#sasucakes saucy talk
uchiha-senshi · 4 years
if you’re looking for more Naruto content, feel free to check out @ohshitmomitsanarutoimaginesblog! They’re a newer blog and they have lots of interesting takes on your faves!
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Naruto uzumaki sfw and nsfw headcanons, pleasee :-)
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♥ Naruto is not a morning person. He prefers to sleep in, especially after a night with his S/O. They should expect to be awoken by the sound of his snores, his arms wrapped around their middle in a vice grip. Waking Naruto is almost impossible to, so if they plan to do anything, their best bet is to just slip a pillow into his grasp instead.
♥ Honestly, I think the happiest day in his relationship would be when he moves in with his S/O, or if they move in with him. After living alone for so long, he’s overjoyed to have someone else’s presence in his home. Although, one thing they’ll have to worry about his Naruto’s lack of cleanliness. He didn’t realize how messy he was until his S/O pointed it out to him, after finding weeks’ worth of dishes in the sink. At the very least, Naruto is sheepish, and will try—key word, try—to be a little more conscious of the state of his home. 
♥ He’s also just happy to have someone ask after him. Even though he may act a bit disgruntled after coming home from a mission and having his S/O fret over his wounds, it’s nice. It’s different. Also, if they pack a lunch for him? He blushes so hard. Pls cook for this boy bc he can’t cook. pls give him lots of attention 
♥ The thing about Naruto is… he doesn’t really get jealous. He doesn’t even notice if people hit on his S/O tbh. He can be a bit dense, but also, he just… has faith in his S/O? He’s secure about their relationship, that the thought of them cheating would never even cross his mind. Of course, if he were to notice someone making his S/O visibly uncomfortable, that’s when he gets mad, and ends up confronting them. He just wants his S/O to feel comfortable and safe. 
♥ Kind of NSFW, but he really likes their legs. Just looking at them, feeling them wrapped around his waist, stroking them. Naruto can get surprisingly touchy in a relationship too, without realizing it. Like say, if he’s trying to get his S/O’s attention, he’ll put on their leg. He doesn’t even realize it could be a sexual thing. He just… grows accustomed to the idea of being touchy with his S/O.
♥ I could see naruto being pretty adventurous in bed?? Like the idea of water sex has always intrigued him. He’d be into a late night skinny dipping excursion followed by a quick romp. Also into doing it in public places tbh. One time he almost had Sai walk into him fucking his S/O against a tree in the training grounds. 
♥ Once Naruto becomes Hokage, you can bet that quickies in the Hokage office are a thing. He learned from kakashi tbh. Sometimes, he’ll even have Shikamaru guard the door under the guise of “important top-secret Hokage business.” Of course Shikamaru knows, and has invested in a good pair of ear plugs. 
♥ Sometimes he’ll even jack off in the Hokage office, especially if he hasn’t seen his S/O in awhile and is sexually frustrated. There’s something oddly exhilarating and dirty about doing it in his Hokage robes, while on duty. Since phones are a thing during Naruto’s reign, he’d also probably have some naughty pictures of his S/O on hand, or quickly resort to sexting them. (Imagine if Naruto invents sexting in the Naruto universe lmfao)
♥ Once Naruto starts sleeping with his S/O, they quickly learn how much he likes to mark them. He’s a total biter, and he can be hella possessive about it too. He doesn’t really consider where he’s biting either, and their S/O will probably have trouble hiding the dark purple hickies on their neck for the next couple days after a good romp. Even so, as soon as Naruto notices they’ve started disappearing, he’ll just give them more during a make out session. Like, what the heck Naruto, boy needs to chill some time. He doesn’t really realize how… kinky it is, either, until someone—probably Sai tbh—makes a comment about how it looks like his S/O was attacked by an animal, and then Naruto and his S/O blush bright red.
♥ Naruto’s dick is above average, maybe around 6 inches. When he cums it’s hella salty though because of all that ramen he eats, and his diet in general. It can be hard to swallow sometimes ngl. But when he’s going down on his S/O, he’s a trooper. Will always swallow his S/O’s cum, no matter how it tastes, and be hella eager about it too.
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
If you haven't already pls pls pls give me some drunk itachi headcanons sfw + nsfw plsssssssss I check your blog everyday (also was the three some with madara and tobirama?? ever posted)
lolol this turned into crack especially the nsfw part WHOOPS.. also AHA the madatobi thing, mmm…  it hasn’t been posted ever bc we suck and haven’t finished it lolol
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♥Okay let’s get one thing straight here–Itachi isn’t going to get drunk in front of just anyone. I don’t even think he drinks much at all, partially due to his health. Maybe at social gatherings he’ll take a few sips of sake (on the other hand, he’s very good at pretending he’s drinking), but that’s it. But let’s pretend he does get not just drunk but SMASHED, and his S/O is near. 
♥ You can’t even tell he’s drunk. He’s got an impeccable poker face. But if you look closer there’s a hint of pink to his cheeks, and his eyes look glassy. If you call out his name, it might take him a couple seconds to respond. To most people, he looks stone faced but you know him well enough to tell that he’s out of it. Poor Itachi.
♥ He’s going to say the most savage shit with a serious face. Like, he’ll straight up say, “Perhaps… the reason Deidara is unable to find a partner is due to his aggressive and narcissistic personality,” or “If only Sasuke found another way to channel his raging hormones in a way that doesn’t involve homicide and blatant sexual frustration.” Drunk Itachi is a straight up savage. 
♥He also gets very um, philosophical.  If you ask him if he’d like another drink, he’ll say something like, “Choice? Huh… do we really have any choice in our lives, for that matter? Isn’t free will a mere construct? Our decisions are controlled by the whims of gods.” Like, woah… chill Itachi. Your S/O is just asking if you want another shot.
