at home waiting for him. Sometimes, this situation feels so foreign to him that he thinks it might be a dream, but every morning when he wakes up next to you, reality hits him that it is, indeed, really happening, and he’s happier than he lets it show to everyone.
♦ He’s not the perfect husband nor the perfect father, but he tries his best, and he makes sure that unless it’s absolutely necessary, he doesn’t work overtime in his office. He wants to be actively involved in the house, and he feels bad about having to leave you to take care of everything else. (He often tells people who applaud him for working so hard that you work harder than him at home.) He’s grateful to have you, and he lets you know that almost every single day.
♦ I don’t see him having a very big family. He’ll probably settle on just one kid, and in my mind it’s always a son - a son who looks just like him, untamed grey hair and dark eyes - but it’s more than enough for him. He’ll cherish his child more than anything else. It’s not rare to see him walking around the village with his child sitting on his shoulders when they’re young. When he can, he goes to pick him up from the Academy to bring him home, just like his own father did for him.
♦ He’s always super happy when you come visit him in his office, even more so when you bring your child along. Even if the little one runs around and distracts him from his work, it still counts as a break for him - it feels like he can finally breathe, and he’ll never make you feel like you’re bothering him, even if he knows he needs to focus on his paperwork. Any distraction from it is a good thing in his eyes.
♦ He’s not very huge on PDA, but he doesn’t stop himself from showing you affection when your child is around. He thinks it’s good for them to grow up knowing their parents love each other. If you two ever have fights, you try your best not to let it happen in front of them. You wait until they’re tucked into bed to address the matter, and try your best to work things out. He’s never the type to be really stubborn too, so it prevents things from escalating too far.
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
FAMILIA. can i get a kakashi as a dad headcanons? how would his parenting differ between having a son and having a daughter? ilysm
I swear we have like 20 billion Kakashi as a dad request but tbh… I’m not complaining ahahah - admin Alex
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♦ I don’t think Kakashi would treat his kid differently based on gender. He’d be overprotective of them regardless, but he would also be pretty chill in the sense that he wouldn’t have any expectation of them because they’re a girl or a boy.
♦ I would say he’d be against the idea of his kid becoming a Shinobi, but he’s also confirmed in Boruto that he’s very aware that the new generation of ninja are evolving in a very different time, so the dangers associated with the job wouldn’t scare him as much as it would if he had them before the time of political stability.
♦ Either way, against or not, Kakashi would support his kid in their decision and would personally take it upon himself to train them to become strong so he doesn’t have to worry so much when they’re being sent away. He wouldn’t be cruel with them, but he’d be strict, and expect the best from them. He’d get frustrated if his kid didn’t give their 100% and decided to be a slacker, and he certainly wouldn’t go easy on them despite the very obvious ridge between them when it comes to power and experience.
♦ I see Kakashi as a “closeted” family man, meaning his family would become his priority, but he would never say it out loud or admit it to anyone, mostly because he doesn’t want any potential enemies to learn about them and use it against him. He grew up without a father, so he doesn’t want his kid to go through the same thing he did. He’d be a very involved father, so much so that his kid would probably grow up to have a very similar personality and view of the world as he does.
♦ Highkey though, I see him purposely assigning very easy and low-risk missions to his kid’s team to make sure they don’t get injured and stay safe. He’d get mad if they ever requested something harder, telling them they’re just not ready for it, but if his kid is insistent and argues back with him, he’d give them a really difficult one to accomplish, one he knows his kid won’t be able to do, just to prove a point. (Of course, he’d send one of the most skilled shinobi along with them as team leader, so in case things really do go sour, nothing will happen to them. He’s not actually that crazy.)
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Headcanons for Kakashi where the relationship starts as “friends with benefits” and he develops serious feelings for them. Awesome if there would be nsfw in it
I had too much fun making this I swear. I love this request, thank you so much for sending it ! - admin Alex
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♦ Honestly, I feel like this is the most plausible way Kakashi would ever get in a relationship. I don’t think he really wants to pursue an actual relationship - he’s pretty nonchalant about the idea. He’s got the “if it happens, it happens; if it doesn’t, then too bad” approach to it. However, the man does have needs (I mean, he reads porn in public all the time, you’d think he’d at least be interested in having sex with people), so a friends with benefits thing would be ideal for him.
