not-enough-thyme · 5 years
To Raise a Storm
Storm raising is a traditional use for the witch’s broom. This working gives the witch three intensities at which they may place the storm of their making. It may be stopped at any of the three. A word of caution might be needed here. Storm raising, while sounding fun, can be nasty business. For wind-
Find a broom and an open space. Hold the broom with the bristles up. Take it in both hands and begin to wave the broom clockwise. Start in small circles and begin to swing farther out and higher up.
“Bristle I stick in Heaven above, Into the clouds my broom I shove, and spin it about like the Devil’s top, and bring the winds to shake the crop.” For rain- Dip the bristles in a bit of water. Shake the broom at the sky, throwing the water in all directions.
“Bristle I stick in Heaven above, Into the clouds my broom I shove, and shake wet bristle above the ground, and make the pouring rain come down.” For thunder- 
Hold it aloft for a moment, then take the broom and with force begin to strike the ground with the bristles.
“Bristle I stick in Heaven above, Into the clouds my broom I shove, and strike the dirt beneath my wake, and bring the lightning and thunder quake.”
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
💫🕊 💋💕
i attract wanted attention & affection.
aphrodite, goddess of love, i am ready to receive.
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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Tarot spread for when dis bitch (me) is empty.
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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“pain is gone”
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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“I Am Hired”
Burn this sigil and sprinkle the ashes around a copy of your resume before handing out resumes while job hunting (that aren’t covered in ash)
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
What the signs are made of
Aries- Dragon fire, the devils laugh, silver.
Taurus- Werewolf bite, goddess essence, rain.
Gemini- Snow, an angel’s lullaby. demons trickery.
Cancer- Cupids tears, witch veins, clouds.
Leo- Wizards magic, divination, and rose quartz.
Virgo- Flower petals, dark magic, and fairy dust.
Libra- The rings around Saturn, Athena’s knowledge, and diamonds.
Scorpio- dragon bones, vampires bite, and music.
Sagittarius- A sailors compass, the stars, and a black hole in the galaxy.
Capricorn- fairy laughter, gold, and angel hair.
Aquarius- Siren tears, black panthers, and pearls,
Pisces- Mermaid scales, lucid dreams, and the high priestesses heart.
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
When the court cards don’t refer to people
KING OF WANDS:Things with an association with men, the military. Reversed: Advice that should be followed.
KING OF SWORDS:A school or government. Reversed: Overbearing athouries, someone this thinks their the sh*t.
KING OF CUPS:A museum, art, the arts. Reversed: Apathy, a sociopath, a loner.
KING OF PENTACLES:A bank, money, advancement in your career. Reversed: decline.
QUEEN OF WANDS:A new project, rural areas, the country. Reversed: An area in decline.
QUEEN OF SWORDS:Perseverance, getting through a negative period, sticking through it. Reversed: a warning.
QUEEN OF CUPS:Psyic abilities, sex and sexuality, emoitions in general. Reversed: Emotional immaturity, the person you are presuing is homosexual if you’re heterosexual, and heterosexual if you’re homosexual.
QUEEN OF PENTACLES:An abundant harvest in every sense. Reversed: A lack of resources, a warning to not move to somewhere, it’s worse than it looks.
KNIGHT OF WANDS:Travel for pleaseure, visiting, movement in general. Reversed: Being stuck.
KNIGHT OF SWORDS:Travel for school, a field trip, a celebrity or famous person visiting your area. Reversed:Confilct, someone keeping you in one spot.
KNIGHT OF CUPS:Visiting family, the beach, fishing. Reversed: gossip, wagon talk.
KINGHT OF PENTACLES:Travel for work, a new project, an opportunity farther than you may think. Reversed: Stagation in the workplace.
PAGE OF WANDS:News, journalism, and invitations, usually a positive sign. Reversed: bad news, withdrawl, a negative sign, but not terrible (for example, you may be late to work or get a mild cold.)
PAGE OF SWORDS:Formal messages, taxes, a census, letters, ‘big deal’ messages or events. Reversed: petty conflict or online hate.
PAGE OF CUPS:DMs, messages, contact with loved ones, creativity, and postivity; but also may indicate seeing things with rose colored glasses. Reversed: bad handling of emotions.