♥ He gets touchier with his S/O in a way. He’ll plop them down on his knee and tells them to just stay there. When you ask him why, he’ll let out this long-suffering sigh and just give you this serious look. It’s the closest thing to puppy eyes that Itachi can do. 
♥ I honestly don’t know if Itachi would last long enough to do anything lol. A drunk Itachi is a sleepy Itachi. The most he could do is messily smash his lips to yours before passing out on the bed.
♥ He does not give a fuck about keeping your sex live private when he’s drunk. if him and S/O end up leaving the night early, and Deidara makes a pass about it, Itachi would say, with the straightest face, “Yes, (Y/N) and I are going to have intercourse. I wish I could say the same for you and your hands. Please try to be quieter next time; it’s so difficult to sleep with you screaming katsu every five seconds.”
♥ You could try blowing him? He might sigh, pat your head, and promptly knock the fuck out. Honestly, the man is tired lol take pity. He barely gets smashed as it is, and all he needs is sleep.
♥ If he does manage to get his clothes off, the night might end very emotionally. With his lower inhibitions, Itachi gets very mopey. You might end up comforting him instead of any sexy times happening. There’s nothing sexier than a grown man crying against you while you try and ride him.
♥“I’m going to make you dizzy with pleasure” *passes out five seconds later*
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
in case you didn’t notice, we were gone for awhile. tumblr decided to purge all of admin sasucakes’ blogs, including uchiha-senshi.
but now we are back!!!! and more powerful than ever
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
if I could ask for some Kankuro and Choji sfw headcanons? just things cute and cuddly for these dorks that you can come up with!
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♥ Ah, I think he’d really love if his S/O took an interest in his face paint! And let him paint their face as well. He’d even be willing to let his S/O paint his face; he’d love to see the designs they come up with. 
♥ He’s not the most romantic guy–flowers and chocolates seem pretty corny to him, plus in Sunagakure, they’re not entirely practical–but he tries to give his S/O unique gifts. He’ll design cute little puppets for his S/O.
♥ He really tries to take a vested interest in what they’re into, no matter how incongruous it is to his personality/appearance. Like baking–can you even imagine Kankuro in an apron asdfghjkl; But if his S/O is into it, he’s down to try it at least once. 
♥ He cracks a lot of jokes that only he finds funny, so you can often find him chuckling to himself. If you laugh at them though, he’s absolutely winded. He’ll turn to you so fast he’ll get whiplash. “Y-You like that? You really think it was funny?!” Probably the only time you’ll get to see Kankuro flustered.
♥ Okay, but if his S/O is someone who has a period and/or cravings, he’s totally the guy to glare menacingly at anyone else who stares for too long at the market. He doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed while shopping for feminine products, or even while you’re filling your shopping basket with the oddest combination of pickled radish and whipped cream but also because he’d rather die than be seen carrying those things
♥ He’s into the idea of matching jewelry with his S/O? Something lowkey, like matching rings. They’re usually studded and/or skull rings. 
♥ He’s weak for head rubs. He won’t outright ask you for them, because that’s lame. But maybe he’ll sigh a lot and mention how his head aches in passing. Coughing meaningfully. Hoping you take the hint. 
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♥ If Choji likes you, he’s always going to offer you the last bite of his food. Choji sharing is something he never does with anyone else. He also loves to try out new restaurants with you. He thinks food tastes much better with someone he likes. 
♥ He likes to spoil you. Anything you want, he’ll offer to buy it. Even if it’s something you stare at in the window for too long, he’ll bring his wallet out. He takes it a little far sometimes, and may end up broke.
♥ He’s just overall a very sweet boyfriend, okay. He probably has like a month’s supply of your favorite snacks at his place just in case you come over. 
♥ He’s so fun to cuddle with. Very soft; his stomach is a great pillow. Choji makes sure his bed is filled with lots of pillows for maximum comfort. He really likes lazy cuddle sessions in the morning and afternoon. 
♥ He’s so shy to hold your hand during dates. He gets nervous thinking about if you even want to be seen around him. Squeeze his hand, give him that reassurance that there’s no one else you’d rather be with. 
♥ Embarrassingly, he’s given a lot of thought to your future together. He definitely considers marriage early on in the relationship, and fantasizes about your future house, kids, and life together. It’s just a sign that he cares for you deeply.
♥ Although he can be kind of lazy with training practice, his S/O cheering him on is the best motivation. He loves to show off in front of you. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
HCs for when Naruto gets hard in public and how he hides it?
oops my bad this kind of turned into crack too lol
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♥ He’s at that age where he can get hard over just about anything. He once got hard thinking about ramen. When it happens at home, he has the luxury of slowly jerking it in bed if he’s just woken up, or in the shower if he wants to get it over with quick. 
♥ But if he’s out in public? It happens randomly every once in awhile, so Naruto’s developed what he thinks is a foolproof method. 
♥ First, he tries to think about the unsexiest things possible. Rock Lee in his jumpsuit. Sai’s naked body. Kiba’s farts. Sandaime’s… everything. But then his mind inevitably shifts to his S/O’s body pressed against his, moaning his name–and oh fuck, he’s hard again. 
♥ He’ll try and just adjust himself in his pants. Give himself more room down there. When that doesn’t work, he tries to tie his jacket around his waist. That looks normal, right?? It goes well until… Konohamaru comes running after him, trips, and yanks it off, accidentally brushing against it. Yikes.