♦ That’s when you come into the picture. You’d have to be a close friend of his already, because I don’t think he’d be the kind of person to have something like this going on with a complete stranger - one night stands, sure, but regular fling, never. He’s not ready to let someone in and share so much of his personal life with if he doesn’t know them. But you, an old friend, someone he finds attractive on top of that - it makes perfect sense to him, and although he hides it well, he’s really happy when you agree to his offer.
♦ The “no strings attached” is an unspoken rule you settle between the two. It’s never explicitly stated, but it’s taken for granted from the way he pitched the idea. Mostly because it wasn’t planned on his part per se; you both ended up having sex after you got drunk out of your minds, and when you woke up the next day, Kakashi just casually said “we should do that more often”. It was meant to mostly be a joke, but you caught on to the idea, and because no feelings were shared beyond and the whole thing happened when you both had no control over your inhibitions, it was assumed it was a “no feelings” thing.
♦ However, this started to change after a while, where the lines between meaningless fun and actual intimacy started to blur for you both. Kakashi wouldn’t immediately realize the change, mostly because he doesn’t give much thought about his feelings like that. Except there was this one night where he didn’t feel like just fucking you - he was tender and slow, passionate, kissing you all over your body; something he’s never did before. He found himself hugging you a little tighter that night, and his heart melted when he admired your peaceful features when he woke up the next day. That’s when he knew.
♦ From then on, your “casual” hangouts wouldn’t just be about sex. He’d drag it on, asking you for dinner first, or taking long walks in the quiet streets of the village at night; he’d take you on the top of Mount Hokage to admire the stars and cuddle. He wouldn’t tell you what was going on or where this change in behaviour came from, but it would come as so incredibly natural to you that you wouldn’t feel the need to question it.
♦ Foreplay would become longer and more important too. He’d take his time, hands roaming everywhere, hickeys littering your entire body, lazy make out sessions lasting for an hour occurring more and more often, body worship and moments where he’d be entirely focused on your pleasure alone - he could eat you out into multiple orgasms and never expect anything in return. He’d make you feel incredibly loved without ever telling you, and that’s how your own feelings started to morph into something more.
♦ It started with you leaving clothes at his place. Then, you extended your stays at his place, staying longer in the morning if you didn’t have anything important to do, sharing domestic and intimate moments as you prepared breakfast together or just spent a lazy morning in bed. You would start dating without any of you asking the other out. It would just happen, and neither of you would really notice - again, because it came as so natural to you both that you never questioned it.
♦ It became normal for villagers to see you both together. In fact, unless Kakashi was doing whatever Hokage business that he needed to take care of, it was quite unsettling to some to see him around without you nearby. When you were out, if he saw you look at something for a certain amount of time, he’d sometimes go back to the store later, without you, and buy you whatever he knew you wanted. He’d then leave it on your dresser in your bedroom for you to find when you came home, and the gesture, although it implied that he could and did break in into your home, amused you more than anything.
♦ Kakashi’s close friends, especially Shikamaru whom he works with all the time, would pick up on how Kakashi seemed to have a pep in his walk and act more carefree than usual. He was more focused on his work, because he knew the sooner he was done, the sooner he could see you, and it didn’t take long for Shikamaru to connect the dots. He’d tease him about it, but Kakashi would be genuinely clueless as to what he was talking about. When Shikamaru mentioned your name, Kakashi would dismiss it as you being “just friends”, even if he knew it was more than that. He would only do so because he wouldn’t know what else to call you, as things were never discussed between you two. But when Shikamaru would leave, Kakashi would smile to himself at the realization that a genius on Shikamaru’s level would come to the conclusion that you two were a couple, because he liked the idea. And he was okay with that.