PAGE OF PENTACLES:Work memos, paperwork. Could also be a small amount of money. Reversed: bad luck, laziness, apathy.
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
I’ve been having trouble with nightmares again. Drew something to help 💙
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
Mars Signs
Aries: Like a warrior ready for battle. Aries Mars is a placement with an abundance of energy. Sometimes when these people can’t use the energy productively, it can channel into anger, frustration, and impatience. Aries Mars needs something physical to release their energy. Aries Mars is fierce and knows what they want and how to get it. They’re always looking for the next thrill/adventure. A great person to travel with.
Taurus: A TRUE romantic. Loves love, even when they don’t want to admit it. I don’t see these people as the hook-up types, but that’s only looking at the mars sign. A very chill and laid back vibe. Probably knows some good movies to snuggle to. A GREAT cuddler. They’re stubborn and will stick up for their loved ones until the end. These beings are so full of love and compassion. Don’t hurt them and ruin them!!!
Gemini: The talker! A great socializer, makes friends easily. Loves attention, but attention only. These natives aren’t for the long term unless you’re someone special. Gemini Mars rules the twins, so they give off different vibes to certain people. All in all, these people are laid back and fun, but they know when they need to act professional. If you want to charm these people be confident :)
Cancer: Cancer mars are such sunflowers. I love this placement. But cancer mars can blow things out of proportion due to their sensitivity. Their auras are so nurturing and motherly, and they would thrive if they realized that not everyone i out to get them. Truly kind people. They love so much when they find the right person. Great taste in music and has a simple, chic style.
Leo: Fierce, feisty. A confident beauty that gets what they want. They love attention like Gemini, but they love love as well. This placement can be hard to handle in a relationship because they can be self-centered if they feel like their being attacked. Very sensitive. Wants to do things and wants to help people, can be extremely genuine and kind if the chart allows it.
Virgo: Laid back on the outside, anxious on the inside. These people come off as a go with the flow type but they really just wanna do what everyone’s doing and not cause issues. They are critical and notice everything. Surprisingly, with their timid nature, they are great in bed. Lowkey nerds that are really smart in what they enjoy.
Libra: The Peace-maker! These people hate confrontation and they hate making others feel sad. They ARE NOT pushovers because they will fight for what they believe in. They love love as well, but they need someone really special to stick with, because they fall fast and hard, but they fall out of love quickly too. These natives are great talkers, I love these cuties :) Can have a chaotic mindset if things get too overwhelming, just breathe!
Scorpio: I love this placement :’) everyone thinks scorpio mars is big and scary, which can be true if you cross them, but they are so loyal if you just listen to them and be compassionate. They are actually pretty gentle like a cancer mars, but they have a front because they can’t take anymore hurt. If developed, this mars placement is incredibly psyhic an intuitive. Great partners in bed.
Sagittarius: These people are the chillest of the zodiac. They love to party and socialize and try new things. They do stupid things for the story to tell people. These folks are extremely lucky, and when they don’t think things will work out, they somehow do! Travelers, these people are some of the smartest people in the world (imo), because of their open mindedness. 
Capricorn: Either extremely generous or cheap. These natives usually have an abundance of money or really struggle with it. Every Capricorn mars I know strives to be successful in some way. Loves the finer things in life, and hates change. Can come across as melancholy. 
Aquarius: These people love to be weird and different (in a great way, obvi). They can actually be quite shy at first, then they will open up. Extremely funny people because they dance to their own beat. Is prone to weird meet-ups, psychic adventures, etc, because of their high self. Loves to adventure like Sag mars, can be socially anxious.
Pisces: Emotional nature, needs to connect to someone on a mind, body, soul level. Needs to get away from negatives, and needs needs NEEDS a creative outlet of some sort. Beautiful, kind, authentic beings. Childlike. It’s almost like their exploring everything for the first time, excitable,  enthusiastic. 
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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“Success on the road as a new driver“ sigil
Sigil Masterlist / Ko-fi
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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•A Sense of a Doom That Never Arrives•
Another petty hex. Huzzah for discreet revenge!
Sigil requests are open and FREE. I do accept tipping though.