♥ When all else fails, he finds the nearest secluded area (usually near the training grounds), slips his pants down, and try to get off. He’s just about to grasp himself, when he hears Kakashi call out to him, and before he knows it, he’s caught blue-balled red-handed. Despite all the smut he reads, seeing his student about to jerk off is not what Kakashi signed up for. He pretends he didn’t see that and walks away, but Naruto’s so embarrassed his boner’s gone. He picks up his pants and heads home, while vowing to never ever try to fap in public again. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Kisame daddy kink headcanons
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♥ Kisame isn’t someone who necessarily has a daddy kink, but if his S/O had one, he wouldn’t mind going along with it. He’s pretty open to experimentation when it comes to kinks, so long as they don’t involve anything too extreme.
♥ He likes calling his S/O “baby.” He’s not too into the whole ddlg, but he will gladly ask his S/O to bend over his knee and spank them if he thinks they’ve been naughty.
♥ Similarly, Kisame likes his S/O to call him daddy when he’s getting particularly rough with them. When he’s pounding into them hard and fast, with one hand gripping their hair, he asks them, “Who’s your daddy?” If they don���t answer, too overwhelmed by the sensations, he can be a total tease about it too, denying them orgasm until they reply.
♥ Overall Kisame thinks the daddy kink is just funny. He’ll probably get a little cheeky outside of the bedroom as well, like when they ask him to get something on a high shelf they can’t reach, he’ll say something like, “Do you want daddy to get it for you?” with a glint of amusement in his eye. Or if you’re asking him to do something, he’ll say, “I thought we agreed you’d call me daddy in public.” In front of everyone. He loves embarrassing you. It’s just funny to him to tease you like that.
♥ The best, BEST thing for him though is if his baby is a bit naughty back to him, and teases him a little. If his S/O asks him to punish them and grinds on his thigh a little bit, then he’s raring to go with this daddy kink of theirs. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Shisui HCs for when he is a sick whiny mess and his S/O takes care of him?
since it wasn’t specified i’m assuming you want sfw 
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♥ He’s totally playing it up. He’s the type of guy who could get stabbed in the back and not even flinch, but as soon as he’s got a little cold? He wants his S/O to baby him. The first time he got sick, he kept it to himself, not wanting to worry his S/O so early into their relationship but after that? He’s a whiny mess every single time.
♥ He’ll tease them a lot–when they lean down to place a washcloth on his head, he’ll suddenly jerk forwards till their noses are brushing against each other, before he smirks and says, “I’m hot. Wanna cool me down?”
♥ He likes to pretend to sneeze on his S/O when they pass by. He gets a kick out of messing with them. If they get annoyed and smack him, he’ll joke about them “abusing the sick.”
♥ Okay, but blanket burritos? Shisui loves to grab his S/O and drag them into a cuddle pile. He rarely gets sick days off, so he likes to use them to their fullest i.e. assaulting his S/O with hugs and cuddles and forehead kisses.
♥ He’s very grateful to his S/O for taking care of him and worrying about him, and makes sure they know that. He’s always telling them how lucky he is to have met them.
♥ If his S/O gets sick, he’ll gladly return the favor. He loves babying them–maybe a bit too much. He’ll joke around and act like they’re completely incapable of doing anything themselves. He won’t even let them get up to do anything, insisting on doing things for them. To be honest, he just wants to return the favor, and let them rest.
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Request : scenario Gaara first time with his s/o? Repost.
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Rules | Masterpost
Gaara stroked the back of your hand as you dozed peacefully, a small smile tugging at his lips. When he came home, it was to the sight of you curled up on the bed, looking so serene and untroubled that he couldn’t possibly wake you. A million and one things racing through his mind prevented him from joining you in your sleep, but he found the gentle rise and fall of your chest to be relaxing enough.
There was something utterly calming about watching you sleep. As someone who suffered from insomnia he awoke often throughout the night from the vivid memories of his past. The haze of bloodlust. The misplaced yet overwhelming urge to crush till his sand ran red with blood, to cut into, to crunch bones underneath his grip constantly crept into the edge of his consciousness, and he’d wake to a rapidly racing heart. He had come a far way, sure, but his former self still haunted him, a shadow in the image of peace and tranquility he so strived to maintain.
In these moments he found that your presence at his side—warm and comfortable, soft and supple, things that he would never be—was the only thing that could ease his nerves. Thus, he wanted to savor these intimate moments with you, as few and far between as they were.
Gaara buried his face in the crook between your shoulder and neck. Inhaling your scent, warm and homey, with a trace of fresh linen, he closed his eyes once more as he tried to join you in your sleep. But his breath had tickled your skin, and you drifted into consciousness, shifting at the feel of a familiar weight behind you. “Mm…Gaara?”
“Did I wake you?” he mumbled against your neck. “I’m sorry.” His warm breath washing over you had sent shivers down your spine. He mistook it for the coldness, shifting to cover the two of you with a blanket.
“No, it’s fine.” You tucked yourself under his chin, snuggling up to him. You sighed in content at being wrapped around him. “I missed you. You’re rarely home, so I want to stay awake and enjoy your company while you’re here.”
At the slight tinge of loneliness in your voice, Gaara felt a pang in his chest, his brows furrowing slightly at the futility of his situation. He had tried his best as Kazekage to fulfill his duties while also giving you attention, but it seemed he had failed in that regard. “I’m sorry,” he said honestly, while knowing an apology wasn’t enough. “I want to spend more time with you. I’ve missed you as well.”
You pulled back to smile up at him. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m just happy you’re here right now.” You pressed your lips softly against the underside of his chin.
“I’m happy to be here too,” he said, his lips twitching upwards. His voice was so warm with affection that you couldn’t resist pressing your lips to his. His lips were slightly chapped as they moved against yours slowly, carefully, as if he was afraid of hurting you. But as you pressed your lips with intent against his, he sighed your name, his thumb tilting your chin upwards as he deepened the kiss. It was sweet and languid, Gaara taking his time to savor every bit of you.