♦ Things would become official one morning, as you were getting out of bed to prepare to leave, and he grabbed your arm, sitting up and pulling you to him. He made you sit in his lap, wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and nuzzled your neck, groaning tiredly for a bit as your laughed off his unexpected display of affection until he asked, in a completely serious tone, “move in with me.” You were in shock, but said nothing, because you knew what he truly meant by that. “I want to share my private life with you” - the ultimate proof of the trust he has in you, and coming from Kakashi, it means everything.
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
We Are Back !
Hello hello, admin Alex here. I’m making this quick announcement to let all of you know that Sasucakes and I are back from our, hum, extended hiatus due to many reasons (mainly writer’s block for me). We want to apologize from being inactive for so long as it wasn’t planned, but as we kept getting an incredible amount of notes on our old posts and gaining followers despite not posting anything in a while, we decided to come back and write for you all again. However, and this may be a bit of a bummer for some of you, we have deleted more than half of our old requests because they went against the rules, so we went from 141 requests to 54. We’re going to take care of those before we open the inbox again, so please bear with us ! New content will be coming soon and, hopefully, more regularly.
I’m also planning on making a Works In Progress post so that everyone can know what is queued up, and we’ll try to keep it updated as much as possible. I’m also planning on overhauling our current Masterlist and Rules to make them cleaner. There is a lot of work to do, but it will make everything easier for everyone to navigate the blog.
Thank you for reading,
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Hi, im from another country, and i m having a difficult to find out what is S/O and NSFW and SFW haha, can u help me?
No problem my dude !!
S/O = Significant Other (aka a gender neutral term for boyfriend or girlfriend or romantic interest)
SFW = Safe For Work (aka PG-13 stuff, like fluff or angst depending on what it is, stuff like that)
NSFW = Not Safe For Work (aka the R-rated things, more often than not it’s in reference to smut/sex but it can also be like, graphic violence/gore)
Hope that helps !!
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
HCs for when Naruto gets hard in public and how he hides it?
oops my bad this kind of turned into crack too lol
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♥ He’s at that age where he can get hard over just about anything. He once got hard thinking about ramen. When it happens at home, he has the luxury of slowly jerking it in bed if he’s just woken up, or in the shower if he wants to get it over with quick. 
♥ But if he’s out in public? It happens randomly every once in awhile, so Naruto’s developed what he thinks is a foolproof method. 
♥ First, he tries to think about the unsexiest things possible. Rock Lee in his jumpsuit. Sai’s naked body. Kiba’s farts. Sandaime’s… everything. But then his mind inevitably shifts to his S/O’s body pressed against his, moaning his name–and oh fuck, he’s hard again. 
♥ He’ll try and just adjust himself in his pants. Give himself more room down there. When that doesn’t work, he tries to tie his jacket around his waist. That looks normal, right?? It goes well until… Konohamaru comes running after him, trips, and yanks it off, accidentally brushing against it. Yikes.
♥ When all else fails, he finds the nearest secluded area (usually near the training grounds), slips his pants down, and try to get off. He’s just about to grasp himself, when he hears Kakashi call out to him, and before he knows it, he’s caught blue-balled red-handed. Despite all the smut he reads, seeing his student about to jerk off is not what Kakashi signed up for. He pretends he didn’t see that and walks away, but Naruto’s so embarrassed his boner’s gone. He picks up his pants and heads home, while vowing to never ever try to fap in public again. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
May I ask for a Kiba HC with a s/o who is really shy during sexy times???? If it's not too much to ask >~
no prob!
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♥ He thinks it’s adorable. He has no problem taking the lead. In fact, he kind of enjoys being the bolder one in bed. His favorite thing is to see how many times he can make you blush. 
♥ It’s even better if his S/O is shy, but make the cutest little sounds. He makes it his personal goal to make you moan as many times as possible. He’ll tease you relentlessly. He especially likes to nip your lip while you’re making out just to hear you gasp. 