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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“I have straight A grades and good studying habits” sigil
Sigil Masterlist / Ko-fi
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
Drunk Witchery
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Anything and everything that involves witchcraft and alcohol. Please drink legally and responsibly! And please tag this appropriately for those who avoid alcohol.
Here is a post of non-alcoholic drink magic! [X]
Correspondences of…
Wine types in witchcraft
White wine
Red wine
Rosé Wine
Beer brands and witchcraft
Booze correspondence table
Blackberry gin
Hibiscus gin
Booze witchcraft (making gin)
Galentine’s Day Cocktail Potion
Persephone punch
Tonic wine recipes
Mulled wine
Mead + Mead (for $12)
Elderberry Mead
Yule buttered rum
Buttered rum
Hot toddy
Moon vodka
Infuse your booze
Using in witchcraft…
Vodka luck spell
Lucky night shots
Spell to have a lit time
Simple spell for warmer weather
Hot toddy (for good health and cheer!)
Love spell cocktail
Simple love potion
Use of alcohol in a ritual
Get that bartending job spell
*Multiple links were pulled from this post*
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
Rising Signs✨
♈️Aries Rising: independent, headstrong, short temper, impatient, bold, straightforward, active, ambitious, full of energy, popular, quick, loud, competitive
♉️Taurus Rising: calm, graceful, stubborn, slow and steady, practical, sensual, materialistic, stable, cautious, lazy, affectionate, gentle, charming, elegant
♊️Gemini Rising: talkative, curious, adaptable, versatile, quick, bubbly, intellectual, witty, condradictive, childish, communicative, social butterfly, changeable
♋️Cancer Rising: sensitive, intuitive, soft, motherly, caring, shy, understanding, moody, nurturing, gentle, sentimental, imaginative, insecure, creative, defensive
♌️Leo Rising: loud, magnetic, self-aware, bossy, optimistic, self-conscious, strong, outgoing, prideful, creative, popular, generous, ambitious, playful, self-centered
♍️Virgo Rising: self-critical, productive, humble, practical, hardworking, perfectionist, determined, trustworthy, capable, pessimists, judgemental, intelligent, reserved
♎️Libra Rising: charismatic, indecisive, fair, delicate, sociable, graceful, talkative, sophisticated, polite, people-pleaser, calm, opportunistic, critical, romantic
♏️Scorpio Rising: magnetic, passionate, jealous, sexual, sensitive, mysterious, suspicious, private, dominant, intuitive, indimidating, seductive, confident, self-controlled
♐️Sagittarius Rising: optimistic, adventurous, restless, opinionated, active, enthusiastic, funny, philosophical, wise, spiritual, curious, passionate, easily bored
♑️Capricorn Rising: mature, competent, successful, responsible, loyal, conservative, practical, determined, trustworthy, materialistic, reliable, dedicated to family
♒️Aquarius Rising: intellectual, unique, unpredictable, distant, independent, friendly, curious, innovative, reliable, youthful, realistic, freedom-loving
♓️Pisces Rising: romantic, sensitive, creative, intuitive, dreamy, changeable, soft, compassionate, moody, spiritual, artistic, escapist, shy, imaginative, generous, sentimental
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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Triple White - A Crazy Potent And Crazy Easy Purification Compound
~ Ingredients ~
Some melted (hardened and cooled) wax from a white candle
At least one eggshell (cleaned and dried)
Salt (I used coarse sea salt but you can use whatever)
~ Instructions ~
break down individually the wax scraps and eggshell in a mortar with a pestle until you’re satisfied with their size
combine salt, eggshells, and wax into a container of your choosing
give it a good few shakes to energize and mix up
and you’re done
~ Uses ~
purifying tools and spaces
~ Notes ~
can be ground finer to make a dust or powder version
you only need a small amount of this to purify something that you might have used several hours and a lot of your other purifying method for
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
Hot take
Putting your card readings at $1 per card online makes it hard for in-person card readers to make enough to keep their shops open due to the availability of cheap online readers. I firmly believe that you are all worth more than $1 per card, especially because doing a single card reading can take a while depending on the customer, and $1 per card comes out to less than minimum wage when you stop and think about it.
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not-enough-thyme · 5 years
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This is the first sigil I ever made and I am still super happy about it! It has helped me a lot ever since I started using it!
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