Fireworks went off in your chest, little sparks that ignited as you felt heat pooling in your lower abdomen. Your calf slid up his leg, stroking his thigh slightly as his chest rumbled in approval. You shifted your body on top of his, your legs on either side of his torso as your lips moved against his with urgency. The heat washed over you in waves now. His hands slid up the bit of revealed skin at your hip where your shirt rode up.
“G-Gaara,” you gasped once you broke the kiss. All too suddenly, you were aware of the firmness pressing against your inner thigh. Gaara’s eyes were wide, unfocused as he took you in, his breath coming out in stuttering gasps.
“(Y-Y/N),” he managed to say, his hands trembling slightly as he gripped your hips above him.
“D-Do you…want to…?” You bit your lip, unsure of how to phrase your request. The two of you had never gone much further than some heated make-out sessions, much less touching each other. This was uncharted territory, and you didn’t want to do anything to scare him off. As you debated this internally, your hips unintentionally shifted against his, and Gaara inhaled sharply.
His thumbs dug into your skin as he groaned out your name. “(Y/N)… “ He clenched his eyes shut. “I-I don’t want to hurt you.”
“But Gaara….I want this. I want you,” you said earnestly.
Gaara’s breath caught in his throat, meeting your eyes. “I…I want you, too.” His hands hesitated at the hem of your dress, before lifting it off of you. His gulped inaudibly when your bra was unveiled to him, pink tinging his cheeks as he froze in place. You giggled, urging him to adjust position. He scooted backwards until he was resting against the headboard, you on top of him. His hands reached around your back, his brows furrowing as he struggled with your bra clasp. You laughed gently, slipping your hands over his.
“Here, let me.” You unclasped your bra and shrugged it down your arms. Gaara’s breath hitched as your breasts were exposed to him, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the sight of you. It took a moment for him to tear his eyes from you, his cheeks aflame. His hands trailed down your sides, before reaching your stomach and down to the hem of your panties. You stepped off the bed to remove them slowly, the material trailing down your legs as they dropped to the floor. You positioned yourself back on his thighs, brushing against the hardness that strained prominently against his pants. Gaara bit back a moan.
His eyes soaked in the sight of you laid bare before him – from the ridge of your collarbone to the valley of your breasts to your pert nipples, down the plane of your stomach and even lower to your sensitive flesh. He opened his mouth to speak but his mouth felt dry.
“Beautiful,” he whispered finally, his eyes alight with awe at the sight of you. “Can I—“ His voice came out as a croak, and he swallowed nervously. “Can I touch you?”
You smiled, your hands trailing down to grasp his and plant them firmly on your breasts. “Of course.”
His hands were frozen as he marveled the weight of them in his hands. Slowly, gently, he thumbed your nipples, pressing down on your nubs. At your pleased hum, he gained more courage, and squeezed one of your breasts lightly under his palm. You gasped, and he suddenly stopped.
“Did I—Did I hurt you?”
“N-no,” you said, cheeks aflame. You bit your lip, darkened eyes gazing at him with desire. ”Please…ah—don’t stop.”
Gaara swallowed, feeling his own cheeks heat up. His hands slowly resumed their ministrations, squeezing your breast, as he used his thumbs to press on your nubs. “Does it…Does it feel good?” he ventured. He wanted nothing more than to make you feel good, but he was worried that one wrong move, one touch a tad too rough, would have you curling away from him.  And he wanted anything but that, so his movements were deliberate, light.
“Ah, it would be better if you…weren’t so gentle. L-Like this.” You took ahold of his hands, urging him to squeeze harder. The other hand urged his to tug on your nipple roughly and you gasped out, tensing above him. At the steady stream of moans coming from you, Gaara felt his pants tighten uncomfortably. He shifted under you slightly, losing focus on his task. You noticed him stopping, only to feel the source of his distraction pressing against you intimately.
Gaara’s breath caught slightly when you stood up, urging him to get to his feet as well. “Y-you need something too, right? Why don’t you…take this off?” You gestured at his clothing. He stripped himself of his shirt, slipping his pants down his legs afterwards. He hesitated on his underwear, divesting himself of them at your encouraging nod. You urged him to sit on the edge of the bed, eyeing his half-hard length as a sudden idea came to your mind.
You kneeled down in front of him, his legs shifting closer together automatically. When you reached out to stroke his thighs, urging him to relax, he knew what you wanted to do. “(Y/N), no, you don’t have to—“
“But Gaara…I want to. Trust me.” You smiled up at him, glancing back down at his dick with furrowed brows. After a lengthy pause, in which Gaara was tempted to tell you that the two of you could stop, put back your clothes on, and just cuddle, you slid a hand down his length, squeezing the base of his dick lightly. His head fell back as he groaned. You began to pump him with cautious, unsteady jerks. Your grip was light, a bit too light, and his hand clenched around yours as he stopped your motions.
“H-harder,” he muttered, too embarrassed to look you in the eye. With his hand on yours, he maneuvered you into stroking him to full hardness. A bead of precum slipped down his shaft and your finger caught it, dragging it slowly back up the length. He panted harder, removing his hand from yours, as he clenched his eyes shut. He thrust his hips into your grasp, and you grinned. You began pumping him in slow, but thorough strokes, dragging his foreskin down, before pulling it back up with each upward motion. After a few pumps, Gaara’s hands jerked out to stop yours.
“S-stop,” he panted. “Too…close…going to…soon.” You pulled back, allowing him to catch him breath. With his forearm covering his face, beads of sweat dripping down his neck, and ragged breaths coming from his form, Gaara looked absolutely wrecked. When his breathing had stabilized, you pressed a gentle peck against his lips, which he returned gratefully. Gaara urged you onto his lap, the both of you moaning as his cock brushed against your folds. He throbbed against you, and you shivered at the feeling.