♥ Kiba loves to embarrass you in bed. Whether it’s with his special brand of dirty talk–”Hey, babe, I know I’m pretty impressive down there, but keep your eyes up here,” or “I want to see what kind of cute face you’ll make with your lips around my cock”–or with the sounds he’ll drag out of you, he loves to see you blush. Expect him to utilize dirty talk while going down on you in particular. He’ll force you to maintain eye contact and scold you if you try to close your eyes or muffle your moans. His canines are good for leaving hickeys along your inner thighs. 
♥ He really likes seeing you blow him. The way you look up at him innocently through your lashes, the faint blush on your cheeks, the contrast between your shyness and the depravity of your position gets his blood pumping. He likes to see how far you can take him, and won’t lie and say that he doesn’t find it sexy to see you choke on his cock. 
♥ It’d be hot as fuck if his cute, shy little S/O took control one day. He’s interested in seeing what would tip you over the edge. The thought of you riding him desperately and screaming his name out keeps his thoughts preoccupied at night. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
I read your rules and regulations , and noted the box is closed for requests. -Hope the work is going well by the way! However I saw no mentions of commissioned work. Would you be interested in taking commission work? Would a commission also wait until the box Re-opens agian?
hello! i’ll be sure to check with alex if they’re taking commissions, but as far as i know, neither of us are! i might be open to it in the future but currently i’m not in the best state to write longer fics, and i wouldn’t want to promise something i can’t deliver. 
thanks for the interest though!
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Zabuza SFW + NSFW Headcanons (repost)
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♥ Is a possessive person. If he even sees you talking to someone other than him and Haku, he’ll wrap an arm around you and yank you to his side, while glaring at the other person. He’s always paranoid that someone may be trying to steal you away (whether it be romantically or physically) and is very watchful over you.
♥ Don’t expect much physical intimacy or signs of affection from him. He treats you the same as he would anyone in public. He knows his enemies would take advantage of the situation if they knew how close you are to him. But in private, he’ll always have his hand resting on your waist or thigh. He needs to know that you’re physically there with him, and that he can protect you at any moment. Also there’s something about the softness of your body underneath his rough hands and hard muscle, that puts him at ease.
♥ Doesn’t care much about physical appearance. He doesn’t expect you to be all dressed up for him, especially when the three of you are always on the run. (Although Haku’s general put-togetherness and wow, how can he look better than you in a dress wtf may cause you to think otherwise.) But Zabuza doesn’t see the point in fussing about these kinds of things, and will get annoyed if you do. He’s with you because he just is. Something as trivial as how you look wouldn’t get rid of him that easily. Zabuza is the type who, when he actually cares about someone (which is very rare), will stay with that person for as long as possible.
♥ Would want his S/O to be tough. The rogue ninja lifestyle isn’t easy; it would be much easier if his S/O could protect themselves. He’ll train them if they couldn’t, but just know that he won’t go easy on you. He wants you to have realistic expectations about how dangerous this lifestyle is.
♥ If anyone ANYONE even tries to harm you though, he will show them no mercy. They won’t even be able to beg for forgiveness before he decapitates them with Kubikiribōchō.
♥ Zabuza goes hard and rough. To him there’s a sense of urgency that comes with your sex; he also thinks the harder and rougher it is the better he can feel the sensations. He’s selfish in bed, and will be focused on chasing his release. However that may take awhile, so his S/O is most likely to orgasm at least once from the intensity of their sex.
♥ Zabuza gets turned on by things like your skirt riding up too high on your thighs, or perhaps walking in on you while you’re bathing. He’s a very visual person, so if you really want to get him riled up, give him a little striptease. In no time at all, his hands will clench your hips, tugging you to him as he quickly rips off your clothing.
♥ Whenever Zabuza is going away on a particularly dangerous solo mission, he’ll give his S/O a heated kiss. It’s likely he might not come back alive, so he wants to leave them something to remember him by. These kisses will usually escalate to full out sex, as Zabuza’s needs to remind them of their desire for him, and his hands trail down to grope at their ass and wrap their legs around his hips.
