ucmasusa · 12 days
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Get ready to unleash your child’s inner math maestro with the incredible UCMAS Mental Math Program. This program uses the traditional tool, the abacus as an important stepping stone for your child’s mathematical development and success. By combining the Abacus math program with engaging worksheets like times tables worksheets and other mental math worksheets, UCMAS transforms mathematical learning into a thrilling adventure for your child.
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ucmasusa · 29 days
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As we celebrate Women’s History Month in March, and Women’s Day on the horizon, it’s time we shine the spotlight on the math superwomen over generations. Despite facing numerous obstacles of all kinds in the past, these women have fought against all odds to make groundbreaking discoveries and advancements that have shaped the world of mathematics.
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ucmasusa · 1 month
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Long ago, at the dawn of human civilization, our ancestors grappled with a fascinating challenge: how to measure and quantify the world around them. Thus began the captivating tale of arithmetic. From tally marks etched on cave walls to the evolution of more sophisticated systems like the abacus, the world of arithmetic has undergone an evolution of its own.
Understanding the origins of arithmetic reveals the magic behind the numbers we encounter daily.
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ucmasusa · 2 months
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First things first, let’s uncover what exactly is a Math Camp for kids. Think of it as a retreat that offers an interactive and engaging educational program that is designed to make math fun and exciting. It includes hands-on activities, games, and challenges aimed at developing your child’s numerical skills, confidence, and problem-solving skills. What makes this fun and interesting is – that it’s not your typical classroom set-up. In the math camp, children are encouraged to explore hands-on learning experiences with basic math concepts like division and addition, as well as more complex arithmetic problems. This ignites curiosity and creativity in their young minds.
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ucmasusa · 3 months
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The abacus has been used for thousands of years as a calculation tool. Still, it also offers powerful benefits for improving mental arithmetic skills when used in a structured learning environment. Studies have shown that abacus-based math practices enhance math abilities in children by activating more areas of the brain with its tactile and visuospatial nature during calculations. This allows them to visualize numbers and grasp essential foundational mathematical concepts effectively and more easily.
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ucmasusa · 3 months
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In the exciting world of STEM education, where science, technology, engineering, and math come together to inspire curiosity in young learners,  having mental math skills has become an absolute necessity, especially for kids who are at the most crucial stage of their brain development journey. This blog will introduce five awesome mental math games that not only make learning fun but also help kids learn math with games while developing their thinking skill
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ucmasusa · 4 months
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You’ve likely heard about the wonders of mental math—the ability to perform calculations effortlessly in your head. But why is it crucial? Mental math is the gateway to number sense, the skill of manipulating numbers mentally, which, in turn, leads to success in complex mathematical operations. Just like we play with words to form sentences or chords to create songs, number sense allows us to play with numbers, making math more intuitive.
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ucmasusa · 4 months
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What is an Abacus? The Abacus is a simple yet brilliant counting tool that has been utilized for ages by cultures all over the world. Although its use is thought to have started in ancient Mesopotamia, it has expanded greatly, to many nations and cultures, underwenting many adaptations and changes. One interesting aspect of the device is the abacus’s class structure, which involved different ancient social classes using different versions of the tool.
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ucmasusa · 4 months
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In today’s landscape of education, the significance of foundational skills, particularly mental math, is gaining momentum. Mental math, the ability to perform calculations in one’s mind without external aids, is not merely a mathematical skill but a cognitive exercise that can significantly impact a child’s brain development. This blog explores the multifaceted benefits of teaching mental math to children, shedding light on its practical applications in daily life.
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ucmasusa · 5 months
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We at UCMAS believe in taking Thanksgiving to a whole new level. It’s more than just turkey and cranberry sauce; it’s about infusing the enchanting world of UCMAS abacus math into the fabric of your celebrations. 
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ucmasusa · 6 months
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The abacus has a unique quality that makes math comprehensible. It provides children with a concrete understanding of numbers and the reasoning behind mathematical solutions. Abstract concepts often baffle young minds, and research from University College London indicates that children may struggle with abstract ideas until around the age of 9 or 10.
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ucmasusa · 6 months
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The mental abacus is a cognitive phenomenon where students can perform complex arithmetic calculations in their minds without the need for physical calculation aids. This mental prowess doesn’t happen by chance; it’s a result of extensive abacus practice. When students consistently manipulate the abacus beads and visualize the movements, they begin to internalize these actions.
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ucmasusa · 7 months
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As the summer break draws to a close and the familiar buzz of back-to-school preparations fills the air, parents everywhere are gearing up for a new academic year. This annual transition can be both exciting and daunting for both parents and children. However, it’s also an opportunity for growth, learning, and transformation.
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ucmasusa · 7 months
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As the back-to-school season approaches, students prepare to embark on a journey of learning and growth. To make the most of this exciting time, it’s crucial to develop effective study habits that pave the way for academic success. As your children gear up for this journey of exploration and growth, UCMAS Abacus stands as your partner, ready to guide your child through the labyrinth of effective study habits.
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ucmasusa · 8 months
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In today’s digital age, where calculators and computers have become omnipresent, it might seem counterintuitive to advocate for learning an ancient calculating tool like the abacus. However, this seemingly archaic device has proven to be an effective tool for developing mathematical abilities, particularly in young children. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of learning abacus and how it can enhance a child’s math skills.
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ucmasusa · 8 months
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In a society where quality education is highly valued, owning an education franchise has emerged as an excellent business opportunity that offers a multitude of advantages. With a high demand for quality education, the effectiveness of the programs offered, and the extensive support available, investing in an education franchise such as UCMAS, can be a rewarding and lucrative endeavor.
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ucmasusa · 9 months
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In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, the need for mental agility and mathematical prowess is more crucial than ever. Enter abacus mental math, a time-tested method that combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques to supercharge children’s mental calculation abilities. Through the UCMAS program, abacus mental math has gained popularity as a comprehensive system that enhances mathematical skills while nurturing cognitive development.
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