“Are you…” He swallowed. “Are you ready?” You nodded, lifting yourself up slightly as Gaara positioned himself at your entrance. You sank down onto him slowly, taking in his head before the slight pain had you tensing against him, stopping you in your motions. Gaara noticed, and immediately offered to stop altogether. You gave him a surprised glance—he was practically inside of you, and his erection looked like it bordered on painful. Gaara’s body was taut, every muscle locked in place, but his eyes that stared at you were tinged with worry. He was holding himself back for you, and you knew that if you really couldn’t go on, he would stop, no questions asked.
Knowing this, you shook your head no, biting your lip as you tried to relax your muscles. He stroked your sides reassuringly, murmuring how much he loved you, apologizing for how much he was hurting you. It took awhile for your muscles to un-tense, the pain dulling to a slight stretch. When it did you raised yourself up slightly, before taking him in slowly. And again. You slipped him inch by inch inside you with each downward motion until you pressed snugly against his hipbone.
Sighing in pleasure at the fullness, your hips rocked against his in slow circles, and Gaara had to bite his lip to hold back his moans. The feeling of your walls wrapped around him, the breathy sighs of his name, the languid heat building in his lower abdomen – it was all overwhelming, indescribable. Above all, amazing. Gaara’s hands cupped your ass, pressing you closer to him as you rolled your hips on top of him. His eyes clenched and you threw your head back as the both of you moaned at the friction.
“G-Gaara.” You bit your lip, urging his hands to up to your breasts again. He squeezed the soft flesh, rolling your nipples between his fingers as you worked yourself above him. You moaned his name, leaning forward to rest your head against his chest, your hands on his shoulders.
Gaara’s breath hitched when he saw your hand snake down to rub your folds between your bodies. The movement of your hips became erratic, jerky, as your breaths came out in stuttering gasps. Wrapping his arms around your frame to support you, Gaara began to thrust slowly into you, meeting your hips halfway. The way your walls sucked him in, as if you were squeezing the life out of his shaft, had him muffling his groans against your neck.
The two of you set up a rhythm, him thrusting into you as you rocked against him. Gaara felt his release building hot and heavy in his lower abdomen. He clenched his eyes shut. His entire body stiffened as he tried to hold back his imminent release. But at the sound of you crying his name out loudly, your hips stuttering against his as your walls tightened impossibly, he came. A low, long groan tore itself from his throat as he spilled inside of you, burying his face in your neck. The relief that washed over him was all encompassing, the post-orgasmic bliss settling over him like a blanket. As soon as he came down from his high, however, it was replaced by shame once he realized you hadn’t come. He snapped his head upwards to look at you, panicked.
“(Y-Y/N), I’m so sorry—“
You interrupted him with a kiss, Gaara’s eyebrows furrowed as he moved his lips against yours with hesitant movements. You rested your forehead against his, grinning at the confusion written all over his face. You flicked his nose. “Don’t worry about it, Gaara. It’s fine, it really is! It was, ah…It was really hot to see you come,” you admitted sheepishly, heat creeping up your neck as you glanced sideways.
His blush rivaled the color of his hair, as he hid his face in your neck once more. His hands began stroking your sides slowly as he tried to calm the rapid pace of his heart, which wasn’t entirely due to the mind-blowing orgasm he had just experienced…. “Are you…are you sure?” He mumbled, his voice muffled.
“Well…if you really want to, you could always, ahem, help me…” you suggested, grasping his hand to trail it down your stomach and even lower….
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
May I ask for a Kiba HC with a s/o who is really shy during sexy times???? If it's not too much to ask >~
no prob!
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♥ He thinks it’s adorable. He has no problem taking the lead. In fact, he kind of enjoys being the bolder one in bed. His favorite thing is to see how many times he can make you blush. 
♥ It’s even better if his S/O is shy, but make the cutest little sounds. He makes it his personal goal to make you moan as many times as possible. He’ll tease you relentlessly. He especially likes to nip your lip while you’re making out just to hear you gasp. 
♥ Kiba loves to embarrass you in bed. Whether it’s with his special brand of dirty talk–”Hey, babe, I know I’m pretty impressive down there, but keep your eyes up here,” or “I want to see what kind of cute face you’ll make with your lips around my cock”–or with the sounds he’ll drag out of you, he loves to see you blush. Expect him to utilize dirty talk while going down on you in particular. He’ll force you to maintain eye contact and scold you if you try to close your eyes or muffle your moans. His canines are good for leaving hickeys along your inner thighs. 
♥ He really likes seeing you blow him. The way you look up at him innocently through your lashes, the faint blush on your cheeks, the contrast between your shyness and the depravity of your position gets his blood pumping. He likes to see how far you can take him, and won’t lie and say that he doesn’t find it sexy to see you choke on his cock. 
♥ It’d be hot as fuck if his cute, shy little S/O took control one day. He’s interested in seeing what would tip you over the edge. The thought of you riding him desperately and screaming his name out keeps his thoughts preoccupied at night. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Zabuza SFW + NSFW Headcanons (repost)
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♥ Is a possessive person. If he even sees you talking to someone other than him and Haku, he’ll wrap an arm around you and yank you to his side, while glaring at the other person. He’s always paranoid that someone may be trying to steal you away (whether it be romantically or physically) and is very watchful over you.
♥ Don’t expect much physical intimacy or signs of affection from him. He treats you the same as he would anyone in public. He knows his enemies would take advantage of the situation if they knew how close you are to him. But in private, he’ll always have his hand resting on your waist or thigh. He needs to know that you’re physically there with him, and that he can protect you at any moment. Also there’s something about the softness of your body underneath his rough hands and hard muscle, that puts him at ease.