♥ Even though Zabuza won’t show affection out in public, he’s not shy about being  nude. Haku has definitely more than once walked in on the two of you post-coitus, as naked as the day you were born. While you’ll get flustered and reach for the tattered remains of your clothing (Zabuza tends to lose patience when it comes to undressing), he’ll simply stare Haku down, not even bothering to put clothes on, as he frigidly says something like, “I thought you knew better than to walk in at this time.” (Haku has learned to stay preoccupied with herb collecting when he sees Zabuza drag you away.)
♥ Zabuza’s favorite part of his S/O is their upper torso. He’ll litter his S/O’s chest and collarbone with teeth-marks and lots of hickeys. Expect to wake up the next day with a trail of bite marks down your ribs, and even some underneath your breasts. He likes to mark the areas that only he can see, so that when he undresses you, he can survey his work smugly. Your ass is a close second though, and he’ll often take you in doggie style or other positions where your it’s on display for him to squeeze and/or slap.
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
if I could ask for some Kankuro and Choji sfw headcanons? just things cute and cuddly for these dorks that you can come up with!
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♥ Ah, I think he’d really love if his S/O took an interest in his face paint! And let him paint their face as well. He’d even be willing to let his S/O paint his face; he’d love to see the designs they come up with. 
♥ He’s not the most romantic guy–flowers and chocolates seem pretty corny to him, plus in Sunagakure, they’re not entirely practical–but he tries to give his S/O unique gifts. He’ll design cute little puppets for his S/O.
♥ He really tries to take a vested interest in what they’re into, no matter how incongruous it is to his personality/appearance. Like baking–can you even imagine Kankuro in an apron asdfghjkl; But if his S/O is into it, he’s down to try it at least once. 
♥ He cracks a lot of jokes that only he finds funny, so you can often find him chuckling to himself. If you laugh at them though, he’s absolutely winded. He’ll turn to you so fast he’ll get whiplash. “Y-You like that? You really think it was funny?!” Probably the only time you’ll get to see Kankuro flustered.
♥ Okay, but if his S/O is someone who has a period and/or cravings, he’s totally the guy to glare menacingly at anyone else who stares for too long at the market. He doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed while shopping for feminine products, or even while you’re filling your shopping basket with the oddest combination of pickled radish and whipped cream but also because he’d rather die than be seen carrying those things
♥ He’s into the idea of matching jewelry with his S/O? Something lowkey, like matching rings. They’re usually studded and/or skull rings. 
♥ He’s weak for head rubs. He won’t outright ask you for them, because that’s lame. But maybe he’ll sigh a lot and mention how his head aches in passing. Coughing meaningfully. Hoping you take the hint. 
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♥ If Choji likes you, he’s always going to offer you the last bite of his food. Choji sharing is something he never does with anyone else. He also loves to try out new restaurants with you. He thinks food tastes much better with someone he likes. 
♥ He likes to spoil you. Anything you want, he’ll offer to buy it. Even if it’s something you stare at in the window for too long, he’ll bring his wallet out. He takes it a little far sometimes, and may end up broke.
♥ He’s just overall a very sweet boyfriend, okay. He probably has like a month’s supply of your favorite snacks at his place just in case you come over. 
♥ He’s so fun to cuddle with. Very soft; his stomach is a great pillow. Choji makes sure his bed is filled with lots of pillows for maximum comfort. He really likes lazy cuddle sessions in the morning and afternoon. 
♥ He’s so shy to hold your hand during dates. He gets nervous thinking about if you even want to be seen around him. Squeeze his hand, give him that reassurance that there’s no one else you’d rather be with. 
♥ Embarrassingly, he’s given a lot of thought to your future together. He definitely considers marriage early on in the relationship, and fantasizes about your future house, kids, and life together. It’s just a sign that he cares for you deeply.
♥ Although he can be kind of lazy with training practice, his S/O cheering him on is the best motivation. He loves to show off in front of you. 
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