♥ Doesn’t care much about physical appearance. He doesn’t expect you to be all dressed up for him, especially when the three of you are always on the run. (Although Haku’s general put-togetherness and wow, how can he look better than you in a dress wtf may cause you to think otherwise.) But Zabuza doesn’t see the point in fussing about these kinds of things, and will get annoyed if you do. He’s with you because he just is. Something as trivial as how you look wouldn’t get rid of him that easily. Zabuza is the type who, when he actually cares about someone (which is very rare), will stay with that person for as long as possible.
♥ Would want his S/O to be tough. The rogue ninja lifestyle isn’t easy; it would be much easier if his S/O could protect themselves. He’ll train them if they couldn’t, but just know that he won’t go easy on you. He wants you to have realistic expectations about how dangerous this lifestyle is.
♥ If anyone ANYONE even tries to harm you though, he will show them no mercy. They won’t even be able to beg for forgiveness before he decapitates them with Kubikiribōchō.
♥ Zabuza goes hard and rough. To him there’s a sense of urgency that comes with your sex; he also thinks the harder and rougher it is the better he can feel the sensations. He’s selfish in bed, and will be focused on chasing his release. However that may take awhile, so his S/O is most likely to orgasm at least once from the intensity of their sex.
♥ Zabuza gets turned on by things like your skirt riding up too high on your thighs, or perhaps walking in on you while you’re bathing. He’s a very visual person, so if you really want to get him riled up, give him a little striptease. In no time at all, his hands will clench your hips, tugging you to him as he quickly rips off your clothing.
♥ Whenever Zabuza is going away on a particularly dangerous solo mission, he’ll give his S/O a heated kiss. It’s likely he might not come back alive, so he wants to leave them something to remember him by. These kisses will usually escalate to full out sex, as Zabuza’s needs to remind them of their desire for him, and his hands trail down to grope at their ass and wrap their legs around his hips.
♥ Even though Zabuza won’t show affection out in public, he’s not shy about being  nude. Haku has definitely more than once walked in on the two of you post-coitus, as naked as the day you were born. While you’ll get flustered and reach for the tattered remains of your clothing (Zabuza tends to lose patience when it comes to undressing), he’ll simply stare Haku down, not even bothering to put clothes on, as he frigidly says something like, “I thought you knew better than to walk in at this time.” (Haku has learned to stay preoccupied with herb collecting when he sees Zabuza drag you away.)
♥ Zabuza’s favorite part of his S/O is their upper torso. He’ll litter his S/O’s chest and collarbone with teeth-marks and lots of hickeys. Expect to wake up the next day with a trail of bite marks down your ribs, and even some underneath your breasts. He likes to mark the areas that only he can see, so that when he undresses you, he can survey his work smugly. Your ass is a close second though, and he’ll often take you in doggie style or other positions where your it’s on display for him to squeeze and/or slap.
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Request : Could you do an obito x reader where obito is self conscious about his scars (like in an AU setting)?
Obito x Reader. Fluff
AU where Obito was rescued by Minato instead of Madara after he got crushed. Re-post.
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Rules | Masterpost
Obito had been at the jeweler’s store, exchanging six months of hard work’s pay as a Ninja Academy instructor for a simple yet beautifully intricate ring for you. He had planned everything perfectly– today he was finally going to propose to you. He hadn’t been this certain of his future since he decided he wanted to teach children, to encourage them to explore their potential. You would come home to a nice dinner, and while the two of you cuddled afterwards, he would propose.
But now, as he frowned at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he could feel all those plans draining down the toilet.
When he’d stopped by the restaurant you worked at earlier, intending to share stories of his students’ latest antics, your co-workers had told him you took an early lunch. Obito had been determined to sit and wait for you, but then he overheard the hushed whispers.
“Oh great, it’s (Y/N)’s creepy boyfriend. You’d think since she’s dating a ninja, she’d at least pick a successful one! Or even someone good-looking.”
“Isn’t he a Uchiha, too? Must’ve skipped out on the good genes. I mean, what’s with those weird scars on his face?”
“You know, (Y/N) could do so much better. She could have a whole man, instead of half of one.”
At the sound of their laughter, Obito had suddenly bolted, leaving the restaurant. And now, as he glowered at his reflection, those words came back to haunt him.
“(Y/N) could do so much better.”
Leaning forward until his head hit the mirror, Obito mulled over the words. It was true though, wasn’t it? He wasn’t as suave and calm as Kakashi, not to mention as effortlessly attractive as he was, even with the scar over his eye. Obito, on the other hand, was decent looking for a Uchiha before the accident, but after?
He was proud of his scars, proud of the story of sacrifice and selflessness behind them. But sometimes, like now, when his insecurities ate at him like maggots on a carcass, he wondered if they bothered you. The ridges of his skin on your palms. The rough texture of his cheek whenever you kissed him. Even more, the knowledge that he would never again look as whole, as put together, as someone like Kakashi. Although Obito had accomplished so much, had come so far, he wondered if he would ever be worthy of you.
He froze at the sound of the door opening, of you calling for him. He looked down at the ring sitting on the counter, contemplating.
…No, he couldn’t. Not today. He slipped the ring into the pocket of his pants.
You had first noticed Obito was distracted through his half-hearted replies during dinner. He was usually exuberant and full of life; he loved telling stories about the Academy kids. But now he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. You decided to leave him be – you didn’t want to push him, as you had learned, because it would only lead to him trying (and failing) to cover his sadness up with plastered smiles and forced laughter. He would open up eventually, that you knew.
But when the two of you sat down on the couch to cuddle – one of his favorite activities – he only retreated further into himself. His arm wrapped around your shoulder loosely, but his gaze remained fixated on the wall, without really seeing it. Every now and then, he would furrow his brow and frown.
You decided to start prodding. “Obito,” you said, poking his scarred cheek. “If you keep frowning, your face is going to stay like that.”
He simply frowned harder, glancing towards you before looking away. “Obito?” you asked, now concerned. His eyes darted across the room, looking at anything but your earnest eyes. He clenched his teeth as he tried to think of what to say. “Obito?” you said again.
Finally his eyes met yours, his hardened with determination. “Are you…staying with me out of pity?”
His mouth pursed into a thin line as he struggled to articulate the chaos swirling in his thoughts. His head tilted down and when he spoke his voice was uncharacteristically quiet. Morose. “Do you…want someone better for you? Someone you can be proud to stand next to? Someone…whole?” he nearly choked out the last part, cursing at himself as he pulled away from you, furiously wiping at the moisture collecting at his eyes.
“Obito…” you frowned, enveloping him in a hug. His breath came out in unsteady pants; he swore at himself again when he started hiccupping slightly. You pat his back in slow circles as you waited for his breathing to even out.
“God, I’m such an embarrassment,” he mumbled, burying his face into your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist. He can’t do it. As much as he wanted to distance himself from you, to allow you to find someone else – someone better – he can’t stop himself from seeking your comfort.
Lost in his thoughts about how weak he is, he was taken by surprise when you pressed down on him until he lay under you. His breath hitched as you straddled him, heat rising to his cheeks.
You observed his form carefully, from the tear tracks drying on his cheeks to the stiffness of his body. Finally, as if coming to a conclusion, you said, “Take your clothes off.”
“Wha-What?” He was most definitely blushing now.
“You heard me.” Your hands moved down to tug at the hem of his shirt, and heart pounding in his chest, he stripped himself of it. Did you – did you want to have sex right now? Was this – was this really a good time for this? Whatever the answer was, he decided it was best to resist temptation.
“(Y-Y/N), maybe we shouldn’t….”
Your hands trailed down to his pants, and his hands reached out to stop yours. “Obito,” you said, looking earnestly into his eyes. “Trust me.”
He searched for something to believe in in your own before he nodded, releasing your hands. You slipped his pants down his legs and he kicked them off. Stripped down to his underwear, Obito had never felt more exposed, and shifted slightly to hide his scarred side from you.
However, you stopped him by placing a kiss over his erratically beating heart. His breath hitched, and you smiled against his warm skin. You began trailing kisses up the right side of his body, starting from leg. Obito remained tense the entire time, trying in vain to say something, say anything, but was rendered silent by your light touch against his scarred flesh. Once you reached his chin, you smiled again, before placing a kiss against the right corner of his mouth. Obito couldn’t help but smile himself when you placed a kiss against his right eyelid, his arms wrapping around you to hold you in place.
“What…What was that for?” He swallowed, attempting to keep his voice calm but unable to keep the wonder out of his tone.
You paused to consider your words, knowing of the weight they had on him right now. “You know…underneath my hands, you seem pretty whole to me. Even if you’re ashamed of your scars…I’m not ashamed to be with the man who has them. I could never be.”
Obito seemed to soak up your words like a sponge, tilting his head down to bury his face in the curve of your neck. He couldn’t stop the wide grin from spreading across his face.
“I’m an idiot,” he said finally, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot,” you say affectionately, carding your hands through his spiky locks. He laughed before pressing a kiss to your jugular. The two of you remained like that, basking in the bliss.
“Hmm, Obito?” you said, noticing something glinting on the ground. It must have fallen out of his clothes when you took them off.
“Hmm?” he said, nuzzling into your neck.
“Is that a ring?”
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Haku winter headcanons with f!s/o?
shoutout to admin alex for choosing this beautiful gif of haku
did i ever mention i had a huge crush on haku as a kid ashldjf
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♥Haku doesn’t really like winter. It’s too cold, and reminds him of the day his parents died. There’s something very sad about snow to him. He tends to get a bit nostalgic around these times, a bit gloomy. He tries not to show it though, and acts as if he normally would. But his S/O will notice how he tends to zone out  with a forlorn look in his eyes. Thus, Haku would really appreciate an S/O that tries their hardest to cheer him up during these times, to steer his mind clear painful memories. 
♥ Haku, however, does love how the snow gives him ample opportunity to spend time with his S/O indoors. His favorite activities to do are at home anyways--cooking, baking, knitting, etc. He would definitely take advantage of this to spend quality time with his S/O, maybe even teaching them some of his own hobbies. He would love if they ended up with the same interest. 
♥ He really enjoys coming home to the warmth of his home and his S/O. Haku loves curling up with S/O on the couch to read books and making pillow forts with his S/O. 
♥ If they’re outside and his S/O is cold, he’ll share his earmuffs/scarf with S/O. He’ll even lend them his jacket (though really, it’s also because he finds them even more adorable when they wear his clothes).
♥ If his S/O wants to make snow angels with him in the freshly fallen snow, Haku would smile and comply, but he secretly thinks that they’re an angel themselves, and nothing comes close to how beautiful they look when they’re enjoying themselves. 
♥ Snowball fights, though? Haku has incredible aim. He’s also the best at sneak attacks. You will most likely be pelted with a snowball right in the gut before you can blink. It’s okay, though. When the two of you get home, he’s more than happy to help you change into something warmer and fix you a cup of hot cocoa. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Can you do some obito uchiha nsfw headcanons? Just love your writing!
okayyyy I know I said I would post the Obito filth headcanons I wrote before but I want to pump out requests too sooo I’m just putting a bunch of nsfw ones here lol to hopefully appease you Obito hoes ;) I don’t really remember what I wrote before so I’ll just put as many ones as I can think of and hope it’s not repetitive 
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♥ This man gets turned on so easily it’s not even funny. Maybe it’s because he spent most of his adolescence in a freaking cave, with little to no interaction with the opposite sex… (and tbh I really don’t see Obito hiring prostitutes, not when he’s spent a good deal of his life pining after and plotting vengeance for his first crush.) So yes. He gets turned on sooo easily when it comes to his S/O. They could be doing something random, like bending over to pick up something, or even kissing him good morning, and yep. Little Obito awakens.
♥ On that note, omg. Idk how he survived his hormone-driven teenage years in Madara’s cave. I imagine that Obito… got quite familiar with his hand, while attempting to do so secretly, because nothing is more awkward than you relative catching you fapping oh god. But anyways, I think Obito kind of associates sex with embarrassment and shame, and therefore, in a relationship he would be hesitant to immediately jump into bed, despite what his obvious physical reactions would be?? He would basically need someone patient enough to deal with his hang-ups over sex, while teaching him the ropes. 
♥ Obito loves to please, though. If there’s anything that turns him on the most, it’s the knowledge that he’s making his S/O feel good. well and also being able to view and squeeze and smack his S/O’s ass, but that’s a story for another time…
♥ But lowkey Obito loves being teased. If he came home to his S/O wearing nothing but an apron in the kitchen, he’d get a bit flustered at first. Maybe try and hold a normal conversation with them, while not staringattheirassohgod. But with a bit of urging from his S/O, and perhaps a few suggestive bends over the counter, he’s ready to go. 
♥ When his S/O is giving him a blowjob, it really turns him on when they swallow and like, a dribble of his cum runs down their chin. He thinks it’s hot that they aren’t afraid to get a bit messy. It’s even hotter to him if their tongue darts out to lick their face and fingers clean. He can’t help but think of other places where their tongue could be. 
♥ Obito would be down for some light anal play. Nothing too extreme, but he finds he likes it when his S/O slips a finger up his ass while blowing him. At first he thought the sensation was a bit odd, but he grows to love it, and even expects it after awhile. 
♥  In a modern AU, send this man dirty pics and he will be at your mercy. Obito especially appreciates them when he’s in a meeting/conference/some kind of boring engagement and his S/O sends him something to distract him with. And boy, does he get distracted. There will be a slight pink hue to his cheeks through the rest of his day, as his mind can’t help but wander and think about what he’ll do to his S/O once he gets home. 
♥ Omg. Speaking of imagination. This man has lots of ideas. Kinky ideas. He’s probably too shy to share them with you. But maybe grind on him a bit, tell him how much you want him and what you want to do to him, and… he might just reveal some of his kinks, one of which involve you dressing up as a schoolgirl and/or sexy nurse. 
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uchiha-senshi · 5 years
Yay it's finally open! How about some headcanons for Tenten or Temari's flirting style? Do they have tried and true methods or do they like to change it up to keep everyone guessing? How far are they willing to take their flirtations? I need to know.
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♥ Tenten’s coy. If she knows someone likes her, she’s not going to make the first move or show obvious interest. She has her tried-and-true technique. 
♥ Although she’s pretty tomboyish, she makes an effort to act more feminine around them. Wearing perfume, tying her hair with cuter ribbons, etc. She tries to play it off like she’s just trying to change things up a little–which is true. She likes to experiment with new styles. But she also has her eye on catching their interest.
♥ She likes to act friendly. Ask them how they’re doing, if they’ve been eating well, and the like. But she also drops hints that she’s single, like “I really wanted to go to this new BBQ place, but Lee ended up bailing on me.. sigh.” She’s testing the waters, seeing if the other person’s interested. 
♥She doesn’t get very touchy. The most she’ll do is squeeze their shoulder or give them a hug. When Tenten like someone, she mostly gives them coy looks. Flirtatious winks. That kind of stuff. 
♥ If her crush doesn’t seem to be responding to her flirting, she gets a bit bashful. Starts second-guessing her methods. But once she sees any sign of progress, she regains her confidence and tries extra hard to grab their attention.
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♥ If Temari likes someone… she’s not going to change the way she acts. At all. In her eyes, her crush should accept her for who she is. She’s not sugarcoating her less attractive qualities. 
♥ She gets a bit touchier. Not sexual, but just to show she’s comfortable around them. It’s a pretty big deal for her, since she strikes me as someone that greatly enjoys her personal space. It’s kind of uh, aggressive touches too. Shoulder pats, shoving them in the back, etc. She likes someone that can take her rough-housing.
♥ Temari’s confident. She likes to show off; she knows she’s the shit. She also likes to show that she’s very laidback, low maintenance - but if her crush does something to piss her off, then they’ll know. Somehow that attracts people to her. She has a very assured sense of self. 
♥ I don’t think she’d go as far to physically seducing her crush. To her, it’s not worth the time or effort. She doesn’t see anything wrong with girls that do that though–it’s just not her thing. 
♥Overall her flirting technique is “what you see is what you get.” She doesn’t play games. If she likes someone, she’s pretty bold about it. Probably smirks at them and may even ask them out herself. It’s much for interesting for her when she can’t get a good grip on a person. It intrigues her, makes her want to try harder to figure them out. 
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uchiha-senshi · 4 years
hello!! admin sasucakes here! ahh this may come as a surprise to some of you, but i actually created my own naruto imagines blog!!! while i will definitely still be writing on this blog when the muse strikes, i felt like it was time for a fresh start, and i’ve always debated the idea of having my own nart blog!! 
soooo come follow me over @icha-icha-fics & feel free to send in requests!!
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